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    The dragons Challange


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    The dragons Challange - Page 2 Empty Re: The dragons Challange

    Post by Haru-senpai 21st January 2016, 12:12 pm

    As Heero ran on water extremely rapidly, he could hear Rose's flight up above him soaring through the wind, getting closer and closer. If he lost, she would never let him hear the end of it.

    He also could hear Apollo yelling down at him trying to distract him probably.

    "Fast enough to beat you two!" as soon as he said this, Apollo seemed to make it more interesting by causing pillars to shoot up from the ocean floor made of Shield Magic and hurdles to jump over made of the same magic.

    Like a scene out of Sonic the Hedgehog, Heero would dip left to right, weaving the pillars and jumping over hurdles as the camera was behind him for a moment. Eventually, he would get cocky and look back up into the skies at Apollo; "Hah! You'll have to do better than that!" no sooner did he say that, did he trip over a shield hurdle and go flying toward the island; skidding on the water and sinking on the shore.

    Pulling himself onto the beach, his hair wet from the water; Heero would stand up and greet Rose and Apollo....who were already on the shore waiting for him.

    "Damnit...." a wet Heero would say as he walked past them towards the portal.

    "What happened there champion?" Rose said, sparkling in victory as she giggled at Heero, swishing her tail and flexing proudly as Heero walked off toward the portal grumbling to himself about his loss.


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    The dragons Challange - Page 2 Rose

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    The dragons Challange - Page 2 Empty Re: The dragons Challange

    Post by Kit Kerrington 21st January 2016, 1:05 pm

    Apollo laughed a little as they beat Heero to shore and smiled at him a little as he skidded to shore and and high fived Rose "We did it Rose" He laughed. then looked at Heero "better luck next time Heero..." he said looking at his guild master who was grumbling out of frustration as Rose gloated at him. Apollo sighed as Heero walked through the portal acting all sulky and depressed. Apollo shook his head following behind him eagerly ready for the next challenge.

    The next Arena looked like a metallic arena where metal covered it from top to bottom. he then gave a sigh as he walked forward looking around his foot steps echoing against the metal as he walked more in. He looked at Heero tilting his head. "What kind of Challenge do you think this will be Heero?" he asked not seeing a crystal or portal anywhere in sight. then the dragons voice roared over the arena.

    "Humans your next task is a simple on...don't die..." he laughed as the voice faded. Apollo looked confused at this statement as there was noting here then three metal golem erupted from the ground looking at Heero Apollo and Rose. Apollo sighed looking at hem thinking what a pain this is then they started to move there foot steps echoing louder and louder with each step. then they started to sprint at all of them waving there sharp arms wildly making a loud howling noise as they rushed them.

    Then Apollo sighed looking at Heero and rose. as they all dodged out of the way of there attack Apollo pulled checkmate out spinning the cylinder "Promotion to Rook!" he called out as he felt a sudden rush of magic power flow through his body then he grin aiming his gun pulling the trigger firing at the far on hitting it in the head. "Ricochet!" he called bouncing the bullet back taking them both out. "Whew how was that" he said looking at him then they sank into the ground and two more appeared. "Are you kidding me....." he then looked back at Hero as they rushed each ot them again

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    The dragons Challange - Page 2 Empty Re: The dragons Challange

    Post by Haru-senpai 18th February 2016, 2:10 pm

    Heero would cross his arms and pout a bit as he thought it was an unfair win, he'd gotten bitten in the butt by a shark for god sakes. He would glance around the new area, as it seemed to actually be some kind of arena.

    The one thing he noticed is that there seemed to be a whole bunch of metal. A shot of Rose, Heero, and Apollo on camera looking around was shown for awhile; until the voice of the Dragon spoke once more.

    Apparently, they were about to be in some kind of danger.

    'CRUNCH!' with a metal grinding and twisting, the floor literally exploded with motion as Metal Golems appeared from nowhere. Standing easily 20 feet tall, Heero would look up at them, as Apollo whipped out his Pistol, Checkmate. He spun it's magical barrel, and switched it into Rook mode as Heero would keep his arms crossed.

    With a single shot, one of the golems faces exploded into metal shards, as the bullet then bounced between them magically targeting them, all three of them exploded into metal dust and hit the ground. As Apollo went to talk, they formed back into the ground and stood up into two taller Golems.

    As they charged, Heero would step forward; as his Lightning Aura would turn on, his arms still crossed as golden electricity began to spark all around his body.

    One would stomp toward him, as he dipped forward spinning once as more golden lightning gathered towards him. Springing forward just as the golem got near him and delivering an uppercut that shattered a golem into thousands of metal pieces, as he leaped straight through it. Lightning Dragon's Rising Upper.

    With a whirling backflip as soon as he touched the ground from destroying the first one, Heero would move as a bolt of lightning and axe kick another one Lightning Dragon's Talon, as a huge explosion of lightning sizzled through the golem causing a huge flash of yellow golden electricity from the flying cartwheel kick.

    When it cleared, the golems seemed to stay shattered into pieces, with lightning skipping between them preventing them from forming back together. They groaned and screeched as the magnetism from Heero's electricity kept them pinned down. More golems appeared though, this time five.

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    The dragons Challange - Page 2 Rose

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    The dragons Challange - Page 2 Empty Re: The dragons Challange

    Post by Kit Kerrington 29th February 2016, 3:53 pm

    Apollo looked in awe as he saw his guild master at work fighting the steel golems.  Apollo just stared in awe.  He was dealing with them like they were nothing they were no match for his lighting slayer magic.  As they were pinned to the ground they walked through he looked at then roaring and trying to get at them unable.  Apollo just looked up at Heero as they walked.  "Wow you are...amazing Heero they don't stand a chance..." he says in a little awe as rose flies over head looking at her.  These two were on a whole different level and it only inspired him further to train and get stronger.  As they got to the green pillar Apollo looked at the two on them and gave a small nod.  "good job Heero" he chuckled seeing them still struggling kinda feeling bad for them since they were so helpless.  "shall we continue now?"  Apollo smiled touching the pillar as a flash of light brought them to the next room.  

    As they appear they see a room and a white line draw on the floor just in front of there feet.  the room was filled with a mist that was very hazy and hard to see through.  Apollo looked at heero with uncertainty then looked back at the mist. "I get a feeling the mist is bad but how do we get through it?"  He looked at Heero again curiosely. The arena was large and as the mist filled He then saw a circle that could fit one person then the dragon spoke once more.  

    "Only one may go and one must guide to traverse this environment..."  he growled and dissappered.  He looked at Herro with some uncertainty then shook his head a little.  He then looked back out thinking Heero probably had a way to solo this challenge but still...   He then looked at him "{you want to go in the circle and i'll direct you or the other way around?"  He asked his guildmaster curiously.  He then looked at Rose who was hovering next to him wondering what she thought about this.  None the less he waited for Heero's response on the matter hopfully he knew more about this.

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    The dragons Challange - Page 2 Empty Re: The dragons Challange

    Post by Haru-senpai 3rd March 2016, 6:28 am

    Heero would look at the new room they were teleported into, with just a white line in the ground ahead of them in the giant room; that seemed to fill with Mist out of nowhere. Looking around, he heard the Dragon's voice speaking to them from somewhere. In the room.

    Apparently they were supposed to find their way to that white line in all of this thick Mist. He would nod and smile to Apollo as he complemented him, but as he asked who should be the one to head off into the mist, and who should stay behind to guide the person; Heero had no idea.

    "Well, even I can't see through this stuff...it must be super enchanted with Magic...maybe you should go, you could keep a clear path ahead with your shields or on the sides of you at least..." Heero would wait for Apollo to enter the mist; as magically, Heero could all of a sudden see the path Apollo needed to take to reach the white line.

    "LEFT....Now straight!!! Now ANOTHER LEFT!!!" Heero would continue to yell, and direct him through the mist from the beginning area of the room, as Rose cheered Apollo on.

    "You can do it Apollo!!! Focus!!!" she yelled as she swished her tail and clapped her hands for her guildmate. Heero looked down at her and smiled, she had come so far since she first arrived here for Garfield's promise to keep Heero safe, she was so cold and ruthless at first; but now she was more open, still serious sometimes, but way more open.

    He would then look out into the mists, and smile; thinking on Apollo now. He'd come so far, soon he would be a powerful wizard, one that could either be feared, or respected. Heero hoped with all his might that it was the latter, and not the former. Only time would tell what kind of wizard Apollo would become in the later days. All Heero could do was do his best to guide him, to help him, but he hoped that Apollo always kept the values of Fairy Tail near and dear to him, and at the front of his mind.


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    The dragons Challange - Page 2 Rose

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    The dragons Challange - Page 2 Empty Re: The dragons Challange

    Post by Kit Kerrington 10th March 2016, 1:10 pm

    Apollo started to walk forward putting a shield around his mouth and nose as a barrier and filter for the poison, it never hurt to be prepared and it's not that he didn't trust Heero's direction he just wanted to be prepared for the worst. As he walked slowly through the mist he looked around. He might as well be blindfolded in this mist it was thicker then any fog and denser then black smoke all he had to go on were Heero's directions but he trust him not to guild him astray. As he listened to Heero's directions and walked taking a left into the mist more He could hear Rose cheering him on in the back by Heero. He smiled happy that they were here to help him on his journey to become a strong wizard...He then stopped for a brief sighing a little looking down to the floor, Heero was the guild master...One of the top five wizard saints...an H rank wizard, Why was he here with him.

    The question honestly was a dumb one. He knew why he was here he was here because Apollo wasn't strong enough to be here by himself, He wanted to ask him why he was here with him, after all he was a very powerful wizard and he was sure that there was something better he could be doing. Apollo was now confused but then he shook his head a little now wasn't the the time or place since he was in a room full of poison he had to just listen to Heero and get through this. As Apollo walked he didn't know why he thought about this he was a great person a strong person there are no reason these thoughts should be happening but in a way he wasn't use to it. He kept going though getting closer to the end not able to see them at all any more. He gave a smile as Rose cheered louder and Heero guided him even if he couldn't see them they were there with him still it made him happier then before.
    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    The dragons Challange - Page 2 Empty Re: The dragons Challange

    Post by Kit Kerrington 12th April 2016, 3:37 pm

    Apollo looked back at Heero as he reached the other end of the Arena he could see the green crystal.  Thanks to Heero's guideness he was able to reach the other end of the room without any harm though looking back Heero and Rose were just two hazy figures standing at the other end of the room looking out at him.   Then a voice boomed over it before he could respond.  It was the dragon voice and he sound please but annoied at the same time.  "you have done well with the help of your guild master but from here on out your on your own."  Apollos eye's widened a little as he looked back towards Heero and rose. They seem to just vanish somehow and now it was just him in this room filled with posion and vemonis toxins.  Was this the dragons doing or what was going on to cause this to happen and why have it happen now of all times was Heero really bothering the dragon that much or was this just a test to see Apollo's resolve.  Either way Apollo wasn't happy about this and then pulled the silver pocket watch out of his pocket and clicked out.  He usually only  did this when he needed to boost his morale or smiple needed a pick me up when felling depressed.   Apollo sighed and looked around "looks like i'm on my own from here on out...." he said with some uncertainty. as he touched the green crystal taking a deep breath as he grabbed it being teleported to the next room.  In the next room there were a series of doors Along the walls but something seemed very off about the whole thing.  A few or them had lighting arcing from them but before he could respond he was stopped as the voice of the dragon boomed around him. "pick a door the right one will open and take you to the next room the wrong will shock you with enough volts to fry you good luck."  he laughed as it echoed out of the room. As Apollo looked onward to the series of doors and groaned.  typical they take Heero the Lighting Dragon Slayer away from him now of all times they could have taken him away.  He then though about it for a moment wondering about how he could get through this challenge safely.  He then though about his D rank exam he had with Nightken back when he was first joining the guild and what was said at the end of it.  how he did good but he simply needed to grounded himself.  Grounding himself in this case would be a necessary safety measure as he continued onward towards the walls of the room.  He then walked over to the wall with all of the doors scattered around them.  it looks like they aren't actually doors just a series of knobs and the doors were just detail to give the knobs purpose for being there..  So Apollo grounded himself with his shoes and his shields  hoping it would work and turned the first knob.  As he turned the first knob he was shocked but he could tell that it wasn't the right one.  He groaned then got back to turning knobs. using his shields to reach the higher ones.  After a long while he heard a click of one turning.  Thinking about it 2500 knobs on the wall was annoying to keep track of for sure so using his shields he made a number by it to mark it as the first one.  he kept this long process of trial and error up figuring it was the fastest way to figure this puzzle out.  He couldn't help but think how much easier and quicker this would go if Heero was here with him helping him out with this task since all he'd do is eat the lighting.  He felt lonly without them here since they been with him the whole job but determined to get to them he continued to turn knobs and see what worked.  As he went through he made marks by the various knobs so he knew exactly which ones she had to turn and when after a while he sighed and  looked around the room and at all of the knobs.  then using his shields he turned all of the knobs in order according to the numbers.  Then when they all clicked a green crystal appered.  Apollo walked over to the crystal taking one last look at the room and then he grabbed it being teleported to the next room.  Apollo was now surrounded by pitch black.  No light existed in this room but the while there was no light there was plenty of feeling on this room.  The feeling of Agony despair and death.  Apollo gulped As the dragons echo roared through the room saying one phrase and one phrase alone.  "Survive..."  it said.  then He heard wailing like a banshees cry.  Apollos eye's widened and the feeling of danger was there and his senses were in high alert mode as he then clasped his hands together "Trinity Shield Dome formation" he called out as his dome surrounded him.  He could hear the monsters clawing at his shield.  He knew this shield wouldn't hold for to long and didn't know what to do.  how could he fight an enemy you can't see.  He started to get scared for a variety of reasons.  The first reason was because he was alone surround by beasts he couldn't see but only hear and the second reason was he couldn't find a way to get out of this situation easily and it bothered him something fierce.  He had read multiple books on tactics and even more on how to prepare for any situation that could a rise but this seemed like a hopeless situation he was in.  He then saw his shield begin to crack around the edges.  This wasn't a good situation he found himself in not at all.  As he watched his defenses crack he gave a sigh thinking quickly he was demanded to survive at any cost.  Armor of Agies and Bonding armor stack.  He would call out then sigh heavily seeing his shield about to go.  "Transit Armor" he would say as he started to glow a orange and golden glow.  Then his Shield broke and as it broke he promoted himself to Queen spinning his cylinder feeling power flow through his body.  like a queen on a chess board he felt empowered and had the ability to do anything he needed to at any time.  He then started shooting where he saw claw marks previously using checkmates ricochet ability to makes sure each shot counted.  he then started to shoot a pathway out of the situation he was in.  As he blasted his way through the crowd he knew they were closing in and he could only do so much to him right now.  Then as he blasted through his ears stared to ring and his heart started to pump fast.  being surrounded by darkness was like being trapped in space.  your alone and other then the consent state of death around him he started to get light headed from fear and he was tired from fighting. He started to waver lowing his guard ever so slightly He could feel them closing in as he ran then felt one claw his back.  As he got clawed in the back he then disappered away from all of the beasts.  Though when he reappered he had no idea where he was,  all he knew was that he was safe from the creatures but that fact remained that he was surrounded by darkness.  He didn't know where to go  and walking aimlessly  was to dangerous but he had little choice in the matter.  He took a minute and layed down on the ground to adjust to his enviorment now that he was in no danger of being killed.  he layed there for what seemed to be a while he couldn't tell time might as well not existed in this place to him. After a whilel he got up and stood stright up.  He was now used to this place though he wondered if the dragon even cared.  i guess that didn't matter for now it was time to get moveing again. he started to walk in the darkness in a direction plan each move if he ran across any of the beasts so he would be ready for anything that could happen.  His sense of fear was still there but he had seemed to calm down then he thought more about the true purpose of this challenge. there was no way that the challenge was to defeat all of the enemies because their was an unknown amount and no clue to how many there could be.  There was no Crystal in sight for him to Attempt to get to no this test was different this test was about surviving but for how long was the question he didn't know what to do though.    This was so agonizingly painful he could hear screeching in the distance.  He then saw a flash of light behind him and it was almost blinding to him.

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    The dragons Challange - Page 2 Empty Re: The dragons Challange

    Post by Haru-senpai 17th April 2016, 10:52 pm

    Heero continued to help Apollo as best he could navigate the Mist. As he did so, he could see him walking further, and further off into the distance. For awhile, he wondered if they would get separated. As he continued to walk up ahead, that worry turned into confirmation as Apollo became nothing more than a shadow in the mist, leaving Heero and Rose standing there; both turning their heads to look at one another at the same time.

    "Do you think we just lost him?" Heero said casually as he raised an eyebrow at Rose. "I think we just lost him...." he said looking away answering his own question, as Rose would smack a paw into her face with a facepalm.

    "Well, Apollo is pretty capable. Just think about how far he's come..." Rose said, trying to reassure Heero not to worry, however Heero never took his eyes off of the mist up ahead as Rose let out a sigh. "Look, I'm sure the Dragon has a plan." as she said this, Heero would look to her.

    "Yes, I'm sure he does.....if I don't like this damn plan I'm blowing this whole tower to smithereens and I might just take that damn Dragon with me....." as he said this, as if he'd been listening the entire time. Xioacoatl himself would land through the mist after a few wing flaps from literally nowhere, filling the area with noise and wind as the frankly gigantic Dragon towered over Heero; and probably just about anything else that would've been there if it weren't just a bunch of mist.

    He had white scales, and two horns that curved on top of it's head like Diablo. As he looked down upon Heero.

    "You.....you smell of Zeuslogia, the Thunder Dragon....." as he spoke again, he would smile with his gigantic Dragon like teeth, looking like a giant sharp gate as his eyes would sparkle with Magic as the entire environment around them would change in a wave of Magic that seemed to paint the environment over.

    They were standing back outside the Sky Tower. As Heero saw the grass all around his feet. He and Rose looked around surprised, as the huge Dragon sat outside in front of the tower with them in the meadow.

    "Fear not....if you the young wizard Apollo passes the remaining trail, he will walk out of the Sky Tower unharmed any moment...." as he said this, Rose would raise an eyebrow, arms crossed as the Exceed swished her tail.

    "And....if he doesn't?" as she asked this, the Dragon would remain silent as both she and Heero got a sweatdrop over their heads while looking at one another.

    "Beautiful day out is it not? Hm, I can't wait till this ordeal is over and I can fly around....but it's been so long since anyone passed any of my trials....I just have to stick around and see this till the end." his voice was huge and booming and would vibrate the entire area they were in. The Dragon himself looked relaxed, as he laid his head on his arms, his tail curled as he waited for Apollo to exit the tower alongside Heero and Rose.


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    The dragons Challange - Page 2 Rose

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    The dragons Challange - Page 2 Empty Re: The dragons Challange

    Post by Kit Kerrington 18th April 2016, 1:59 am

    Apollo looked around as the light beamed through the darkness. It was as if a beacon of unrest came shining through to him, He felt warm as the light shined though he raised an arm to the light since he was surrounded by darkness it was almost blinding to him. as the light shined He felt it swallow him up. Apollo assumed this meant the next challenge awaited. As he appeared in a field He saw Xioacoatl waiting for him in a large prairie just outside the tower. The dragon was sitting it's tail wrapped around him. As he towered over he saw Heero and Rose behind him. Before Apollo could speak The mighty Dragon Spoke. "Apollo you with the help of your guild master you have proven to me that you have what it takes to survive my challenges I bestow upon both you and your guild master each a scroll of knowledge and my Mark may it serve you well and I look forward to seeing you both again one day soon in the future." He said looking at his hand as Xioacoatl's mark then glowed upon it. He felt a power run through him and almost connect with his own magic then Rose flew over hugging Apollo congratulating on succeeding in the final challenges. He then looked over at him he nodded at him. Apollo could tell Heero was proud of him. Heero then waved him to go and follow. it was time to go home and now he was stronger then ever before and he learned a lot from doing this job with him. As they walked out he could feel Xioacoatl watching him with great expectations for him in the future but for now Apollo needed to take things one step at a time and he knew him and the dragon Xioacoatl would meet again someday for better or for worse. As they walked out he looked at Heero and grinned. "Me and Rose still won the race." with that a swift hit on the head but he couldn't help but laugh with rose as this adventure wrapped it's self up.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 10:16 pm