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    To Hunt Shadows.

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Special Snowflake 8th December 2015, 7:30 pm

    Nightmare lilith description

    Recently there was a buzz about a certain little killer around the Rune Knights hall, and how they were scared that someone might end up sending them out to deal with it. Apparently she could slaughter an entire guild, granted it was a bit small, but she could still do it, and was so young too. That level of power would simply go to waste rotting within some cell, or awaiting death, and Erika just hated wasted potential. So Erika would be the good samaritan and take this little girl back to the rune knights to be arrested, after all she needed to be stopped, though if she somehow got away afterwards from the holding cells, well, that would just be a shame now wouldn't it? All that potential free in the world, and in debt to someone, it would just be so... perfect wouldn't it, well perfect for abusing and starting something bigger, not that Erika thought of such things, how dare you make it seem like she would.

    No Erika was here to take in the sights, it had been a while since she had seen such terror from simple citizens. The little pink and brown haired girl marched through the streets, the fog dangling within the air, and she hummed a little bit. This place was so nice though it was missing something, perhaps a statue to her? No that was too obvious, maybe a whisper about a fake name she could create, yes that would be nice, a legend that involved her actions, whether it be true or not, influence over people's minds, that would be grand, unlike the houses and the streets which were fairly basic. Approaching, where else but the tavern, Erika opened the doors and tipped a smile to the clearly shaken up people within the bar.

    Walking up to the front with more swagger than a ghetto, Erika approached the bar keep and gave him a warm look.

    "I'll have some tea, black, no sugar or milk, I like it bitter, and if you happen to have one a story about a certain. Little. Murderer. would be most helpful."

    "I have nothing to say about that."

    "A shame, I'll suppose the tea will suffice then."

    Sitting on the stool she looked around at the various bar folk, and smiled on the inside, if she needed to she would get the information, one way or another, just a matter of who looked the easiest to break.


    Ninetails Derpfox

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 8th December 2015, 8:18 pm


    "Please, sir! Ma'am, please stop! Wait, I need to...!" The man called in the middle of town, constantly turning, pleading with his peers for them to take but a moment to hear him out. His vain attempt at communicating with the living causing him to grow hopeless as he stood in the midst of a large crowd in the middle of a town quite some distance from where he'd passed on. A man walked by with no shirt, his upper chest scarred, and brimming with experience, his torso covered in bandages wrapped so tight they allowed the contours of his musculature to bleed through. The white sash about his waist, flayed at the edges allowing the small shreds to whip through the wind as he moved through the crowd. A small child pointed out that he wore no shoes, the boy's parents secretly wondering how his feet aren't bleeding. The man waked towards a blue aura he'd spotted in the distance, noting the sound of his pleads and knowing from this man; there will be work to be done. Passing by the hopeless fellow as he was prepared to dive into the pits of despair, Niyol grabbed him by the hand and pulled him away. The man, astonished, lost his balance and was dragged across the city square with his soul phasing through living bodies that shuddered as the chills flew through their bodies. Stopping in a dark Alley, Niyol released the man, staring at him with eyes that seemed already dead he awaited the man's request. "Y-you... you... you touched me?" the man said, staring at the hand Niyol grabbed. "Indeed. I am Niyol, the guardian of souls. You have a request, a reason for your soul to remain in this mortal plane... a last dying wish?" Niyol asked, glaring at the soul of the man before him. "Y-yes... I- I was killed by this... this kid. She wiped out my entire guild! My friends... my.. my wife... and... and my daughter..." the man fell to the floor, clutching the ground as ethereal tears fell from his eyes, vanishing into smoke before they'd even hit the ground. "I... I want justice..." he said through a heart broken, sobbing voice. "I shall perform the ultimate justice on her in your name. Pass to the next world, and watch over me as I grant your wish." Niyol said, his voice emotionless and cold as the words came out. The man nodded, his body losing color and turning dark blue as it slowly began to fade out of this world.

    Standing atop a rooftop, Niyol stared down at the people below as they cowered in fear. He noted the sensation tingling down the tiniest hairs of his neck, the feeling of another mage in his vicinity. He looked around, noting the amount of power they held was lesser than his own Niyol refused to consider the mage's skill to be inferior as well. He stood up, moving forwards and dropped down from the roof and immediately grabbed the hand of a woman passing by. She tried to pull away, looking at Niyol with terror in her eyes as she was unsure of what he plotted. "There's a wizard in this place. I'm looking for it." Niyol said, staring directly through the woman as she relaxed herself. "I- I saw a girl with two toned hair walk into the bar... t- that might be her... We haven't had any wizards in town since..." the woman paused, trying to contain herself. "Thank you madam. Fear no more, your salvation is here; I will recruit this wizard to aid me in finding the killer. Then I shall put her to justice, and you may rest easy knowing your son is safe." Niyol said with a level tone, gently releasing the woman's hand. Niyol walked away as the woman had a relieved look about her face, his destination would be the bar. In order to help the other wizard find him, Niyol stopped hiding his magic and began sending out pulses of spirit energy. In the eyes of humans, they would notice nothing; in the eyes of a wizard of any power, the world would flash a dark blue color for only a second before returning to normal. This color would linger longer the closer they were to Niyol. The woman turned, her hand in the air to signal Niyol to stop as she asked "Wait, how did y-" Niyol was already gone, "know I have... a son..." the woman finished her sentence, bewildered by the shirtless mage's sudden disappearance.

    HP: 300/300
    ƧƧ: 112/160

    Leg/Str(+) Weapons: +10% Base MP
    Soul Storage: Niyol can store 50% additional ƧƧ
    Unnatural Attraction: +2% ƧƧ Regen during Day, +5% 
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    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Special Snowflake 8th December 2015, 8:59 pm

    The tea was delectable, it made Erika feel very different among the aroma of alcohol and such, of course, that "different" feeling was merely her being superior to the other people who were partaking of such useless poison right now, they didn't have anything to celebrate, they were just sitting around wasting their lives and time. She doubted any of them were smart enough to get Erika to bother with getting any information out of them, well go out of her way to do it. Thankfully they proved just how stupid they were when one of the gbig tough guy's possibly drunk off his bottom, approached her, trying to muscle in.

    "Hey there, what do you say you and I get more acquainted in the more lovely rooms."

    "Why that would be most lovely, I could use some company, after all, I have been on the road for so long... but first what do you know about all of the murders and such? Really it sounds dreadful, and I am afraid that I might be next!"

    "Oh baby you don't need to worry about that, I'll keep you nice and safe."

    Wrapping an invisible thread around his right hand as he went to touch Erika's shoulder, she smiled towards him, the thread was a mosquito bite, you hardly could even feel it.

    "Is that to say that you wish to... give me a hand?"

    Suddenly the man's arm was severed from his body, he didn't even fully register it before Erika kicked him to the ground and the other patrons started to run out of the bar, the barkeep just thinking "not again" and hiding behind the counter.

    "Now then, I always wanted a big strong arm to cry on, but this is simply ridiculous. Now then, what do you know about the murders?"


    "Relax, I'll give it back to you good as new if you just answer the question, really the fact that someone as important as me is even putting it back on should make you leap at joy to answer my question!"

    Picking up the arm with her threads she held it in her hands like a prize for him doing well, and she was about to let him start spilling the beans, but then a flash of energy went out in the area. Someone was being a show-off, and she almost lost her train of thought. Looking towards the man she gave an annoyed smile.

    "Wait right there"

    Sadly he would have too, Erika was already controlling his T-shirt and jeans so he couldn't really move even if he wanted too. Approaching the door Erika smashed it open towards the street, the man's arm still in her hand, blood still dripping from it.

    "Whoever is doing the light show, could you please knock it off, I am trying to perform an interrogation in here, thank you very much!"

    Naturally the people in the streets were horrified, but Erika didn't pay them any mind and merely went back into the bar and over to the man.

    "Now then, please tell me."

    "The whole dark guild was destroyed, everything is gone, and it's just horrible, look we are all scared of her, she's up on the hill in the former hall, turned it into some kind of nightmare or something, now can I please have my arm back."

    "Now that's the spirit, see you can be a good boy if you are forced to bark loud enough right? here your petty arm back, I suspect you will misuse it for your little fantasies, but oh well I was never really a saint to begin with."

    Floating it over she re-attached the arm, and on the correct way too, and let the man run on his way, probably to see a doctor or the police around here, but Erika she waited a bit, her little display was probably going to attract whatever it was that had bugged her, if it hadn't already. Boy this night looked to be a bit more than she suspected.


    Ninetails Derpfox

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 8th December 2015, 9:45 pm

    People flew out of the doors of the bar, screaming at the tops of their lungs as the alcohol of their breath permeated Niyol's nasal cavity. He watched as even the largest of the men hurriedly shoved his way out, going so far as to literally throw someone through the window so he could jump out it. Niyol took a light step back and dodged the goliath of a man so as to not be bulldozed by his over sized self. He sent off another wave of spirit energy, feeling the weaker source getting stronger as a woman with two hair colors shot out the door holding a severed hand. 'Interrogation...' Niyol thought, somewhat intrigued at the woman's methods. He suppressed his magic as he'd found his target, being slightly grateful that her actions made it much easier. 'Be weary of that one my lord, I sense something's off with her.' Altsoba, the demon of war said to Niyol utilizing the telepathic bond they shared that transcended the bonds of space and time itself. He listened to his mentor, begrudgingly he admitted that she had better instincts than himself. Niyol walked to the door of the bar, waiting for the woman's interrogation to conclude, having a minuscule sense of delight in the fact that they were here for the same reason. Niyol turned to let the man, reunited with his precious hand fly past him on his way to gods knows where. "If you are not a saint, then you must be a devil." Niyol joked as he walked in the room. The moon began to rise over the horizon and in response, the demonic scar below his right eye began glowing a dark crimson color with several black streaks weaving through them. The glow extended down the scar, moving behind his jaw and onto his back. From there, the glowing continued to his left arm where it weaved around, spiraling about his muscles as it flowed and ended at the face of a demon that was permanently burned on his left hand. He continued past the woman and sat at the bar. "I'll have some tea. I prefer black spiced, but if you have none green will be fine." Niyol said as he sat down, chucking a couple coins to the other side of the bar where the bartender was still hiding. He was shaking, refusing to move which caused Niyol's cold, dead eyes to narrow in on him. "If I remove something, it doesn't get put back on..." Niyol said with a cold voice, causing the bartender to get to work on his spiced tea with haste. He turned on the spinning chair and stood up in front the woman, his purple eyes seeming to glare into her soul. "I am Niyol, Chief of Souls. My apologies for invading your field of vision, but while I'm trespassing in it; may I ask the name of the outlander before me?" he said with a humble, but cold voice. A cup of tea hit the table as he finished, looking over to it Niyol saw several specs of tea leaves still floating about and decided not to drink it as it was ill prepared.

    HP: 300/300
    ƧƧ: 117/160

    Leg/Str(+) Weapons: +10% Base MP
    Soul Storage: Niyol can store 50% additional ƧƧ
    Unnatural Attraction: +2% ƧƧ Regen during Day, +5% 
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    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Special Snowflake 9th December 2015, 4:08 pm

    "A devil? I am afraid you are making a comparison between a lesser life form, and myself. A devil is a slave to their desires, I am only a slave to ambition."

    Erika stated with a bit of a huff, who was this strange man that entered anyway? Didn't matter, Erika only cared about how he had so disgustingly made that assumption, to believe she was anything other than perfect, such a slander against her, he would need to be taught just how great she was. This guy was trying to show off, and seem charming, sadly for him she already knew a man like that, and Faeral was far more robust. Really to steal his act, she should really kill this man, then again, why kill this man when she can just use him to get what she wants right now, and then kill him later if he proves useless. This is why Erika was a genius, she thought ahead unlike those fools who let their emotions and arrogance blind them, she let it lead her to marvelous success.

    "A chief of souls, I do hope you get paid more than minimum wage. I suppose though I should be the better one, and believe me I am, so my name is Erika, memorize it so you may attach this perfect face to it, and always know my majesty even in your dreams, or nightmares if you prefer."

    Smiling a bit, it would appear cold as frankly she didn't care about appeasing this man, instead she was far more concerned with taking down that child, or rather manipulating them to her own ends. Everything else was just a sad little obstacle getting in her way, which was at the end of the day, simply pathetic. Progress was her bread and butter, it wouldn't be slowed by these villagers and their freights, in fact, it only made her more excited to see the end result. Turning towards the door, Erika started to walk out of the bar, not amused anymore to stay.

    "I assume you know about all of these murders and about the one potentially causing it, I'm heading there now mister distraction, or rather Niyol. If you wish to follow that's your own prerogative."


    Ninetails Derpfox

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 9th December 2015, 10:39 pm

    Niyol remained straight faced through the girl's rant, completely ignoring her due to how rude she felt like being. He'd gone and cut her off as soon as she said where she was going, saying "Right Elijah, I got the information I need." as he walked off into the streets. Purposefully getting her name right actually made Niyol feel a bit better, as he knew he could toy with this one a bit and it'd mean nothing in the end. Normally Niyol would bite his tongue, but as of recently he'd been growing impatient with the wizards of this world, especially after meeting a certain blonde mage with crimson eyes who thought himself to be king of the world. Niyol found a dark alley and quickly jumped, pressing his feet against one of the walls and pushing off, grabbing the ledge on the wall across the one he pressed off. Niyol continued doing this until he finally grabbed the edge of the roof of one of the buildings and pulled himself up. Looking around, Niyol noted a rather massive looking building hidden behind a colossal amount of large trees in the far distance. A pair of black, feathered wings with a dark crimson aura emerged from Niyol's exposed back that he gave a few flaps of before catching some wind. He flapped his wings a few more times and took off in the direction of the mansion. 'Not gonna try and make nice with her?' Altsoba, the demon of war asked Niyol in his mind. 'I'd rather team up with a vile, disgusting wretch like yourself.' he responded, feeling violated for having even thought that. 'Aweee, how sweet. You'd actually work team up with me!' Altsoba said, intentionally trying to piss Niyol off. 'Right after I finish drinking bleach, wrestling a dragon with no safety equipment, and mating with a corpse.' he replied in an irritated tone. 'That last one seems a bit extreme...' Altsoba replied, mocking Niyol with an offended tone. Niyol watched the village below as the wind whipped through his wings, noting it would have been a pain in the neck to have to push and shove past all the people.

    HP: 300/300
    ƧƧ: 122/160

    Leg/Str(+) Weapons: +10% Base MP
    Soul Storage: Niyol can store 50% additional ƧƧ
    Unnatural Attraction: +2% ƧƧ Regen during Day, +5% 
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    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Special Snowflake 10th December 2015, 2:02 pm

    Just like that, the man was off, vanished into the sunset, and now Erika had only but the faintest thoughts within her head about what to do next. perhaps she should head up towards the former guild hall and capture the little girl, or perhaps she should let him go in first as cannon fodder, or she could do both. Yes both sounded like a good idea, after all, her goals would be accomplished, either way, still what an odd man certainly not a gentleman like Faeral, more like a creepy stalker or something. She hoped he didn't find her too charming or else he might follow her, and then who knows what might happen, well aside from Faeral being most displeased.

    Regardless, he was gone as fast as he came, and thus Erika was assured that she would be doing this somewhat alone, not taking into account the previous plan that is. Leaving the bar she would try and make her way through the crowds of people, though a few of them ran when they saw her, after all, that little display that she did wasn't a very good one in terms of getting people to like her, but she didn't care about that, now people either feared her, wanted to get rid of her, or were unsure about her. Either way, she was now in their minds, and would stay there for a little while, which for better or worse was her goal at the end of the day. Control through fear, joy, possessions, etc. All of it was the means to her end.

    Now however she moved a bit slower through the crowd and tried to take in the atmosphere to better "prepare" herself for what might happen upon the "haunted' mansion, since she didn't know the little witches tricks yet, which hopefully were quite deadly.


    Ninetails Derpfox

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 10th December 2015, 3:18 pm

    Niyol angled his wings, causing the air to press against them in a manner that allowed him to get further and further from the ground. He wanted to get a proper look at his destination to make sure that he wasn't flying into a death trap from hell. Upon reaching the point where he looked like a little spec of dust when viewed by someone on the ground, Niyol picked up the sight of several small, blue looking specs floating about the mansion. These specs weren't magic, or at least, for normal wizards they weren't. These were the souls of the damned, lingering in the place they'd died, awaiting their killer to be brought to justice. One of the blue dots shot out at Niyol, moving infinitely faster than the mage could fly and stopping several yards in front him. To others, those who weren't Death mages that is, it would look like Niyol, the black dot in the night sky, had simply stopped and was alone. The blue figure before him took the shape of a rather large man who wielded a banner with the guild's name. "You can see me, and.. hear me?" the man asked, noting the fact that he would be the only reason Niyol stopped flying. Niyol nodded, looking at the man with cold eyes. "Then go no further mage. We, the members of this deceased guild shall allow no living to enter. We shall allow no living, or dead to exit either." the spirit said, his voice booming with authority. Niyol continued hovering in place, "Fair guild master; I am Niyol, a Guardian of Souls. I am immune to the influences of this world, your killer will never be able to stand her ground so long as your guild's spirit is strong. Allow me passage, become my power, and together we shall right this wrong and bring justice to your killer." he said earnestly. The man stood in place holding his chin as he thought about it, wondering if it were even possible to kill someone who can invade the minds of others. He let out a sigh, "Very well, we will aid you in all ways we can. But if you're body is taken by her; we'll not let you exit." the guildmaster said after a few moments and then moved aside, and Niyol began his approach to his destination once more.

    HP: 300/300
    ƧƧ: 127/160

    Leg/Str(+) Weapons: +10% Base MP
    Soul Storage: Niyol can store 50% additional ƧƧ
    Unnatural Attraction: +2% ƧƧ Regen during Day, +5% 
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    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Special Snowflake 10th December 2015, 6:27 pm

    This was an interesting development, the guild was pretty far up the hill, and Erika had only just reached the outskirts of the town, yet a strange mist was enrapturing the location. It wasn't natural, and it showed that there was power manifesting within the area, how perfect for Erika, this meant that she could effectively hide from anyone who tried to look upon her, well most normal people that is, but not the main target, or perhaps that bothersome man. He was possibly somewhere around here, and that meant there might be a confrontation between the two at one point, still that was fine, he could clear out all the enemies that he wished, Erika would find that little girl first, be it the hard way, or the easy way. Sadly judging by the fog this was going to be the hard way, and all it meant was that Erika had to prove herself before this little peon first in order to "win them over", no more like showing them her raw ambition and talent.

    Either way, Erika moved up towards the former guild hall through the fog, as it got thicker and thicker, almost to the point where she couldn't see, but that just meant an attack was finally going to be inbound or at least, a trick of some kind. Perhaps a build up to the final show was already going to start, a practical display of all the power this little fiendish creature held. Unlike others, it didn't matter to Erika, she was a completely selfish creature she didn't care about helping anyone right now, she only cared about achieving the start to her end goal, a long time coming to be sure, but at the same time a glorious little parade, nothing was worth doing if it wasn't a tad bit difficult after all, now was it? Regardless the atmosphere started to change, and now Erika was becoming more and more on guard, this was going to be interesting, from here on out, she was on full proving mode.

    Special Snowflake carried out 1 launched of one Monster Dice :
    To Hunt Shadows.  OdAaNwh


    Ninetails Derpfox

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 10th December 2015, 7:37 pm

    Standing on the roof of the extinct guild provided Niyol with a sense of clarity. He looked around, taking in the sounds and scents of his surroundings, as well as enjoying the end of the beginning of night as it transitioned into the slightly later hours just before midnight. Looking down, a slight fog began to stir, concealing all within. Through the fog Niyol was able to see the souls of animals moving about, some still living, some not so alive anymore. He saw a single human's soul, judging by the pattern and intensity he judged it to be a mage, a female mage, and one that was very much alive. Niyol continued watching as the arrogant girl moved blindly through the fog and over to the guild hall and decided he'd enter through the ceiling. 'Not gonna make sure she's safe?' Altsoba, the demon of war asked in Niyol's head. 'I sense very few living in these parts. Should she need aid she's truly useless in all mannerisms. I intend to use her to find the child, if I must, I'll kill her and the child at once.' Niyol replied, sounding quite serious. 

    As Niyol walked from the dome shaped structure on the roof, over to a hatch on the side his shadow changed forms to that of a woman with a scythe. It rose from the ground, and then exploded in a burst of shadowy particles as Altsoba manifested herself into this world. "You don't plan on using 'that' against that poor two faced girl do you?" Altsoba asked, a smile on her face at the thought of Niyol turning the girl into a blood smoothie. "I will if she becomes an issue..." Niyol said as he opened the hatch, thinking the same thought as Altsoba he stopped with his head just above the opening. "By the mother's will, I pray she becomes an issue." he added and continued descending the ladder into the roof of the guild leaving Altsoba snickering as she followed suit. Upon entering the upper storage area through the hatch, Niyol heard shuddering. Both he and Altsoba turned their heads in the direction it was heard.

    HP: 300/300
    ƧƧ: 142/160

    Leg/Str(+) Weapons: +10% Base MP
    Soul Storage: Niyol can store 50% additional ƧƧ
    Unnatural Attraction: +2% ƧƧ Regen during Day, +5% 
    ƧƧ Regen at Night

    Last edited by Niyol on 16th December 2015, 2:11 am; edited 2 times in total
    Special Snowflake
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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Special Snowflake 15th December 2015, 11:45 pm

    The fog's dense attitude gave away the potential threat, it was so sloppy that it almost made Erika sick. Really Erika couldn't see anything, that was the most obvious time to attack, it was when Erika could see everything that they should have attacked and then, only then, they might have made an impact upon the little beauty. Instead, there was a small hissing in the air and a bellow was made, trying to spook her or the like. Erika merely stood there, this was a pathetic attempt to try and take her life, really nothing but child's play.

    As the spears flew down Erika merely had the trees around her turn into threads and a web woven between her and the noise, then there was a clanking sound above her, Looking around the threads she had manifested there were more than a dozen broken spears, seriously that was the extent of an ambush that this girl could pull off? It was a very shameful display and Erika almost didn't want to have any part of it, but she had to at least, stop it, and show that it wasn't going to work or worth it. So thusly the attacks were blocked and Erika was able to move on, or so she thought. it was sudden and the fog helped to hide her detecting it, but suddenly Erika was face to face with what looked like a bit of a phantom, and within a moment, it reached out to grab her head. Cackling towards Erika as it did this, it gave a crooked smile.

    "Show me what's inside that little head of yours!"

    Suddenly things were about to get very strange for the ice cream haired girl, or was it the other girl trying to get rid of this intruder that was about to experience a surprise.


    Ninetails Derpfox

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 16th December 2015, 3:24 am

    The crates began shifting, sliding, and falling as whatever it was began making itself known. Finally, the series of stacked boxes all toppled over and onto the ground, spilling ornaments, toys, and old books all over the ground. Looking at the mess, Niyol blankly gazed the the pocket of air that was completely void of life or non-life so it should be called. A large silver sword began floating across Niyol's field of vision as he began looking away from the wreckage, causing his eyes to narrow, focusing in on the blade. Niyol's first instinct would be to prepare for an attack, but he sensed no malice, no blood lust, and no soul behind the weapon. "Tell me Altsoba, do you see anything behind you?" Niyol said, focusing intently on the blade. Altsoba turned her head, and then the rest of her body. She lined her eyes up where Niyol was glaring at, trying to see what he sees. "There's nothing there." the woman said calmly. "Understood. I've learned all I need about this magic." Niyol said, a smirk on his face as the sword began spinning. "What is it?" Altsoba asked inquisitively. "It's mind manipulation." Niyol said calmly. "How do you figure?" the demon of war inquired. "Simple. Technically, you're not here. At least, not entirely... What you are is a collection of magic particles being controlled across space, and possibly time." Niyol said while ignoring the twirly sword. "Which means if you can see it, and I can't... the blade can't possibly be real. So it's just a mind trick?" She said calmly. "Indeed." Niyol stated, looking back at the shiny weapon. He let go of the swords at his waist knowing that they wouldn't be needed for now. The blade was nothing but a figment of his imagination, or rather Lillith's Imagination and wouldn't be able to attack... or so Niyol hoped.

    HP: 300/300
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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Special Snowflake 21st December 2015, 3:06 am

    The shade pierced into Erika mind and using its ghastly magic saw into a memory of the past, though unlike an observer they were actually there. It was odd, normally their magic only showed them a small part of the little chain, not this time, it was basically all of it. A village was burning but for what reason the shade couldn't tell, it was like a looking glass only one side of the story, but for whatever reason it was more horrible than the dark guild being destroyed, at least, to them. A few shadowed figures, no that wasn't it, a few figures that didn't have any kind of recognition were present and disposing of the last little bit of resistance within the now burning wreckage of a place. The shade looked upon the void of life within the area, and then back towards the two figures who couldn't be distinguished from each other, in fact, they looked a little bit human, but strange, sort of like the shade itself. Approaching them the Shade couldn't make anything out, all they heard was muffled voices from the two figures and then suddenly, the shade was grabbed by their "neck" and lifted into the air, one of the figures smiling towards them.

    "like what you see?"

    Suddenly the Shade was back to reality, with a small tilted head look from Erika towards it, with but a hint of a grin upon her face.

    "What's the matter you little ghost, did something send a chill down your spine?"

    "What in the world are you!?"

    "Why, that is something only those with importance should care about knowing, and I do believe you are not of importance at all."

    The shade suddenly realizing what was befalling it became ensnared within a trap, a web that spanned across it's entire body. Imposing more of a smile, Erika moved around the poor, now defenseless, creature.

    "Such a shame that you send a puppet, see through it, yet can't feel through it, that's why you didn't understand what you saw, you aren't real. You have amibition, potential, but lack focus. Think over that as I approach, you have but two options, join me.... or die."

    Crushing the shade with the threads into ecoplasmic dust, Erika began moving closer towards the guild hall, hoping this little devil would ponder over her message, and have an interesting answer by the time Erika arrived.


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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 22nd December 2015, 1:56 am

    A voice called from out of the darkness of the halls as Niyol looked away from the sword, only to find it followed his vision. "Why don't you run?" the voice asked in a sweet, innocent tone that belonged to that of a young female child. Niyol looked to Altsoba, noting she wasn't running her mouth at the voice and decided to ignore it as well. "Come on mister, you can talk to me. I promise you I'll respond." the voice incited, giving an extra attempt at getting into Niyol's head. Niyol walked out of the room, followed by Altsoba who quickened her pace to make it so she was within his peripherals. A small girl appeared wearing a black dress and holding a small bear in her hand. Looking at Altsoba for a second, Niyol noted that she hadn't reacted in the slightest to the sight. He figured that he was the only one seeing it, and decided to keep walking. No sensation was felt as Niyol walked through the girl, phasing through just as a ghost would walk through walls. "Hey! Don't you wanna play!?" the girl said. This being a child, Niyol had to fight his personal bias towards the young, steeling himself to prevent him from giving in and humoring the child. Of all the times Niyol was the weakest, it was when pit against someone who was less than half his age. Such wasn't the case because of sick fantasies, or his desire to have children, or something as silly as the simple fact that it was a child. He was like this because in his eyes, children represented everything that life was about. They were innocent, knowing next to no true evil, always smiling and laughing which forced even the heartless mage to smile, and they had their entire lives ahead of them. So for him, being forced to punish this one in the most extreme sense was more daunting a task than facing his demonic mentor. "You think we'll find her?" Altsoba asked. "I already know where she is." Niyol answered with a stern voice as the pair walked down the massive corridor.

    HP: 300/300
    ƧƧ: 152/160

    Leg/Str(+) Weapons: +10% Base MP
    Soul Storage: Niyol can store 50% additional ƧƧ
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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Special Snowflake 22nd December 2015, 8:04 pm

    Finally, Erika had arrived as the guild hall proper, the place was a bit run down now and certainly gave off an aura that was corrupted. Still the place wasn't a complete waste of time for the girl, it certainly held a little treasure inside. Her journey was just beginning now, though before she entered the place proper Erika needed to think a bit. Would she attempt to enter this slightly massive and gothic style structure from the front taking every kind of blow that her little prize would throw at her, or would she be sneaky? Both had their positives and negatives though she didn't care about the negatives, nothing could actually hurt her after all, even if it did. Rather did Erika wish to prove the point of how powerless or non-focused the girl was or did she wish to prove just how oblivious the girl was, if only she had her little aces in her sleeve with her right now, she could have done both. Sadly Erika had to make a choice, of course no matter the choice it would be the perfect one, but still which type of impact did she wish to have upon this girl, so many decisions and just so little time.

    Certainly this haunted place would prove annoying from the front but then again the panic might cause more annoying traps... or perhaps the traps would get worse anyway due to panic of overcoming them if only she knew her opponent outside of the ignorance about what mattered, which settled it actually, she would go in from the front, and prove just how powerless this little creature was. Preparing to open the door Erika briefly thought about just the type of entrance she would make, would it be loud or would it be humble, but then she remembered that she is Erika, so clearly it would be loud and important. Kicking the door in, she would let out a loud saying, but what that was, however, well try to suspend disbelief.


    Ninetails Derpfox

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 24th December 2015, 10:59 pm

    Altsoba twisted her face curiously at the announcement that Niyol knew exactly where to find the child. Standing in place looking at her vessel strangely as he walked away, it took a few seconds to click in her mind that he was more than likely following his gut. She began walking, hastening her stride to catch up with the shirtless mage. "So... you wanna let me know where she is?" she asked out of a desire to not be left out of the loop. "Not in particular." Niyol said with a fairly cold voice. "Seriously... but how can I be of any use?" Altsoba replied sounding completely stunned by Niyol's lack of cooperation. "I never asked for your help." Niyol said extremely coldly. "You didn't refuse it either!" Altsoba said childishly. "You didn't offer it... if you did I would have beheaded you instantly." the icy reply hit her like a freight train every time. "Asshole..." Altsoba said with an irritated tone while looking away. "Harlot." Niyol replied as he turned the corner and walked down the path. "Come and play with me..." a voice called to Niyol, speaking directly into his mind. The man continued without changing pace, ignoring the disembodied voice knowing full well she was nowhere near him. "Come on mister... you don't want me to cry do you?" the voice said, the idea pulling at his heart strings. It was cruel that this whole task was to take down some kid... undoubtedly she won't make it easy to take her in. 'Beat it brat, there's only room for one chick in his head...' Altsoba said, having caught a whisper of the child's tormenting. 'Take your own advice hag...' the voice of Niyol's long time friend that he'd killed some time ago said in response. 'All three of you fuck off!' Niyol replied to them.

    HP: 300/300
    ƧƧ: 157/160

    Leg/Str(+) Weapons: +10% Base MP
    Soul Storage: Niyol can store 50% additional ƧƧ
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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Special Snowflake 31st December 2015, 1:23 pm

    Smashing through the door, Erika would look around and prepare to shout her little line, but then there was nothing, the main hall was empty, the various gothic features and dust leaving the room with an empty howl and a bit of an echo. Well, that was disappointing, there wasn't even some kind of big scary monster at all within this area, or heck even a bunch of traps, but nope they didn't do anything, could it be that Erika was so magnificent that they simply had given up? As much as Erika would love to believe that, this little girl seemed stubborn, which meant that there was a bit more to it, perhaps the other guy had actually made it inside as she speculated, if he had then maybe he was providing the distraction, either way, worked out for Erika so long as he didn't get the girl and kill her or anything, that would be very sad, and she would have to go and find someone to bring her back, for the reward at that point not to add her, to her party of course.

    Walking into the main hall a bit her footsteps let out an echo, as the various cobwebs fluttered in the breeze, this place seemed ancient though it had only vanished from the map a little while ago, how sad it was for it, and it's why Erika never found a dark guild to be a safe haven or whatever, it was too obvious, if you wished to hide from the sight of the law, then it was easiest to become the law, to be the one behind the scenes and in plain view where everyone could see, yet no one could suspect, it was Erika's sibling was forever going to just be a step behind Erika's perfect mentality. Either way, Erika was a bit distracted with the history of this place for a brief moment, she just hoped that nothing would sneak up on her suddenly or anything... or maybe she did, this was Erika after all, she was probably just faking being unaware the entire time.


    Ninetails Derpfox

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 1st January 2016, 3:54 am

    Niyol stopped suddenly, causing Altsoba to stop as well. "Shit." Niyol said, having sensed a disturbance in the souls around him. Altsoba opened her mouth to ask about what was wrong, but was interrupted when a massive steel golem crashed through the ceiling. It missed Niyol as far as actual attacks went, but it did manage to blast a hole in the ground and the four stories below that sent landed the shirtless mage all the way on the bottom floor. Slamming down on the ground with that steel golem on top him, Niyol instinctively used his spirit world spell, forming a fifteen meter hemisphere of spiritual energy. He appeared at the edge of it, next to a massive wall of flaming wisps that would harm all who tried to pass through it. The construct got up from the floor, its rune covered body not even dented from the impact as it towered over Niyol. A pillar of steel flew out from the ground, sending Niyol flying clear across the hall and sliding to a stop right at the legs of Erika. He slowly got to his feet, having had enough time to catch his breath while the colossal golem made its way to the duo. "I'm terribly sorry... but it seems... you weren't important enough... for me to remember... your name." Niyol joked between pained breaths as the monstrous being approached, shaking the guild hall with each step. He drew a black weapon from his side, saying "Reap... Thorn of Betrayal." with a calm voice and the blade turned to a scythe in a second. Niyol let out a deep breath, putting his mind at ease as he got ready to begin the fight. "It's hard to find a good fighter now adays... So I'll be generous and make you a deal outlander, you impress me and I might actually care to listen to your name, though you're not exactly worthy of even that level of gregariousness." he said with a smirk on his face, taking some pleasure in acting like she did.

    HP: 150/300
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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Special Snowflake 4th January 2016, 1:44 pm

    The guild hall suddenly turned very loud, it was a bit disheartening how loud it had turned, the atmosphere was ruined, and now there was a massive crash of violence throwing the small scene frozen in time, into a massive death battle. Perhaps that was for the best, though, Erika had to get moving at some point, and what better time than when Erika was now faced down with a huge enemy monolith, how strange, this girl had created something to try and fight her, wait no... there was another here now, so it would be them. The man landing at her feet, she noticed it was the one from the tavern, how interesting. He tried to make a few snide remarks, which she would, of course, return in jest, after all, her retorts had to be far better than his, or frankly anyone's, or at the very least the last word!

    "What a coincidence, I don't remember your name either."

    He started to make some comments about how he wanted to see an impressive fighter and he would make a deal with her, normally she'd tell him to go away, but he might know where the girl is, which means that she needs him right now, and instead, of him testing her, she would test him. Behold Erika logic. Manifesting threads around the floor of the golem, she had them shoot up to ensnare it. sadly it was pretty strong so a few of them managed to "snap", though with her manipulation she just kept knitting them back into bindings, and holding the thing in place so that Niyol could finish the job off, she didn't wish to sully her hands against this foolish enemy.

    "Can you finish them off, I detest having to cull the weak like this, and you seem capable, correct?"


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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 4th January 2016, 8:44 pm

    Niyol didn't like the idea of working with this woman, but he did know she had uses. He watched as the iron giant was ensnared in some magical wires, but suddenly as she finished her request a large number of creatures began manifesting from magic circles. He let out a sigh and decided it was time to show off just a bit. A flash of blue and black energy erupted from Niyol's scythe as he spun it in the air between a set of fingers. A swing back around in the opposite direction sent a flash of black, causing the group in one of the halls to completely vanish. "The rest will die of their own accord, I suggest a moving on while they suffer... unless you'd rather our target more opportunity to escape." Niyol said calmly. The scythe turned into a black blade again, and Niyol began charging down the first path knowing damn well the time to retreat would be the best choice. He was not so prideful as to die instead of fighting, and was not so naive as to believe he could kill them all. Suddenly, the same enemies he'd just killed on the hall returned in greater number. He drew his second sword, taking up a balanced combat stance. 'Not yet... not while she holds no respect...' he thought as his eyes narrowed on the enemies before him. He took a deep breath, exhaling as he brought up the black and the white swords. He took a single step back, and allowed his opponents to begin charging. Niyol jumped, landing with both feet on the wall that allowed him to begin running on it. Another jump placed the man in the air, spinning as he descended Niyol slammed down on his enemies and sent several of them flying into the air in pieces.

    HP: 300/300
    MP: 160/160

    Soul Slash - Gains +2% MP per enemy hit by it
    Guardian Sweep - Gain HP when one of the elementals die

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Special Snowflake 13th January 2016, 2:20 pm

    Now there were other creatures coming to enjoy the party along with this golem being? Well, that surely was a bit of a grand display, was this girl trying to kill both Erika and Niyol in one blow with such weak creatures? Attrition was great to use for defeating a normal opponent, but what if someone had the firepower to completely overwhelm your numbers, maybe they would have the potential to completely defeat all you had tried to accomplish. What if for this girl one of them had the power to do that, or at least, to show off enough to get them to back down, what if Erika actually started trying. Niyol seemed very handy with a blade so he had his uses for dealing with those outside of her blast radius, so she didn't have to worry about anything happening... right? Niyol would be fine, after all, he might know where the girl is so he couldn't just die yet, Erika still needed him to save her precious time, that and he could, at least, distract the little beings that might try to run and then play a boring game of hide and seek.

    As a few of the creatures manifested around Erika, she looked towards them as the golem was attempting to align its fist with her face. Erika proceeded to smile at this little challenge, and underneath their magic circles she turned the floor into her precious threads, she literally attacked them from below with the unexpected little attacks. The golem didn't fair much better, him being bound was already a disadvantage, but when she had him start to "sink" into the ground, she unleashed tightening grip upon grip upon him, and strike after strike, he was tough but all the micro blows started to show within his armored form, and slowly he was crushed down into nothingness in the wake of her onslaught. Though the minions kept spawning, Erika kept swatting them down, realizing that it was probably getting ready to be the time when they should confront that blasted little girl and get things over with, though she'd have to wait till both of them weren't as "distracted" to attempt to ask him for her location.


    Ninetails Derpfox

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 20th January 2016, 4:41 pm

    The elementals had seen enough of their own fall. They noticed that with each cut they made, Niyol wasn't being hurt. Each time one of them got within melee range, or at least, his melee range they died. They realized that by Niyol killing them, he was in turn gaining health. This was the curse of fighting Death... The only way to truly beat Niyol would be one on one, and then you had to get past his unbearable skill, immense strength, and overall combat proficiency. Niyol looked at his enemies as they backed up, still keeping a circle around him that prevented him from getting to his target. He relaxed, lowering his weapons before flicking the black sword and sheathing it gently. He placed a second hand on the white blade, the sword of the Tribe of Frosts that was appropriately named 'Soul Freezer' by its creators. A few specs of snow flew past Niyol's gaze as the blade was awakened, feeling the glory of being the only weapon he was using. Niyol charged one of the elementals, the being charged him back. It looked awestruck as Niyol jumped in the air, spinning horizontally while making a slash at it. Out of the slash, a single five foot wide magic circle appeared. Out of the circle, a 500 meter tall pillar of ice manifested. Since the circle was horizontal, the pillar came out being five hundred meters wide, and slammed down on the hallway, crushing the elementals. Niyol was standing on top, watching the boss that was sunk into the ground and partly consumed by ice. "Miss... I advise leaving unless you enjoy fighting things as unimportant as you are! In which case, your only use can be a temporary distraction!" he shouted across the expanse. Niyol turned and started running down the pillar, sliding on the icy surface and flying though the doors to a grand library.
    HP: 300/300
    MP: 160/160

    Soul Slash - Gains +2% MP per enemy hit by it (2 posts)
    Guardian Sweep - Gain HP when one of the elementals die

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Special Snowflake 17th February 2016, 12:33 am

    Erika puffed as she looked at the various creatures that kept coming, it was such a bother, and really just becoming a distraction at this point. She debated unleashing her full power at this point, if only for a brief moment just to get them out of the way, but the giant pillar of ice crashed down into the establishment, and it was then that Erika realized she didn't have too, he was taking care of them quite nicely, which meant that she didn't have to try as hard. See if he had just cooperated like this before, it would have been so much easier, but as of right now she could forgive him temporarily for being so foolish, he was at least capable of taking out of the trash, which was enough for her, especially since she could keep the majority of her oh so important abilities a secret.

    "Retreat, in our moment of triumph? I feel you underestimate our chances or overestimate theirs."

    Erika stated as she proceeded to smite one of the lesser creatures without effort, only to witness a couple more appear in their stead. Such a shameful display really, Erika couldn't stand to just leave them be, but like she had thought previously, they would need to. With a heavy heart, she despite her momentary anger, swallowed her immense pride to move on with the goal. leaving the area Erika would retreat into the grand Library, along with Niyol and throw up her threads to try and cut off some of the supply of creatures entering behind them.

    "Now then, shall we find her in earnest and end this little charade? I grow tired of dwelling in this place, it is far too gloomy and wasteful for my sort, of expectations. I am sure you know her full location, and don't have to use too much effort to move there, so then, let's get a move on, and again, show her just how foolish it is to mess with people."


    Ninetails Derpfox

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 21st February 2016, 1:30 pm

    Niyol waited a few moments, figuring that her royal pain in the neck was trying to indecisively choose between finishing off the endless horde, or be smart and leave. Luckily, after Niyol's pillar of ice made the choice for her she decided to follow suit and leave the elementals alone. Inside the library was an innumerable amount of books on the shelves, with quite a few books still open on the desks. Looking around at the bleak scene before him gave Niyol an idea of just what happened here. The people in the library were all killed at the same time, none given a chance to even try to run. The tables were all in perfect alignment with each other. The chairs were all positioned as though no one even stood up when they died. The books on the tables hadn't moved an inch, and the pages were all dusted. Niyol stood amidst the scene of emptiness and realized that had he been there, had he traveled to this place before... he might have been able to stop it. This child that him and the ice cream lady were going to deal with didn't use only mind tricks... she used the very force that Niyol controlled... she was a death mage. Niyol took a few steps forward, feeling his bare foot hit the edge of something small. It felt like leather, with a buckle at the top and a hole in it. He moved his foot backwards, allowing him to see the item under the moonlight that filtered through a hole in the roof. Kneeling down, Niyol picked up the small show and sensed the remnants of the soul bound to it. It was that of a very young child, no older than four who died at the hands of this girl. The demonic scar under Niyol's left eye began to take on a type of black aura with bits of blood red in them. The glow began flowing, like water in a freshly opened canal, moving down the scar and onto the back of his left jaw. It then ran down his head onto his neck, transferring to his back where it emptied into a lake that would take the form of a demon. The glow would burn bright crimson, shining through the pure white medical bandages that covered Niyol's mid to lower back. The glow would then move to another scar that lead off from the right side of the larger one, flowing up his back and over his right shoulder. It circled around his arm as it moved downward, landing on the same demon's face that rested on the back of his right hand. Niyol's dark purple eyes took on a lighter shade as they began to give off a very minor glow that could only be seen from how dark the library was.

    A single soul appeared in front of Niyol in the form of a little girl with only one shoe. Then a second, in the form of a woman with similar looks but much older... perhaps her mother? A third, then a fourth and fifth and so on. Soon the entire area was flooded with the souls of the dead, so packed in that some were standing with the tables phasing through them... or maybe them phasing through the tables. Niyol sensed malevolence in them, the girl was controlling them remotely. "This child is beginning to enrage me more and more as we continue..." he said in a low, unhappy tone. Each of the souls then turned into a stream of blue energy that moved to the walls, forming into swords that all pointed back at Niyol and Napoleon. Niyol let out a deep sigh and placed his hand out with a palm facing upwards, the tattoo on his left shoulder began glowing dark blue, expanding to form a clawed gauntlet over his arm that seemed to made of blue flames that for some reason didn't burn Niyol's skin off. The swords all began disintegrating, forming into Niyol's soul-flame covered palm and becoming one with the mage. Soon, they were all gone and consumed properly and would be used to fuel his power until he could properly dump them off in the Spirit World.

    Niyol then began moving onward, through the other set of doors that would lead down a rather long corridor much like the one they'd entered through. "The child is down the hall, out the window, five stories down waiting in the playground. She will put up a fight. I have business with her, so don't kill it... Go without me, I need a few moments to ensure we don't have anymore guests coming through this door... And if you take her away, I'll destroy this world just to find her. So don't disappoint me." Niyol said calmly, his scars still glowing brightly from his inner anger having built up.

    WC: 5,570/6,100
    HP: 300/300
    MP: 160/160

    Soul Slash - Gains +2% MP per enemy hit by it (2 posts)
    Guardian Sweep - Gain HP when one of the elementals die

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    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    To Hunt Shadows.  Empty Re: To Hunt Shadows.

    Post by Special Snowflake 25th February 2016, 7:11 pm

    The library that she entered seemed to be a somber place, the various elementals and other horrors outside being blocked from entering. Disposing of such creature could have been easy if she had actually tried, but that wasn't her goal, the little girl that was causing all of this was her goal, and all that mattered was the end goal being fulfilled, nothing else within her path really mattered, they were just the means to the end. Perhaps the most shocking development that happened was the sheer fact of how this place was taken down. Such a sad little case, a group of people destroyed by just one, how could they claim to be something like a guild if they were able to be thwarted by just one individual, so shameful. All killed in an instant, honestly, Erika was a little bit impressed, but if the competition was able to lose this swiftly, they weren't worth the attention or sorrow that was given towards them, they were just pathetic weak individuals who had mismatched goals and a lack of conviction to see through said goals to the end.

    Erika didn't get to explore the library very much as Niyol seemed to speak up quite fast, which was a bit odd, he seemed so reserved, could it be that he was upset because of something? Perhaps he was wrong personally, or it was just the environment, or maybe Erika was just annoying him that much, didn't matter, what did matter was that he told her where their little VIP was. This allowed for Erika to finally get mission underway, honestly, she believed she would have to start throwing threads out to all corners of this blasted place in order to find the girl, but here he was, coming through with the information, and she had time before he showed up... so wonderful.

    "Why of course, I wouldn't dream of it."

    Moving swiftly, Erika flew through the window changing said glass into threads so that she wouldn't become all busted up, or rather her outfit wouldn't get torn. Landing within the square that had been turned into a playground by the demented little one, Erika looked around, the entire place had a fog about it, but at the same time seemed peaceful, though that was probably just because Erika didn't mind this sort of environment. Spreading out her influence within the ground Erika would take gentle steps into the fog to look for this little girl though she could have just unleashed hell, she didn't wish to get sloppy, her pride was too large to simply destroy an area and person after all, and that one guy back there would have gotten annoyed, and then she'd have to listen to the complaining, she just didn't have time for that.

    "Did you come to play with me?"

    A voice, a small high pitched voice rang throughout the area, creating a deluded atmosphere, it would have been creepy if Erika hadn't anticipated it.

    "Hmm, I suppose I have if your definition of playing is the same as mine."

    "Hehe, do you like murder? I enjoy that form of playing."

    "Murder? Such a simple word and method, I prefer capturing for a bit, let them know who the real one in charge is."

    "In charge? Tee hee, I believe that would be me, you walked right into my little friends!"

    Forming within the fog, there were more of the elementals appearing all around her, this was so bothersome, did she really believe this cannon fodder was a match for Erika? her patience was running thin right now, this wasn't amusing anymore even if the little girl found it funny.

    "All of them have names and are my fun friends, they all used to live here or something like that, I can't fully remember, now they just do what I want, isn't it fun!?"

    "Mindless puppets lacking ambition, purpose, or talent? Now I see why the dreary man was so annoyed, and I can agree with it, this is incredibly pathetic. I am disappointed just like your drunk alcoholic father probably was with you, no matter such raw talent can be put to use in some format."

    "Tough talk, I will enjoy your screams."

    All of the monsters enclosed upon Erika at once to try and get a massive attack off, but Erika was finally tired of playing with this little girl. Threads erupted from the ground, Erika flooded the area with them, but not where the little girl was standing. The destruction was clean and precise, the various forms of elementals and other deranged spirits were done with an effective sewing of their destruction. They might have been tough, but they couldn't compete against probing for weaknesses at a speed and amount that left them without defenses. The thing about threads is they can be as small as you want, or as big as you want, for the most part, and when it came to attacking, well they were flexible enough to weave through the enemies body without much hindrance. Basically, she tore them apart from the inside out. The threads also struck with such force that the fog was being pushed back due to the eruption from below the ground.

    Appearing next to the little girl through her threads Erika wove her form back and took a poke at the girls arm. It was easy, she was caught off guard, after all, she probably didn't expect Erika to have any kind of abilities other than run around and die. Such weakness now made her a bit sick, she had come all the way out here for this? Oh well, she could now at least, get the consolation prize. A needle drove into it, and drew some of her blood, thankfully Erika had studied anatomy, and knew where to poke for maximum effectiveness. And just as swiftly as she had poked, she tied the girls feet down with threads and then lashed onto her arms.

    Sure, she struggled, but Erika didn't care, her friends were all destroyed or tied up, and now she had the little prize that she desired. Shame, though, she did so wish to finish her off.

    "Going to kill me?"

    "I am afraid while I would normally love too... the companion I am with desires a word with you, and he provided me with your location, so at the very least... I can provide him with such a small request."

    Total WC: 5922/6100
    Post WC: 1080


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