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    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Posts : 155
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    Experience : 200

    Completed Valerie

    Post by Vale 3rd September 2015, 1:03 pm

    Valerie Val

    Name: Valerie
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Birthday: 16th of August
    Sexuality: Straight
    Special Characteristics: Near photographic memory.


    Valerie is somewhat difficult to fit into a specific mold or stereotype, as far as personality goes. Observations would often lead one to believe that her persona is all over the place, erratic and often as unpredictable as her wardrobe choices. She has a knack for saying the most outrageous things while keeping a completely straight face, usually for the sole purpose of judging how the people around her react to it. Almost everything she does - from her choice in attire to the words she speaks - is tailored to her own, odd form of amusement. She finds hilarity in situations others would consider awkward or unfortunate. That aside, she is also quite blunt and often tactless when conversing. Valerie is easy to read as her emotions are displayed clearly across her face for anyone to see. She doesn’t see the point in hiding them and will be more than glad enough to voice her opinions. If she is displeased with someone, she would make sure they know it, and why. It goes without saying that she isn’t the least bit shy or self conscious. She has developed a relatively thick skin over the years and those who attempt to hurt her with mere words would soon come to find out that she just doesn’t care. Hers is the only opinion that matters to Valerie.

    Morality is a completely gray area for her unlike most, and as such it doesn’t hinder her in the slightest. Valerie wouldn’t be one to agonize over questionable choices or difficult decisions. So long as it doesn’t hurt her or someone she cares about, she cannot fathom why it should be made such a big deal of. She tends to have a one track mind once she becomes focused on something and can appear lost in thought or blank once it happens, completely blocking out everything but the subject of her immediate focus. This, coupled with her selective attention span and habit of interrupting people while they talk has gotten her into trouble time and time again. Of course, it would come as no surprise that she has trouble making friends.

    While she can appear as quite the oddball, she does surprisingly well in combat as it is one of the few things she actually pays attention to. Her incredibly good memory aids her well in picking up on the little details and her single minded focus works in her favor. However, her tendency to disregard orders or not pay attention in the first place makes her pretty bad at teamwork, as well as her knack for offending people. Its not that she is against teamwork, as she likes to say. Teamwork just doesn’t like her. For someone who spent the better part of her nineteen years avoiding responsibility, she has had more than enough time to perfect the skill. As for being put in a leadership position, that would be the worst idea anyone could ever have since Valerie excels at shirking responsibility and would do horribly, on purpose, if forced into such a role.


    • Citrus fruits - while Valerie does like most fruits, the sweet and slightly tangy citrus ones are her favorite. They cheer her up and help her think better, as she likes to say.

    • Stealing – She has always had a knack for acquiring things that belong to other people without their knowledge. It isn’t something she does out of necessity or even greed as she isn’t interested in the items themselves. For her, it’s more of trying to see how far she can go without getting caught.

    • Art – What she considers art differs from everyone else’s meaning of the word, more often than not. It’s her way of making the world a more interesting place – by carving or painting on statues, plants, walls, a bit of everything really.

    • Guns – Valerie has always had somewhat of an obsession with guns. It was no surprise when she chose her magic to revolve around exactly that. She doesn’t mind combat as it gives her a chance to test out her weapons.


    • Cabbage – While all vegetables are horrible to a degree, the cabbage is the vilest of them all. Valerie hates cabbage and would never eat anything containing it. Even the smell is enough to nauseate her.

    • Rodents - Small rodents such as mice, rats, and even hamsters are all part of what Valerie considers to be vermin. The squeaky noises they make set her teeth on edge.
    • Libraries. - She’d always found books to be boring and a bit of a chore to read. Being surrounded by them isn’t her idea of fun. For a public place to be so quiet is unsettling and downright eerie in her opinion.

    • Work - For someone as highly unmotivated as herself, work is one of the worst things she has to deal with. A necessary evil, but an evil nonetheless.

    Motivations: Valerie isn’t motivated in the general sense of the word. Hers are more of a situational and day to day thing rather than long term.

    • Art – Quite possibly the only thing the girl works hard at is her art. She strives to make her masterpieces as unique as possible, often resulting in bizarre works.

    • People – it isn’t that she is a people person, far from it really, she just enjoys their reactions to her antics. Each day is an adventure for her, where she dresses up in one of her weird combinations and goes out to shock the general public. A reaction is a reaction, no matter how small.

    • Discover new, and better ways to utilize her magic. She knows her skills are far from perfect and intends on honing them as much as she can.


    • Heights – The fear of heights, rather, the fear of falling is one of the most common scares faced by people. Valerie too is deathly afraid of heights and prefers to keep her feet on solid ground at all times.

    • Hospitals - During a visit to the hospital as a child, she had a particularly bad time and her overactive imagination and child’s mind made worse than it really was. Unlike most irrational fears that fade over time, this one hasn’t even though she is now an adult. It just hides better.

    • Normalcy - Even though she acts the way she does, she’s not crazy. Not really. At the heart of that particular twisted and confusing issue, Valerie fears becoming ‘normal’, just another face in the crowd. For her, that would be the same as turning invisible and disappearing forever.

    General Appearance

    Height: 5' 2"
    Weight: 114 lbs
    Hair: Faded lilac
    Eyes: Amethyst
    Skin Tone: Alabaster


    At a glance, Valerie is almost always judged to be younger than her actual age - to her annoyance. The image is further reinforced by her petite figure and innocently large eyes the color of clear amethysts. Even though her face is certainly pretty enough to look at, the girl's tendency to get lost in her own thoughts leaves her looking a bit odd at times. She wears no makeup at all as she’s convinced it makes her skin feel depressed. However, her artistic 'talents' take the front seat in that she possesses a dizzying assortment of clothes all in varying styles and colors. Her wardrobe ranges from clashing colors and patterns to leather jackets and high heeled boots; to understated sweaters and pleated skirts. It goes without saying that her long, lilac colored hair is styled to suit her current outfit.

    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: Upper right thigh, lilac color.
    Rank: D rank.
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Quatro and Stella
    Position : In bed with the harem
    Posts : 4043
    Guild : Golden Phoenix
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 1,538,536.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ???
    Second Skill: ???
    Third Skill:

    Completed Re: Valerie

    Post by King Elyx 3rd September 2015, 1:17 pm

    Valerie Ezgif.com-add-text_zps8qxjhtpn
    Approved by Elyx Reiaki! ^^

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 5:13 pm