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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 4th December 2015, 12:04 am

    Job details:

    Mashyuu had no idea that after becoming a Dragon Slayer he would suffer from sudden motion sickness while riding any sort of vehicle so when he took the job from Sabertooth and the magic council to travel over seas to Minstrel he was shocked to find that he couldn't stop throwing up. Even worse he didn't have any earth under him to make the Wizard feel better. Once the Wizard and Rocky arrived at the docks of Minstrel two sailors harshly tossed Mashyuu and his bags off the boat he was on and onto the docks. He landed with a loud thump along with his two bags. Rocky joined him shortly after and waited silently while Mashyuu recovered.

    After a few minutes of laying still Mashyuu rolled off his face and sat up on his blue jean covered knees. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a brown piece of paper that highlighted his current job. His blue eyes scanned the paper then darted around the busy dock. It didn't look any different from any other dock he had seen. The man rubbed the light stubble that was growing on his chin and picked up his bags while coming to a stand. "Alright Rocky, we need to head towards LeBuque Town, meet up with three women that are local and a fourth that is a Rune Knight. Apparently we will know her when we see her. I don't want to be the last one there so lets head out." Mashyuu snapped his fingers and Rocky swiftly followed along behind as the Earth Wizard aimlessly walked around the wood and stone port....

    It took Mashyuu a good hour to get accurate directions on where he was headed but once he had them it took only a swift thirty minutes for the Earth Wizard and Rocky to find the town of LeBuque The town was beautiful, surrounded by a thick forest, there were only a few ways into the town but each of the buildings stood out on it's own. The people were all dressed very differently from Mashyuu in his blue jeans, black boots, red tee shirt and his mothers brown jacket. The citizens all wore fancy suits and dresses while the wizards wore wide brimmed hats and green uniforms that made them look like a fancy pirate.

    While wandering around, Rocky started to yelp loudly at the sight of a pair of women in the center of town. One with red hair, likely Atma and a blonde in what looked like a breast plate. She was most likely Atha. Mashyuu walked to the center of town where a large round well rested with the two women sitting down and waving towards him. When he arrived the blonde extended her hand. "You must be Mashyuu. Our partner went to make sure the Rune Knight got to town safely. They should be here any minute...."

    WC: 478
    Special Snowflake
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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by Special Snowflake 4th December 2015, 2:40 am

    Erika had arrived in the fashionable town of LeBuque, it was a small town and the place seemed to echo the channels of peace throughout it's small halls. Erika however, didn't care about any of this, if anything the people were foolish and weak enough to have an entire family captured right from under their noses and now she had to run and play saviour to them. While normally she would love being venerated as the queen bitch of the universe before such lowly peons, this day was a bit annoying, as she had to disguise herself with her little alter ego "lissica", so she had to pretend to be a little bit useless in order to not raise suspicion. This meant that she needed to hope that the other arriving to assist her wasn't a hopeless case of goodie, goodie or uselessness, otherwise she might end up having to do all the work herself. Oh, it was moments like this that she missed Faeral being around, he always knew how to handle a situation, by listening to her perfect guidance.

    "We are almost at the town miss Lissica, are ready to try and save the day?"

    Said the brunette, giving Erika, or rather "Lissica" as Portha would know her, a wink.

    "Oh, uh yes I am all ready to try my best and to give it my all, hopefully, it won't be too scary, though, sometimes they can be such brutes!"

    Erika stated as she gave off an air of nervousness, this was a big job after all and she had to look scared while doing it, or else people might believe that she could be actually the most perfect creation in the entire world, which would be bad, after all they couldn't know her true nature yet, that of being the most perfect creation in all of existence.

    "Aw, don't worry about it, see the towns right there and would you look at that so are my buddies, with the extra tag along too!"

    Running up to meet them, she presented a smile, while Erika approached as a listless woman, who seemed out of breath from the short "run".

    "Glad to see you made it here, name's Portha, and this here is Lissica the rune knight they sent to handle the situation, I am assuming you are Mashyuu, pleasure."

    Erika appearing as the taller slender girl wearing glasses, gave an uneasy smile towards the crew.

    "Yes, it's uh a pleasure to meet you, I hope we all get along real well!"





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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 4th December 2015, 11:50 am

    Mashyuu extended his arm and shook hands with all the women around him, saying each of their names to remember them. When he got to the Rune Knight he looked her up and down with confusion. Why did the letter say that I would know the Knight when I saw her? She looks like anyone else from this nation. He pondered to himself.

    The moment he took his hand away from the woman's he pointed a thumb over his shoulder at a tall mansion. His eyes shot between all the Wizards and the Rune Knight. "All right as nice as it would be to get to know four beautiful women... The Job is to rescue a family. We're supposed to sneak in and find the family and get them out. I have a feeling it won't be that easy and really I'd rather rush the door and take out every dark Wizard in there. But we have no information on the Wizards, what they can do or how trigger happy they are."

    Mashyuu dropped to rest on his haunches and started to draw in the dirt around the well. First a square to represent the mansion, then a little ways away he drew a large circle and six triangles to represent the Wizards, Rocky and the Rune Knight. "Alright, so while we were waiting for you Lissica, the other Minstrels told me they use gun and sword magic. What skills do you bring to the table Lissica?" He asked to gather as much information as possible before making any strategy.

    WC: 258

    Special Snowflake
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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by Special Snowflake 4th December 2015, 2:11 pm

    "What kind of skills do I bring to the table? Well uh, I make different weapons and such to use for combat, it's not that useful for much else, though."

    Fantastic he was a goody goody, but at least he recognized something, she was beautiful even if she wasn't in her more perfect form, he could at least see her divine beauty, though sadly that was all he should see, she didn't want to overboard with her magic or abilities, she needed to appear weak, and now she was annoyed at it. By the looks of it, they would try to save everyone instead of just going in and taking care of the useless plebians and then just taking any riches that the mansion held as their payment, so much simpler. Perhaps if Erika was bored she might return to do just that, it would child's play, these people seemed very comfortable, also known as weak, the proof was in how this kidnapping had happened.

    "Uh, well we have to get into the mansion right, so I guess that sneaking around the side might be the best option, maybe try and locate where they got in, in the first place, they might not have guarded it... or then again they might have, oh that's probably a stupid idea, I'm sorry."

    Sighing internally Erika almost wanted to vomit from how goody, goody she had to act right now, it was disgusting. Sneak in and save the day, just wonderful, what was next acting like she is infatuated with this man, he wasn't bad looking, but he wasn't dapper like Faeral, or worse act all girly with these other women, that would be horrible. Whatever, she just hoped that this wasn't going to take too long, she had more important things to do, like figuring out why Faeral joined the rune knights.





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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 4th December 2015, 2:38 pm

    "You make weapons? That's good I don't have many spells that are silent. You're with me and Rocky then. We go in groups of three. Minstrels flank around to the left side of the building. Lissica here is right. There is a chance that they didn't block off wherever they snuck in from. Then again they for sure did. I don't like doing rescue jobs so I'd rather get this done quick. IF possible we should try to meet up in the center of the ground floor. At least so we can adjust. If you find the Townsends just get them out of the manor." Mashyuu explained and looked back up at Lissica. Something did seem off about her. Like she was hiding something but there wasn't the time to ponder it. The faster Mashyuu got the job done the faster he could get back to his secondary magic training.
    While standing up Mashyuu kicked the dirt around to make sure the little map he made wasn't spotted by anyone after they left. He had no idea if there were others in town that was working with this group of Dark Wizards, and why should he take the chance. The three Minstrels looked at the Wizards and with a silent nod took off for the left of the building, hopping the fence and sneaking around.
    "....This is gonna suck. Look most of the Wizards I have ended up teaming up with couldn't actually fight. Are you any good with the weapons you make? If not I would like to know before I get into a fight and have to run to protect you." Mashyuu asked with an annoyed tone to his voice as he took off for the right of the mansion. He extended his arm for Lissica to come closer while he prepared to cast a spell to get them over the near six foot tall metal fence.

    WC: 319

    Special Snowflake
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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by Special Snowflake 8th December 2015, 5:20 pm

    "Am I good with any of the weapons I make, are you an idiot!?" is what Erika wanted to say, but sadly she had to hold her tongue and play nice right now, which again disgusted her. Perhaps she would go off and do a job or something on her own later that let her get out these frustrations, especially since she has to go all stealthy right now, and even then fake being "useless". Sadly though her pride was overcoming her brains for the moment so she might have acted a bit too brash.

    "I can use them just fine, I don't need all that much protecting..."

    She had to stop herself before it got too bad, especially since she was basically starting to give away that she wasn't so weak, then again did she really have to pretend all that much? Erika didn't need to go all out, but she did need to show that she could be useful in order to not suffer that tone this entire time? She just needed to keep it up around Rasparov and Faeral mostly, well that and she wasn't going to stand here and be insulted by this lower life form. That wasn't just a jab at Mashyuu, that was a jab at anyone, as she viewed everything as inferior, even her number one henchman Faeral wasn't on her level, as useful as he was.

    While normally she would "accept" the hand out smugness, right now she was actually taller than the fence, so instead she'd just hop over it, not with too much bravado but enough to show that she capable, and then would wait for Mashyuu to cross over the wall. It'd be an interesting little romp through the area, there had to be a bunch of them guarding various areas, but they were probably poorly trained in that regard which was our "hero's" advantage.

    "Climb up the side or try and enter around the back... of the mansion that is."





    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 8th December 2015, 9:32 pm

    Show off. Mashyuu thought to himself as the woman jumped over the fence. With her past the fence Mashyuu picked up Rocky and lifted him up into the air, allowing for the earth Elemental to jump down next to Lissica. Rocky slowly paced around the woman and sat in front of her with a tilted head. Swiftly Mashyuu jumped straight up and over the fence. "He likes you. And he's a good judge of character. Come on, let's go." Mashyuu said in a light hearted tone.

    Together the group of three started to shoot towards the back of the building. Luckily the owners of the manor had high hedges that allowed the group to hide easily. That was likely how the thugs got into the building in the first place. Once at the back of the building Mashyuu started to scan the area.

    From both sides of the building the man could see a few shadows and hear talking. Gruff voices drew closer and closer. One the second floor of the building a window was open. It could have been a trap, it could have been their only way in. "Go for the window, I'll take care of the guards and be right behind you. Make sure the window stays open for me?" Mashyuu asked and suggested at the same time. "Or we attack together and take em by surprise. But we have to make quick work of them. I'll follow your lead." The Wizard stood between two tall bushes and looked back at the beauty behind him while waiting for her decision on what to do.

    WC: 264

    Special Snowflake
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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by Special Snowflake 9th December 2015, 3:59 pm

    "You can handle the ones down here, right? More important if we have an exit plan rather than become trapped down on one level right?"

    She stated softly towards Mashyuu, it was simple really, make sure that both of the floors were covered by them, and then move on. This would ensure that they had a foothold within the estate and weren't just running around with one chance of a mess up. Granted there would be two chances for a mess up, but Erika wasn't about to ever make a mistake, it just wasn't in her character, after all, so that would just leave Mashyuu to make one, though, he didn't seem the type, he was very earnest and trying hard to make sure things were ironed out. It was lovely to be paired with someone like that, much easier to play with, and they could prove to be reliable. So he would get a pass from her for now though her favor was ever fleeting.

    Weaving a grappling gun, grappling hook gun? Whatever, the thing batman, get it, would use to climb up a wall, when not trying to just muscle his way up.

    "I'll see you at the top."

    Heading upwards Erika made sure to keep herself up to the correct pace, she didn't want to move up too slowly and get spotted now would she. Opening the window via manipulating some of the threads on the curtains next to the window, Erika unlocked it and moved within the hallway. Such a mess really, the place looked fine, but it felt off. That's when she heard a few voices down the hallway and turned around to notice they were facing the wrong direction, how fortunate for her, but then again she was always fortunate for she was simply destined to be, not like anything could realistically hurt her, her ego was far too massive.

    preparing to sneak up on them, she would wait for but a brief moment, listening for any kind of noise from outside to know whether to go loud, or go soft.

    Special Snowflake carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! OdAaNwh , Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! OdAaNwh





    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 9th December 2015, 6:47 pm

    (Rolling for enemy)

    Last edited by batman4560 on 9th December 2015, 6:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by NPC 9th December 2015, 6:47 pm

    The member 'batman4560' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! WeakMonster



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 9th December 2015, 7:08 pm

    "Yeah, I'm right behind you." Mashyuu said with a half smile on his face. Carefully he moved back into the bushes and watched while Lissica scaled the building with a grapple gun. The male Wizard was already impressed with how the woman was shooting up the building and through the window. Just as she slipped in a pair of guards rounded the corner of the building. Apparently the other three women had already gotten into the manor.

    Mashyuu dropped to a knee and gathered up a pair of rock gauntlets. He glanced down at Rocky and nodded at the Wizards. Together Mashyuu and Rocky each swiftly moved for and attacked the Wizards. Mashyuu slammed his fists into the back of one Wizards head while Rocky sprouted spikes and slammed them into the back of the other Wizard. Silently both dropped to the ground. Mashyuu grabbed one man and dragged him over to the bushes then the other.

    "Alright Rocky, come on." He dropped down and placed Rocky up on his shoulders with a great heave. The man walked up to the wall and looked at it carefully. How to get up? Mashyuu glanced back over his shoulder at where he hid the bodies then placed Rocky back down on the ground. "Wait here." He slipped between the bushes and searched the guards bodies. A set of keys were in one of the men's pockets. Mashyuu grabbed the key ring and smiled then returned to Rocky.

    Swiftly Mashyuu placed his palms to the glass of a window and he pushed up on it, almost without effort, the window slipped up and open. "...Should really lock these." Mashyuu joked and dropped to pick up Rocky. Carefully he placed Rocky into the window and slipped in with him. They weren't in a hall like his current partner was but instead was in a large sun room with a white sofa in the center of the room.

    WC: 321

    Special Snowflake
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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by Special Snowflake 10th December 2015, 4:26 pm

    Well, things had stayed quiet, which meant that Mashyuu was going all stealthy, fine by Erika she didn't need to go loud right now anyway, hopefully, those three bimbo's didn't either, but she couldn't count on it. Maybe they even got caught, would just prove how useless people could really be. Still no time to focus upon that, now she had to take these guy's out, since thankfully there wasn't anyone else around to witness her magic being used properly so this would only take but a second. All four of the guards who standing around and chatting, well they were about to have the ultimate wedgie. Simply manipulating the clothing on their backs, she caused it to move to restrict them, which lead to a simple little choking session, causing them to get knocked out, but not killed. They were extremely lucky that Erika right now was faking being so kind, or else they would have probably bit the dust for daring to try and impede her progress.

    Still it was all too easy, perhaps these crooks were far too simplistic for her liking, then again most normal people were like this, they were probably scary, but to one like her this was nothing, Erika was perfect and they weren't.

    Moving down towards where the men were, Erika opened a door that they were apparently 'guarding' finding within nothing too important, but it looked like a nice bedroom, perhaps one of the servants or the children? How odd though that they would just leave this place intact, they did take anything instead, maybe they were trying appeasement until they got a ransom from the government in order to cause more chaos and havoc. Suddenly though Erika heard rustling coming from within the closet, and she tilted her head to go and check it out, worse case it was a bomb and she would just flicker around it, best case it was nothing but a teddy bear falling down.





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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 10th December 2015, 5:00 pm

    The sun room Mashyuu and Rocky stood in was beautiful. A tasteful glass or maybe crystal candle holder hung from the center of the room. Along the walls were small potted plants that made the room appear warm and inviting. Small white curtains draped over the windows and seats were arranged so everyone could see each other while sitting and talking. The Wizard listened for a long moment for any sign of combat but didn't hear a sound. "She seems fine." Mashyuu said to Rocky and continued on past the sun room, to a narrow hall. Along the walls small photos of the family hung in an artful manner leading down to a set of three doors.

    Each door was made of a white painted wood and had a bronze knob on the left hand side of the door. Deciding to stick to the left Mashyuu gently grasped the knob and twisted the knob while pushing the door open. His sharp nose flared out before the door even finished opening and Mashyuu stopped. "Three people behind the door. Get ready Rocky." Mashyuu whispered and opened the door, ready to strike.

    Mashyuu wanted to strike fast but behind the door were the three Minstrels, bound up and hanging by wrists from a thick rope that was wrapped around what Mashyuu could swear were meat hooks. He took a step into the room and looked around. An empty room with a single window that was open. Under the window was a dark scorch mark that looked like fire. Upon further inspection Mashyuu noticed all three ladies had been marked with a dark singe. "They already know were here. We need to find Lissica and warn her!" Mashyuu said mostly to himself and reached up to untie each of the ladies, setting them down slowly and letting them sleep of the harm that had come to them.

    WC: 311

    Special Snowflake
    Special Snowflake

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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by Special Snowflake 10th December 2015, 6:52 pm

    Opening the closet, Erika found something she was expecting, it wasn't a teddy bear or some kind of bomb, but a little boy hiding in the corner of the closet holding a toy sword as if to use a club. Normally she would have laughed at this display, but she found it a bit endearing, the plans of this terrorist started to make more sense, lock the boy away where the family couldn't know any information so they wouldn't try anything against them, and hold the family to get the money. Sadly they didn't think about Erika and Mashyuu coming in and taking this place over, oh and she supposed the other bimbo's were also here, not that it mattered, she couldn't see what they were doing.

    "Get back, I'll hit you with it! I'm not afraid too!"

    "Yes you are, you are afraid to hit me or anyone else, otherwise you wouldn't have hidden away in a closet."

    "Well I... you don't know that!"

    "I can tell just by looking at you, now come on out of that closet and stop being a coward, I'm with the Rune Knights, my name is Lissica, and if you could please tell me about what happened I would be most happy."

    The boy getting out of the closet, his ruffled brown hair and slightly worn clothing made it appear as if he had been hit by the men outside, who were still alive right now, by Erika's whim. The boy giving her a bit of a distraught look simply sighed and tried to move on. He didn't know whether to make a run for it or just sit here and tell her what happened, though when Erika turned to give him a nice smile he melted a little bit.

    "Well, they took us hostage out of nowhere and started to hit my mom and dad... then I they threw me in here and I've been hiding ever since."

    "It would have been more impressive if you tried to escape or something, but I must say that you did try your best, at least, you armed yourself, you have potential. Very well I will ask that you stay by my side at least for now, they would simply try and use you against us should you try and hide here, that is assuming they know where we are, which they probably don't judging by the fact that they are simpletons."





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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 10th December 2015, 7:05 pm

    Rolling for foe.

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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by NPC 10th December 2015, 7:05 pm

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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! NormalMonster



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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 10th December 2015, 7:34 pm

    The Earth Slayer walked over to the door and opened it but when he did, standing on the other side were two well dressed Wizards who held smiles on their faces. Mashyuu took a half step back and started to cast a spell when the other two Wizards ran back down the hall and into the sun room. Together with Rocky, Mashyuu ran down the hall only to find a pair of earth spells launching at the man.
    "Oh you guys are fighting the wrong Wizard." Mashyuu said with the biggest smug smirk on his face. His mouth opened wide and Mashyuu ate both the spells in one chomp before the Wizards could possibly understand what was happening. After eating the magical spells Mashyuu started to glow with a dim brown energy and his eyes lit up with an almost insane joy. "That was really good.....Let me show you something now. Earth Dragon's Tremor Stomp!" Mashyuu called out and slammed his foot down hard in front of him. Ripples swam through the ground and almost knocked Mashyuu and Rocky over before spiked rocks shot up, slammed into the chest and jaws of the Wizards and knocked them down to the ground.
    Mashyuu rushed forward, his gauntlets still on his arms, Rocky right behind him. Swiftly he jumped into the air and dropped a fist down on each of the wizards who lost the air from their lungs, unable to call for help. Swiftly Mashyuu crossed his arms and slammed open palms into the faces of both wizards and knocked them out cold. Mashyuu stood up and walked back to stand at the trio of doors and listened carefully. His ears perked up and the door in front of him became his target. He could hear voices above him but figured the stairs were going to be in a larger room.

    WC: 309

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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by Special Snowflake 15th December 2015, 8:07 pm

    Roll post.



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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by NPC 15th December 2015, 8:07 pm

    The member 'Special Snowflake' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by Special Snowflake 15th December 2015, 9:17 pm

    Erika was about ready to start to leave since the kid had started to be helpful, far more helpful than anyone else here had been. She supposed that locating the main villain would be her focus now, it was a simple task really, make sure the kid was alive and that all of the bad guy's were stopped. Hopefully, the bimbo's hadn't gotten caught, or Mashyuu hadn't either, she didn't want to have to rescue anyone, nor show her true powers around anyone. Erika however, heard some voices come from the hallway and then erupt into a panic over how their comrades were knocked out on the floor. Erika just gave a calm expression towards the doorway and sighed a bit. Those who were so weak always gave a big uproar over the dumbest of things.

    The two men rushing in and pointing their guns towards Erika started to shout.


    "Oh my, got my friends, what ever do you mean?"

    "Huh? We killed them of course, gutted them like little fishies! NOW STOP STALLING!"

    Erika smirked, as she moved her head down a bit, the reflection on her glasses hiding her eyes, only to jerk her head back in a bit of a laugh, and look straight at them with a piercing and haunting expression.

    "So I suppose, if you killed them, that I don't have to avoid killing you... correct dear chap?"

    Flicking the pistols out of their hands via threads that she created from the ground, Erika snatched them from the air and two loud booming noises were heard followed by thuds. Walking out the door, she pointed the guns towards the other four outsides heads and pulled till a total of four booms were heard, then motioned for the kid to follow her. This just got a whole lot more interesting.





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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 15th December 2015, 10:22 pm

    Mashyuu heard a series of loud booms come from above him and he ducked down, knowing the sound of a gun when he heard it. The sudden and loud booming had surely alerted others to at least his current partners location. "so much for stealth right Rocky...." Mashyuu muttered under his breath then took off in a dead sprint for any sign of danger. If he was lucky the Earth Slayer wouldn't have ran into any trouble until he could find the Rune Knight or the family...

    ...The Earth Wizard rounded a corner with Rocky right behind him and saw a small set of stairs that spiraled up in a corner to the second floor. Mashyuu swiftly ran up them on all fours only to see a Wizard running to get up the stairs ahead of him. "HEY!" Mashyuu shouted and jumped up to his feet while slamming his open palm into the center of the mans spine. The Wizard winced in pain Before Mashyuu shoved past him and Rocky tripped the man, causing him to fall down the steps.

    With a loud thud the Wizard hit the ground at the bottom of the stairs, nearly lifeless and Mashyuu moved on. "I can smell her, she's close.... But so is someone else." Mashyuu said to Rocky while he continued to run through the beautiful mansion. The Wizard came to a large over hang that looked out on the living room of the Manor and to his right was a long hall. What was more interesting was the man who was walking to the hall. Or rather teleporting around the room, getting closer to the hall. The Wizard wore a solid black button down shirt with a red tie and a white suit jacket that matched his pants. Who dresses like that? Mashyuu thought to himself. Rocky in that time ran and shot a stream of stones at the Wizard but the man teleported behind Mashyuu and Rocky only to try and drive his fists into the back of Mashyuu's head. However the earth Wizard turned his body and managed to block. The teleporter was stronger than Mashyuu thought though and sent the Earth Slayer sliding to the hall just into Erica's view.

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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by Special Snowflake 21st December 2015, 3:10 am

    The commotion was starting to get out of hand, this entire house was beginning to become a giant noise machine. Erika knew that she would have to handle this in a way most befitting her majesty, shooting them in the face till they stopped moving, preferably after only one shot. Still though, as Mashyuu flew to her feet, she sighed internally, he was letting her down but that's fine she could handle the majority of the work here, all she had to do was get a bit creative. Pointing the pistols towards the apparently porting wizard, Erika took careful aim to slam one right between his eyes. Pulling the trigger, she noticed as his expresion formed a bit of a grin, and he moved suddenly to the left with but the blink of an eye. That was troubling, and here she wanted to do as little effort as possible to crush them, oh well, such is the life she leads after all, but still why must she try.

    Throwing the pistols down to the ground, Erika began to form a "gun" within her hands out of threads, she began to fire in his direction, and while he dodged a few of them, he took a couple hits as well as the flurry rushed forward into his face. He couldn't fully counter it, instead all he could do was teleport out of sight and away from them, running to probably where the captuives were. THough it happened fairyly fast Erika still had time to think of a witty remark.

    "Laying down on the job?"





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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 21st December 2015, 10:10 am

    Mashyuu went sliding into view of Erica, pain ebbed through his body from the sudden strike that he just barely managed to block and for his efforts the attractive woman took over the fight, blasting at the teleoprting Wizard with multiple shots from a gun that seemingly formed in thin air. Mashyuu's jaw dropped from her sudden show of skill, forcing the teleporting Wizard to retreat for a moment at the least.

    Rocky ran up to Mashyuu as he started to get back to his feet and the brown haired Wizard dusted himself off. "...Well ya know, I didn't want to take that guy down and not give you a chance. I won't let it happen again." Mashyuu replied and started for the rail that overlooked the largest room on the bottom floor of the house. "I found those other three women....The Minstrels? But they were captured. I untied them and left them in the back of the house, you find anything?"

    Twisting his neck, Mashyuu looked over his shoulder at the woman and motioned for her to come closer. "We should stick together, I think the ladies are going to find our targets, we should keep causing trouble and try to draw out their leader again." Mashyuu suggested.

    WC: 310


    Last edited by Mashyuu on 24th December 2015, 5:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by Special Snowflake 24th December 2015, 4:48 pm

    "T'was just a jest, but I suppose we can stick together, as for trouble being caused, I doubt there might be more of them, but I suppose we can try and locate them, don't want to smash the place up, the kid here would get upset."

    The little boy peering from around the corner still in shock about the whole shooting people, though Erika didn't really care, she was just doing her job, after all the other girls had been... resuced... and not killed... oh... Well then she messed up, this wasn't a kill mission and she had just killed, oh well clearly they had the upper hand and she had to kill them otherwise she was in trouble, yes that was what the report would say, and sadly there weren't any realy witnesses to it, so it would have to be the truth, right? Yeah Erika could just convince them of how approriate of an aciton the shooting of all of them really was, and it would end up in the betterment of everyone involved.

    "Oh right, I found this boy, I believe they were using him as leverage on the  other hostages to keep them quiet, which is both genius and a flaw since now we have him. We should take advantage of this and somehow get information tot he family that they are safe to try and undermine their captors, especially if we cause enough trouble to weaken their forces. Either way you are more familiar with the layout of this place than I am, so lead on."





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    Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Erica in: The Fourth and Fifth Musketeer!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 24th December 2015, 5:43 pm

    Mashyuu started to walk off towards the spiraling stair case once again, leading the disguised Rune Knight along with him. He glanced over his shoulder and looked at her with questioning eyes. "Why didn't you tell me you could make guns? Do you not trust me or something?" Things were starting to weigh heavily on Mashyuu during this job. The fact that three Wizards had been captured, a family was held hostage and why the woman he was working with had wanted to split up in the first place. None of it really mattered but he thought that the woman was a little cold in general.

    "I don't think that we should keep the kid with us, maybe get him out of here. And the less we tell the parents the better. Besides I don't know how to get to them, do you?" Mashyuu added on. A thug came running up the stairs, likely on the orders of the teleporting Wizard but was met with a sharp kick to the jaw from Mashyuu's foot, sending him stumbling down the stairs and knocking him out. The Earth Dragon Slayer walked casually down the stairs and stepped over the knocked out man...

    After a brisk walk Mashyuu and the woman with glasses came to what Mashyuu assumed was the living room. A large space with plenty of seats, tables and a large glass light that hung down from the top of the house on a thick crystal chain. Mashyuu gave a sharp whistle and glanced around the room, wooden tables and glass cabinets finished the room off. "Can you find your way out of here kid? Just wait by the well and I'll send your family towards the well when we get them out of here alright?" Mashyuu then looked up towards his partner and nodded his head sharply to the left where a set of double doors stood. "I bet he's in there. Any way you want to handle this?"

    WC: 330


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