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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Power of Love [INW]
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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 27th January 2016, 11:02 pm


    Even frogs dream...

    Zork was laying on his bed, completely spread out with a bubble coming from his nostril, inflating as he exhaled and deflating as he inhales.  Zork's legs kicked a bit as he melted away into his dream.  A pleasant smile was across his face as his feet kicked a couple times while within his dream.  
    Zork's Dream wrote:Everything moved slowly and everything floated.  The swamp he tromped through was brightly colored liked candy.  The swampy water was replaced with pools of soda and the swampy seaweed was replaced by cotton candy.  The dark trees were replaced with candy canes and twizzlers for leaves.  Everything fizzled and crackled as he slowly hopped from one bright green lilypad to the next.  

    Floating through the air were candy flies.  As Zork slowly floated from one lilypad to the next, his tongue extended, picking the candy flies from the air and into his mouth.  They tasted of bubblegum and were just as chewy.  Zork laughed and giggled as he continued his way through this candy swamp until he suddenly fell into the fizzly candy soda of swamp water.  There was no need to struggle or flail around in this dream when everything seemed to be so jolly and happy.  He wouldn't choke on the water, but he would start drinking it.

    "Oh boy!  After all of this, I'll definitely have to brush my teeth.  Ribbit!" Zork stated before laughing a bit.
    And then reality kicked back in once his alarm clock turned on, repeatedly assaulting his ears with the same buzzing noise he came to know and love.  Brrr Brrr Brrr Brrrr, rang through his ears before Zork opened his mouth and shut the alarm clock off with his tongue.  With a quick stretch, Zork leapt out of the bed to notice a letter slid under his door.  With a grumble, which sounds like a ribbit, he walked over and opened the envelope to read the contents of the letter.  

    His eyes scanned back and forth for a moment before tossing the sheet of paper onto his nightstand, using this time to get dressed in his usual armor.  After putting on his cloak, he grabbed his sheathed sword and walked out.

    At the bottom of the Sky Tower
    The armored frog ribbited as he looked from the base of the tower all the way up towards the top.  The clouds were out making it extremely difficult to see the apex of the tower.  The sheet of paper he received was in his left hand and he turned to look down at the sheet.  "Top of the Sky Tower, Ribbit?" Zork asked inquisitively.  He seemed to be the only person here at the moment.  He made sure to pack rations with him consisting of both human food and the usual insects that most humans wouldn't dare put into their mouths.  A small skin of water hung at his side for hydrating; thankfully due to his froggy skin, he could drink through it!  Yay for science!

    Zork took a step forward to begin his journey up the tower before being instantly interrupted by the sound of a familiar buzzing.  A small black dot crossed the path of his eyes, forcing his large yellow eyes to enter tracking mode.  His eyes smoothly scraped around as it followed that black dot.  His head started to follow the motion of this dot before he opened his mouth and let his elongated tongue grab a hold of the dot and return it into his mouth.  With a bit of chewing, the frog nodded his head with a little smile.  Seemed like he was quite satisfied with the flavor of the thing he consumed.  

    Clearing his throat and with a single ribbit, Zork squatted and jumped up high up the side of the tower, eventually pressing his hands up to the wall, sticking to the surface of the tower.  He planted his feet firmly against the tower and kicked himself up the tower again.  35 meters (114 feet) per leap, as if he wasn't effected by gravity.  After a few jumps, Zork stopped to take a breather.  He turned his eyes to look downward to see that where he was became microscopic in his eyes.  This caused his eyes to open wide before gulping.  His eyes turned back skyward before jumping once more, popping up above the clouds, having jumped a bit too high above the Sky Tower's platform.  

    Zork began to panic for a moment before opening his mouth and using his tongue to stick to the top of the Sky Tower and quickly lunged himself forward until he went 'splat' upon the Tower's top.  A pained 'Ribbit' could be heard before Zork scraped himself up and patted himself down.  Now he waits.

    WC Total: 794 / 5850


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]

    Moderator- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
    Position : None
    Posts : 2989
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
    Mentor : Speculo (former)
    Experience : 779,415

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Advanced Solid Script
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill: N/A

    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by ivyleaf33 27th January 2016, 11:48 pm

    Sorano sighed, getting up to pour yet another cup of tea. It was exhausting, straining her reading abilities this far, but she hadn't been able to sleep anymore that night and she needed to master both her magical more. The letter mage yawned, and her eyelids grew heavier as her gaze slid over the last few pages of an ancient dragon dialect, and was asleep as her head fell upon the book. The poor mage was only human, after all. Being the youngest human mage in Fairy Tail, Sorano was obviously not the best suited for lots of training and staying up for practice. Though the thirteen year-old girl had the mind of an adult, her body couldn't take the stress and exhaustion, which meant she had to make up for lost training in the daytime.

    As the first few days of light shone through the small windows of the cabin Sorano and her exceed companion, Hoshi shared, Amber eyes squeezed tight, then slowly opened. A soft tabby furred head poked out of a loft attached to the ceiling of the cabin, and pink jaws widened, showing small sharp teeth as the exceed yawned and stretched, letting herself fall to the ground. Sharp claws embedded themselves in the letter mage's shoulder, jerking the tired teenager awake. Dark brown eyes forced themselves open, and the young mage slowly forced herself up, grouchy and sleep-deprived, heading towards her room.

    A few moments later, Hoshi had seated herself on the low table, cleaning herself with rythmic strokes of her tongue. "Good morning, Sorano-chan!" she chirped, oblivious to the letter mage's exhaustion. So, she was obviously a little hurt when Sorano glared darkly from under her bangs, and the exceed noticed that they were black this time. She sighed. Whenever her companion's hair was black, it meant she could feel emotion. Which meant that Sorano Granon was a very grouchy, ill-tempered teenage girl right now, not something Hoshi wished to deal with. However, luckily for Hoshi, the blue and white streaks slowly faded back into Sorano's hair, and the letter mage grew cool and calm again.

    "Good morning, Hoshi. I'm afraid we'll have to go with magical food today, since we have a job coming up,"
    Sorano told the exceed, her hand already writing through the air. As their breakfast appeared, Sorano ate while packing mirrors full of supplies, and tucking them in her bag. Speculo's mirror magic really could come in handy. Stuffing the last morsel of rice into her mouth, Sorano ran outside into the cool forest air, ready to crush some jobs. She reread the paper again, looking it over. So, a Zork and that bartender, mm? Looking behind to make sure Hoshi was coming, Sorano leapt into the air, ready to go.

    An hour later, they gently touched down on the top of Sky Tower just as a few drops of rain fell from the sky. Clouds called the world thickly up there, and the weather was dark and gloomy. The tiles on the top of the Sky Tower were beautiful, and an odd gem that glowed with an otherworldly light flickered in the corner of her eye. She had been in the region before, but never to the tower. Rumor had it that the gem could take a person back in time, probably further back than Luna could take her. The letter mage was curious, and only her caution kept her from testing it out. Fairy Tail curiosity was almost unbearable, but she knew now wasn't the time. Was Kiku here yet? The mysterious Infinity Hydra Zork? An odd aura caught her eye at the edge of her vision, and Sorano turned to see... A frog? Both the aura and the appearance suggested so, but then again she had a monkey man and a neko-girl in her guild so she wasn't too surprised. "Excuse me, sir, are you Zork-san of Infinity Hydra?" she asked softly, holding the paper and lightly tapping the frog on his shoulder. She could spot his guild symbol well enough.

    675/5850 Sorry for bad post quality >.>


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


    Lord of Domination

    Lord of Domination

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Ice Cold
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    Experience : 944

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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by Daddy 29th January 2016, 1:31 pm

    we all hide behind masks
    Sitting at his desk of his room, a pale, and heavily tattooed male gazed over the set of designs before him. The scales of Tiamat, something that he had been working on for months now, but for a long time he had been coming to a stand still on the fact that he hadn’t come up with the propulsion systems that would carry along the scales through the style, and the series of runes that would act as the logic matrix so to connect him with them. So far they were beyond his ability to think right now. There we somethings that his current resources couldn’t give him. Which wasn’t much. Scriptology, or Runeology as other people call it. The art of taking different styles of runes or seals to take magical energies from sources to bestow special functions into items. Kiku was somewhat of an expert, but he was currently having issue making the matrix, to keep everything running correctly and run the ‘program’ of sorts.

    Kiku was shaken out of his work when a small little mechanical bird flew into his room with a tiny note attached to it. The bird was of his creation, and an example of his work. It was a simple set of seals that told it to take any message for him from the box down in the bar, and bring it up to his room, and from there it would check if he was within the dimensions of the room. If he wasn’t, the bird would press the message onto his desk till he was around later before returning to the bar. That, that was simple seals. Just checks and balances. He needed something that would be able to easily adapt to changing circumstances without his direct interaction. The only thing so far that’d do that was a sentient mind, but the seals for that as far as he was concerned were a direct no no. Creating something like that for a set of weapons is a recipe for disaster if he failed to add in the right checks and balances. Laws of robotics his ass. A smart enough AI would be able to find a way around those.

    To the subject again, Kiku took the note from the bird, and gave a light sigh. It was a reminder that he had a job to do today. Honestly, at times Kiku would rather just sit in his bar, and serve drinks for the idiots down stairs, or working on something. Generally the jobs he had been doing were chores that the people that were to lazy to do themselves. Lazy bastards. Regardless, he had to go do it, as he had agreed with the little brain child to go and meet that odd Zork fellow he’d heard of joining his old guild. He was interested to say the least in who had joined after he left, or who took over his bar, if it was even rebuilt. Ardere was so the type to just use it for spell testing, seeing how much damage he could do to it. Thus the reason Kiku would always bill the sake shipments to Infinity Hydra’s tavern under Ardere Kasai’s name. Heero sure did love that fancy sake.

    Sigh a sight, Kiku reached out, and snatched up the leather holster that his lance sat in and strapped it to his waist before flicking over the safety lip to keep it in there as he traveled. With a few minutes of packing, and setting stuff up, the angel was out on his balcony. A sickening flesh rending noise filled the air as Kiku’s majestic, but tainted wings spread from his back. The wings that he at one time was ashamed of, the things that marked him as a fallen. With a few test beats of his wings, he soared into the air, and flew off to Sky tower.

    Part of him was afraid of the tower. The fact that there existed a rumor that gem that could take one back in time. To an extent that, one could change how history went. If that existed, then could he bring her back? Could he go back, and be there for her, stop her from passing on from the world? Such a thing shouldn’t exist, but is it wrong that Kiku hoped it did?

    As he arrived at the top, he noticed the little brain child from the guild, and the frog that he assumed was Zork. A frog? Well, they had an elemental, a demon child, and other things in Hydra, so a frog isn’t a long shot truly. He settled down in the spot in which would place him before them both before his head cocked off to the side, and his wings retracted into his back. ”Good day Sorano, and…Zork? It’s good to see that Hydra still has a nack for recruiting interesting members into the guild. He said with a smile before looking towards the tower, his face resisting the urge to frown.
    WORDS: 843/5850 - TAGS: Kiku - NOTES: I hate you all
    made by Jasmin of GS


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] JAgwtRZ
    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Power of Love [INW]
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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 29th January 2016, 3:03 pm

    The 'frog' stood around and looked at everything there was to look at, to include the large gem at the top of the tower.  Something tugged at him to touch the crystal, but rumor has it that it would cause one to travel back and forth through time.  That isn't something he needs to do right now, no, that adventure is yet to come.  As cool as it would be to tear through time and make things better (or worse), he does have a job to do.  Besides, Zork is aware of the Butterfly Effect and knowing him, the wrong fly eaten will result in a catastrophic change in world events.  For all he knew, the fly he ate would be the catalyst for magic's founding.

    Zork reached out to the crystal, close enough to see his reflection within the jewel, only to pull back at the sound of another voice and a finger on his shoulder.  The creature pulled his hand back and turned around to notice a cute female.  The bottom half of his mouth inflated for a moment before letting out a ribbit sound.  He raised a hand up in welcome.  "Hello, my lady, Ribbit!" he simply stated, cutting it off there.  His name wasn't Michigan J. and he refused to continue any further with that phrase.  "Yes, I am Zork of Infinity Hydra, Ribbit!" he said in reply to the child before him with a bit of a nod.  

    "That must mean you are Lady Sorano of Fairy Tail then?  Ribbit!" he said in response.  Considering that Zork was the outsider on this job, it wasn't a surprise that she had to confirm his identity before moving forward.  Process of elimination should rule out that this is Sorano of Fairy Tail, but even Zork needed to re-confirm as well.  Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, Zork turned his head to look at her for a moment.  His eyes had to cast upwards to look at her, considering he only stood at an amazing 2'5" (0.6857m) tall.  

    Then another voice crept up onto the tower, noticing an extremely pale individual with tattoos appearing on the roof of the tower.  The clouds grew dark coincidentally upon Kiku's arrival with drops of rain beginning to fall.  Something about the rain was invigorating.  It was at this moment that Zork smelled cat.  His nose started to twitch as he smelled the air for a moment, not having noticed Hoshi upon his initial assessment of Sorano.

    Focus, Zork, Focus

    Zork turned his eyes back to the oddly tattooed man for a moment.  Kiku looked like something he had seen before, but just couldn't put his tongue on it.  


    "I didn't know we had a celebrity here on this job with us, ribbit!" Zork said in amazement.  Yes, at first glance, Zork actually believed that Kiku was this celebrity he thought of.  But upon the man opening his mouth, Zork just merely glared at him.  "What do you mean, interesting?  Ribbit!  I'm human like the two of you are, Ribbit!" he stated calmly and evenly.  

    Lightning flashed and thunder cracked!  The sound of wings could be heard in the distance.  With each flash of lightning, the creature's form could be made out in the distance.  This caused both fear and adoration to come over Zork; fear mainly out of the fear of being eaten by this creature and adoration out of how majestic the creature was and how rare of a site it truly was.  The creature flying near the tower seemed to be circling around the tower as it's orbit drew closer and closer to the tower; like a spiral growing tighter towards the middle.  Even if Zork adored this thing, he still had to exercise caution.  Reaching for his back, he pulled out a large blade and held it in his right hand.  The blade seemed to be the size of a normal blade for a human, but in Zork's hands, it seemed massive.  The tip of the blade rested upon the roof of the tower.

    WC Total: 794 + 680 = 1474 / 5850


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]

    Moderator- Main Account- Alignment Shift- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Player 
    Lineage : Spirit Warrior
    Position : None
    Posts : 2989
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 21
    Mentor : Speculo (former)
    Experience : 779,415

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Advanced Solid Script
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill: N/A

    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by ivyleaf33 29th January 2016, 10:13 pm

    Indeed, it was an odd crowd that had gathered. a frog-man, a girl who looked as if she should be in school, and a man who looked like a walking tattoo gallery. But, then again, mages were odd people, and came in all shapes and sizes. Sorano regarded the Infinity Hydra mage, tilting her head to the side a bit. "Hello, Zork-san. I am Sorano Granon of the mage's guild Fairy Tail, but unlike you suggest, I am of no royal background," she said softly, bowing politely. Upon hearing him address her as "lady", she had felt the need to correct him. "This here is Hoshi, my exceed companion. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She gestured lightly at Hoshi, who bowed as well. Just then, she sensed an aura approaching from behind her, and a familiar one at that.

    "Ah, Kiku-san, hello,"
    she greeted the newer addition to Fairy Tail with a cordial nod, stepping aside to allow the two men to introduce themselves to each other. She had heard that Kiku was once part of this frog-man's guild, who knew, they might even know each other. However, she frowned a little bit at her guildmate's rude manner, though she made no effort to correct. Fairy Tail mages usually weren't the politest, from her near full year of experience in the famous and infamous guild. Rowdy, kind, perhaps, lovable... but polite was one word that simply didn't go in the same sentence as Fairy Tail.

    She didn't seem to at all mind the light rain pattering across her shoulders and in her hair, the only indication she felt it at all was the occasional shake of her head, or slight, faint twitches. She sighed as the two men trailed off in their words, and suddenly, something huge came into her range of senses. With a glance up, she noticed an aura that was distinctly one of an ancient species, one that was both beautiful and deadly with tales of both kindness and cruelty laced around them. A dragon. The letter mage stared up at the creature in awe and fear, the presence breaking down her meditative barriers and letting her emotions through for a brief moment, but the letter mage forced herself back into the emotionless state quickly, preparing to cast any spell in case of danger. She could see Zork was prepared, too. It was a magnificent specimen, black and blue crystals spotting it's hide, and deep, wise, eyes. He came down, and floated, saying, "Come, I have been told to take you into the clouds."

    The letter mage blinked out of her stupor at the magnificent sight, looking suspiciously  up at the creature. It's scales were dazzling, and seemed to radiate an inner light. The claws were deadly sharp, and the eyes glittered with withheld wisdom of many years. This was the teen's first sight of such a creature, and it showed in the slight tremble she emitted. However, having that Fairy Tail curiosity, she turned, looking at her job companions, and slowly said, "I am going to go with the dragon. Will you go?" Hoshi, on the other hand, had her eyes shut tight and her fur standing on end. The exceed knew her companion could be daring at times, but this was a bit much, and the exceed let it show. The letter mage was hopping onto the dragon's back without a moment more of hesitation, and with the slightest pause, Hoshi followed.

    675+580=1255/5850 I'm typing on tablet so my posts aren't quite as great, please beware >.>))


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


    Lord of Domination

    Lord of Domination

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Ice Cold
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    Posts : 556
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    Experience : 944

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood and Bones
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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by Daddy 30th January 2016, 5:57 pm

    we all hide behind masks
    Kiku rolled his eyes at first when he heard the comment of the frog towards his status. Perhaps in Hydra he was for his sudden disappearance, but that was about it. When he was questioned as to what he found interesting, he just felt dumbfounded. Did Zork not know he was a frog-man…? That poor poor creature. He had the frog eyes, skin, and of all things, the smell. For fucks sake, he even looked like he had a layer of slime across his body. He even croaked, or ribbited, if that’s how it’s refereed to. Things like that were just utterly confusing. The god that brought Zork into this world should be shot, or at least have his ass kicked a few times over.

    Kiku was brought out of this when he felt the spear that was attached to his side vibrate. He could feel the rage of the spear itself radiated. When he devised the spear, he never knew what it’d do. He never knew that it’d end up corrupting the feel of it due to the direct hatred of the prior owner. Though now, it seem to vibrate in anger. This anger that he could feel coming from his own lance was some a kin that Kiku held toward the gods for cursing him with the form that he has now, and tainting his formerly beautiful white wings to their current charcoal black and bloody crimson state. They had pushed along the demon slayer traits in him at the time also, forcing his eyes to mutate sooner than they should have, this making it so that he’d always remember his corruption, even if he were ever to shed his wings for whatever reason. For what they did to him, for cursing him like they had, he will always bear the hatred towards the gods.

    Flicking open the loop that held his spear in it’s holder, he placed his hand upon it before coiling his fingers around the end of the shaft, this causing the weapon to settle, but to cause Kiku to tense. To his knowledge, only two presences were within the spear. That of the dragon slaying element and the the other of a god slayer element. Was it a god that had approched that caused the spear to react, or was it a blasphemous god? He knew that the job was something about a dragon’s trial, but he thought it was a figurative statement. He truly thought it was a challenge created by a being years ago that people went and did for bragging rights. Never in his time did he thing that a dragon would lower itself to seeking entertainment with people, and of all things, bestowing gifts to them. What in the hell…? What has happened to this world, he wondered.

    His eyes finally flickered from his spear up as his wings spread out, and into the air before the sound of what seemed like what people could compare almost to a car engine. Something a kin to one of those ‘muscle’ cars they have down in motor city, and not one of those pussy ass lacrima cars that those in Era drive because they’re to terrified of polluting the air. Wizards are everywhere, there should be no worry about people polluting it since they can fix it with magic anyways. Many of the problems people have with the world can be solved with magic, and he half wished people were smart enough to remember that, but at the same time if they did, then he wouldn’t get paid to do stuff for them.

    As his demonic like eyes laid upon the beast before him, he felt his body go cold for a moment as he pulled his lance from it’s holster at his side, and swung it off to the side, allowing it to expand off to it’s full length, and allowing a gust of wind to blow around and circle around the head of the spear. The creature before them was absolutely insane in terms of it’s size. From it’s head to what would be it’s wings was far beyond what a football would be, and it’s scales shined in the light as if it was made of the purest onyx, and saphires. There used to be a saying that beauty was deadly, but this was another case all itself. This beast, it’s eyes made Kiku feel like he would turn to dust if he took another step towards the creature with harmful intent, that it would be the death of him. How weak was he truly? He bore a weapon in his hand that he create, and designed to kill them, and beings higher than it, but did fear truly rise above power? The worse thing was that Kiku knew this dragon, not by name, but by association.

    The dragon’s attention shifted to Kiku’s spear for a moment, and eyed it some before eyeing Kiku. For a moment it’s eyes flickered with nostalga. ”It’s been some time fledgling. I’m surprised that you are even on this plane anymore. Those that exist above myself, one that is, is looking for your wings. There is said to be something about a heafty prize for anyone who can bring the one who lives off of war your wings. Something about payment for your thefts from his armory.” The dragon said, it’s tone held something that run of something close to that of amusement, and something that bothered Kiku. This dragon had connections to them up there? Connections to the gods, particularly Ares of all people? ”Been some time, truly old one. Might I ask for your silence about me being here, and who I am with? They don’t need to be involved in my trouble?”

    There was silence between them for a moment before the dragon meerly did a motion with his head that was close to a nod before it spoke again. ”My silence will come with a price. After the trials, come seek me out if you survive. My price will be dealt with then. If you don’t come to me, I will come to you, and trust me, I will take what I want.” The dragon said before looking to the others. ”Hurry, and get on. I’d like to watch you suffer through the events. Kiku, you can fly behind us. Relish it while you can.
    WORDS: 1922/5850 - TAGS: Kiku - NOTES: I hate you all
    made by Jasmin of GS


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] JAgwtRZ
    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 31st January 2016, 5:21 pm

    Zork smiled and the area on his lower jaw alternated with inflating and deflating at a high frequency at Sorano's initial greeting.  He responded, in kindly, with a slight bow to the child that addressed him.  The rain felt nice upon his flesh before turning his attention back towards the large object approaching them.  Nervous, Zork's grip shook while he continued to stare at the creature approaching them.  He had a strange suspicion on what the creature might be and if it truly was what he thought it was, he wouldn't have a good time.  Something about lizards and reptiles terrified him.  While his fear was instinctual as frogs didn't really particularly like the scaled abominations, he refused to believe that it was due to him being a frog.

    The blade shook, scraping along the tower's roof, pulling small portions of the roof as it easily cut through and scraped off small portions of the roof; small enough to not be too noticeable.  Lightning flashed, showing the body of the creature extremely close to the group, being able to make out the body, the neck, the head, the wings, and the tail approaching.  Zork's body began to shiver out of fear from seeing such a monstrosity approaching them.  Another flash of lightning showed more detail of the creature with black and blue crystals coming off of it's body, a feature he had never seen on a dragon before.  But this second look merely approved his suspicions on what approached them; a dragon.  A loud ribbit was heard as the dragon came down and floated.

    When it spoke, it spoke like thunder.  It's voice bellowed through Zork's head and reverberated through his skull, making the already menacing foe look and sound even more menacing than before.  Dizziness kicked in once he noticed the young child easily board the dragon.  "No, m'lady Sorano!  It's dangerous.  Ribbit!"  Laughter could be heard from the dragon as it poked it's face closer to Zork, coming within inches of the frog.  "If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it already, pitiful creature," it said before moving back into it's neutral position.  "Now come, pitiful creature," it said specifically to Zork.

    "Where are you going to take us?  Ribbit!" Zork asked the large ancient creature.  It curled it's lips a bit before turning to speak with Kiku.  Zork turned his head to watch the two of them speak for a moment.  It was strange seeing a human and a dragon conversing as if they were friends.  Perhaps this celebrity did live up to his title, hm?  Without much thought, Zork sheathed his blade and took a step back to look at the magnificence and horror of this creature.  Rational thought spoke out to him, telling him that this dragon is probably the transport to the Dragon Challenge that the letter spoke of.  Due to his absolute fear of reptilian creatures, however, he still thought this dragon would find a way to eat them; him in particular.  

    There was silence in the dialogue between Kiku and the dragon with Zork inching away from the large creature.  Normally he is much more brave than he appears right now, but something about these damned reptiles really tore him up on the inside.  Not only that, but the fact that he'll be flying on a dragon also means that he'll be high up.  Two of his biggest fears will become reality in a mere instant.  Once the dragon finished speaking to Kiku about his bargain, it turned it's attention back towards Zork.  

    "Worry not, Holder of Hrunting.  I will not eat you this time.  Free the fear in your mind for this ride and mount," the dragon spoke with it's thunderous voice.  Zork turned and looked towards Kiku for a moment before closing his eyes and with a single hop, jumped aboard the dragon's back.  He placed his hands flat upon the dragon's scales to hold on for dear life and closed his eyes tightly shut.  If he doesn't have to see the distance between himself and the ground below him, he won't go delirious with vertigo.  He had no other choice but to believe in the words of this dragon; otherwise he would be left behind and made a fool.  That would discredit himself, his guild, and his family name.  That isn't something he wanted to do.  

    WC Total: 2204 / 5850


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]

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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by ivyleaf33 1st February 2016, 12:16 am

    Already on the dragon, Sorano watched with mild interest as the dragon conversed with both men. Though she didn't seem to be paying attention, she had listened to every word and kept them in mind for later. Though Kiku fas her guildmate, he was a new guild member and Sorano hadn't even gotten his usual emotional patterns down yet, something she usually got first thing from a new guildmate. Most her guildmates weren't too familiar with her, but she could recognize their emotional patterns with ease with her aura sight.

    What could Kiku have been hiding? He seemed quite the interesting character after the exchange she had heard, and apparently the dragon had something to say to Zork as well. Odd, indeed. She wondered if this creature could sense her aura abilities? That would be the only thing unusual about her, her aura capabilities and how she had blocked away her emotions. It would be interesting if the dragon could sense it, but if he could, he wasn't saying a thing. She watched as Zork hopped on behind her, and Kiku started up flight behind, keeping her face calm and cool, as if they totally weren't flying through a thunderstorm on a giant flying thing with sharp teeth and claws.

    Hoshi wasn't quite as cool about it, however. The exceed quivered and quaked with fright, her tiny claws digging between the scales of the dragon, barely able to keeping from quivering off the creature's back already. She had serious panophobia after the massacre of Sorano's family as well as her exceed tribe, in which the two girls had met. A rather sad way to meet one's closest friend, but being through such traumatic experiences together had brought the two closer together than any other friends.

    The Dragon's wing dipped slightly as they turned, sloping upwards towards the clouds. It was a beautiful sight, yet frightening, the clouds illuminated by the flashes of lightning and booms of thunder, seeming to punctuate measures of the stormy symphony. The palest flicker of sunlight could be seen as they drew closer, but soon disappeared under the foreboding clouds. Rain fell on them relentlessly, now a constant downpour, and would have had the two girls utterly drenched if Sorano hadn't quickly produced poncho-like coverings from her mirrors, donning them and offering syme to her job partners.

    After a moment of time, a thin slice of light appeared in the gloomy darkness within the storm clouds, and Sorano knew they were nearly through the clouds. The dragon busrt up grandly, spreading its wings wide apart, and sloping down towards a small, floating island on the clouds. It reminded Sorano somewhat of Tenroujima, where she had dueled her guildmate and felt the presence of the ancient island's Fairy magic presence. This felt nearly as magical,and just as exciting. The dragon slowly landed, its wings folding up neatly along its sides.

    It was a fairly simple island, with not too much vegetation, but a strong sense of dragon auras throughout it. Sorano found herself shivering and gasping for breath, avd it seemed as if the air was thin and the air cold. The cold she fixed easily by pulling a dry cloak from out of a mirror, but the air... "Solid Script: Air," she said softly, her hands writing out the word. A large bubble encompassed her and Hoshi, providing them with more than enough air. She would allow the other two to partake of it as well if they needed. Before long, a massive dragon lumbered towards them, obviously the leader of sorts. This must be who had sent the requests.

    MP: 90%


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


    Lord of Domination

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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by Daddy 4th February 2016, 10:52 pm

    we all hide behind masks
    Kiku silently took to the air behind them. He spoke nothing, nor had anything he felt he should add. His mind was blank as he moved, giving that he had nothing to really do at the moment. In a sense he was being shafted by the dragon, making him fly after them. He was actually struggling to keep up with them as with each beat of the great reptile before him threw him off track. He attempted at one point to move above the dragon just to almost get hit by it’s tail. He grumbled about this. It was enough that he already knew what the price was going to be, and he wasn’t pleased about it. Of all things, would the dragon strip him of his only true pleasure?

    As they came upon the Island, Kiku landed forward of them some. He had no issue breathing where they were due to his nature of magic, and being, to be frank his being up there was bothering him. He was already higher than one of the highest towers in Fiore, and in a place that was almost like that of heaven, and so close. It was disheartening.

    As the larger dragon came into view Kiku’s hand gripped harder onto the staff of his lance as his unusual eyes locked onto it’s form. The dragon made the one that they had rode in on smaller. It was like comparing someone who was 5 foot tall, to someone 6 foot tall. There was a big gap, and even bigger with this case. This dragon was dark red, and despite being so large, it was covered with scars that seemed to go way past it’s scale bed, and into it’s body. It’s left eye was covered with a scar that traveled down it’s nose leaving just the right one to stare down at them all. ”Welcome Frog, Human, and Fallen one. I welcome you for accepting my challenge I set for to the ones who walk the mortal planes. I am honestly curious as to how this group will do with the obvious odd group.” The dragon spoke to them all before he touched the ground with a single claw before the ground below them opens up just before Kiku. With a quick motion, the one that had the other two bucked quickly, and tossed Zork, and the girl into the hole before A gust of wind caught Kiku’s wings, shoving him into the hole.

    As they fell the dragon’s voice followed them, explaining the challenge, and what was to come. Before too long, the three of them would land almost unharmed as a current of wind caught them and settled them gently in the new room they were in. Lovely. The trial of fire had begun.
    WORDS: 2389 - TAGS: Kiku - NOTES: I hate you all
    made by Jasmin of GS


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] JAgwtRZ
    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 7th February 2016, 12:20 am

    Something about riding on top of the giant reptile made Zork feel uneasy.  Maybe it was the ever-present fear of being eaten or fried to bits.  What if this dragon wanted to eat Zork for his legs?  Though, Zork would greatly deny the fact that someone would eat him for 'human' legs, but being that this was a dragon it wasn't that far-fetched to say the least.  During the entirety of the flight, Zork held on with the suction of his palms and fingers upon the dragon's scales.  He kept his head low to avoid the quick rushing of air possibly causing his lungs to explode and to not pay attention to the ground (or lack thereof) below him.  If Zork were to compare this ride to something, it would be like riding into the depths of hell.

    A loud ribbit came from Zork, but was drowned out by the quick rushing of air.  The air got crisp the higher they got and the oxygen grew thinner and thinner.  Zork took a deep breath of air and held it within his 'lower lip' where it expanded with air.  He used this as a natural air sac for him to use.  Before he ran out of oxygen, the air began to thicken, causing the frog-human to let out a gust of air.  He took a deep breath inward and continued to hold on for dear life.  

    Sweet ambrosia to his ears when he heard the wings flap more often to correct it's landing angle.  The creature lightly landed giving Zork motivation to unstick his hands and jump right off of the dragon.  He placed his hands upon his knees and started to breathe heavily.  "I don't like doing this, ribbit!" Zork stated before lifting his head up to look at the larger dragon ahead of them and yelped.  "They really DID want to eat us, RIBBIT!" Zork shouted before quickly running behind Sorano and hiding behind her.  Damn his paralyzing fear of reptiles of all kinds.  

    And then the larger dragon committed a mortal sin that most people have committed.  Zork came out from behind Sorana and stomped his foot on the ground.  "Damnit!  Ribbit!  I'm not a frog!  Ribbit!" he shouted before pointing at the dragon.  "That's like me calling you a horse or like one of us humans!  Ribbit!" he shouted.  Oh, the frog was infuriated at the comment made by the infinitely more powerful dragon.  And then a giant claw came down from the dragon.  Zork screamed loudly.  "I'm sorry, RIBBIT!!!"

    And into the abyss they go!  But Zork wasn't going to go down by himself.  Using his tongue, he shot it outwards and wrapped around Kiku's waist, pulling himself up to Kiku.  Once caught up to Kiku, he wrapped his arms around him, returning his tongue into his mouth.  His eyes were closed and his mouth opened wide as he screamed his way all the way down the hole.  "I'm SORRY!  RIBBIT!!!!" he said while listening to the objectives of the trials.  And then suddenly, they landed softly.  

    Zork cleared his throat and noticed they were on the ground.  He let go and looked around, patting himself off.  "Well...  Ribbit," Zork said awkwardly.  "Let's not do that again, either, Ribbit," Zork stated before looking on at the large arena.  Zork gulped hard, being out of his element.  

    The arena was extremely large, being at least a half mile in diameter.  Their destination was the middle of the arena; the large red pillar.  However, in their paths were large holes in the ground that spat out giant pillars of burning death.  "So, right.  How do we get through this without being cooked people?  Ribbit?"

    WC Total: 2204 + 616 = 2820 / 5850


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]

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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by ivyleaf33 7th February 2016, 11:38 pm

    Sorano stared in awe and fascination at the creature before her. The massive form twitched at every small movement, the chest rose and fell with each mighty breath. How could a creature with such large lungs breathe up here? The letter mage's mind filled with questions and thoughts, though part of her was still listening intently to what the creature spoke. And there it was again, that odd mention of her guildmate Kiku. Whatever did the dragon mean by Fallen One? How had Kiku fallen? How come every dragon so far seemgd to have an odd reaction to the man's presence? Natural Fairy Tail curiosity as well as her desire to learn welled up inside her, and the girl was bursting with questions. Who, what, when, where, why, how?

    The dragon's red scales seemed to glint almost menacingly at her, the shine somewhat dullened by countless scars that crisscrossed his body. The cuts were deep, and reached past those seemingly impenetrable scales. Would the trio have to fight this creature? Sorano knew, that without a dragon slayer Wizard, the task would be near impossible. Dragon scales were impenetrable with normal, average magic such as her own Solid Script and Reflection Magic. She had no idea if aura magic would be able to inflict any damage, but she doubted it would. She listened on as the dragon talked, saying something about an experiment? Sorano was about to ask, when suddenly the ground below them disappeared, and she was left with the echo of the creature's voice: "Have a nice fall~"

    Hoshi grabbed on tightly to the straps on Sorano's shoulders as they fell, using her Aera to form two feathered wings. They watched in grim amusement at the two men, Zork having clung onto Kiku tightly up with his tongue, ribbiting his way down. Hoshi gently aet her friend down next to the two men, hiding a giggle before darting onto Sorano's shoulder. Sorano let her eyes drift around the testing space while she halfheartedly listened to the Dragon's instructions. The pillar stood in the middle of the area, gleaming red in the light. The place they were in was huge, and the pillar looked far away and rather small from her vantage.

    She glanced down at the ground as fire was mentioned, and suddenly a geyser of lava shot out from the ground a few feet away from them. Sorano flinched, leaning away uncomfortably at the sudden heat. "Ready, begin!" Geysers of fire shot up all around them, causing Sorano and Hoshi to narrowly dodge quite a few of them. First course of action: find a pattern. However, as she observed, the Geysers were completely random. There was no particular pattern of any sort. She scowled angrily, and looked over at the others. "I feel like it would be best to just form a big shield with all our magics and somehow shuffle through... I don't know if you guys have any ideas?" The usually strategic girl was at a loss here, having never been in such a situation before.

    She placed a hand on her hip, observing the scene. Would it be possible to fly above them? Or... Sorano's eyes widened as a realization came to mind. "The holes are the only places lava comes from. If we stick to the very center of the paths around the holes, we may be able to avoid them! What are your opinions on this idea, Kiku-san, Zork-san?" It seemed abnormally easy though, nearly too good to be true, this flaw in the experiment. Or was it a flaw? All Sorano knew that at least for now they would be safe enough in the middle of the paths. Later on, who knew?

    WC: 2479/5850


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


    Lord of Domination

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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by Daddy 12th February 2016, 3:48 pm

    we all hide behind masks
    As Kiku arrived at the bottom level, there was a sense of disgust that came over him. The Zork fellow…he licked him. More, he grappled Kiku with his slimy, disgusting tongue. All the germs. Then when the frogman wrapped around Kiku’s leg, he nearly readied to stab him with his spear if he hadn’t gotten off when they got the bottom. Kiku turned to zork after standing up. His expression went neutral as words began to fly from his lips. ”Je jure de titans que si vous me touchez encore, vous petite grenouille , je vais faire le dîner hors de vous .” With that said, he turned towards the chamber, and cocked his head off to the side. The holes on the ground were shooting fire up into the air, but only half way. Before he was able to really say anything, fire shot up from the ground below them, and that was just enough time for Kiku to jump into the air, and ascend using his wings to keep him above the range of his flames.

    His eyes flickered to the end of the hallway with a light smirk as his hand pointed towards the pillar with a chuckle. ”I guess the dragons didn’t account for the fact that some people could fly. I see a good way to get through this is to fly over the pillar, and simply touch it. The shield might help for the sidges, but I think I could fly over there if you want.” Kiku said with a light chuckle as he had found an easy way to slip across the flames with grace, not really carrying if he angered the dragons with how he did it. From what he had gathered, these tests were of mostly intelligence, and wit.

    Though as he waited for them to say something, he had two other trains of thought passing through his head. One was about something that didn’t related to this job, and the other was about his wings. It still pained him to think that he was going to lose them after he finished this trial. If he knew how that dragon was going to be, he was going to make it painful for Kiku to bear. He could picture it as that dragon’s massive claws reaching down, and plucking his wings chunk by chunk from his back till there was nothing left of them. He winced at the thought of that happening to him. To be truthful, he could already feel the phantom pains of it as if it had already happened, or was already occuring.

    [i]’If these trials are like this, how much easier are the rest? These must’ve been designed for people who were less magical, and more primitive. Are they going to make them harder as we go along, or new themes?’ He wondered mentally as he watched down at Zork, and the girl. HE was curious honestly of what the brain child would think of with the new information he gave, though he could tell the brain child most likely had things she wanted to know about him, so he’d have to play it safe with her. Zork, well he didn’t know what the frog wanted, or how to understand his way of thinking.
    WORDS: 2953 - TAGS: Kiku - NOTES: I hate you all
    made by Jasmin of GS


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] JAgwtRZ
    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 17th February 2016, 6:48 pm

    A strange language spewed out of Kiku's lips.  The frog just turned his eyes towards his lips for a moment to watch as the words flew out of it.  Nope, he can't read lips, let alone in another language.  No, what he heard was something his head filled in, itself.  What he heard was:
    "I'm glad to give you a lift.  
    I know that you lack the capacity to fly
    and I'm a nice enough guy.  

    This caused Zork to finally snap back to reality and nodded to Kiku with a big smile on his face.  "Thanks for helping me!  I think we'll be good partners in the future, ribbit!" he simply stated.  No, it wasn't, at all, remotely close to what Kiku's intentions were.  The frog didn't really care as he heard what he wanted and interpreted such a flowery language into something his brain could process.  

    Zork's eyes darted towards Sorano as she made a suggestion on how to cross the minefield before them before his eyes darted right back to Kiku who offered to fly over.  Walking, flying, hopping.  Well, that's an interesting bunch.  But Zork isn't a moron, he's not going to hop through this hellish minefield of molten metal and rock.  Knowing his luck, he would jump directly into the mouth of one of the magmatic holes in the ground and that'd be the end of that story.  Then again, death isn't quite permanent so he would just respawn in a few days.

    Confidence began to well up within Kiku with Zork easily noticing this.  Zork didn't really care as it was hotter than a furnace in this place.  This made Zork wonder whether or not this place was created by the dragons; designed as a way to play with humans or if it was something that naturally occurred, only to be changed in the way of the pillar later on.  Either answer didn't really help Zork, but it was where his mind wandered for a moment as Kiku's confidence began to spill out of his ears.  

    "Yeah!  Ribbit!" Zork shouted, being completely lost having almost ignored Kiku's words for a moment.  He figured this reaction would elicit some sort of response; hopefully a positive one.    

    WC Total: 2953 + 377 = 3330 / 5850

    OOC:  Sorry about that guys, I'm starting to lose a lot of motivation with this character.


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]

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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by ivyleaf33 17th February 2016, 10:37 pm

    Sorano raised her head slightly, listening to Kiku speak. The French may have been flowery to Zork's ears, but Sorano was a letter mage. An ability that just happened to come with the magic was the ability to understand all languages. Though it took her a few seconds longer to process spoken language than written, Sorano had encountered French many times before and had no problem translating the speech. "Kiku-san, it's a little rude to say things that others cannot understand, you realize? Not to mention that as we are going to be working with Zork-san, it would be best not to threaten to eat him for dinner." She said this all in a completely emotionless manner, as if she couldn't care less. And really, she couldn't.

    She then listened to Kiku's suggestion, giving it some thought. She had thought about the idea, but hadn't wanted to endanger Hoshi by making her fly across, and she was fairly certain that Zork had no ability to fly. Kiku didn't seem like he was about to carry Zork across, not after that threat. She thought back carefully to the dragon's instructions, wondering if she could find some type of loophole. It was true that the dragon had never said everyone had to touch the pillar... "Kiku-san, do you believe that we may be able to pass this challenge if only you go and touch it? That dragon never specified that we couldn't so it may be a possibility. I can fly, with Hoshi-chan, but Zork-san doesn't seem to be able to fly. Hoshi-chan can't carry more than two people, and you don't seem willing to carry Zork-san anywhere."

    She wondered if the two men, well, if Zork could be counted as a man before her agreed with her. From their auras, there wasn't too much to see. As she felt the ground rumbled below her, the letter mage had to quickly dart out of the way of the pillar of flame that shot out suddenly from the hole that had been nearest to her. She may have been scorched if she hadn't moved quickly. "Well, at any rate, I believe we should decide quickly, and move quickly." Her two companions didn't seem very collected and too focused, at any rate. Jeez, the frog sounded somewhat spacey, and Kiku seemed deep in thought. She hoped he was deep in thought about how to get across, since she didn't need two spacey companions on top of all this.

    She turned to Hoshi, sighing a little. If she wasn't emotionless, she would be extremely exasperated right now. They were standing in the middle of a field of erupting lava holes with two spacey men/frogs, and no idea of what to do next. The exceed didn't help at all, however. Poor Hoshi just looked terrified out of her wits at the fountains of scorching red that sprang from the holes around them.

    WC: 2965/5850

    Stats and Stuff:


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.

    Love Warrior Riley
    Love Warrior Riley

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Conqueror's Courage
    Position : None
    Posts : 296
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
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    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Power of Love [INW]
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    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by Love Warrior Riley 6th March 2016, 7:47 pm

    Leaving this job.  Sorry guys.
    It also looks like this job was never actually requested either (or I'm blind) so I'm outties.


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] BI2gBSG
    [Riley: The Soldier of Love] [Power of Love]

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    Age : 21
    Mentor : Speculo (former)
    Experience : 779,415

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Advanced Solid Script
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill: N/A

    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] Empty Re: The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job]

    Post by ivyleaf33 6th March 2016, 11:02 pm

    Ok~ I suppose I will be leaving as well due to lack of job slots. Sorry, Kiku.


    The Dragon's Challenge [B Rank Job] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 10:13 pm