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    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission]

    Mellow Valentine
    Mellow Valentine

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 45
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Channeling
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    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] Empty Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission]

    Post by Mellow Valentine 7th September 2015, 5:11 pm

    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] Fotofl13
    "Never would I have realized.. this was to be the worst day of my life.."

    [ Note: When reading the Narrator, think of the English narrator for Fairy Tail. ]

    "Thank you so much for taking care of our child"

    In any ordinary situation, it'd be completely normal for someone to hear this - in fact - it's almost necessary. Of course it's no shocker that this isn't your ordinary situation. If only they'd known what occurred in the time they were gone, if only they'd known how devilish their child truly was. This was not a simply "taking care" of their child, this was the work of an exorcist; anything suited to handle demons really. The maniacal, the devious, the disturbingly cunning demon that was known as their baby had finally fallen asleep. Had Mellow not been who he was, defeating this child wouldn't even be possible.

    "Well, I'll be off then, take care".

    Wait, I think we've gone a bit too ahead of ourselves here - in fact - we've completely skipped the entire story. Let's take a breather, go back, and recall everything that's happened so far.

    "Oh thank you so much for taking care of our baby!"

    Before him were two individuals, Mr. and Mrs. Katy. Of course, Katy being the woman and the male's name not recognizable. They weren't entirely the most fashionable nor were they most interesting, but that's not the reason Mellow took this job. Mellow had heard word of this couple in particular possessing quite the inhumane child. Seeing this as no more than speculation, Mellow decided he'd see this "child" for himself...little did he know...he was in for the night of his life.  

    Post 1 of 5

    Theme is Jet Set Sonic - Running the Bassline

    THE FUN BEGINS!!(Totally forgot this comment thing was here.)


    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] FT8EjXC
    Mellow Valentine
    Mellow Valentine

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 45
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Channeling
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    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] Empty Re: Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission]

    Post by Mellow Valentine 8th September 2015, 8:48 am

    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] Fotofl13
    "Never would I have realized.. this was to be the worst day of my life.."

    [ Note: When reading the Narrator, think of the English narrator for Fairy Tail. ]



    "They must be in some kind of hurry, they didn't even take the time to explain the basics. What do I feed him?" Shrugging in a slightly annoyed manner, Mellow did the first thing any babysitter would do-- make their way to the kitchen. Immediately spotting a lone piece of paper, Mellow had assumed it was instructions and began reading.

    "Good evening, Mr. or Mrs. Baby Sitter." He chuckled "This must be done often." He tightened his grip on the piece of paper and continued reading "Thank you so much for taking care of little Brittany. We'll only be gone for a few hours but we expect to following to be done before we arrive". Below that was a checklist, and while it was small, Mellow had the ever-rising-suspicion it wouldn't be as easy as they led on. "In the fridge we've got Brittany's favorite baby food, be sure to feed him some." Mellow scratched the back of his head "Okay well I've got that down then." As he continued reading, he felt a looming presence slowly surface behind him "Bathing him of course is a necessity." Mellow slammed the paper down "I HAVE TO BATHE THE KID?!" Picking the paper up, he couldn't shake that looming feeling from before. "The last thing we'd need is for him to be put to sleep, that is all". Finally putting the paper down with a sigh, he looked down once more to notice large, oddly written words with an arrow pointing to the back of the paper; his eyes widening as the looming feeling made itself known.

    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] Coolte10

    "You heard the paper"

    Mellow jolted around, the eyes of a demon staring him down as the inhumane child clung to the nearest pillar, knife in hand. "What the hell?!" It was too late, Mellow mistakingly let his guard down, he didn't once stop to think that the rumors were true. "DIE"! The child lunged forward, knife pointed for his neck-- it was undoubtedly trying to kill him.


    Post 2 of 5

    Theme is Jet Set Sonic - Running the Bassline

    THE FUN BEGINS!!(Totally forgot this comment thing was here.)


    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] FT8EjXC
    Mellow Valentine
    Mellow Valentine

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 45
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Channeling
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    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] Empty Re: Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission]

    Post by Mellow Valentine 8th September 2015, 5:57 pm

    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] Fotofl13
    "Never would I have realized.. this was to be the worst day of my life.."

    [ Note: When reading the Narrator, think of the English narrator for Fairy Tail. ]



    Thinking on his toes, Mellow quickly stepped to the right, the knife cutting clean through the lone sheet of paper. Pushing said paper forward, it was used to temporarily blind the young demon; said child letting out a screech and collapsing to the ground. "Alright alright, think think, what's first?" Suddenly putting things into perspective, Mellow rushed to the fridge and grabbed Brittany's favorite baby food. "Now where do they keep the spoons?" Mellow began looking around "Bottom right drawer" Mellow nodded and spoke in a gentle tone "Ah, thank you..WAIT!"


    The child jumped forth from the ground, Mellow yanking the drawer open which caused Brittany to slam his head against the surface. "Ow ow ow ow! Waaaaaaa! I'm going to tell my mom on you!" Mellow grabbed two spoons and opened the baby food "AH SHUT UP! I'm more than sure you're mom will understand"! It didn't take long for the child to be back on it's feet, lunging at Mellow as he countered with the first spoon; the second now jammed into Brittany''s mouth. "Blegh!" Mellow grinned as the baby stopped to get the taste out of it's mouth. "Think think think-- what is she asked for next?..THE BATH!" Drawing his crystals out, he rushed to the sink and held them against the faucet, their element quickly changing to water. "Perfect, this'll do well". As he ran to the bathroom, all crystals quickly began shooting water into the tub; filling it fast. "Alright you little tyrant.." grabbing suds and bubbles, he filled the tub with as much as possible before he could hear the baby's footsteps.

    "Come get some"

    Post 3 of 5

    Theme is Jet Set Sonic - Running the Bassline

    THE FUN BEGINS!!(Totally forgot this comment thing was here.)


    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] FT8EjXC
    Mellow Valentine
    Mellow Valentine

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 45
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Channeling
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    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] Empty Re: Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission]

    Post by Mellow Valentine 9th September 2015, 8:12 pm

    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] Fotofl13
    "Never would I have realized.. this was to be the worst day of my life.."

    [ Note: When reading the Narrator, think of the English narrator for Fairy Tail. ]

    Mellow had to think quick, time was of the essence. The child lunged forth into the stronghold he'd prepared, Mellow stepped to the right; sliding his foot towards to door with enough force to close it. "Alright you little shit, it's time to end this". Letting out a cry, the child landed just in front of the tub, grinning ever-so-maliciously in Mellow's direction. "Did you think that'd work? HAH! You'll have to do a lot better than that to get to m-" Mellow couldn't help but chuckle as an unsettling aura crept around the young one "What's so funny, huh?!" Mellow pointed down, a gathering of crystal placed all across the floor "Don't you see, child? You've already lost"!


    A burst of water shot the child in the air, a second blast of water shooting him into the tub. From there, the suds and water would take care of the rest. The knife, you said? Well, that was shot from his hand during the initial blast, it flew into the sink where Mellow safely dealt with it(CHUCKED IT) in a safe manner. The child first struggle, screeching and clawing in an attempt to fight back - though eventually - the child, as many others, found themselves calmed and tuckered out from all the "fun and frolic"; this battle was over.

    "Say..what's your name?" After all this, he at least owed him that "Mellow, Mellow Valentine." Brittany smiled, raising his hand for a hi-five "You're a tough one, I had fun this time". Minutes later, the child was out of the bathroom; he showed no resistance in walking to his room and tucking himself into bed. As his eyes slowly began to close, he couldn't help but give Mellow one final scare.

    "Don't think this is over" The maniacal eyes of the demon returned once more "Now that I've had a taste, I think I've grown quite fond of you. You should expect to return once more soon enough." Mellow couldn't help but grin as the child fell asleep; that godsend of a "We're home!" echoing throughout the house.

    "Bring it on."

    Post 4 of 5

    Theme is Jet Set Sonic - Running the Bassline

    THE FUN BEGINS!!(Totally forgot this comment thing was here.)


    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] FT8EjXC
    Mellow Valentine
    Mellow Valentine

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 45
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 30
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Elemental Channeling
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] Empty Re: Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission]

    Post by Mellow Valentine 9th September 2015, 8:58 pm

    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] Fotofl13
    "Never would I have realized.. this was to be the worst day of my life.."

    [ Note: When reading the Narrator, think of the English narrator for Fairy Tail. ]

    "Thank you so much for taking care of our child"

    In any ordinary situation, it'd be completely normal for someone to hear this - in fact - it's almost necessary. Of course it's no shocker that this isn't your ordinary situation. If only they'd known what occurred in the time they were gone, if only they'd known how devilish their child truly was. This was not a simply "taking care" of their child, this was the work of an exorcist; anything suited to handle demons really. The maniacal, the devious, the disturbingly cunning demon that was known as their baby had finally fallen asleep. Had Mellow not been who he was, defeating this child wouldn't even be possible.

    "Well, I'll be off then, take care".

    As Mellow left the house, [Insert Reward Here] in hand, he couldn't help but look back at Brittany's window; feeling the eyes of the demon glaring him down. All in all, he had to admit, with every thing that'd taken place with him and the little runt..maybe taking care of him hadn't been all that bad.

    Post 5 of 5

    Theme is Jet Set Sonic - Running the Bassline

    THE FUN BEGINS!!(Totally forgot this comment thing was here.)


    Dancing With The Devil[Solo/Mission] FT8EjXC

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 9:25 pm