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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]


    High Voltage

    High Voltage

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ---
    Second Skill: Lightning Dragon Slayer Lacrima
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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by Linxwire 1st March 2015, 8:04 pm

    Job Info:

    In the back of a horse draw carriage two young men rested up before taking on a task as tall as the canyons that engulfed their view as the driver navigated the narrow passage between them, and just beyond the end of them on a past a downhill slope was the ancient ruins of a lost civilization. That’s what it used to be until the rumors got about what kind of wondrous treasures may lie in wait just in front of them. The Ten original Wizard Saints were said to have stashed their belongings somewhere within the place, for whatever reason people do such foolish things. You can imagine the kind of people that would draw from across the lands of Fiore, but according to the Magic Counsel, these are the knid of people who need to be stopped. Looking over the papers for the past few hours, Xavier had been reading about a man who was their biggest problem whose name came up consistently in the writing. A one named “Harper Goldenshine” who renowned for this kind of activity and greed for power. He wasn’t just any old treasure hunter, he was a powerful mage too recognized for his strength as he has bested men of other guilds once or twice before during these power hungry rampages.

    The horses gritted to a stop as the driver reeled up on the reins, kicking up sand in his wake, and stirring it into the air. The driver called to his two passengers. “I’m sorry, this is as far as I go.” They were still a good distance away from their destination but the ruins were in view to say the least. Xavier nudged his guildmate before stepping out. “Come on, there’s work to be done.” Xavier who had just recently grabbed a knack for something new, was itching to test it’s limits…


    Past Siggies:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] 83699210



    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
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    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by DOPPO 2nd March 2015, 5:58 am

    A relatively large satchel full or junk food and sweets rested on Shohei's shoulder blade when, hung back with his fingertips. He had a sucker in his mouth, the pole of it sticking out crookedly. Shohei had been wearing his usual outfit, a red jacket with with stripes, a black T-shirt, and brown pants. He could feel the small bags under his eyes. Lately he hadn't been sleeping all too well. He didn't expect to be this exhausted from constantly looking after Suiren and Taraki while working his butt off at jobs. And he often soloed these kind of things. But there were times that he couldn't do alone, and these were one of these jobs. He knew that he'd have a partner in this mission but miraculously did not know that this partner of his was one of the dumbos he was trapped with on the ship. He wasn't particularly bothered by it, as long as he didn't talk to him.

    Stupidity is contagious. This guy is engulfed in the infectious thing. Shohei's sharp, yet sleepy slowly looked over and focused on Xavier, who nudged him. His gaze narrowed before whisking his body away. "You don't need to tell me that." He grunted. Treasure hunting. That was this job in a nutshell. Actually, it was more of a scavenger hunt since there was other people looking for the same items. ..Tch. If they really wanted mages to do a scavenger hunt, they should have invited kids instead.. He thought. Though he really can't complain all too much. The reward, he heard, was heavenly for this job and all you needed to do was find stuff and just-so-possibly beat up some guys. It doesn't seem that hard. It's not like he had trouble doing either of these things in the past, by himself.



    High Voltage

    High Voltage

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ---
    Second Skill: Lightning Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by Linxwire 2nd March 2015, 6:47 pm

    Xavier glared at Shohei after he made that comment about children with some contempt, it almost seemed like that little perverse observation were meant to be aimed at him. He averted his gaze after a few seconds, not to give him the wrong idea. As well as the two had known each other, they knew specifically that they didn’t like each other. It was blind, unfortunate luck that he managed to get paired with this chump a second time. He had already experienced the growing pains and migraines that facilitates Shohei’s existence and he wasn’t particularly excited to be thrown back into the fray under the same pretenses, but this time without the only mediator between the two last time, Kihia not being present.

    Xavier lugged out his weaponry, his two stave-like weapons, one of which was probably as old as this ruin. They were both concealed under some wraps of some sort, and he fastened them to his back via the sheathe on the sash over his new duster coat that fit the scenery rather well. The star logo he had specially made was quickly covered up by the two staves, and he adjusted his clothing as the man whom dropped them off at this location turned to head back. The horse kicked up a lot of sand that blew in the wind and shrouded the two mages with filth. Xavier dusted his hair and patted down his clothing for dirt for a short time, swearing under his breath. Once the dust finally settled, it was just the two of them. “Look…” he said finally breaking the silence. “You don’t like me very much, and I don’t like you very much. But can we agree to put aside our differences for the remainder of the mission so we can come out of here with the same number of body parts we enter with?” He was tempted to extend his hand to him, as if making a truce, but he felt Shohei would just leave him there like an idiot.


    Past Siggies:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] 83699210



    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by DOPPO 3rd March 2015, 5:40 pm

    Shohei rolled his eyes and scowled at Xavier. He has been given the whole "I know we have our differences. . blah blah" crap his whole life. He didn't need to hear it recited from a kid! "I can't promise that the damage done to you will be from our "enemy" alone. Now shut up and keep walking." He sighed and continued to walk on with his shoulders slouched and his sucker engulfed in saliva. Shohei listened to the rhythm of his steps, it was kind of soothing. His eyelids lowered which made him look like he was glaring. But he did seem to have no problem with ignoring Xavier. Well, it's not like he ever had a problem with ignoring someone. In a perfect world, only him and Zan exist. Why Zan? So he could serve him, of course. What's a introvert without a butler?

    Shohei's train of thought was "flawed" in some people's perspectives. But it sure as hell wasn't wrong! Shohei never thought himself to be a critic, hypocrite, or jerk. He's a man with brutal honesty and is just highly inconsiderate of the feelings from the receiving end. He never acknowledged himself being wrong in an argument either. More like he.. quietly accepts it but holds on to the feeling as if he won the argument.

    Shohei couldn't help but notice that he was walking on the scenic route... but then again, pretty much every route here was a scenic route. It wasn't beautiful, per say, more like... colorful? Attracting? Shohei didn't believe in the word "like". He didn't acknowledge what he liked in particular and sure as hell didn't tell anyone! ...Apparently humans aren't the only monstrosities in this world. Ugh, nature. What divine being made it? That being must be a genius. Because only geniuses can make me feel this icky about going outisde... he thought to himself.



    High Voltage

    High Voltage

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ---
    Second Skill: Lightning Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by Linxwire 3rd March 2015, 7:28 pm

    In his mind, his inner self was frothing at the mouth and raving with anger. Let’s take a listen in while Xavier grits his teeth to dust in anger.

    “I didn’t ask for your fucking shtick you arrogant washed-up useless excuse of a mage. If this loser wasn’t holding me back I’d rip that cheap douchebag expression right of your face right after I shove that lollipop up your ass and make you vomit it back up-“

    Yeah, I think that’s enough of that. Xavier stared at him as if he could see into his soul and spit upon it. “I don’t take orders from you. And if you think you can turn your back on me be prepared to find your own way back to Hargeon. It’s a long walk.” Xavier purely out of frustration walked faster than Shohei, keeping three feet away from the bastard at all times. He chastised himself in his mind for chosig to suffer so greatly. If you wanted to endure pain why didn’t you just challenge Master Zuo to a fight? There are easier ways to make you regret your own life after all. He pinched his nose contemplating his poor choices. Was it so important that he took this mission? He could have gone with anyone else, anywhere else and had a better time. Shohei was just the means to an end, a very spiky, and annoying means to an end, and the only one available at the time sadly.

    They finally came close enough to the buildings that stood in the ruin to search among them for the treasure that might’ve been left behind. But clearly anything that was above ground was long since gone. There was a slight commotion stirring ahead at an intersection of pathways, where men were excavating the grounds there and taking note of the things they saw. There was at least 5 of them and a magically operated drill to do the digging.


    Past Siggies:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] 83699210



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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by NPC 3rd March 2015, 7:28 pm

    The member 'Linxwire' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] NormalMonster True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] NormalMonster True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] NormalMonster True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] NormalMonster True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] NormalMonster

    High Voltage

    High Voltage

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
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    Posts : 285
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ---
    Second Skill: Lightning Dragon Slayer Lacrima
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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by Linxwire 7th March 2015, 4:12 pm



    Past Siggies:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] 83699210



    Posts : 23956
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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by NPC 7th March 2015, 4:12 pm

    The member 'Linxwire' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] NormalMonster

    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by DOPPO 7th March 2015, 4:28 pm

    Shohei only kept walking. He didn't seem to acknowledge Xavier's passive aggressiveness until after a long pause. "Who said I'd be walking? You'd be surprised at my ride. It'd be so easy to shut you up, all they have to do is poke you. Violently. Of course, I'll take pictures if you wanna see'em later on." He shrugged. And he said that with complete honesty. He wasn't giving any hints that he quite literally summoned giant naked cannibals. Titans. It's not like he liked anyone in Lamia Scale. He just kind of... met Enola, Suiren, and Taraki. Though Enola is the one who he had been spending the most time with. His eyes followed Xavier as he walked ahead, clearly in some sort of rage. He couldn't help but smirk at this. People were too easy to piss!

    Shohei was not clueless. He knew how bitter he was to others. And unless they accepted that bitterness, Shohei couldn't care less about them. Shohei's shoulders rose and slouched as he sighed. "I should've stayed in the carriage. It feels hot..." He thought aloud. As he winced in irritation, a rather noisy chatter among people filled the air. They all kind of looked like miners, with their tools and all. But they didn't dress like them. In fact, they all looked more like bandits if anything. Or delinquents. Maybe a mixture of both. There were only five of them. Maybe they were mercenaries or something.

    Shohei had all of these possibilities in mind but never considered if they may be the enemy or not. It's like that was his last resort. Shohei raised a brow at the group of tough-looking people. He mercilessly blurted out. "Hey! Dumbasses! Get out of the pathway!" He glared with a look that could kill. Ugh, people!



    High Voltage

    High Voltage

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ---
    Second Skill: Lightning Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by Linxwire 7th March 2015, 7:46 pm

    The kind gentlemen up the road seemed to converse amongst each other for a moment when they heard Shohei yelling at them. And when they finally came to a conclusion they stood perfectly still and stared the two down, but you just visibly make out from that distance one of the men flipping them the bird. This of course inspired laughter between them, until one man realized what was really going on here. “Those jackasses are after the treasure! Get ‘em!” They turned on the offensive in an instant arming themselves with a large variety of weaponry a large amount of it explosive.

    For a moment Xavier was rather shaken by the appearance of the gentlemen and it was obvious if you looked at him that he wasn’t entirely sure about what to do next. “Well, there goes the possibility of this going off without a hitch.” One man fired off a rocket from his RPG that soared just over the heads of the two mages and exploded in contact with a build a short distance behind them. The force of the winds created knocked Xavier to the ground a few feet away. He got on his hands and knees trying to recover. “Y-you…” his voice was very shaky, and his glasses fell off the bridge of his nose burying themselves under the dust of the wreckage, and he looked up at them, a look of determination and dire fury that could only be accompanied by a madman’s smile. “You cocky bastards!”

    He dashed forward, forgetting about Shohei at the moment and following his own agenda which was odd considering his altruistic outlook that he usually contained with himself. The men ahead fired off a volley of shots, but Xavier only had a single reply. “Lightning Dragon’s…” He reeled his head back as he gathered the energy, and let loose. “…Roar!!!” The spell ripped from the incoming attacks and scattered the five men slightly. Xavier swept a hand through his hair as the wind kicked up, breathing dusty storms through the passages between each building and gently in each pathway and his hair waved wildly with it, it was clear that he was enjoying himself a little.


    Past Siggies:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] 83699210



    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
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    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
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    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by DOPPO 10th March 2015, 4:01 pm

    Shohei applauded sarcastically for Xavier as he roared. "Lil' shits' got a temper, you hunters! He's really scary, I wouldn't fight him if I were you!" He smirked. But it seemed to annoy one of the hunters a little more than Xavier could. "Shut up and get a load of this!" The man fired a canon at a slow speed, but it directly headed for Shohei. But prior to him firing the canon, when he was readying it, a gigantic red magic circle appeared in front of Shohei. Seconds before the trigger was pulled, lightning struck down in the middle of the magic circle. Steam and flecks of fire immediately cloaked the area, the scorching heat nipping at Shohei's skin. He sighed and mumbled. "I summon Bertholdt, the Colossal Titan!..." Within the steamy haze you could catch a glimpse of the gigantic thing being formed. The muscles wrapping over each other, positioning themselves. The bones cracking in forms until they made a skeleton. You could barely even see fluids pouring out of the empty eye sockets and evaporating until eyeballs filled them. The sight was never more disgusting, especially with Bertholdt. With the whole... eye-fluid thing... yuck. Wasn't that annoying though.

    A silence fell upon the armed man, but he still frowned and fired his trigger. The behemoth, the colossal titan, rose to it's skinless feet and stared down at the determined enemy. With a large gust a wind from the lightning strike, it blew the bullet off course and barely touched Bertholdt. Close call.

    "Sh-Shohei. . ." Bertholdt spoke in a sheepish voice, as always.  Shohei glared.

    "Don't even say anything, just do me a favor, actually.. do your job and get rid of those hunter for me. Or at least that one." He pointed to the one aiming his canon at Bertholdt, but was reloading. Which took a decent amount of time. "S-sure!" Bertholdt studdered and squinted down at the hunter. He looked like he was about to pee his pants. Bertholdt was a 25-meter class titan after all. He was several stories tall.



    High Voltage

    High Voltage

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
    Position : None
    Posts : 285
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ---
    Second Skill: Lightning Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by Linxwire 11th March 2015, 10:46 pm

    After the whole showing off of his new magical powers, he figured Shohei would have something to say that was somewhat relevant, like “Hey, you’ve got new useless magic.” Or something, and despite him ignoring his ‘friend’ he couldn’t help but explicitly notice he didn’t give a crap about his recent change. He scoffed a little at that. What use was he anyway? He was about to get back to business, and that was when he noticed that nobody seemed to care about him anymore. All of the douchebags in front of him seemed to be dreading something horrifically gigantic nearby. Xavier sighed in annoyance, and glanced over to his side where he could see the final moments of Behemoth or whatever his name was forming out of thin air with the flashiness of the jackass who commands him. Some of the men seemed to have fallen to the ground in fear, but two of them were still putting up a fight, one gent loading up a cannon and the other unloading a rifle in its general direction as if he were having trouble aiming at something that bloody large.

    “Am I gonna have to defend your butt?” He furrowed his brow. He moved into position to protect his jerk lout of a companion while he summoned some lame show stealer giant mofo. “Lightning Dragon…!” He said as he leapt into the air with his arms outstretched, as the lightning built up around them and fanned out a great distance like the wings of a dragon, and then he brought them forward and down like he slamming the wings upon the ground. “…Wing Attack!” The attack landed down on the two men who seemed to be unaware of the true situation as the ones actually fighting where conscious enough to avoid, but the gust of wind that followed seemed to lift them off their feet.



    Past Siggies:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] 83699210



    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by DOPPO 31st March 2015, 5:02 am

    Bertholdt's eyes followed the little dragon slayer in complete astonishment. He could easily step on him but he's was more afraid to try. And really the only titans who thought like that were Bertholdt and occasionally Nephilim. Shohei grimaced at the thought, since he noticed it was especially Xavier who caught Bertholdt's attention.

    Shohei stood in silence and only sighed in response to Xavier's trick question. He nodded at Bertholdt as he gave his undivided attention back to the targets confronting him. The armed man reloaded in the last few seconds and called over one more hunter. He had a pistol, was very intimidating if that was he was aiming for.

    At the sight, Bertholdt swung his arm low to the ground, harshly scooping the two hunters into his skinless, hot palm, and crushed them together. If anything, they'd be crushed. One of them was subdued, the one with the pistol. The other was just having a hard time accessing his RPG somewhere in the depths of Bertholdt's hand. Shohei smirked at the sight of them struggling. Served them right. He glanced over at Xavier, who seemed to be handling his own. But for once, he wasn't going to let Bertholdt get "hurt" over the two hunters. It was only a matter of time before one of them had access to their RPG again.

    Bertholdt clenched his free fist rather dangerously if anything, and pounded it on his other hand that had the two hunters in it's grasp, that squeezed more and more over time. (The grasp is a C-rank, the pound is another.) And kept doing this action until he reached his  fourth time. Shohei called over to Xavier with more of a bored attitude than a rude one. "Oi! Could you come finish these two off? I have better things to worry about."

    HP: 100%
    MP: 90% (If I'm correct, since one summon of Rank C equals 10 MP.)



    High Voltage

    High Voltage

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Eternal Warlord
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    Posts : 285
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ---
    Second Skill: Lightning Dragon Slayer Lacrima
    Third Skill:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by Linxwire 4th April 2015, 4:41 pm

    Almost demolishing this group of hunters almost felt too easy for the little dragon slayer and his companion and he almost resented that feeling. He wanted a challenge for once, but at the same time he couldn’t really argue with not being on the other end of the battle, the losing side. When Shohei called for him to finish the men off, he couldn’t help but frown as he saw them towering nearly 20 meters above him in the hands of this oversized freak show of a… crybaby? That seemed extremely out of place for the guy. His size is brobdingnagian but his heart might be as well? Odd, not the kind of fighting force he expected from Shohei, the unrelenting mouth of innumerable insults.

    Running to a building that he presumed was tall enough to be at least level with the hand of this tian, creature or other, he barged through the door of presumably could have been a bell tower in it’s time. The door crashed to the ground easily, and Xavier tripped inside, quickly recovering and making for the stairs. By the tone of Shohei voice earlier he could tell this was a time sensitive matter. He came across a problem however, when there was a section of the staircase a few flights up that and broken away, along with a hole in the wall great enough to fit the fist of Bertholdt. He jumped to other side of the gap, and latched on to the staircase, his grip slipping slightly, and he got his forearm up there to steady himself before carefully lifting himself up the rest of the way.

    After he finished climbing the stairs to the roof of this towering structure, he faced Bertholdt adopting a stance similar to something you might see in archery, and pointed a finger gun at the men clenched tight and pounded by his fists, and he unleashed an attack of his own. A volley of bullets perforated the men, and due to them not being able to avoid it they took quite a scorch from the hit. “Tell me where the others are! There’s no way a bunch of buffoons like you are the only ones out here.” Considering they were still somewhat conscious he waited for a response. “The Catacombs! They’re in the catacombs!” That was all he needed. He tossed an orb of electricity at the men over his shoulder after he turned away, and that blow would surely silence them when it detonated.



    Past Siggies:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] 83699210



    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by DOPPO 8th April 2015, 4:32 pm

    Shohei leaned against Bertholdt's gigantic foot. Bertholdt's grip became tighter and tighter. Blood began to run down his skinless fist. It all collected into several small puddles until Xavier's spell detonated. Immediately, the hunters stopped struggling. Were they dead? Shohei couldn't see from Bertholdt's behemoth height. But he resorted to the idea and only assumed they were goners. "You can go ahead and eat them, Bertholdt." At least they diead doing a good thing. Giving the location of Bertholdt's next meal. Shohei smiled innocently at the thought.

    Bertholdt only stood there in silence as he crushed the two hunters' bodies into pieces and dropping his jaw, revealing his steaming tongue and humongous teeth. He tossed the crushed bodies into his mouth, as if playfully tossing grapes into one's mouth. If Bertholdt wasn't careful, he could easily step on Shohei. He pretty much thought that whenever he summoned any titan in general. He knew that they'd never hurt him, but... titans weren't the brightest crayons, you see.

    Shohei tapped on Bertholdt's leg, wanting his undivided attention. "Lift me to your shoulder. I'd think it'd be better up there instead of you accidentally crushing me. Okay, big guy?" He demanded. Well, he didn't say it as rudely as he thought. It was just a stern tone. Bertholdt nodded and  slouched his shoulders, lowered his arm and hovered his palm over the ground. Shohei leaped onto the skinless hand has if he were leaping from step to step. He then lifted Shohei up like an elevator. Perfectly still too.

    Thud. Thud. Thud.

    Bertholdt strolled closer to Xavier. His ominous glare focused on him as Shohei lounged on his shoulder, like he were laying down on a comfy couch. "Hey, dumbo. You gonna walk? I'd like to know, just so I may or may not make sure Bertholdt crushes you." He said with a chipper smirk.



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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by Linxwire 13th April 2015, 7:58 pm

    Xavier had never pushed anyone beyond the edge of death before, and some ungodly premonition sunk upon him, and shook him to his core sending a shrill chill down the kid's spine, and he tried his best to shake it off. Despite what he put up, he wasn't quite the hardass he was making himself out to be and he was clearly shaken.

    Dark and decrepit a lone area of the mind, harboring the inevitable banter of two silhouettes echoes endlessly, with neither brake nor bother.

    “You could feel it couldn't you? The lives you've just taken slip away like that, the sand between your fingers... That's not the way I do things. I don't care who you are, in my body there's only one person who makes the rules get it?”

    “Geez, where do you get off Xavier. Your still that prim and proper little rose that your parents forged out oil and water. When will you get past it? The family's gone kid, and with it should go the old order of things around here. It's time for a new regime.”

    “No, where do you get off? This isn't about family or some fantasy about how life is going to be great in the future or how I can make things right. Despite how I look, I'm not kid anymore. There are things I've let go and gone without, but I just have enough pride to live by a few decent morals.”

    For a moment they stared each other down, but it appeared the more upright of the two had seen through this debate, or just the other off.

    Coming back to reality, Xavier's posture returned to normal. The crazed look in his eyes faded along with the vicious grin, and slunk down turning his head to meet his friend in the hands of a giant only to smile. Shohei's offer, the first nice thing he's ever done for him. Wordlessly he climbed aboard.


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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] 83699210



    Coeval Titanic

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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by DOPPO 22nd April 2015, 2:42 pm

    Shohei observed Xavier. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether the tension was rising or just passive. If he knew anything about Xavier form his dazzling observations, it was that he was always quick to respond. Perhaps he was thinking about something profoundly at that moment? It didn't matter to Shohei unless he were to space out in combat. Then yeah, they're in trouble. Shohei knew Bertholdt wouldn't stay summoned for long. Eventually he'd wouldn't be standing here anymore.

    He ignored Xavier's expression... it wasn't as surprising for him. As he walked onto Bertholdt's skinless body, Shohei leaned back on his neck and looked up at the sky. He crossed his arms behind his head and leaned onto it. "I've never seen you do something such as accept my offer with nothing to say in return. You're probably really humble." He spoke under his breath.

    It was never but always Shohei's intent to push people away. And it's not like he always had the gut to say the things he says with no care at all.

    But after years of suffering, constant rejection, and isolation, he eventually turned off his ability to feel sympathy for himself, and begin to simply not care. And once he got into this state, he convinced himself that he does not want to leave it. He created for himself, a internal world where he can't be touched by the malice of other people. It is the smartest solution. It is the best solution. It is the only solution. If he is to be disliked by masses, he might as well take advantage of it. And he gradually deluded himself into the ego he has now, being the better one at everything. It was something that developed when he started walking outside, publicly a few years back. When he was younger, instead of having nothing nice to say, he kept his distance and stayed silent.

    Now it's different, now everyone around him was either irrelevant in his life or just someone he dislikes. Ignorance and arrogance. Though having "friends", he simply wouldn't and even now, can't realize how much those so-said friends care about him. No one can argue Shohei's logic, but the only issue with it is that it's self-destructive.

    You don't have to befriend Shohei, and this isn't a matter of understanding him either. Just simply accept him.

    Shohei never actually thought about the realism of his mindset. And thus, it never bothered him. Shohei tapped Bertholdt's skin with his foot, giving him the go-ahead. "I might as well be an idiot too for not getting direct and accurate directions from the guy... but of course, I'm too good for that." He shrugged as Bertholdt began taking his gigantic steps.



    High Voltage

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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by Linxwire 7th May 2015, 6:22 pm

    The ground shook, and a number a buildings partially crumbled as the giant holding the two kids shook the world with its footsteps, wreaking havoc on the structures’ stability. Bricks seemed to crumble to dust and pour over the edges like a rain of sand. The catacombs were within site, and from the outside it was obviously visited recently because the volume of footprints outside could fit a small army, and they were accompanied by the tracks of some sort of vehicle. “I think it’s a good idea to depart here. Your friend won’t be able to join us down there.” He said looking over the entrance to the cramped looking underground space. It was only accessible through a stairway that led far down into the ground, there was no way of knowing precisely what awaited them except for the obvious – armed bandits.

    Xavier was ready… somewhat to take the necessary plunge into the depths of the world, a little disheartened to have to leave the big guy behind, but he didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter. Looking at Shohei, his eyes conveyed his worry, as the reflection of the sun’s light shimmered in them. “We’re going to have to go down there to keep these douches out of these vital treasures. Given how loud we – or rather, your friend was, I believe they might be expecting us. His footsteps aren’t the most subtle, in fact I feel like he could cause a tsunami if we were anywhere near a body of water. Regardless do you think simply walking down would serve to hinder us?” While waited for a reply, he prepared his staff, and carefully tested it functionality by sending some magic power into it, and it responded by crackling with lightning soundly as he thrust it into the ground.


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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] 83699210



    Coeval Titanic

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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by DOPPO 12th May 2015, 7:21 am

    Shohei almost fell asleep on Bertholdt's shoulder. While others may find it impossible to sleep with wall the vibrations, Shohei found it soothing and calming. His lidded eyes, and crossed arms gave off the do-not-disturb sign. Xavier began to suggest that they'd stop here. He only slightly opened an eye to give him the vibe that he was listening. Bertholdt calmly listened to the two rather anxiously. "I don't think size will be a problem, dragon boy." Bertholdt flinched in surprise and set the two down on the ground. Shohei snapped his fingers, signalling the transformation. At the cracking sound of his snap, smoke began to surrounded Bertholdt, vanishing in the midst of the water vapor and smoke. After a few seconds, a still rather tall man (Standing about six feet and 5 inches), nervously walked out from the midst of the mesmerizing smoke. "U-um. . . I should. . . be able to fit. B-besides, I don't want to leave Shohei alone. . . he's kind of defenseless." Bertholdt averted his gaze from Shohei's deathly glare and sweated nervously.

    "Tch," Shohei smacked his lips with annoyance, "but anyway, size is not a problem." He smirked. Bertholdt smiled anxiously and lifted Shohei up with ease, actually, with only four fingers, into a piggy-back-ride position. Shohei smirked, "Besides, it's not like we can't show those bandits our strength. We're gonna have to fight them face to face eventually anyway." Shohei murmured. The titans in their human forms had the same strength as their titan forms, so picking Shohei was was easy. Shohei crossed his arms and rested them and his jaw on Bertholdt's hair covered head. "Do you have a better plan?" Shohei questioned while Bertholdt hummed some anonymous tune.

    He felt quite mighty on the shoulders of a titan. Like a king even. But, he didn't think he were better than another simply because of wealth and social class, but sense of justice and judgement. No, he did not believe everyone is equal. He believed that because of the human mind, we convince ourselves that everyone deserves a second chance. Well, that's wrong. There are people lower and higher than that person, based on their credentials and wrongdoings. That's how we measure someone's worth. Weigh their accomplishments to their mistakes. It's an unfair and cruel way to judge someone but that's how things are.

    Lamia Scale was... different though. Despite the darkness that covered the world, in that guild hall was an environment where the wisest minds to the most reckless ones could cooperate with one another. Despite rejecting most of society, even Shohei had began to care for certain individuals. He had originally joined this guild is search of work and because Zuo himself invited him, he never expected his selfishness and bonds to stretch so far. And it wasn't troubling, it was actually enjoyable. He admitted it, he liked this guild for it's goals, it's meaning (No matter how unrealistic it comes to be), and it's people.

    At the thought, he gave glanced at Xavier and smiled just barely with lidded eyes. But then came back to reality. "What's it gonna be, dragon boy?"

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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by Linxwire 7th June 2015, 8:41 am

    Honestly, I’d prefer it if fate decided what lies ahead. I’m not to meddle with what the order of things here is. I’ll take my chances.” Without much argument, Xavier began to march down the stairs assuming that Shohei on the shoulders of Bertholdt. The stairs trodden with sand were caught by stay winds clouding the descent. The underground passage seemed very narrow at first, but as they progressed further it became clear that the crypt was built inside of some underground cave of some sort, and it was wide underground space with a lot of religious statues place around the area. There was a smell of upturned soil and the musk of metal and sweat. A man’s voice echoed throughout, it was demanding and shrill simply from the wordless echoes that could be heard. There’s wasn’t a singles soul in sight, but far down as an illuminated hole where figures danced in the light. Finally at the end of the stairs, they were still a fair distance away but the sounds of tools being worked boomed, and to think they could whosever’s voice that was over it all. Xavier turned to the two and motion for them to remain hidden from view, as he got low and went to investigate. Skulking below the height of piled dirt, and advanced carefully on the illuminated area not too worried about making a sound, it was so noisy down there he doubted they would hear him approaching. He was able to peek inside from a considerable distance, watching as five men in similar attire two the ones they fought before steadily worked on what appeared to be some massive door. The construction of it looked ancient, and instead of taking the time to open it these men were just going to rip through it. Overseeing the five men, a much bolder looking figure stood atop a rock barking orders. He was the only one wearing any actual equipment for this job, and a respectable beard with golden eyes. His aura suggested he knew some pretty powerful magic too.

    Last edited by Linxwire on 7th June 2015, 8:51 am; edited 1 time in total


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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by NPC 7th June 2015, 8:41 am

    The member 'Linxwire' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Coeval Titanic

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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by DOPPO 21st June 2015, 9:46 pm

    Shohei followed Xavier, unsure of the fate that lied ahead. He was never an adventurous person. Always taking precautions and taking the easy way out. The power of denial when it came to offers probably saved him plenty of times! The power of "no" keeps people from participating in bloody battles or downright stupid conflicts. Perhaps this was one of the jobs he should have refused. If he hadn't accepted his temporary companionship required for this job, we probably would have never had to get involved in such things.

    After a quick farewell to his colossal titan as he dispelled, his body vanishing into the steam. The only traces left behind being his still-hot skeleton. Shohei leaned over Xavier's small body, paying close attention to the words being spoken by their enemies.

    "Oi, beansprout," And all of a sudden, he appointed this midget a new nickname after realizing how notable his size was, "n-not that your input is favorable according to the situation... wouldn't you say? Again, I don't like you!" He whispered in an angered, but hoarse voice. He obviously had mixed feelings about him.

    Shohei, stepped out of his emotional daze and took a step back to think. A hand to his chin and his eyes lidded, he thought. "We can achieve our objective without actually fighting the trash mobs. Perhaps, disturbances we can cause will show us a way..." He whispered. And with that, he glimpsed at the enemies in the background, and at the thick walls. A few moments had passed by when Shohei gazed at these walls of stone and dirt. He walked over to them, in deep thought, knocking on them twice. He smirked. "For both our stamina's sake, I suggest we make the stone and dirt collapse on them. It will save time and energy. Unless you want to be a strong bean sprout and repress them all with all the brute bean sprouted force they can take?" Half sarcasm, half truth. Shohei believed that if they could avoid all collisions with these foes but still prevent them from interfering any more with their objective, that they would walk out here all in one piece.



    High Voltage

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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by Linxwire 30th June 2015, 11:27 am

    On one knee overlooking the men from their position, Xavier grimaced at Shohei in light of this new nickname, and he was hoping they would have some sort of understanding by now, but he felt it would take a little bit more work than previously proved. He absolutely despised people making comments about his height, and from the tone of his voice he could tell Shohei didn’t care. Not that he really needed that little indicator to tell, his attitude today was more than enough. And for once, he hate to admit it but Shohei had an excellent idea. Facing these jerks head on would be stupid, regardless of their possibilities of survival. He sighed quite loud, and took a glance around at his opportunities and prime locations to strike. “For once Shohei, you might be on to something.”

    While scoping out the situation he found his points to strike, there was a vertical wooden support about the center of the operation that was placed there temporarily and looked like it would hold on it’s on but isn’t quite resilient enough to endure a direct attack. Alongside that, there were a few structurally weak places in the rocks where faults had formed or rock faces didn’t meet properly that he could take advantage of. “You might want to stand back a bit for what I have planned.” He climbed up to the top of this mound they had ducked behind, and whispered his spell. “Lightning Dragon: Comet Combo” This was the first time he had every used this spell in a combat situation. A magic circle formed at his feet, rotating clockwise slowly as his limbs surged with energy. Then he got low reading for physical combat with apparently nobody when he went for a right hook. It looked to be mundane until lightning extended from his hand, and barraged the un-expecting men below, knocking them to the floor before they could think to react. He followed up with a left jab that shattered the support beam with another lightning hand. And with finality, he jumped down from the mound performing a somersault kick on the rocks that brought them clattering down on the men’s heads.


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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] 83699210



    Coeval Titanic

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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by DOPPO 30th June 2015, 4:16 pm

    With a twist, turn, and thrust, the men were easily repressed with a few bolts of lightning. Shohei walked out from the corner of the area and started to clap. "Bravo. Small bean sprout, big potential." It was only with these words that his praise was not as sincere as it started out to be. He stopped clapping and let his arms fall to his sides, fingers rolled back up into his palm, making relaxed fists in his pockets. The plan had worked out perfectly, and it was a perfect opportunity to restore their stamina and magic power at the moment.

    But this peace wouldn't last for long. With all the rubble crushing the enemies below, the eruption would alert nearby targets their position. If only they could repeat the plan they just did... ah-hah! Shohei snapped his fingers with slightly wider eyes, shocked at his own brainstorming. Coming up with a new plan. "Listen beansprout, what you did was beansprout-tastic and everything, but that eruption's noise isn't going to give us safety for long. We need to position ourselves but also move forward. In other words, we need to go." He explained.

    His original plan had more depth to it than that. To ration as much energy as they can before actually engaging with the enemy, physically. Depending on where they were at when, and how many enemies there were could complicate the plan itself. But it must all wait, until they came to a point where it must be considered.

    Shohei stared at Xavier. A small, but living battery. He thought carefully, ...Hopefully we could do some real damage if he and my titans attacked in sync. In time, we'll see, unfortunately... He thought. Even in the simplest of situations, Shohei had chosen his every move carefully. "I hope your brain can process that."



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    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] Empty Re: True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire]

    Post by Linxwire 17th July 2015, 2:40 pm

    Xavier had long since been tired of Shohei nicknames, the first time they met it only took about 30 seconds d for him to be titled before Shohei grew bored of the first name before even the end of the day. He grimaced at his partner, with that face that simply spoke bitterness, but on some level he knew to expect this lowly sort of degradation from the surly teenager. Xavier rubbed his temples, to prolong the inevitable headache before scanning the area. The area they were in now, didn’t expand in very many directions. There were plenty of holes to relocate oneself to, however being deeper in might only make things much harder for them, and the entrance to the actual haul of loot the men were looking for had just been covered by the well placed attack and fall of debris.

    They didn’t really have much an option here. If they went down into the holes, the best option they would have would be to establish an ambush, otherwise they were likely to just be beaten outright. “I know it sounds terrible right now, but we have to go lower!” He pointed to a lone hole dug a while ago by these men searching for their folly. “We’ll have to leave the Vault behind for the moment, because they’ll surely be all over it like gnats at a light.” Without much else to say, he rushed over to the edge of the hole to glance down it and see how far down it went. It went a fair ways, but was also pretty steep. Xavier frowned when he realized it, but he would need Shohei’s help to descend it, and to hold his hand… As much as he looked forward to doing so, he knelt at the edge and signaled his partner towards him. He could already hear the men approaching.


    Past Siggies:

    True Hunters! [Private| Shohei, Linxwire] 83699210



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