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    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 21st November 2015, 8:47 pm


    "E-excuse me, Miss Grimio-" Lexa interrupted the soft spoken girl saying "Lexa." and nothing more. "I'm sorry, umm... excuse me Miss L-" "Just, Lexa." she interrupted again, establishing that she didn't want any honorifics tacked onto her name. "I... I'm sorry. Umm..." The young girl said, trying to muster the gal to address her superior informally. Lexa slid off her bed and approached Lillian with a rather blank look on her face. The young girl, a victim of one of Silver Island's many monster attacks, feared the idea of a powerful mage such as Lexa being mad at her; and was anticipating a type of punishment for her being so hesitant. Lillian felt shocked as a gently touch on her head was felt, her eyes flying open. "All that business is behind us, and you're not the same anymore. Now, what did you wake me up for?" Lexa said with a gentle tone. "W-well... y-you see... I..." the small girl choked on her words, still too afraid to do much of anything beyond cleaning. "Do you have a contract?" Lexa asked, following the feeling in her gut. Lillian nodded, handing Lexa the intelligence report she was given earlier. The report stated that some idiot wanted to tag along while traversing through a haunted mansion filled to the brim with things wanting to tear him in half, all because some statue was being guarded. It promised a decent reward, as well as 'the experience of a lifetime' for those who helped. "U-umm... there's this too..." the soft voice said while giving Lexa an image taken by one of the intelligence section's workers. It was the image of some girl walking towards the site of the job listed. "So there's someone already on it..." Lexa said while looking at the image. She turned to Lillian who flinched, pausing in place with her eyes shut tight. Lexa then grabbed the small girl, straightening her and pulling her in for a hug. At first, Lillian tried to push Lexa away thinking the hug was a type of attack. Realizing Lexa wasn't hurting her, Lillian stayed frozen in place, trying to brace herself for an incoming attack, not knowing that the gesture was pure affection. "You did great, I'm proud of you." Lexa whispered in Lillian's ear, causing the young girl to turn bright red as tears formed at here eyes. She tried to protest the compliment, but the words couldn't form. Lexa released her and walked over to the closet, quickly putting her normal clothes on and strapping her weapons on. "I'll be trusting you to take care of the room while I'm gone, kay?" Lexa said, turning into a bolt of light before Lillian could say anything. Lexa would reappear in front the haunted mansion, sitting on a stone while waiting for the girl she'd seen in that picture. On her back lay two swords crossed, both pure black with purple markings on them. At her waist rested two strange weapons, both black with golden markings on them. The positioning of the handles on them gave no sign of them being swords, but the sharpened blade edges suggested them to definitely be a weapon of sorts.


    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty Re: The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by Mistress Venir 1st December 2015, 6:46 pm

    Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The finite.

    A distraction

    It was the only reason Venir had taken on the job. She needed something to distract herself and what better way than to do that to take on job after job? It was getting to be a wearisome on her body but it kept her mind from focusing on the less than positive things. In fact since she had become guildless it felt as if her life had been a non-stop rush of events. Some of them good and most of them were bad but at the least her mind was distracted with the prospect of the job she was on. Yet it didn't help her when she was traveling to her job, with nothing but herself and her thoughts for company. At times doubts and dark memories would slip back in against her will. Bitter memories of her guild would float to the surface, images of the smokey aftermath still haunted her. Worst yet that no matter how much she tried to distract herself the weight upon her chest wouldn't leave her because she was the one responsible for so much destruction.

    "Job! Haunted Castle! Lots of fun! I mean ghosts are spooky but fun!"

    Right on time Venir had managed to distract herself yet again from the burden upon her heart. Luckily though the mansion had soon come into sight and with it a figure in which Venir was not expecting. A young blonde girl sat upon a stray stone. The sight would have been an odd one but the swords upon her suggested that the girl wasn't the treasure hunter Venir was looking for nor was she a lost civilian. Judging by scent and presence the girl was without a doubt a mage of some caliber but from where or why she was there was a different story. It wasn't in Venir's nature to be tense around others, she was naturally relaxed even in the face of potential danger so she gave a casual and light hearted wave as she approached. Much like her demeanor nothing about Venir appeared dangerous but that was perhaps her greatest weapon. A pretty and generally easy going visage often put others at ease, and her build was more like that of an elder and cuddly sister than a seasoned mage. Of course that was on passing glance most got to hung up on the apparent softness of her skin, the curve of her waist, or the swell of her chest to truly notice that muscle that rippled beneath flawless skin. If anything just by Venir's way of dress she might be mistaken for a treasure hunter rather than a proper mage. There's usually only one explanation for encountering an unexpected mage when taking on a job and that was,

    "You wouldn't happen to be here to help out that treasure hunter?"

    472 Words


    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:
    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 365
    Guild : Tartarus (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty Re: The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by King Gil 12th December 2015, 11:04 am


    even though i do bad things


    such horrible things

    Gil had gotten around to thinking after his last few jobs. It had been a long time since the blonde had interacted with so many mages over such a short period of time, and nearly all of them were of legal affiliations. Save for the occasional bounty hunter or rogue mage that he had encountered, but even then it didn't take a genius to realize just where their personal allegiances were held. "Lexa Grimoire." He made a sound akin to a clicking noise at the thought of her name, the curious bounty hunter had accompanied him a few times on a few varying missions. The young girl was a member of Black Rose but that didn't mean she simply allowed the less than admirable mages to do as they please. Based off of their few encounters the mage had a knack for discovering information about others, something that Gil couldn't exactly have. "Dark mage, member and potential leader of the supposedly destroyed dark guild known as Tartarus, where I come from?" All of that was rather vital information that wouldn't be good if the public were to get a hold of it. Thus the member of a guild of shadows had become just that, a shadow.

    Tartarus had quite a few resources, old allies, treaties, and favors to collect upon. Using them to his advantage the male had done his own research, nothing too deep, but enough to perhaps startle her. He had learned enough to just what mission she was going on, it wouldn't be fun if Gil wasn't there to partake in it himself. Thus the male had traveled all the way to the haunted castle, a place of memories for him. His thought flickered to a certain guild master, not his own previous master but the strong leader of Savage Skull. "I should have called upon her, it would certainly be more amusing to have Janneline here as well." He'd be sure to invite her along on his next outing. He may have gained information about Lexa and what mission she was on but he was taken aback when another blonde mage had shown up. A somewhat petite but curvaceous female had arrived. She seemed just as confused about Lexa's presence as Gil was about the mysterious strangers. He would not let her presence stop his plans, instead he would adapt to the situation. Clearing his throat he emerged from the shadows of the tree line, red eyes glinting almost playfully,

    "I suppose I'll speak for the both of us, I am Gil Vessalius a wandering mage and the young lady over there is Lexa Grimoire a member of Black Rose. We're both here to complete this mission, I'm sure a lovely lady such as yourself won't be necessary."

    « tag: @Blonde Squad // Words: 463 // Notes: Sorry for the delay! »


    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty Re: The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 12th December 2015, 1:02 pm

    Lexa watched as her target approached, all the meanwhile ignoring the sound of suppressed breathing coming from the shadows. A call came in on Lexa's iLacrima as she was about to meet the woman half way. She pulled the small rectangular device from her pocket and pressed the red button, ending the call immediately. She jumped off the rock and walked towards the approaching blonde, immediately disappearing as she began speaking. Lexa appeared at the woman's waist with her arms wrapped around her tightly, but blatantly not meaning harm, and then disappeared again while at the same time reappearing a few feet away from her. "Yup!" she shouted, her high pitched, childish voice matching her twelve year old appearance. A man stepped out the shadows, a very familiar face that couldn't see the slight smirk on her face. "Good to see you accepted my invite." she said while turning her face, revealing an extreme lack of surprise... and revealed the fact that she actually was expecting him. Lexa performed a light twirl and grabbed the other blonde girl's hand, speaking with a large smile. "Venir is Nee-san's name!" she said loudly before pulling herself towards the taller woman. "Big sister comes with us too!" she shouted like a spoiled child, on the verge of having a temper tantrum. Hiding behind the woman, Lexa flashed a devious smile towards Gil, the kind that suggested she wasn't nearly as innocent as she was portraying herself... or she knew more than she would admit to knowing. 

    Lexa disappeared, bursting into a blast of light again and appearing at the top of the steps leading into the castle at the exact same time she disappeared. "Common you two! Our friend's waiting inside!" she shouted with childish glee, spinning on the tip of one foot and skipping through the door. Arriving on the other side was the grand entrance to the once lively castle. Her boots, clapping against the ground echoed through the unreasonably massive room as she skipped around, marveling at the architecture and portraits, paintings and busts and other decorations adorning the room. Also in the room was a single fellow wearing a black suit with a pair of slacks. A white, pleated shirt was below the black jacket, completely free of any and all wrinkles and spots. Hit shoes, perfectly polished as he approached the tiny wizard in preparation to greet his guardian, through what he wouldn't expect is that the other two would arrive. He figured Lexa to be it, pretty with blonde hair and blatantly a mage was all he had to go by, so of course he would confuse Lexa for Venir.

    HP: 600/600
    MP: 110/110


    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Posts : 1394
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty Re: The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by Mistress Venir 3rd February 2016, 6:52 pm

    Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The finite.

    Venir watched with a wary eye as the young girl approached, Venir knew that age could be deceiving when it came to strength but so far the girl gave no cause for fear. Then suddenly she disappeared from view only to reappear with her arms wrapped firmly about Venir's waist. "H-Hey c-careful!" It wasn't that Venir disliked the embrace, far from it. The slayer had always been a touchy person, relishing in others touch, but since her transformation Venir found that it was dangerous for anything to come in physical contact with her. "You might burn yourself!" Her body wasn't at any dangerous temperatures at the moment, but with the amount of control that the slayer had it was hard to say how long that would be the case. Luckily, the embrace didn't last for long as the young girl disappeared only to reappear again. Before Venir could stop herself she was scolding the girl like an exasperated elder sister, "That could have been dangerous! For all you know I could have been an evil stranger!" She flailed her arms, but clearly she wasn't upset with the girl, more amused than anything.

    It would appear that there was one other mage upon the trip that was to accompany them, a fellow blonde one. Though this one was a male that had appeared from the tree line. He introduced himself as Gil Vessalius, and the girl as Lexa Grimoire. "Ah nice to meet you both I'm-" Yet it would appear that Lexa would introduce Venir first. In return all Venir could do was blink in surprise at Lexa having already known her name, but the surprise and even suspicion was swept away as another realization hit her. "B-B-Big S-Sister?" She clutched at her chest, internally squealing in what she believed to be...excitement? Adoration? No one had ever called her big sister before... She had always been the youngest for so long but now the role of elder sister was placed on her, and it was one that Venir accepted, loved, and fit without even having to try. As Lexa hid behind her in something akin to a childish tantrum at the man's words Venir finally managed a response,

    "Y-Yeah! I'm coming!"

    She still seemed to be daydreaming a bit about being an elder sister by the time Lexa had reappeared at the castles entrance. "Ah wait up!" She called out before casting a glance towards the male, "The more the merrier right?" At times the goddess slayer could be rather ignorant, unable to perceive the blatant threat that stood before her. With as friendly of a smile as she could muster for the man named Gil, Venir took off after Lexa. Her appearance within the castles foyer only made their client confused as now two blonde mages stood before him, which was exactly one blonde mage more than he had expected.

    480 Words


    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:
    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 365
    Guild : Tartarus (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
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    Third Skill:

    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty Re: The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by King Gil 12th February 2016, 11:17 am


    even though i do bad things


    such horrible things

    Lexa was just as energetic as she had been in their previous encounters. Without the slightest hesitation she had wrapped her arms about the other mage, only to prance away. The other blonde woman made his brow raise in question, she truly didn't seem to mind the hug much, but at the same time the way she reacted rather oddly. How on earth did she expect to burn Lexa from something like a simple hug? The voluptuous woman made amends to the prior statement, claiming that she could have been an evil stranger, something that Gil already knew her not to be just based off of her demeanor. However, that didn't mean that he wasn't somewhat wary of the woman. He didn't care for the power that she seemed to carry with her.

    As usual Lexa had found a way to one up him, but Gil hid his surprise masking it instead with indifference. "Strange I don't recall receiving an invitation, I recall getting a request or rather plea for help." He narrowed his eyes at the blonde, showing an arrogant grin before flickering his attention back to the woman that was introduced as Venir. For a moment he was irritated with the woman as she had yet to formally acknowledge his presence. At long last she had finally at least spared a look his way, though she made it sound more like she was allowing him to accompany them on this job, further provoking his irritation. He thought Lexa was bad with all of her energy and lack of respect, but the elder blonde seemed to be almost too happy. If the reward for this job hadn't been too good to pass up then he would have left right then and there but as things were, Gil was stuck with the two females. Hopefully, their attitudes would improve upon the job, or maybe they'd give him the respect he deserved.

    Nonetheless the male followed along, his hands shoved into his pockets, and a scowl set upon his handsome countenance. When Gil had joined his fellow partners before their client, the adventurer seemed to be perplexed. He hadn't expected a mage to take him up on his request, let alone three. Yet before him stood three mages, with golden hair, and fair skin. They could almost pass for relatives if not for the subtle differences in each of them. Though any mention at relation with the two females would have sent Gil into a fit of rage. The client stood their in a stupor, mouth open, still trying to wrap his head about the number of mages before him. Luckily, Gil snapped at the man, "How long are you gonna stand there and keep looking at us? Or are we gonna start this job sometime within my lifetime?"

    « tag: @Blonde Squad // Words: 468 // Notes: Sorry for the delay! »


    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Legal Guild Ace- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Armored Beast
    Position : None
    Posts : 660
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Gabriel & Legion
    Experience : 2925

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: True Circuit
    Second Skill: Lillian Grimoire
    Third Skill:

    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty Re: The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 13th February 2016, 6:22 pm

    he man was gawking at the three of them for quite some time, taking much longer to snap out of it than usual the not so patient Gil went and made a perfectly good prick of himself, saying 'How long are you gonna stand there and keep looking at us? Or are we gonna start this job sometime within my lifetime?' like a spoiled twat. "Little brother needs to be more patient. He's obviously dazed at how adorable you look today, probably wants to pinch your cheeks Nii-chan!" Lexa exclaimed before letting out a giggle. The energy radiating from Lexa's enormous grin and joyous tone was immense, causing the client to feel less threatened with her present. Then man turned from Gil and addressed Lexa, as she was the least hostile seeming of the group. Not saying that Venir seemed hostile, it was just that Lexa seemed like the most warm hearted, figuratively not literally... that one belonged to Venir, of the three blondes.

    "I... I'm so sorry. I sent my request out some time ago, but no one replied you see. Then I recieved word that a blonde mage had accepted my task aaaand I must admit I wasn't expecting 3 mages, let alone 3 blonde mages." the man explained earnestly to the twelve year old looking girl. Lexa gave him a hug, causing him to reel back slightly as he didn't expect it. Upon pulling herself back, she held one of his hands and said warm heartedly "It's okay old man, that just means there's more of us to help you." The man didn't look horribly old, probably mid to late thirties, but Lexa's voice was so friendly and loving he couldn't bring himself to correct her. She pointed at Gil and used a teasing tone "The pretty boy over there's Gil. But most people call him Goldilocks." she pointed to the other woman saying "And my super pretty big sister is Venir." she said proudly, as if the two of them actually being related was an actual fact.

    Lexa released the man's hand and took a few skips backwards, twirling on the tip of a foot and landing in a curtsy. "I'm Alexandria. Alexandria Lexicus Grimoire! But you can call me Lexa!" the greeting came out. It was Lexa's signature greeting, the one she may as well have gotten patented as she'd mastered performing it so well. That along with acting like she were some sweet, innocent, twelve year old girl instead of a violent, volatile, twenty three year old assassin from a bounty hunter guild. Lexa looked off in a direction as she heard something coming. A crimson sword materialized in her hand as her expression changed to a more serious one, and she disappeared, reappearing between the source of the sound and their client.

    HP: 600/600
    MP: 135/135
    WC: 470

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Lexa Grimoire carried out 2 launched of one Monster Dice :
    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) OdAaNwh , The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) OdAaNwh


    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 1394
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty Re: The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by Mistress Venir 25th February 2016, 5:33 pm

    Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The finite.

    Unlike Gil, Venir did not mind letting the man gawk in surprise. This sort of astonishment was different than the previous looks of astonishment she would get when in her childish form, and it was a welcomed change with only the slightest twinge of melancholy. Still, Venir was a tad bit surprised that someone had less patience than herself! "Hey now you two! Shouldn't we just get along?" She could clearly see that there was some agitation from the male mage at the younger blonde, and in turn she couldn't let Lexa be completely without blame, "Don't tease him like that." She scolded but not unkindly. Lexa couldn't have been much older than Venir when Venir had held a childish form. In truth, the slayer still had retained quite a few of her childish traits, short patience, easily excitable, etc. However, being around someone so young made the normally childish woman, grow up a bit, or at least temporarily. She ought to be a good role model, an elder sister to guide her right? So that way the young blonde girl before her wouldn't turn into another Venir, or have to go through the same struggles that Venir had faced.

    Their client had evidently recovered as he addressed Lexa, something that was rather surprising not that Venir really minded, unlike their male counterpart. "Hey now, Lexa be a little more professional!" Venir laughed, scratching at the back of her mane of blonde in embarrassment. Her new form was beautiful, or at least so others had proclaimed to her but that didn't mean that she was used to such compliments. "I figured the more the merrier right?" Her words were simple enough, no hidden meaning behind them, but their client got the wrong impression. What was meant to signify that the three of them, had accidentally all taken up the same request was overlooked or rather twisted into the image of a family. A family of blonde mages, where the elder sister had taken her two siblings along with her for a mission for the sake of merriment! A dangerous mission! If the trio believed this mission to bring some sort of enjoyment to them then they must have been very capable mages! The man's thinking was slightly off with them being family, but capable mages was certainly correct.


    Lexa had appeared and reappeared in front of their client with a crimson katana in hand. The slayer was curious to see just what magic the young girl had, as well as the male, but her instinctual need to protect overrode her curiosity. "You guys stay behind me okay?" The other two were strong, and capable but between the three of them Venir was on a different sort of level. Despite her small stature, and pretty appearance, there was in fact muscles beneath all the soft tender skin. That and an explosive urge to fight, protect, and burn as brightly as possible.

    493 Words


    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:
    King Gil
    King Gil

    King of the Pride

    King of the Pride

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 365
    Guild : Tartarus (Guild Master)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2814.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: King of Beasts Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty Re: The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by King Gil 3rd March 2016, 7:06 pm


    even though i do bad things


    such horrible things

    Little brother

    He could have strangled Lexa right then and there but it would only give him temporary satisfaction. He had been an older brother his entire life, and he wasn't about to suddenly become a younger one. Family was always a rather touchy subject for him, and how could it not be with his own rather troublesome younger brother. He supposed Lexa was a walk in the park compared to him, but that didn't make him enjoy her presence anymore. If anything it just made him that much more agitated. A snarky remark, filled with curses was about to escape his lips when the other blonde female interjected. Begrudgingly he followed along with her request for them to get along. He told himself he was only listening to her because it was easier for him to just ignore Lexa than bicker with her. By no means was it because she was pretty, and her power levels made even him shirk back a bit. He hated admitting people were stronger than him, and thus it was easier to come up with other reasons as to why he might consider listening to them.

    He shot the man a look the clearly stated if he dared call him, "Goldilocks" there would be hell to pay. Nai called him that from time to time, and that was already one person too many who dared to call him Goldilocks. Just the mere mention of the horrid nickname put him in a bad mood. It was hard to say who he detested more, Lexa or Nai? Both were equal in how irritating they could be. "We're not related. None of us are related." Gil was quick to point, eager to shoot down Lexa's claim of being the so called little sister of the other female mage. He, himself didn't know for sure, but the other two's only similarities were their hair color. Even that was off by a shade or two. Before the bickering could continue, a certain sound had caught his ear, and apparently had caught the others too.

    "Fine by me." He crossed his arms, not assuming any sort of battle position, or showed any sign of magic for that matter. Instead he observed his two partners, one more closely than the other. He was already familiar with Lexa and her style of combat but the other was an enigma of sorts, he had a few guesses as to what she might use but nothing definite. Their client seemed to be just as curious as to what his hired mages were capable of, but so far he was disappointed as none of them showed so much as a hint of their magic yet. Save for Lexa but teleporting and donning a sword were hardly much of a feat in a world filled with as much magic as one could imagine.

    « tag: @Blonde Squad // Words: 480 // Notes: Sorry for the delay! »


    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

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    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty Re: The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 6th March 2016, 9:45 am

    he order was to stay back... something Lexa never did. For Lexa, staying back while others fought for her, even if she was near death, even if she had only one arm left... staying back was out of the option. Lexa detested the idea of letting other fight for her, or protect her because she was the one who protected them. So naturally, Lexa ignored Venir entirely and did what she did best. A pair of men wearing strange robes ran out of a hallway, followed by two more on the opposite end. Lexa could easily take them all, but she didn't like the idea of showing off to a random stranger. While she did give off the vibe, as well as the act that she liked these people, Lexa would cut them both to ribbons if they became a danger to the mission. Had they been in Black Rose, she wouldn't find it in her heart to do it. Had their client not decided to accompany them, Lexa would feel less inclined to kill them both. Lexa had never once killed an ally, but her reputation also states she's never once failed a mission... and she wasn't prepared to start now.

    The distance between the two sets of enemies was substantial, but Lexa had no doubt that this other woman, the one who claimed her magic would hurt Lexa, this Venir would have something that could obliterate both of them and the entire building or a good chunk of it. The two on the left began charging some sort of darkness based attack at the same time and Lexa let out a scoff. She flicked her sword and stabbed it into the ground, crossing her arms with an arrogant expression about her as she tapped her feet. The two men in black and gold robes grit their teeth and the pint sized, littler girl looking woman's actions. The both fired off a beam of dark energy that began spiraling around each other and converging into a larger, more powerful attack. The attack impacted Lexa, exploding on her person and decimating the ground around her while also sending dust into the air, completely obscuring her. Suddenly, out of the dust cloud, almost at the exact same time the cloud was kicked up the same blast of dark energy flew out and slammed into the robed man on the left, sending him into a wall. The wall has a weapon's rack with sever pins sticking out for a weapon to be hung on, but instead of a weapon, the acolyte found himself being mounted and immediately began screaming in pain. Suddenly, with no warning at all, Lexa appeared before the other one, not even a meter away with her fists glowing gold and black with light and dark magic infused in them both. The man's eyes narrowed at the speed she possessed, and soon narrowed further as a small fist slammed into his stomach, forcing him to bend over as blood flew out. He flew back and hit the man who was hung on the wall, and without a moment to recover Lexa appeared in front him again with her knee slamming into his sternum. The pins drove further into the man against the wall, and a loud crack was heard as the sternum of the man Lexa fully hit shattered. She disappeared again, reappearing a bit higher while spinning and driving her shoes into the same man's temples sending him flying. Lexa disappeared and reappeared with her crimson sword in hand, the man on the floor didn't move at all from the pain. Suddenly, the ground below him erupted as the crimson blade was shot directly through his heart, causing blood to fill the small crater below him. She stood atop his corpse, pulling the wakizashi from it and not caring as the other man that was pinned to the wall slid off and hit the floor dead as can be. She began stepping back to their client, who now was truly afraid of her due to confusing Lexa for a sweet, innocent, loving little girl and being met with the harsh reality that she was among her guild's most powerful, and she WAS her guild's most ruthless wizards. Lexa flicked the blade, sending a crescent shaped spatter of blood across the floor before gently sheathing it and standing beside their group with the same bright, beaming, joyous smile as before.

    HP: 600/600
    MP: 135/135
    WC: 742

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

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    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty Re: The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by Mistress Venir 17th March 2016, 5:08 pm

    Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The finite.

    The mages and their client seemed to be cornered, two pairs of enemies rushing at them from either end of the hall. Despite her urging to stay behind her, Lexa had slipped away deciding to take two of the enemies on herself. Not that Venir could do much to help her as she had her own pair to worry about. She didn't bother to check upon the blonde male, unlike the other female he seemed more than willing to stand back and watch the fight. To most that would have been irritating as if he was pushing all the work onto them, and that probably was what he was doing, but to Venir? She welcomed it, he was one less person she worried about accidentally hurting. Their two enemies on the other hand were about to receive a world of pain from the slayer. One of them had paused, floor lighting up with a magic circle, trying to summon something while the other continue to rush at her.

    Venir was fast, she couldn't teleport like her small partner could but that didn't mean she was any less ferocious or quick to attack. If anything it made her almost more frightening. Sometimes being able to see what was coming at you was worse than being taken by surprise. After all, seeing Venir launch herself at full speed with a burst of almost ominous dark flames was always a concerning sight for those being launched at. In the blink of an eye Venir had landed before the one cloaked mage that seemed to be in the process of summoning something, but before he could finish his summon a flame coated fist had hit him square in the jaw launching him back and into the air. His pain was not over yet, as the blonde with well practiced grace followed up with another strike this time an elbow to the gut knocking the air out of him. For good measure, as the man's body doubled over she brought her leg up with such a fluid flexibility it was hard to discern if she was naturally so limber or if it was another effect of her constant training. Then with the help of gravity and her own brute strength she brought down the heel of her boot upon the man's head, knocking him unconscious.

    The cloaked man's comrade did not simply stand buy and watch as the slayer beat his companion senseless, Venir herself not paying much mind to the other mage. It wasn't that she was overconfident if anything it was far from it. Any attack that he could possibly send her way could be brushed off, or phased straight through her flame body. Which is why the blonde's eyes hardly widened when she turned to see an attack heading her way. Ready to take the attack head on and then go in for the kill, with yet another barrage of super heated strikes thanks to her flame body with all of the grace and finesse of a goddess slayer in addition.

    510 Words


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    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:
    King Gil
    King Gil

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    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty Re: The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by King Gil 1st April 2016, 4:22 pm


    even though i do bad things


    such horrible things

    Despite both of the women having less than pleasing personalities, at the least they both seemed more than adequate when it came to combat. When it came to job partners some might call Gil Vessalius a lucky man. Typically, his job partners, were almost always female save for the occasional male partner, though that was a rare instance in itself. Not only was he usually partnered up with women, it was almost always attractive women, though Gil didn't particularly appreciate that as other men might have. His tastes in the opposite sex usually were for nothing short of a goddess, and even the goddess slayer managed to fall just short of that high standard. Not only was he usually partnered with what others would consider beautiful or cute but he almost always found himself with powerful partners. Lexa's overbearing and almost obnoxious nature was forgone in battle, and even the innocent face of a young girl could be made terrifying. Her skill with a blade, and agility was something that Gil had seen before first hand. He did not fear her but even Gil Vessalius could acknowledge someone's strength when he saw it. Though of course no one could ever be stronger than himself. His other partner, the one who he had not seen before was a little harder to put a pin point on.

    Dark Flames

    She had propelled herself with them, and struck one of their cloaked companions with a flame coated fist. She was a fire mage but not just any fire mage. "Unholy flames." He could sense that much from them, "And a seemingly fire proof body." He crossed his arms, crimson orbs narrowing. "A god slayer." Their client breathed out in awe. Slayers weren't exactly common, a handful of them existed in Fiore, and for one to be here? It was nothing short of a miracle, or in Gil's case a curse. Unsure of her allegiance or morals, the male had no choice but to play somewhat nice until the accursed mission was over. Any mission with Lexa was rarely pleasant for the male. He watched, still standing near their client as both women wrapped up their small skirmishes. Lexa in a far more bloody fashion than her slayer counterpart. It was when his gaze fell upon the slayer again that one of the cloaked men was aiming to strike her. With a snap of his fingers, Gil summoned a beast, a simple cheetah. The cat gave a hiss as it dashed, tossing its body between the slayer and her opponent. The creature took the hit and dispersed into golden particles just as quickly as it had been summoned. However, the feline did do its job, and bought the slayer enough time to strike the cloaked opponent without getting struck herself. It was irritating that he had to sacrifice one of his beasts for the woman, but it would work in his favor. After all, she would be indebted to him now.

    « tag: @Blonde Squad // Words: 499 // Notes: Sorry! »


    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Ggg_by_treasureelf-d9i9e8s
    For my amusement:

    Lexa Grimoire
    Lexa Grimoire

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    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty Re: The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by Lexa Grimoire 8th April 2016, 3:54 pm

    he old man slowly turned his head to look at the small, not so innocent, girl looking woman that appeared next to him with a rather horrified look on his face. He'd spoken directly to her before because the older looking girl was rather beautiful, and he found himself having indecent thoughts because of it, and the male of the group was a rather rude individual which made him seem unapproachable. Lexa was small, and extremely energetic much like a child which made the old man much more willing to speak with her. Him being a grandfather, a great grandfather, and loving children to no end he felt comfortable speaking with someone who reminded him of a child. But what he had just witnessed made Lexa shine in a completely different light in his mind. His breathing was a bit delayed as the memory slowly played in his mind. He just saw possibly the most innocent seeming young lady he'd ever meet, not only take a deadly attack but send it back. He saw her show no mercy at all to the two men, and go so far as to brutally kill them. He could look past her having taken the combined blast head on, after all, Lexa was a wizard and she didn't exactly hide her magic either. Lexa had caught the horrified expression and gently took hold of his hand. "Don't worry old man..." she said with her standard bright smile. "... I only kill people who attack me and my family." The fact that she could say all of that with a friendly, nonchalant tone made him feel even more uneasy about her. That's when it hit him... the proverbial blue lines of shame were across his face as he'd realize she called him old man twice in a row. Granted he was old, he didn't feel like it at all and preferred to be regarded as a functioning elderly individual. He stared down at Lexa harshly as she stared back and got ready to speak. Lexa had seen the expression and lowered her head sadly, throwing the man off guard and making him hold his hand out to rub her head. "O- Oji-san... is mad at me?" she said with a disheartened tone. "N- no... no, no, no, not at all... I-" Lexa began crying causing the man's heart to sink to the pits of hell. He kneeled down and hugged Lexa as though she were actually his grandchild or something. "It's alright sweet heart... you can call me old man just please don't cry..." he said softly while rubbing her back. Lexa returned his hug, resting her head on his shoulder while angling one eye toward Gil with that kind of expression that says 'Suuuuuuuckeeer....' without her saying a word.

    HP: 600/600
    MP: 135/135
    WC: 2,655
    Out of 5,284

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Lexa Grimoire carried out 1 launched of one Monster Dice :
    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) OdAaNwh


    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

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    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Empty Re: The Babysitters(Mirror Mask)

    Post by Mistress Venir 17th April 2016, 2:23 pm

    Heat cannot be separated from fire, or beauty from The finite.

    Her body was already braced for impact, ready to get hit, and to simply accept the split second of pain. A flash of gold was placed between her and the attack and violet eyes widened at the sight. Not wasting a moment to act, Venir slipped between the- Cheetah? Rather than questioning why a cheetah was there, Venir slid across the floor beneath the cheetah that had taken the hit for her. Black flames escaped her hands, propelling her across the floor and straight into her opponents legs making him lose his balance. Considering her great reflexes and speed, Venir was able to scramble up to her feet, using flames to once more propel herself. This time a burst of dark flames helped guide her fist upwards until it struck beneath the man's chin, in just right the position. "Hyah!" Her usual battle cry escaped her lips, and the man made a grunt as unconsciousness took over him. "Wooh!" She cheered as her boots touched the ground, and the thud of her enemy's body hit the floor. Turning her attention back towards her partners and client she was met with a less than pleasant sight.

    Blood and Bodies

    Amethyst eyes narrowed, trying to piece together who was responsible for it. Gil had hardly moved an inch and neither had their clients. Which left only one as the culprit. "Lexa!" Her voice came out harsher than she had anticipated, and Venir cleared her throat in embarrassment before trying again, "Lexa!" Her hands were crossed firmly over her chest, as she tried to figure out how to go about this particular talk. Not long ago, Venir was once in the same place as Lexa. A young, naive girl unaware of the value of life. Luckily, Venir had been stopped before she had taken a life at such a young age, but evidently no one had been there to stop Lexa. Well, Venir was here now...However, how much impact her words would have on the girl was debatable. Lexa was crying, but those tears were evidently not because of the people she had just killed, "You can't just-" Venir fumbled for words, unsure of what to say, and before she could grasp her train of throat the sounds of more boots rushing down the hall caught her attention. "Damnit they just don't know when to lay off..." The men hadn't even appeared when Venir kicked the ground, her boot sparking against the wood until is combusted into natural flames. Eagerly, the flames licked and spread their way up the floor, and the walls, creating a natural barrier between the group and their enemies. The group would want to get moving though before the flames, not controlled by Venir, turned on them or threatened to eat their way through the rest of the place.

    NOTES:2,426 Words out of 5,284


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    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    The Babysitters(Mirror Mask) Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

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