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    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
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    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 8th June 2015, 8:35 pm

    Job Details:

    Kiba had received the job request while he was leaving the guild hall at SM, he quickly left to the ancient ruins. That many lives lost in such a short time he would act quickly and decisively, the attitude that got him his Wizard Saint position. Kiba used Kaylee to cut the time it took him to get there in have, riding the large she-wolf more than half the way there. But even a monster like Kaylee needed rest so he was forced to stop for the night. the two of them would set out in the morning. Until then Kiba set up a small camp and started cooking, he wondered if any other mages would respond to this job request, he would hate to have to deal with this alone. Kiba pushed the thought from his mind and made some stew, some dried meat and veges cooked in a broth of chicken stock with a good assortment of spices.  The meal would take about a hour so he decided to go out and find some more wood and some good materials to make  a bed for him and Kaylee. After about twenty minutes of searching he returned and finished setting up. Kiba sniffed the air and sighed. "great rain... just what i need today."

    *Yay!* Kiki shouted from the back of his head. *I can handle this job Kiba.* she assured him. Kiba sighed and went to Kaylees packs and pulled out Kiki clothing, *So... that means?*

    "Yes you can do this job Kiki." Kiba said as he pulled out her Bra and Panties from the bottom. "Good Gods... could you get some less revealing underwear please" Kiba had his own pack and didn't generally know what Kiki packed.

    *HEY! What i wear is none of your concern.* She responded, Kiba shook his head and pulled a bottle of water from another pouch. *Thanks though* Kiba nodded and dumped the water over his head. The change was near instant Kiba became Kiki, Kiki was not well endowed but she was pretty. "welp time to get dressed." Kiki stripped all her clothing right then and there, Leaving Kiba to shake his hypothetical head.

    *Why do i bother...* Kiba lamented from the back of their head. The two were camped on near the main road so anyone who was headed to the ancient ruins would have to pass them... hopefully not at this time...


    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) QGrxNTU

    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Guest 9th June 2015, 4:25 pm

    Enola walked along the trail like a merry little woman. Or, she would have done so merrily if the bane of her existence wasn’t following her: Anguis Pisa. Her wretched cousin insisted on joining her in her task of investigating some ruins. The maid, of course, spent the entire morning trying to convince her to just stay home, even offering her Jewels to go and get something beautiful (shopaholic). Sadly, it did not work and, now, a lamia was following Enola Gay to some God-forsaken ruins. Although, someone like Enola was sure to find something interesting or pretty about the scenery. You could show her a hospital for the sick and dying and she’d remark how pretty the walls were.

    “You know, Enola hun, I can see it now… we come to the rescue of some noble Rune Knights in these ruins and they reward us with…” Anguis chuckled and blushed as she finished with, “their bods.”

    Enola was optimistic about everything and saw the good in almost everyone but Anguis was the exception. The mage had to cringe at her cousin’s remark and added, “A high-five will do for me, thank you.”

    Anguis merely rolled her eyes and retorted, “Prude.”

    Enola meant to respond to that but an even more important sight unfolded before them: a camp with two perons… one of who was naked. Anguis and Enola froze right before them.

    Enola held up a hand to her mouth in surprise and promptely apologized, “Oh, dear, we’re sorry We didn’t mean to interrupt! Please, excuse us,” as if it were her fault for a woman being naked in the middle of a public road. With that, the maid actually turned around and started walking in the other direction, though Anguis grabbed her by her uniform to keep her from wandering off.

    Obviously, the scandalous Anguis smirked and didn’t take her eyes off the sight. Hussie.

    WC: 315/300
    PC: 2/30

    Last edited by Enola Gay on 10th June 2015, 11:51 am; edited 2 times in total
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
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    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 10th June 2015, 10:43 am

    Kiki stopped as she suddenly had guests, she felt bash full... for like 3 seconds. She pulled the Black Lacy panties up and walked over to the new arrival. "Hmm..." she leaned in a looked at the two. "So why you heading this direction?" Kiki was hoping that she had backup on this job. Kiki walked over to the pot of stew and gave it a stir, having completely forgotten about her lack of clothing. "If your answering that job request at the ancient ruins, I'm your job partner." Kiki motioned for the woman and her friend to have a seat. "Please join me for dinner." Kiki pulled two wooden bowls from their pack and poured the stew in both bowls. "I don't bite..." she said blinking at the woman's shyness.

    *Kiki... your damn near naked..." Kiba reminded her from the back of their mind. *Thats not something normal people do.*

    *Right i forgot... Ah well I'm hungry.* Kiki responded to him, it was not out loud so the girl would not hear it.... unless she could read minds.

    Kiki pulled out a third bowl and served herself, She dug in to her food not really caring about how she was dressed. Wearing nothing but a pair of adult panties, she simply ate her food and waited for the shy girl to do something other then try to leave. "SO... whats your name girly?" Kiki asked as she finished her food and set the bowl aside. "I'm Kiki... and also Kiba... long story... Yukiko... We are... er Kiba is... a Wizard Saint..." She stumbled with explaining... again. "anyways i am from the guild Shipingu Mori." Kiki held out her hand to the woman.

    *Geez Kiki, could you be more of a disaster than you already are* Kiba chided as she fumbled through her sentence. *your gonna scare the poor girl away...*

    *Can i be a bigger disaster? yes... am i going to? Perhaps... if you keep talking to me like that.* Kiki snapped back, he had clearly hit a nerve.


    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) QGrxNTU

    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Guest 10th June 2015, 11:49 am

    Anguis took over as speaker for the odd duo and stated, “Yes, we’re here for the job request,” Before winking and bringing her over to the camp for some stew. They both took a seat, though Enola tried not to stare at the nakedness (her red, embarrassed face didn’t help). Enola didn’t like leaving the house without her gloves; she couldn’t imagine being naked in public.

    “I bite though, if asked,” Anguis chuckled.

    Enola came so close to shooting her lamia cousin a dirty look but was too focused on trying to comprehend Kiki’s explanation. She just assumed Kiba, whoever he might be, was on his way and that Kiki was just using strange metaphors. The greatest bit of information was her guild: Surīpingu Mori. She didn’t really know anything about it besides that it was home to Daemon Spade. The man had saved her life, swooned her, and given her every warm feeling she could ever hope for.

    Still trying to avoid eye contact with Kiki, Enola took a sip of the stew stated, “I’ve heard of you guild… Daemon’s a good friend of mine. Is he doing well?”

    Anguis stared blankly at the stew, wanting something more meaty, before interrupting, “Geez, woman, get your mind somewhere else. Daemon, Daemon, Daemon! You talk endlessly about him.” She turned to her gaze to Kiki and smiled. “Tell us about something more important… like these ruins.” This moment was radically backwards in that, for once, Enola was thinking of men and Anguis was thinking of work. The planets were probably aligned and Hell frozen over that very moment.

    If Enola wasn’t so embarrassed about being called out about her infatuation with Daemon by Anguis, she might have snapped back. Instead, she just stared down into her stew like a sad puppy.

    WC: 300/300
    PC: 4/30
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
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    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 11th June 2015, 12:12 am

    Kiki watched the two as they chit chatted a bit, smiling as the human squirmed. Right then and there she could not resist, "Oh? are you Deamons secret lover? do you dream of seeing him ever day? Of his loving arms around you." Kiki glanced that the Lamia girl for some help. Kiki would let the Lamia take over for a few second while she helped herself to another bowl of stew. "So... uh... You didn't give you name." Kiki realized, she was poking fun at a woman she just met... and didn't even know her name. "I'm Kiki By the way..." She may or may not have said that already but it was a small matter to her. Kiki scarfed her food down and stood up.

    *Kiki... your damn near naked." Kiba said from the back of her mind. *Shes been like that cause she is uncomfortable with... your state of attire*

    "I KNOW KIBA!" Kiki snapped out loud. "ooh sorry, There are two... souls in this body, Kiba is the other person in the body." Kiki stuck out her tongue as she finished. She walked over to where she left her clothing and put on her pants, but was quickly sidetracked and forgot about her top completely. "SO my dear lamia... do you bite on command." Kiki motioned to the quite woman next to her, "or can i just have my way?"

    *Oh dear god no... Kiki please no* Kiba started up... But quieted down when he realized she was trying to get a rise out of the quiet woman. *Your just mean... you know that.*

    *Yup, I'm pure evil.* Kiki responded within her head. *And i make you seem normal and sane... so shut up.*

    *Pure evil? Right... your like a cute little teddy bear... all bark no bite...* Kiba snapped back.

    *Thats dogs love.* Kiki corrected him, She turned back to the two. "so! its gonna rain so you want to camp the night? and get moving first thing tomorrow morning?"


    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) QGrxNTU

    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Guest 11th June 2015, 1:01 pm

    Enola’s face lit up like a Christmas tree at Kiki’s cruel taunting. Did she dream of seeing him every day? Her secret and cleverly hid diary, which Anguis read with zeal every night before bedtime, would indicate so. Did she want his warm arms around her? She’d want that metal arm around her definitely! Did she want to [deleted to keep this PG-13]? More than anything! Anguis knew too, sadly. The evil lamia slid herself next to the maid and put an arm around her cousin and smiled happily as she did what she usually did: torment Enola.

    “Oh, Enola, you poor thing… it’s okay to admit it if you’re man-hungry. You know, I bet little Daemon would love to see you in a French-maid outfit. They. Are. Hot. I bet he’d be yours eternally if he saw you in one.” Enola froze up as she turned redder than a beat and stiffer than a board, allowing Anguis to pinch her cheek playfully.

    When the woman finally introduced herself as Kiki, Anguis spoke up for her tormented companion and introduced themselves, “Anguis Pisa. And our little maid here is Enola Gay.” The lamia winked at her cousin and playfully tightened her grip around Enola.

    Both Anguis and Enola wanted to disbelieve the possibility of two souls living in one body but Kiki’s casual way of explaining it made them rethink their doubts. Both thought it better to just keep quiet about it and see what comes of it. The name Kiba was beginning to sound familiar…

    “Camping? We didn’t really bring our PJs and-“

    Anguis barged into that sentence, “Oh, I love camping! Let’s do it!” She pinched Enola in the cheek once more and added, “Don’t worry you, we can just sleep like our new friend Kiki here does: naked!” The lamia broke out in laughter, trying to embarrass her poor little cousin.

    WC: 314/300
    PC: 6/30
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
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    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 12th June 2015, 3:06 pm

    Kiki smiled at the mention of no PJ's. "Oh i have some spares." Kiki walked over to her bag and pulled out a white Nightie, made of lace and silk. Kiki walked back over and looked Enola up and down, "It should fit you, might be a little loose on you but..." Kiki stopped and stared at Enola's breasts, she then looked down at her own. "stupid..." she muttered and offered the Nightie to Enola. "Why do i have to be so... small..." Kiki whined to herself some more as she waited for Enola to do something.

    *So... your mad cause her breasts are bigger?* Kiba wondered to her. *She not that much bigger you know...*

    *SHUT UP KIBA! YOU HAVE NO IDEA.* Kiki snapped back at him. Kiba chuckled remember that she was quite vain. *Don't laugh! I mean i don't like being this small.*

    *Kiki I do understand more than most i would think... I live in your head and you live in mine. But its not something to fret over...*

    *Just drop it Kiba.* Kiki snapped at him, "So it might be a little tight... around the chest..." Kiki's posture drooped as she spoke. She looked at the Lamia and cocked her head. "So... what are you..." Kiki closed her eyes and felt for life energy, she didn't understand this chick was not normal and Kiki didnt understand. "Eh whatever." Kiki started setting up the main tent, it was a two person tent that Kiba had bought a while back. She finished just as its started raining, "Crap thats COLD" Kiki ran over and grabbed her bags and tossed them in the tent. She ran over only to slip and fall on her butt into a puddle. "DAMN IT." Kiki dived into the Tent, "Damn it damn it damn it." Kiki took of the pants and threw them in a heap. "well I'm going to get some sleep." Kiki pulled out some blankets from their pack and flopped down.


    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) QGrxNTU

    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Guest 12th June 2015, 6:35 pm

    Enola grimaced at the nightie which left little to the imagination. She took it from Kiki and held it out in front of her as if inspecting it. The garment looked like something from an issue of Wizards Gone Wild.

    The maid blinked once, while the lamia was thinking of how cute it looked, before politely saying, “Uh… I don’t think I can wear this…” Anguis chuckled at Enola’s embarrassment, as she always did.

    “Daemon would love that too,” she snickered to which Enola responded with a graved expression.

    Enola sighed, knowing she didn’t exactly have any other options besides putting on the nightie. As Kiki set up the tent, she escaped to behind a large willow tree and began changing. As she carefully removed her maid uniform, she could practically hear the forest critters laughing at her and taking pictures of the moment (or perhaps that was just her over active imagination). Anguis simply waited in glee to get the chance to mock her cousin once she returned to the camp.

    Just as Enola was getting finished putting on her questionable nightie, the rain decided that it was time to make her life just a little worse by pouring down on the area. With much haste, she ran back to the camp. Anguis was already following Kiki into the only protection again the rain: a two-person tent. Enola jumped herself into the overcrowded tent, soaking wet, and wearing a nightie that would barely fit her.

    “Ah! Damn it, move! Not enough room!”

    “I can’t sleep anywhere- woah! What are you doing!?”

    Anguis stuck her tongue our as she unsnapped her own top and added, “I didn’t bring my PJs and I doubt our angel here brought a lamia nightie with her.” The “angel” of course was Kiki whom Anguis was beginning to look up to.

    WC: 306/300
    PC: 8/30
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 42
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    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 13th June 2015, 1:08 am

    Kiki watched the Lamia undressed, she grinned at the two. "Oh my two cute women to keep me warm in the dreadful weather." Kiki stuck her tongue at the snake. "Well then we are all wet and must not go to sleep in wet clothing." Kiki striped completely, flinging her panties at the Lamia. "catch most scaly one." Kiki winked at her as she did and stood again. "What shall we have for breakfast? I have quite a good amount of food that we can cook." Kiki dug through her bag, only to curse out load as most everything in it was soaked. "Gods damn it of course its all wet." She had left the bag open when she had been distracted by Enola and Anguls. "Well all my spare clothing is wet..." Kiki grinned suddenly, she spun around and glomped Enola onto the blankets. "well then would not want you to catch a cold now would we?"

    *Kiki what the hell are you doing.* Kiba asked watching Kiki actions.

    *having some fun... shes to... Uptight!* Kiki responded happily to Kiba question. She turned to Anguls, "So you gonna help me?" Kiki didn't wait for the Lamia to jump in and help, She pulled the bottom of the nightie upward, towards her head. When Enola moved to defend the nightie she would shift her focus to her undergarments, when she turned to defend those she would again shift her focus. She would do this until Enola was clear of all the wet clothing. "Oh my... Your very cute." Kiki would state without so much as batting a eye. "well then..." Kiki would pin the girl to the ground, then leaned down and kissed her. She let the kiss linger a while until she broke it to speak, "Well... that was... Nice." Kiki laid down close to the woman, to share her warmth and make room for the third person there. "Miss Anguls? do you wish a kiss?"


    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) QGrxNTU

    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Guest 13th June 2015, 4:10 pm

    Huddled in a corner, Enola only felt more awkward as Kiki flung her panties at Anguis. It wouldn’t be accurate to say that this broke the maid’s comfort zone since that line was crossed way before that. Anguis, however, blinked at the wet undergarment and pouted as she was reminded she could no longer wear cute panties anymore. The mention of food turned that frown around though. The thought of something warm to eat, preferably a meat, send a warmth through the undead lamia’s body. Poor her though: the food was wet. That was fine though… because it was time to make sure Enola didn’t catch a cold.

    “No, I’m okay with getting a cold, I just-!” The struggle was on. Enola fought up and down to keep her clothes on. She put up quite the resistance but Kiki proved to be the stronger one when those panties came right off. “I’m indecent! Indecent!” The maid whimpered as Anguis simply laughed to her hearts content until she was almost on the verge of laughing tears. The lamia would have partook if she wasn't laughing so hard. Certainly, it didn’t stop there. The night, Kiki had decided, had to go too and so it did. Enola Gay was now completely naked and her dignity stripped away like her clothing. She hoped now more than ever that no one, repeat no one, came across the camp. A giant ball of fire landing on the tent would have been preferable to the humiliation of being caught naked with two other women. Being called “cute” wasn’t helping much either.

    The worse was about to come as Kiki pinned down Enola a kiss. Not a peck on the lips but a complete, lingering kiss. Enola’s eyes could have rolled into the back of her head at that moment. The maid was practically praying to a deceased relative in the middle of the shameful lip-locking: Don’t look Mother! When the kiss ended, the maid could have sworn there was a little dribble of spit on herself…

    Enola’s face went blank until her pupils shrunk as Kiki lied next to her.

    The lamia went goo-goo eyes and with a fake-pouty tone insisted, “Well, now that you mention it… a good-night kiss would be nice.” Enola turned her head to face her cousin and promptly whimpered whilst her body was still as stiff as a board.

    WC: 404/300
    PC: 10/30
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 42
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    Character Sheet
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    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 14th June 2015, 2:31 am

    Kiki snuggled up against Enola, patting the other side with one of her hands. "Come now Anguls, we should sleep." Kiki pulled Enola close, "You are beautiful, not indecent." Kiki put her head on Enola's shoulder and closed her eyes. "good night you two... We have a long day ahead of us tommorow, so sleep well." Kiki wrapped her arms around Enola, so she could not escape, she would not have her fun ruined. Kiki fell asleep quite quickly, a smile upon her lips and the woman in her arms keeping her warm.

    The next day

    Kiki would attempt to wake early, mainly to get breakfast and set the clothing to dry. She succeeded, Enola and Anguls were still asleep. she carefully extracted herself from the pile of warmth and grabbed her pack, she started a fire and started making breakfast. when she was about half way done she set their clothing to dry. She finished cooking and served it, she returned to the two sleeping women, kneeling next to them. She looked down at the sleeping Enola, she smiled and brushed some errant hair from her face. "My dear... wake up, breakfast is served." Kiki was gentle with her voice and touch, "Enola... wake up," she took ahold of Enola's shoulder and gently shook. Kiki took notice of a burn the Enola had, she stopped shaking Enola and traced her fingers around its edge. Kiki frowned and gave Enola another gentle shake and when she stirred Kiki would sit her up and hand her a bowl of food. "I had to make alot as the food would not hold any longer past today." She touched the scar again, absent of her mind. "May i ask what happened?" Kiki took one of the womans hands and examined it. "please tell me dear why are you scarred so?"


    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) QGrxNTU

    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Guest 14th June 2015, 5:55 am

    Enola had a plan: escape from the tent in the middle of the night. Scratch that; the plan was ruined. Kiki had put her arms around the maid. If that wasn’t enough, Anguis joined in on the opposite, leaving Enola to lie there with naked women pressed against her. Zan, Shohei’s other (and more perverted) servant, probably dreamt of these moments. Of course, sleeping wasn’t an option. Instead, she just lied there and admired the tent’s ceiling while trying to ignore the perky pillows from Anguis’ side. Only the chirping of the crickets and the occasional grumbling from Anguis’ dreams could be heard in the area. As morning approached, Enola gradually found her eyes closing and relaxing to the smooth lullaby of the forest’s noises.

    At least she was warm… Was it the body heat? No, it was too warm. It was hot actually. Enola felt herself on fire, or at least a part of her. She opened her eyes and could see the entire tent on fire with no one else around but a strange, hooded figure sitting in the corner. The figure was playing with a ball of fire in his hand and seemed unaware of the flames consuming the tent. As her heart raced, Enola got up on her feet and crawled toward the man in the hood. She shook him in an attempt to rouse him and get him out of the tent but it seemed pointless. He would not move but only played with the flame in his hand as if he were a fire mage until, finally, Enola felt a chill run up her spine at recognition of the presence. She removed his hood – he put up no resistance – and stood back with a gasp. It was that man.

    Enola’s eyes jerked open as she felt herself being shook awake. The fire was just a nightmare it had seemed. Little more than imagination playing with her emotions. The maid forced herself and squinted her eyes. She looked around and saw her dear cousin still asleep. She herself was still naked but it was difficult to complain in such a dull, tired state. She took the bowl of food but just stared into it, still rattled by her dream. A slight chill went through her though, as she felt a finger touching her burn scars. She had forgotten about those; it was a reminder of why she insisted on covering as much of her body as possible. Calmly, without much emotion, she gently a hand on Kiki’s hand and led it away.

    “I received these scars because I was not an obedient servant. It’s a fitting punishment.”

    Her face soured but without any anger; it was more like sorrow. Her eyes were a hint teary as she contemplated her emotions. She wanted to kill that man and usurp him. The maid had failed the last time but she wouldn’t do so a second time. She wanted what was hers. She wanted all that was owed to her. She didn’t want to be a servant anymore.

    “I tried to take what was mine, you see, but… it was foolish of me.”

    WC: 525/300
    PC: 12/30
    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- Player 
    Lineage : Rubyscale Juggernaught
    Position : None
    Posts : 768
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 42
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rose Dragon Slayer
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    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 14th June 2015, 10:46 pm

    Kiki let Enola push her hand away, sighing as she did. "There is no reason why such a thing should be done." Kiki stood up and move behind Enola, undid the pigtail braids that Enola wore and produced a brush from the bag. She started brushing Enola's hair, being gentle again. "You all yourself a servant, what did you mean by that?" Kiki started braiding Enola's hair, a french braid. Instead of using a hair tie she pulled a fabric piece from her bag, it was a bright red and frilly. "Hmm..No i don't think this one is good." she dug into her bag some more and this time pulled a purple ribbon out. Kiki Smiled, "Perfect!" she finished the braid by tying a large bow at the bottom of the braid. Kiki took the bow away from Enola and pushed her to the ground, "Please sleep some more my dear, you look positively tired." Kiki worked her way under Enola's arm and closed her eyes. "Who did this to you... Its wrong..." Kiki started tracing the Burn's outline again. "No matter, Sleep now... when you wake, we can leave." Kiki sat up and pulled the blanket over Enola. "I will wake you in three hours ok." Kiki stood up and exited the tent, the clothing should be dry by now. She gathered the clothing and got dressed, she put on her usual clothing. She decided to hide Enola's clothing and choose something cuter. She decided on a red dress and some boots, She folded them and set them next to Enola, Kiki smiled at Enola and exited the tent.

    She exited the tent and looked for Anguls, when she saw her she asked the question. "Can you explain... what did Enola mean by a fitting punishment, I cant imagine anything that would merit something like that. And she said something about being a servant..." Kiki showed alot of worry on her face.


    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) QGrxNTU

    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Guest 15th June 2015, 5:31 am

    Enola sat complacently as Kiki played with her hair. It reduced some of the tension to have her hair undone and skillfully reworked into a French braid. The maid’s eyes seemed distant though, lost in contemplation until she blinked once and harshly uttered, “It’s not something I like to talk about.” It turned out to be all she would say as Kiki gave her the ease to rest. Her dreary eyes certainly needed a moment’s sleep, though she feared what her dreams would bring her once she returned to her slumber.

    Oh well, she had fallen asleep anyway.

    Anguis watched the sky with a great bit of boredom but also with a sense of peace. She plucked leaves, each wet from the morning dew, from the ground and crumpled them up to keep her hands busy. She had put her original top back on, though it was still a bit soaked. The scandalous lamia didn’t mind nakedness but she figured she owed it to her cousin after the night before. Her eyes continued to drift until Kiki emerging from the tent caught her attention.

    “Hmm? Punishment? Oh, you mean the burns…” Anguis smirked as if her cousin’s past was humor-worthy.

    “Well, believe it or not but that prudish maid in there was supposed to be loaded with cash. She had spent her entire life being a servant to a bunch of rich pricks. One day, though, the time came for her to receive a bunch of money and boom! Those same rich bastards, including her ass of a brother, take the money away from her.”

    Anguis took a more serious tone and her face solidified into a stoic expression. “So, after a bit of time, Enola decided she wasn’t going to be a servant anymore. She tried to take what was supposed to be hers by force; of course, they wouldn’t allow that. Her brother, a fire mage of all odds, ended up punishing her by setting her ablaze.”

    The lamia ceased playing with the leaves and merely turned her gaze back to the sky, trying not to think too much about it herself. Enola was not the only one to lose so much to those people.

    WC: 367/300
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    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

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    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 18th June 2015, 6:18 am

    "hmm..." Was Kiki's only response at first, she turned to look at the the tent. She frowned, Kiki and Kiba knew pain, not the same pain but one that was similar. Kiki took a deep breath and turned back to Anguls, "And you?... Enola didn't mention none human descendants or blood." Kiki Walked up and set her hand on Anguls's scaled lower half. "I do not believe that you were like this at birth, i saw the look you made when i threw my panties at you. It was a look of disappointment, One i would share if i could no longer wear cute clothing." Kiki took the Lamia's hand, "How did this happen to you? A curse of magic? Or something different?" Kiki place her free hand on the Lamia's rear. "Not that I am complaining though." Kiki smiled and started packing the camp, they had a long walk ahead of them when Enola woke up.

    Three hours later Kiki entered the tent and looked at the sleeping Enola, She smiled. *Shes Cute.* Kiki said to Kiba, *Can... I... Uh...*

    *Perhaps we should get to know her first Kiki... You always scare them off perhaps you should heed my words this time.* Kiba responded, this time he hoped Kiki would listen.

    *So... we will try for her?* Kiki asked.

    *You make her sound like a item or prize,* Kiba responded with a hint and annoyance in his words. *Let us get to know her and see from there.* Kiki nodded and knelt down and gave Enola a shake to wake her. *Please do not scare her off... i am not getting any younger.*

    Kiki rolled her eyes at Kiba words and turned her attention to Enola. "Enola, time to wake... we must get going now." Kiki would try to wake her until she succeeded.


    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) QGrxNTU

    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Guest 23rd June 2015, 6:19 am

    Anguis frowned as Kiki asked about the lamia.

    She crossed her arms and sighed miserably, “I used to be human until those same rich bastards killed me. The nerve of them. I did everything for them!” That part was stretching the truth. She was prone to going on shopping sprees and used up quite a bit of their cash. She also caused a bit of scandals, typically obscene actions that would make an exotic dancer blush. “Enola fixed it though. She brought my beautiful corpse to some mad scientist-type who brought back.” The “mad scientist” in question was Dr. Frankenstein (or just “Stein” for short), a member of Basilisk Fang with intelligence far ahead of his own time. The lamia stared down at her tail with disappointment. “He couldn’t save my legs though.” Her frown ease up as she received a compliment for her derriere.

    After her conversation with Kiki, Anguis spread herself out on the grass and returned to gazing at the sky until she drifted off to sleep, the sounds of the forest acting as her lullaby.

    Three hours later, Enola found herself being roused awake by her new companion. She open her groggy eyes. The still-tired maid yawned and arose, still wearing the French braid Kiki had fixed for her.

    “I’m up, I’m up.”

    She looked up at the petite woman and just shook her head before crawling on her knees toward the edge of the tent in search of something warm to wear. Fortunately, her dear friend Kiki was nice enough to lay out… a red dress and boots. Enola sighed, wondering if it was really the only thing warm to wear or if Kiki was just being cruel. Awkwardly so, she slipped on the red dress along with the boots until she was sitting in the corner of the tent in a situation she would have never foresaw in her life.

    WC: 316/300
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    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

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    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 24th June 2015, 11:09 am

    Kiki waited at the entrance of the tent, waiting for Enola to get dressed. She held out her hand to help the woman out of the tent, "Nice it looks good on you." Kiki smiled and walked away. "So we should get going..." Kiki walked over and poked the Lamia, "Hey wake up most scaly one." She after Anguis woke up Kiki would give a whistle, Kaylee came running. The giant wolf came slidding to a halt, throwing up a grout of dirt as she did. "Everyone this is Kaylee, she is a big furry poof ball." Kiki looked at the lamia. "hmm not sure how your going to ride her." Kiki shrugged only to get nipped in the but by Kaylee. Kiki slugged the wolf in the side, "hey now be nice." The would huffed and knelt down, "shall we?" Kiki smiled and held out her hand for Enola, she would help her onto Kaylee's back.

    Once everyone managed to Get on Kaylee's back, the wolf would run to the ruins. Kiki would make sure that Enola and Anguis would be ready to stay on Kaylee. The run would take about 2 hours, during the time anyone could take a nap. Kiki was not in need of one but she felt that Enola did need one. "Enola if you wish to take a nap please do. I will wake you when we start to get close." Kiki would hold onto anyone who felt like sleeping, making sure they would not fall off.

    After a while Kiki would wake anyone who slept, including herself as she had fallen asleep for a bit. She would call Kaylee to a stop and swing off her back. She would wait till the others are ready to proceed, upon which she would enter the camp of the researchers.


    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) QGrxNTU

    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Guest 5th July 2015, 2:34 am

    “Lower, baby. Lower. Just… a little- Right there!”

    Anguis’ face went deep read with a drowsy smile as she talked rather loudly in her sleep. That smile lessened though as Kiki woke the lamia up from what she would consider her best dream ever; in fact, that dream was even better than the one she had of Kihia being a rough guild master. Still, she couldn’t complain too much as the day’s fun was about to begin. The lamia seemed rejuvenated, completely undeterred by the earlier conversation (regarding her own murder).

    “The scaly one has awaken!” she teasingly announced.

    Enola just winced and felt that the day was going to be the worst day in her life given that she felt absolutely horrible with little sleep, terrible dreams, and the fact that Anguis existed. With the sound of a whistle, a large wolf came at them. It nearly startled the living daylights out of the maid and forced the lamia to swoon over how adorable it was. After Kiki calmed it down, Anguis slithered right up to Kaylee and petted the wolf’s fur. Enola just grasped her, figuring it was going to be a miserable ride but beat walking the whole way there.

    Enola hopped up on top of Kaylee as did Anguis, albeit in an awkward fashion. Contrary to what she had originally thought, the ride was actually rather smooth and permitted the maid to doze off to sleep. Anguis just hummed to herself while enjoying the sunlight. Rather than a nightmare, Enola did not even dream at all…

    After two hours of “are we there yet?” from Anguis, the group finally arrived at their destination. The lamia quickly awoke her much-less cranky cousin and hopped of Kaylee before following Kiki into the researcher’s camp.

    “Try not to get too roused up if it’s dirty, alright?” Anguis teased.

    “Shut up.”

    WC: 311/300
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    Lumina Rubyscale
    Lumina Rubyscale

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    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 6th July 2015, 4:10 am

    Dirty was a understatement, but not in the way Anguis probuly meant. The camp was a wreck overturned stuff and blood everywhere, worst of all was a bloody trail leading into the ruins. Kiki frowned and wandered around a bit, looking for some kind of clue but all she found was blood and signs of a struggle. "well it looks like we missed the party..." Kiki was being glib to avoid getting angry. Kiki turned to Kaylee and spoke, "Go find someplace save ill call for you when we are ready to leave." The wolf let out a whine, Kiki simply smiled, "Go... i don't want you in danger." The wolf gave a bark and took off running back the way they had come.

    Kiki turned and looked at the entrance, she decided to follow it in a bit. It was not hard to do the amount of blood on the ground was clearly from several people. She followed it into a side room where it lead right into a wall. "What the hell..." she complained to herself. "HEY ENOLA, ANGUIS! IN HERE!" Kiki called out for the two of them to come see this. While she waited for them to catch up Kiki started looking around for a lever or something, was not hard to find as it had a severed hand attached to it still as well as a message scrawled in blood. Kiki cocked her head and read the message. "Don't open door! They will get you don..." The rest was smeared in a way that made it clear the writer had been dragged away.

    *Wonderful... the one job we pick is one of the most gruesome we have seen.* Kiba bitched inside Kiki's head.

    Kiki would turn to Enola when she arrived, "what do you make of this situation? I mean we were suppose to be help not a rescue team right?" Kiki was unsure what to do now, but she would do what she needed to do.


    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) QGrxNTU

    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Guest 6th July 2015, 4:46 am

    Enola gasped and her face turned pale. Her eyes widened while her pupils shrunk, likening them to a pair of moons covering her face. Her lower lip hung open as she took in the sight of the whole horror that awaited her as she wandered into the bloody mess. It was difficult to even begin contemplating what fate bestowed the researchers and Rune Knights. The poor maid nearly threw up when she noticed the human hand holding onto the lever. The blood covering the floor clung to her red boots and created a slapping sound with each cautious footstep she took. The stench of the blood was enough to wake anyone in the group who was tired before. The smell of blood was reminiscent of the blood of her comrades taken on a much grander scale. The backwards, sour nostalgia was a cruel and terrible tune for Enola at that moment.

    Anguis, however, felt something more dormant inside her come to life as the smell of blood whipped her nostrils. The snake part of her swooned over the scent of death that would signify an ordinary serpent that it was feeding time. She contained her excitement though and investigated the area as Enola had; her experience was much nicer though. She was not as sickened by gory things as she once was. Her touch of death had dulled her mind to such horrors, sometimes embracing the sight of gruesome atrocities such as this.

    Holding her hand up to her mouth, Enola stated, “I don’t want to know what happened to these people, but if there are survivers behind that door, we have to open it.”

    The lamia crossed her arms, somewhat annoyed by her cousin’s good inention yet enlightened by it at the same time. She simply nodded in agreement and added, “Yeah, let’s open’er up.”

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    Lumina Rubyscale
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    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by Lumina Rubyscale 14th July 2015, 1:00 am

    Kiki sighed at the idea of opening the doors, it was clear that someone had given up their life to get it closed. Now here they where gonna open the door even with the clear message not to, as if the blood was not a good enough reason. "Fine..." Kiki walked over and pulled the hand off of the lever, tossing it over her shoulder. She pulled the lever and turned to face the door. It lifted upwards revealing a long corridor, Kiki walked toward the door, stopping as she heard the sound of something running. "What the hel..." She didn't get to finish her sentance as a dog, or what was once a dog slammed into her chest. Kiki fell backwards, grabbing the dogs neck preventing its unnaturally large teeth from getting a hold of any part of her. The dog snapped at her face and scrambled with its feet, trying to take a bite out of Kiki. This one was not the big issue, over the shoulder of the dog she saw another on running up the. "SHIT!" Kiki cursed, she punched the dog in the chest and rolled of off of her. She scrambled back wards and Kicked the other dog as it jumped at her. The Dogs face and her foot met, "Enola, HELP?" The other dog had gotten back up and was circling her.

    Kiki rolled to her feet, moving just out of the snapping jaws of the second dog. Kiki jumped back and forward onto the back of the dog. She grabbed it by the head and gave it a sharp twist. The dog gave a yelp and stopped moving, She would have to trust Enola and Anguis to deal with the other dog. Kiki stood up and turned quickly to see if the other dog had been dealt with, if it hadn't she would assist.

    Last edited by Kiba Yukiko on 14th July 2015, 1:23 am; edited 1 time in total


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    Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job) Empty Re: Undead? oh My(Enola/Kiba, Job)

    Post by NPC 14th July 2015, 1:00 am

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