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    Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra]


    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

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    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
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    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
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    Experience : 2,243,068

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    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
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    Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra] Empty Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra]

    Post by DOPPO 18th April 2016, 1:50 pm

    (The topic will start off short and sweet, characters will do their intros, and we'll just get settled in. Few or many RK will join this topic, but will come with good intention)

    It was the crack of dawn in Terra Ignis, a village in the far mountains, home to the guild Infinity Hydra. A guild with a noble cause. A guild with the belief that they could vanquish away the darkness, so the light may settle. It was both a charming ambition but foolish for believing that one alignment make overrule the other. Someone must stand in between those boundaries. And those very people were strolling down the bridges and roads of Terra Igni.

    One of these people was Isaac Anicetus, a new recruit of the Rune Knights but had been hard at work ever since. He was tall, stoic, and merciless when it came to enforcing he justice. But, a reserved introvert when on his own time. And today, and lead a small group of Rune Knights down the path to the Infinity Hydra Guild Hall. This was certainly a fetching village, and it was so uncommon to see such designs. But it was the Guild Hall the stole the spotlight.

    It had appeared to be a large castle, with a diverse amount of ancient concepts etched into it's design. Though Isaac could not recognize all of it, it was certainly enchanting. Today, they were here to create a relationship with the Hydras, hopefully a mutually beneficial one. It was certainly something that need be established.

    With a gentle sigh, Isaac turned back to the group with cold eyes and an unapproachable demeanor. "Alright, we're here. At ease, our goal is to establish a positive relationship with this guild. Please be on your best behavior."


    Rowan Protegan
    Rowan Protegan

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    Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra] Empty Re: Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra]

    Post by Rowan Protegan 18th April 2016, 6:20 pm

    This fancy shmancy template was made by Nicole

    It was so so dark. But there was more than just the darkness. There was Rowan. His bare feet pounded agai-… he was… naked? Where exactly was he? In every direction a black expanse filled the plasma mage’s vision. Why was he running? He didn’t know, all he knew was that he had to run, to keep moving. After a few moments, he realized he wasn’t going anywhere, why was this happening?… … … … Then… IT came… a harsh ringing, a ear piercing shrill… a…  a … A TRUMPET appeared in front of Rowan, and then it was clear why he was running. Still, no matter how fast the plasma mage swung his legs, he couldn’t get further from the doots that approached. The doots, the DOOTS, they would engulf him. Just when he thought the trumpet would get him, a voice whispered through the doots, something about…. cocoons? Webbing?


    With a start, Rowan sat up in bed. His whole body was covered in a thin layer of sweat, and he found himself breathing heavily. Man, that was a weird dream. Unknown to him, a small spider quickly leaped from his hair and made its escape back to the world outside of the plasma mage’s house. Patting himself to make sure all his limbs were intact, Rowan quickly swung his legs over the side of his bed before standing up with some resolution. Looking out his window, the plasma mage could tell that the sun was just about to come over the horizon, and since he was awake, Rowan saw no reason to not get ready. Within a few minutes, the plasma mage was fully awake, fully dressed, and fully ready to get started with his day. With a deep breath, Rowan stepped out of his home and closed the door to his humble abode gently. The guild hall wasn’t too far away, and a brisk morning walk would be a great precursor to breakfast at the guild. After only a few moments, Rowan spotted a group of formal looking blokes near the front of the guild hall. It wasn’t normal for people to just stand around in front of the hall like that, so the plasma mage took it upon himself to investigate. Approaching the one who seemed to be running the group, Rowan put on a friendly smile and casually rested his hands upon his head. “Hello there! What brings you to Infinity Hydra?”


    Rowan Protegan
    [Plasma Magic]
    Finished Missons:
    D:12 C:3

    Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra] Empty Re: Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra]

    Post by Guest 19th April 2016, 12:39 pm

    The Arachnid Queen
    ● ● ● ●
    O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive

    Elspeth slithered down from one of the rafters of the guild hall, eyeing the group of mages and the single Infinity Hydra member. She moved around a little, lowering her feet to the ground and snapping her silk in half to drop the rest of the way. Hitting the floor, the spider spirit walked over to Rowan and the group of Rune Knights, crossing all of her arms over her chest. Her golden, slit eyes stared at Isaac of all the Knights there in the group, certain that he was not here to make light of a situation. Not to mention that she had a motherly sense of protection over the members of Infinity Hydra, she would defend them to her last breath if needed. Luckily for her, it was damn near impossible to kill a celestial spirit; she'd simply go back to the Celestial World when necessary.

    Elsie reached one of her spider legs out to press against the chest of Isaac, a frown apparent on her face. "I wouldn't go any farther than that, little boy," she stated, standing protectively next to Rowan and eyeing the other mages. "Why are you here on Infinity Hydra grounds? Do you have business with us or are you here to pick an unnecessary fight. If it's the latter, then I want you to turn around and walk away right now before all hell breaks loose that we can prevent. . ." The guild master was not around, correct? She did not want any needless fights to break out while he was away. She'd pull back her leg after a few more seconds of staring at Isaac, crossing it back over the one it had been previously crossed over. After having said this to the young mage, the woman would summon up one of her spiderlings and coo at it a little.

    Quietly, Elspeth would kneel to the ground and let the little rascal scamper off back into the guild, being used as a communication lacrima. For those who did not want to come outside to see the hullabaloo, she figured that they'd at least want to hear. Once that was completed, she'd turn her attention back to Isaac and the other Rune Knights to see why they were there.

    @Infinity Hydra
    3 7 8
    The italicized part is what happened before the page break; a flashback of sorts?


    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
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    Second Skill: The Riyenas
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    Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra] Empty Re: Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra]

    Post by Aura 19th April 2016, 3:03 pm

    At the break of dawn; at that very moment where the dark fled before the piercing rays of light the rising sun now cast upon the earth they walked upon, when warmth touched their backs and wind softly caressed their weary skin. It was during that very moment that they arrived at the top, their destination magnificently looming over the cliffs that formed its home, its shadows stretching far and wide. God knows how long the group of Rune Knights had been walking; 't had been a hefty ascend, but the view had been worth it. Yet the view wasn't the goal of this small expedition; the goal in question was the looming, magnificent castle in the distance. Infinity Hydra. They'd gone off to inspect the many guilds dotting Fiore, and as a newly-appointed member, and perhaps because she knew nearly nothing of said guilds's location, Ageha had found it necessary to join the crew. At first, the Steel Mage hadn't obliged with the events occurring at Fairy Tail; crowded streets that left all breathless; her in fear, the rest in awe. All but her had enjoyed it, and when arriving at Fairy Tail, her memory had suddenly slumped and disappeared. She'd apparently run amok during the time said dark hole had usurped her memory, and was now forbidden from getting near any kind of liquid and alcohol, as that had been the so-called cause of her destructive nature. She'd tried to put up with being disallowed her favorite drink, but to no avail. Being extremely lucky that Infinity Hydra was located in such a remote area, she did decide to tag along again, as it this time would help her relieve herself of the stress that massive crowds of unknown people gave her. Even despite all this, she'd brought it upon herself to attach a small bottle with whiskey to her belt, hidden carefully from her companions' view. Look at it as some kind of emergency kit.

    Right now, she halted somewhat behind Isaac, the apparent leader of the party. "Alright, we're here. At ease, our goal is to establish a positive relationship with this guild. Please be on your best behavior." He'd said. Ageha snorted softly."At ease? We're about to be at the mercy of an entire guild of strangers, and I have this awful feeling that we're being watched. So sure, I'll be 'at ease'. Like never will I ev--- AAAH!" What had supposed to stay a mental monologue ended in a slightly high-pitched scream, accompanied with a somewhat clumsy hop backwards and her right hand instinctively grasping for the little flask hidden within her belt. Out of nowhere a young man had appeared before them, kindly addressing the group --although he probably addressed Isaac more directly than the rest-- and asked what their presence held for Infinity Hydra. The steel mage took a step back, positioning her in a direct line with the newcomer and her commanding leader, her hand hovering above the little flask. This flask held nothing of offensive means, rather held something that helped her calm down in stressful situations; her all-time favourite whiskey. Although consuming it would cause a bigger problem, said problem being the loss of her memories, she'd rather have a hole in those than sink into the floor of embarrassment.

    The fact that the young man did not address her in any way did ease her conscious, and her hand now slowly retracted from the flask's reach. She inhaled deeply to calm her heartbeat, and made sure she didn't look at the guild member before them directly. "Nothing out of the ordinary...Just a guy asking what our business at his guild are. No problem. I can handle this----"

    This was the moment the arachnid woman rained on their parade.

    Quite literally.

    As the multi-limbed mage drew closer, Ageha felt her heartbeat rising. Breaking out in cold sweat at the very sight of this spider-resembling woman, Ageha's hand quickly shot forth in search for the flask that couldn't be found. The steel mage panicked even more as her hand started tapping onto her belt in a rhythmic tune, desperately trying to locate the hidden flask at her side. She scuffled closer to her superior's back, trying to hide behind it as the woman spoke. Paying no heed to whatever this arachnid woman said as she panicked, the latter sight of her summoning a smaller version of the creature she resembled made the tapping rhythm increase to what could've been mistaken as a catchy dancing tune.

    Her angsty facial expression suddenly grew relieved, and her hand slowly rose from her side, clasped within her palm a little bottle containing a see-through liquid. Instinctively her hand rose to her mouth, a soft popping sound gently resonating as the cork came undone. Soon she'd have no trouble looking at this spiderwoman... just one sip would be enough to make her fear for said woman and her eight-legged companions disappear.


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra] GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6


    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

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    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
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    Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra] Empty Re: Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra]

    Post by DOPPO 19th April 2016, 5:34 pm

    (The 'Group' will be one or two NPCs, including the RK that is already here)

    It was only after a few moments the majesty of the castle had vanished in his partners' loud actions. She always had seemed angry or expressed anxiety with these sort of expeditions, which, Isaac didn't particularly mind but it didn't always give off a lasting impression to others. It was more cute than out of line, but the word 'cute' never crossed his mind. He didn't think which such vivid use of language. But, with Ageha and the other staggering knights behind him, they were greeted almost immediately after their arrival, but didn't see anyone come out of the Infinity Hydra Castle Grounds. With this in mind, Isaac placed a hand on the hilt of his sheathed sword and squeezed, needing to busy his hand in the midst of searching.

    He looked around for the voice, and soon found a young man approach them. Isaac assumed he was with the Infinity Hydra guild. But it was also with that he heard Ageha leap behind him, spooked, of course. Ignoring this at first, Isaac fixed his gaze to the stranger and dipped his head in greeting. "Greetings. We are here to offe...-"

    His words were cut off by the sudden appearance of a apparent mistress with an odd body figure. One of her many legs ascended and pressed against his chest, setting a boundary between her and the group of Knights, Isaac was not at all surprised by this, but waited until it descended back into place again. He could tell that Ageha had already begun drinking her beverage behind him as well, a faint stench of alcohol greeted him just moments afterwards.

    "My name is Isaac Anicetus, and we come here representing the Rune Knights for official business with Infinity Hydra. We come with no threat, we would simply like to make a peace offering and expand upon our legal relations. Can we discuss this inside your castle grounds?" With a slight step back with his right foot, his prosthetic arm over his chest and a medium bow, the young man would introduce himself. But soon after that, he turned behind him to face Ageha, plucking the flask out of her hands which we would try to hide them. "Don't drink that, Ageha..." He spoke with a stern but fatherly tone. "You will get this back if you behave." He frowned, placing the flask in his satchel with his other goods.

    He turned back to face the others, forcing a smile. "May you be so gracious as to lend me your names?"


    Rowan Protegan
    Rowan Protegan

    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra] Empty Re: Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra]

    Post by Rowan Protegan 19th April 2016, 7:25 pm

    This fancy shmancy template was made by Nicole

    Rowan arched an eyebrow as his appearance apparently surprised a young woman behind the group’s leader. The plasma mage even went so far as to tilt his entire body slightly to the side to get a glimpse of the startled woman, before standing straight up to hear out the Rune Knight’s reply. Rowan was eager for an answer, but his hopes were dashed when Elspeth made her sudden appearance. The rune knight was forced to delay his response due to the spidery woman’s brief interrogation, but the moment that was over, Rowan turned his attention back to the man, both eyebrows now raised in curiosity. Finally, the plasma mage got to hear out the Rune Knight and why his group was here in Terra Ignis. With some mild amusement, Rowan lowered his hands from his head and clasped his chin thoughtfully with his right. To be honest, he was a bit taken back by how formally Isaac spoke to him. It wasn’t like Rowan was too high up on the guild ladder, but it definitely felt nice. After a moment Rowan nodded sagely before returning the greeting. “Hullo Isaac! Of course you and your knights can enter, I can also show you around if that’s needed!” The plasma mage took a brief pause before offering his hand out for a shake, “I’m Rowan, but my friends call me Elspeth or Elsie, whatever’s easier!” No encounter with the plasma mage was complete without a bout of humor, and Rowan glanced over to the actual Elspeth with an anticipating glint in his eye. So far, Rowan felt he was getting on good terms with this Isaac fellow, but he was feeling a bit indifferent about the female Rune Knight behind him.


    Rowan Protegan
    [Plasma Magic]
    Finished Missons:
    D:12 C:3
    Velvet Skydancer
    Velvet Skydancer

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    Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra] Empty Re: Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra]

    Post by Velvet Skydancer 20th April 2016, 2:12 pm

    Another strange part of the land that was Fiore was now in front of Rosalina's eyes. After traipsing through the mountains for what was probably hours - it certainly felt like it at least - the squad of Rune Knights had arrived at a completely unexpected castle city, supposedly the home of a guild called 'Infinity Hydra'. Rosalina's eyes took in the city walls before her as everything and everyone else just became a part of the background. She'd seen structures like this before of course; Minstrel was full of such architecture. It was almost a reminder of what the 'Musketeer' had left behind, but there were definitely some distinct differences.

    Rosalina snapped back to reality as a pair of new voices joined the chorus of men and women around her. First was a bright-eyed individual who would introduce himself as 'Rowan', AKA 'Elspeth' or 'Elsie'. She would just refer to him as 'Rowan' because the other two made no sense to her whatsoever. The other voice however belonged to a peculiar looking individual of the kind she had never seen before. An eight-legged spider-lady was the only real way to describe her, and to say that her mood was far less welcoming than that of her guildmate would have been a huge understatement. She immediately came across as aggressive and threatening, to the point that Rosalina had almost pulled out her spear there and then. But she knew better than that now; unless Isaac reacted in a manner that suggested otherwise, these talks were still considered diplomatic and peaceful. Instead she remained stoic in her silence, not even turning her head as she heard another Rune Knight beside her start fussing over something. The fussing stopped so she assumed her comrade had resolved whatever it was that had been bothering them.

    Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra] Empty Re: Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra]

    Post by Guest 20th April 2016, 7:37 pm

    The Arachnid Queen
    ● ● ● ●
    O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive

    Out of everyone that had come along with Isaac, a single woman had stood out to the eight-legged celestial spirit. She stood—no—she coward next to the burly man, eyes darting around and her hand fumbling for something out of sight. Elspeth tilted her head a little at the sight of the feverish woman, wondering what had gotten her so spooked. It concerned her a little and out of motherly instinct, the spideress would unfold her arms and move a little closer to Ageha. One of her fuzzy spider limbs had reached out toward the Rune Knight, comfortingly, though Ageha may take it as a threat to her life.

    "Are you all right, little one? Do you need to come into the guild hall and sit down somewhere to get a hold of yourself?" Elsie inquired. "If so, please follow me into the building and I can get you something to drink and a place to rest, should you need it."

    About to turn around and head into the castle, Elspeth was interrupted by Isaac, who had greeted them and was interrupted by the scream of his follower. She watched contentedly as he took a flask from the grasp of the drinking woman, though became curious as to what was inside it. He scolded her and told her it would be returned to her when she behaved properly, but as of now, would not be given back. In that instant, the spirit let her eyes wandered back to Ageha, simply to see the reaction that would undertake from her flask being removed.

    Isaac started to speak again, in which her eyes went back to studying him and what he was saying to the duo. Elsie heard something about "Rune Knights," but didn't entirely know what the Rune Knights were, due to only having been here a few days.

    "Ruin Nights?" the lady repeated the name of the army, eyebrows scrunching together out of confusion. "Why would you want to ruin nights? Nighttime is the absolutely most beautiful time of day! What could you hate about it?"

    Neither of the two Rune Knights would know that Elspeth Abbott was a celestial spirit, all too new to this world. She would come off to them as a rather "dumb bitch" in a sense, a "bimbo," or better yet, a blonde that's not really a blonde. Her question would likely go unanswered for all she knew, as the man would ask what their names happened to be. At this point, she was about to answer his question when Rowan piped up, giving his name and what would be his "nicknames" had they not been her own. Anger flared up upon her face and she'd turn to smack Rowan over the back of his head with one of her sharp spider feet. Elsie was clearly not having his joking attitude when it came to her name, especially since "Elspeth" wasn't her actual name.

    "I'm Elspeth Abbot, but you may call me Elsie for short," the spider queen hissed out after looking back to Isaac and Ageha.

    Little spiders would sprout from her feet at this time, as if they were crawling out from under her boots and into the open. They'd scramble away quickly, but head straight for Rowan, aiming to climb up his body and pick at his clothing to bother him. A few disobediently went toward Ageha, their curiosity getting the better of them and crawling along the ground toward her. Once they reached her, they'd try to ascend up her legs and nuzzled into the nooks and crannies of her armor and clothes. Warmth was there and that's what they wanted, but knowing Ageha, they would likely be slapped away or killed. Of course, if that were to happen, Elspeth wouldn't be all too keen on this Rune Knight any longer and would take a disliking to her.

    "What exactly are you here for?" she'd ask after a short while of silence, her eyes now darting from Isaac to Ageha, then to the third Rune Knight, Rosalina.

    @Infinity Hydra
    6 7 5

    Rowan Protegan
    Rowan Protegan

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    Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra] Empty Re: Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra]

    Post by Rowan Protegan 25th April 2016, 7:54 pm

    This fancy shmancy template was made by Nicole

    The plasma mage arched an eyebrow as Elsie became somewhat confused by the term "Rune Knights". He wasn't too keen on letting her become hostile towards their new allies, but he felt it'd be more interesting if he just let Isaac do the explaining. In the meantime, Rowan chuckled for a bit as Elspeth got a little miffed, and he took the hit to the back of his head like a good sport. His laughter, however, immediately ended once he noticed the legion of spiders exiting Elsie's boots and making a beeline towards him. The distance was quickly closed, and in a moment, Rowan found himself with spiders attempting to invade the crevices of his clothing. Of course, they weren't doing any real physical harm, but it was still an unsettling experience for spiders to pick at your clothing. There was some restraint in the back of his mind, but for the most part Rowan reacted the way any normal person would: Yelling and hopping about wildly, his arms attempting to brush the spiders away quickly, but gently. The last thing Rowan wanted was to make Elsie REALLY mad.

    ((I'm pretty sure nobody minds if I post again! Just so I can have Rowan react to Elsie immediately.))


    Rowan Protegan
    [Plasma Magic]
    Finished Missons:
    D:12 C:3

    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 400
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    Age : 29
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
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    Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra] Empty Re: Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra]

    Post by Aura 24th May 2016, 3:52 pm

    With her flask rudely snatched away, and with it also her grip on the what should have become a fearless personality, she now stood there, her face contorted in a childish pout. If it weren't for the people staring at her, Ageha would've most-likely assaulted the man's back in a futile attempt to recapture the flask. She did not however, seeing as doing so would most-likely damage Isaac's reputation. Not that his reputation was actually that high-standing, but she couldn't possibly let other guilds know that he only had a moderate grip on her actions. The remembrance of the events that had occurred at Fairy Tail, or rather what the others had told her about it, wasn't something she could possibly try to pull again. For all she knew, Isaac could skin her alive if she attempted to do so.

    Being too occupied with sulking over her lost beverage, the silver-haired Shinkō mage hadn't noticed the sudden worry in the arachnid woman's voice, let alone that one of her fuzzy spider limbs had drawn closer and tried to comfort her. It wasn't only until the paw evidentially grazed her skin that Ageha realized and stiffened as reaction, suppressing the urge to run away screaming. She did not have to resort to sliding away from the spideress and thus perhaps hurting her feelings in the progress, as she had already turned her attention back to Isaac's stating of their affairs. The arachnid's first reply however made her frown for a moment, what followed afterwards made that confused frown fade into an accepting nod. "Ruin nights? Really? Although she does have a point about nighttime being the best part of the day..."

    It had somewhat lessened the sudden shock of the humanoid spideress's touching, and Ageha remained silent as she heard the others speak. The little charade Rowan, the young man who'd startled her the first time, and the arachnid woman displayed was something she looked upon with amused eyes. When push came to shove and Ageha's nightmare in the flesh introduced herself as Elspeth Abbot, or Elsie for short, she nodded contently. One wouldn't scare as easy of a fearsome creature with a name to relate to. Although she did have to admit that she preferred Elsie over Elspeth, as even that regular name seemed one she should reckon with. As Elsie took it as her job to reprimand Rowan for the rather bland joke he tried to pull by smacking him on the back of his head, the silver-haired mage couldn't help but find the scene unfolding before her look familiar. That motherly instinct she got from Elspeth seemed similar to the fatherly instincts her rash behaviour extorted from Isaac at times. At times he even felt more like a father to her than her own foster-father actually was. It made her act childish rather instinctively, even in situations as these where professionalism was highly needed, said childish behaviour still snuck into her drilled mind. Wondering what the true cause actually was behind said attitude, Ageha shifted legs, unaware of the small lonesome spiders that had left their parental nest and headed her way.

    Had she been more aware of the situation she would've minded not to laugh at Rowan being besieged by the cohort of small octopedial insects, but alas, she hadn't and was thus to take the full burnt of not being attentive in foreign lands. Se felt little as the spiders ascended her clothing, and would later on be grateful for the small creatures to not have ventured anywhere underneath said clothing. Only when they started nuzzling at certain parts of her clothing did she react. The bad habit of people jerking whatever limb they touch something unexpected with was sadly ever-present within this young recruit, and unwillingly smacked one of the adventurous spiders back unto the ground. The little thing seemed to hiss at her as it ran back to its matriarch for cover, whereas the others seemed negligent of a retreat just yet. After all, there was still much to nuzzle at upon this curious newcomer. The realization of the spiders having invaded her personal space did not help with Ageha's attempts to stay calm. The spiders on their side weren't keen on leaving now the object of their curiosity seemed to emit more warmth than before, and happily went about as the young woman they sat upon kept her jerks in check. With 'spidermommy' so close by Ageha knew better than to haywire a flurry of slaps across her body to rid it of her eight-legged invaders. She was scared yes, but not scared enough to make do with this suicidal attempt at a spider-edition of Whack-a-Mole.

    On edge as the silver-haired mage was, she kept her trembling hands at her sides and clenched them every now and then, hoping this gesture would be enough to keep herself from bringing about a catastrophe and reluctantly addressed Elspeth. "S-so, E-elsie, r-right?" Ageha uttered, not daring to move an inch as one of the spiders had ascended to her neck and now gazed upon its creator with what could have been a pleasant smirk. "Woul-d you m-mind... c-calling them back? P-please? I d-dunno how much longer m-my nerves can t-take this..." These last words rolled off her lips as mere high-pitched whispers, one single tear lingering as she demanded the ultimate sacrifice of her body to stay still and uncaring. The Divine Steel mage's otherwise pale complexion had now reached a new shade of paleness, one only fear could draw upon one's face.


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    Growing the Heads [Rune Knights;Infinity Hydra] GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

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      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 10:50 pm