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    School life [mission]


    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    School life [mission] Empty School life [mission]

    Post by Vale 8th September 2015, 9:50 am

    "So bored."

    Valerie yawned loudly, causing a few passersby to frown at her for making them yawn as well - since yawns were contagious, as everyone knows. She ignored them and yawned once again.

    The town of Magnolia was about as interesting as watching the grass grow. The people there lived such mind numbingly normal lives. She had had a little bit of excitement, getting caught up in a not very sordid love affair between a celebrity and her number one fan earlier in the day. Valerie didn't bother checking exactly what the woman was famous for. Still, the entire highlight of that job had been leaping out of a window and that had pretty much been it. She'd have rated it a two out of ten.

    Her feet had eventually led her to where a primary school stood proudly, trying to show the world that forcing little kids to study was a good thing.

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    School life [mission] Empty Re: School life [mission]

    Post by Vale 8th September 2015, 9:51 am

    Valerie wrinkled her cute little nose in disgust, thinking back to her school years. They were terrible. All those books and rules and annoying things to remember. She'd never bothered to pay attention and then managed to get expelled for blowing up the chemistry lab. The blast that had turned everyone's hair into a chaotic mess of rainbow colors had had the bizarre effect of causing the headmaster to go completely bald. This, Valerie suspected was the real reason for her expulsion. Needless to say, her mother hadn't been very happy with her.

    The memories brought a fond smile to her face. Those had been good times, all that education not counting. She supposed she would have liked school if it didn't require her to study. Or pay attention to boring people.

    Valerie scanned the area surrounding the school she was standing in front of. It was designed to look inviting and peaceful, to put parents at ease no doubt. Her keen eyes spotted drinking fountains scattered around and an idea began to take shape in her mind. She'd gotten a box of pranks some time ago. It'd be a crime to let that go to waste.


    School life [mission] WjF9yCC


    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    School life [mission] Empty Re: School life [mission]

    Post by Vale 8th September 2015, 9:51 am

    "Three down, one more to go~" Valerie whispered to herself in a sing song voice.

    She had poured magic powder into the drinking fountains' water supply. While invisible when inactive, it would turn the mouth of anyone who drank from it to form multi colored spots. They would probably assume it was some kind of outbreak. Hopefully.

    Valerie had just finished pouring the last of it into the final fountain when the sounds of a commotion caught her attention. Done with her work, she turned around, her eyes settling on a group of children. One boy, taller and built stronger than the rest of them seemed to be the source of all that noise. He was threatening to punch another kid who was much smaller than he was for some imagined insult. Typical school life. She had never liked bullies as she found them to be too loud and very annoying. They hadn't picked on her, but their loudness and commotion had been something that irked her even then.

    Last edited by Vale on 9th September 2015, 4:47 am; edited 1 time in total

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    School life [mission] Empty Re: School life [mission]

    Post by Vale 8th September 2015, 9:52 am

    Well, he's as good as any candidate to test my last tricks on.

    The boy had practically volunteered himself, after all. Putting her hands into her pockets, Valerie strolled by the group of gathered kids and did a reverse steal, dropping a small coin into the bully's pocket. She walked away as if nothing had happened and stood by to watch the ensuing chaos.

    After a couple of seconds, there was a small beep, barely audible and then the item took effect. The bully's voice turned high pitched like that of a character on a comedy show, causing the other children to start laughing at him. Of course, he got angry at this and yelled at them to shut up - only, his aggression and volume kicked the prank item into the next level and his words came out like that of an oinking pig. By this time, the other kids were in an uproar of laughter and the bully felt terrible for the first time in his life. Sounding like a pig scared him and he began to sniffle, running away from this crowd. That had probably put an end to his bullying days after being made a laughingstock.


    School life [mission] WjF9yCC


    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
    Position : None
    Posts : 155
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 200

    School life [mission] Empty Re: School life [mission]

    Post by Vale 8th September 2015, 9:54 am

    "Um. Excuse me, miss."

    A gentle tug caused Valerie to look at the source, a little boy who was looking up at her with a mixture of awe and happiness.

    "Thank you for doing that to Johnny. He's been so mean to me ever since school began. I didn't want to even come to school anymore. It has been so horrible. Here, I want you to have this. I've been saving my lunch money to hire someone to deal with him."

    He pressed a couple of crumpled bills into her hand and smiled at her as if it was a lot of money. Which, for him it probably was.

    "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone about the fountains. I'm going to become just like you!"

    With that, he ran away happily. Valerie raised her eyebrows and stared at his retreating back.

    "Just like me? Oh boy."

    His headmaster or headmistress was in for an interesting year.


    School life [mission] WjF9yCC

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 11:29 pm