Fairy Tail RP

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    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Dragon King
    Position : None
    Posts : 387
    Guild : Junaar
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Herself
    Experience : 2,800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Apocalypse Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Infernal Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by DragonPantsu 16th January 2016, 7:59 pm

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) 153164

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) 153164






    "Behold, the intricate and subtle weaving of my cunning arcane . . . ah, screw it. Burn a lot!"

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) CANAAN

    - Haretsa

        Standing atop the final hill through the mountain pass, hazel eyes gazed down upon an all too familiar building nestled at the foot of the mountains.  small smile grew upon the girl’s face after biting off another piece of the candy cigarette in her mouth. ”Time sure has flown right on by…” she muttered to herself, remembering standing in this very same spot what felt like only yesterday. The deceiving little building she gazed down upon was none other than the entrance to Sabertooth’s guildhall; the guild Haretsa first joined after deciding being a mercenary out of Talonia just didn’t feel right anymore. As she began to walk down the path, the memories of her time in Sabertooth washed over the Dragon Slayer’s mind like a tsunami. Haretsa had made quite a few friends during her time at this guild; including her current Guild Master Ardere. She had come quite a long way from not really understanding her magic when she joined Sabertooth to being considered one of the strongest members of Infinity Hydra as well as one Ardere’s most trusted. Now, the young Dragon Slayer was returning to her first nest in order to hopefully reunite with old friends she hadn’t spoken with in quite some time.

        Pushing open the door of the rundown looking tavern, Haretsa’s hazel orbs fell upon the figure of the very same barkeep that had greeted her when she first joined the guild. The man clearly recognized her, greeting her with a nod as she proceeded into the back room and placed her hand upon the teleportation lacrima. Once the light had faded away, Haretsa took a deep breath of the air around her and exhaled a small puff of flames as she stood on the floating platform that connected to Sabertooth’s castle in the sky. ”I wonder if that crazy gun lady is still around… I bet she’d like to see my new toys.” Haretsa laughed a bit, petting the rather large golden bracelets that adorned her wrists before stepping off towards the central hall of the castle. ”It’ll be good to see Riley again… I wonder how Lil’ Theo’s doin. I hope Kite hasn’t been slacking off on his training… Crap! I should have brought Lilly with me to visit Mao! Then again, I don’t even know if she’s here… maybe I’ll leave her a note and ask her to stop by the guild sometime.” the mage began to think aloud to herself, walking by and nodding to familiar faces that recognized her. It might have been because she was away for so long, but Haretsa definitely felt like something was different about this place. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but something felt off. However, she wasn't able to dwell on it for much longer before she felt a somewhat familiar magic signature nearby as well as the familiar scent of flames about a person. "Feels too weak to be Kite... and it smells a lot more like my flames than anything...yet the magic signature feels way weaker than mine... HOLY CRAP DID THEY FREAKIN' CLONE ME SOMEHOW!?" Haretsa blurted aloud, her voice echoing throughout the main hall of the guild for all to hear.


    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Haretsa_by_ravenart5-d8uft6q
    "They call me 'H', 'cuz I turn asses to ashes!!"
    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Team-s10
    Haretsa's Theme's:

    Magic  Vault of Shinies
    Blood Plus
    Blood Plus

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Huntress Mango
    Position : None
    Posts : 724
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Acquiescene
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    Third Skill:

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Re: Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by Blood Plus 19th January 2016, 1:11 pm


    we are hardly what we seem
    There was no sight similar to a bored dragon. One eye remained lazily propped open as if vigilant for danger if not for the slightly glazed over demeanour of the glare; the other was slammed shut, closed for business, tired, asleep. The Sabertooth Guild Hall had an interesting infrastructure in the sense that it was two floors rather than one. Speaking of which, Ibara hung himself on the top floor, his body hanging lazily over one of the bannisters, threatening to tip himself onto the tables below where the rest of the guild resided. It was relatively quiet at the time, all of the mages he knew personally were out on jobs; inclusive of his partner, a fact he was rather salty about and he was determined to let the rest of the Guild know such a thing.

    "Bet you guys wouldn't like it if your supposed team-mate just up and ditched you. He didn't even leave without a word of warning, no goodbye or see ya later. He just upped and left. Damnit.. he's such an idiot! If he regales us with tales of his adventures filled with life-threatening brawls and incessant challenges, don't be surprised if I silence him before he finishes his story."

    The young dragon was talking to no one in particular, he simply presumed they were all listening. In truth, no one had really payed him any mind, as of late, it was pretty usual for Ibara to go on random tangents which no one really cared about. He was only eighteen after all, he yearned for action; for things to do. A young mind always needed to be occupied in order to be fulfilled otherwise... these were the consequences.

    Nothing to fulfil himself with? That was a figment of a mere few seconds ago; Ibara's eyes shot open, revealing that wicked two-tonedness to them, a feature he'd developed through intense dragon slayer training. His ears pricked up like a feral animal while his nose reared to the air. He began sniffing and what he smelt.. this was the most distinctive smell he knew to be. The smell of his childhood. The smell that defined his life. The smell of his father.

    He couldn't mistake it. Mages were often characterised by their smell; with some specific mages, you could even determine their magic simply through smelling them. To Dragon Slayers and other Dragon Slayers, their respective elements were often distinguishable through smell which was how Ibara recognised such a thing in the first place. There was no other person on earth that Ibara knew whom wielded Fire Dragon Slayer Magic other than the Grandmaster of such a thing himself. Igneel.

    "IGNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL~" Ibara's body spontaneously combusted out of pure excitement. The young dragon couldn't really determine a reason for such a thing but it certainly sped him on his way. He disregarded his surroundings completely and bust straight through one of the Sabertooth walls to reach the main sector of the Guild Hall. The wall exploded on contact and there Ibara stood, still coated in flames, his eyes widened and gleaming; but what he saw wasn't the picturesque behemoth of a reptile he'd expected..

    "Who the hell are you and why do you smell like him?" Like a saddened dog, Ibara's once pricked ears drooped, his eyes stopped glistening and his nose removed itself from the air. Everything about Ibara's body language screamed of an utter disheartened demeanour. Ibara gulped a few times to try and establish some sense of self-worth but what could he do? He was broken.



    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) CNMQ731

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Dragon King
    Position : None
    Posts : 387
    Guild : Junaar
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Herself
    Experience : 2,800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Apocalypse Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Infernal Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Re: Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by DragonPantsu 23rd January 2016, 3:03 am

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) 153164

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) 153164






    "Behold, the intricate and subtle weaving of my cunning arcane . . . ah, screw it. Burn a lot!"

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) CANAAN

    - Haretsa

        Hazel orbs blinked rather curiously as the mage’s ears perked up to a rather loud voice shouting some sort of strange name. Before Haretsa could even form a thought as to what on earth an Igneel was, something came crashing through a nearby wall; sending debris flying past the Ace’s head. Standing there with his body on fire was a male about Haretsa’s age, emanating flames that felt rather similar to the ones she commanded herself. The dragon heiress blinked again extremely confused at what she was witnessing as the boy asked her who she was and why she smelled like him, whoever “he” was. ”Huh… you’re… honestly not what I was expecting as a clone of myself… The eyes are all wrong, your hairs no where near the right color, and… I’m not a boy.” were the first few sentences out of Haretsa’s mouth, extremely confused about the whole situation.

        With a heavy sigh, a certain voice decided to ring through Haretsa’s head. ”Haretsa, I don’t think this kid is a clone of you… isn’t that also kind of impossible?” the voice asked, to which Haretsa ended up responding to aloud. ”Of course cloning is possible, bro. Sayrn was talking about it quite a bit actually. I mean, how else would you explain why he has Fire Dragon magic like me?” she asked, prompting the voice in her head to sigh again. ”He probably has that magic for the same reason I used to possess Dragon Slaying magic and how most other Slayer’s do; being taught by an actual dragon. You said the only other Fire Slayer’s you had met were Ardere and Kite, yeah? The kid was probably raised by some fire dragon… not everyone became a Slayer through the same methods as you did.” Reiki’s voice mentioned, the mention of Haretsa’s past seeming to surprisingly not bother the girl. ”Oh yeah, I forgot dragons still exist! That explains a lot actually!” she said, looking the boy dead in the eyes with a warm smile upon her face. ”My name’s Haretsa Shikon, I’m a former mage of this guild. Was Igneel the name of your dragon or something? I’m not sure why you think I smell like a dragon… Well actually, I do, but its a looooong story about blood I’d rather not get into… Nice to meet you though, Red!” she exclaimed, completely oblivious to the rage that was building up inside of the boy that stood not too far from her.


    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Haretsa_by_ravenart5-d8uft6q
    "They call me 'H', 'cuz I turn asses to ashes!!"
    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Team-s10
    Haretsa's Theme's:

    Magic  Vault of Shinies
    Blood Plus
    Blood Plus

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Huntress Mango
    Position : None
    Posts : 724
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Acquiescene
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Re: Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by Blood Plus 23rd January 2016, 6:37 am

    Words: 609
    Tags: Haretsa Shikon

    Here comes the fire
    Ibara couldn't quite process what the woman was saying to him. All he heard was bullshit and he couldn't stand a second more. He was utterly livid with what the girl both proposed and said. Her obliviousness to Igneel's presence and entire existence shocked the young dragon to the very core. So much so that the flames that had once dimmed all over his body now exploded in rippling curls up towards the ceiling. The Sabertooth Guild Hall almost set a light at Ibara's expense, luckily he kept that much in check. That didn't stop his eyes glistening a cold and calculating stare after they came into view once Ibara raised his head for a second time. They both glistened in a menacing fashion, one yellow; the same yellow as his father's reptilian dragon eyes while the other remained a vicious red. Ibara didn't think he'd be able to speak, his knuckles were white with how tight he was clenching them although this was partially obscured due to the red, yellow and orange flames that seemed to lick over his hands.

    "You've got guts. I'll give you that." Ibara's voice was expressionless and cold like no one had ever seen before. Usually Ibara's tone was flooded with emotion when he spoke, especially in an angered fashion but this time he was calm.. a deadly calm.. and then the young dragon spoke again. "...but that doesn't excuse your claims."

    Ibara dropped his head again so it sagged against his chest once more. The young dragon felt that if he spoke further for such an endured period of time, he'd quite literally lash out. He clenched his fists further while body continued to emblazon itself with streaks of red and yellow. He turned away from her, his head low while his hair sagged over his once glistening eyes, covering them in an eerie shadow. He paced up and down the Guild Hall, leaving black, burnt footprints with each passing footstep. The only sound that echoed in the usually noisy common room was the hissing, singeing sound against the floor.

    Finally he turned back, his features still obscured by the shaggy red hair that drooped from his forehead. "You've got the fire in ya.. That much is true. But you claim to not know my father in the slightest.. The King of the Fire Dragons.. Igneel..." The name reverberated around the teenager's head, only propelling his anger to it's fullest extent as he lashed out again in a burst of more emotional speech. His eyes watered liquid fire although he dared not drop a tear. "How dare you?! I'll knock you down right here and force you to say his name over and over and over until you somehow fix it into your damn skull! I won't let you leave until you tie a damn plaque over your chest.. exclaiming to the world that your magic was inherited by the greatest Fire Dragon that the world has ever known!"

    The fire around Ibara wasn't just red but now shone a deep crimson. Haretsa, if looking close enough could even see a visage of Igneel in the background; his eyes glowing a deathly yellow, his scales shining a beautiful red while his wings unfurled themselves, his head frozen in a roaring-like posture. Naturally this would probably be one of the most impressive sights Hareta would have ever seen, an extract taken directly from Ibara's mind, the King of the Fire Dragons in full glory. Igneel radiated in Ibara's mighty magical presence. Clearly the young dragon was fired up and he wouldn't let the girl leave if she didn't do something about it.



    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) CNMQ731

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Dragon King
    Position : None
    Posts : 387
    Guild : Junaar
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Herself
    Experience : 2,800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Apocalypse Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Infernal Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Re: Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by DragonPantsu 24th January 2016, 6:32 am

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) 153164

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) 153164






    "Behold, the intricate and subtle weaving of my cunning arcane . . . ah, screw it. Burn a lot!"

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) CANAAN

    - Haretsa

        Apparently, something Haretsa had said managed to irritate the male standing before her as the flames around his body grew with intensity and his words echoed with rage. The boy went on about how Haretsa had the fire inside of her, but that she wasn’t forgiven for not knowing who Igneel was. Igneel seemed to be extremely important to this red head and he took Haretsa not knowing who Igneel was as an insult. Haretsa raised a brow as her eyes widened a bit, noticing tears of what looked like liquid flames beginning to build up in the boy’s eyes. Did she really upset him that much? It's not like it was her fault, Haretsa had never seen a dragon before in her life, let alone the King of the Fire Dragons.

       However, just as Haretsa was about to say something to try and calm the boy, he blurted out in a fit of rage and pushed a button he really shouldn’t have. At the very mention of how she got her magic, Haretsa’s fist tightened so much that she drew blood from her nails digging into it. DON’T FUCKING TALK TO ME LIKE YOU KNOW HOW I GOT THIS MAGIC!!” she shouted, a raging aura of her own flames bursting up around her as her eyes turned from hazel to a furious blood red. The boys display of flames was impressive, but Haretsa’s burned brighter and more violently due to the power difference between the two mages. Her eyes stared dead into the boy’s own through both of their auras, Haretsa’s fang like canines showing forth as she spoke. ”I’m sorry I never heard your dragon’s name before, but I’ve only heard one due to some family complications. That doesn’t give you the damn right to freak out at me like you know how I got this magic in the first place! I wouldn’t call those three years of hellish torture any kind of fucking inheritance that anyone would want!!!” she shouted once more, the crackling intensity of her flames rising even more. She knew she needed to control her anger right now due to the blood that flowed deep through her veins. Breathing deeply to calm herself a bit, Haretsa kept her aura of flames raging with anger as she entered a combat ready stance. ”I’m sorry… just… bad memories… but if you want to make me learn about your dad that much, then come at me. I welcome the challenge...” she spoke, with a thought immediately ringing through her head after those words left her lips. ”I’ll show you real dragon royalty… I… wait what? N-no, shut up and get out of my head… I don’t need to be dealing with you right now…” she thought, not realizing the change that was beginning to wash over her. She didn’t hear Acnologia’s voice in her head and her birthmark wasn’t glowing; she thought those words herself.


    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Haretsa_by_ravenart5-d8uft6q
    "They call me 'H', 'cuz I turn asses to ashes!!"
    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Team-s10
    Haretsa's Theme's:

    Magic  Vault of Shinies
    Blood Plus
    Blood Plus

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Huntress Mango
    Position : None
    Posts : 724
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Acquiescene
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Re: Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by Blood Plus 26th January 2016, 2:24 pm

    Words: 357
    Tags: Haretsa Shikon

    Here comes the fire
    The young dragon had clearly seen he'd struck a nerve upon the mentioning of his magic. It wasn't his style nor an element of his personality to press the matter further no matter how far his rage had been fuelled up to this point. His fists slowly unclenched themselves but this didn't prevent the visible veins from bulging out of his head while the flames continued to erupt around him. She'd conjured her own flames by now, similar when it came to properties in comparison to Ibara's but more fearsome in stature and height. It lacked the care of a Dragon, something easily noticeable to any Dragon Slayer whom was taught by their respective great Dragon which immediately provoked thought onto what Haretsa was saying earlier. Bad memories, what did such a notion imply. Ibara couldn't imagine anything but good memories when training with his mentor. What had provoked such a negative experience to the girl. Ibara wanted to get to the bottom of it but that didn't excuse his rage so naturally, he resort to the one thing he knew best, if you can't speak with your mouth -- "speak with ya' fists."

    Ibara said that last part in the most calm and nonchalant of manners, it almost made him seem cool until he launched himself off the ground, sending several wooden splinters in a shower off behind him. Clearly Ibara wasn't being upfront about his attack, he ducked, dodged and weaved but his aim was simple. He approached Haretsa from an aerial position by that point, his entire body now ignited to the point of no return.

    "Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!"

    His words accentuated perfectly so they travelled to the ears of Haretsa from many metres above, Ibara began spiralling wildly downwards until he collided with her. Whether or not this collision was made possible was a decision that relied entirely on Haretsa's skill of interpretation. Could she deflect such a blow? Ibara was travelling at quite the speed now, his body now lost underneath a sea of flames which licked at his clothes and skin. His was a spiralling, drilling flamethrower. An unstoppable force.



    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) CNMQ731

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Dragon King
    Position : None
    Posts : 387
    Guild : Junaar
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Mentor : Herself
    Experience : 2,800

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Apocalypse Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Infernal Shadow Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Re: Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by DragonPantsu 30th January 2016, 12:33 pm

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) 153164

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) 153164






    "Behold, the intricate and subtle weaving of my cunning arcane . . . ah, screw it. Burn a lot!"

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) CANAAN

    - Haretsa

       Watching as the red haired man dashed towards her doing all kinds of maneuvers in an attempt to throw her off, Haretsa’s crimson red orbs remained glued on her opponent until he leapt up into the air. Ibara then ignited his entire body and came crashing down head first in the form of a flaming spear. The attack was rather straightforward and somewhat sluggish compared to Haretsa’s own speed; meaning there were a variety of ways to go about dealing with the situation. Desiring not to pull out Fusion Force against a weaker opponent, Haretsa cocked back her right fist as a vast amount of spiraling flames gathered around it to form a violently rotating drill of draconic flames. The tattoo emblazoned across her back began to shine brightly as Ibara approached before Haretsa unleashed her counter attack. ”FIRE DRAGON’S SABER FANG!” she exclaimed, thrusting forth her arm to meet Ibara’s spell with her own.

         As the two flames collided, the speed and counter rotation of Haretsa’s saber fang combined with the sheer power of the spell proved to be too much for Ibara’s Sword Horn; her Saber Fang rotating so quickly that it seemed to practically suck in Ibara’s flames and add to the size of the drill. While Haretsa knew how violent this spell she created was, she knew using it against another Slayer that commanded flames minimized the risk of serious injury. Whether Ibara chose to eat her flames or take the hit from her spell, Haretsa wasn’t about to let him have a moment to breathe. Unleashing a steady plume of flames from the backsides of her body, Haretsa propelled herself with impressive speed around to Ibara’s side before bringing her right leg around to deliver a powerful blow to his torso with her shin. Depending on how he reacted, the force of the kick would have been enough to send Ibara out towards the large platform where the teleportation lacrima resided; which was probably a better place for the two to be fighting than in the main hall of Sabertooth.

    Factors to Consider:


    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Haretsa_by_ravenart5-d8uft6q
    "They call me 'H', 'cuz I turn asses to ashes!!"
    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Team-s10
    Haretsa's Theme's:

    Magic  Vault of Shinies
    Blood Plus
    Blood Plus

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Lightning Bolt Gif

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Wanderer- Eevee- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Cookie Achievement- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
    Lineage : Huntress Mango
    Position : None
    Posts : 724
    Guild : Divine Calamity
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Angelic Acquiescene
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Re: Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by Blood Plus 5th February 2016, 5:28 pm

    Words: 787
    Tags: Haretsa Shikon

    Here comes the fire
    Clearly Ibara had interpreted the simplicity of his counter-attack to be reversed back on him but what he hadn't accounted for was the strength at which it was performed. The young dragon simply didn't have time to react as he saw a fist cocked backwards, ready to explode directly onwards to his oncoming head which he had rather foolishly misplaced as his direct source of attack. The most vulnerable part of his body now on show, Ibara simply pushed forwards, increasing the velocity of his flames towards the explosive fist which now combined with his own crimson hues to create brilliant lights that shone around the guild hall. However, this was simply a match-up that the young dragon could not overcome.

    In fact, her power was so great that despite Ibara's efforts in an attempt to dwarf her power with his own, she sent him flying backwards all at once in a flashing flurry of brilliant orange, propelling him backwards through the air and along the ceiling of the Sabertooth Guild Hall. There his body flew while he contemplated on what had even happened in that short occurrence of only a few seconds.

    A gargantuan crashing sound was heard as the young dragon's back smashed into the opposing wall; wood splintered upon contact with him, bending around his body as he sank further and further into the wall. In fact he threatened to break through the wall until he eventually did, being thrown directly into the Sabertooth courtyard. Ibara assumed it was intentional, this was a much more spacious place to prove his point to her and he nodded briefly in the time that he flew.

    Luckily the wood broke his fall as he sank to the ground, skidding across the cobbled floor that emblazoned the entirety of the area around him. His arms felt heavy and his legs almost too weak to move but his resistance against her burned brightly. Both eyes, not just one this time, glowed a deep yellow as if Igneel himself had overcome his body.

    It was a juvenile mistake to think it had ended there; to think she had finished it with one blow. She wouldn't dally on such arrogance, she knew a fellow Dragon Slayer wouldn't go down without a fight and that's exactly what Ibara intended to do. He raised himself to his feet slowly just as Haretsa came shooting through the gap in the wall with an equally fast movement, almost indiscernible to the eye. Her leg struck out and with one blink; it was upon him, like when lightning strikes the ground. However the absence of flames was her mistake.

    "This isn't over until you acknowledge him."

    Ibara exclaimed as his hand moved up in a similar, fast-paced, incomprehensible movement. A large cracking sound was heard as Ibara's hand raised, the connection of Haretsa's leg being stopped dead in it's tracks against Ibara's hands before, he assumed, she'd retreat back again in order to divulge yet another attack.

    However this was unimportant to the yellow-eyed dragon. He stood there, with the leg either blocked in mid-air against his hand or Haretsa now standing horizontally opposite him as his equal opponent. He closed his eyes slowly and thought to himself, his thoughts sent directly to Igneel.

    "Not.. until you acknowledge him.." Ibara spoke between ragged gasps of absolute anger as his whole body suddenly ignited into an outburst of a crimson aurora. The flames burst at the cobbles at the ground, quite literally uprooting them from place. There he stood, proud as ever in the wake of his father's defence.

    With the already pre-embursed flames augmenting his speed tenfold, he burst off the ground, sending rivulets of cobbles spraying on either side of him as he moved forwards. He moved slower than Haretsa, clearly; there was an outstanding difference in their strength, anyone could notice that, but it was Ibara's determination for the defence of his father which kept him striving onwards.

    With only a millimetre in-between him and Haretsa, Ibara's knuckles on one outstretched fist all began to alight systematically. One by one, they reimbursed themselves with white-hot flames before he descended to the ground infront of Haretsa. Rather than making contact with her body directly, his fist touched the ground delicately. A strange concept considering his intention was to do direct damage. A small dawned on his face -- his look said otherwise.

    "Fire Dragon's Fang Shot.."

    A massive explosion of flames erupted from that minuscule connection to the ground. A monumental amount of force imploded from that one simple punch downwards, all reversing upwards in Haretsa's direction as if the punch itself had connected with her. This was Ibara's moment to do or die trying.




    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) CNMQ731

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    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Re: Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by DragonPantsu 5th March 2016, 2:17 am

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) 153164

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) 153164





    "Behold, the intricate and subtle weaving of my cunning arcane . . . ah, screw it. Burn a lot!"

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) CANAAN

    - Haretsa

       As Ibara went careening through one of the nearby walls and Haretsa sped towards him with a kick, she was rather shocked to see a decent sized hole in the young man’s head with a new kind of red adorning his hair. She managed to get an even better look at it when Ibara managed to block her kick with his hands, of which she was glad he did. The trajectory Ibara had taken from the explosion of Haretsa’s Saber Fang was a bit different than she had intended, so while she was originally aiming for the man’s torso; this kick would have been delivered straight to his head had he not blocked. Propelling flames out of the front of her body this time, Haretsa backed away from the wounded man before her as he spoke about acknowledging his father yet again. However, Haretsa knew that there were certain other things that Ibara should be worrying about rather than her not knowing who the heck his father was. ”W-What the hell, Red!? Can’t you freaking eat fire?! Even I know how to do that… You’ve got a freaking hole in your head now!!!” Haretsa exclaimed, genuinely concerned for Ibara’s well being. While she knew how dangerous that spell was, she was honestly expecting the man to eat her flames and be caught off guard by the explosion she designed the spell to have in case someone tried to eat it. Instead, he had taken the drill straight to his skull and Haretsa couldn’t help but worry and feel responsible.

        Haretsa’s words seemed to fall on deaf ears, as Ibara’s anger seemed to block them out as he refused to give up until Haretsa acknowledged Igneel. ”ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?! WHAT IF THAT HAD GONE THROUGH TO YOUR BRAIN DUMBASS!?” she shouted, but Ibara was hearing none of it as flames engulfed his body once again. He blasted forth in a similar manner to how Haretsa used her flames for momentum, albeit he was a bit slower, and ignited his knuckled before slamming his fist down onto the cobble beneath the two Slayer’s feet. The ground began to quake violently as an explosion of flames erupted from Ibara’s fist before it blasted up underneath Haretsa’s feet; surrounding her body in a violent plume of the raging element she commanded. She couldn’t help but admire Ibara’s tenacity and durability; even if she was concerned about him bleeding his brains out. Standing her ground and looking around at the flames raging around her, Haretsa also admired the nature of Ibara’s flames. There was something oddly beautiful about the magic the two wielded and it was honestly pleasant to be able to see this power used against her.

         Opening her mouth, Haretsa began to suck in the flames from Ibara’s spell into her mouth as if it was an all consuming black hole. When the flames had all vanished into her gullet, the cream haired mage wiped her mouth and let out a rather loud belch that was unbecoming of a proper young lady; though Haretsa was far from being a normal girl. ”Huh, so that’s what my magic tastes like… hot damn is it good! Those are some of the best flame’s I’ve ever eaten!” she exclaimed, turning her attention to Ibara. ”See, Red? It’s not that hard to eat fire… I could teach you if you really don’t know how to do it...” she spoke, knowing he probably would ignore her and continue attacking. ”He’s really not gonna stop till he beats me I guess… I wonder if I should just use Fusion Force to get this over with… but then I wouldn’t get to enjoy the fight… but I really should get him medical attention… but I’m enjoying this….” Haretsa thought as Ibara responded to her, having a small dilemma as she was enjoying being able to fight against another Slayer that was closer to her than Ardere or Kite were.


    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Haretsa_by_ravenart5-d8uft6q
    "They call me 'H', 'cuz I turn asses to ashes!!"
    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Team-s10
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    Lightning Bolt Gif

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    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Re: Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by Blood Plus 10th March 2016, 5:24 pm

    Words: 668
    Tags: Haretsa Shikon

    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    Ibara’s chest rose and fell heavily as he stood opposite Haretsa with a leakage of blood dripping from an orifice that had opened previously due to the female dragon slayer’s blow to his head. He didn’t care. Despite the severity of the wound and the already insetting light-headedness he was beginning to feel after having his head opened up without even a milliseconds notice, Ibara had already persevered to this battle, regardless of the pain; he was determined to show to Haretsa who Igneel was. He’d demonstrate that through his perseverance, his willpower, and his flames of emotion. Unlike most people in the modern world – Ibara would decide to let his fists do the talking, they were much more effective than his speech anyway.

    The young dragon slayer breathed heavily deciding against charging head on as Haretsa criticized his stupidity although part of the tactical dragon knew why he hadn’t consumed the flames from her spell. She overpowered him, dominated him in every aspect of magical power, despite their shared affinitial element within their magic, consuming it would simply be too much for Ibara – despite how much he hated such a fact to be true, he wasn’t a total idiot, especially when it came to combat – this was something he was born to do and he was darn good at it. Without the ability to consume his element, that only left the option of blocking or dodging her incoming strikes. Both difficult tasks since she vastly outranked him in power-level as well, not to mention she’d only used the most simplistic of her spell arsenal judging by the way that she wasn’t fatigued at all, the female dragon slayer had a lot more up her sleeve than she let on, Ibara would have to think this one through if he were to have any chance at winning this. There was also the fact that she could consume his spells with absolute ease, if he were to overwhelm her, it would have to be with his physical strength, not his magical presence.

    ”This is just a scratch. I’m not letting up until you say that name ten times over…”

    Ibara was pushing his luck to such a combatively superior opponent but this was about all he had. He spoke confidently and willingly despite knowing in the back of his mind that winning was an impossibility. He tried his best and his fists clenched at the thought of losing. He may lose this fight, terribly, but he wouldn’t let up until he wasn’t breathing any longer or Haretsa finally complied to his terms of ending the battle. She would remember the name. The King of the magic they both wielded. She had to.


    His movements were spontaneous, like lightning itself, before even beginning the annunciation of his spell, Ibara had moved at blinding speeds towards the ground, keeping in mind his body was still ignited with a raging dragon’s inferno due to the aforementioned effects of his fiery scales, augmenting his speed terrifically. Within the space of only a few seconds, Ibara was crouched down just below Haretsa, his neck tilted and his hands clasped around his mouth to make an aiming cylinder directly directly at Haretsa’s head. However, he knew she’d be able to consume such a thing, even from this range, her power was tremendous and he was sure not to underestimate it twice. After the spell was released, Ibara jumped upwards with a full frontal punch following the release of fire from his mouth in an uppercut formation. Even if she were distracted with consuming the flames he released, his punch, now concealed by the flames he’d breathed out towards her would hopefully connect in time. His fist sweated with determination. This was a do-or-die moment, being within such a close vicinity to such a more dominating opponent was practically suicide for the weaker magician but Ibara was a reckless enthusiastic. He’d stop at nothing to make her say the name…





    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) CNMQ731

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    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Re: Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by DragonPantsu 12th March 2016, 10:07 pm

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) 153164

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) 153164





    "Behold, the intricate and subtle weaving of my cunning arcane . . . ah, screw it. Burn a lot!"

    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) CANAAN

    - Haretsa

       Haretsa was right in her assumption that Ibara would ignore her concerns, writing his wound off as merely a scratch and stating he wouldn’t stop until she said Igneel’s name ten times over. The young Ace of Infinity Hydra really did admire the young man’s tenacity, but this was getting a bit ridiculous. The blood that was dripping down from Ibara’s already red hair was rather steady and made Haretsa worry even more. Was all of this really necessary just for Haretsa to say Igneel’s name; and didn’t she already say it in the first place? What the heck was the point of him going on like this? These thoughts ran through the cream haired mage’s head as the hot headed Dragon Slayer opposite of her began to make another move.

        Still crouched down from his earlier attack, Ibara moved rather quickly; inhaling as much air as he could before exhaling it out in a blazing roar mere feet below Haretsa. ”From such a close range knowing I can eat his magic with no problem… He’s not that stupid, there’s gotta be something more to this…” the girl thought as she took the plume of flames to the face without much of a problem. She would soon learn that she was right, for as soon as Ibara’s mouth closed, he rocketed himself upward to deliver an uppercut straight to Haretsa’s jaw. The punch was rather impressive and definitely connected, but Haretsa wasn’t concerned at all. When Ibara’s fist connected with Haretsa’s skin, he would find it blown back down by a small explosion that seemed to originate from Haretsa’s skin. It was a good attempt on Ibara’s part to mask a melee attack with his roar, even if it wasn’t much of a problem to the more powerful Dragon. ”If you wanna take it to a fist fight, that’s fine with me!” she exclaimed, propelling her right knee forward with a sudden burst of flames aimed straight for Ibara’s face.

       Whether or not Ibara blocked, dodged, or took the knee, Haretsa wasn’t going to let him breathe for a moment; or so it would appear. She rushed towards the red haired Dragon Slayer with a rapid blast of flames and placed her hand on his head; directly over the open wound she had caused earlier. Haretsa would then quickly set her hand ablaze, no doubt causing the wound to sting a lot, but this wasn’t her intention. She was actually cauterizing the wound temporarily so that Ibara wouldn’t lose any more blood during their fight. ”There, now you’re not gonna pass out or die of blood loss and we can continue without me having to worry!!” Haretsa exclaimed with a smile, stepping back a bit before entering a rather strange pose. The girl’s right leg was place out in front of her and bent to lower herself ever so slightly with her left leg stretched out to the back. Her left arm was brought out in front of her face as a form of guard while her right was cocked back in a somewhat relaxed yet ready to strike kind of position. Whatever this was probably appeared rather strange to Ibara, but it was Haretsa’s combat stance for the martial arts she practiced heavily whilst growing up in Talonia. While Haretsa had grown much more skilled at using her magic as of late, the martial arts she studied for so many years were still where the young girl truly shined in combat. Ibara was about to learn that the hard way.  

    Factors for Consideration:


    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Haretsa_by_ravenart5-d8uft6q
    "They call me 'H', 'cuz I turn asses to ashes!!"
    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Team-s10
    Haretsa's Theme's:

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    Lightning Bolt Gif

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    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Re: Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by Blood Plus 28th March 2016, 6:03 pm

    Words: 463
    Tags: Haretsa Shikon

    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    An overwhelming sense of pain overtook Ibara's main nervous drive as an explosion emanated from the point of contact on Haretsa's chin. He was sure that his punch had connected but why had she not suffered the consequences? Instead, his fist, now retracted several metres back from Haretsa; his body having skidded back from the explosion, now was smoked and charred around the knuckles where he had initially struck. She seemed unphased while her chin smoked from where Ibara had connected. Slowly, with his hands dragging restlessly against the floor, Ibara waved to his feet as the familiar feeling of fatigue began overcoming him, a sensation that was no doubt going to cross Ibara at some point.

    As Ibara raised his hands to strike once more, he was brought to a halt by the shifting of Haretsa's stance. Her legs moved simultaneously, one moving infront and the other in the latter direction. Professionalism wreaked off her body, literal steam emanating off her person as she radiated with confidence and technique. Ibara gritted his slightly fanged teeth to the extent where his lip began to bleed with determination. He wasn't going to go down now, he took a step forward and his leg wobbled almost forcing him to stumble to his knees but the young dragon took it all in his stride and launched forwards. He had no guard, no defensive position, no real technique to his fight, he was a brawler through and through, resorting to his pure brutality and instinctive survivalistic nature to prevail in his battles and for the most part; this method succeeded for him but would it prevail against such a dominant fighter? Only a few more seconds would the young dragon for his answer, fists raised ahead of him, faking one punch to let the other launch forwards. His left and right hand moved simultaneously in order to provoke the female into blocking one while being struck with the other. As for the explosions that radiated off her skin, Ibara hoped he was fast enough to consume the explosion before it struck him, but would this even a possibility? Beforehand, it had all happened within a flash, not one second passed before Ibara had skidded back as a result of the force that had pushed him.

    "You won't have to worry about me."

    Ibara grinned with a fanged smile while having simultaneously launched his body forwards beforehand. His whole body wreaked of confidence despite his weaker disadvantage and he exuded raw ability that had only yet to be transformed into passionate skill. This battle was a question of whether he could perform this transformation in time to finally get his message across. His body moved forwards metaphorically moving towards his goal. He would make Haresta remember the name.




    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) CNMQ731

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    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty I'M BACK BITCHES

    Post by DragonPantsu 30th April 2016, 5:36 pm


       Blazing red eyes kept themselves glued on her opponent as he rushed forward towards her. Ibara had a good technique for augmenting his speed that was similar to Haretsa's own; but the difference in how much the two had honed their respective techniques was apparent. That combined with Ibara's obvious lack of a true fighting style meant Haretsa had the upper hand in every respect for this fight. She had fought plenty of idiots in Talonia while she was growing up who fought in the same manner as Ibara; trying to rely on pure animal instincts to be wild, brutal, and unpredictable in a fight. However, Haretsa was able to beat every last one of them thanks to the training she received from that old man she had met one day. That man taught her a very unique type of martial art that was only slightly common in the country he hailed from; making it completely foreign to people from Fiore. She took this style and combined it with what she was already practicing at the time, blending the two into a deadly and unpredictable style of her own backed by the power of a dragon that flowed through her veins.

        Halting her movements so that her right arm was in front of her face as a guard with her left foot forward and right stretched out to the back; Haretsa waited as Ibara threw two punches at her simultaneously. With a quick burst of flames from her body, Haretsa propelled herself down and to the right; landing on the palm of her right hand as Ibara's fists went whizzing between her legs. With another swift burst, Haretsa locked her legs around Ibara's arms with an iron grip and began pivoting around on her hand; swinging Ibara around rapidly before launching the Dragon Slayer up into the air. Instead of pursuing him like she normally would, Haretsa merely pushed herself off of her hand and returned to her earlier stance; awaiting the airborne Slayer's next attack. "I really wish we were fighting somewhere else... then I could push him to my level without a problem. I don't wanna end up scorching Sabertooth's guild hall with all that though... this blockhead already ruined one of the walls..." Haretsa thought to herself. There were several ways she could think of to push Ibara beyond his current limits, but all of them involved a hell of a lot of fire and she didn't exactly want to cause poor relations between Infinity Hydra and Sabertooth. "Maybe I should just end this so we can go fight somewhere else...."



    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Haretsa_by_ravenart5-d8uft6q
    "They call me 'H', 'cuz I turn asses to ashes!!"
    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Team-s10
    Haretsa's Theme's:

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    Lightning Bolt Gif

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    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Re: Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by Blood Plus 24th May 2016, 1:00 pm

    Words: 488
    Tags: Haretsa Shikon

    a dragon's tale: unexalted fear
    "With fire in our bellies and the sun in our soul!"
    Ibara's world was turned on it's head as he found himself now opposing the female dragon slayer in a much different perspective than he perspected. With his body upside down and head facing towards the floor, he was quite literally upside-down in the air, his arms held infront of him, limp and threatening to break after just recovering from Haretsa's vice-like leg lock which had been responsible for putting him in this situation in the first place. However, the terrain in which he surrounded himself in would not stop him from prevailing in this fight or rather, getting his point across at the very least. With his limp hands managing to remain in check, he brought them backwards with an agonised gasp to form a cone-like shape around his mouth. Haretsa probably presumed he was going to use Fire Dragon's Roar again, a simple attack from above which was fast and from close-range. It would've been a savage move that wreaked with simplicity but he knew it wouldn't be effective of someone of her calibre and status. No, the young dragon was about to switch his up his style to a very new level.

    Instead of aiming the cone-like flames that now began to bubble in the fiery dragon slayer's mouth downwards towards Haretsa as anyone with any basic combative skills would have interpreted; Ibara curled himself up, bringing his legs inwards so as to roll in mid-air so his face motioned towards the air rather than the ground. He then used the flames which now exploded in a cone-like shape out of his mouth as a jet-propelled attack which augmented his speed tenfold, much more than any normal fire expelled from his hands or feet would. Keeping one hand around his mouth to concentrate the flames in a inferno-propelled stream behind him, his eyes glanced backwards, his remaining arm pointing diagonally downwards so his elbow motioned towards Haretsa. She remained there in that same stance which had thrown Ibara into complacency once before, but the young dragon refused to let it happen again.

    "Fire Dragon's Roar..."

    Ibara's voice channeled through the empty guild hall, he regretted what he was about to do but he simply had to teach Haretsa what Igneel meant to him and his blows seemed to be the only way of getting through to her.

    "...Augmented Dragon Elbow!"

    Like a nuclear bomb, Ibara motioned downwards at breakneck speed, elbow faced forwards. Haretsa would have no choice but to dodge the attack and allow devastation of the Guild Hall or to somehow redirect the attack which seemed like a pretty impossible feat considering the mach speed that the young dragon continued at while the flames continued to propel him to further and further heights. This blow would decide it all. The blast would no doubt knockout Ibara but he didn't care, as long as this move drove his point him. She would remember the name.




    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) CNMQ731

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    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Empty Re: Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus)

    Post by DragonPantsu 12th June 2016, 1:16 pm


     Gazing up at the seemingly helpless Dragon Slayer in the air, Haretsa was snapped out of her thoughts as she saw the red head do exactly what she wanted to see; innovate. Instead of blasting the flames he was gathering within his mouth directly at Haretsa, Ibara spun around in the air and launched the roar upwards; using the force of the move as a way to rocket himself down towards the ground with his elbow aimed directly at his opponent. Haretsa couldn’t help but be reminded of her training with Kite and Ardere at the foot of the Raging Volcano what felt like years ago now. However, now wasn’t the time to get caught up in memories as there was quite the problem currently rocketing down towards her.

      Knowing that dodging would result in some serious damage to the guild hall, Haretsa would have no choice but to meet Ibara’s assault head on. Switching up her stance to a regular standing position, Haretsa blasted out an incredible amount of flames from the back of her body as she caught Ibara’s elbow; attempting to counteract the velocity of his attack with the sheer difference in both magical and physical that she had over him. This proved to be no easy task however, as Ibara’s roar raged on into the sky’s continuing to push him down to the point where the tiles beneath her boots began to crack from the strain. This roar of Ibara’s was quite different from the one he had used on Haretsa earlier. This one was much stronger; likely fueled by the anger Ibara felt over Haretsa not knowing Igneel’s name and possibly even the fact of how much stronger she was than him. These emotions of his pushed his flames past his current boundaries into a realm much closer to Haretsa’s power and the Dragon Heiress couldn’t help but be impressed.

         Quickly redirecting her flames to propel out the left side of her body, Haretsa released her grip from Ibara’s elbow as she attempted a quick side step; or so it would seem. Just as quickly as she had before, Haretsa concentrated her flames to burst out from the right side of her body this time, launching her right arm forward to firmly grasp Ibara by the throat. Using her momentum and his own, the cream haired Dragon Slayer proceeded to drive her opponent down into the floor tiling below; making sure to keep her grip firm as to not send the poor fool careening through the platform and plunging to the earth below. Haretsa was able to keep the damage to a minimum, but this didn’t mean there wasn’t any. The area around where Ibara’s body impacted the platform was shattered with pieces of tile flying up all around the two Dragon Slayers. At least they didn’t detach the entire platform from the Guild Hall! Such was Haretsa’s reasoning anyway, as she looked down at Ibara with a pleased grin upon her face. ”Ya did alright, Red. I’m sure you made Igneel proud of you. But…” she stopped, releasing her grip from Ibara’s throat and standing up above him. ”You still need a lot more training… so if you want to make him really proud, then meet me at the base of the Raging Volcano in about… four months or so. Then I’ll show you what training with a REAL dragon is like because I won't have to be holding back all the time~” she mused in a somewhat cocky tone before making her way to the teleportation lacrima to leave. She knew Ibara would take those words to heart and use them as motivation to get as strong as he could in those four months; and Haretsa couldn’t wait. She had been doing quite a bit of research into a certain subject about the Raging Volcano for quite some time now and if her theory was correct, then Ibara would definitely be receiving some of the best training he could ever hope to achieve. Haretsa just needed a bit more time to prepare for that fated day.  



    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Haretsa_by_ravenart5-d8uft6q
    "They call me 'H', 'cuz I turn asses to ashes!!"
    Visiting the Old Nest (Private w/Blood Plus) Team-s10
    Haretsa's Theme's:

    Magic  Vault of Shinies

      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 3:28 am