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    Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon]


    Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] Empty Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon]

    Post by Guest 12th February 2016, 11:54 am

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you

    Crocus, capital of Fiore, where the King and his royal family resides, and where the Grand Magic Games were always held. Marschal didn't think that this peaceful place would be wrought with a destructive person, but somehow, it had managed just that. It was a good thing legal mages were around to do the King's bidding, and save this place from the bad people. In fact, the King was lucky enough that Marschal and Mammon were willing enough to take up this daunting task. After having read the job description over, it sure as hell sounded like a job that required the work of two or more. Unfortunately, Marschal was the only C ranked mage here, Mammon was a rank lower than him, and likely wouldn't do as much damage to the enemies. His magic, meaning Marschy's own magic, was a hand-to-hand combat required magic, though it did deal some great damage.

    His red and gold flecked eyes would shift toward Mammon at his side, wondering if maybe the right choice would've been to leave him behind. Perhaps not though; after having spoken with Izayuki, he trusted his half-sister was right in saying he was a strong mage. Well, maybe not entirely strong, but definitely a mage who could pack a punch if he needed to in a fight. Marschal wasn't too worried though, as he had his weapons on him as well, so if worse came to worse, he'd just use those.

    "You know... you'll be fighting fire with fire essentially with your magic... this is a demolition-based enemy, it seems," Marschy spoke up. As the two walked the streets to the mine deeper within the city, people were trying to avoid Marschal as much as possible. They didn't want to feel the effects of drunkenness, and with his Intoxication Aura, it was hard to avoid it. In all honesty, Marschal couldn't blame those people wanting to avoid him; his Aura was a pretty deadly effect. Actually, he quite enjoyed it, but he did feel bad when the innocent bystander was caught in the midst of its fifteen meter range.

    [352 words; counts as two posts.]


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    Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] Empty Re: Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon]

    Post by Mammon 12th February 2016, 12:17 pm

    Mammon was stuck with the drunken fool that had gotten him tipsy. It impressed Mammon that someone like this can have a constant active. It bothered him because that also could weaken him in battle. No matter he will put up with as he would. While they traveled in a pairs, Mammon was eating his hot clam chowder. With his trusty spoon. "Mar, say you don't happen to drunk your enemies to death with your ability. I must say you do release that has an effect on me as well?" he asked him carefully. No matter, he was Iza's half brother. Just because he didn't like Mar when he was drunk. Didn't mean he was a bad person. Guess Mammon can trust the fellow. He wondered will Mar teach him how to be a Drunken fool. Or not. However, the corruption would be real if Mammon started drinking.

    Mammon glanced up. They were doing a C rank Job. Which was a grade higher then a D rank mission. Mar was not aware of Mammon's unique ability to absorb Fire and increase his speed and strength, this ability did not go away. It was constant. In a sense some may say fire did nothing to him. Mammon had yet to exploit his own magic's full powerful potent ability. "Mar I need you to promise me. If I ever cast a wall of Fire. You will stay out of range. " he told him quietly. He wondered himself what Mar's true abilities were and it's full power. No matter he will so find out. On a next note. He needed to get himself to C rank. If he was able to do this. He will maybe unlock a new variety of new abilities for his hellish flames. In fact so Far his attacks did Area over environment that itself is strong and effective. But it also held supportive abilities, and offense of defensive abilities. He wondered if he was capable of doing far more then he could have. He shook his head and kept eating his soup. While he moved towards there location of the job.

    Word Count: 353
    (Counts as 2 posts)

    Last edited by Mammon on 12th February 2016, 12:49 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Demonic Hellfire Magic
    Mammon's Bank


    Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] Empty Re: Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon]

    Post by Guest 12th February 2016, 12:41 pm

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you

    "Uh... as far as I know, it affects everyone," Marschal answered Mammon's question, shrugging his shoulders following his response. Maybe it didn't affect his allies for all he knew, but he did know that there was no way for him to shut the ability off. So far, he knew that it did affect his enemies if they were within the fifteen meter range of the Intoxication Aura. That was useful. It, unfortunately, did affect bystanders if they didn't out of the range, so maybe it would affect Mammon, too? Marschal shook his head to remove his thoughts as they approved the mining grounds and entered the dusky lands. Ash-covered, coal almost everywhere at the eye's range; it was definitely quite the mess out here past Crocus. He couldn't blame the people wanting mages to do this job, as the mining area looked to be pretty foreboding to him.

    Mammon said something to him, which caused his ears to swivel forward in order to hear what his partner was saying. "Well, I suppose I can, but fire doesn't really bother me when I used to control it, myself," he pointed out to him. "Look, we're here anyway, so just keep a look out for anything that happens to move; we don't know what it could be." With that being said, Marschal would advance into the mining system, blinking his eyes as they adjusted to the darkness. The place was rank with explosive stench, and his nose wrinkled up in disgust since it overwhelmed his heightened senses. Marschy moved the sleeve of his shirt up against his nose, trying to block out the horrid smell of explosives. It was revolting, and he didn't know how much longer he would last before passing out from the smell.

    There were footsteps sounding nearby though, and Marschal would pause in his tracks to listen to them. Ears flicking around, trying to adjust to the silence that rang into them, while also trying to listen to the sounds. "Get yourself ready," Marschal spoke in a whisper to Mammon, hoping that the mage had followed him into the tunnels.

    [353; counts as two posts]


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    Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] Empty Re: Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon]

    Post by NPC 12th February 2016, 12:41 pm

    The member 'Marschal Leigh' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] WeakMonster Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] Boss Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] StrongMonster Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] NormalMonster Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] NormalMonster

    Lineage : -
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    Posts : 94
    Guild : Black Rose
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    Age : 30
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    First Skill: Demonic Hellfire Magic
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    Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] Empty Re: Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon]

    Post by Mammon 12th February 2016, 1:08 pm

    Affected or unaffected it mattered little as long as he would be able to get his head in the game and keep moving forward. He had to ensure that he would be able to do whatever he could to prevent the tipsy from happening. The smell from Mar's mouth or aura was annoying and he disgusted the smell of it. It was like hinting him to come over and encode him with the alcohol. He shook his head and sighed once they've entered the mine field. "Yeep I love this place. I wonder what creatures will be on this battlefield!" he said giggling. Once that was done he would then smile. And move along side him. While eating. The smell surprisingly did not bother Mammon at all. In fact Mammon was embracing the breath of the yummy feeling of it. It was built greatly and the smell of coal and choral covered him as if it was lust. He noticed on Mar's facial expressions that the smell bothered him. "Aye, if fire doesn't bother you. You ought to have not be bothered by the smell of that. Don't you say. I also must say that you should honestly do something about that hair. it's weird." he said. Shaking his head slowly.

    His eyes moving forward as he kept on eating his right hand holding his bowel the left holding his spoon as he kept on eating. "I am ready. Come on, let's go." he said following Mar inside the tunnels this ought to be great to be quite honest. The two of them adventures. Then he heard the sounds of bombing, on the walls. This did not bother him. Until suddenly a dynamite was rent, at Mammon face, exceeding on impact and he was sent flying, his Soup flying off his hands. Mammon's eyes closed as he felt to the ground. The fire was absorbed into his body and no damage was done to Mammon, instead he he grew physical stronger and his speed raised up. he got up, and made his way towards the wall. Claws formed in the form of his hands. As he dunged into the walls and formed a weapon of sort. Then he ripped it from the wall and made his way towards the enemies. "You ruined my fucking soup. I will now kill each and everyone of you! I WILL FUCKING DESTROY YOU!" no one touches his soup and lives. He made his way towards the enemies, as they through those explosions things at him, that only fueled his power. Doing subtly nothing to him, he would take out his hand and wack the first first right across his face. "YOU HURT MY FEELING!" He said in the out most tallish voice. Feeling annoyed and pissed off. he would then wack the other guy with the Lead pipe that was built from the walls of the tunnels "Well your gonna help me or what. Mar." He shouted at Mar's location in a pissed off manner. Annoyed and ticked off Mammon was.

    He sighed to himself and would close his eyes before those enemies got up and kept throwing things at him. This time it pushed him back quite the distance but the damage was null. Other then fueling his physical strength along with speed.

    Word Count: 549

    (Counts as three posts)


    Demonic Hellfire Magic
    Mammon's Bank


    Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] Empty Re: Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon]

    Post by Guest 13th February 2016, 4:37 am

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you
    Marschal fell silent as Mammon clearly went berserk over his clam chowder soup being flipped out of his hand. If he had not brought that damned soup with him, they wouldn't have this current issue the mage was now display. Rolling his eyes at Mammon's words, the mage would jump in as the rescue, pluck off the gourd from his hip, and take a big swig of it. Downing the gourd, Marschal would quickly begin to feel the effects of the alcohol taking its course through his body. He doubted he would ever get used to that feeling, or it would take a lot more alcohol for him to feel the effects soon. Latching the bottle back onto his hip, the mage swallowed what was left of the alcohol in his mouth, then attack. With great speed, the mage rammed his fist into the stomach of the demolition slave, pushing them back.

    As the demolition slave threw a dynamite at Marschal, he knocked it away with a kick, straight back to its owner. The stick blew up in the slave's face, and with the smoke coursing in the air, the Black Rose mage slammed his fist into the man's face. Swiveling on his feet, Marschy swung his leg backward and roundhouse kicked the slave right in the chest with the heel of his boot. He didn't want to do all of the work though, so the mage would back off to let Mammon take care of the slave. At his rank, it'd only take him three more hits to get the slave down, and that's all they needed in order to move on. So, the mage let his fists drop to his sides and he stumbled backwards, almost losing his footing now that the alcohol was taking effects. By now, he had long forgotten about the smoky smell in the air, and stood there waiting for Mammon to finish the slave off.

    Perhaps, he would drink just a little bit more while he waited; there was no harm in doing that, was there? Marschal unclipped the gourd from his hip...

    Foe's HP:

    [351 words; counts as two posts]


    Lineage : -
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    Posts : 94
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 30
    Mentor : Blad
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demonic Hellfire Magic
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    Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] Empty Re: Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon]

    Post by Mammon 13th February 2016, 1:29 pm

    Mammon sighed to himself. He worked himself to hard to not go out with a bang. Besides there will be a tough boss that he will be fighting. He will be fighting some Fire boss. Well right? Since these enemies did fire damage, Which barely did anything but push him and fuel his physical strength and speed. This out to be fun. He noticed Mar going at it. So Mammon decided to unless his own hell. "Oh Boy. To think I am going to let you live? You good sir are suddenly mistaken I WILL FREAKING TAKE YOUR LIMBS OFF FOR BLOWING UP MY SOUP! IT WAS MY SOUP AND MY SOUP ALONE YOU BLOODY THING HOW DEAR YOU TOUCH MY SOUP I WILL FREAKING ANNIHILATION YOU! BELIEVE!" he said. With that being said he formed Hellfire Claws. Once he gained the hellfire claws he smiled to himself and nodded his head. "Are you ready to get dunked on You bloody idiots. Like them idiots and shine bright like a freaking diamond. Understand me? You shine brightly like a bloody diamond as I rip you to freaking shreds. And smooth you with FREAKS!" he was now spewing utter nonsense from his mouth from being pissed the hell up. Annoyed and pissed off he was and not a single thing was done about it. Well say no more today that will soon all change because he will do something no man has done before. He would simply conditioned these silly little shits to oblivion. No one touches his soup and lives to tell the tale about it. He nodded his head and simply smiled to himself. This time charging at them. Once he neared his target, he driveler strong Hellfire claw marks right into the grove of the face of the target, ripping it's head from it's neck, the flames that touch the target's body, tried to his body and left after burns. He didn't stop there. oh boy, he kept hitting the target's headless chest, as he would begin to non senseless pound ad pump his claws into it's chest ripping chunks after chunks off flesh. Mammon was beyond annoyed. Oh boy he would simply not stop there, he flipped back wards and gripped the already dead person by the legs, and slam him on to the wall. Then Mammon leaped at him and begun clawing with left hand at his body, while the right held on to the wall. "I WILL DESTROY! DON"T TOUCH MY SOUP!" He said again to the already dead person.

    Mammon had seemed to lose all sense of control as he would attempt to delimb his limbs now, Both arms and Both legs till there was a Body with ripped chunked of flesh in it, He leaped off the wall and landed on the ground. breathing heavily as the Body dropped on the ground. "Don't ever let anyone touch my Soup.. Mar.. Or this will happen to that person." He pointed at the body. He then begun to laugh. Before he finally calmed down. "Right so let's take out the big guy. And your buying me soup Right? WE GONNA EAT SOUP RIGHT? Yes? SOUP! I LOVE SOUP! Let's eat soup. All the soup in the world. It will be great wouldn't it." He said happily. Like ignoring the fact that he just ripped a creature from limb to limb. All because his soup got ruined. But all that angry had gone away. And he smiled to be at total peace for now of course. He approached Mar, and hugged him strangely he felt at ease. That he managed to take out his first enemy. With the help of Mar that is. So Mammon Felt at Ease for the current moment. After hugging him he would release him and speak. "How did I do? For the first time taken an enemy down with your help? Were you impressed? I think I knocked him out pretty good right?" he asked. Completely ignoring the fact that he just killed a creature because someone ruined his soup and made him drop it. It was an interesting thought how this all happened. Right? Mammon Hoped, Mar found him interesting for now?

    WC: 702

    (Counts as 4 posts.)


    Demonic Hellfire Magic
    Mammon's Bank


    Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] Empty Re: Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon]

    Post by Guest 14th February 2016, 6:04 am

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you
    Marschal's red eyes fluttered around the mining system as Mammon rampaged and ripped the opponent to shreds. He could feel his mouth watering at the taste of the fresh raw meat of the fell demolitions slave, but decisively couldn't have it. His tongue ran over his lips like that of a cat's, his pupils dilating to slits and narrowing before he realized what Mammon had done. The moment the realization hit him, his face would return to a stone-cold appearance, and he would look to his partner. They were legal mages, they were not meant to kill, no matter what the job was to be; they could not ever kill.

    "Mammon, we are legal mages, which means the Magic Council watches what we do," Marschal tried explaining to the new member. "We cannot kill these people, even if it's over a bowl of soup; we bring them back to the city for them to be locked away."

    He was not going to dwell on it, and started back down into the mining tunnels, but not before Mammon abruptly hugged him. Taken by surprise at the sudden hug, Marschal let out a terrified hiss at the mage and squirmed and wiggled his way out of the boy's grasp. Now breathing heavily from the attack, Marschy ducked away from Mammon and began walking at a quicker pace.

    "I don't enjoy soup," the mage retorted, brushing his hair out of his face, down the length of it, until he flicked it off his fingertips. "I prefer raw meat, and the only person I know that will give me anything remotely delicious for raw meat is Magna. You may get yourself soup, but I don't want any; it can be your own celebratory soup once we get out of this place." In all honesty, he was beginning to dislike the attitude of Mammon: it was far too childish and he already had a son to take care of.

    Before long of their trip, Marschal could hear the sounds of footsteps echoing just up ahead of where they were. The steps sounded like they were getting closer, so he would prepare himself for when their opponent appeared. He unlatched his gourd from his hip and held it to his mouth, eyeing the place the feet were making their way from. Seconds later, another demolitions slave would appear, and Marschal would guzzle down a great deal of the gourd. What alcohol was in his mouth, was sprayed out into a great blast of fire at the man who had been approaching him. Billows of flame surrounding the mage as Marschal spit the alcohol into a blaze of fire that he had lit up. This was his one of his signatures, Drunken Art of Eight Hermits, that allowed for Marschal to deal great fire damage.

    When the fire died away, Marschy took another great swig of his gourd and latched it back onto his hip. He swallowed down the alcohol and he could feel the power absorbing into him, so he would charge the burnt man. With a fell swoop to the head, his foot would crash into the slave's skull, but one of the dynamites would go off. It pushed Marschal back by a meter, though that didn't stop him from making another charge at the enemy. This time, he would dodge the dynamite thrown at him, and he would swing around to sling a foot into the spine of the man. From there, he would quickly slip underneath the man as the slave looked around for him, and Marschy's foot would fly up to the chin of his opponent. The effect of the spell caused the demolitions slave to be knocked backward about two meters, landing heavily on the ground before trying to get back up.

    With what damage he had done, Marschal would back off from the opponent, to give Mammon the chance to fight him. The enemy struggled to his feet, but once he had gotten back up, his eyes would shift from the opponent he thought he had chance against to Mammon. Maybe this man would be easier for him to attack, rather than trying to deal with a swift, Kung Fu-based weirdo. Beckoning to Mammon, the Black Rose mage would will his partner to go forward and finish the guy off. After all, with the damage he had already done to the enemy, it would take about three hits to knock him down.

    Foe's HP::

    [743 words; counts as four posts]


    Lineage : -
    Position : None
    Posts : 94
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Mentor : Blad
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Demonic Hellfire Magic
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    Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] Empty Re: Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon]

    Post by Mammon 15th February 2016, 12:23 pm

    Mammon nodded his head as he smiled at what he did it was truly amazing at what he did to the man. But he hadn't realized that his actions might contain possible consequences that would impact not only himself but people around him and their views on him. He shook his head it was best not to dwell on that. But he should most likely answer. Marshy. It would make sense if he did answer him so he didn't leave him in the dark. He would nodded his head and look at him. "You know. You don't have to tell me twice. This is what happens when people mess with Soup. Anyways. Non of that. I'll try and keep my control if you want. It would be fair we don't get in trouble of the Magical Council let's keep this just between us? Don't you think that would be most fair?" he asked him curiously. He hoped Marshy would be an understanding person and keep it just between the two of them. Nodding his head he would sigh. man all this was for soup. How reckless did he honestly get it. Maybe he should have taken it easy? And not have been so bloody harsh? Aye? He chuckled to himself and shook his head back and forth.

    Kept moving on. He stay close with Marshy. "Marshy. I will be good I promise let's just get out of this alive and well. I must say I am sorry for not being so helpful and not knocking him out I promise I will do much better okay?" he told him quietly. He would try to not kill anymore and work on control if someone messed with soup. With that being said he would shake his head. "You don't enjoy soup? I'll give you to enjoy something! How would you like some of my Raw meat?" he gave a sexual joke. This all seemed well and done with. Then there was a choice of the matter at hand at handling these slaves. Then suddenly another one of those fucks appeared. Mammon looked and pointed his foot down and stomped. "NO! NO! NO! God! Hell no!" he pointed down at the slave. "Bad dog." he said pointed on the ground for him to seat down and enjoy the fighting. Sadly that was not the case As Marshy took charge and decided to fight. As he fought he would begin to knock the slave down and do some hits on him. Mammon's ability always active so He still had his flames claws on him the one that enhanced his ability for strength and speed. After Mammon saw The slave in downed State get up. Mammon roared out and then made his way towards his location as he started to leap at him and slash at his face, leaving Marks, he did two claws then four more. Before the Slave punched Mammon. And sent him back. Mammon got up. and then clapped his hand, and released a monstrous flame thrower his way, burning him down once hit but not killing him he was most likely knocked out. With that being said and down he smiled to himself and nodded. "God." he said quietly.

    Wc: 536

    (Counts as 3 posts.)


    Demonic Hellfire Magic
    Mammon's Bank


    Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon] Empty Re: Job Title: Wanted! Demolitions Expert! [Marschal and Mammon]

    Post by Guest 15th February 2016, 1:49 pm

    if i'm a danger to myself
    Just think what I could do to you
    Marschal brushed some of his hair out of his face, though sweat made the hair cling to his face as he did so. It was gross; he was dirty and grimy, and there was no shower around for him to clean himself of the nastiness. He would just have to quietly handle being dirty, covered in ash, coal, and dirt that had all kinds of bacteria. Watching Mammon take down the second of the demolition slaves wasn't that bad though; he had kept his promise. The man was only knocked out and not torn to pieces like the previous one, so that helped ease Marschal's mind. No longer was he on a job with a psychopath, but someone who genuinely wanted to be a better mage than he already was. With the man downed though, he decided that it was best to move on, and ignored what Mammon had said to him.

    Brushing past the blond-haired companion, the feline half-breed descended farther down into the mining system. The smell was still rank, but by now, he had gotten used to the stench that clung to his nostrils and made him want to throw up. Though it wasn't long after they had started their trek again, that Marschal started feeling like something was behind them. Goosebumps rose up on his back and crawled around on his body, which caused the mage to stop in his tracks. His head tilted some, as if he was listening to something, like footsteps or sounds only he could hear. Yet nothing could be heard, and just as he was about to continue on, an object fell onto him, crushing him to the ground. Marschy let out a yelp of surprise and whirled around, so that whatever had fallen on him was now underneath him.

    Beneath him had been a spider, quite a large one at that, and it disgusted Marschal to be looking into its eyes. Already drunk beyond belief, Marschal summoned on the power that had been stored in the liquid of his gourd. "Drunken Fists!" Marschy shouted out, slamming one of his fists into the head of the spider, which caused it to squeal out. Its legs let go of him and twitched before curling inward, signaling that Marschal's single punched had killed it. Insects were insects, he didn't care of this thing died because why would someone bring a giant insect to jail?

    He dusted his hands off and stood back to his feet, combing his fingers through his now knotted hair. His eye twitched at the sight of his ragged hair and he frowned, but didn't dwell on the mess because he knew he could go home soon.

    "All right, let's go," the mage stated, beginning to walk again and acting like the spider hadn't even happened.

    [467 words; counts as two posts]

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