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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)


    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The True Nephalem
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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Decayuss 9th December 2015, 5:00 pm

    Words: 971
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."

    Two days ago.

    The sound of a drawn out breath in the form of a sigh filled the small bit of air surrounding Deniel the moment that he let it out. Closing his eyes as he did so, and having his arms crossed, the sigh was composed of a sense of boredom and irritation. Perched up against a wall with one of his boots crossed behind the other, he found protection from the midday sun in the shade of a building--all that it had to offer anyway. The afternoon ground had very little to now shadows to offer. Though the temperature did not bother him, he merely felt as if he should be temporarily left out of the sunlight. His black cloak was over his shoulders just as it usually had been, though it was not sealed off in the front as he had his arms crossed; it was opened wide with his elbows and revealed underneath the steel grey T-shirt, and everything else his jet black clothing had to offer. He found himself on the breeches of Fiore, within Clover Town. He had been contemplating whether or not he should turn back and search Fiore once more, or go out on a brief adventure in some other bordering--or perhaps distant--country. Recent days found no adventure or excitement within his life, and no orders from the Magic Council to slay some grand monster or retaliate against some evil ploy. Nothing. He was almost thinking that they saw him as only a puppet, though that assumption seemed a bit excessive; only time could truly tell what they thought of him.

    Just when the decision had almost hit him to venture out of Fiore, something had kept him in. A group of people had passed him by, ignoring the person that they showed absolutely no interest in, and were nonchalantly discussing and debating a recent destruction of a certain guild. From what the Nephalem could gather by overhearing, he figured out what Guild it was...and who did it. A scowl did not manifest itself on his features, but instead his red orbs had begun to narrow: "That's very interesting."


    It was not just a rumor. At first assuming that it had been, or some details had been switched around or lies had been told, Deniel very quickly discovered through more rumor and information that it was the truth. Eclipse Soul, the guild that he had briefly run only several months ago, was completely annihilated, disbanded, and its Guild Hall destroyed. The one responsible for the destruction of its Guild Hall had a name that he would know anywhere: Venir. "Hmmm...what did the little child do this time?" It was a thought he was keen about discovering the truth for, except the thought itself did not have one particular truth in it: Venir was no longer a child. Of course he never questioned whether she was or wasn't, as the last time he saw her she was, and it seemed completely illogical for her to make a sudden shift. But because he had assumed so, no one had ever seen her because his physical description of her was wrong. Perhaps passing the name might have gained a clue here or there, but he found no need to. A name would cause trouble.

    Thus, after two days of traveling and searching, he found himself within Talonia. Apparently a save haven for Guildless people, though he himself never visited there, he knew that it was also a place that offered a hub of information. And Deniel was more than willing to trade anything for the information of Venir's whereabouts. Entering the Soul Bar with a sudden opening of the door, wearing the exact same clothes that he always did along with his black cloak, his red irises looked around. He felt some eyes on him, though many had returned to their activities and talking. A shady figure in Talonia was no uncommon site, and Deniel, despite being a God of Ishval, had made his name known, but not his face. His combat boots took slow steps against the wooden--and slightly creaking floor--as the tall figure slowly made his way over to the bar to sit on a stool. He still kept his cloak wide open with his hands, swinging them only slightly from side to side with each step that he took. Every blink of his eyes that he took they were pointed in a different direction, so that he may get a glimpse of anyone still watching them, and make them buzz off or just to give them a glare. Being a scary person was still something he was good at; intentional or not.

    He sat himself down on a stool, and when the bartender came to serve him, Deniel did not order a drink. When asked what he wanted, the only words that came out were: "I'm looking for someone." Almost everyone was, but still contemplating whether or not Deniel was worth his time, the bartender asked: "Who?" Placing his elbows on the bar along with the rest of his arms, Deniel tapped one of his index fingers and answered. "A girl. White hair. About four feet in height. Almost like a little kid, though she uses Magic. Know anything?" The bartender raised his eyebrow and shook his head, about also inquired: "The Hell would a little girl be doing in Talonia? And what do you want with one?" Deniel sighed as he rolled his shoulders a little bit. He rested his cheek right on the palm of his right hand on the bar table, and bluntly answered: "Dunno'. Just trying to find any source, really. And she's an old friend of mine. Haven't seen her in a bit. It'd be nice to talk and catch up, ya' know?"

    "No. I don't know."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Experience : 24,000

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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Mistress Venir 14th December 2015, 6:21 pm

    Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The finite.


    That was what the blonde currently felt but truth be told she had that feeling ever since the day she lost control. A day that she constantly pushed to the back of her mind, though often times images of that fateful day still unwillingly coursed through her head. At first that uncomfortable feeling was that of guilt, a crushing sort of weight on her heart that hurt unlike any pain she had previously experienced. That feeling of guilt was still there, she of all people deserved to be guilty after the destruction she caused, but overtime she had learned to not wallow around in her self-hate. Instead it was repressed, and she distracted herself with countless jobs. Rarely did she stop to take a moment and think, to grieve. Her days consisted of countless adventures because if she stopped if even for a moment, it was possible that she wouldn't get back up again. These days even sleep was becoming a rare commodity to her. How could she sleep well when memories of vivid black flames, and the scent of her home burning around her haunted her dreams? Each morning would start off with that crushing grief, and then would be pushed away, compressed back into that small pressure on her heart. Then she would repeat that process again, and again, and again.

    Yet it was only over the course of the last few weeks that Venir's uncomfortable feeling had seemed to grow in strength. It wasn't quite guilt that racked her, but rather nervousness. She had become antsy, filled with an anxious sort of energy, and an urge to constantly be doing something. Try as she might though, Venir couldn't be out on a mission everyday, especially with the way she was getting rest. Which is why she pushed away that feeling of nervousness and stayed in Talonia for the day. "I almost have enough money for my own place." She lay upon a bed that was not her own, in a room that belonged not to her but to a certain fire dragon slayer. The people of Talonia were different than those who had resided back in the gui- elsewhere. Burning finger tips brushed against the ink black mark of a destroyed guild that still lay upon her thigh. Regardless she wanted a place to call him again, but a place where others were not at risk if or rather when she lost control again. Still, the manager of the bar just beneath the room that she was crashing in was nice enough. He always gave her shots of burning alcohol to curb her hunger, her flame body burning away the liquid and only consuming the flames.


    Just thinking of it made her stomach practically growl, "Ugggh!" She groaned rolling over in the bed and curling in on herself. That anxious feeling returned, making her want to stay in her room rather than go downstairs to the bar, but at the same time it urged her to get up and just go. Not one to ponder on just why she was feeling that way, Venir pulled herself from the bed running a quick hand through the uncontrollable mess that was her blonde mane. It was perhaps the sudden change in her body and her magic that had been the most difficult. Supposedly, that was her true form and age but it was almost unbelievable when she took even a passing glance in the mirror. Certainly that burning blonde beauty had to be someone else! Groaning once more, Venir pulled on her usual attire, clothes that were given to her by the generosity and help of a trio of Rune Knights. Taking one last look in the mirror, not recognizing the fiery adventurer that looked back at her, Venir went down the stairs and into the,

    Soul Bar

    It was bustling as usual but Venir managed to slide into her usual seat at the bar counter. "Give me the usual!" She tried to chirp in excitement but it didn't come out right. That anxiousness was still there, "Make that quick. I'll be heading out after this." The bartender gave her a knowing look before fetching her a cup of alcohol and setting it on fire with flick of a match. He slid the burning liquid over to her, and Venir took a moment so simply feel the heat of the glass between her hands. Heat had become almost comforting to her, enough so that it pushed away that horrendous feeling of nervousness from her for the briefest of moments. Only it returned in full if not greater force by the time she swallowed the drink, flames and all. "What's wrong with me?" She felt overheated, unaware of why she felt so anxious and overcharged, Venir merely blamed it on needing some fresh air. Just as Venir was about to slip out of her seat and out of the bar someone had entered, causing her violet orbs to glance over towards the all too familiar newcomer. There was quite a few people in which Venir did not want to see since her little incident, but there was no doubt that he was at the top of her list.

    "Deniel. Guild Master. I'm dead. He's going to kill me."

    Her thoughts were jumbled and if she had been standing she was almost certain she would have been on the floor unconscious. "He won't recognize me, it's just a coincidence. I just need to get out of here." However, she found that she couldn't find the strength to get out of her seat, instead she sat there quaking and fearful. Worst of all was when he had sat himself down in the seat next to her own. Out of instinct her hand quickly moved to cover the mark upon her thigh, her head turned away from him. While, Venir would have recognized her former guild master from a mile away, he probably wouldn't have been able to claim the same when it came to her, but that didn't stop her from trying to hide as much of herself from his view as possible. Especially her face, and the distinguishing mark upon her thigh. "It's just a coincidence, he's just here for a drink nothing more-" She tried to reassure herself but the moment he described someone he was looking for, a description that could only match that of her previous childish form did Venir finally lose her cool.


    It bubbled in her throat and for a moment she thought she was going to choke on her own breath. If the panic wasn't bad enough, the sudden lurch of the lacrima implanted in her belly made everything worse. "No! Not now!" She tried to swallow the panic and fear inside of her because the moment those took root something much worse often times accompanied them, "Stay in control." Yet try as she might, Venir could already feel a fire pooling in her belly, a tenseness in her muscles, and her entire body heating up. It was a self-defense mechanism, the very same mechanism that caused her to accidentally destroy an entire guild. Once again it she felt the lacrima twinge inside of her, as if it on some basic level understood that its existence was being threatened, and that it would be prepared to defend itself. When her lacrima twitched again Venir slipped, almost falling out of her seat in an effort to get away from the man that had unknowingly sat next to the very person he was looking for. "You dumb lacrima. Don't be gearing up to fight. You should know that it's impossible. We should run." A ragged breath escaped her lips, her hand slipping from her thigh to clutch as the exposed section of her midriff. Her heart was pounding so loudly in her ears that she didn't catch anything that Deniel had said save for his initial description of her, and her mind was so focused on control and escape that she didn't really care at this point.

    1,343 Words
    NOTES: Whoop


    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The True Nephalem
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nephalem Take Over
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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Decayuss 14th December 2015, 7:48 pm

    Words: 1188
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Deniel never really took a glance at the woman next to him, aside from the moment that he sat down. A pretty blonde was certainly hard to come by in bars, but right now he wasn't searching for a girl to pick up and flirt with and then leave behind once he went out on his adventures again, though he was guilty of doing that from time to time. So in spite of everything he had not laid eyes on her once, and instead focused his attention on the bartender. Regardless of his pair of eyes not moving just a little bit to the left to notice that he was right next to his target, someone else's did. Perched and nestled right within the collarbone and neck area of Deniel was a puny reptilian figure in the same of a serpent, coiling itself around one side of his neck to the other, and shutting its eyes. Due to the fact that all of Deniel's clothing was black, especially his coat and cloak, the creature blended in with relative ease; it would take an especially trained eye to notice a pair of black scales on a black shirt next to a black coat covered by a black cloak. So much black... Its eyes were closed most of the time because it was either a sleep, or resting. And if it were doing either of the two, Venir probably would have gotten away from Deniel without him so much as batting an eye; for despite the small panic attack she had been having, Deniel himself paid her no mind. A blonde struggling with herself was the very least of his concerns.

    Yet, moments after Deniel sat himself down on the chair and asked the first series of questions, the eyes opened up. Beady red dots, small in size but glowing with a scowl of hatred, revealed themselves and looked right over Deniel's collar. The serpent slithered only slightly so that its face could peak past the upturned collar of Deniel. In Venir's perspective, unless she had been focusing on Deniel's shoulder area alone, the first movements would go unnoticed. The only thing her--and anyone else curious enough to be looking at his shoulder--would notice is a pair of extra black eyes mysteriously creeping around his collar and looking at her. Dead straight at her face. Though it did not have a pair of pupils to follow its gaze, it then turned around to focus on her hand covering her thigh. And it continued to watch...and watch.

    Whilst that was happening Deniel had still been conversing with the bartender, attempting to negotiate any source of information or lead that he could perhaps follow. The description of her was simple, but he even went out of his way to giving a much more intricately detailed image of her: "Snow white hair that matches her outfit. A little over four feet in height. Bright blue eyes. Dresses in an elegant manner, and the mark of E--....A mark on her thigh." The bartender shook his head the entire time, with each and every description that Deniel made. No leads, no sources, no nothing to work with. Once again Deniel was at square one, and had no other reason to stay here and waste his time dallying with anyone who didn't have any credible information. Though before he could push himself off of his seat, a whisper came into his ear.

    The whisper had come from the creature on his shoulder. For it had been watching the woman that was seated right next to his master, and she was behaving in a very peculiar and queer manner. She seemed to be incited with panic of some sort; either she was swooning over how good looking Deniel was, or something had triggered her. So he watched. And watched. Watched as she struggled and squirmed, how her expression only got more worried and filled with distress by the second, and how she covered up her thigh.

    And then her hand slipped.

    The beady red eyes went wide for a moment, staring intensely straight at the mark of Eclipse Soul, a mark that it knew all too well, and one that was still on the right hand of his master. It turned itself away from her, its figure almost invisible once more due to its intense eyes no longer giving away its position. And it whispered straight into the ear of Deniel, whom had just finished conversing with the Bartender: "Look to your left." Irritated that once again his attempts at finding the girl were once again in vain, Deniel annoyingly looked to his left, only turning his eyes and not his face. It was the blonde, but there was something about her that he could see that before he could not: the mark on her thigh. Indeed, it was the exact same color and on the same position that he recalled the girl he had been searching for had. Either coincidental, or...no. It was impossible. It had only been several months; there was no way the little girl could have grown up to this buxom blonde. Regardless a former member of Eclipse Soul was perhaps the best kind of lead he could ever attain. It was almost as if fate for him had reached a churning point, in which it gave way into his favor. His eyes had gone wide once he saw the mark, and he made no hesitation to make a move or strike up a conversation. It was almost too fortunate to be true.

    "Had too much alcohol, darlin'?" His eyes were on her thighs, before looking right up at her blue orbs, contrasting his red irises. He turned himself in his seat, crossing one of his legs over the other so that he may face her direction. She seemed to be in distress, though it was the least of his concern. If she needed help he would give it, but under no circumstances was he about to lose this lead. He placed his cheek right in the palm of his right hand, which had its elbow pressed against the bar counter. The way he spoke to her was a bit quiet, in a bit of a cold whisper as well. And the way he referred to her as "darlin'" was a method of flirting he often used on girls: act nice to them and they'd do almost anything you like. Mostly. He wasn't really attempting to get with this woman, but information at the very least would require some form of kindness. "Eclipse Soul, huh? I heard it was burned to the ground. Know anything about that?" He never revealed he was a former member, or even Guild Master. In fact his mark was perfectly covered up by the glove on his right hand that he always wore. And only on his right. He never saw her face before, so she might have been new and around during the time of the attack. She can't recognize me...unless Alyia decided to honor my name and face. Doubt it. But let's see where this goes..."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Mistress Venir 15th December 2015, 5:31 pm

    Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The finite.

    "Oh no...."

    This time the all too familiar voice had addressed her rather than the bartender. The blonde's body went rigid for a moment, all of the fire within her ceasing. Then everything picked back up again, the flames within her burning with more force than before. She let out another raspy breath, even the oxygen in her lungs felt like it was on fire. Still, he hadn't seemed to recognize her just yet. Not responding would only draw more suspicious attention to herself. "Y-Yeah I think so..." Her statement was accompanied by a nervous laugh. It was a blatant lie at the least, the blonde was incapable of getting drunk, her body burning away any negative effects alcohol would have on her. However, with the way she was swaying she could have easily passed for a plastered young woman. The fact that he was addressing her as "Darlin'"was a little concerning but it only proved that he had yet to recognize her, if he had then he certainly wouldn't be calling her such an endearing name.

    "Still it's weird."

    There was no doubt that her current form was attention grabbing in all of the wrong and right ways. Which meant that Venir had gotten her fair share of being hit on but for her own guild master, even an ex one was a bit too much for the young woman. Enough so that she swayed a little bit having to lean heavily against the counter. There was plenty of distance between them so that neither would accidentally brush against the other but Venir would have preferred more, at least a whole town between them would be good, an entire continent would be even better. Violet eyes couldn't help but flicker away from the red gaze of the man across from her. "E-E-Eclipse Soul?" Her hand that wasn't helping keep her upright moved to brush against the mark upon her thigh. The mere mention of the guilds name made her want to cry, and the thought of burning made her gulp. Eclipse Soul had indeed burned down, the thought of burning made the lacrima in her twitch again, body temperature rising up another few degrees.

    Ashes, ashes, it all falls down!

    She felt overheated, and flustered, a crimson blush dusting her pale cheeks. It wasn't normal, it wasn't natural for her to feel so excited at just the mention of burning. Let alone should she be feeling giddy at even the flashes of memory that flickered through her head. The smell of smoke and the sight of the flames that once haunted her seemed oh so appealing at the moment. "No stay in control." She let out another breath realizing that she had yet to answer his question. "Y-Yeah I know it burned down..." She paused, searching for some sort of answer to give him. She couldn't lie but she couldn't tell the truth either...Venir wasn't able to give him an answer but it didn't matter as the bartender soon arrived to scold the blonde,

    "Oi! Ven, ya brat! You're burning my counter again!"

    Venir let out a yelp as the man raised his voice her body instinctively slinking away from the counter, there was still smoldering scorch marks where her skin had made contact with it. An apology had died out on her lips as something registered in her head. "Ven." He said it without a care or a second thought. It was short for Venir but not many people exactly went around by the name of Venir or the nickname Ven. A new wave of panic had rushed over her, body frozen for a moment, violet eyes going wide in surprise as she just stared at the bartender. "S-Sorry." Her gaze flickered down for a moment, whether the apology was meant for the bartender or for Deniel it was hard to say.

    Only after that simple word had been uttered did Venir's body suddenly spring to life. It had stopped shaking, her muscles relaxing for the briefest of moments, and her dizzy spell had passed. At long last she had finally found her resolve. The fire within her went still in preparation, a soft breath escaping her pink lips. Then her boots dug into the wooden floor of the bar, her fist cocking back, and her violet gaze locking onto her target in question. She had no intention of fighting him, nor could she hope to match him toe to toe despite having become stronger herself. Instead she'd hope to get in a quick punch, with a fist decorated in dark flames, before she would make a break for the door. That giddy feeling she had felt when partaking in combat had returned, and the lacrima in her belly burned with excitement. Her body wanted to fight that much was sure, but it seemed it was just as satisfied with a literal hit and run tactic. In response her cocked back fist went alight with dark flames. Her fist moved forward, aiming for the nose, putting all of her body and strength into the one attack.

    All of this took a second or two at most

    859 Words
    NOTES: Whoop


    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The True Nephalem
    Position : None
    Posts : 1836
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Nephalem Take Over
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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Decayuss 17th December 2015, 9:55 pm

    Words: 1313
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    She appeared a little nervous, and that was intriguing to say the least. Though it was a possibility for the young blonde to be intoxicated with alcohol a little too much, her behavior was not nearly as peculiar enough for him to consider it the highest option. It was an option up there, but her demeanor certainly did not make it the most probable. Instead of stating this aloud, the young man merely smirked with a bit of his white teeth being shown off, and a chuckle escaping from him that caused his shoulders to shrug up and down a bit. She was quite amusing, whomever she was. It certainly wasn't the alcohol that was influencing her behavior, it was another factor, and part of Deniel suspected it was because she was a little swooned by him, or even a little flattered. It wasn't out of the picture, as he learned that girls did seem to love a young man who looked like a bad boy, especially one that paid mind to them. Alcohol and him flirting with her were options, but there was one more option that he had been thinking of in the back of his head, perhaps the most impossible one of them all. That this girl--this woman--was someone that he knew, and she knew him; it would explain why she was behaving the way that she was, certainly awkward and uncomfortable in his presence, and the only way that would happen is if she suspected him of wishing something from her. Perhaps...it couldn't be. He didn't want to believe it, but the thought kept on bothering him.

    So much so did it bother the young man that a frown temporarily creased itself across his features, his red eyes being narrowed as his black eyebrows furrowed slightly and his red eyes began to glow ever more. This, however, only lasted for a moment, as he once again concentrated on the moments occurring rather than his insane suspicions. She was stuttering again, at the mention of Eclipse Soul, and he narrowed his eyes again. He had his face rested against his palm the entirety of this time, and he started to run his fingers across his cheek while he awaited her response. It was quite delayed, as if she needed time to think about it, almost as if she didn't want to lie to him. Or if something about it troubled her. Regardless of the reason her reactions only added on to the suspicions of the impossible option of who she was, which got more and more likely as the moments passed. The crimson blush on her face...how unusual. She had not blushed when he called her "darlin'" and was obviously flirting in some way or form, but the mentioning of Eclipse Soul caused her to do so, conveying that she felt a sense of distress in regards to that topic.

    "Indeed it did..." So far all she had done was restate what he had said, at least on the subject of Eclipse Soul. She did answer his concern about her level of intoxication, though he had begun to figure that was a lie as well; no one could be drunk and physically behave the way she did while having their mental state in check. Something wasn't adding up, and every second he spent with this woman raised a million more questions in his mind. This was the closest lead he had got to finding her, and it seemed as though she was almost within his grasp. If he could pound out just one more answer from her, a reasonable one, then perhaps she would be within his grasp.

    Although the events that unfolded next did, quite literally, put her in his grasp.

    Ven. Ven. Ven. Ven. Ven. That single word, among all others, echoed through his mind. As well as "burning my counter". Time would have frozen for Deniel, but the next events that unfolded happened all too quickly. The thought came to his mind all too quickly, and it seemed as though the bartender had given him the information he needed. It was an ironic turn of events, and quite unexpected; the one that he counted on for information, and stated that he had none to offer, in the end gave him the most valuable piece that he needed. The puzzle fit.

    Oh my...
    The very first thing that Deniel did was look straight into the eyes of whom he now identified as Venir, as a wide smile spread across his face; it was not one of sinister intent or even happiness, but it seemed to say: "Got you." Before he could even react and say anything, however, he was swiftly met with a fiery fist straight into his face, clashing right against his nose in a mere second or so. If he had seen it coming it was easily avoidable, but unfortunately it was quite unexpected, though he had only himself to blame for not suspecting so. Obviously a lot of strength had been poured into this blow, and Deniel could feel it within the stinging sensation that followed immediately after, but it was no where near enough to daze him or knock him off of his feet. Almost knocking his stool over with the swiftness in which he escape from his seat, Deniel placed his arm right against the midriff of Venir, which he could feel a boiling hotness from, which meant one of two things within his mind, one being the more obvious choice. He was more than capable of holding her off, and if needed he could add an extra hand of force towards it, but one thing remained obvious: she got the hit, but could not run. That was not to say the hit was a complete failure. For while it did stagger Deniel, a crimson red liquid first trickled out of his nostrils before shortly running out and dripping down on to the floor.

    "My, my you're in a hurry. Relax darlin' Venir...I'm not going to hurt you. Unless you do something stupid again." He spoke to her in a low whisper, so not everyone could hear, though all eyes were certainly on the girl who punched the man with a fist coated in black flames, and little to no escalation happened there afterwards. The position they were in did work towards his benefit, for he could get closer to her ear and have her hear out his words in a lower whisper than what he would normally perform. He still called her "darlin'", for a reason in which he kept to himself, but he did reveal that he discovered her identity. And, just to show off, he would also tell her how he solved the puzzle: "Black fire. A boiling hot sensation in your stomach here. Hmm...Flame Goddess...a lacrima. Burned Eclipse Soul right to the ground, and here you are now...as a young woman. That portion I cannot explain." It was not just in a whisper, but he also spoke very quickly, so that he could remove them from the position shortly afterwards. And he did so.

    Hoping that she had been at the very least relaxed by now, for if he wanted to hurt her he could have done so already, he let go. He straightened himself up, and returned to his seat, beckoning her to return to hers as well. "Now before either of us jump to ludicrous conclusions...how about we catch up? It's been a while since I've seen your face. Certainly a shift from a child to a..." from her boots all the way up to her eyes and golden blonde hair his eyes scanned her, and he more or less enjoyed the view of what he saw, "A young woman. How have you been, little Venir? Have you eaten well? Getting good sleep? The basics, you know."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Mistress Venir 19th December 2015, 1:00 pm

    Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The finite.

    Before her fist had met with his nose, Venir had glimpsed a smile. The only way she could possibly describe it was, "a shit eating grin" like a cat that had caught the canary. Knowing that the smug look would be wiped off with her fist made the punch feel even sweet. The smallest of smirks passing over her features. Venir had never been a fighter, or one to enjoy a senseless brawl. However, one of the many changes that had taken place in her body was her sudden adoration, and excitement for a good fight. It sent an almost pleasurable shiver down her spine at the feeling of her fist connecting with something. She didn't get to bask in the glory of the punch for long because her body was already moving towards the door. At most she had gotten a step away before an arm had snaked its way around her waist. If it had been anyone else Venir could have continued to try and run, her own speed would have made her pursuer let go. Unfortunately, Deniel wasn't just anyone, and continuing to try to run with his arm pulled about her midriff was like trying to run through a wall or some metal bars. That didn't stop her from flailing about, her feet digging to the floor boards, and her burning hands placing themselves atop his forearm trying to push his arm away from her.

    The bare skin of her midsection and the touch of her fingers had to be unpleasant in temperature. Prolonged contact to her overheated skin could lead to mild burns if not careful. That would take too much time though, time that Venir did not have. Just as it crossed her mind to light her hands up with dark flames, that would perhaps free her from him, did a whisper reach her ear. It was a promise and a not so subtle threat. Do something stupid again? The lacrima in her twitched in agitation but a shiver ran down her spine nonetheless. Despite her conflicting internal conflict there was one thing that Venir and the lacrima inside of her both agreed on, and that was her own self-preservation. Which is why for the briefest of moments Venir went lax in his grip, carefully listening to what it was he had to say to her. Only the sudden calmness didn't last very long.


    It was half a gasp, half a command. The feeling of someone else other than herself prodding at the exact location of the lacrima in her belly was dizzying to say the least. It made her head spin, and her chest heave. Even the slightest contact made her squirm against him, the sensation was unpleasant, but it wasn't because it hurt. There was countless times when Venir would poke or prod at the lacrima, but that was of her own accord. This was someone else, someone who could rip it from her belly if he desired, and that was what made it unpleasant. That wasn't the only cause for her sudden jolt, "Burned Eclipse Soul" was a negative trigger for her on even a good day. Half the time it made her want to cry, blow up in anger, and more often than not it ended up in a combination of both of those. "Shut up!" It came out as more of an agitated hiss than anything, but it was evident that he had landed upon a rather touchy subject. Her body had by then gone still, the calm before the inevitable storm. He was poking at a lot of things that the blonde slayer didn't even acknowledge, let alone dwell on them.

    Finally, she was released from his grasp but she didn't make a run for it again, though it was a rather tempting idea. She'd run when his guard was sufficiently dropped or if she was put in anymore danger than she already was. While Deniel had taken a seat, Venir had not. She remained standing, it was easier to bolt from an upright position. Her arms were crossed firmly over her chest, and a scowl fell over her features. Only when he addressed her and scrutinized her did her facade break for a moment, squirming slightly under his gaze. "Are you serious?" She raised a golden brow in question feeling as if he was somehow trying to mock her, "What are you my dad?" Her violet eyes rolled much like a rebellious teenager, "What do you want me to say? I've been eating well but I'm losing a taste for regular food and prefer flames now like some sort of monster? That I get little to no sleep cause all I dream about is fire and destruction? That I have no friends and no family cause I'm a danger to the public? That I'm the monster that's created when humans try to make that which gods create?" That flicker of anger, the uncontrollable anger that had taken hold of her ever since the dormant lacrima inside of her had been roused from its slumber, "Cut the crap! Why are you really here?" There was no way that he was actually there to see how she of all people was doing.

    874 Words
    NOTES: Whoop


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    When you ask me to do stuff:

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Decayuss 19th December 2015, 2:22 pm

    Words: 1026
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Something else grew with her, aside from her figure...her temper. He recalled the days of the childish little girl whom would come crying to him--or cry easily--but despite that had a considerable amount of strength and potential. He always wondered what exactly she would be like if she got stronger, perhaps to his level. And now, it was slowly becoming apparent. She had not given him just a bloody nose, but a few things here and there. Obviously she had not stood still, and although he knew she had been flailing in his grip not too long ago, only now did he notice what effects occurred. The tolerance for heat with Deniel was insane, as well as cold temperatures, so that was why he paid almost no heed to Venir's flaming fists and palms against him, nor was bothered by her boiling hot stomach; to him it only felt like placing his hands on a warm surface. Regardless of that, she did manage to burn through a small bit of his clothing that she had touched, and although not entirely noticeable, there were some very small side effects on his skin. That, coupled with the bit of blood that came out of his nose--which had now stopped--was taken as a sign from him that she had grown stronger. Considerably stronger, it was impressive even to him. A person giving him a bloody nose--even temporary--was very hard to come by.

    Though on the note of her temper once more, he noticed it had considerably gone up. Either in general, or because he pushed a few buttons here and there. He recalled the time where he was an extremely irritable person, though that had not entirely passed, and he could understand she didn't want her buttons pushed. Therefor, he made it a goal in his mind to try and not do it too much...for now. He wiped the rest of the blood off of his nose, and sniffed a little bit. He was still more or less appalled by the fact that she was capable of such strength. Her growth, much like his, was exponential. Her first two questions were if he considered her his dad, and he could answer that question honestly and very wholeheartedly, but would wait until she was finished. The last thing he would want to happen is her go running off and have this erupt into a chase. Even such basic questions seemed to infuriate her, it seemed, though it wasn't entirely unexpected.

    In a way, it was worse than he thought. He had hoped that she would have some kind of shed of happiness or positivism in her, or even slightly trust him, but it all seemed no more. He had done no harm to her, and yet it seemed as though she treated him as if he were some kind of hostile. And he wondered why...he pondered it. What was it about him that made her so hostile? Or was it about her? It gave him another rush of nostalgia, back to the good old days, and that was the first thing he reminisced with her aloud. "Dad, huh?" He sighed for a moment, and looked up at the ceiling, before back down at her with a look that seemed to be....yearning? "I'm not your dad, and I never will be. Still...as a little kid I tried to act like I was to you. You would come to me crying because some new member doubted your abilities, we would eat strawberry sundaes together, and you'd even enjoy riding on my shoulders. It was fun..." He shook the thought of it all loose with another side, as he suspected Venir might consider him to be lying, or even downright pitiful. "I'm not your dad. And I don't think you'll ever consider me like that again. Still...it was nice that even temporarily I treated you like a daughter. Though there is one thing bothering me..."

    He uncrossed one of his legs and now had them both perched on the stool, and neither of his hands held his face within his palms unlike last time. He became tense for a moment, and any shred of a nostalgic longing faded away in almost an instant. The deadly frown came upon his face again. "A monster?" In a flash he covered the short distance between them. Not only was he right in front of her, but he was practically in her face about it. His red eyes was glowing with a fiery hatred almost like the Lacrima in her belly, his voice was stern and cold, and he showed no sighs of wanting to move. "You've no idea what a true monster is, do you?" It wasn't until now that he finally answered her was to why he was here, and he did so by pacing around her with the same look on his face, and the same tone within his harsh voice. "I came here to see how you were doing. And it's worse than I thought. No doubt the Council might have a bounty on you...but I've no interest in that, unless you give me a reason to. Now what happens next is up to you. I can show you what a monster is, if you wish. I can rip that lacrima straight from your belly and rid you of it forever. I can teach you methods of controlling it. I can be the friend you need...because we both know I'll never be afraid of you. And despite what you may think, I want to help." He stopped in his tracks right next to the bar table, and looked at the door. He leaned himself right up against it, with one of his legs crossed behind the other and each of his palms resting upon the edge. His red irises, no longer glowing, and his voice no longer filled with hatred, turned right back to her.

    "Or you can run right out there and have me chase after you. I won't guarantee you'll get away, nor will I guarantee I'll be as nice if you do. Everything is in your hands. Make your choice."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

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    Mistress Venir

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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Mistress Venir 13th January 2016, 5:54 pm

    Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The finite.

    Truth be told Venir was hostile towards anyone whom she deemed a threat these days. If there was the slightest chance that someone could hurt her, no matter how small or impossible the blonde would often react violently. By no fault of his own Deniel just so happened to have met the criteria in such a way that he was viewed as a threat to her very existence, a large enough one that it concerned her, and made her feel like some sort of cornered animal. Like most cornered animals her first instinct was to bite, which she already had. All of the almost animalistic feelings were new and foreign to her making the normal pleasant, and sociable woman into someone who was irrationally vicious. Irrational in the sense that she views those who have done her no harm, and have yet to show any reason to do her any harm, as someone who would. Much like every irrational person, Venir had yet to realize the extent of her irrationality, or even worse she viewed her actions as justified.

    Still, his words sent a painful twinge through her heart, her heated expression dropping for just a moment. Unlike most people Venir had gotten to experience childhood twice. Her first childhood was one that she could not recall, a mental block that was placed there for good reason. What good memories could she possibly have from a lab? Her second childhood, a period of time where her body and mind were aged down. The circumstances of her second chance at experiencing a second childhood was vague to say the least. That sort of curious event was brought about by odd magic trinkets and an already preexisting spell on her (a courtesy of her previous days spent in a highly illegal lab). However, her time in Eclipse Soul, her second shot at childhood was a precious time for her. They were the closest thing she had to family, and normalcy. It was both strange but comforting to know that she wasn't the only one who had felt that way. Yet her days of being a cry baby child that enjoyed sundaes and shoulders rides was long gone. That was something that the two of them had realized. "Yeah it was fun..." There was a sense of melancholy before it gave way to bitterness, "But that's over now. I can't go back to sweet dreams, and shoulder rides. I've done too much now to go back to that..." She averted her eyes, heart pounding, it was about time she grew up.

    At the sound of the word monster Venir had flickered her gaze back to Deniel only for him to have suddenly appeared in front of her. One's natural instinct would have been to jump back or even flinch. Instead Venir had to use all of her willpower not to punch him again, but other than that she hardly moved a muscle. Red clashed with violet, both their gazes were heated all talk of childhood forgotten. "Oh I do." By the sound of her voice it was hard to discern on whether or not her unspoken words were supposed to be "You", "Me", or some strange combination of the two. Regardless of what she had intended for it to mean, she didn't dare utter those words aloud. She was irritated to say the least but for now her sense of self-preservation had stopped her from saying anything she'd regret.

    As he paced about her, like a predator did to its prey, Venir kept her chin up showing no sign of fear. "So what if the council has a bounty on me?" She scoffed, arms crossing over her chest. The subject of the council was hardly one she liked to dwell on. Since the destruction of her guild Venir had a few bad run ins with the council and their Rune Knights, all of which ended badly. "Oooooh I get a choice how generous of you." She was pushing the boundaries, getting a feel, and perhaps doing her best to push him away. "Trust me you don't need to show me a monster." Her voice was venomous but that didn't last long, "If you wanna rip that lacrima from me go ahead, I'm sure you can live with my death." Truth be told the mention of him doing that sent a shudder through her but she put up a brave front nonetheless. What would happen to her if the lacrima was torn from her was a rather vague matter. She'd either be fine, magicless but fine. Or there was the higher chance that she'd die, body no longer able to support itself without something that had been with her for so long it was like an extra organ.

    His offer to teach her actually made the blonde laugh. It was not like her childish laugh, a sound akin to a wind chime. This was a laugh that was cold despite her inclination towards heat. "Teach me control?" She mocked, "This is me after someone taught me what control I know now. I have my flames under control." The ever increasing temperature in the room suggested otherwise, "Friend? I don't need friends I'm fine how I am!" The lie slipped effortlessly through her teeth, it was blatant but she clung to that lie until she believed it was true. How could she have friends as she was now? He did manage to injure that small bit of pride, no doubt another bad side effect of the lacrima, that she had attained. "You'll never be afraid of me?" She echoed back, tone dangerous, "You may think that now but you don't know just what it is about me that you should be afraid of." She gave him a smile that might as well have been a promise, a smile that showed just what it was about her that was dangerous. The heat of a flame was dangerous, but what made it even more so was the warmth it provided, the necessity of it, and the beauty of it. It was designed to allure and draw in others, only to burn them if they got too close. Which is exactly what made the slayer someone to be feared but adored, beautiful and inviting but dangerous when too close.

    His last and final choice to her was fleeing, and ensuing a chase. Escape for her was uncertain, and the consequences of being caught didn't sound pleasant. "Everything is in my hands?" She echoed again, boots carrying her forward towards the dark haired man, "I don't think so." She finally stated, not stopping until she had given him a taste of his own medicine. She got in his face, an action that required her to stand up on the tips of her toes, "If you're so high and mighty go ahead and make a decision for me. If I'm in need of your so called help just what sort of help would you prescribe me?" Violet eyes glinted in the light, she was pushing again testing his limits and hers, "Come on Guild Master of Eclipse Soul, there's a lost soul in front of you here. What would you do to help it?" A teasing smile found its home on her lips, "Or should I just call you Deniel now?"

    1,221 Words
    NOTES: Whoop


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    When you ask me to do stuff:

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Decayuss 14th January 2016, 5:54 pm

    Words: 1312
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Needless to say the responses Venir had been firing right back at him were very irritable. It seemed as though she was testing his patience to some degree, or she was just that stupid to taunt him in the ways that she did; certainly an arrogant stranger would do such, but there was no doubt in his mind that Venir knew of his capabilities. Or she truly was unaware, and was just being blatantly stupid, as he would say. Though regardless of her reasoning, she was testing him, no doubt about that. And without a doubt it was infuriating. Though luck had bestowed upon her the even tempered nature that Deniel was capable of carrying with his persona now more than ever, else he'd have gone straight for an assault long before she would even finish half of her sassy retorts. At the very least she appeared to have the same longing for the "good old days" as he did in his brief melancholic speech he provided earlier, reminiscing the days of her childhood. Her very brief childhood. Unfortunate, it truly was. Now his evaluation of the method in which she had in a sense talked back to him was one of his most critical moments of contemplation, analysis, and evaluation that he had performed yet; for it determined what next course of action he should take against Venir. Aside from the taunting tone that her words were buried beneath, he attempted to find the true meaning behind them all; not much time had passed since the destruction of Eclipse Soul, a month at the most. Give or take. Regardless of the time that elapsed since then, there was no doubt in Deniel's mind that her current way of speaking was coming from the fact that she was still scarred from it.

    Assuming that she had not done it intentionally, and that did not gain a sadistic and destructive pleasure from it--which it what he was hoping on--, then it was still eating away at her mind. Traumatized for an event such as that was not rare, and he certainly had his fair share of it. He knew not if he should pity Venir or tell her to grow up...though in a way she had; she became a young woman once the blood of Eclipse Soul had been spilled upon her hands. These were all of his internal thoughts about her as she had commented on nearly every last thing that he shared with her, notably the options that he presented her with. In some instance part of Deniel wanted to believe what she said was completely true: she had no need of any friends, she had control of her powers, and his presence was genuinely having a negative effect on her. Maybe he should leave....


    Leaving her wasn't the option. He was no longer the Guild Master of Eclipse Soul, just as she soon pointed out to him, but that did not mean his task was over. And although it had been a while, the lost were still within his grasp to assist, for he too had been lost for a majority of his life. From birth all the way up to adulthood he was lost; drowned within his own mixture of sorrow, rage, madness, and self denial...his own name. In the end, Venir's attempts to push Deniel to the limits of anger had worked for only a mere second or two, and her more obvious attempts at ridding herself of him ultimately failed. Now his vision was set fourth to conveying her the truth of the matter. Although...they were not in the appropriate place, though certainly the right time. The rising temperature of the room, obviously coming from Venir--and weakening her assertion that she had full control over her new-found powers--had attracted some unwanted attention between the two. Though it wasn't a hundred percent obvious, the careful eye of Deniel could very easily notice.

    She had got up into his face just as he did with her, her final attempt to push him on edge. Her next words mostly went in one ear and out the other, though he did note what she said. He had been more focused on the eyes surrounding them...whispers were exchanged, and subtle fingers were being pointed. Things were shortly turning grim, though luckily for himself....Venir placed everything in his hands. Shortly after examining the rooms, all of his evaluations came to a close, and he locked eyes with Venir. "Call me what you wish..." he first began, noticing the smirk that was spread across her lips. Most likely she assumed that she had him cornered, or had succeeded in pushing him too far back, though just the opposite occurred: "I will do what I must." He took her words quite literally as he intended to. A lost soul in front of him? Then it seemed as though it was high time that he helped her find the way. After the brief exchange of words, a mysterious glint had formed into the eyes of the Nephalem, as well as surrounding his shoulders. There was no telling what it was, but before any assumptions could be made, the bright red light blinded anyone within the vicinity of the bar, and shortly afterwards, the two mages were gone from the realm of reality.

    Into the land of Paradise... or at least that's what it was called. That was the destination that Deniel had chosen the two; not the Paradise in which angels tread, but rather the Paradise that Deniel and his mother had conjured through an extremely powerful summoning spell. This very spell enabled him to teleport himself and Venir to this realm. She was more than likely in need of a few seconds to come to grips on her senses once more, and this gave Deniel himself to create some distance between the two of them. He walked around ten meters or so away from Venir, giving her plenty of space.

    The environment which they were teleport was quite a beautiful one; there was a beautiful blue sky above them with clouds that only worked to form shapes or patters for an artistic and aesthetic effect. The ground which they stood and walked on was lush and green, with a mild breeze blowing every now and then to calm the state of mind and provide serenity. The sunlight was shining, though the temperatures were quite fair and mild; trees decorated the landscape, and the sound of flowing water could be heard not too far from where they were standing. Once Venir had once again gotten a grip on her body, reality would be this world just as it was with Deniel. "Nidhogg, let's get ready." The serpent dragon hidden within the collar of Deniel gave an assuring nod, before beginning its transformation. As Deniel opened up his palm, black mist swirled as the serpent decomposed itself and changed its state of matter, flowing into the palm of his masters and creating a rod shape. "Control? A monster? Terror? You say you have all of these...yet I have seen the true meaning of each. So come get me, Venir! Show me that you have control! Show me that you really are some kind of monster! And see if--even for a moment--I will be even remotely afraid of you." The black mist materialized itself into the signature black katana that Deniel carried with him everywhere. And his hands laid upon the hilt, gripping it and drawing the black blade from its scabbard, though he showed no signs of assuming a Take Over form, if Venir even remembered that's what he used. It was one way of showing just how seriously he did not heed her words.

    But even without his Take Overs, he was far above the strength of any Mage, and should never be underestimated.
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Deacy2
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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Mistress Venir 30th January 2016, 1:26 am

    Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The finite.

    She had expected him to leave, at the least to lash out in anger at her. Yet instead Venir got exactly what she had been dreading, he really believed he could help her. "Oh there's a lot of things I could call you-" She hissed, violet eyes narrowing, the beginnings of a demand for him to leave was about to escape her lips but he gave her no such time. Her own desires were being ignored, and unfortunately she was stuck with Deniel and his so called help. "I don't-" Died out on her lips and was promptly followed by an unladylike curse when a bright light enveloped the bar. Did his help involve blinding her? Vision soon proved to be the least of Venir's worries, her entire body thrown for a loop, sense getting hit and tossed around.

    "I'm going to be sick."

    The slayer staggered, eyes still squeezed shut from the previous flash of light. A few moments had passed, and the world no longer felt like it was spinning. Venir was never good with travel, or sudden anything. Yet if there was one thing that remained true to Venir was her impressive recovery time. Her nose crinkled as it was bombarded with various scents, grass, water, things that were not supposed to be in a bar. For a moment the slayer believed herself to be alone, until a gust of wind (yet another thing that was not in a bar) carried another wave of grass and a scent that could only be described as Deniel with it. When she opened her eyes she was greeted with scenery that matched the scents that she had picked up on. Another wave of dizziness washed over her, body still trying to catch up, and she had given up trying to figure out the where, how, and why's of their location. The warming rays of the sun helped the dizziness pass, and gentle winds caressed any stray golden strands away from her face. Only when she finally felt somewhat stable in the strange, but somewhat pleasant world she had found herself in did Venir make eye contact with the being that had brought her there.

    Deniel was already sporting his signature katana, a sign of what he had in mind. She almost wanted to scoff, "Your idea of help is to let me go on a rampage?" She wanted to mock, but she stopped herself because flailing bursts of flames at him was too tempting to pass up. Even more so after he spoke, his words goading the blonde into wanting to attack with everything she had. "You won't have to ask me twice." Another smirk, violet eyes glinting dangerously with almost child like excitement at the challenge that lay before her. Embers danced in her belly, a pleasant warmth settling itself in her stomach. Prior to becoming a slayer Venir did not enjoy combat, in fact she detested it, but as of right now both her mind and body were in complete bliss at the idea of using all of her strength. Up until now she had no reason to use it, for fear of losing control. Under normal circumstances she would still be afraid of losing the little control of herself that she did have but at the moment she had to prove jut how monstrous she could be...

    Closing the small distance between them proved to be relatively easy, all it took was a small blast of flames and Venir had crossed that distance in the blink of an eye. Her initial attack at first glance was nothing special, but the glint in her eyes suggested otherwise. Her boots dug themselves in to the ground, planting herself firmly or else she'd risk sending herself flying backwards from her attack. What made the attack so deceptive was the shape it took, it wasn't a fist that came at Deniel's face, no he had already proved that a fist to the face wouldn't be effective. Instead it was a flick, one that held every ounce of her raw physical prowess behind it, and then some. It wasn't made of just her pure physical power, it had every flame in her body backing her up. Needless to say it hit with enough force that at first glance it did nothing, until one's body finally registered just what it was hit by. To most people it sending them flying backwards, there body sporting dark flames. Then again Deniel wasn't exactly a regular person so Venir was already prepping her next attack:

    "Flame Goddesses Inferno Meteor!"

    With one fist raised towards the sky a ball of dark flames gathered above her. The sphere continue to grow and grow but Venir did not let it reach its maximum, she hadn't the time nor the patience to continue focusing her magic upon the sphere. Instead, with no mercy she hurled the sphere at Deniel. It didn't have to be a direct hit, though it was hard to avoid with the size of the sphere that she was hurling, but the blast from the sphere making contact with anything was all that she needed. More importantly the large crater it created in the earth was even better. The ball of dark flames went off like a bomb, sending chunk of molten and flaming earth up with it as it created a crater the size of the sphere. "One last attack, that's all I need." Her body felt hot, this was the most she had used her magic in a long time, or at least of this caliber. Smaller spells were nothing, but to consecutively use her aces was taking its toll. It was quite possible that she was going to overheat, or use up all of her magic, but she just needed one last attack and her point would be proven. Closing any distance between her and Deniel in a similar manner to which she had done before, Venir pounced upon him.

    Knocking him down to the earth would have been great, but once again it was hard to say just what she could and could not do against the male mage. She threw all of her weight and strength into practically tackling him, but she didn't bank everything on bringing him down to the ground. It didn't matter, all that mattered was that she had securely attached herself to him, making as much contact as possible. "Flame Goddesses Embrace!" It wasn't her final attack, no it was the prelude, she needed him to be still, and what better way to do that then envelop him in a burning embrace? It wasn't exactly her best hug, not that she wanted to give him one. One hand had locked its self onto his wrist, to be more precise the wrist that held his katana, using what she strength she had to keep it locked in place. The other hand fisted into his shirt, burning through it with ease, and holding him in a half embrace. It was with her legs that he tried to stop him from moving, entangling her own with his. The scent of burning clothes hit Venir's sensitive nose, her own heat must have been burning holes through his clothes where it made contact with her. His clothing and the poor embrace in which Venir had tried to lock him in should have been the least of his concerns.

    It took Venir only a moment to halfheartedly try and secure Deniel into an awkward but somewhat  effective hold to stop him from moving. Besides she didn't need him to cease movement for long, in fact all she needed was a moment to take a breath. Which she did. A long, deep breath of air, a sudden intake that should cause him worry seeing as most slayers took a sharp intake of air before doing a certain move. Something that could cause lots of destruction from medium to long range, but Venir was attempting to unleash it at point blank range. Her eyes squeezed shut in concentration, cheeks puffing out slightly as fire licked its way up her throat. Point blank might have been an understatement, there was hardly an inch between them and she was really attempting to use her final ace in the hole at such close proximity.

    "No Mercy!"

    Flame Goddesses Bellow

    1,390 Words
    NOTES: Whoop


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    When you ask me to do stuff:

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Decayuss 30th January 2016, 2:19 pm

    Words: 2549
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Her eagerness wasn't all that surprising to the Nephalem, though he began to ponder just how well this plan would work, if it would work at all. If she burnt herself out--literally--then that would make his job a whole lot easier. Perhaps being reckless and anxious to unleash on Deniel would prove to be more effective in his plans. Readying himself after drawing his blade, he had prepared himself for the worst; he certainly wasn't weak without a Take Over, but a key difference between herself and him at this moment is that he had access to no kind of spells, Magic, or Abilities that came with them. He was just a physically strong mage with a sword, against one that dubbed herself a Goddess Slayer. At least that lacrima entitled her to that; it was something that Deniel always scoffed at when he first heard of it. They were supposed to have the ability to defeat Gods, Dragons, and Demons alike...yet he had never heard of any of them accomplishing such. Himself? He had done all three. Formulating his body for combat, she showed no hesitations in initiating the fight on her own accord, accepting his challenge and his desire for her to give it her absolute best. She closed the narrow distance between them very swiftly, as expected. His battle instincts were honed and developed heavily, to the point where there was a high probability of him instigating a counter attack to her, though he forcefully stopped himself from doing do. The flick to his forehead had hit him with a hard blow, one that was much more powerful than the initial attack that she had delivered to him at the bar, resulting in only a nose bleed.

    Abruptly he found himself tumbling backwards from his forehead first, as his vision blurred and his senses had come a little bit dizzy. The full distance of his intended knock back was not attained, as he managed to get a grip of his senses and put some use to his weapon aside from attacking her. Impaling the black blade into the soil beneath him, and skidding a couple more meters, he drew himself to a forceful halt. Shaking loose the ditsy feeling that consumed his head, he looked back up to see Venir already preparing--in fact completing--her next strike. Smart, to say the least, especially if one wanted to win a battle, but also quite reckless. There was no doubt that these were her strongest, or one of her strongest, spells, and using them without waiting for the perfect opportune moment might have resulted in a waste of precious Magic Power. The Nephalem could instantly think of several ways of avoiding this next attack, one of which he had almost done involuntarily, which involved the utilization of his katana and not the necessity of a Take Over. At first raising his blade in response in preparation for a strike, he once again ceased his body movements just as he had done earlier in Venir's initial strike. It was necessary for him to give her false confidence that she could either beat him into submission, or be able to make him think otherwise about improving her. So he could cease the victory at the most opportune moment.

    At the very least, shielding himself using his arms did not hurt. Though regardless the blast hit him with an enormous amount of might and power, with the heat around him intensifying to the point where he had actually admitted that the flames of a Fire God Slayer--Goddess in her case--were capable of testing his tolerance. Of course this was without the insanely high resistances of the Black Devil, but it was adequate enough. The flames around him scorched and burned, not just himself but the surrounding environment; killing and burning the grass to a crisp and cratering in the rich soil just beneath his feet. He could feel himself swiftly descending after the inferno of a blast, landing down at the bottom of the crater as he was very close to its epicenter. Throughout its duration he had also shielded his eyes with his eyelids, and with his arms, forcing them to take most of the blow from his face. Though even after this quite extraordinary attack she was not quite finished.

    Opening his eyes and lower his arms down from shielding himself, he very swiftly found himself in a fiery embrace. Feeling her clasp her hands around him strategically to limit all of his movements, the events following afterwards were quite uncomfortable. He felt the body of the blonde against him heating up immensely, to the point where the clothes he had been wearing started to sear and burn; his black shirt smoked and seared against his skin before quickly melting off, and even the signature glove that he carried upon his right hand had begun to burn and ignite itself from her grip around his wrist. No doubt this was also a set-up for another attack, which had left Deniel with a choice: should he break the act now, or let it go through? There was no question that Venir had consumed an enormous amount of Magic Power, and a move this rash and reckless did show signs of an intent to end the fight there and now. Making a swift and critical condition, Deniel decided that Venir would no longer be able to land blows on him.

    Sealing his eyelids shut, with his red eyes no longer in view to the blonde, and the searing of his skin the only thing he could feel...his next move had begun. Magic Power began to course through his veins, as he signaled his body that it was time for a transformation. His pulse had begun to rise, pumping a new form of blood through his body rapidly. Down to the very cellular composition and the signals that his brain sent throughout the rest of his body, Deniel's self became something else.

    With the blink of an eye, just before Venir had finished channeling what she had anticipated to be her finishing attack, he was no longer within range of it. Instead he was behind her, several meters behind her in fact, standing perfectly still. The burnt clothes were no longer there, but neither was his skin; in place of his entire body's construct was jet black scales. Claws replaced his fingers, wings resembling a beetle's were attached on to his back, and the sword that he held within his hand was no longer the small black katana known as Nidhogg; replaced by the enormous blade--almost the height of the devil that held it--known as Armageddon. The Black Devil turned himself, witnessing to see just how Venir's attack would follow through without his presence. The burning sensation that his body had been pulsing up as a way of signaling pain was no longer throughout his body, for the Black Devil's tolerance of heat was exponentially greater than that of Deniel himself. Despite this transformation, this was not the end. No doubt Venir had most likely remembered the Black Devil, as it was the Take Over Deniel had first used on her when she was a child, a method of testing out the skills that she had attained. Perhaps she would not be afraid of the monster from her childhood, but there was a brand new one that was about to come up from under the bed. "Know...fear." Those were the only two words muttered by the Devil through his rows of teeth, a deeper voice than that of Deniel's. And as his words had completed themselves, a shadow even darker than the scales upon his body enveloped the Devil, hiding all that he owned save for his eyes.

    Without opening his mouth, and without a single movement, the second stage of transformation for him had begun.

    "I, the Black Devil of Destruction,
    am the pure and utter end.
    I destroy the opposes.
    I kill the strong.
    I murder the weak.
    I shall rise and drown you all
    in the darkness of Oblivion!
    Omega Black Devil!"

    The words he uttered were a chant that had been cursed to bring about the unholiest creatures of destruction and mayhem. The shadow hiding the exact details that occurred, they were played out before Venir's eyes. At the start of the chant, the Black Devil's arms had grown much more muscular, and the claws on the tips of its fingers sharpened. His legs, particularly in the thigh region, gained a quantity of muscle mass. The feet hidden within the combat boots that the Black Devil wore suddenly broke free from their prison, shown to have five clawed toes in the front, and two small claws within their backs. The hands of the Black Devil in the middle of the chant perched themselves on the horns extending out from its crown, as the more painful portion of this process had begun. The sound of flesh tearing almost overcame the deep voice reciting the chant; two enormous tattered wings emerged from the upper back region of the Black Devil, literally ripping off the wings that they had replaced. Though this was not the end. The second object that had miraculously spun its way into existence was a spiked tail, ripping through his backside and emerging several feet in length. And at long last, to top it all off, straight from underneath the first set of arms that had now tightened their grip severely from the pain wrought down upon himself, emerged two entirely new arms from underneath the first. And as those came to be, the shadow over this "new" Black Devil faded.

    Right at the center of his chest was a red jewel that sent out rivers of molten lava right into the skin of the Omega Black Devil, igniting his body seemingly and causing it to appear as though parts of him was made of pure lava. The monster let out a roar, as it tugged on each of its horns and managed to rip half of one of them right from their position shortly before crushing it underneath his grip. The savage roar that filled the air and caused the trees of Paradise to tremble was cut short as the demon laid its ferocious eyes upon Venir. The fangs of the monster bared themselves as it lunged forward after Venir, unleashing the attack that Deniel himself knew would hopefully open her eyes in some way or another.

    The footstep that crushed the earth beneath it seemingly shattered reality around them like glass, and quite literally it did; the image of clear blue skies, crystal clear water, and lush green glass was given almost immediately away to an entirely different dimension. In a single footstep the Omega Black Devil had bent reality around them, causing the battleground of the two to turn into a hellish environment: beneath them was charred black ground and obsidian, above them the sky was choked with volcanic ash and storm clouds to the point where no sun was visible; the only viable source of light for them was the volcanic eruptions in the distance, and the molten fissures and cracks that coated the landscape. Though upon taking a step, the Omega Black Devil need not taketh another. For with the transformation, he was already upon his opposition. And there came the true terror.

    Its right claw had been coated in an incredibly dark red aura substance, Unholy Energy that had been magically enhanced, and went straight for the stomach and vulnerable point of Venir. In the meantime, ghostly swords had conjured themselves around the blonde, of the same color to the Black Devil's enhanced strike. These swords perfectly resembled the gargantuan and demonic broadsword Armageddon; five in total, they all launched themselves from various directions at the blonde. Even then, that was not the end of their troubles. Whilst those troubles whipped themselves up, around them three volcanic fissures erupted into waves of molten lava--each of them well over twenty meters in height--came crashing down on their location. And then to top it all off, the last of the assaults was the sword of Armageddon; enhanced very similarly to the claw of the Omega Black Devil. It was charged and ready to unleash an attack that would literally shatter any form of defenses or blocks within existence, regardless of the level of power. These brutal strikes came upon Venir all at the same time, and would certainly spell certain doom for her!

    If they had actually struck. Fortunately for the blonde, they did not. All of this was for show. Before the claw impaled itself inside of her stomach that contained the lacrima, it halted within its path, before the swords could pierce and skewer her body, they all ceased their journey. Before the waves of lava came down to incinerate her very body until nothing remained, they had come still in mid-air as if being held back. And the sword did not strike either. It lay suspended behind the Omega Black Devil's back, ready to strike at any moment, but did not. She was literally trapped with no way out, and the very end of her life could happen at any moment. Letting her absorb the feeling for a moment, hopefully of terror and despair, the Omega Black Devil spoke: "Do you see now?"

    The swords vanished from sight, the claw retracted itself away from her stomach, with the Unholy Energy coating both it and the sword fading away in the air and wind, and the waves of magma retracted themselves and went back to their crater. The monster in front of Venir sheathed its blade upon its back, just between its wings, and crossed two of its four arms over its chest. "To some, control of your Magic is apparent; you wield it with great power and precision, and are able to bend it to your will. However, it also bends your will; you constantly fight it for control of your body, as it creates an undying urge within you to fight that can only be sated by engaging in combat. And that it is what you did...though I am disappointed." The tail of the Omega Black Devil swung itself to and fro slowly in his speech, and as he had begun to snap against Venir, he whipped his hand right in front of her with a clawed molten finger pointed right at her. "You used all of your attacks on me at once. Though they were very well executed and combined, one who has completely control would not lose their power, or use it up, so easily as you did." He retracted his hand, and opened up the palm; the gaze of the Devil looked straight towards it.

    "You are no monster. This is the face of a true monster, and fear. The only thing people have to be afraid of...is your fear. Your fear of losing control, of killing others, and of making the same mistake again. You are a monster in the making. If you allow yourself to continue down the path of drowning in pity, sorrow, and denial...then you will become truly lost. There still exists good in you, Little Venir. You and I know it."

    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Deacy2
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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Mistress Venir 2nd February 2016, 8:09 pm

    Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The finite.

    Venir had built up the remaining shred of her magic power, putting everything she had into her last attack. Yet by the time she unleashed her bellow, her target was gone. He had been there one moment, firmly trapped in her arms, and by the next he was gone. Still, she had no choice but to let loose the inferno of flames less she risk causing harm to herself. Venir still had some small shred of hope that perhaps he was off in the distance, close enough that he might still be grazed by the dark flames. Unfortunately, she knew she was kidding herself. She could feel the presence behind her even before she had let loose her last attack. As the last bits of ebony flames died out along with her hopes, Venir fell to her knee's in physical exhaustion.

    Her breaths came out in sharp pants for air, her throat feeling raw, and her muscles quaked from the exertion. Somehow though the blonde managed to force herself to turn around and face her opponent. The sight that greeted her was hardly a pleasant one. Fear wasn't quite the word she would use to describe her initial feeling. It could have been something more or something less, but it certainly wasn't fear. She averted her eyes from the almost grotesque figure that continued to change and morph. Venir didn't have to look to know that Deniel had made a move, lunging in attack. She could feel it with the way the earth beneath her rumbled, the surroundings once beautiful becoming ash and barren before her eyes, and in the very pit of her soul braced itself for the inevitable attack.

    "The flames of hell finally brought out the wrath in the devil eh?"

    It was a delusional but fitting thought that ran through her head, unbidden, and unwanted to say the least. A plethora of attacks were launched at her. She couldn't move, not with how exhausted she was, not that there was much for avoiding any of the attacks launched at her. All the blonde could do was watch on in an almost morbid sort of fascination, wanting to see just what it took to bring down some like herself. What better way to die than knowing just what was the cause of your death? The first attack aimed at her was the most personal, she and more specifically the lacrima inside of her could feel it. As usual it lurched, her already overheated body heating up more than it had before. If there wasn't so much going on at once, Venir was almost certain that she was going to get sick. Before her eyes were large swords coming at her, and if the swords weren't enough there appeared to be molten lava following them. The last and final attack aimed at her, Venir didn't even see as her eyes were already closed preparing to wince in pain from the numerous strikes. There was no mercy in the amount of attacks though she had done the exact same to him.

    Despite being braced for pain, enough pain to kill her, death didn't seem to find her. Venir still sat there upon the scorched earth, waiting, unmoving save for the occasional tremble that ran through her. It wasn't until Deniel spoke to her that she opened her eyes, looking at the attacks halted before her. As his words washed over her the blonde, she shook unsure of if it was with relief or if it was the after effects of pushing her body too far. Occasionally, she sucked in a sharp breath of air, trying to listen to what he was saying as best as she could. Then at long last after he had finished speaking, his words finally sinking in she sucked in a sharp breath of painful air. She held that breath in, as if that would help her contain the sudden surge of emotions that she had desperately tried to keep back until that point. The shaking seemed to intensify, and finally she let out that breath of air in a choked sob, letting the sobs shake her entire being, lacrima included. A childish wail, reminiscent of the cry of her childish form, finally escaped her lips. Along with that wail, flames flickered about her in response, licking and dancing at her skin as if to comfort her.

    "I-I-" She tried to get out between chest heaving sobs that made her heart hurt. No tears fell, they evaporated before they could even dream of falling, but it still felt good to cry or at least try to. "I can't! I've tried! I've learned some but I can't!" Another ragged breath, "I just get filled with emotion and I can't!" She slammed her fist weakly into the ground, a puff of flame igniting around it. "No one can be around me anymore cause I'm such a threat, I want to be good I do! I want to have friends again." That wasn't quite right, "I want my old friends back, I want the guild, I want home, I want family but I ruined everything! I burn everything I touch, there's nothing that will hold against me." She lamented, upper half of her body giving out her forehead resting against the earth. She remained like that for some time, simply letting out every doubt and insecurity between slowly dying sobs. "I miss Alyia..." Her voice was hoarse, almost sleepy sounding. The angel was more sister than friend to her but, "She must hate me now for ruining everything. No one from the guild could possibly forgive me." The sobs died out, the shaking going down some, "I wouldn't forgive me either." Her voice was just a whisper against the dirt, not meant for anyone in particular.

    Venir hadn't dared to look at Deniel, not since the sobs began, and if he had moved she wouldn't have noticed as she was too blurry eyed with unshed tears. Now that her forehead was firmly pressed to the earth, she didn't dare raise her head to see where he was. "I'm pathetic aren't I?" A strangled laugh tore its way from her throat, her body further relaxing against the earth, muscles no longer spasming. She had burned herself out both magically and emotionally. "Hey, Deniel?" Her voice had cracked slightly, but there was apparently sleepiness in her voice, "I'm sorry." There was a pause and then finally,

    "If you want to kill me I understand."

    1,084 Words
    NOTES: Whoop


    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

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    When you ask me to do stuff:

    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Decayuss 3rd February 2016, 10:18 pm

    Words: 998
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    There was a moment in which the world around him was seemingly frozen in his perspective; the tense moment in which he had finished speaking and was awaiting for her response. He had executed a daring move with this entire scenario, rolling the dice in hopes that Venir would at long last let down the barrier that she firmly set in front of him. It was difficult, there was no doubt about that; never before had he met someone that was so in self-denial than...he thought about his own name. And then he processed exactly what she had done to get in this scenario. The irony of it all was laughable in his eyes. After the tense moment he relaxed, and despite the instant wail of emotions and sadness that had finally been exhaled from her like a gasp for breath, he felt accomplished. It meant that his faith in her and himself had paid off; she took down the wall and let him in. Giving her as much time as she needed to get everything out was essential to it all, so he bothered not to make a single sound or sudden motion that would startle her, or cause her to cease her actions. The beast of Omega stood there, with his tail swaying slightly behind him and his wings occasionally gave themselves a small flap to make sure they were not given stiff motion. It was quite frustrating for Deniel within; not because of Venir's sudden outburst, but his inability to show any kind of emotion through his face or tone of voice. The Omega Black Devil could never appear anything but malicious, and could only have its ferocious voice that could turn into a growl at any second.


    He would need to choose his next words carefully, and he knew it. He was free to make the next move, and choose the next course of action; though she had invited him to bring about her demise, that was no where near the top of his list to the next course of action. He had recognized the fact that she needed help more than anything now. Even as he was no longer a Guild Master, it was still his duty as a fellow huma--...mortal being to make sure that she would walk away stronger and a better person. But how...? A low, deep growl escaped from his vocal chords briefly, a little bit to his regret since he did not want to make Venir assume that he was about to strike the killing blow on her. Fortunately she was awaiting her fate, and had almost no intention of moving, so it gave him several moments to speak. He contemplated the scenario from the beginning: she messed up, had been scarred from it, and was now vulnerable to further destruction. Instead of pouring salt on her wounds, he needed to bandage them and mend them...

    Hearkening back to his earlier consideration about her scenario being similar to someone he once knew, an idea sprouted from it. He knew now what his next course of action would be. Bending himself down on one knee, the Omega Black Devil lowered himself, and stuck out its clawed index finger to the top of Venir's head. In spite of the fact that his body was coated in a constant flowing river of molten lava--almost as if his body was the landscape surrounding them--there was no burning sensation that would happen to her, and it was not because of her current Magic. Instead it would feel like any other hand of flesh would be touching her--aside from the claws on the tips of his fingers--and then he spoke: "I would sooner sacrifice myself than kill you." Pausing briefly to let his words sink in, he took his hand from the back of her head and once again rose to his full height: "Rise." Regardless of whether or not she would take his invitation, he folded the lower two of his arms behind his back, with his hands linking together at around his waist area. The upper of the two crossed themselves across his chest, and he began his story. He attempted to make it as brief as possible, whilst also making sure his message was conveyed. "I once knew a boy like you. He messed up bad...killed innocents unintentionally. He was punished for it, and through that punishment he had distanced himself from others, and felt that there would never be a day that he could fit into society. But there came a wise man, and he taught the boy the most important lesson of his life: the past is to be learned from. Letting it control you, torment you, induce you with negative emotions, or restrain you...will only lead to loneliness."

    Unfolding one of his arms, the Omega Black Devil pointed at himself, as he connected the story to her much more obviously: "Nothing in this world is beyond your control. You do not exist because of Magic, your Magic exists because of you. And the same should apply to control. Fear, hatred, sorrow, and denial are your greatest enemies. Not others, not me, not that lacrima, and not yourself. Let them win, and they control who you are and who you will become, and they manifest from past pains. However..." His voice began to rise as two of his four hands reached straight for the ash-choked sky: "Erase those emotions, and have faith in yourself! If you learn from your mistakes rather than regret them, you will become strong enough not to make them again. Reach for the stars, trust in yourself, and nothing will be beyond your control: not even your future!"


    The voice had finally struck with him, and he looked down away from Venir for a moment. It seemed all of his energy was suddenly lost, and if it weren't for the permanent demonic expression, she could tell he was worried. Time is running short.
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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Deacy2
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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Mistress Venir 9th February 2016, 8:44 pm

    Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The finite.

    She waited patiently for her demise, with odd sort of tranquility about her. Deep down there was fear, but it felt nice to not have everything in her hands anymore. To relinquish control to another, for something so important, was nice. Not having responsibility was nice, knowing that her own death was not on her hands was something she could deal with. Yet the killing blow never came, there was no pain, or harsh words thrown at her. Just a pleasant warmth upon the top of her head, ruffling the golden tresses on top of her head. The familiar sensation of a pat atop the head was one that Venir had missed without realizing just how much she had missed it. She leaned into the touch, much like how a cat would, but the hand withdrew all too soon.

    Venir listened to his words, letting them sink in, and mulling them over. She had no more tears to shed, and her throat was too raw to sob anymore. In others words she had cried herself out, and lacked the energy to shed anymore tears. It took her a while to understand just who he was talking about with the story, but when she did figure it out she hid the shock, letting her bangs fall over her eyes. Her hands fisted into the earth, unsure of what to feel anymore. She desperately wanted to believe him, to feel better, but the guilt was still heavy on her heart. That and control always made her skeptical. She had tried so hard and so long to control herself only to fail time and time again. Though his words were hard to grasp, or rather for her to apply to herself, it wasn't as if they completely went over her head. If he had made it then why couldn't she? Countless insecure answers popped in her head, but control once again cut through everything in the chaos that was her mind.

    "My magic is here because of me?"

    She echoed back, voice cracking, clearly unsure but she still she got up to her feet. Gold bands still fell before her eyes, hiding the gems from view. Her gaze was directed towards her feet, feeling like a child all over again. "Erase?" Was a keyword that she had picked out but her thoughts drifted towards control once more. Unconsciously her fingers brushed over the exposed patch of skin on her midsection, between where her shirt ended and her shorts began, prodding at where she knew the lacrima to be. The young slayer went deathly still for a moment, in contemplating thought, and then she was enveloped in a spiral of dark flames. "I've tried to control everything for too long. I'll erase control." She had held onto things for too long, and reigned that which she could not reign, making things worse rather than better. It was about time that she simply released control, and not hold everything back. The flames lasted only for a moment and the blonde within seemed to have been unharmed, if anything she seemed almost better.

    Venir held herself better, with more confidence than before. Her head was held high, back straight, but her fists were still balled at her sides. "I've come to a conclusion." She raised a fist, pulling it back as if to punch him, but then she just held her fist out to him. Determination filled her eyes, and then it softened for a moment as a tentative smile eased its way onto her lips, "But I won't tell you what it is because I'm sure you won't approve." He would think her mad, deciding that control, or at least the way she was going about it was all wrong. Herself, her magic, her emotions, it was a partnership, not a one sided relationship. She'd have to work at it, there was certainly going to be bumps, and the uncertainty was always there but it was a start. Her small, almost precious smile then turned into a mischievous grin,

    "Ya better watch out got it?" She warned him with a teasing tone, "Next time I won't go so easy on ya! Just you wait I'm gonna get even stronger!" How silly she must have seemed, a petite blonde beauty declaring that she'd defeat someone who appeared more monster than man at the moment, "And if I win next time you'll owe me a shoulder ride, if ya can handle it that is. After all, I'm not as small as I used to be." Her arms were crossed over her chest, "And you owe me ice cream for what you did today!" The words escaped her, all of them were things that she wouldn't normally say, but at the same time it felt good to say them. "Ya know..." She paused, almost wistfully, "You're not all that bad Deniel. Sorry for the trouble." Finally, it was something that Venir would say. All she needed to do was find a balance between the past and the future, and simply let it happen. Life would be no fun if she was in control of it.

    NOTES: Whoop


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    Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir) Empty Re: Rumors and Reality (Private/Venir)

    Post by Decayuss 10th February 2016, 4:58 pm

    Words: 1101
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Her response was more or less surprising to Deniel, but it was much more acceptable than some kind of witty remark and/or anything that further pushed him back. She wouldn't tell him? He wouldn't approve? Demonic eyes narrowed themselves at the blonde, questioning in his mind what exactly she was referring to. Had he failed in the end? Or was she really just taking things her own way? In spite of it all, the smile had developed upon her features; whether or not it was fake, at the very least he succeeded in unleashing that out of her. In spite of his monstrous form, and soon-to-be monster personality, he felt a little bit warm on the inside. And the source of it was not the lava coursing through his body. It was the genuine feeling that he had accomplished something, and made someone's life better rather than worse--or had taken it away. A rare feeling for him, indeed. And truly he would savor it for quite some time. "Whatever it is, I'm certain it's the right path for you."

    Following that, she seemed to threaten him, though it was in a bit of a non-serious way. At least he hoped it wasn't. She had faith in her own ability to grow stronger, and one day beat him...quite an aspiration in his mind. He suspected many people out there would want to defeat him one day, but the amount of people he calculated doing so were quite minimal. Could she do it? Could she not? Maybe one day. Though if she one, a shoulder ride would be in order. In response to that, the Demon gave her a nod; in spite of her being bigger, there was no doubt in his mind that he would be up to the task. It was another thing she said that made him feel accomplished. The classic shoulder ride. So simple, yet very powerful in the kind of relationship that the two had managed to develop. He wasn't sure if he felt like a father to her, no...perhaps an uncle would be a more accurate depiction. And then ice cream...of course it was. A strawberry sundae was something he could have instantly bequeathed upon her at the current moment, though there was a high likelihood that it would merely melt in all of the heat. Or in the palm of her hand; the flames in her had probably not cooled down just yet.

    The very last bit was certainly the most surprising words that had come from her the entire time he had been with her. She apologized for the trouble, and admitted he wasn't "all that bad". As sad as it was...it was far beyond the nicest thing he had heard come from a person to him in...he could not remember. If he wasn't a near-seven foot tall volcanic demon at the moment, the first thing he would do would be embrace Venir, thank her, and say it was all alright. Unfortunately, he could only do one of those things.


    Time was running short, though luckily they were almost finished. Just as he did before, he put his clawed hand right atop her head, except this time, he ended it with a gentle pat. "All is forgiven, Venir. You said it yourself: there was a lost soul in front of me...and I needed to help it." One last pat. That's all he needed, and he took his hand off of her. "SIX!" Seriousness came upon his features now, fortunately after all had been resolved. "Now you must go, hopefully better than you have been before. Though we shall meet again; and if you are ever in need of my help...I'll be there. Trust me. In a few moments, I will no longer be myself. So this is good-bye, for now..." He turned his back to her, all four arms crossed over his chest. What else was there for him to say...? He knew he was missing something, but his time had started to run short. Even how he could start to feel the corruption of Omega creeping up on his mind, like darkness being cast straight over light. "There are some things that are beyond even my control... still, it doesn't last for long. Now..." He gave a wave of his right hand, and a dark red Magic Circle had come under Venir's feet. It shone a bright red color, surrounding her body and getting ready for its teleportation. And he decided to leave her with one last thing: a thumbs up, and a few words of advice, "Remember that wanderers are not always lost."

    With a brief flash of red light, Venir would be out of the hellish landscape of the Inferno, and right back to where she and Deniel had met at the Soul Bar. Except he would not be accompanying her. He needed to stay a little bit longer, so that the beast would not be unleashed upon the outside world, and it could be trapped here until time had run out.


    The Omega Black Devil's demonic eyes shot straight open upon being counted down to five, and Deniel was no longer occupying the body. Now, a true monstrous creature had been unleashed in the Inferno. The moment it had awoken, a deadly Magic Power enveloped the entire land, causing the ground to quake and the lava to spill fourth to destroy all it touched. The beast let loose a savage roar that caused the volcanoes in the distance to erupt with vicious force, shooting high into the sky their volcanic ash to choke out all traces of light and pure air, and unleashing rivers of lava into the fissures beneath the creatures feet. Its four hands clenched themselves in self-harm, with demonic blood oozing out of its palms. Rage shook the monster and its body, enveloping and corrupting the mind down to its every last neuron. With a second roar being let out from its vocal chords, dark red Unholy Energy surrounded the beast and unleashed an explosion within several dozen meters that managed to shatter through the obsidian ground beneath it, and unleash a tidal wave of molten magma. Turning and looking upon the wave, the eyes that were filled with hatred and a desire for cataclysmic mayhem reached unto its back to the demonic broadsword Armageddon, and swung the blade. Beneath its might, not only did the land itself tremble and crumble, but not even the destruction of lava could hope to best it.

    It was fortunate Venir was not around to witness or be its prey.
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