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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 14th July 2015, 9:47 am


    Delta! Delta! Damn it! It can't be! The violinist cried out desperately, it was the orphan that they had met back at the ruins, in which the boy and Ignite had to both save once again. It was her birthday, and she was about to die. Something was going on with the birthday party, they were on a little outing and all of a sudden... They were passing out one by one. Elyx knew Delta personally, he was the one who gave a cut to the girls leg as well as he then healed it right after. To soothen the pain, he then gave her chocolate as well. To save her life, it was worth it, but there were some days in which he regrets ever hurting her, even if it meant to save her life.

    I thought you hated the water! You freeze whenever you see it! Ignite Rosella, She-Phoenix exclaimed behind the running boy, who was trying to chase him as well. The both of them were headed towards the port, in which they would be able to get to their boat and head off for sea. Elyx turned his head back to Ignite, a snarl on his face rather than his usual grin. If we do not save Delta now, that would be my final regret! If her blood is laid down on the sea because of something I did not do, I will never live that down! The violinist exclaimed, voice beginning to give in due to how tired he was. It was hot in the forest, the sweat from his forehead dripping, and the fact that a Fire Phoenix was by his side did not really help him much.

    The both of them then reached the port, the boats were sailing and luckily, it was open. Yes! The boat is there! Elyx exclaimed, only for a sudden crowd to appear in front of the boats, blocking him and Ignite from getting there in time. The vain struggling and fighting to get onto their boats, Elyx and Ignite were not going to make it at this rate...

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by Tess 14th July 2015, 10:15 am

    Allison smiled cheerfully at the birds that were hovering over her face as she awoke from a long slumber.  They possessed bright blue and cyan feathers, as though their wings had been dipped in paint, and the group was chirping madly as though singing a song.  The red haired mage hadn't encountered anything like them before, in Magnolia Town.  It seemed that there were still things to discover in the city that she spent the most time in.  Getting up and stretching her arms for a few seconds, Allison afterwards sprang to her feet and opened her eyes widely, the sapphire orbs sparkling with delight.  She had been half falling asleep when she had gotten of the train at the stop in Magnolia, and for a second could have sworn that she had caught a glimpse of the Blue Pegasus logo before collapsing.  Thankfully, it seemed that the girl had only been hallucinati-- ?

    The red haired mage blinked at a nearby sign that read:

    Welcome to Clover Town,
    Home to the Wizards' Guild Blue Pegasus

    Tilting her head slowly to the side, as if staring at the words from another angle would change what had been written there, Allison blinked after a few moments of rereading and then shrugged happily.  Oh well, the girl supposed that she would find her way back to Magnolia Town eventually... and even if she wasn't able to for a long while, it would be fun to explore Clover Town!  It seemed that the red haired mage had been to every other city besides the one she was about to step foot in, which was an exciting concept.  Beaming at nothing in particular, Allison skipped past the sign, headed in a random direction.  Maybe the mage would manage to find something interesting to occupy her time, or she could always simply go people watching or take another nap.

    Just then, she stumbled onto a very random scene-- there was a horde of people waving their arms and crowding alongside what seemed to be a port, with a few ships tied up and waiting to be used. Shrugging, Allison was about to jump straight into the entire mess and go along with it happily, when she caught sight of a young man, perhaps a boy, who seemed to be as equally distressed as the crowd. He was shouting something about a boat, but is face carried only dismay, and Allison skipped around the crowd towards the boy. The red haired mage held out her hand and offered a beaming smile, "Hello there! My name is Allison, do you have some place to be? Can I go with you? Who are you? Let's go!" Upon receiving confirmation from the boy *cough* not really *cough* Allison dragged him by the arm through the crowd at a lightning fast pace, darting through the tiny spaces and squishing her new companion through as well.



    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) PXRL2Kd
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Quatro and Stella
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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 14th July 2015, 10:30 am

    Elyx hung his head down, his hair covering his face, trying to think hard about what he was supposed to do in this situation. For someone like him, there were not too many options. Now if he were a dark mage, he would have no problem using his Wind magic to just simply send all of the crowd flying into the ocean. No when, no want, no problem. Elyx wanted to get in that boat, so already he had a problem. Ignite on the other hand seemed rather cool and collected about this situation. She placed her right palm against he cheek as she looked into space, pretending to think, but it was obvious that it was the violinist who was the only one thinking amongst the two of them.

    A sudden hand was then shoved in front of him, causing the boy to put his head up to see a younger looking girl in front of him. His light brown eyes locked onto the hand before he shakily gripped it with his own, a handshake. Er, Hello there li- The boy was about to say, only for the perky girl to cut him off in the process. Ignite could not help but laugh a little bit as she held her hand to her mouth to cover it, sort of how a cat would like its paw. The confused Bounty Hunter noticed a little pattern in how she spoke, she was able to speak out anything on her mind without even letting someone else answer her. He let this happen until she then invited herself onto his boat. Wait, wait! The boy exclaimed, ready to reject the offer, only for him to soon regret the handshake he gave earlier.

    The red-haired girl gripped his arm with excitement and forced her way through the crowd, some people crushing his body in the process. Ignite was following right behind the both of them, a smile on her face as she got the easy way out. When Elyx was being dragged, a gap behind him made a road for the lucky She-Phoenix to run on. The both of them were about to pass the Wooden Ship on their way. Elyx finally clicked his heels to the wooden ground to stop the both of them running further. Stop! This is my ship!...And who are you!? I didn't even- Elyx started, only to figure out that if this girl would not listen to him back then, why would she now?

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by Tess 14th July 2015, 11:19 am

    Allison happily tore through the crowd, skipping along at the speed of a spring, still dragging the stranger behind her. She had never gotten his name, after all-- but the boy had seemed to be in trouble, and Allison couldn't allow that! The red haired mage glanced around a few times, still moving along quickly-- the girl really had no clue where she was headed, but supposed that something would happen eventually. After making the decision to simply go with the flow, the four of them: Allison and her pet, and the strange boy and his pet, continued through the crowd for a few more moments. All of a sudden, just as the female mage was about to squeeze through another tiny space, the boy whose arm she was possibly wrenching out of the socket, dug his heels into the ground, desperately trying to slow the two down. Blinking, Allison immediately let go and toppled over into a nearby puddle, simply sitting there for a few moments as the stranger said something about them already being where he wanted to be.

    But wait! He was wrong! "I introduced myself before! I used to not remember when I introduced myself-- but now I definitely do, since Alyia is an angel and helped me regain my memories! So, who are you? My name is Allison." The red haired mage beamed brightly at the other person, tiny dimples forming as her eyes closed partially and the corners of her mouth turned up into a sweet smile. Then she realized that he had been in the middle of saying something, and her eyes popped open, the smile still there though. "You didn't even what? Can I come with you? Someone told me that an adult had sent a request for help to all of the guilds, including members in the area! I was trying to go to Magnolia Town, since I have a ship there, you know-- can I use yours?" The red haired girl just smiled happily at the boy, waiting for a response.



    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) PXRL2Kd
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 14th July 2015, 11:42 am

    Take it easy Elyx, she's just a child... Ignite said from behind with a bright smile on her face, seeing the adorable red-haired child as she fell into the puddle. The She-Phoenix knelt down onto her right knee so that she could level with the child, then she look back to Elyx, who was way more confused than upset. But among both of those emotions, there was also happiness as well, though this child was a little reckless, she was also able to get them through the crowds and by the side of his ship. Allison was it? The boy said as he took a few steps to the three of them. He then looked down to her before putting out his hand to help her back onto her feet. It was rather hard to get upset with a face like that, even he couldn't help it. The temptation to just poke her cheeks right now was too great to be ignored, which is why he kept his hand a good distance away so it would not look like he was harassing a child.

    My name is Elyx, Elyx Reiaki of Black Rose. This here is my partner, Ignite. The boy said before pointing to the She-Phoenix, her eyes locked onto the girl. The boy then decided to have a little bit of fun with the She-Phoenix, which he knew would end up having him get smacked. Ignite, you really should not be touchin- Eith that, the boy stepped to the side to avoid a fiery uppercut punch from Ignite. The boy was left to laugh with a bit of fear in it, Ignite clearly did not take that joke too well. After a few seconds of staring, Ignite then turned back over to Allison with a smile on her face. You want to come onto our ship? Sure, you did help us get here after all. Ignite explained, clearly not caring for Elyx's opinion, the boy left to shoot his light brown eyes wide open.

    Are you insane!? She's a child! The Violinist exclaimed, no longer upset at the girl, but Ignite. Now she was willing to put a little girl in danger? That was not a responsible move for the She-Phoenix to make. If they were to place her on the seas with possible dangers such as a LEVIATHAN... In which is chasing their targets, it would be like losing Delta. Still though, when Elyx looked back to Allison, his eyes then softened before he closed them and crossed his arms. All right Ignite, she's coming with us, but the instantly I see her in danger we're turning the ship around!

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    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Character Sheet
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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by Tess 14th July 2015, 11:59 am

    Allison simply blinked at the fiery woman, who was now patting her knee in an affectionate way. Beaming brightly at her, Allison nodded and said, "I'm just a child, and you're an adult, and you're okay. So I don't have to fix you, right? Unless you're in pain!" Smiling, the mage blinked at the the strange young man, who seemed to be struggling to understand the current situation. Just as the red haired girl was about to pipe up with another bright introduction, he seemed to come to a kind of conclusion. Oh, and he did remember her name! That was nice, since sometimes Allison forgot other people's, but she hadn't for a little while now, thanks to Alyia! Was this person an angel too?

    Staring at the stranger, Allison grabbed the proffered hand happily and swung herself up, inadvertently using too much strength. In fact, she ended up slipping, launching herself far too much, and then landing once again in a second puddle, a little ways away. The mage simply beamed and tilted her head slightly to the right, blinking at him with wide sapphire eyes before jumping up and breaking into an even wider grin upon hearing the introduction. "Ehh? Elyx-san of Black Rose, and Ignite-san! Nice to meet you-- you're a Rising Star, right? Me too. Oh, and I've never met someone from Black Rose before. Uh, I think! Maybe I have and I don't remember! Well, let's go then!"

    She was just about to stand up out of the puddle and heard Elyx say something to Ignite, most likely a personal joke, since the companion didn't seem to be impressed and simply attempted to smack the mage. Allison then heard Ignite say something about allowing Allison to come with them, and the girl in question beamed even more brightly at the prospect. She was so glad that they were generous-- Allison had gotten lost on the way to her own ship, and didn't have the jewels to buy a new one right now or rent it. Elyx seemed to be having difficulties agreeing though, and the red haired girl simply tilted her head to one side, watching the two of them debate about whether to allow Allison to accompany them on the ship.

    Upon hearing the answer, the mage jumped up off of the ground, out of the puddle, and then went for a full out glomp towards Ignite. "Thank you!" she beamed at the fiery figure. "If you get hurt, I'll help you too! Now, let's go!" Allison promptly then skipped away in the direction of the nearest ship, which she assumed belonged to Elyx. After all, he had stopped her here and said something about that. But wait, perhaps it was that other one right next to it, and she had overshot by more than just a little bit? Blinking, the girl shrugged before bounding towards the first ship she had wondered about.



    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) PXRL2Kd
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 14th July 2015, 12:14 pm

    Ignite patted her hand on the girls head as the She-Phoenix received a hug, and Elyx took in this moment, it was like a timeskip just happened. Allison looked like a younger version of Ignite, which made the boy laugh when he finally noticed this. They looked so related as well, it was like they were family. The boy shook his head, getting rid of the possibility of that.Yeah, keep thinking like that Elyx and you will end up sitting alone with a few cats when you grow old. The Violinist thought to himself before he watched the little girl, she was soaked from slipping into the puddles... Twice. On the plus side, she did not seem to mind it too much, so he decided to just simply let it go. There was one thing that Elyx could not let go though. The weird way she was talking.

    The boy hung his head down as he tried to remember the exact words that the girl had said to Ignite before. So I don't have to fix you, right? Unless you're in pain! He repeated before putting his head back up again. did this girl think that the She-Phoenix was a machine? And in pain? Mental pain? Physical pain? And why would she suddenly fix someone who is in pain? Maybe she is a healer, and maybe that is the only way she knows how to say that she will be curing someone. The Violinist thought to himself as he and Ignite followed up right behind the little girl. Ignite lifted the rope off of the metal clip holding the ship in place, Elyx quickly zipped into his room on the ship, and soon, the ship was set sail. Elyx was in his room... He had a fear for water.

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    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by Tess 14th July 2015, 12:31 pm

    Allison beamed at Elyx before hopping onto the ship, followed shortly by Lel Therine, and then Elyx and his companion Ignite.  Together, the two of them got the ship running shortly, while Allison simply blinked and sat down on the deck, flopping over before bouncing up excitedly.  She wanted to ask if there was anything she could do to help, but because the two of them seemed to be so in sync and doing perfectly well on their own, the redhead didn't want to mess anything up.  After the vessel was moving, slowly but surely through the water, Allison noticed that Elyx had disappeared into his room on board the ship.  It seemed that he wasn't particularly fond of looking at the sea or tasting the salt in the air-- which was fine, since Allison was like a cat and didn't prefer water either.  Nonetheless, she liked practically everything, and didn't mind at all.

    Venturing away from the edge of the ship, Allison skipped towards the stairway, which was barred by a door nearby.  After opening it and rushing through happily, she looked around, searching for where Elyx had disappeared to.  She wanted to ask him a few things, after all-- mostly about what he had said before the group had boarded the ship.  But additionally, the red haired mage wanted to know if there were any spare rooms, and also what they were going to eat!  Unless this was only a one or two hour mission.  Attempting to barge into the nearest room, the girl sadly found that it was locked, and very tightly so as well.  Dejectedly-- or at least, as dejectedly as a person like Allison can manage-- the female half skipped, half walked away.  But just then, Ignite popped her head out from around the corner and smiled at Allison, saying, That's Elyx's room.  He already knows you're here, before quickly picking the lock and then flitting away.  Allison simply stared, and then realized exactly what had happened and simply beamed before charging into Elyx's room.

    "Ne, so you fix people too?" was all that she asked.

    (( OOC (to the mods or whatever): Elyx gave me permission to control Ignite for this post temporarily, so I could get inside his room, which he locks.  Dun ban me for god-modding, please. ))



    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) PXRL2Kd
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 14th July 2015, 12:45 pm

    Elyx slammed his back against the soft leather mattress below him. Before anything, he made sure to lock his door so that Ignite would not make an attempt to force him out and make him look at the water. She knew full-well about his fear for the ocean, yet she always aimed to try to get rid of it, even though it was none of her business. His right leg crossed over his left leg as he locked his light brown eyes onto the tips of his shoes. On his left side was a nightstand with a pair of headphones and his MP3 player, it was something to help him relax at least. The boy smiled as he picked up the headphones and clicked through the MP3 to find a bit of dubstep music, which surprisingly, relaxed him. Classical music and dubstep, his music tastes were most certainly weird. He cuffed both side of his headphones and smiled as he began to listen to the songs. He closed his eyes and leaned his back against the mattress as he let out a relaxed sigh. Provided he did not feel the water or hear it, it was as if he were not on it in the first place.

    Meanwhile, Ignite was jiggling with the lock a little bit, knowing full-well how she could open it. Instead of breaking down the door like she did with the weather job, she picked off the lock with ease, just like Cassie taught her to, and she let Allison into his room. There you go, go get em Tiger. Ignite said with a smile on her face as the red-haired little girl was then allowed to enter his room. Elyx opened his left eye in response, and he then shot his body up, allowing him to sit up rather than lay down. H-How did you get in here? The boy asked, only to look back to the direction of the door, and there was Ignite, waving. The boy gave her a cold glare, but he refrained from making an attempt to throw things at her. Instead, he pondered on the question. I fix people? Well... I heal them if that's what you mean.

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    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by Tess 14th July 2015, 1:51 pm

    Allison gave the boy an eye smile as he asked how she got in here. The red haired mage was just about going to say that Ignite had helped her out, but then she stopped due to being unsure of whether he might get mad at his companion. After all, the door had been locked... and now he was glaring at Allison? Blinking, the red haired girl opened her mouth and was just about to ask why he was staring so hard at the wall behind her, but then ahh audibly upon turning around and being faced with the realization that Ignite hadn't gone very far. So, Elyx knew that she had helped Allison out-- she might as well thank the young woman now, anyways! "Thank you, Ignite!" the girl said cheerfully before turning back to face Elyx to answer his question now that she knew it would be alright. "Ignite helped me! Why do you lock your door if there's nobody here?" she asked, blinking with wide eyes at the other mage.

    And then she heard his response to her own question that the girl had posed upon entering the room in the first place. "Healing is nice! You can fix people that way, I do sometimes-- Lel Therine helps. Alyia-san told me not to fix anyone the other way, in case it hurts the others even more. But no one is in pain right now, so it doesn't matter! What are you doing, by the way? Why aren't you up on the deck? It's really pretty!" The red haired mage beamed at the other before leaning in and positioning her eyes directly in front of the young man's. "Come on! It's nice and windy and sunny-- a lovey day! And by the way, I have a friend who adores you! When we get back, can I introduce you to her?" Allison tried to tug Elyx to his feet-- she was going to get him back to the surface. It was simply too dark and gloomy down here.



    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) PXRL2Kd
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 14th July 2015, 2:15 pm

    There seems to be two people here... I don't want to see what's out there though... The boy said as he then began to shiver at the thought of seeing out the door. If he were to do that, his eyes would meet a horrific sight. Ignite looked at him with a smile, backing up Allisons question. Her arms were crossed, and she then began to open the door. Elyx turned his head back to the little girl so that he could address her. I wanted to keep that crazy woman out of my room... She's insane! The boy replied, referring to Ignite before looking back to the nightstand. His knapsack lied on top of it, a signal to him to somewhat bribe her. But before he could aim for the contents inside of it, Allison continued to speak to him.

    While she spoke, she mentioned two things that also struck him as odd. Well, one was naturally odd, she mentioned a person that Elyx never heard of. Alyia? The boy said out loud to himself, but it was loud enough to be heard anyways. He continued to listen to the little girl as she spoke. The second thing that struck him was the fact that there was... Some other way of fixing people? It was recommended by someone for her not to use it though, what kind of fixing would be forbidden? Was it anything like healing? Yeah, no one is in pain but... What is your way of... Er... Fixing people? The boy asked, only for the girl to start tugging at him from below.

    Hey! I-I-I don't want to go outside. It's er... Hot! Yes, it's hot, and I'm trying to cool down! The boy lied, it was clearly hotter in this room than it was outside, and he did not know if the little girl would believe him or not. Then... He just realized that he added a bit of fuel to the fire. By saying that it was hot, she might say that the water would cool him down... He lead himself into a trap. Ignite was not going to help him out of here, Allison was trying to do what Ignite had been trying to do for the past month. And for you friend, sure, I'd love to meet him or her. The boy said as he tried to pull her legs back so that Allison would not accidentally cause him to fall.

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by Tess 14th July 2015, 2:35 pm

    Allison simply beamed in response to everything that Elyx had said, not bothering to reply to most of it. Instead, she only skipped to the questions that seemed to be directly specifically at her, rather than just being comments. The first one had been about Alyia! "Alyia is an angel! She's dead, but she's also a Rising Star. You aren't a Rising Star any more, that's right-- I guess I forgot again. But anyways, Alyia is a wonderful person!" That explanation probably hadn't made much sense to Elyx, but either way Allison just shifted around and then all of a sudden began to skip in a circle around the boy, who she had already pulled to his feet. There had been a second question that he had asked-- something about fixing people, again. It was probably just the question that everyone asked!

    Well, she could do exactly the same thing that she had done to the other boy, before. Leaning in, Allison grabbed Elyx by the ears, leaning even closer to him than she had before. After staring intently into his eyes for a few moments, the girl withdrew happily and said, "Fixing people is the removal of everything. This includes the ability to feel pain, but also the ability to contain life. Nothing's broken, everyone or anything can be fixed!" That last phrase was delivered along with a bright, cheerful smile, and Allison's brief seriousness concerning his second question seemed to have disappeared completely. And also... "Normally, I won't force anyone to do anything! After all, it's best to just do whatever makes you happy. But this time..." Allison stopped skipping and lunged for Elyx, heaving him out of the room. "You are going outside! It's cooler up there, I promise. There's wind and stuff, so the sun isn't really making everything sweaty like it usually does!"

    As the two of them ascended the stairs, with Allison pushing Elyx as quickly and forcefully as she possibly could given her size, the girl then answered back to his last phrase, "And thank you! You see, she's been a huge fan of you ever since you became a Rising Star in the first place. And now that you've become a much more powerful mage and graduated from that, she's really excited! I'm glad that you're willing to meet her, and also her friends!" Allison beamed brightly at Elyx's back and continued trying to shove him up to the deck.



    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) PXRL2Kd
    King Elyx

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 14th July 2015, 2:57 pm

    Elyx was pulled in by the little girl, leaving him to lock his eyes with hers, all seriousness in her tone of voice as she began to speak. Elyx took her just as seriously, taking in every word. And after the explanation, he understood what she meant. It was sort of a puzzle, and being a little girl, she would not think about it to be what it actually was. The puzzle was that she would take all of the life out of something when she fixed it. The opposite of life was death, and if you did not have life... You had death. This girl was a murderer... And what's worse, she thinks of murder as something that would free people. To stop them from feeling pain... But there is no greater pain than not experiencing life, if you do not get to live a life, your existence means nothing, you are put into an eternal sleeps. Then... It's over, you have lost at existence. Allison... Elyx tried to start, only to see her face and refrain from doing so. She think she is doing right... And who was he to stop her?

    Huh!? Elyx exclaimed as he suddenly felt himself being push out of the door. The little girl just wouldn't stop, and he had to admit, she was strong! As strong as he used to be when he was a B rank mage, and that much physical in a little girl was amazing. He couldn't resist too much since all he knew in countering was hitting, and like hell would he EVER hit a little girl. He was being pushed out, and he was forced to close his eyes as he tried to push back by connecting the heels of his boots to the ground, but Allison was just much stronger while Elyx could not use all of his force. D-D-DON'T! Don't do this! The boy begged as he felt himself being pushed further, blind since his eyes were closed, he did not want to see the water.

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by Tess 14th July 2015, 3:12 pm

    Elyx seemed to be some what resisting, but she could tell that there was something preventing him from going all the way and either using magic, or brute force.  But oh well, Allison didn't mind, since after all... it would just serve to accomplish her purpose!  As the two neared the doorway that would lead them up to the fresh air and sunshine, Allison realized that the other mage had closed his eyes for some reason.  Well, that wasn't really all that fun since he wouldn't be able to see the beautiful, crystalline clear sea and the swirly clouds high in the cerulean sky.  But nonetheless, the girl was certain that Elyx couldn't keep his eyes closed for the entire journey, for whatever reason he possibly had them that way.  After all, no matter how powerful of a mage he was, this was a difficult mission and the sea monster that had been reported was massive and didn't respond to the adults' attacks using non magical weapons.

    Oh!  And then they were finally above deck, with the strong winds blowing all around them and counteracting the bright sun beating down.  Allison let go of Elyx and then closed the door to below deck, trusting that he wouldn't attempt to leave.  Then she bounded over to the rail and blinked down at the water, talking to Elyx the entire time.  "I'm sorry, Elyx-san!  But I think that Ignite-san agrees that it's much cooler up here, so you might be happy anyways! And the water is so pretty... It's perfectly clear, like I could touch the bottom.  And we're getting kind of far away from the shore by now that I shouldn't even be able to see the bottom."  Allison leaned over the rail and blinked at how perfectly clear it seemed to be.  She couldn't even glimpse her reflection, which was interesting.  "It's like we're actually on solid ground!  Maybe it's ice and I can walk on it!"  Slipping out of her shoes, the girl beamed and dove headfirst into the water, ignoring the fact that if it was ice, she might crack her skull open.  And who knew what kind of creatures roamed around in here, but she was already soaked to the skin by the puddles earlier, so there was no reason not to go swimming, since by her test it hadn't been ice.



    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) PXRL2Kd
    King Elyx

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 14th July 2015, 4:34 pm

    Elyx was forced even further, Allison not caring for his pleads. Admittedly, he did not tell her the real reason why he did not want to go outside. In a way, this is sort of what he got for lying. But he didn't expect for this girl to be so strong! And he most certainly did not expect himself to be holding onto the rail of the ship. Since that is the cause, he knew that he was just a few seconds from going overboard. No! No! It can't be... Someone get me out of here! The boy thought to himself, as if an invisible voice in his mind would be able to solve anything. From here, Elyx was ready to add Allison to another section in his oh-so-many types of people. She was an innocent killer, and a rather stubborn once as well. She barely flinched, if at all, at his begging to not be outside. And now he was here, keeping his eyes closed, still refusing to open them.

    Ice? The boy asked, a much better state. He could not drown in ice. The key to this puzzle though was right in front of him. The ship was indeed moving.. But it would not be able to move in water. Elyx could not figure this out in time, and when he opened his eyes, he realized, it was too late, the memory of his drowning experience came back to haunt him. But before the memory could sink in, the boy saw Allison go in the water headfirst, but instead of giving a reaction, he stood there with his eyes hollowed. He was paralyzed, unable to move his body due to fear.

    That was until water then splashed him from the impact that was made, and Elyx felt like crying now. He was so scared, he was like a lost child who needed his mother. To be so scared that he almost wanted to cry... But instead, he let out a few delicate words right before his biggest. He hung his head down, his hair covering his face with a very dark shade. Stop...Stop...Please... STOP!!! The scared boy screamed to the top of his lungs. As he did so, a bit of wind shifted violently, the boy had been broken. And is Allison caught on, he would be... Fixed... He had to get out of here while he could, steer this boat around. His necklace let out it's glow, the effect of Internal Struggle had been activated, and soon, he did not feel like crying about the ocean. It felt pointless, which is what the necklace did. It relieved him of his fears.

    Last edited by Elyx Reiaki on 14th July 2015, 4:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by NPC 14th July 2015, 4:34 pm

    The member 'Elyx Reiaki' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) WeakMonster Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) NormalMonster Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) NormalMonster Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) NormalMonster

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by Tess 14th July 2015, 5:02 pm

    Allison was playing around in the water, swimming under the boat and around it for a little while before realizing that Elyx hadn't joined her.  Poking her head out of the water, she called out, "Elyx-san?  What's wrong-- ?"  It seemed that the young man had been petrified by something, and the red haired mage blinked upon realizing this.  She swam a little bit closer and was just about to ask what exactly was amiss when a pendant, hanging around his neck, began to glow faintly.  And then, the glow brightened and the mage's face seemed to smooth out, back to its normal expression.  Allison was still slightly worried, and she decided to ask Elyx if everything was all right.  However, just as the girl was lifting herself out of the water, some how the water became dark and everything around her was moving, and shifting around so quickly that the girl was unable to realize what was happening.

    There was what seemed to be a miniature sea serpent-- or perhaps, a normal sized sea serpent, which was circling the boat quickly and tossing waves around.  Allison realized that another one was circling around her apparently trying to coil up-- but with a few kicks, she broke free easily and scrambled up onto the deck.  Blinking at everything around her, she marveled at exactly how much the scene had changed.  There seemed to be at least ten of the serpents by now, and in the distance she could see several more, quickly approaching.  Tilting her head slowly to the side before turning around to glance at the male wizard, the girl said brightly to Elyx, "There are a few of the sea creatures here now!  They seem to have the desire to sink our ship-- maybe we should let them, since it would make them happy?  And are you okay?  You looked kind of confused a little bit ago."

    (( OOC: I accidentally set up dice to be rolled and then changed the number to 0 upon being told rolling them is optional.  I don't know why it rolled them anyways, but just ignore it unless you DO want to have them, but I didn't roll the right number anyways so... ))

    Last edited by Allison on 14th July 2015, 5:03 pm; edited 2 times in total



    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) PXRL2Kd

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by NPC 14th July 2015, 5:02 pm

    The member 'Allison' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Attack


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Attack


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Attack
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 14th July 2015, 6:47 pm

    The necklace wrapped around his neck made sure that he had no fear in the water, meaning that the ocean was no longer a threat. Being a Wind Wizard, he was able to conquer water. In the elements, Wind was able to defeat water in any sort of battle, and now that the master of the wind was no longer phased, he was able to fight. Allison however seemed to have different things in mind. The little girl suggested that the monsters should destroy the ship so they would be happy. While in this brilliant and uncaring form, the boy was able to think of a great excuse to get her to change her mind. Allison, if we let them sink the ship, you would be going through a lot of PAIN! The boy said with a smile on his face, making sure that the little girl heard the word clearly, so that her mind would change. Just to add fuel to the fire, he pointed his right finger over to them. See those monsters over there? They are in much pain right now, how about we fix them together?

    With that, the boy put his hand out below to the little girl to get her back up onto her feet. This was a perfect way to turn the tables. If they were able to work together, they would get rid of the Sea Serpent together. What is this about fixing them? I think we should des- Ignite tried to said, only to be muffled by Elyx's cold stare, this time, the She-Phoenix backed away. The necklace was perfect, since it made him almost emotionless, he was able to scare even Ignite herself! The She-Phoenix went to the Crow's Nest, getting the Sniper Rifle from above, clicking once, then placed it firmly on the wooden edge. Well Allison? What do you say? Want to fix them? Elyx asked, his hand still out for her to grip, if she did not fight him, but fought alongside him, the both of them would stand a much better chance.

    (OOC: I don't fight with the dice system anyways, mistakes are mistakes ^^ But it's all good!)

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by Tess 14th July 2015, 7:02 pm

    Allison listened to the boy's response and then beamed brightly back at him. It was nice that he was thinking of her, but there was something off about his answer. After all, she didn't feel any pain. Maybe he didn't know that, though! Still smiling cheerfully at Elyx, the red haired girl said, "Then we can let them sink our ship! If it doesn't hurt you, there's no need to worry about me, since I can't feel pain! So, are we letting them sink the ship then-- !!" After the brief pause, Elyx had continued speaking, and Allison listened carefully, her eyes widening in horror. They were... in pain? Should she heal them? What had happened, were they injured in a fight or something? But... Alyia had said that she shouldn't fix any creatures any more because it would hurt their family. What should she do?

    Biting her lip, Allison decided to just keep a cheerful attitude and said carefully to Elyx, "We shouldn't fix them yet because we don't know if we can't heal them! I had that same problem a little while ago, but Alyia helped me by showing me that their family will be sad if they die." The mage beamed at the young man. It seemed that he still had her old point of view, and although Allison was happy that he too desired to get rid of pain and suffering from the world, Allison couldn't allow him to cause more suffering. But then Elyx stressed exactly how much pain all of the monsters were in, and the red haired girl's smile faded just slightly before she beamed again at him and said carefully, "But it will only cause more pain to their friends if they die. See, it's all a connected process-- you just have to connect the dots!"

    Ignite started to ask a question about fixing them, and Elyx seemed to shush her. He was really concerned about the sea monsters, it seemed... but Allison just couldn't. Upon being asked again by the young man, the red haired mage simply shook her head. "We should try to heal them first," was all she said. She didn't want to seem rude, and Allison typically just went along with everything-- but Elyx wasn't thinking things out well enough. He really did have her old problem, it seemed.

    (( OOC: Ahh! Elyx turned all mean and unfeeling... T^T Allison is usually easy to manipulate, but you caught her at a bad time because she just went through a scolding by Alyia.))



    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) PXRL2Kd
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 14th July 2015, 7:14 pm

    We would have to fix all of the Sea Serpents then it would seem. Elyx said as he looked over to the circling enemies around them. While his necklace was still taking effect, he could not care less, he was able to wind out the whole ocean with just one spell if he really cared to. Allison was in the way though, her feelings for the animals taking control. The boy put his hand back before placing both his hands in his pockets. If this ship goes down, I would have to fix the ocean and literally everything in it, including their friends and families, and many more families of the ocean as well. The boy said with his eyes half-closed, still showing how much he cared. He would not mind doing it either way, but he was trying to make this easier on Allison. All the boy had to do was give the word, and Elyx could wipe out the whole ocean if he felt like it. The girl though, even though he barely cared, his usual sympathy for people was still with him, and he didn't want to see the little girl sad because of him. I am scared of the water, once this necklace uses this effect, I would go through a lot of pain, and I do not want to get fixed... In the end Allison, someone would end up in pain... And we have to choose!

    With that, the necklace began to glow again, showing how it's effect is about to wear off soon, and once it does, he could not do this again. The monsters want us all dead, and they plan to kill us all off slowly, make us all suffer before we die. Do you think they are innocent... One of them is trying to make a group of children suffer! The boy exclaimed coldly, his eyes hollowed out. This situation was becoming much more serious than it actually was. He could have thought of a peaceful alternative, but his necklace did not let him. If we want to live, we need them fixed!

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by Tess 14th July 2015, 7:49 pm

    Allison nodded as Elyx stated once again that he would have to fix all of their family. The young man seemed to understand, which was great! The red haired girl was just about to say something when he continued on, and her bright expression began to dim ever so slightly. Fix the... entire ocean? Allison had suggested to fix the forest near the Ancient Ruins at one point, and Alyia hadn't been appreciative of the idea. It would be best to avoid that, and so she couldn't let the ship go down. And in that case... Allison would have to kill the monsters. She wouldn't be fixing them, since they weren't in enough pain to make fixing the best option-- but nonetheless, she would be saving the entire ocean, so it might be worth it. And she could do it quickly, perhaps, as well!

    Hopping up, Allison gave Elyx a warm hug and then said, "Don't worry. Everything is going to be alright in the end, you know!" before bounding towards the center of the boat and clambering up to the crow's nest. She fumbled around for a little bit before finally managing to figure out how to operate the machinery-- and just in time, as well. The larger sea serpents had managed to come within firing distance-- or at least, that was what she assumed given that the swervy thing she was standing behind seemed to be used for sniping. Blinking down at Elyx, the red haired girl called out, "The children will be fine. No one will suffer. These monsters will die quickly. And we will always survive." before looking back across the wide, open water. "Upon your lead," she said.

    (( OOC: Allison will attack anything that Elyx attacks, and probably with moderately poor aim. BUT, she has thrown projectiles before and also shot a gun before, so she won't miss 100% of the time or anything. ))



    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) PXRL2Kd
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 14th July 2015, 8:02 pm

    When Allison jumped to give him a hug, he couldn't help but let out a little grin of his own. It might have been a bigger one if it were not for the necklace, but the fact that he would even feel the slightest bit happy in this form meant a lot. He softly hugged her back as well, quickly, they were going to have to at least land a hit, the crown-shaped necklace was able to last for only so long. Once they finished, Allison made her way up the Crow's nest, Ignite jumping down from above in the process, two balls of fire in her palms. She would not be able to do much against water, but the Violinist had it down with his wind magic. Allison! I hope you are a good shot, I am able to stun them for a little bit, but you need to shoot them as close to the forehead as you can! The boy exclaimed as he then put out both of his hands. On both hands, one ball of light formed, the left hand shattering the ball of light, the fragments turning into his magic item, his Violin. On his right hand, the light molded itself to form the Violin bow.

    You're going down Serpents! Be happy that we will make this as painless as possible! The boy exclaimed as he began to play the Violin. As he did this, the spell, Wind Lerale: Storm Pillars, caused the wind around the ship to shift violently, causing it to rock a little bit, only for the Sea Serpents to stop playing. The boy's eyes shot wide open when he saw this, his Violin-playing stopping. As soon as the last note finished they looked angry again, and the boy played his Violin again, soon, the monsters all calmed down once again. No... Way... Allison! Don't shoot! We don't have to hurt them! The boy exclaimed, the effect of the necklace beginning to wear off. He learned the secret, they are addicted to the sweet sounds of the Violin, many animals are after all.

    (OOC: The necklaces effect wore down and will not return for the rest of the thread ^^. Also, I am looking out for Allison while you try to break Elyx's fears down <.<)

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by Tess 14th July 2015, 8:27 pm

    Allison nodded to Elyx's words. She wasn't the best marksman ever, but she had shot a gun before and could hopefully hit in the correct area, or at least very close to it. After all. she was used to simply using magic to end their lives, but that required being close, and she wasn't able to swim very well nor breathe underwater... so those options as ways of closing the distance weren't applicable. Elyx seemed to have some sort of ranged magic, because he had said that he would be able to stun them. Allison was happy with this method of attack-- first, the young man would stun them so that they wouldn't feel any pain when Allison completely ended their lives. Just as she was trying to get a good aim on them, preparing for the first shot, the red haired girl's ears pricked up at the sound of... a violin? It seemed to be some kind of stringed instrument.

    Glancing down, the mage saw that Elyx Reiaki was indeed playing what seemed to be either a viola or a violin-- Allison couldn't tell the difference, but it definitely sounded lovely! Just then, the redhead remembered that she was supposed to be shooting, and with wide eyes the girl turned back to the guns when another noise, this one a shout, jerked her back out of the trance she had slipped into. It was the boy, who was saying that they didn't have to hurt them! What? What was he talking about? Did he mean that with this method they were using, they didn't have to hurt him? Well, that all depended on how Elyx's stun worked and whether Allison could aim, the girl supposed. But she was glad that he had so much faith in her and nodded, determined to do her best-- for both the sea creatures and her mission partner.

    Just as the girl was preparing to shoot, she realized that the ornery sounds the serpent had been making had stopped, and they were instead drifting lazily around... listening to Elyx's music. Blinking at the sight, Allison forgot all about attacking and simply stood there, her head tilted slightly to one side, her sapphire eyes focused on the scene below.



    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) PXRL2Kd
    King Elyx

    The Vanquisher

    The Vanquisher

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    Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job) Empty Re: Lollipop Twister (Allison/Job)

    Post by King Elyx 14th July 2015, 8:36 pm

    That's right... Keep going. Elyx said to himself as he closed his eyes once again. His eyes, if they were to meet with the ocean again, he would have to stop playing, and the Sea Serpents would be attacking once again. If he could not see the water, it was as if the water were not even there in the first place. The boy began to have a little bit of fun, refraining from using his magic, the winds went form violent to slowly swaying as the Violinist continued to play the piece. It was a rather upbeat sort of rhythm, followed by a slow tempo that slowly rised back up to the happier beat once again. The enemies followed their bodies accordingly, bobbing side to side to the speed in which the instrument was being played. Hmph, why are you acting so surprised about this Elyx? This is not the first time you have lulled a monster before. A familiar, annoying voice said to him, but the boy refused to open his eyes, stop playing the Violin, or even turn his back around. Instead, he kept his mouth shut as he continued to play.

    The reason why the boy felt the way he did was because he used to think that there was no other option then to kill because of his fear. But now he was reminded of why he was able to avoid being screwed over by the water. Music calmed him down and made him forget about the fact that he was on the sea, and since his eyes were closed, it felt no different then playing on land. The ship continued to sail forward, and the monsters that the boy was lulling began to slowly sink back into the water, happily moving and leaving the ship alone. This could have ended up in a wreck... But it left with no one harmed in the end, hopefully it was good enough for Allison.

      Current date/time is 17th October 2024, 11:31 pm