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    Angels & Demons

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Angels & Demons Empty Angels & Demons

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 10th October 2015, 6:32 pm

    Angels & Demons:

    Seikatsu had finally returned home to his empty house hidden in the forests. He felt the warm embrace of a pair of thin arms wrapping around him, the fuzzy touch of his maid's ears flicking him in the chin as he looked down at the strange being holding onto him tightly. Seikatsu reached out and gave a gently rub on her back, trying to comfort her, knowing she's missed the large man while he was away for so long. "Welcome back master!" she said with a muffled voice, her face buried in Seikatsu's bare chest. He felt something else against him, it was warm but wet at the same time. It seemed to be getting more quantitative as the maid's face stayed pressed against Seikatsu's chest. "You need not cry, and you need not address me as your owner. I've told you many times, we are equal. I see you as a valued friend, and ally. So I beseech you, address me as Niyol." he said with a calm voice, as emotionless as ever. For some off reason, this lack of emotions, this... dead, empty gaze of Seikatsu's was the very thing that set Naia at ease. She stepped back with a smile, wiping the water from her face and said "Very well, Master Niyol." with a joyous voice. Seikatsu slammed his forehead with his palm, his request being partially denied. "I'll call you that as a compromise. So is there anything I can do for you? W-would you like something to eat, or perhaps a drink, or maybe a-" Seikatsu cut her off, passing her a flyer. "There's a young girl I've worked with in other realms before. I'd like you to get this to her, she's an Eclipse Soul member, and we both know how I am in the eyes of legal guilds." he said. Naia nodded and left the home-tree. She would fly all the way to Eclipse Soul and wait to see the short, red-haired girl to give her the letter. Meanwhile, Seikatsu would leave the tree-home as well, activating the defenses him and Naia placed, and heading to the site of the strange rift described in his letter.

    When Allison would arrive, Seikatsu would be standing in front the rift, looking through with intent in his eyes. His only words to her would be "Do you remember me, or will I have to remind you?" being spoken with a semi-friendly, but still emotionless voice accompanied by his usual, dead, dull purple eyed stare. Allison would be accompanied by Naia, whether the cat eared maid walked with her, or followed behind at a distance not really trying to be sneaky.

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
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    Angels & Demons Empty Re: Angels & Demons

    Post by Tess 10th October 2015, 7:55 pm

    Today was a wonderful day.

    After a few weeks of doing basically nothing of the productive sort, Allison was finally able to go on a mission! The red haired girl had been wandering around Fiore pursuing one of her favorite activities, people watching. Unfortunately however, she hadn't been very successful in finding anything or anyone which held her interest, so Allison was in a bit of a low mood at the moment. All of this was about to change as she walked back to the Eclipse Soul guild hall, probably for one of the first times in her entire life; typically the young girl skipped or bounced around. Her bright, ruby red hair, seemed to have lost its usual bright sheen and light bounce, as Allison leaned against the heavy doors of the guild hall.

    She inhaled deeply and was about to head back to her room when a diminutive presence behind her was sensed, and the red haired mage whirled around on the balls of her feet, poised to pounce on the figure. Moments later, Allison was glomping the young woman who stood awkwardly behind her with a subdued expression on her face. A few paces behind the stranger, a primly groomed, rose-furred cat was seated, her liquid gold eyes peering into those of the young mage. Lel Therine flicked her tail with exasperation as her companion refused to relinquish the part-feline woman. Eventually Allison loosened her grip and took a small step backwards, still beaming brightly. Of course, she had absolutely no idea why there was a stranger standing in the doorway of the Eclipse Soul guild hall, but the red haired mage was certain that she had no malicious intent. And if she did, well-- the girl would take care of that.

    Blinking, Allison waited for the other person to speak, but unfortunately she didn't respond to the red haired girl's enthusiasm with enough swiftness. The mage snatched the slick paper from the stranger's slim hand, barely scanning it before noticing the location and registering that there wasn't a great deal of distance between her current spot and the one where she was supposed to meet her mission partner. Apparently they were investigating some sort of hole in the ground... well, anyways, the details could be described later! Allison immediately took off at a half-skipping sprint, dashing through the wide open door and leaving the other female behind in her exuberance.

    Upon reaching the specified location, the red haired mage promptly observed the jagged crack in the surface of the ground, as well as the bright light and tantalizing scent that it seemed to be emitting. Glancing around, Allison could also spot a certain figure positioned nearby; and woe and behold, the girl recognized him! "Niyol Seikatsu-san!" she beamed at him, waving energetically. "What are we doing? Exploring? What have you done so far? Is it pretty? I want to see, Seikatsu-san!" And with that, the sapphire eyed mage peered into the rift, her face only inches away from being within the opening. It was all to easy for the girl to lose her balance, and she did, only a few moments later; toppling headfirst into crack which was glowing with a faint golden light. The dark pink feline followed reluctantly a bit after, already having predicted that her companion would fall into the mysterious place.



    Angels & Demons PXRL2Kd
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Angels & Demons Empty Re: Angels & Demons

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 10th October 2015, 8:24 pm

    Seikatsu watched as his super perky partner, whom he still disliked somewhat, had met up with him and blurted out a plethora of queries about the rift. She bent over in a way that placed her in terrible balance to check in the hole. Seikatsu not feeling like explaining anything, but sensing activity in the rift he gently used his foot to nudge her slightly which was the cause for her losing balance and falling in. The girl's companion jumped in after Allison, likely she would have some words for Seikatsu later. "M-master Niyol, you're not going in there are you?" the part feline woman asked her master. "Yes, I am. I have every intention of returning even if I have to tear the rift back open with my bear hands." Seikatsu said in a gentle voice to his young maid. She bowed to Seikatsu and waited for him to jump in before going back home.

    Inside the rift, it was like stepping through a hula hoop. He saw his world, and then another world filled to the brim with strange flying creatures. Most of them didn't bother looking at him, some actually turned their heads, but all continued flying. Seikatsu found his ally and addressed her. "Call my Niyol. Seikatsu's dead." he said, making sure to keep his sentences short and blunt, knowing Allison would get side tracked if he was as long winded as usual. Seikatsu looked around, his dark purple eyes searching for anything hostile. Of course, that's when Seikatsu realized that he was probably the most hostile thing in this place. The purest light Seikatsu had ever been exposed to filtered down from the skies, bathing the world with life and warmth. In the distance, a great deal of distance away that is, was a large golden city with pure white marble being the primary component and gold being used as decor. It was so large Seikatsu saw it clearly without the need of specialized vision, or binoculars. The size of the city made it seem closer, but Seikatsu saw how the path before him turned into nothing but the thinnest black line as it entered the city. "Heaven..." Seikatsu said under his breath, remembering studying the different planes of spirituality when he was a boy. To explain it to Allison would be far more that she'd be willing to listen to, so he didn't bother boring her with the details.

    HP: 300
    MP: 114%

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    Last edited by Seikatsu on 12th October 2015, 5:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Angels & Demons Empty Re: Angels & Demons

    Post by Tess 11th October 2015, 12:38 pm

    Allison beamed brightly at her surroundings, wide sapphire-grey eyes gleaming with excitement.  It was so beautiful and light, as if they truly were in... just then from a bit behind her, the red haired mage heard a single murmured word.  Personally, she agreed; this place seemed to be akin to what most thought of as Heaven.  Blinking with surprise, the girl tilted her head upwards to stare at the serene azure sky, with fluffy golden clouds scattered throughout.  Allison could remember that Seikatsu had said something right after he had jumped into the rift after her; something about himself being dead?  Oh well, the young mage decided, smiling cheerfully at a nearby creature.  It seemed to be female, with delicate features and a perfectly proportioned body.  Translucent wings, tinted a pale green, poked out from between her shoulder bones.  They were gently flapping, keeping the female alight in the air as she gazed at the red haired human peering at her with unabashed curiosity.

    Unfortunately, it seemed that the dark eyed denizen of the heavenly realm was, well, a guardian of some sort.  Unlike most of the other creatures which could be seen flitting around here and there in the sky, she gripped a long staff, double ended with sharp, threatening edges.  Glancing around a bit more, Allison could understand why there were people protecting this realm; the elegant marble and gold city, glowing with a tantalizing, soft light, beckoned the young mage.  She tipped her head to one side and beamed widely at the creature, ignoring the arching and ostentatious buildings.  "Hello!  My name is Allison, and this is Niyol!  What's your name?  Do you live here?  Is this heaven?  Have you met the people who live here?  Can I live here?"

    In her earliest days, Allison had always been willing to send a person to heaven if she believed they were in pain of any sort, be it a burning agony or even a stinging twinge from a paper cut.  She was curious as to whether this young creature knew any of them; although the mage supposed that heaven was surely a very large place, and the female couldn't possible be acquainted with every single one.  Anyways, the stranger didn't seem to be keen on speaking with the red haired girl.  In fact, she had a bit of a disgruntled expression on her face, which accompanied with the slowly tightening grip on her weapon, did not exactly paint a welcoming picture.  Allison observed this but didn't really mind-- instead, she simply smiled even more brightly.  "I hope we can be great friends!  Right, Seikat-- er, Niyol-san?"  Meanwhile, the rose colored cat simply sat a bit off to the edge of the scene, her tail wrapped primly around her paws.


    HP: 315
    MP: 110%



    Angels & Demons PXRL2Kd
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Angels & Demons Empty Re: Angels & Demons

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 11th October 2015, 8:23 pm

    Seikatsu watched the winged woman, her those wings Seikatsu couldn't help but feel uneasy. She turned her gaze to the shirtless man, noting the glowing marking on his face. "So the demons have sent a emissary, or are you the first of their army?" she said with an impatient voice. "I'm not a demon." Seikatsu said with a blank voice. "Ha! With that mark on your face you can't fool me. A war demon's servant can do nothing but wage war." the woman said, scoffing at Seikatsu. "And and ignorant heifer can do nothing but eat its own vomit, you should continue to do so." he replied. The gist of what Seikatsu was saying was for the woman to each her words. "-tch- Two demons appear in a holy land, one of which bears the mark of a war demon, and expects me to believe neither are here of malicious intent." she said arrogantly. Seikatsu let out a sigh and rested is hand on his forehead. He was trying to think of some way to prove he's not here to level this place, without revealing exactly who he was. "So is it safe to say your kind lacks manners..." Seikatsu said bluntly, using it as a stall for the woman. "E-excuse me!? My people are the purest beings in creation, you're a lowly demon and nothing more!" the said angrily. "My ally here has introduced us both, you however, oh 'great and pure' cow, have done nothing but try and spew your cud on us." he replied, still thinking of a way to make things stop escalating. The winged woman let out an irritated sound, like a muffled scream while her cheeks puffed. "I am Gabriella, the one and only Archangel of this land. I'm by far the strongest, as such I guard these lands from demons like you two." she said angrily. "A beautiful name to match a beautiful woman, I'm privileged to be in your presence milady." Seikatsu said while bowing. The angel moved backwards in the air, covering her mouth with a hand while turning red. "I-I- Your trying to seduce me aren't you!? L-lust demon and war demon!" she responded. "Surely a lust demon would be more welcome, after all, a fine woman such as yourself would be able to tolerate such a being as they possess little to no danger." Seikatsu said, his eyes had turned a softer look, showing a sign of life. Meanwhile, his fingers were crossed behind his back as he lied about even being remotely attracted to her. "T-the two of you come with me! I'll have our justicars deal with you, but if you try to run I'll behead you both!" she shouted, her face still slightly red. Seikatsu bowed and gestured for Allison to lead the group.

    HP: 300
    MP: 116%

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    Last edited by Seikatsu on 12th October 2015, 5:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Angels & Demons Empty Re: Angels & Demons

    Post by Tess 12th October 2015, 4:21 pm

    Allison's eyes widened in amazement upon hearing that the young, winged woman was an archangel. Hmm? What is an archangel, anyways? the red haired mage pondered briefly before jumping back to life, a bright smile spread widely across her face. Either way, it was a wonderful experience to meet one! In fact, the idea of doing so had excited the girl so much that any malicious intent or words she had noticed were forgotten, and instead Allison peppered the beautiful angel with more inquiries. The mage was just about to ask whether the city was located atop golden clouds and whether the rift had actually been a teleporter to another plane, when her train of thought was halted by a few words which the woman spat out. They were directed at the red haired girl's mission partner, but Allison actually managed to pay attention and note that she seemed to have an extraordinary dislike of demonic beings of any sort. Well... a lot of them are mean, that's true! But Seikatsu Niyol-san is quite nice! I think I'm a demon more than he is! Although, we don't know each other overly well yet. Perhaps I should tell Gabriella-san that she is wrong! I don't want her to be hurt if she discovers that her assumption of us being demons was... well, incorrect for the most part."

    The mage blinked before beaming cheerfully at the Archangel, whom she noticed was now fondly referring to Seikatsu-san by demonic nicknames. Allison smiled at her partner, who seemed to be replying with the same attitude, and then spoke up in a perky voice. "You two are so cute! Niyol-san, do you already know Gabriella-san? Have you been here before, and that's why you picked this job?" The second question was just an offhand statement, randomly asked as it passed through the girl's ever-shifting mind. However, any actual curiosity attached to these questions was scattered when the celestial creature began to sputter and yell at the two mages for no apparent reason. Blinking with confusion, Allison tilted her head to one side and was about to ask if Gabriella-san was feeling all right when she noticed Seikatsu inclining his head as politely as possible; it seemed that he wished for her to keep moving.

    "Okay, Gabriella-san! Where are we going again? I'll just... uh, follow you then!" she said cheerfully after receiving no response from the majestic archangel, who was storming away down the never-ending path that led to the city. The red haired girl shrugged and then skipped after the guardian, starting up her chattering once again and not ceasing until it seemed they had reached a set of golden gates. Without turning back around, the mage began to ask a set of questions curiously, "Niyol-san? What are we doing here, again? Where are we supposed to be go--" when she was cut off by a bright glowing light leaking out from within the gates. It seemed that Gabriella had unlocked them, although the expression on her face warned the pair not to try anything funny.



    Angels & Demons PXRL2Kd
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Angels & Demons Empty Re: Angels & Demons

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 12th October 2015, 7:26 pm

    The constant blabbering, outbursts, and unending sound of Allison's voice resonated through the path as they followed the archangel Gabriella to the city. Seikatsu remained silent, knowing if he spoke he might accidentally scream at his ally for being so noisy all the time. It wasn't as if she could help it, the girl was young, and energetic so it would only be natural for her to talk endlessly. Gabriella turned, giving Allison a sharp look saying “Do you ever shut up demon child?” with a snarky voice. “No, she doesn’t. You’ll do well to stay quiet, unless you dislike having that tongue of yours attached.” Seikatsu replied, returning Gabriella’s sharp look with a glare of his own. “You think you can defeat me?” She asked, as if such a thing weren’t possible. “I’ve killed gods and devils alike, a lowly angel will be no challenge. With my partner, defeating you would be child’s play.” Seikatsu said with a blank voice. The lack of emotion in his voice, and his blank stare made deciphering truth from lies difficult, so Gabriella simply turned her head as she lead the group through the gold and white city.

    ‘At least the winged whore’s home looks decent.’ Altsoba, the demon of war said to Seikatsu in his head, an action he wished she’d stop doing. ‘I suppose. But admiring the architecture is hard when you’re uncertain of whether or not you’re about to fight.’ He replied, making sure to keep looking forward. “You there, elder demon…” Gabriella called out, referring to Seikatsu. “What is it hag?” he replied snidely. “Can you make that brat-“ “Her name’s Allison, get it right bitch.” He said, immediately cutting the angel off. “Whatever, are you, or are you not able to-“ “No.” Seikatsu said, interrupting Gabriella again, knowing full well what the question was. Seikatsu ignored Allison asking if him and Gabriella knew each other before, along with various other silly questions. The girl should have known that angels and demons naturally never get along, but Seikatsu knew that Allison had god awful memory, so she probably didn’t even remember him being part demon. They’d passed more of Gabriella’s kind, all of which turned their faces from the two unknown beings, as they passed through the opulent city. “Your people aren’t very brave are they?” Seikatsu said, mocking the fact that none of the others even looked at Allison and himself. “Those are civili-“ “Useless in other words.” Seikatsu said snidely, interrupting the archangel yet again. Shortly after that, the two arrived to the largest building in the city where they’d be facing judgement negating Gabriella’s need to return the comment with her own.

    HP: 300
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    Angels & Demons Empty Re: Angels & Demons

    Post by Tess 13th October 2015, 4:42 pm

    Allison had finally understood after a bit of prodding and questioning, that attempting to get answers from Gabriella or Niyol was futile. The red haired mage was innately curious about her surroundings, and being within a beautiful golden city in the image of heaven didn’t exactly help. Finally, she had made the decision to simply continue talking; perhaps after even more babbling on her part, one of the two would become fed up and actually answer her questions. This conjecture was disproved when Gabriella only began to reply back in a similar fashion, apparently asking a question before the girl’s mission partner had interrupted. Sighing lightly, the girl shrugged before turning to her left to eye one of the city’s inhabitants, intrigue plain on her face. Allison smiled cheerfully at the young man, who seemed to be quite nervous as he wouldn’t meet her eye. That startled the red haired mage more than anything else, and she blinked bemusedly before pausing in her walk to take a step closer to him, waving her right hand in an affable gesture.

    ”Konnichiwa! My name is Allison, it’s nice to meet you! Could you tell me what the name of this city is, Stranger-san?” The man averted his eyes once again, despite the girl’s obvious attempts to peer into them as she ducked in and around in her struggle. Eventually the red haired mage was forced to continue walking, so not to fall behind; after all, Gabriella’s attitude earlier had implied that she had woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, and Allison would hate to make her feel even more miserable. Smiling cheerfully, the young female skipped away, still waving enthusiastically over her shoulder to the man, who seemed to be trying not to wince as other inhabitants of the city gawked at the two. Allison caught an odd phrase as it flew from her partner’s mouth, the girl’s brain working overtime to puzzle out the basic meaning as the archangel formed a hasty reply before being interrupted rudely once again.

    Upon hearing Niyol respond, the mage promptly leaped into action. ”Niyol-san! That’s not very nice, everyone is useful in their own way! You can’t do a lot of the things that they can. Besides, I’m sure that they’re just curious. Perhaps they’re shy...?” Plainly, the ruby haired mage had never finished translating her partner’s earlier comment and had missed the fact that the probable scenario was that they were frightened out of their wits of two strange demons. Either way, the three were now nearing the building in the center of the city, a great marble structure with grand gold trim on nearly everything. The young mage beamed at the sight; the beauty was something not often seen on the mortal plane. Without another word, she bounded through the doors, slipping past the two stuttering lesser guards-- much to the chagrin of Gabriella.



    Angels & Demons PXRL2Kd
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Angels & Demons Empty Re: Angels & Demons

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 13th October 2015, 5:59 pm

    Gabriella saw as Allison flew ahead of her, entering the building without permission and immediately sped after her. Seikatsu dawned a pair of black, feathery wings with a crimson glow and flew after the angel. Gabriella saw as two of her subordinates were screwing around instead of doing their jobs, immediately turning her rage towards Allison by swinging her staff with the intent to hit her. A larger, rougher looking hand reached out grabbing the blade. Looking up the arm, Gabriella saw Seikatsu with his demonic scar burning crimson and black, the glow extending to the arm that was gripping her weapon. The blood crept down Seikatsu's hand, trickling down his arm and dripping from his elbow to the floor. At the same time, it also ran along the bladed edge of Gabriella's staff and created a second pool of blood. Gabriella's gaze shifted down as she felt a linear pressure against her abdomen, noticing a pure black sword, with a thorn like protrusion and a jagged dagger attached to the hilt. Her eyes widened when she saw it was pressing against her stomach, and worse, it has cut her garment and drew blood. "Y-you..." she said with a thoroughly shocked, but very angry tone. "Try it again, and you'll have hell to pay." Seikatsu said with a plain voice. "Now, now Gabriella that's no way to treat our... guests." A large man with the same wings as the archangel said while approaching the two winged beings mid-argument. Seikatsu shifted his gaze to the man, his expression was friendly and showed no sign of ill intent. He pulled his blade from the stomach of the violent angel, and released the blade of her staff in one motion. Flicking the blade sent a few spatters of blood the the fine, white marble wall but didn't seem to anger the approaching man. Seikatsu looked at him, bowing as he'd recognized this man to be a form of higher power when compared to Gabriella. "Please, stand my boy. You appear to be a demon, but should you be here to wage war as your mark says you should I'm sure you would have started long ago." the man said. "F-father, I caught the two-" "You didn't catch anyone. You arrived when we did." Seikatsu interrupted her with a plain voice. Gabriella balled a fist and got ready to hit Seikatsu for being like he was, but the hand was caught by the larger angel. "I am Osen, the head guardian of heaven. I'm sure you've become good friends with Gabriella, my daughter. She's most likely bragged that she's my number 3, the archangel." he said with a jolly voice, gesturing for the group to follow him. Seikatsu's hand continued dripping blood as he followed the large man, as well as Gabriella's waist where Seikatsu had cut her. Seikatsu pulled some of the bandages from his torso, revealing more of the glowing demonic mark on his back as the bandages were removed. He wrapped them around the bleeding hand, it helped to slow the bleeding, but didn't stop it entirely. Seikatsu pushed the thought out of his mind, knowing he'd be fine for a few hours.

    HP: 275
    MP: 130% (+10% for 5th post)

    +2% MP Regen
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    +10% Base/Starting MP

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