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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum


    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Metallicana
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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 14th January 2016, 5:08 pm

    Job INfo:

    Over the Graveyard Sea, four members of the legal guild Fairy Tail, make their way to Shadow Island. A young mage flies with help from his exceed friend. Accompaning the young mage the guildmaster of Fairy Tail. 

    Gamon looked over his shoulder, back to Tykva. She was holding on to him with all her might. The small cat was not used to carrying the mage long distances. Sure she could do short distances, but this was a different. There was to much that could go wrong. She could lose her grip and drop Gamon into the water; or Tykva could run out of magic and plumet into the sea.

    "Hey! How are you holding up back there?" Gamon asked with consern in his voice. He knew that this flight would be a challenge for the small exceed. Tykva agreed to do it, after Heero suggested flying instead of taking a boat to the island. "I'm fine. I told you that I can handle this." Not wanting to distract Tykva further Gamon turned his attention to Heero and Rose. 

    "Hey, Master Heero!" Gamon shouted over the wind. "Can you tell me why we are wearing these cloaks? Also where did you get them from?" He was not going to lie he liked the cloak. Gamon thought it made him more mysterious. There was only one down side to the cloak they were ichy, due to them being made of wool. Gamon hoped that this cloak won't get destroyed. He hoped he could incorporate it into his normal wardrobe. 

    Looking over towards the horizon. Gamon could see dark clouds slowly gathering. They seemed to be considerate in one area. This must be the Shadow Island, Gamon thought to himself. "Is that where we are heading, Gamon?", Tykva asked. "That is what I'm thinking, but I am not to sure." 

    Looking over towards his guildmaster, Gamon wanted to get confirmation. Before, he could say anything to Heero, something caught his attention. In the waters below them there were hundreds of ships sailing for the island. Pointing at the armada below, "Hey! What the hell is with all the ships?"


    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Te9PCpv

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    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Haru-senpai 16th January 2016, 12:49 pm

    The camera would be from the side point of view, as two Dragon Slayers flown by their Exceeds. One black, one red, was shown. The cats barreled through the skies, although one dipped down a few times with a sweatdrop over it's head.

    Heero looked to his left left, noticing Tykva was struggling a bit after such a long flight. Rose being from Edolas was used to carrying bundles of weapons and things heavier than Heero with ease. Their black cloaks fluttered in the wind, the both their cloaks had hoods upon them, as within a moment; Gamon yelled over to him.

    "Heh, well....one of the sacred Treasures of Ca-Elum, the lost blade Fenrir is on this island....the President of Ca-Elum didn't want anyone knowing that he asked for help from an outside nation. We can take them off when we arrive if you'd like, but we couldn't be seen approaching as Fairy Tail."

    He looked over to Gamon with a nod, usually; they would display their emblem loud and proud. However, Heero had a friendship with the President of Ca-Elum. After recovering their National Weapon; the Hammer Worldbreaker. Alongside Rita Stebern...his old Teammate along with Simon an Ken...who know was known as the Basilisk Fang Guildmaster, Famine. So he figured he could do him a favor and recover the blade.

    Since the blade was rumoured to have been found in Fiore; the President had no time to mobilize a strike force to send into Fiore; and Shadow Island. Therfore he reached out to his friends at Fairy Tail.

    "Treasure Hunters..." Rose said over the wind, replying to Gamon's question. "Probably from all over Earthland....we've gotta beat them to the blade!"

    With a nod, the Exceed were shown blasting off on wind. Finally dipping down into the islands treeline like diving birds. They would pull up and land, dropping Gamon and Heero next to one another in swoops of their cloaks. Standing to his full height as their cats landed on their shoulders; he would nod at his fellow Dragon Slayer. With Heero here, able to sense Magic Powers on an H-Ranked scale; they had a significant advantage over the Treasure Hunters who would have to track the blades signature with tools and other devices.

    "This way! I can feel something...radiating with a ton of Metal magic." he smirked at Gamon as he said this. "You probably can feel it too." he would say to the Iron Dragon; who was probably more sensitive to the element of metal. Tracking a magical blade should be just as easy for him, if not easier; even though Heero was unbelievable powerful with Sensory; few could track metal like an Iron Dragon.

    They were shown with their hoods down, cats on their shoulder walking through Shadow Island; which seemed to be permanently night time. Heero then heard a large group approaching them from directly ahead through the trees.


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Rose


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by NPC 16th January 2016, 12:49 pm

    The member 'Heero-chama' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum StrongMonster Lost Blades of Ca- Elum NormalMonster Lost Blades of Ca- Elum NormalMonster Lost Blades of Ca- Elum WeakMonster Lost Blades of Ca- Elum WeakMonster

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Posts : 287
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Metallicana
    Experience : 1581.25

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 17th January 2016, 1:53 pm

    ((O.O.C.: I'm sorry if the pacing is kinda off. I suck at pacing. Let me know if I need to speed up or slow down.))

    Gamon closed his eyes. He could sense something. He could not tell exactly what it was, or where it was coming from. Gamon figured that since Heero was such a powerful mage, that his senses were going to be sharper than his own. He hoped that one day he could be as powerful as Heero or be more powerful than him. Opening his eyes, Gamon could see that his guild master started to move out. Not wanting to get left behind, he quickly caught up to Heero.

    Hearing russling coming from just ahead of them, Gamon froze in his tracks. In a low tone he whispered over to his fellow slayer. "What was that? Could that be the treasure hunters? What can we do?" Gamon was on edge. Not only is it hard to see, but the approaching group sounded to be quite large. Tykva butted in. "I think we should hide. I would rather not get into a fight right now. I'm still tired from the flight here." Gamon nodded in agreement. He looked around for a good place to hide, with no luck.

    Just ahead of the group of Fairy Tail, a group of treasure hunters cut through the shrubbery. "Aw, man. Well it looks like we might have to fight." He tried to sound tough, but there was still fear in his voice. He took Tykva off of his shoulder, and placed her on the ground. "Hey, listen I know you're tired, but you got to do something for me." He said as he knelt down, while he took off the cloak and handing it to the small exceed. "Take this and go hide. I don't want you to be in harms way. I have an odd feeling that this fight will be a tough one." "But..." Tykva tried to protest. "No! Go! I can't let you get hurt on my watch." Tykva nodded and flew away.

    "Hey! Look over there!" One of the treasure hunters called out to the rest of their group. Another chimed in. "State your business here or we will attack."


    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Te9PCpv

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    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Haru-senpai 17th January 2016, 4:21 pm

    As they stepped up through the treeline they locked eyes with a large group of treasure hunters.

    Thirty of them looked extremely young and either new to the game, or spoiler rotton; because their clothes were fresh and clean. Guns and swords barely used. Another ten looked more along the lines of Captain Jack Sparrow, very skilled and very varied in their weaponry. With bullets and guns hanging all over them.

    Behind those forty; were two blonde young men. Both of whom Heero sensed radiated Magic Power of at least B-Class, nearly A. He couldn't help but think they looked familiar. He then realized they were Crystal-Make wizards, students of Harper Goldshine: The Hunter.

    "Long time no see, Heero-sama." one of them called from behind their legion of treasure hunters. "You're outmanned and outgunned. Not that it matters to you, you could probably kill all of these guys in about one second couldn't you?"

    With that the entire group of pirates and treasure hunters comically turned around with anime faces and sweatdrops.

    "You know killing's not my style...but I do like to humiliate and embarass people..." Heero said, throwing his cloak off behind him.

    "The blade is ours! Men take care of them!" and with that, they dipped off--running deeper into the dark natural forests of Shadow Island. As a hail of gunfire rained down upon Heero and Gamon.

    Without even moving, Heero would turn on his Lightning Aura and move to the side left and right...catching bullets. Like something out of the Matrix, they rained gunfire on them for a good four minutes, as Heero streaking back and forth in front of Gamon would look like a net of electricity from so many passes. Eventually---they stopped shooting; out of bullets. Guns smoking, as the pirates laughed, cigars in their mouths.

    But when the smoke cleared, Heero was seen holding a HUGE pile of bullets in his hand as the entire troupe of them screamed in horror comically anime style.

    "Thanks, I think I'll give this to my friend...it probably smells like a big pile of Nachos to him right Gamon-sama?" Heero would turn around, bullets pouring out of his hands like pennys as he would let Gamon have his sizzling hot lunch, since the bullets had just been fired.

    "OH MY GOD! HE CAUGHT THEM ALL!" little did this idiots know, as they talked amongst eachother, some of them making a run for it. That Gamon was probably about to go into Dragon Force and destroy all forty of them from eating thousands of bullets.

    Heero would then step back, wearing clothes identical to Natsu's but with a purple scarf instead.

    The fleet of treasure hunters would draw swords, battleaxes, spears, and the like and then charge at Gamon. Who probably was feeling pretty good right now. He wondered if his skin would turn all Iron like Gajeel's. If so...their weapons would be useless against him.

    40 v. 1 Heero wanted to see Gamon shine.


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Rose


    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Metallicana
    Experience : 1581.25

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 19th January 2016, 8:53 pm

    Gamon stepped back. He knew it was only his guildmaster, but still electricity is a fickle thing. Even though it is under the control of a high ranking wizard, it is still attracted to metal. Gamon could not help but to be amazed at the speed at which Heero was traveling. He was faster than a speeding bullet. Heero was protect Gamon in the most amazing way possible. This would be a story to tell for the years to come. 

    It seemed as if the funs shots were slowing down. Then, silence fell over the dark forest, for only a brief moment. The treasure hunters began to laugh. Gamon watched as their smiling faces slowly turned to faces of terror. Heero dumped what seemed to be a mountain of bullets at Gamon's feet. His eyes widened not just because Heero caught all of them, but because this would be larges amout of iron he has eaten. He began to chomp down on the still warm bullets. There was nothing better than warm iron. 

    As Gamon neared the bottom of the pile, His eyes started to glow a fiery red. Other than that, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He stood up straight and laughed a little to himself. "Well, are you guys just going to stand there or actually fight me. It only me you got to fight." Pointing back at Heero, "He won't intervene. I can promise that." Gamon called out with a new found confidence in his voice. 

    The treasure hunters looked at one another, unsure how to proceed. Then, all of the sudden they all made a mad dash for Gamon with swords drawn. Gamon didn't move a muscle as the treasure hunters took turns attacking him. Strike after strike, they all slashed the young dragon slayer. Little did they know their attacks did almost nothing. Their attacks only revealed under his skin was a thick layer of iron scales. He began to laugh. Softly at first, then grew louder. All of the treasure hunters stepped back. Gamon's expressions changed quickly, to a more serious tone. 

    "Now, it's my turn." He slowly began to inhale as much air as he could. "Iron Dragon's Roar!" A large tornado of wind and iron shards came out of Gamon's mouth. Taking out any enemies in front of him for 75 meters. Knocking anyone down and taking out most of the rookies. 

    Gamon looked at the damage he dealt and couldn't help but to be proud at what he did. "Hey. Master did you see that." 

    Once again getting serious, he looked at the remaining enemies. How can I get rid of these pest now? He thought to himself. He chose the best spell for the job. "Iron Dragon's Sword!" His arm morphed in to a large jagged iron sword. With out thinking he began his assault on the remaining treasure hunters. Moving quickly, he struck with amazing accuracy. They never stood a chance. After two strikes from his sword and they were down for the count. 

    Gamon stuck down the last one. He looked around amazed at what power he had. He looked back towards Heero, and tried to gauge what he thought of what he did. He started to walk over to Heero. His iron scales slowly faded back to skin. Gamon made it to Heero. "Hey, I feel kinda sleepy." He then fell over worn out from such a rapid use of his magic.


    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Te9PCpv

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    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Haru-senpai 20th January 2016, 11:18 pm

    Heero watched with a smirk as Gamon chomped on the pile of bullets, such a hot meal must've been great for the Iron Dragon Slayer. Heero would only get a sweatdrop over his head as Gamon continued to chomp away; destroying the pile of bullets like he was devouring Nachos.

    "Well damn...." Heero said, not expecting him to eat them that quickly. He blinked a few times as Gamon stood to his feet, daring the treasure hunters to attack him; and saying Heero would stay out of it. Which he would, because he had a feeling these guys were in for it.

    The ground rumbled as the huge crowd of treasure hunters charged at Gamon, who merely stood with his arms crossed. Heero noticed that his eyes had changed color to red, and they were glowing Dragon Slayer Red, at the next moment Heero watched as the men slung slashes, at Gamon's body his neck, his face, his arms, everywhere. But all that happened was...they seemed to be hitting against steel, as sparks flew. Heero was amazed as the cuts in Gamon's skin revealed Iron Scales. As his skin healed quickly, Heero was amazed by the power of the Iron Dragon.

    "Damn those swords are doing nothing......even if they shot him with a tank he might not move." he watched as Gamon inhaled, Heero as a Slayer himself knew what was coming and took a step back bending his knees as a huge roar of metal shards filled the environment, whirling like a tornado and chopping into the crowd of enemies literally; leaving them all knocked out except for a few stragglers who stumbled around, clothes ripped up and cut.

    Gamon then dashed in rapidly, eyes still glowing red. He moved with speed well above his rank. With a quick display of swordwork; turning his own arm into a blade, Heero walked up behind him with his arms crossed, as Gamon took them down with two ringing strikes each, his arm melding back into regular form when he was done.

    "Tired? Heh, that's cause you're not used to having more Magic Power than your body needs.....it's like the idis...after you eat a bunch of pancakes or a big dinner you want to go to sleep, ahahhaha, you're nice and full...but that doesn't mean our job is over."

    Rose would walk up on the ground next to Heero and Gamon arms crossed as she dusted her dress off by habit before she talked.

    "Yea, we still need to catch up to those twins...I think they were the Gem Brothers....Crystal-Make wizards...strong ones too, I could sense it." Exceeds were way more tuned to sensing magic power than even Slayers. With a nod too Rose, Heero would walk closer to Gamon, as he rubbed the back of his head. Knowing that Rose, even though she was just an Exceed could've handled all those guys by herself. Being almost as strong as Heero personally, it often unnerved him how powerful the red cat was.

    "Right now if you wanted too, you could power up into something called Dragon Force, because you have more Magic than your body needs.....but if you did that...." Heero could only imagine how powerful Gamon would be. "Let's just.....say if you were to raise your Magic Power to max right now, you'd undergoe quite the transformation..." his skin would turn completely to Iron on the outside, and he would have unlimited Magic Power for a little while. But it wasn't time to use Dragon Force just yet.....the power of a Dragon should not be taken lightly.

    "For now...let's move deeper into the forest. Gamon, try to stay awake and get used to the feeling of being full......when we get back to the Guild, I'll tell you more about Dragon Force; and unlocking the real power of a Dragon....Tykva! It's safe to come out now!" truthfully, Heero wasn't so sure Gamon wouldn't unlock it on this mission personally himself. Heero only hoped he could control the power of the Iron Dragon.

    They would then set off deeper into the Dark Island, with the only light being a bit from the sun coming through the trees.


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Rose


    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Metallicana
    Experience : 1581.25

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 21st January 2016, 5:35 pm

    From the word of the Guildmaster, Tykva flew back to with the others unaware at the events that happened. As she touched down she saw Gamon on the ground. Turning her back toward Gamon, she looked at Heero and Rose. "Oh no. Is he okay? What happened? How did this happen?" She franticly asked wanting answers for why her friend was on the ground.

    Gamon placed a hand on the exceeds head in between her ears. Tykva perked up. She knew who the hand belonged to. Gamon sat with is his legs crossed, with his other hand he rubbed his eye. He looked dead tired. "I'm fine. How many times do I have to tell you not to worry about me." She looked at Gamon with tears of joy in her eyes. She was thrilled to know her friend was alright. "I'm just really tired. I had a pretty intense battle just now." He made it to his feet. "Hey, do you have the cloak I gave you?" Tykva nodded and handed to dark cloak to Gamon, who put it on immediately. 

    The words of Heero echoed in his head. Dragon Force. He thought back to his time training with Metalicana. Gamon tried to remember if he said anything about it. The real power of a dragon. Would it really be possible for a mere human to possess such power. Gamon knew that Dragon Slayer magic was extremely powerful, but to be on par with a dragon would be unbelievable. He looked towards Heero and Rose, who had already started of in to the dark woods. Motioning to Tykva he slowly followed them. 

    "Heero, what exactly is Dragon Force? I can't recall Metalicana ever saying anything about it." Gamon wanted answers. If he could be as strong as a dragon, then he could finally achieve his goal. Gamon made a promise to himself that he could only face Metalicana if he could rival the dragons power himself.


    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Te9PCpv

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    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Haru-senpai 22nd January 2016, 1:08 am

    Heero walked through the forests of Shadow Island, he and Gamon were just two shadows joining the others at this point. Barely passing through any light at all on their way. Heero liked traveling with Gamon, it was mostly silent as he was pretty sure that they were both focused on not stepping off a cliff on an island as dark as this one; and remaining alert.

    The silence was only broken by the sound of Gamon's voice, asking a very signature question.

    "....Dragon Force." Heero would stop walking, wearing his black cloak as well; having pulled it on once more just like Gamon had. Heero's back was to Gamon, and his hood was down; so he was visible up ahead. But he didn't turn around as he spoke next. Little did anyone know...that Heero, like Acnologia had actually mastered the power of a Dragon. Heero could now change into his full Dragon Form freely, just as the Black Dragon could. Explaining Dragon Force brought all types of emotions from him, there was a time when he almost lost himself to the rage of a Dragon, like Acnologia. But with proper guidance from Zeuslogia; his father Dragon who he finally found. He was able to control the transformation.

    Dragon Force however, was wielding the power of a Dragon without undergoing the actual transformation. Sometimes, it could be even more powerful.

    "....Is unlocking the power of a Dragon that sleeps within every slayer. Metallicana's soul is within yours as well. Those times you spent together, no matter how harsh meant something....a piece of her will always be with you. You can awaken her power if you have enough of her element....I'll tell you more back at the Guild."

    Heero would say, continuing to walk ahead. Through the dark forest, as he heard more people up ahead talking. Although they were hundreds of feet ahead, his Slayer hearing was super crisp, as was Gamon's he knew.


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Rose


    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Nature's Blessing
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    Age : 27
    Mentor : Metallicana
    Experience : 1581.25

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 24th January 2016, 12:55 pm

    "The dragon that sleeps in all slayers..." Gamon said to himself in a low voice. Heero's answer to his question only left Gamon with more questions. His curiosity had not been satisfied. Sadly he knew Heero would not tell him anymore about it until they got back to the guild. Gamon got lost in thought as the two slayers trekked through the woods. Was that the power I had after I ate all of those bullets. How could Metalicana be in me? He left me here. I am not sure why though. Could it be possible that he has been with me all this time? Nonsense that is impossible.

    Gamon was only brought back to reality when he heard movement ahead of Heero and himself. Once again it sounded like another large group. He gave it to the treasure hunters, they knew how to get the upper hand. By traveling in large packs they could easy over run a smaller group. Instantly neutralizing the threat. The only problem they faced was that they weren't facing just some ordinary people. They were going to go toe to toe with two Dragon Slayers from Fairy Tail. They were bound to lose this fight.

    The group of fairies made their way to an edge of a clearing. Through the bushes a group of treasure hunters had gathered. It seemed like they where drawing up an new game plan. Maybe they did not except Fairy Tail to be here to stop them. Gamon scanned the crowd. He then saw the same two wizards from before. He recalled the interactions between them and Heero. It seemed like they had some history together. "Hey, Heero. What is the story between you and the two mages over there and from before?" Gamon asked in a low whisper, not wanting to draw attention to them.


    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Te9PCpv

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Haru-senpai 24th January 2016, 9:42 pm

    Rose would lead the way, keeping her arms crossed. Honestly, they were going through all this trouble to fetch a blade for the President of Ca-Elum. It must've had some insane magical properties for them to go through all this trouble. Not to mention the other treasure hunters in the area.

    As the knelt down in front of a large treeline and bush, they could easily see a large group of treasure hunters up ahead.

    "Huh? These guys? Hm. Well let's just say their teacher..the one who taught them Crystal-Make, Harper Goldshine is one of the most famous treasure hunters in Fiore...maybe even Earthland." Heero would almost whisper this as he would turn his attention back to them.

    They were about A-Class, so he felt they could take them on. Especially with Gamon discovering his new might; he probably still had some magic power saved up from that bullet feast.

    Rose swished her tail, kneeling. Her white dress still clean.

    "Let's tail them for a little while...I think they're onto something." Rose nodded towards them as she noticed one of the blonde twins furiously pointing at a map arguing with another group of treasure hunters that looked like they were all Nekos from Joya. The cat men weren't having any of their business--and a huge fight broke out. Even some spells went flying.

    "This is our chance to make a B-Line for the sword.....Gamon, can you smell a powerful source of magic coming from a piece of metal anywhere in the woods? If you concentrate hard enough it should smell like dessert or cake to you." Heero explained how powerful sources of magical metal would smell delicious to Gamon, like powerful sources of magical lightning smelled delicious to him. Even over miles.

    When Gamon gave the signal, the four Fairy Tail wizards would move in unison in a swoop of their black cloaks through the trees, too fast for most of the treasure hunters to see. However the blonde twins got wind of them, and chased after them with A-Ranked speed. Blasting crystal-make spells after them, and coating entire trees and grass in crystal behind Gamon and Heero as they moved.


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Rose


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 26th January 2016, 3:08 pm

    Gamon inhaled deeply. If what Heero said is true, then the scent of the blade should stick out like a sore thumb. He got all kinds of smells. He could mostly pick up on the group of treasure hunters' horrible body odor. Something stuck out to Gamon's nose. It smelled sweet, just like what Heero had described. The sweet aroma of what seemed like a delicious chocolate cake filled Gamon's nostrils. He could now figure out which way they need to head, in order to make it to the sword. Gamon had a suspicion that the H ranked Guildmaster already knew which way it was, and he was just testing him. 

    They started off into a full sprint through the forest. The two Dragon Slayers moved to fast for the treasure hunters to notice, but on the other hand the crystal- make mages noticed. They moved fast. Easily catching up to them. They shot spells towards Heero and Gamon, causing the two of them to dodge the incoming spells. Trying to lose them, or at the very least slow them down a little bit, Gamon decided to cast one of his spells. "Iron Dragon's Thorn's!" Without losing step, Gamon quickly executed a front handspring making sure he punched the ground at the right moment. The punch caused iron spikes to randomly jut out of the ground. He stuck the landing and continued to run behind Heero. 

    Gamon looked backwards to see if it did anything to slow them down. He watched as the iron turned to crystal as one of the brothers smashed through it with ease. Gamon was shocked on how easy his iron was destroyed. Uncertain, about the inevitable fight he turned to Heero and not wanting to lead the crystal- make mages to the sword. "Hey, I think we should get this fight over with. I don't want to lead them to the sword."


    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Te9PCpv

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Haru-senpai 26th January 2016, 9:12 pm

    As they kicked off of trees, the camera would be sideways as Gamon, Heero, and their two Exceeds went soarinng by. Crystal coating over the trees behind them as they moved, the Exceeds flying overhead of the two slayers slighty ahead of them.

    Gamon would perform an amazing frontflip, and in slow-mo to Heero he would punch the ground as Iron started shooting up in huge jutting spikes and spears behind them along the pathway in front of the twins.

    "Nice Gamon!" Rose said as she saw the twins get caught up dodging the iron beams and spikes. However-------

    Crack...crack....' they began to coat over with blue crystal as one of the twins came charging through with a shoulder ram of A-Ranked force.

    "....Holy crap!" Rose would yell as she looked back, the twins leaping off of trees behind them.

    As they would break out into a clearing, Heero would hear Gamon's voice mid-air as they flipped out into a rocky area on Shadow Island surrounded by trees on all sides.

    "Yea, you're right. Let's do this." Heero said as he landed at a slide next to Gamon across from the Gemstone Brothers. "Look...you two know there's no way you can defeat me, why don't you just let us take the blade and leave...it'll save you a headache." Heero said as he knocked his head comically, threatening the twins at the same time.

    "We were only B-Class last, you saw us...we're a lot stronger now. Boss has taken us to new heights." they would raise their fists, as crystal grew on them threateningly.

    Heero would raise an eyebrow; and then vrooom! hop out of a lightning bolt just in front of one of the twins. So fast that their hair and clothes were still moving, eyes widening in surprise but it was too late. With a single chop downwards, a crater exploded from underneath one of the twins with H-Ranked force as Heero was shown in slow-mo hammering him down with the chopping motion.

    The other twin reached over in slow-mo and tried to fire a crystal eagle with Crystal-Make at Heero; but he was already disappearing in another lightning bolt appearing back next to Gamon with his hands on his hips.

    "Down in one hit! Oh dear me!" Heero said, arms crossed as he nodded to Gamon sideways towards the other twin. "Kick the shit outta this guy." as Heero said this with a smirk, Rose would cheer him on landing on Heero's shoulder.

    "Yeah get him Gamon! Forget his rank! You're still charged up from all that Iron! Believe in yourself! You can beat his Crystal-Make!" as Rose yelled this, waving a paw. The remaining twin would look extremely angry; pounding a hand into his fist.

    "After him....you're next Gold Salamander." he would say before charging Gamon with several crystal lions and then a huge elephant made out of crystal behind it.


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Rose


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 28th January 2016, 5:55 pm

    Gamon stood there as he watched the guildmaster of Fairy Tail strike down the A ranked crystal mage in one hit. He was in complete and utter shock. Gamon did not know that a H ranked wizard had such power. He would have never believed it, that he could have knocked out another high ranked wizard in one hit, if he did not just seen it. Gamon quickly gave up the idea of ever challenging Heero in a one on one fight. Not just for the reason that he was very powerful, but also he used lighting magic. Iron and lighting don not mix well, if they are put head to head. 

    Gamon snapped out of thought and into the harsh reality. He came back to over hear the conversation between Heero and the remaining brother. Apparently, Heero had signed him up to a one way ticket to Hurt Town. Gamon just stood in shock. The two wizards were not even close to being on the same level. An A rank versus a C rank. It was almost obvious which mage would win. Gamon looked towards Heero, "Hey, are you sure about this one? I mean we aren't on the same level. I am going to get my but kicked harder than ever before." Gamon's voice was shaken with uncertainty. He guessed that he did not have any say in the matter at this point. The brother had a wild look in his eyes. It was a look of revenge and determination. Gamon walked forward, ahead of Heero. "Well if I get killed, It's on you." He told Heero as he walked past him. Gamon slowly took off his cloak, and threw it over at Tykva who was ready to catch it. "Be careful out there. If you need help I'll be here waiting." He nodded at her comment.

    "Alright, I'll go easy on you since you clearly don't know who you are talking to." Gamon tried to intimidate the brother. Having it not work at all. Before Gamon could even get into a fighting stance the remaining Gem Brother was already in striking distance. The slayer had little time to react, before he crystal make wizard kicked Gamon. Causing his body to be flung back behind Heero. Gamon bounced a off the ground before finally landing with a thud. The young wizard slowly made it to his feet shaken but ready for a fight. 


    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Te9PCpv

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Haru-senpai 29th January 2016, 12:06 am

    Heero watched on as Gamon stepped up the Guildmaster would keep his arms crossed as a shot of him with a serious expression was shown.

    "You sure about this?" Rose would ask as she hoped off of Heero's shoulder onto the ground putting a hand on the hip of her dress as she swished her tail. Heero would merely nod.

    "Yeah Gamon's got this." as Gamon taunted the Gem Brother, Heero would see the opponent rocket forward with nearly S-Class speed and knee Gamon across the clearing easily 30 feet. His eyes would widen for a moment as this happened as Rose took a step forward in shock.

    Heero would put an arm out in front and below himself, in front of Rose. Shaking his head, he would nod towards Gamon who was standing back to his feet. Rose was shocked that Gamon was still getting up after a blow like that.

    "It'll take more than an attack like that to defeat the Iron Dragon...." although the Gem Brother was several ranks above Gamon, Heero knew his guildmate was literally---tough as nails.

    "Well, you're tougher than I thought...here I come." with a clap; two walls of crystal appeared on either side of Gamon and tried to slide together with a huge crash of shattering crystal to crush him, then with another clap the crystal shards would twist and form into a gigantic sword of crystal that fell through the air, slamming down onto Gamon's position. If Gamon was smart, he would see that the crystal was sharp; but would shatter with hits from his Iron if he landed them in the right spot. The Gem Brother continued to make different beasts and weapons out of crystal and circled Gamon, hopping around throwing Crystal-Make spells at him.


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Rose


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 31st January 2016, 6:58 pm

    Gamon had to think fast. The Crystal- Make wizard had created walls of crystal around the dragon slayer. It was not even a moment later that the walls of crystal moved in to crush Gamon. There has to be a way to get out of this, he says to himself. My iron has to be stronger than his crystal. I at least have to try something. With time running out he called upon on of his spells. "Pillar of the Iron Dragon." His forearm quickly transformed into a cylinder of iron. Gamon moved quick. He struck the first wall with several, rapid hits causing the wall to be broken into a hundreds of small pieces. Gamon turned his attention on to the second wall. It had closed in on his position. He figured he could only get a few hits out, before it would smack into him with full force. The young slayer had to make each and every hit count in his favor. Gamon wasted no time knocking out a hole that he could slide through. He stood still, hoping his calculation where correct. The wall glided right around him, only to fall on the pile of other wall. The last wall shattered, which made the pile of broken crystal larger. He figured that was all the great mage had. He relaxed a little bit. Then all of a sudden all the crystal shards began to shudder and slowly each piece began to float above him. They formed a large sword. "You gotta be kidding me," Gamon sighed. He quickly lunged backwards out of the way of sword, so that he would not get crushed. 

    Gamon stretched out. "Man, I am getting real tired of almost getting crushed by this guy. I guess I have to do something about this." He said to himself. He looked around to see that his enemy had spawned some pets that Gamon would have to deal with. He quickly made his way through the hord of lions, tigers and bears... oh my. He had to close the gap between him and the crystal make mage. At this distance the remaining Gem brother could spawn in any weapon or animal he wanted. Gamon looked for a quick path to his enemy. He chose one that he thought would be the easiest.

    Gamon quickly broke off into a sprint. He met his first road block which came in the form of a large crystal Lion. He didn't break stride as he rapidly approached the lion. Gamon jumped into the air. Pointing the pillar to the ground he launched himself higher above the lion. When he was over head of the lion he made several hard hard hitting blows to its back. The rapid turned the once fearsome lion into a pile of rubble. Now he could make a B- line for the Crystal make wizard. 


    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Te9PCpv

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Haru-senpai 16th February 2016, 4:22 pm

    Heero would watch as Rose knelt over the body of the downed Gem Brother. She would hold a paw over his head and begin to read his mind. After a few moments, she would call out to Heero as she realized something, he would wave off his Exceed however with his arms crossed, swatting at the air twice as he watched the explosions of crystal and metal out in front of him.

    "What, what, it's getting good out there!" Heero said as he didn't take his eyes off the battle between Gamon and the Gem brother. Rose however would float up with her white wings out, flying behind Heero and popping him in the back of the head. "What is it...." Rose explained that she'd just looked into the guys mind, and found the location of the blade.

    "Apparently the two Gem brothers already knew the location of the sword, and were just coming back to get their entourage for a bigger and safer pick up.....I know where it is now." Rose would nod and turn, pointing toward the direction Gamon had been leading them. "Apparently, he did know how to follow his nose towards metal."

    The cat would put her hands on her hips like Superman and with Heero, watch the rest of the battle unfold before them.

    "Oi, Gamon finish him off! We've got work to do!" Heero would call out to him.

    As he said this, the Gem brother seemed to get infuritated---and for a split moment he would take his eyes off of his opponent, and look over towards Heero and Rose. As he did so, Heero would comically point back towards Gamon who was approaching with a charge quickly, as the Gem Brother looked back toward the battle---it probably would be too late.

    Rose would look around as her ears wiggled a few times. She thought she'd heard something from the treeline surrounding the circular clearing...but for now she hadn't seen anything.


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Rose


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 20th February 2016, 2:06 pm

    Gamon landed on his feet after he destroyed the crystal lion. He stood there for a moment. He looked around. There still seemed to be a good number of crystal animals around that might cause issues in the future. He suddenly heard Heero call to him. It seemed as if he did not expect the fight to be this long. Like he had Gamon winning quicker. Gamon hopes were flying higher now, since he knew that Heero had him beating A-rank crystal wizard. Gamon looked at the enemy ahead of him. He would have to act now, before the Gem Brother commanded the remaining crystal animals to attack his location. He had to think of something quick. Then, Gamon came up with a perfect strategy, but he needed outside help. 

    He looked over at the group of Fairy Tail mages. He saw Heero, Rose, and the one he needed to help him. Gamon called out to tykva, "Hey, Tyk! I need your help to take down this guy!" The small exceed hesitated a little bit before she donned her wings and flew over to Gamon. "Quick, pick me up and fly up!" Tykva swooped in and pick him up at full speed.

    Once they got to a reasonable distance off of the ground Gamon informed her of his plan. "Okay, here is what I want you to do. I want you to fly as high as you can. Then you will dive down aimed right the Gem Brother. Before we reach the ground I want you to drop me and fly back to Heero. Okay?" She looked concerned, but kept her mouth closed. Tykva knew this was a powerful attack. They did it once before on a job with Sorano. This time was different though. There was a lot more risk on doing this attack than before. The black exceed nodded and started to fly skyward as fast as she could. They reached her maximum altitude in no time. Tykva change the direction they were heading on a dime. They dove straight down like birds of prey. Gamon called upon one of his spells. His whole right leg transformed into an almost perfect replica of Metalicana's claw. The ground and the enemy came up quickly. It was time for Tykva to let go of Gamon. She let go and flew back and joined Heero and Rose. Gamon did a front flip, extending out his right leg. He struck the gem brother on the shoulder, almost missing. The force of the impact knocked the crystal mage to the ground and created a crater around them. Gamon stood up and stumbled a little bit. It seemed the force of the impact might have backfired and hurt Gamon's leg as well.


    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Te9PCpv

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Haru-senpai 21st February 2016, 6:10 am

    As soon as Gamon made impact with the ground, Heero knew the fight was over. He just hoped he hadn't killed the other Gem brother in the process. Walking over towards the smoking hole, came Heero looking around through the smoke with one hand like a visor, and Rose with her arms crossed.

    Tykva called out to Gamon to see if he was alright. Heero eventually walked into the small crater and noticed the Gem brother extending a hand, crystal forming around it before he collapsed; metal cuts all throughout him where he'd been kicked on Gamon's dive.

    "Not bad....Iron Dragon Slayer magick huh." this was the first time Heero had ever gotten to see it up close besides with Gajeel himself. Although even that was sparing during his few month visit. "Bulletproof Gamon eh!" Heero would slap him on the shoulder harshly, in a brotherly manner though.

    Standing to his feet, Heero would focus with a nod for a moment before disappearing in a burst of lightning that went upward. And then returning within 15 seconds, holding a large roll of bandages. Handing them to Rose, she would set onto Gamon's leg as the red Exceed wrapped it up for support and style.

    "There, that should feel better...right?" she patted Gamon's leg with her paw a few times before crossing her arms. "Let's get a move on, we don't want to come in last place now do we? Fairy Tail always comes in 1st!" she smirked as she looked back at them.

    They would then leave the clearing, the two blonde Gem Brothers still knocked out with swirlee eyes in the grass as they entered a more rocky cave like area of the dark island.


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Rose


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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 23rd February 2016, 3:31 pm

    Gamon just sat there, in pain. Unsure how bad the damage was. There were no major cuts that he could see. It could be possible that his leg was broken from the impact, but it seemed highly unlikely since his whole leg was iron. It could be possible since he did take on an enemy a couple of ranks above his own. The Gem brother could have made a crystal barrier to try and block Gamon's attack. After all iron can bend and break under great pressure or stress. 

    From behind him, he heard Tykva call out to him. "Gamon!? Are you okay?!" He hesitated before responding. "Yeah, I'm still alive." he called back. He started to hear the the three walking towards his location. Heero made it to him first, closely followed by Rose and Tykva. The jet black exceed ran to Gamon's side once she say him on the ground holding his leg. "What's wrong? What happened?" She said in a worried panic. Before either of them could ask for help, Heero had gone and came back in a flash. He came back with a roll of gauze and handed it to the red exceed, who quickly went to work bandaging Gamon's injured leg. The leg started to feel a little bit better just from the pressure of the bandage. Gamon was now able to hobble around.

    Gamon stumbled behind Heero and Rose. Thanks to Tykva he was able to keep up a little bit better. She flew behind him holding up his right side. "Hey, thanks for doing this. You didn't have to, you know. I would've been fine walking on my own." He said in a soft tone. "Yeah, I know I didn't have to. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't help you. Besides you were way to slow on your own." She jokingly said. He turned back to Heero, "Hey, can you sense it as well or something? It feels to me like we are getting closer with each step." Gamon was unaware that Rose was able to read the mind of the Gem brother that Heero took down.


    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Te9PCpv

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Haru-senpai 24th February 2016, 1:52 pm

    It certainly seemed like Gamon was coming into his own as a Slayer. Even on this journey now, Heero could sense him growing more powerful. His Magic Power was rising at a rapid rate. Even small things like figuring out he was bulletproof; maybe even tank proof. Depending on how powerful he became as the Iron Dragon.

    Heero knew that he himself had discovered amazing wonders that he could do as the Lightning Dragon, traveling anywhere on the planet he'd been before inside of a giant lightning bolt for instance, or even to other planets. He smiled to himself as they began to step over large rocks in this area of Shadow Island.

    "Hm, getting rocky out here." he said just before Tykva commented on Gamon's speed. Since Gamon was actually pretty fast, Heero found this funny and laughed a bit as the group stepped over the rocky area of the forest together. Passing several caves along their way.

    "You did great back there Gamon, by the way....you probably have a few more spells and moves you didn't get to use back there..am I right?" Rose said, opening her eyes as she rode on Heero's shoulder and winking at Gamon. As an Exceed, she could sense when people were still holding back. "Although that guy was a higher class wizard, Gamon was able to unleash the power of the Iron Dragon and take him down....next time though, I'm sure those guys won't hold back against you." Rose smiled thinking to herself that Gamon would probably just smack those guys down again.

    As Gamon asked if they could sense it, both Heero and Rose nodded. At the same time.

    "Yeah, it's definitely close.....but I feel like we're not alone out here. Listen." Heero would say as he raised his hand for them to stop.

    As all four of them stopped most likely, Heero would tell Gamon to use his Slayer Hearing. Which was almost akin to Superman's and could hear under a wide range if focused. Hearing voices around them, and even the rocks they were stepping on, the two Exceeds probably could hear with their cat hearing as well. People were trying to move rocks out of the way for some reason up ahead.

    A large group of men, with rocket launchers, machine guns, body armors, and different styles of masks were worn. These men were from Ca-Elum, the best blacksmithing nation on the whole planet. They had more bullets and guns on them than Heero could see at first as they stepped through the forest line; the men were trying to clear the entrance to a cave that had been blocked off. The cave was radiating Magic Power. The blade was inside. It looked like a group of Rookie Treasure Hunters were being told by the older ones too put dynamite and C4 everywhere.

    "Looks like they're gonna blow that cave wide open...and when they do..." Rose would nod at everyone, as they crouched behind some trees just near the cave and large group of about thirty five treasure hunters. Twenty being vets with more weapons on them, and fifteen being rookies with only one or two weapons on them. "We'll make our move under the noise of that dang explosion and the rocks tumbling everywhere...." swishing her tail, the Exceed would ReQuip a Sword and Shield into her hands, it had wings and crests on it in the design of clouds and wings, with a cat face. In a soft flash of light.

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    Last edited by Heero-senpai on 24th February 2016, 2:03 pm; edited 2 times in total


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    Post by NPC 24th February 2016, 1:52 pm

    The member 'Heero-senpai' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 27th February 2016, 10:59 am

    After Rose gave Gamon a compliment, he began to blush a little bit. He wasn't used to people telling him he did a good job or paying him any compliments. Gamon thought about Rose said. About how he was able to tap into the real power of the Iron Dragon. She was right, it seemed as if Gamon has grown stronger. Under normal circumstances a C ranked wizard would stand no chance against an A rank wizard, such as the Gem Brother. Somehow Gamon was able to defy the odds and beat him. Rose was also right in saying that he did not use all of the spells. It actually seemed as if Gamon was holding back. 

    Heero had told everyone to stop, because he heard something up ahead. Gamon and Tykva stood there motionless. Gamon closed his eyes and concentrated on trying to hear what Heero heard. He begun to hear movement all around them. People moving, what sounded like heavy equipment, such as guns and rocket launchers. Low whispers giving orders. He could also hear rocks being moved or something like that.

    Gamon followed the guildmasters lead, as he walked through the treeline. Gamon was now able to see who was make all of the noise. A large group of men with guns and other equipment were moving every which way. Gamon could only assume these men were from Ca- Elum, or he hoped. He didn't want to fight them. They seemed to have an unlimited amount of ammo and weaponry. There was a group of treasure hunters setting up explosives at the entrance of a cave that was blocked with rocks. The sword was in that cave, Gamon was almost certain of it. Rose came up with a plan as she ReQuiped a sword and shield. 

    They didn't have to wait long before they treasure hunters blew up the rubble. Gamon had to move quick. He couldn't let the treasure hunters get into that cave. "Quick, Tykva fly me to in front of the cave entrance. I have to try to at least slow them down." Tykva nodded and flew as fast as she could to the cave. As the dust would settle Gamon would be standing at the entrance inhaling deeply. The group of treasure hunters began to slowly approach him. As they got closer he would stop inhaling and look at the large group of men and flashed a quick smile before calling on of his most powerful spells. "Iron Dragon's Roar!" A tornado of wind and iron shards would knock the treasure hunters back as well as cutting them up. "I can't let you guys get that sword. Sorry about this guys." Gamon then looked to where Heero and Rose were standing and gave them a nod. Letting them know that it was there turn now.


    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Te9PCpv

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Haru-senpai 27th February 2016, 12:50 pm

    Rose and Heero would stay back in the bushes just as one of the heavily gun armed guys pushed down on a TNT box, causing a fuse to go off with a huge explosion at the cave entrance.

    In the rock and dust, that went everywhere Gamon went forward flown off by Tykva in a flash. As the guys turned around, after hearing Gamon's voice they were met with a huge roar that led to all types of screaming--and honestly crying out on pain as grown men had never experienced Slayer magic most likely.

    Before Gamon could finish his nod, Heero and Rose came dashing by, as slow-motion was shown beside he and the other Exceed, sliding forward and then launching himself easily two hundred feet with a flip through the air. An amazing sight of lightning unnaturally gathering toward Heero mid-air caused the men to shoot up toward him in a panic, but all of the bullets were struck by lightning and into pieces before they could reach Heero.

    Lightning Dragon's Wingslash, the view would zoom out as a huge "X" of lightning crested off of Heero's arms as he threw them downward, an appearance like wings appearing made of lightning for a moment before the huge "X" of lightning exploded onto the treasure hunters. Easily covering four hundred feet as the area and rocks from the cave wall literally got shocked into ashes.

    Their skeletons were shown, as they electrified inside of the golden lightning, as it faded. Most of them were knocked out, but a good fifteen of them panicked, and began loading their weapons, dizzy, cut, up, and electrified. As they reloaded, and pointed, their weapons at them. Heero would charge up with a hyped up combat smile, as electricity skipped through the area on the ground once more, electrifying all of the Iron in their skin and on their clothes with Lightning Dragon's Mega Current.

    The men began to reach for themselves, and panic, as randomly grenades and guns start malfunctioning.

    The treasure hunters were smart though, and dropped all of their metallic weapons and guns onto the ground with clang sounds, and charged Heero and Gamon ready for hand to hand combat. Rose would nod to Tykva, signaling that they should let Heero and Gamon handle this.

    With a nod, Rose and Tykva would probably fly off together to a high vantage point or hidden one.

    Standing back to back with the Iron Dragon, Heero would take a fighting stance with him as easily thirty guys ran at them from all sides.

    "Looks like we're gonna have to do this the old fashioned way Gamon! Here, let me charge you up a bit!" Heero would use his Lightning Aura along with his Mega Current and channel some of magic power into Gamon as they stood back to back, Gamon would now have a slight electric aura that would last as long as Heero's due to the natural Iron within Gamon, he could contain this charge. "Let's whip these guys yo!"

    As one of the guys reached Heero, his face was shown taking a right hand from Heero as his teeth flew out with spit, real time kicked back in as the guy went bouncing with an anime tumble, stepping and delivering an electrified elbow to a guy to the right, his golden aura of lightning still surrounding him. Heero would stay in motion and reach forward and grab another guy by the shirt; who screamed as electricity from Heero began to fry him, spinning him and shoving him toward Gamon who would probably knock him out.

    Another guy came running at Heero screaming at the top of his lungs, Heero only smiled and bended a knee before roaring back at the guy with a yell. Lightning Dragon's Lariat Twister.

    Rocketing off into a bolt of lightning, Heero would catch the guy in a clothesline, that would turn into Heero running around into a huge tornado of lightning, before letting the guy go flying back toward Gamon with a crowd of treasure hunters, swept up in the tornado of lightning, electrified, and also sent flying into the air around Heero.

    As bodies fell from the sky, and went flying in all directions, Heero's eyes would flash Slayer Red as he fought alongside his fellow Dragon Slayer.

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    Lost Blades of Ca- Elum Empty Re: Lost Blades of Ca- Elum

    Post by Gamon_Kinzoku 7th March 2016, 7:40 pm

    Gamon watched in awe as Heero and Rose joined the battle. He watched as it seemed like Heero jumped up in slow motion into the sky. Heero seemed to have jumped over a hundred feet. From out of nowhere, dark storm clouds formed above Heero. While Heero was at the peak of his jump lightning struck Heero. The sight made the enemies to open fire upon the lightning dragon slayer. None of their bullets ever made it close to Heero though. Lightning would strike the bullets and incinerate them, preventing any of them from even coming close to hitting Heero. 

    Watching Heero fight was something else. Gamon was amazed how powerful the Fairy Tail Guildmaster was. Gamon's wing attack did not even hold a candle to Heero's. With one attack, Heero was able to cover over four hundred feet. Gamon was surprised more that he didn't get hit with the powerful spell himself. Heero landed next to Gamon, facing the enemy. The treasure hunters took a good deal of damage, but some how some of them were still on their feet. They franticly started to reload their weapons and pointed their guns at the slayers. Heero sent out a strong electrical current towards the treasure hunters. Anything metal on them was electrified, even the iron from Gamon's attack was being electrified. Guns malfunctioned, grenaded randomly went off, and all of treasure hunters were freaking out. Not being total idiots they threw their guns away and prepared to fight hand to hand. 

    Before the treasure hunters made their attack, Heero casted a spell on the slayer. With a loud noise, almost like a small explosion, Gamon's body would slowly start to glow a golden. The electrical charge slowly started to course through Gamon's body. He felt like he could move faster with the electricity flowing through him. It also seemed like he could do more damage with the Lightning with in him. Heero would call out, as the treasure hunters charged at the two slayers, for Gamon to join him in fighting all of them. "Aye, Sir!" Gamon would respond as he jumped into action. 

    Gamon would rush over to a small group of treasure hunters. As he reached the first guy, Gamon would jump and spin with an extended left leg. He struck the man in the jaw, causing him to spin around before falling over. The next man jumped in right when Gamon touched down on the ground. The man threw an uppercut. Instead of moving, Gamon would just turn his jaw and neck into iron. With a loud ding the treasure hunter instantly regretted his decision. He tried to back away from Gamon, but the charged iron dragon slayer was much quicker. Before the man had time to react, he took a hard fist right in the face knocking him out cold. 

    Gamon turned around in time to see Heero had tossed one of the bad guys in his direction. Of course Heero had thrown him out of his reach. "Binds of the Iron Dragon!" Two chains shot out of his hands and wrapped themselves around the moving treasure hunter. With a strong tug Gamon changed the direction of the hunter. Gamon slammed the man into a group of other guys causing them all to make a small dog pile. There was something about fighting alongside another Dragon Slayer, that made things more intents. This was the first fight he actually fought side by side with another Slayer.  

    ((O.O.C: Once again sorry it took awhile))


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