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    Demonic Hellfire Magic


    Lineage : -
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : Blad
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demonic Hellfire Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Demonic Hellfire Magic

    Post by Mammon 9th February 2016, 10:56 am


           Primary Magic: Demonic Hellfire Magic
           Secondary Magic: None Yet
           Caster or Holder: Caster and Lost
           Description:Demonic Hellfire Magic is a lost caster type magic, derived from the very depths of Hell, itself, and designed to control and manipulate most kinds of fire. This type of fire is known to be the hottest kind of fire, and while it can melt and destroy most things, it has a major weakness to holy water type magic. Ultimately, regular water will often deplete the strength of the Hellfire, but holy water will completely annihilate any spell that the user casts. Many users with this type of magic create explosive fire attacks, which can deal a great amount of damage, but never more than the user's own magical strength. Unfortunately, this type of magic is also weak to Fire Slayers, to which they are able to devour the flames of Hellfire. It is, however, stronger against nature type magics, as the fire will consume and destroy natural beings like plants, trees, etc. The thing that makes this magic the most special is that it can be trained to enhance the user's physical attributes, heal the user or others, and attack more than one target.

    Mammon is blessed to be one of the mages that can expertly wield the deadly fires of Hell: able to create and cast destructive spells. While able to wield this magic, he is granted the ability to transform his natural self into that of a fiery creature from Hell. Mostly though, he uses this magic to enhance his physical attributes, heal allies, and cast long range AoE spells. For Mammon, Demonic Hellfire Magic, is more of a supportive magic than one that is used offensively against opponents. Not only is he able to cast these great spells, but he can also use this magic to control the forms of fire at will. This can be useful to him in daily life, by either entertainment or physically helping him get through the day with things. Mammon can't do much yet with this magic, as it's quite the powerful magic, but with enough growth, he'll become a strong Hellfire mage.

    • Able to control and manipulate most types of fire
    • Is a versatile magic, being able to heal, buff, and attack
    • Allows for the user to make fire creations


    • This magic can wield most types of magic, but Fire Slayers can consume the fire
    • Water magic can cancel out the effects of this magic's spells, especially holy water magic
    • Because the magic is demonically-based, the user has potential of becoming mentally unstable
    • Designed to be an AoE type of magic, it's biggest weakness is that it's dependent on range

    Power of Apocalypse:
           Unique Abilities:

    • Fire Creation

      • With Fire Creation, the user is able to create constructs and items from the flames of their magic. These are things typically useless in battle, and are mostly made as decorations or used as a source of entertainment. Things like tables, eating utensils, plants, etc are some of the things that the user is able to create with their fire. Of course, they are not limited to just these things, as they can create weapons out of the fire, but they do not deal damage. They will simply pass through the other person without physically harming them, as this kind of fire-making isn't designed to hurt.

    • Shields of Fire

      • Wielders of Demonic Hellfire Magic are sometimes given the opportunity to transform themselves into a fiery creature from Hell. This ups their chances of being able to dodge attacks by 15%, and reduces damage done by fire spells by 25%. They also get a bad-ass-looking appearance to go along with being covered in a thin layer of Hellfire flames. Mammon's ability is called Shields of Fire, and it physically changes his appearance into that of a fire demon. As typical, his appearance has charcoal-colored skin, horns covered in Hellfire flames, and of course, the signature pointed demon tail. The flames are designed to protect the user from fire damage, and these flames are only able to protect the user of this ability.

    • Flame Absorption

      • Through absorbing his fire, Mammon can enhance his speed and strength by 25%, either by physically absorbing or eating it. In doing so, the fire will base itself around his fists, to make inflamed punches, create claws, and envelop his feet. This is to show his speed and strength are enhanced, and since his fists can now pack a punch, the flames may even leave a burn effect of 5hp per post for three posts. Fortunately for Mammon, this ability is constantly active, so his strength and speed are always boosted when in battle.

           Spell Template

         Name: Hellfire Barrier
    Rank: D
    Type: Fire, Defensive
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Description: Hellfire Barrier is the sole ability of Demonic Hellfire magic that allows for the user to create and summon a barrier made from Hellfire. It surrounds a diameter of 15 meters around the user, and can take up to 2-3 hits of lower ranked spells before breaking. However, one spell, of a higher rank than the user, can easily break down the barrier and render the spell useless. A special thing about this barrier is that if anyone tries to physically touch it, it will leave a burn effect of 5hp for a duration of three posts. Because this spell can last an upwards of three posts, this makes it quite the strong spell and causes it to have a cool down of five posts. Unfortunately, this spell can only protect the user, and will reject anyone who attempts to get inside of it. This, sadly, includes allies as well, but luckily for the allies, this will not leave a burn effect on them if they touch it.

    • This spell is able to protect an upwards of 2-3 spells of lower rank
    • This spell has a large range of 15 meters
    • It can leave a burn effect on an opponent


    • This spell only protects the user, so allies are left to defend themselves
    • Because this magic's main weakness is water, this spell can be cancelled out by it
    • Slayers can, unfortunately, eat the barrier if they wanted to
    • Holy magic, specifically holy water magic, can cancel out its effects

    Name: Flamethrower
    Rank: D
    Type: Fire, Offensive
    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Description: Flamethrower summons a blast of fire from the mouth of the user, in which they breathe in deeply and blow out harshly. The stream of flame is only two meters and a half in width, and extends to the length of two meters and a half as well. This deals a full rank in damage, and when expelled, may burn up the ground that it touches as a dramatic effect. Like most fire magic, this spell can be dispelled by water magic or any magic that can easily counter fire. A person can dodge this spell by stepping out of range from the attack or being able to cancel out its effects. If the opponent can't do either of those two things, then the spell can leave a burn effect of 5hp for the next two posts.

    • This spell can leave a burn effect on the opponent
    • While not the greatest of ranges, it still has a long range
    • Deals a full rank of user rank damage


    • This spell can be dispelled by water magic as usual
    • An opponent can just step out of range to avoid the attack
    • The range of the blast is short
    • Causes damage to the surrounding area


    Name: Regenerative Hellfire
    Rank: D
    Type: Fire, Supportive
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Description: Regenerative Hellfire allows for the user to summon up a small flame that heals small cuts and bruises, and partially heals any major wounds. Its regenerative factor is 5% healing rate for a duration of three posts, and is on cool down, thereafter, for five posts. The user can place the fire on any wound that's been inflicted upon them or upon one of their allies, in order to heal it. This kind of fire does not injure anyone, as it was meant to be used for healing, but it is still very hot to the touch. A person can feel the heat of the flame, in which they know that the healing the flame is doing is being effective.

    • This spell has a regenerative factor of 5%
    • It can heal both allies and the user
    • Flame does not injure anyone


    • Can be negated by unholy magic
    • One hit of a spell can cancel out the healing
    • Short duration
    • Really only effective when not used in battle

    Name: Hellfire Claw
    Rank: D
    Type: Fire, Offensive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Hellfire Claw, as the name states, gives the user's fingernails extensions with flames that allow for the user to deal a full rank of damage. They are brief, lasting only for a single post, but luckily it has a short cool down, allowing for many uses in a single thread. Likewise, the claws may leave a burn effect of 5hp for the next two posts, though only if the claws have dug deep enough. A mage can dodge the claws any way they want to, as the claws are "attached" to the user's hands and can't be removed. This magic can also be cancelled out by water magic, in which the ability cannot be used until the cool down is over.
    • Deals a full rank of damage
    • Gives a slight "boost" to melee damage through the use of magic damage
    • Short cool down

    • Fire Slayers can eat the fire
    • Only lasts a single post
    • Can be cancelled out by water magic
    • Can be easily dodged

    Bren for some current minor ideas and suggestions
    Iza for the Unique Ability List
    A Massive big thank you for Mar. Sweetheart for helping me with the Description, Strength and Weakness, Lineage Code and getting it from the Section, Reworking Unique abilities, Helping me with my Spells, She basically wrote all of this. I want to thank these three people. But I want to thank Mar the Most. Thank you Very Much!

    Last edited by Mammon on 10th February 2016, 8:44 pm; edited 13 times in total
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 1394
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Demonic Hellfire Magic

    Post by Mistress Venir 10th February 2016, 9:51 pm

    Demonic Hellfire Magic HfOLxY4


    Demonic Hellfire Magic Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    Demonic Hellfire Magic Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Demonic Hellfire Magic Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Completed Re: Demonic Hellfire Magic

    Post by Guest 27th January 2017, 12:35 pm

    moved upon user's request.

    Mammon wrote:Magic

           Primary Magic: Demonic Hellfire Magic
           Secondary Magic: None Yet
           Caster or Holder: Caster and Lost
           Description:Demonic Hellfire Magic is a lost caster type magic, derived from the very depths of Hell, itself, and designed to control and manipulate most kinds of fire. This type of fire is known to be the hottest kind of fire, and while it can melt and destroy most things, it has a major weakness to holy water type magic. Ultimately, regular water will often deplete the strength of the Hellfire, but holy water will completely annihilate any spell that the user casts. Many users with this type of magic create explosive fire attacks, which can deal a great amount of damage, but never more than the user's own magical strength. Unfortunately, this type of magic is also weak to Fire Slayers, to which they are able to devour the flames of Hellfire. It is, however, stronger against nature type magics, as the fire will consume and destroy natural beings like plants, trees, etc. The thing that makes this magic the most special is that it can be trained to enhance the user's physical attributes, heal the user or others, and attack more than one target.

    Mammon is blessed to be one of the mages that can expertly wield the deadly fires of Hell: able to create and cast destructive spells. While able to wield this magic, he is granted the ability to transform his natural self into that of a fiery creature from Hell. Mostly though, he uses this magic to enhance his physical attributes, heal allies, and cast long range AoE spells. For Mammon, Demonic Hellfire Magic, is more of a supportive magic than one that is used offensively against opponents. Not only is he able to cast these great spells, but he can also use this magic to control the forms of fire at will. This can be useful to him in daily life, by either entertainment or physically helping him get through the day with things. Mammon can't do much yet with this magic, as it's quite the powerful magic, but with enough growth, he'll become a strong Hellfire mage.

    • Able to control and manipulate most types of fire
    • Is a versatile magic, being able to heal, buff, and attack
    • Allows for the user to make fire creations


    • This magic can wield most types of magic, but Fire Slayers can consume the fire
    • Water magic can cancel out the effects of this magic's spells, especially holy water magic
    • Because the magic is demonically-based, the user has potential of becoming mentally unstable
    • Designed to be an AoE type of magic, it's biggest weakness is that it's dependent on range

    Power of Apocalypse:
           Unique Abilities:

    • Fire Creation

      • With Fire Creation, the user is able to create constructs and items from the flames of their magic. These are things typically useless in battle, and are mostly made as decorations or used as a source of entertainment. Things like tables, eating utensils, plants, etc are some of the things that the user is able to create with their fire. Of course, they are not limited to just these things, as they can create weapons out of the fire, but they do not deal damage. They will simply pass through the other person without physically harming them, as this kind of fire-making isn't designed to hurt.

    • Shields of Fire

      • Wielders of Demonic Hellfire Magic are sometimes given the opportunity to transform themselves into a fiery creature from Hell. This ups their chances of being able to dodge attacks by 15%, and reduces damage done by fire spells by 25%. They also get a bad-ass-looking appearance to go along with being covered in a thin layer of Hellfire flames. Mammon's ability is called Shields of Fire, and it physically changes his appearance into that of a fire demon. As typical, his appearance has charcoal-colored skin, horns covered in Hellfire flames, and of course, the signature pointed demon tail. The flames are designed to protect the user from fire damage, and these flames are only able to protect the user of this ability.

    • Flame Absorption

      • Through absorbing his fire, Mammon can enhance his speed and strength by 25%, either by physically absorbing or eating it. In doing so, the fire will base itself around his fists, to make inflamed punches, create claws, and envelop his feet. This is to show his speed and strength are enhanced, and since his fists can now pack a punch, the flames may even leave a burn effect of 5hp per post for three posts. Fortunately for Mammon, this ability is constantly active, so his strength and speed are always boosted when in battle.

           Spell Template

         Name: Hellfire Barrier
    Rank: D
    Type: Fire, Defensive
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Description: Hellfire Barrier is the sole ability of Demonic Hellfire magic that allows for the user to create and summon a barrier made from Hellfire. It surrounds a diameter of 15 meters around the user, and can take up to 2-3 hits of lower ranked spells before breaking. However, one spell, of a higher rank than the user, can easily break down the barrier and render the spell useless. A special thing about this barrier is that if anyone tries to physically touch it, it will leave a burn effect of 5hp for a duration of three posts. Because this spell can last an upwards of three posts, this makes it quite the strong spell and causes it to have a cool down of five posts. Unfortunately, this spell can only protect the user, and will reject anyone who attempts to get inside of it. This, sadly, includes allies as well, but luckily for the allies, this will not leave a burn effect on them if they touch it.

    • This spell is able to protect an upwards of 2-3 spells of lower rank
    • This spell has a large range of 15 meters
    • It can leave a burn effect on an opponent


    • This spell only protects the user, so allies are left to defend themselves
    • Because this magic's main weakness is water, this spell can be cancelled out by it
    • Slayers can, unfortunately, eat the barrier if they wanted to
    • Holy magic, specifically holy water magic, can cancel out its effects

    Name: Flamethrower
    Rank: D
    Type: Fire, Offensive
    Duration: 2 posts
    Cooldown: 3 posts
    Description: Flamethrower summons a blast of fire from the mouth of the user, in which they breathe in deeply and blow out harshly. The stream of flame is only two meters and a half in width, and extends to the length of two meters and a half as well. This deals a full rank in damage, and when expelled, may burn up the ground that it touches as a dramatic effect. Like most fire magic, this spell can be dispelled by water magic or any magic that can easily counter fire. A person can dodge this spell by stepping out of range from the attack or being able to cancel out its effects. If the opponent can't do either of those two things, then the spell can leave a burn effect of 5hp for the next two posts.

    • This spell can leave a burn effect on the opponent
    • While not the greatest of ranges, it still has a long range
    • Deals a full rank of user rank damage


    • This spell can be dispelled by water magic as usual
    • An opponent can just step out of range to avoid the attack
    • The range of the blast is short
    • Causes damage to the surrounding area


    Name: Regenerative Hellfire
    Rank: D
    Type: Fire, Supportive
    Duration: 3 posts
    Cooldown: 5 posts
    Description: Regenerative Hellfire allows for the user to summon up a small flame that heals small cuts and bruises, and partially heals any major wounds. Its regenerative factor is 5% healing rate for a duration of three posts, and is on cool down, thereafter, for five posts. The user can place the fire on any wound that's been inflicted upon them or upon one of their allies, in order to heal it. This kind of fire does not injure anyone, as it was meant to be used for healing, but it is still very hot to the touch. A person can feel the heat of the flame, in which they know that the healing the flame is doing is being effective.

    • This spell has a regenerative factor of 5%
    • It can heal both allies and the user
    • Flame does not injure anyone


    • Can be negated by unholy magic
    • One hit of a spell can cancel out the healing
    • Short duration
    • Really only effective when not used in battle

    Name: Hellfire Claw
    Rank: D
    Type: Fire, Offensive
    Duration: Instant
    Cooldown: 2 posts
    Description: Hellfire Claw, as the name states, gives the user's fingernails extensions with flames that allow for the user to deal a full rank of damage. They are brief, lasting only for a single post, but luckily it has a short cool down, allowing for many uses in a single thread. Likewise, the claws may leave a burn effect of 5hp for the next two posts, though only if the claws have dug deep enough. A mage can dodge the claws any way they want to, as the claws are "attached" to the user's hands and can't be removed. This magic can also be cancelled out by water magic, in which the ability cannot be used until the cool down is over.

    • Deals a full rank of damage
    • Gives a slight "boost" to melee damage through the use of magic damage
    • Short cool down


    • Fire Slayers can eat the fire
    • Only lasts a single post
    • Can be cancelled out by water magic
    • Can be easily dodged

    Bren for some current minor ideas and suggestions
    Iza for the Unique Ability List
    A Massive big thank you for Mar. Sweetheart for helping me with the Description, Strength and Weakness, Lineage Code and getting it from the Section, Reworking Unique abilities, Helping me with my Spells, She basically wrote all of this. I want to thank these three people. But I want to thank Mar the Most. Thank you Very Much!

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:14 pm