Fairy Tail RP

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    Rai Chu

    Rai Chu
    Rai Chu

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 44
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 350

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Thunder Demon Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Completed Rai Chu

    Post by Rai Chu 19th December 2015, 11:04 am

    Name: Rai Chu
    Gender: Male
    Age: 7, although he mentally ages 3 times faster than humans do.
    Birthday: March 18th
    Sexuality: Straight.
    Special Characteristics: N/A


    Rai Chu is a peculiar little guy. When he first meets someone (particularly if they're human) he comes across as very angry and very hating both visibly and verbally. He's very blunt, not afraid to say exactly what he's thinking and not afraid of what may come of his words (although he's not beyond regret should he be shown exactly how much of a mistake he makes with his poor attitude). It is worth noting however that this persona is but a fraction of the little thunder mouse and is very much a front so as to put people off wanting to be with him, through fear of them wanting to kidnap him like what has happened to so many of his friends before.

    While it is risky to do so if you're the current target of his random, unprovoked rage, he is easily quelled by a gentle touch from someone he trusts, suggesting that he actually quite enjoys the attention that pets would normally get. Just don't refer to him as such and certainly don't go any further beyond that, or you'll be in for a shock - literally as well as figuratively. Once he does trust someone he will fight with unrivaled loyalty for them without a seconds thought. His complete undying devotion however belongs to one person only and everyone else will ALWAYS come second to them no matter what. It is also with that one person that he acts how most people would expect him to act - he'll curl up with them when he's tired, run to them if he's scared (which, as he says, NEVER happens) and generally act almost like a small child around them when out of the public eye.

    As his rage and confidence suggests, Rai is very comfortable in a fight. With his myriad of lightning abilities he can strike an opponent from afar or move in close and deal devastating blows that seem completely surreal coming from such a little critter. As a leader Rai is somewhat demanding. He knows what he wants people to do and if they don't do it then they might as well not be there, and he will quickly make that known. As such he doesn't make the BEST of leaders in most situations, but he can lead nonetheless, even if his subordinates may not like his tone - or the fact they're being given orders by a talking mouse who is less than half their size.

    Rai works best when he's given commands (although only from someone he respects enough, otherwise he'll just completely disregard them and probably insult them for trying to order him around, which is no good to anyone). He takes the commands seriously, ensuring he pulls his weight and achieves what is expected of him, if only so he can rub it in the faces of those who fail to achieve what they've been asked to do. That said, he is not above questioning commands should he have a better idea, or if he feels the commands are downright suicidal in which case his survival instincts will kick in and he'll do what he feels is the best course of action regardless.

    - Music has become a huge part in Rai's life in the past year or so, and so he's grown to adore such beauty, even if he doesn't necessarily understand it himself.

    - Hot chocolate is amazing. It is love. It is life. Nothing beats hot chocolate. NOTHING!

    - Storms; Okay maybe storms are better than hot chocolate. The static in the air when there's a good storm make Rai feel like he's on top of the world, his energy being increased substantially, yet he feels truly at ease.

    - Humans; They have a tendency to try treating him like some kind of a pet and some have even been known to kidnap members of his race for use in combat. As such, Rai has a huge disliking for humans and it takes a considerable amount of time to win him over.

    - Water is horrible. Like honestly, rain is one thing, it at least comes with thunder sometimes, but water alone is just downright annoying.

    - Cats are horrible creatures. They take one look at Rai and think he's a mouse and try to eat him. Sure he has shocked (and fried) a few cats, but they're still rude and smelly and horrible.


    - To become a great lightning mage, above even the chief of his village.

    - To protect the world from devastation - in his own time of course. He has other priorities for now.

    - To create the most amazing hot chocolate EVER that will be both amazingly good AND give him a boost to his abilities. Is this possible?...probably not.

    - Being captured and forced to fight for another's gains is something Rai fears above all else. That's slavery and it's a terrifying prospect.

    - His village being overrun by humans is a huge fear for Rai as who knows how they would treat his family?

    - Being alone; no-one likes being alone, but for Rai it is being left alone in a place like Fiore that terrifies him the most.

    General Appearance

    Height: 94cm
    Weight: 73 lbs
    Hair: If his fur counts then Rai's fur is orange-y yellow and covers his entire body with exception of his abdomen, which is snow white in colour, and a couple of horizontal brown stripes on his back.
    Eyes: Black
    Skin Tone: Unknown courtesy of his fur. Most likely pale though.
    Appearance: Well apart from what's been mentioned there isn't really much more to say. Rather than having human hands and feet Rai has paws, and a long, thin black tail protrudes from the base of his spine. The end of his tail is thunderbolt shaped which, according to Rai, is a different shape on every one of his race depending on the element of magic they possess within them and to what potency. His is apparently one of the largest but...well, men and their toys and all that.


    Guild: Sabertooth
    Tattoo: On his tail in yellow, making it virtually invisible.
    Rank: C (Donated for Regular VIP. Waiting for everything to go through but the 350EXP from that will push Rai instantly to C rank).
    Inspirational Quote
    Inspirational Quote

    The Broken Elementalist

    The Broken Elementalist

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1046
    Cosmic Coins : 1
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : -

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
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    Completed Re: Rai Chu

    Post by Inspirational Quote 20th December 2015, 4:55 am

    Seems to be all in order and the concept is hilarious to me at least.

    Approved by IQ.


    Jobs Completed
    D rank:0
    C rank:0
    B rank:0
    A rank:0
    S rank:0

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:35 pm