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    The Humble Brawlers

    Okura Jin
    Okura Jin

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 1120
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 4143.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heat Manipulation Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Humble Brawlers  Empty The Humble Brawlers

    Post by Okura Jin 21st August 2015, 11:42 am

    Jin was at the tavern when a letter was brought to him, some guild member had located the letter in the guild hall. It had this official looking red colored stamp on it so they thought best to take it to someone of higher rank. Jin couldn’t recognize the seal since he hadn’t seen it before. ”Odd, it is directed to the guild and not to a specific person. I suppose I should just read it instead of leaving all the work to kakuma and Sophie”, he thought as he opened up the envelope. He read the letter and recognized it as a invitation of a tournament. ”Fighting? I don’t think I’m going to join this event. What’s the point of fighting anyways?”, he replaced the letter back into its envelope and got back to attending the members around the bar. As a chef, he was tending to his other duties and cooking for guild members.

    It was the afternoon and the tavern was bustling with members. Some had arrived from jobs, some were heading for jobs and some were just spending the time. Kaya had just eaten so she was full of energy and running around, pestering anyone she came across. As the pet of the guild’s ace, she had earned quite the fame and she loved it. Everywhere she went, her name was known and people gave her the much wanted attention. Most of the people in Black Rose were friendly and kind individuals, so Jin didn’t mind her running around. This was family, so there was no need to worry about anything. ”Ne ne Jinny, what was in that letter thingy?”, inquired Kaya since she had noticed the letter. ”It was an invitation”, replied Jin; ”An invitation to what?” she continued to inquire. ”To a tournament” answered Jin, ”What kinda tournament?”; well she wasn’t satisfied yet so she continued to ask more. ”The kind of tournament where you have to fight people without magic”, this time he explained a tad bit more to make her understand. ”oooooo, so you’re going?” she said apparently interested in the mindless brawling.

    ”No Kaya, why would I go fight other people?”, Jin followed up with a question. It was obvious that he wasn’t the type to indulge in violence unless necessary. ”Cuz you’re strong” replied Kaya with a sense of pride in her tone, she was proud of her friend, family and owner: Jin. ”That’s not a good enough reason to fight Kaya, all the more reason to avoid it”. His reply was a bit too complicated for her to understand, so she frowned and walked away from Jin. Running around now in search of someone who would convince Jin and go along with him to the tournament. She suddenly bumped into a pair of legs as she was running. Upon looking upwards she noticed a familiar face, ”Izzy-chan, make Jin fight tournament, now!” she said with a demanding stare. Well, she was cute enough in her chibi form but the demanding stare and the cat eyes, those were just overkill.

    Road Fighter:


    The Humble Brawlers  Shogo_makishima_signature__jin__by_dreamishlyme-d9bo856

    The Humble Brawlers  Empty Re: The Humble Brawlers

    Post by Guest 22nd August 2015, 11:37 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Rank C ♦ Black Rose ♦ Glacier God Slayer

    Having spent the day before cooking and dealing with bratty children and perverted customers at that cafe, Izayuki had allowed herself to sleep in until noon. Her sleep patterns were random, but despite the inconsistency she still did sleep a lot compared to most people. Then again who could blame her? Dratted instincts still kicked in no matter the form she chose. Having ungracefully and unwillingly pulled herself out of bed for the day, the girl went through the usual routine of showering, grooming, getting clean clothes on, and the like. By the time she was done she had plenty of energy running through her as she was ready to 'start' the day, even if it was no longer breakfast but lunch time.

    Having little she wanted to eat at home, the young mage decided to aim for the tavern. It had seemed like that was where most of her guild hung out anyways, and was where she could listen in for the latest gossip, news, and stories from around the large port city. It was after midday, so the place would likely be bustling with activity and excitement. As Izayuki walked into the tavern and listened around, she could not help but focus her attention to the small white and black striped feline on the ground before her that had gently bumped into her legs. She knew this creature well as one of the guild ace's pet and companion, Kaya. The chibi sabertooth tiger was beyond adorable, and yes, those eyes were overkill. Eyeing Jin working hard in the tavern, the girl attempted to pick up the demanding cat for once as she walked over to see what this all was about. "Heh, I can't say no to you Kaya~" she said with a giggle.

    A tournament? It sounded quite fun, and with the energy Izayuki had after a long rest after a long day before, she was more than pumped and ready to brush off and try her battling again in whatever this was. And if Jin originally had not wanted to do it, she could be convincing. Yes, very convincing. She knew how to nag and bait enough to get one going, pestering them and apologizing later. For those that knew her, she was quite shameless and knew how to get what she wanted in most cases. And this all was going on assuming she could fight in the same tournament as the man. Perhaps she could learn a thing or two from the stronger mage. It would be quite fun to watch, and good to try out some of her unused and dusty spells and moves.

    "Heyyy Jin~! What is this I hear about a tournament?" Izayuki asked enthusiastically, hoping for him to debrief her on the details before the acts of dragging him into it commenced. It would be smart to at least know what she was getting into before committing, but she had led Kaya to believe she would try to 'make Jin fight tournament', so here she was.

    Location;; Tavern
    Muse;; 5/10
    Word Count;; 505
    Okura Jin
    Okura Jin

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 1120
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 4143.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heat Manipulation Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Humble Brawlers  Empty Re: The Humble Brawlers

    Post by Okura Jin 23rd August 2015, 3:38 am

    Jin should’ve realized that telling Kaya, he didn’t intend to go to a tournament would be of no use. While he attended to the guild members at the bar, Kaya went and got herself an ally to tell Jin to go to the event. He realized what was about to happen when he noticed Izayuki heading his way with Kaya in her arms and a grin on Kaya’s face. He slightly shook his head and took off the apron, there was no point in resisting now. ”It’s a tournament to determine the strongest fighter in Fiore. We’re not from Fiore but we’re mages, so we can participate too. Kaya, wants me to go” said Jin giving Izayuki the brief explanation as he handed her the letter for more detailed information. ”Oi Jinny, let’s go the tournament together” said Kaya, knowing Jin couldn’t say ‘no’ to her. ”Alright Kaya but you should know, the rules on this event says that pets can’t help out. So you will have to stay away from the fighting”, explained Jin as he opened the door and came out of the bar. ”Assuming that we’re going, I’ll go tell Sophie and Fira; then we’ll head out”, said the heat mage as he departed. When asked, if asked about both these ladies, Kaya would explain to Izayuki. ”Fira-chan is Jin’s wife and Sophie-sama does hard stuff for Kaku-chan”.

    He went to the residential area, met up with Fira and explained to her about the event. She was worried at first and didn’t want Jin to go because she knew Jin was not the type to participate in such events. ”Be careful” she said in a gentle voice when Jin was about to leave the room, she had watery eyes when she said so. Jin walked up to her, patted her head and touched his forehead with hers, staring into her eyes: ”Don’t worry, we’ll be okay”. After that, he went to find Sophie and informed her of the entire event; which she approved and then he returned to Izayuki and Kaya. ”Let’s be off then”, said Jin as the two headed for the port of the island.

    At the port, the large plant based vessels awaited them. They boarded the giant ship, Jin informed the captain of their destination and they were off. It took them half a day of sailing and travelling via carriage to arrive at the arena of Talonia. The place was packed, the entire arena was bustling with people and warriors who had come to prove themselves. ”So many people have come to see magic being used for fighting?”, he didn’t like that part one bit; however, he couldn’t do anything about that. ”I’ll go ahead and sign us up, Kaya be good” said Jin as he left Kaya with Izayuki and joined the line for sign up. As soon as he arrived at the counter, the man looked up at Jin and was surprised to find a rising star joining the event. ”Oi, you’re the Rising star right?” he inquired as Jin nodded. After they signed up and entered the arena, an announcement was made: ”Ladies and gentlemen, we have a Rising star amongst us. Let’s see what these mages with titles can really do”. That really rattled up the people as Jin and Izayuki walked through the entrance and entered the large arena.

    Jin was told about his fight and Izayuki was informed of hers, Kaya was told to sit tight in the stands. It appeared that the arena could facilitate more than a single fight simultaneously. Upon arrival at the arena, a gong rang and two other individuals entered the arena as well from the opposite side. The contestants had arrived and the battle was about to begin.


    The Humble Brawlers  Shogo_makishima_signature__jin__by_dreamishlyme-d9bo856

    The Humble Brawlers  Empty Re: The Humble Brawlers

    Post by Guest 26th August 2015, 1:46 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Rank C ♦ Black Rose ♦ Glacier God Slayer

    Jin really was a lot more responsible in a way than Izayuki, obviously. Had it been her, the young mage would have likely dropped everything for the chance of something new and gone on ahead. While she had no job or true responsibilities except those to herself, she often pondered if she could even be trusted with things sometimes due to her random energy bursts and unpredictability. But then again, what did it matter? She could simply admire Jin and his abilities when it came to that and move on. Iza did inquire about Sophie and Fira, and the latter definitely surprised her to a small extent. Okura was married? She never would have guessed. However, she did not say or do much on the matter save for a small understanding nod.

    While he was away Izayuki took it upon herself to grab and quickly eat a small breakfast of an egg and bacon on toast, a simple sandwich of sorts, with orange juice to drink. However, the real treat came when she was delivered a large cup of bite-sized ice cubes. One may find it strange and quirky, but being a God Slayer she found eating her own element quite filling both physically and, well, magically. Not only that, but ice had a unique taste to it. Some ice was sweet, some was sour, some spicy, and so on. This particular ice had a dull but lightly sweet and satisfying taste to it, thus Iza approved and happily ate the cubes out of the bowl like one would eat chips or popcorn- unfazed by the hardness or cold of the 'delicacy'.

    However, soon Jin came back and before long the two had boarded and were well on their way to the arena. By the time they arrived and the Ace signed them up and planted Kaya in the stands, Izayuki was more than pumped and ready. She was glad that it seemed like she did not have to fight her companion, and as she walked to the actual battleground arena with the crowd on all sides in a circle watching on and wild, one could easily feel her aura grow colder somehow as her excitement grew. The already-rowdy audience seemed to get quite crazy as the announcements continued. "One of our first matches, Izayuki Hyoujin verses Balrog!"

    So his name was Balrog? Facing her opponent, Iza was slightly confused as to why he wore a mask. Was it to hide some embarrassing battle scar? Maybe it made him look fiercer or was some sort of protection? Whatever the reason, the claws on the glove of his left hand seemed to be pretty wicked, so she would have to tread carefully. Of course there would be time for taunting and smack talk, but honestly she was ready to get the fight going and over with in order to move onto harder challenges, on the assumption that this guy was about her level. She would not dare to underestimate or overestimate him, but it was still fun to guess. Hyoujin planned to let him make the first move, but eyes soon widened in surprise as she realized his acrobat agility. Flicking and flipping back and forth, Balrog moved closer, threatening to slice her with those nasty claws. He succeeded, but only in ripping the sleeve of her shirt on the right arm as she managed to dodge with her own unnatural speed and agility.

    Putting her hand out in front of her, the girl generated a large nodachi sword out of her element, a black ice with the slightest pink tint. At a faraway glance, one would not recognize it as ice, but up close it was crystal clear, almost literally. After she created that first nodachi out of her Godslayer ice, Iza spawned four others around her and managed to fire them in the direction of her opponent as if they were missiles, homing in and chasing their opponent back towards her. Now the real fight could begin.

    Location;; Arena
    Muse;; 7/10
    Word Count;; 668
    OOC;; I'm new to PvE/NPC fighting. I'll get used to it, but please correct me if I mess anything up. ^.^
    Okura Jin
    Okura Jin

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 1120
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 4143.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heat Manipulation Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Humble Brawlers  Empty Re: The Humble Brawlers

    Post by Okura Jin 27th August 2015, 10:10 am

    Jin patted her shoulder and stepped aside so that Izayuki could deal with her opponent. Their battle had already begun and Jin’s opponent hadn’t been announced yet but he knew his would begin soon as well. Not too long after that, the second announcement was made: ”The Rising Star Okura Jin versus the last year’s winner and the best fighter in the entire world, Wyvern!!!”. The crowd immediately began cheering for the man who walked right after the announcement finished. This fighter was loved immensely by the crowd as was visible from their cheers. Compared to him, Jin had little presence in the arena. Wyvern walked elegantly as an accomplished warrior and had focused eyes as he stood in front of Jin while the two other warriors continued on their battle. ”The Rising Star Okura Jin, I have heard your name” said Wyvern, ”I’m humbled” replied Jin. ”Let us begin then, may the best fighter win” said Wyvern as he took a specific stance. Jin had been in plenty of battles but he had no specific fighting style, no proper martial arts that he used. Right at that moment, Jin realized his one disadvantage and almost fatal flaw. This was a trained fighter, he was not; he was up against someone who had trained for fighting.

    ”I may have bitten more than I can chew. No use regretting it now, I’ll have to give it my all” said Jin as he made up his mind. His opponent would definitely not go easy on him and Jin was not going to let the name of Kvasir or Black Rose be tainted. The bell rang and the two warriors ran straight ahead at one another, Kaya shouted in support for Jin in the distance. The two got close, Jin launched a straight punch which was easily deflected and a counter punch was launched at a closer range striking Jin’s chest. He followed up with another straight punch and that too was deflected by a swift and precise motion of the hand as the opponent swung his hand in the form of an upper cut landing on Jin’s chin and sending him up in the air. Jin landed on his back taking quite a bit of the attack. ”No good, I can’t take him on in a melee fight” , it was true they were completely outmatched.

    ”I just need a little more time” thought Jin as he had already set a plan in motion. He took quite the bit of hit but it wasn’t nearly enough to knock him down. The damage he had took was quite bad but not even close to bring him down just yet. ”Bird.. of .. Hermes!” yelled Jin as a large arrow formed on his head and launched towards the enemy. Jin had gotten some distance between himself and his opponent so the spell would be effective. Right after the cold based arrow was launched and it crashed into the ground closer to Wyvern; it exploded making quite a bit of area frozen. Wyvern had just launched a good attack so he wasn’t ready for a counter attack just yet. Jin didn’t look it but he was more sturdy than he appeared.

    Magic Cost: 5%
    Bird Of Hermes Cooldown: 1/3


    The Humble Brawlers  Shogo_makishima_signature__jin__by_dreamishlyme-d9bo856

    The Humble Brawlers  Empty Re: The Humble Brawlers

    Post by Guest 3rd September 2015, 11:15 am

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Rank C ♦ Black Rose ♦ Glacier God Slayer

    Just as she had wanted, Balrog dodged the missile-like ice swords being homed in and set towards him, their target. He managed to shatter one with his super long claw-like weapon and with his speed and acrobatics, move away from the rest as they crashed into either a wall or the ground and shattered. Her intent was not to hit him, but only to draw him in closer range to her which he needed anyway in order to have a chance of afflicting anything on her it seemed. As he moved in Izayuki took note of her aura working well on him. He seemed much slower than when they had started, and coming into contact with her ice nodachi had only made the effect grow.

    With Balrog moving closer, Iza generated another ice sword next to her with it's tip ever so slightly lodged in the ground in order to keep it set upright and easy to grab. While her opponent could easily take it, touching black ice without gloves never really was the best idea. Besides, even if he did it would only enhance her Freezing Aura effect which was well gripping him now. As he came dashing for her, intent on slashing her with those wicked claws, the young mage attempted two things. For one, she focused her the freezing aspect of her magic on the ground, slowing down the moisture particles and the earth for there to be an ever so thin layer of black ice. And as he came dashing for her, far too close for any comfort, she directed her focus and magic inward, embracing a unique ability and turning herself into a mass of flurry wind, snow, and ice. The claws went directly through her as she tried her best to bend around them in her stormy form. As soon as they had passed and she was sure that no harm had come to herself, Izayuki morphed back into her physical body.

    Her opponent had lost some momentum thanks to the black ice on the ground, giving Hyoujin the opportunity to grab the dark-hued cold nodachi stuck in the ground where she had set it. With the ice katana in hand, she aimed to slash Balrog from behind with a confident grin on her face. She did not aim for a mortal wound, but simply one that would hopefully render him unable to fight and continue the battle. The masked acrobat fell, her having penetrated deep enough with her blade and with the magic energy having been slowly draining from him from the start. Naturally not all of it was gone, but she was set on winning this thing, thus was not going to hold back. He would live and recover completely, but the wound she had inflicted definitely was one of quite ferocious sorts.

    "Give a round of applause for one of the winners of Round One, Izayuki Hyoujin!" the announcer shouted, riling up the crowd as the girl allowed the sword in her hands to dissolve. One battle down. Many more to go.

    Location;; Talonia Arena
    Muse;; 5/10
    Word Count;; 512

    Ice Nodachi: 2/4
    Okura Jin
    Okura Jin

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 1120
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Experience : 4143.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heat Manipulation Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Humble Brawlers  Empty Re: The Humble Brawlers

    Post by Okura Jin 11th September 2015, 7:33 am

    The type of spell Jin had used was meant to make sure that it hit. Bird of hermes was a spell that had an after effect which spread over so a little area was frozen, capturing the foe in its effective range. Jin’s foe was hit and received quite a bit of damage. However, Jin wasn’t just counting on that. Being resistant to temperature differences, he didn’t just bet everything on one spell. He launched the spell and then simultaneously activated another: ”Miniplosions”. As soon as the cold based arrow hit, freezing quite a bit of the area. A number of explosions also happened soon after, which were also cold based to ensure some more effect. Jin’s attacks were simultaneous and well timed, depicting his experience as a veteran mage and displaying him worthy of the titles he possessed. The crowd that was cheering for the current champion suddenly became quiet. Explosions from both spells had resulted in a large smoke cloud and it was difficult to see whether the attack hit or not. At least it was for normal people. Mages could sense by aura and Jin could also see through his thermal vision. He knew the outcome which is why he was standing at a distance, now relaxed.

    ”Looks like the tides of the battle has just changed. Will this be enough to take down our champion?!” shouted the commentator. Maybe he was hoping that Jin would go down in this fight. Admittedly, at one point even Jin thought that he was going down in this battle. However, melee wasn’t the only way he could fight and that was his edge in this battle. The smoke finally cleared revealing a heavily breathing, partially frozen but still standing Wyvern. ”As a warrior, you have my utmost respect. I consider it an honor to have fought against you”, said Jin with a sincere and serious face. ”The feeling’s… mutual” replied Wyvern, he was struggling with the cold and the damage he had taken. Was he still going to continue fighting? He probably didn’t have it in him to fight more but as a warrior, he may not just admit defeat.

    As a way of acknowledging the skill of his opponent, Jin decided to take him down with his signature spell. ”Emperor’s armor”, shouted Jin as light blue colored armor appeared around both his arms. As soon as the armor was formed, Jin dashed ahead using his speed boost and launched a straight punch at Wyvern. The damage done was already enough to take him down and this was a bit of overkill but Wyvern was not going to accept defeat in any other way. He had a smile on his face as soon as Jin’s fist got close to him. The result was a direct hit and a loud impact, sending him flying and crashing into the arena wall. There wall cracked quite a bit generating yet another smoke cloud. However, this time no one had any doubts what the outcome was. ”The second fight has come to an end, winner of round ones second fight: Okura Jin!!”. After a little silence, the crowd went crazy cheering for the Rising star. Jin deactivated his spell and turned to face Izayuki to make sure she was okay. It appeared she had finished before him and was in a fairly good condition. Better than he was at least, he had taken quite a bit of damage thanks to the earlier attack by Wyvern.


    The Humble Brawlers  Shogo_makishima_signature__jin__by_dreamishlyme-d9bo856

    The Humble Brawlers  Empty Re: The Humble Brawlers

    Post by Guest 7th November 2015, 3:56 pm

    Izayuki Hyoujin ♦ Rank C ♦ Black Rose ♦ Glacier God Slayer

    Good. It seemed like Jin had successfully defeated his opponent, Wyvern. Kvasir was still in the game, but this definitely was working up to be harder than she had thought. Or were those nerves? Anxiety? Excitement, perhaps? Dread? Either way, Izayuki found it easy to flare her confident grin as she gazed around at the crowd, nodded toward Kaya, attempted to lock eyes with Jin for reassurance, and once again focus forward at her next challenger. It was a black-haired young lady wearing what most people would deem a rather skimpy and kinky outfit. Iza did not really care for such things, but as she had been taught otherwise, she held those morals of those she had so cherished and respected from long ago.

    Aside from that, the determination in the girl's green eyes was definitely something to think about. The announcer introduced her as "Cam". With that daring look in her own pink-hued orbs, Izayuki waited for the signal to begin.....
    "Round two, FIGHT!"

    Almost a negative millisecond before the 't' of the word 'fight' was uttered, her opponent was already upon her, rushing at a rather astonishing speed. In no way was Izayuki about to underestimate her. She could not afford to, as she had learned long ago in previous and past battles. Rushing forward herself at unnaturally high speeds, the young mage leaped up to meet her target, aiming her left fist ready for impact. It was backed up with her freezing aura and would release a bit more 'added' chill with her glacial omnipotence ability. The next event to fall into place was completely unexpected. Instead of meeting Izayuki in a simple and powerful clash, Cam’s legs began to glow with a green energy as she feinted to the side, ready for a rather different vantage of attack.

    The speed was almost uncalled for, and Iza barely saw it coming. Had she been underestimating her opponent or been too cocky? Perhaps. Either way, what she did know was that the sharp pain that spread from a pressure point and throughout her body was an unforgivable experience. She was paralyzed, having fallen to the ground without really being able to tell right away what had happened. Down... stuck... unable to move? It did not make much sense until Izayuki regained her bearings. For some reason, even the very idea and feeling of being immobile and helpless struck a type of wild instinctive fear and panic into her, easily visible through her eyes. She was at the mercy of her opponent right now. But despite the downside of adrenaline, there were a few more positive points. Finding her common competitive spirit again, the young mage murmured the name of one of her lower-rank spells which would be perfect for the present ordeal. "Sakai."

    With those words, the ground within a twenty meter radius around her began to freeze starting from where her body was lying to the edge of its area of effect. This all happened almost instantly however. One could blink and miss the action of it all, and that was precisely what occurred. Cam landed on the ice and slipped, having not seen it happen. Iza was still in the game, even in her current position. She would never lose without a very good fight, as was her way.

    Muse;; 5/10
    Word Count;; 553

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:43 pm