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    Find those Puppies

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Find those Puppies Empty Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 11th January 2016, 7:17 am

    From the Guild Board, where all the job could be found, Atsui grabbed a random Rank D mission , only to find later on reading on it, that it was a job of that kind..

    Lost puppies, all heroes end up one day or another looking up for lost puppies or small cats on trees to save. This time was Atsui turn.

    After reading the request, the boy went to meet with the puppies owner next to the church.
    luckily enough that guys was easy to find as he was running around asking people if they have saw  his puppies.

    Hello Mr. Inunana

    The frenetic man stopped to look who was calling out for him. And run towards Atsui to ask if he had seen his puppies around.

    Calm down Inunana san, i'm here to get the job and look for your puppies

    The man shook the mage hand with vigor, and gladly started to explain details of where the dog had been seen and how he lost them.

    WC 169


    Last edited by Atsui Haru on 13th January 2016, 8:05 am; edited 1 time in total


                                     Find those Puppies Step0001

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 122
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    Age : 41
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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 11th January 2016, 7:18 pm

    Atsui started to look for the little puppies as soon as the guy explained all the details.
    It seems like the closer one was next to the butcher shop, he walked down the street to reach the place, and meet many people that were greeting him, and child waving their hands at him.
    It seems that fixing the old man roof and porch, made him quite loved around Magnolia, the sweat he was putting into his jobs, was starting to pay him back.

    Reaching the butcher shop, he saw one of the puppies swagging his tail waiting for food from the butcher shop, but as soon as Atsui got too close the puppy run away swiftly, and the boy started chasing the little dog down the road.

    After the Butcher shop, on the right side ,the street lead to a dead end. The little puppy started running left and right to find a hole to hid himself.

    WC 157



                                     Find those Puppies Step0001

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
    Position : None
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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 11th January 2016, 7:37 pm

    Atsui tried to tame the rebel puppy, but with very bad result, the dog was still running all around, and as soon as he boy started to get closer, the little puppy run through his legs, barking like crazy. Then Atsui void moved exactly in front of the little puppy who got so surprised that he stopped and let the boy win.

    The first little puppy had been captured! Looking up close it was very lovely, and started to lick Atsui face as if it was a lollipop. As he was a bit pissed of getting licked to much, he hurried back to the puppy owner.

    Here you go! We got the first one right?

    With the hope i didn't get the wrong puppy the mage, patiently waited for the answer.
    And after a bit of checking from the owner, he nodded and smiled at Atsui.

    six left now! good job, this was very fast^^

    Then the next target place was explained to Atsui which promptly started to walk.

    WC 169



                                     Find those Puppies Step0001

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 11th January 2016, 8:01 pm

    Next to the church, a couple of puppies had been sighted , after a few days walking around the city, Atsui had gotten accustomed with the street around the guild. And it wasn't so hard to move and reach places quite easily.

    As he reached the holy place, there was a bunch of children running around playing with a normal dog. Atsui went closer to ask if any of them had seen the little puppy. But none of them could give the mage the answer he want, except for a kid who was playing alone with a couple of plastic soldier.

    It seemed to be a lonely kind of kid, as soon as Atsui walked toward him, the kid stopped playing and started to stare him as if he was having visions.

    Hello! why are you here alone?

    The kid that was afraid at the beginning, started to be less scared since Atsui voice was pretty reassuring.

    I'm not alone!! The kid said while showing the mage his little toy soldiers.

    WC 171



                                     Find those Puppies Step0001

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 13th January 2016, 5:03 am

    Atsui smiled at the child and then asked him, if he had seen any puppies around there.
    As the child showed him the way to a small lain on the right of the church, they found the puppy sleeping inside a box.

    The kid wanted to play with the little dog, but Atsui told him that it would be better to let him sleep. After getting out of the lain all the other kids were looking for the mage.

    Hei Mister! Said the older one of the group.
    we saw a little dog just a moment ago, he was running in the mail office direction!

    Atsui gave a pat on the head of that child, thanked him, and then started to walk in the direction the kids told him.

    The sleeping dog seemed to be calm enough, so the black haired mage decided to get two dogs together in this run.

    WC 151


                                     Find those Puppies Step0001

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 13th January 2016, 5:16 am

    Walking for a bit to reach the post office, Atsui noticed that it was getting colder and he was getting worried about the puppies, so her started to walk a bit faster, and in no time the post office was in sight.

    There was a few people there in line like always, but then a guy who was running around frenetically, showed up, screaming.


    He was following one of the little puppies that had stole a fish from his fish shop, and was struggling since the small dog was very fast and unpredictable.

    Atsui run to reach the guy, and told him that pup was a stray dog, he had a owner, and if he was able to get the dog harmless, he could have let the owner pay for the fish the dog stole!
    Then guy then calmed down , and decided to help the mage looking for the dog.

    WC 155



                                     Find those Puppies Step0001

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Posts : 122
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    Age : 41
    Experience : 225

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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 13th January 2016, 6:13 am

    After about fifteen minuts, they found the little dog, in a corner just right back of the fish shop.
    He was concentrated in eating his fish with a satisfied face, and it was relatively easy to catch this guy.

    The fish shop owner, went back to his job, and Atsui went back to the dog owner. He had got two of them in a run, the owner would have been pleased to see that, he was pretty sure about it.
    As he hurried back, the owner was jumping with joy, he now had three of the seven puppies back.

    So Atsui started his search once again, it looked like other pets had been seen next to the market, so he went in that direction, as the sun was starting to slowly hide behind the mountains.

    He didn't know where the market was, so it took a bit of time to reach the place, asking people around for direction, and finally reaching the market, he started to ask stand by stand, if someone had seen those doggies around.

    WC 177



                                     Find those Puppies Step0001

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 13th January 2016, 6:29 am

    The hot dog seller, was the right person to talk to. It was a couple of days that he was feeding two of these small puppies, so he said at least.
    After all he was waiting for the market to close down, since those two dogs were pretty much punctual! The day leftover, were saved to feed stray animals, since that guy loved them so much , he never wasted any of his food from his shop.

    when it was around 20:00 o clock, the market closed down, and the two talked a bit while waiting for the small pup to come get their dinner.

    The owner like the one from the fish shop, thought these puppies were stray dogs, since they had no collar, but Atsui explained what had happened, and the guy agreed, to take the puppies back to their owner!

    As a swiss clock, the two puppies popped out of nowhere and were swagging their tail to the nice guy who used to feed them. The wizard and the shop owner shook hands, and then said goodbye.

    Atsui had now these other two samll dogs in his harms, and they were kinda happy eating their sausages.

    WC 199



                                     Find those Puppies Step0001

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 13th January 2016, 6:39 am

    It was getting really cold around that hour, and when Atsui went back to the owner and delivered the two dog, he had been told to keep searching for the next day, and that he had done a really good job do find , five of them in only one day. But the black haired wizard wanted to finish the job as soon as possible, so he declined the gentle offer from the owner.

    I will finish the job today, i'm a bit worried about the two puppies left.

    And he went to search them after a brief smile. The owner was moved by Atsui kindness and decided to wait there, even if it was freezing.

    There wasn't many people around the town at that time, so it was easier to walk around but harder to ask if someone had seen them. So he just relied on his leg to look in as many places as possible.

    It was 22:00 already, and after two hour of search there was no trace of the two small pup.

    WC 177



                                     Find those Puppies Step0001

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 13th January 2016, 7:06 am

    In the city there was no trace of the doggies, so Atsui thought that they went outside the city, or someone had took them in their house. He decided to take a walk in the city surrounding, it was dark so it was really hard to see, there was just a few lights coming from the city streets.

    Atsui thought that if could not find them now, then he would have to keep searching for the next day. But after serveral minutes walking, he could hear a faint sound coming from the ground.

    At a few meters from him, there was a big hole on the ground, probably a natural phenomenon, it didn't look like a trap when Atsui got near to the sound source.
    As soon as he spoke a word, from inside the hole, he could hear a very very faint bark. It seemed like the small dog had fall inside the hole and was trapped there from quite some time now.

    WC 164



                                     Find those Puppies Step0001

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 13th January 2016, 7:29 am

    Atsui had nothing to get the dog out of that hole, and with only his arm , he couldnt reach the puppy, since the hole was pretty deep. He went back to town running, and met the owner which was still there waiting and freezing to death.

    I found another one , but i need something to dig him out of the hole he fell into!!

    The owner dashed home, and after ten minutes came back with a showel.

    Ok this should do!

    Both of them run back to were Atsui left the little agonizing puppy, and started to dig next to the hole. After a bit of work , the puppy was set free, he was half dead and very very weak, but still safe now. Atsui passed gently the little puppy to his owner, that run home like there was no tomorrow, to take care of that injured and hungry puppy.

    WC 153



                                     Find those Puppies Step0001

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 13th January 2016, 7:40 am

    Atsui was so proud, that he saved that little guy, his effort had paid back.
    But one puppy was left at the roll call. He had still not gave up, and was really close to finish his job, plus he knew where the owner was living now, so he could have brought the puppy home, without the need for the owner to stay outside getting frozen to death.

    One last effort man

    He was trying to encourage himself. As the cold was really getting stingy. It was over midnight but the guy had a very strong sense of duty, so he kept on searching for another couple of hours, until tired and frozen he decided to give up for the day, and went back to the guild.

    Surprised as he could never be, he found one of the puppy inside the guild playing with a couple of the guild mages...

    WC 150



                                     Find those Puppies Step0001

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 13th January 2016, 7:47 am

    Guys!!!! did you found this dog and took him into the guild?

    Asked Atsui with a bit angry voice.

    yea why? outside was cold and we didn't feel like leaving this puppy alone!!

    Atsui Facepalmed himself, and started to explain what he had done the whole day, and the fact that , that dog was a job on the board.

    How can you guys live this carefree!!

    Atsui was still a bit angry but, the puppy was safe , and basically his guildmates had done nothing wrong, except not checking the job board.

    Ok now i got to bring this guy back to his owner, and my job will be over.

    He thought that day would have never end, the two guys played with the puppy for a little bit more, and gave him some food. Then they sadly parted with the small lovely pup and went to sleep.

    WC 150



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    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 13th January 2016, 7:54 am

    As he walked out of the guild, a sudden wall of cold stumbled in Atsui face, the dog istantly started to tremble, and the wizard Wrapped his mantle around the small dog, so he could get a little less cold.

    The guy house wasn't very far, but the cold gave the impression that the house was very very far.
    While walking Atsui was rather happy, he could find all the puppies, and they were all safe. His job was done, even if it took a load of time for that day, he was tired to hell but kinda glad.

    Knocking at the door, the young owner of the dogs, welcomed Atsui as if it was his savior.
    You could see how much he cared about these dogs, tears of joy came out of his face when Atsui took out from his cape the last of the missing puppies.

    Oh my goddess! Thanks a lot for what you did, if i lost one of them i don't know what i would have done!!

    WC 172



                                     Find those Puppies Step0001

    Atsui Haru
    Atsui Haru

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Caine's Descent
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    Find those Puppies Empty Re: Find those Puppies

    Post by Atsui Haru 13th January 2016, 7:59 am

    Everytime a job was done, Atsui felt kinda bad when it was the moment to get paid, he wasn't social at all, but he was a very nice guy inside, so if he could he would have done all these things for free. But a rent had to be payed, and the guild needed wealth as well.

    Poor guild members make a poor guild, and he didn't wanted to be the last wheel of the chariot.
    So even if he didn't like to get paid for those kind of job, he would accept his money with a short smile.

    He was happy, the owner was happy, and the small pup were all sleeping next to the fire in the man house. Atsui got offered a warm tea that he accepted gladly this time, since outside was freezing.

    And after the drink he gave his regard to the Dogs Owner and went back to the guild.

    Another job done, for the guild fame and for himself!

    WC 165



                                     Find those Puppies Step0001


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