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    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich

    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Aqutanama Raziel Elrich 11th July 2015, 2:40 am

    Dearly Departed:

    Aku awoke to someone knocking on his bedroom door. He lived in a kind of dorm within Lamia Scale. As he got to his feet he stumbled and fell on his face. This was his usual ritual of waking up when people disturbed his slumber. With a groan he pulled his blankets off and lifted himself off the ground. Quickly he moved to the door and opened it. In his anger he was just about to yell at whoever was there. Although when he looked he didn’t see anyone. With a sigh he moved out of the doorway and looked left and right. Still no one was in sight and as he went to walk back into his room he felt something on his foot.

    “A letter?” He asked out loud as he knelt down to pick it up. He moved into his room closing the door and opened the letter. Inside it contained information from his childhood friend.

    Dear Aku

    I don't know if you remember me but I need your help. A strange cursed has swept across my home land and destroyed most of the population. I managed to escape and am now in hiding. Although while I was escaping from those creatures, one of them bit me. Within the envelope I have placed my current location and I am currently located in an old cabin within in the cursed lands. Please, come as soon as you can. I am beginning to feel rather feverous and hope we can get through this. If I’m not mistaken you were learning to be a doctor and I feel that with your skills you can heal this curse.

    Yours Truly, Magnus Bloodkey

    P.S. Bring those little muffins I like with the chocolate.

    Magnus was the only friend Aku had growing up after the incident with his brother. Aku let out another sigh as he read the letter again to make sure what he had just read was real. With that he prepared to depart but felt that he shouldn’t go alone. He gathered what he thought he would need and headed out to the area of the guild that reminded him of a bar. It was where most people gathered and he felt he should make new friends. Everyone in the guild was supposed to be like family so he walked up to a random person and tapped his shoulder.

    “Hello, my name is Aqutanama but most call me Aku.” Aku informed the young man and stuck out his hand.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%
    Word Count: 287 not counting letter and things in spoiler tags.
    So small. GG

    Lineage : Aspect Of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Running
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    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Kyojitsu 14th July 2015, 3:13 am

    Music areeno.:

    “Hello, my name is Aqutanama but most call me Aku.”

    Twas like this, that Kyojitsu would be confronted by a new fellow peer. The tap on his shoulder brought him out of his wandering state of mind. He had entertained himself this morning by reading a leaflet with news of the current world (In it, strange mentions of a town, plagued by a new curse were obviously written out, in a way that even Aku might note). It now sat loosely held by his left hand, a small cup of coffee in the other. Slightly lukewarm now to the touch, it still let out a small curl of steam from the tanned brown surface of liquid. This fresh aroma drifted pleasantly to his nostrils thus rousing him senses full once more. He raised it to his lips taking a deep draft of the alchemically treated beverage letting the sweet and warm solution slide down comfortably warming his throat and stomach with a pleasant soothing sensation. Slding his chair to the side, he stood up, and noticed for the first time that he himself stood a bit shorter than his peer.

    He let a gentle smile crawl across his face, and pushed aside a few strands of soft blonde hair that had found their way in front of his one good eye. Carefully he removed a pair of reading spectacles from his eyes, and tucked them gently into his coat pocket. He held his hand out to meet this strange fellows hand in a firm handshake. As he did this, his left forearm showed the familiar mark of a member of the Lamia Scale. Its tattoo wrapping elegantly across his forearm.

    "Hello Aku. It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Kyojitsu, Ametsuchi Kyojitsu, but like you people tend to avoid the formality, and merely call me by the name of Kyo. Tell me, what or who do I owe this sudden, but otherwise pleasant greeting to?"

    His soft and gentle blue eye met the gaze of the green spectacled lad who was before him. This boy hopefully not disquieted by the eye patch that graced his other eye.


    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) ATKyosigfix_zpsbf5066f9
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich

    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Aqutanama Raziel Elrich 14th July 2015, 4:12 am

    Aku was distracted by the aroma of the coffee that Kyo had. Its smell was somewhat overpowering to someone who just woke up. The smell of coffee usually had that effect on Aku and it always reminded him of breakfast. He let out a small sigh that bordered on moan as he took in the smell. His stomach grumbled in protest to the smell.

    “I’M HUNGRY!” It screamed but all anyone could hear was… “BRREEEEOOOOOUU.” Aku’s free hand shot to his stomach, embarrassed by the fact. When Kyo shook Aku’s hand he noted the tattoo across his forearm. After he introduced himself he queried as to why Aku had greeted him. Aku was many things but an outspoken individual he was not, especially on an empty stomach.

    “Perhaps we could discuss it over breakfast? I don’t mean to be rude however I cannot think on an empty stomach.” He paused looking at the young man wondering why he wore an eye-patch. The color of Aku’s eyes were only brown because he wore tinted glasses. He slid them down a little to look at Kyo without the green tint. To him, everything seemed a bit different when he did although he was used to wearing them. Aku’s eye color showed off as a somewhat terrifying red.

    Once finished he placed his glasses back on his nose and walked over to get some breakfast. He returned after placing his order and with a gesture of his hand moved to a table with room. It was away from all of the other members of the guild. Obviously he chose it because he didn’t mix well with others. Most didn’t realize this but it was hard for him to get to know anyone because he was so awkward. As they waited for his meal to arrive he looked at Kyo. Not wanting things to become even more unsettling he took off his hat and jacket placing them within arm’s reach.

    “I was hoping you could help me with something personal.” Aku admitted and knew that it seemed as if he were only using Kyo. Realistically he had a strange way of bonding with others. To form the bonds of friendship was a very difficult process for young Aku. He was obviously uncomfortable in his seat and with talking to others he didn’t know. This came out in his body language as he shifted in his seat. It was as if he couldn’t find a comfortable way to sit in the damn thing.

    Word count: 418

    Lineage : Aspect Of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Running
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    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Kyojitsu 23rd July 2015, 2:04 am

    With a gesture of the wrist Kyojitsu beckoned a near servant of the clientele. He spoke to the waitress and placed a simple order of toast, with a side of butter and a single sunny side egg. He had already had a bit to eat before leaving, but considering he had finished a mission rather recently, his purse was a bit weighty with coin. No need to let the burdens of currency weight him down. He tossed a few coins to the waitress with a wink before walking to where Aqu had placed him for a seat. He pulled the chair out and considered what he had seen just a moment ago. A pair of piercing red eyes hid behind those glasses Kyo thought. Perhaps a trait of inheritance?... or was it more? He considered the power that lurked in his eyes... or eye he supposed. Was there others with such magic that worked through the eye? He supposed it was a possibility that he couldn't merely dismiss.

    Lowering into the chair he leaned a bit back, and crossed his arms getting comfortable assuming the he may be here for a bit.
    "So Aqu-san. Enlighten me to the purpose of your visit. We are both brothers of the same guild, so feel no concern. I am delighted to hear what it is you wish to speak on."
    He spoke of something personal that he needed help with, and Kyojitsu simply listened on. His eye focused on the young lad.


    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) ATKyosigfix_zpsbf5066f9
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich

    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Aqutanama Raziel Elrich 23rd July 2015, 1:46 pm

    His food hadn’t arrived yet and he didn’t want to seem rude by not talking.

    “I have a friend in need of my help. He sent me this letter.” Aqutanama informed Kyojitsu as he passed him the letter that mysteriously arrived at his door. The smell of lightly peppered eggs, bacon and some hash browns filled the air. With that Aqutanama’s stomach let out a terrifying growl as if it would consume anything and everything in the area. He looked down somewhat ashamed with a hint of embarrassed color filling his face. Again another grin came over his face and once the food arrived he looked it squirming in his seat.

    “I don’t want to be rude but would it be alright if I eat, Kyojitsu…-san?” Aku tried out the san to see if it sounded right. Perhaps it would with just Kyo… Kyo-san… Maybe? He shook his head at the food and waited for Kyo to respond.

    Lineage : Aspect Of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Running
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    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Kyojitsu 3rd August 2015, 1:48 am

    Kyojitsu palmed the letter into his hand, and began to glimpse the content over. He raised his visibly in curiosity, as the contents of the letter became apparent to him. How strange something liek this would fall into his lap as fast as this. He had just seconds earlier read about an incident such as this occurring in the paper. He set the letter down to the table, and nodded affirming Aqu's desire to eat. He then mulled over the idea in his mind for a moment considering the implications of the situation.

    "I'm glad to hear you profess to being a healer. An admirable trade indeed."

    Kyojitsu would not admit to any shortcomings in his magic, as it was in his nature to usually profess his values and glaze over any part of him that may be lacking. Healing arts had always been allusive to him, and he simply didn't have the patience he supposed. He was, unfortunately, a blade among mages.

    "Judging from this situation I guess that you seek the assistance and perhaps the protection of another mage. I shan't charge for my services, as to be honest my curiosity is stirred into motion at the notion implied by this letter. Though i would ask for some of those muffins I read about."

    He said this with a smile, looking down towards his little order of food he nibbled away at it taking time to enjoy the flavors of egg and butter running down his throat. If he was destined for the road it was likely field rations were all he had to look forward to for awhile.


    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) ATKyosigfix_zpsbf5066f9
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich

    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Aqutanama Raziel Elrich 3rd August 2015, 12:54 pm

    Aqutanama looked a bit dumbfounded as Kyo mentioned healing and then he remembered the letter. It had mentioned something touching the subject of his magic. As Kyo sat across from him Aqutanama started to dig into his meal. He did mumble something under his breath akin to a prayer but so hungry was he that he couldn’t help but dig in quickly. He ate like a starved animal eating its last meal. Although he ate like a monster none of the food seemed to leave his plate or mouth. Once he was finished he took a full mug of tea and downed it. The heat seemed to impact him greatly as he started to breathe quickly out of his mouth. He took a napkin and cleaned his spotless face.

    “I bet you didn’t know you would have a show this morning huh?” Aqutanama joked as he leaned over and became noticeably relaxed.

    “My magic isn’t just about healing. I didn’t want to be restricted to becoming a doctor at the age of thirteen. My mother taught me well as did my father. Although he is the one who taught me how to cook and bake. Seems a bit backwards from the usual.” Aqutanama admitted as he opened up to the young Kyo. It was hard for him to do so usually but eating with someone always drew friendship in his mind.

    “As for the situation…” He paused as he looked at his empty cup.

    “I wanted someone with a different view on the situation. I feel that I’m too close emotionally to think clearly.” Aqutanama confessed as he tipped the cup bottom into the air trying to get the small drops left.

    “As for the muffins, those are something we need to make before we leave. Also charging for services is something that always comes up. I feel that if there is a reward we could split it. If not I could always bake you some muffins.” Aqutanama said with a smile spreading across his face.

    Lineage : Aspect Of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Running
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    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Kyojitsu 14th August 2015, 3:07 am

    "I certainly can say that I wasn't expecting this sort of letter to drop right into my lap."
    He placed his hands onto the table, pressing a bit down he splayed his fingers out and heard them crack and pop. With a bit of a flick he felt his muscles loosen and his body become lax. He looked off to the side and let his mind mull over what the situation was. There was most certainly going to be danger, and thus he knew that there would be a fight, and that meant he may have to confront the thrill again. He closed his eyes,

    You became a mage partly to confront this did you not? No sense in running. No... its likely fate that placed this boy here, and now its my job to see how this plays out.

    He stood up slowly, tossing a few coins to the table before pulling his cloak from the back of the chair and throwing it on in a quick motion. The sound of jingling metal was slightly audible as he did this. He felt its weight on him try to tug him down a bit. With a bit of concentration he felt his magic begin to work out of his body, a silent, visually unapparent spell, but one that he had to maintain almost constantly. His body had become adept at handling this sort of thing, and reducing the force on this cloak had become much easier as he got older. When young he was forced to carry much heavier things as training, so something this simple... well it was no issue really.

    Kyojitsu motioned a beckoning hand gesture to his new aquaintence.
    "Well Aqu, I shall act as a personal guard, but I am now guide. So I'll let you lead the way. It sounds urgent enough that we shant dawdle I imagine."
    He touched at a sheath at his hip, where a large dagger sat. He let his hand rest on the hilt, and felt that constant tension return putting him on edge again.


    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) ATKyosigfix_zpsbf5066f9
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich

    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Aqutanama Raziel Elrich 14th August 2015, 10:51 am

    Aku looked at Kyo as he told him he wasn’t expecting a letter to drop into his lap.

    “Well, the letter was dropped in front of my room. I then picked it up and placed it on the table for you to read. Give me about an hour to get ready. We will depart then.” Aku said as he paid his tab and left a small tip. Afterwards he moved to the kitchen and started to make his Chocolate Muffins.

    Once he was finished making them he placed them in a Tupperware container… well, more like three of them. He had made so many that he had two containers extra. Perhaps it was because he was making some for his new friend. Either way he went to the meeting place where Kyo should be waiting. Sadly he had arrived twenty minutes early and stood around. After a few moments passed he decided to start drawing some of the passerby’s. One was a merchant bringing in supplies for the guild. It looked as if they were arguing about price and so Aku put in little captions.

    “Try to swindle me?!” The guildsman said.

    “Not at all these goods are fresh and from faraway lands.” The merchant informed.

    The next page was showing the guard calm down a little and the merchant smiling a bit. It went into further detail about how he was going to take his wares elsewhere but the guildsman decided to purchase the man’s goods at his asking price. The people he drew looked almost exactly like they did in life except he drew them in a cartoon fashion. Everything else he drew looked great. Birds looked like the birds he drew. Some bird callers wanted his drawings over pictures. He obliged them and took a small fee for each drawing. It was enough money for him to resupply and that’s about it. So he let out a sigh as he waited and his hand idly started to make a doodle.

    Lineage : Aspect Of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Running
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    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Kyojitsu 27th September 2015, 5:27 pm

    He walked in a calm pace, his blade shifting a bit at his hip. A pace well set before one ventured from home once more.

    If one could call this place home that is.

    Home was far from this land, where open plains stretched across the land, and winds carried the scents of fresh grass and blossoming flowers. He cracked a half smile thinking of those times, not so long ago. Where his worries were only surmountable to the next training session, or what he would eat for the night. The stars overhead his only company. He broke through the entrance of the guild, and felt the beams of light flash across his skin bathing him in an incandescent glow.

    "My old friends the sky and sun greet me eagerly once more I see."

    He glanced across the land before him, and spotted a sketching Aqu. His eyes glancing over passersby and the like. Art was not the talent given to Kyo in his youth, such a refined nature was not something that suited him well. He tightened his coat, as regardless of the sunny sky, the winds that blew by were cold and did not leave one without a shiver.

    "Hello my comrade. Shall we be taking our leave of the Guild once more in search of another venture?"


    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) ATKyosigfix_zpsbf5066f9
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich

    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Aqutanama Raziel Elrich 28th September 2015, 5:44 pm

    Aku jumped when Kyo called out to him. He was so into the drawing that he forgot about the engagement for a while.

    “Oh, you startled me!” He admitted but was too proud to say that he was scared into jumping. He looked at Kyo and noted that he was bundled as if it were cold.

    “Are you cold?” He asked as he packed his art supplies away. He looked around and started to touch his pockets like he forgot something. Once he was sure that he had everything he picked up the Tupperware and walked over to Kyo.

    “Here something to warm you up. They should still be warm.” He informed him as he handed him one of his homemade treats. Chocolate muffins weren’t rare but ones baked by Aku were. He only made these for people he considered close friends. The fact he gave one to Kyo was a hopeful branch of friendship. He couldn’t help but smile and nod as they went on their way.

    The guild had prepared traveling arraignments for the young men and they found themselves taking a strange contraption across the lands. There were many trees and bushes along the way. They would take rest stops whenever they were needed. The trip was mostly uneventful save for Aku drawing some of the mountain ranges. He would show his drawings to Kyo and ask what he thought of them. Although he didn’t draw people that looked like people, he did draw everything else in a strange clarity. Finally they arrived in the cursed lands, where they were attacked.

    ((OOC: Going to say the monsters come out in order. So start with the weak ones and move up. Maybe mix them in if you like.))

    Posts : 23954
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    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by NPC 28th September 2015, 5:44 pm

    The member 'Aqutanama Raziel Elrich' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) NormalMonster Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) NormalMonster Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) NormalMonster Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) NormalMonster Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) NormalMonster Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) NormalMonster Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) NormalMonster Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) NormalMonster Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) NormalMonster

    Lineage : Aspect Of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Running
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    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Kyojitsu 29th September 2015, 6:24 pm

    He took a bite of the culinary confection, his taste buds elated with the savory flavors that mixed across his pallet. Not too bitter, but not too sweet. A balance of darker chocolates to that tantalized the mouth with a slight stingy bitter that awoke the senses just in time to be soothed to rest by the sweetness of the muffins breading. A splash of sugar, that touched and soothed each taste bud so recently but that bitter twing of dark chocolate.

    "Yeap.. That was amazing."

    They carried on across fields, plains, river, and mountain. Kyojitsu took enjoyment of the company of an artist. He had no knack for art, but admired the form quite fondly. If he were a different character surely he would love the theater and be and actor, alas he was written a warrior. Life had peculiar ways of playing and choosing the life style of a man, and even more so those who one might surround themselves with.

    Kyo most admired the skys and plains that the boy drew. The way that Aku captured the limitless blue intertwined with strokes of green. Leaves dancing across the wind, and forming move after move... Kyo would not share the joy of flight. It was something private, but looking upon the canvas of greens and blues... he could swear that Aku himself must have flown! The freedom it filled his heart with was amazing. He felt like he could reach out and touch the sky, falling back into it once more. Embracing the feeling of being that leaf in the wind, dancing from breeze to breeze in the mighty shuffle of life.

    Things grew dreary however, and the lands seemed to have the colour ripped from it. Green lush fields became barren and grey. Skies tinged over, and an overwhelming sense of dread pressed down onto Kyo. He felt himself slightly staggered by the sudden staleness of everything. Pressing his scarf into his face, he felt its soft warm colours flood his senses for a moment, and this brought him back to the world. He removed it from his face, and took in the scene once more.

    "It seems we draw upon lands unkind to man. Such disaster... I fear the worst for your friend Aku."

    Turning towards the distances Kyo's eye caught the wisp of movement, and without a blink of hesitation, his hand flicked down to single knife, and he flicked it with a push of empowerment. It cracked as it left his hand, and the force so sudden pushed Kyo back slightly. Newton's third was a constant thorn in his side, and something he actively had to consider when using his power. The blade lunged into the breast of the figure that lurked in the distance! but just as fast as his excitement flared at the idea of a clean hit no sooner were they crushed back the reality. The blade passed without effect through the figure.

    "What kind of sorcery is this? Blade has no power here?"

    [ooc: Since I am unable to hit these regardless at this time. I have chosen to strike knowing that I can not hit. At this point I give control to Aqu to initiate enemy attacks lest he pass such a thing to me, and then I can roll. If nothing else at his request I can describe their attacks after his post in my following post.]


    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) ATKyosigfix_zpsbf5066f9
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich

    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Aqutanama Raziel Elrich 29th September 2015, 10:02 pm

    Aku had noticed how the lands were changing and indeed drew them. His drawing was more like a very detailed journal.

    “The saying is a picture is worth a thousand words. That and I don’t have the correct utensils to write something.” He clarified as he started to exit the strange vehicle.

    "Also I'm glad you liked the treat. It is hard to find someone who enjoys what I make. Magnus was one of the few." He admitted hours later, or was it days or weeks, as if he didn't know how to at the time of the compliment. He then looked at Kyo with a small smile and helped him get his belongings. Only after gathering their things did the taxi driver speed off. Aku covered the drawing with a strange dust that quickly dried anything wet. Once he was finished he placed it into his bag. He was preoccupied with doing that and finally took note of the foes before them. Kyo had asked about the type of magic in play and why his blade had no power.

    Suddenly Aku noticed a specter moving towards Kyo. He was just close enough he hoped to push his friend out of the way. As he did his hands landed on Kyo’s cape and Aku’s eyes lit up. He had imagined his friend’s cape being a weapon but didn’t really know why.

    “Auguriis!” He exclaimed hoping that his new friend would figure it was a spell that he cast on him. Suddenly Kyo’s cape burst into white flames as Aku landed on top on him.

    “Crap, I cast that on accident!” He admitted as he looked at the two creatures. The one that Kyo had thrown a knife through was pretty far from them in comparison to the other, who was now upon them. Deep down Aku knew that his thread would be useless in this fight… well, after using his only offensive spell. But then again he never really knew what Kyo was capable of.

    “Kill it with fire!” He suggested as he pointed at the cloak.

    HP: 100%
    MP: 90%

    Spell(s) Used and mana cost: 10MP

    Lineage : Aspect Of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Running
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    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Kyojitsu 30th September 2015, 6:00 pm

    A push...

    The burning sensation did not follow, instead a peaceful flowing coolness overtook him, and enshrouded him. His cloak now glowing, and flowing like living flame let off tiny wisps of fire. It was like being a glowing star. He took in one slow breath, and brought his nerves to ease. Assailant spirit no longer quite in range he found himself facing the glowing apparition,

    Those soulless eyes... what suffering have you endured stricken down from the afterlife, and chained to this world?

    He shot both arms outward to his sides, and down the center of his cloak a tear formed. Seamlessly fabric unraveled. He knew this cloak... he bonded to it over a long time. Each crease in the fabric, the feel of each cord of woven cloth. He tore them apart one by one faster than he thought imaginable. With such a bond it was easy, like breathing. His knifes, countless in number scattered to the ground with a clanging that echoed out like resounding thunder. Cloth unwoven, and restructuring. Quietly, and somewhat solemn he whispered

    "A new purpose old friend..."

    The cloth wrapped around his hands, weaving into almost strands up and around his arms. A glowing pair of hand wraps now enshrouded his forearms and hands. His fists did not feel the flame, but a coolness...

    My Enemy.

    Gravity was fickle, and force was his mastery. It was sometimes hard to keep track of what was up and what was down. When watching the world almost spin constantly one had to learn a new perspective. First it was zero... force all but leaving him, and giving him a listless floating sensation for a mere second. Then a shift... in an instant he struck, alike to a bullet, he pushed forward.  The world moved underneath him, giving no pull or concern. The horizon now pulled him forward. His hand outstretched he hoped for contact and was rewarded as he felt his now wrapped hands grasp firmly into the spirits chest.


    His mind flipped gravity, now the earth below once paid him heed, but doubly so, and in an instance. He shoved straight down, and felt the bubbly, almost fluid like feeling of the spirit below his grasping hand condense, then pop. Wisps of energy flowed out from between his fingers a small crater where his hand had crushed down seemed to be all that remained of his foe. For a moment elation filled him knowing he could at least strike and slay these foes he faced, but a strike from beside seemed to jar him back into action.

    Looking over he saw a cloud in the distance and his mind latched onto that.


    He shot off in the direction of the cloud, and after "Flying" about 15 feet up, his mind changed the sensation once more.


    And again, adrift the winds... From this point above, he could see the one that struck him, and two more shaping up in the distance.

    "Be careful Aku! I am your guard. Leave this to me!"

    Health Percentage: 90%
    Magic Percentage: 100%


    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) ATKyosigfix_zpsbf5066f9
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich

    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Aqutanama Raziel Elrich 2nd October 2015, 8:16 am

    Awestruck was the only word that could describe how Aku felt at this moment. When Kyo encased his arms in his own jacket, Aku couldn’t move. The quick thinking of Kyo allowed him to strip his jacket and make nice combination.  Awestruck, bewildered and inspired; this was how Aku felt at the moment. It would have paralyzed him into inaction but he only wanted to help his new friend. Sadly he couldn’t damage these creatures with any magic he had… left. So he took to one of the things he didn’t do best, he ran. What was probably once a thick beautiful forest now stood a withered landscape, although, the trees still had some life in them. Can’t keep nature down as it is powered by the planet. He filed the deduction away as he sent out his thread. Quickly, the small string thickened as more thread was added. In an instant the rope shot and wrapped around a tree branch.

    ‘Minus length at below tree branch.’

    Quickly the cord began to shorten lifting the young mage into the air as he swung away from the specter who was about to damage him. Luckily Aku wasn’t damaged by the creature and used the force of his thread to swing around the branch and land safely upon it. He noticed that there were two creatures floating at his friend and once he saw that he knew he had to do something. His thread shot out and wrapped around his friends torso in a way that he wouldn’t be harmed by massive force. He did this quicker than someone could talk. Once he finished he jumped off the twenty foot high branch and pulled his friend away from the fiends.

    “Behind you!” He yelled after he landed safely on the ground.

    Lineage : Aspect Of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Running
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    Third Skill:

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Kyojitsu 2nd October 2015, 11:15 pm

    Kyo felt the rush of battle begin to make his heart beat faster and faster every second. He felt the fire cool around his arms. The beating of his heart grew so loud it was all he could hear for a moment. He grasped his eye, and holding his hand there for a moment the fire concealed the change that his body went through. He kicked hard up, and the momentum spun him backwards to face his approaching enemy. The one that Aku was alerting him to,

    My Enemy.

    The cracks had formed, and the world began to alter in shape to his eye. Fissures of red burned across everything. He could not strike with the power of his blades, and would have to rend his foes with his bare hands. He kicked into motion towards the shadow from behind, and his hand glowing he slammed into the strange form. He smiled, watching his push plow into the creature. It suddenly had the force he had channeled into his hand transferred into the shadow. It shot like a missile into another shadow.

    They connected, slamming into the ground and crashing into each other. The shadow that was launched latched onto the ground, and stuck to it like glue. It bounded its ally to the ground, holding them both into place. He slammed into them seconds later, both fists plowing into them. He had never cut the pull on his original target, and as such when he launched his opponent away, Kyo's gravitational pull sent him towards it again. It's a type of pursuit that makes it nearly impossible to create a large gap as long as there was nothing between him and his target. Beneath his fists the earth warped and cracked. Aiming between the cracks of the universe, he felt the shadows explode beneath his fists. Another one closed the distances and reached out to strike him.


    Latching his gravity back to the ground down below him, he flipped and placed his feet into a defensive stance blocking the specters attack with one hand, and gathering energy in the other he swung out with another push. It slammed into his target, and launched it hurling into the tree that Aku had fled to. It got stuck there, as if glued to the wall.

    Health Percentage: 90%
    Magic Percentage: 80%


    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) ATKyosigfix_zpsbf5066f9
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich

    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Aqutanama Raziel Elrich 4th October 2015, 2:02 pm

    Aqutanama was now closer to the ground as he pulled on Kyojitsu. He couldn’t think of what to do other than run and that was what he did. Although the thing he didn’t expect was more foes to materialize out of nowhere. These blasted phantoms were coming out of the woodworks and he was somewhat frightened. Once again he used his cord to help him ascend into a tree. He was too focused to see the grand things his friend was doing. Although he did try to keep an eye out for his friends location. He noted that there were fewer than before… well in a sense. They would be a bit overwhelmed if all of those things were still around.

    So far Kyo seemed to have destroyed three of these things but Aqutanama knew that his magic wouldn’t last. He couldn’t make it last longer but he could inform his new friend that his spell was about to wear off. He quickly ran towards Kyo and used his cord like a swinging vine between the trees. He stopped as he took note of all the blades that Kyo had dropped. He quickly descended and landed gracefully next to the weapons. He sent out his cord to pick up the knives and as his cord did they entwined the handles like one would expect the handle of any weapon to be wrapped. Soon he had a massive bouquet of knives attached to the end of his rope. Again he made his way to where Kyo would land after his attack. Once he reached his friend he looked at him.

    “My spell will end soon. Use it while you can.” He warned him as he started to spin the knives in circles to test the balance. They seemed to compliment his cord and with that he smiled.

    Word Count: 306
    HP: 100%
    MP: 90%

    Foes down 3 of 9

    Lineage : Aspect Of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Running
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Kyojitsu 4th October 2015, 8:38 pm

    Kyo gave a quick nod to his comrade, and decided for this moment he would have to let go...

    Breath Kyo... if you concentrate you won't lose all your control. You'll be able to come back from it...

    If that was the case why did his fucking heart have to beat so fast? Why did it have to want to lose control. He couldn't push these feelings down any longer for this fight, as who knew if he had that time to spare. He let the cords wrapped around his farm falls slightly down, and crouched down wrapping them up his legs. He cut the fabric with a knife he obtained from the ground nearby. He stood up slowly, and his legs now burning, and his arms burning he took a moment to take in one last deep breath.

    "Give me some distance for a moment. I don't want you getting hurt in the cross fire. It might get a bit hairy if I'm going to put the extra effort out."

    He increased the mass of his body while increasing the density. He felt himself become more compact, and yet because of the mass increase his body remained the same. Just more boom for his buck packed into the same package. As this happened he simultaneously cut gravity's pull on himself. This process was practiced over an incredibly long period of time, and he had it to a science really. He hefted his arm a bit giving it a spin in the air. He could feel the difference intensely, even when his gravity was being actively shifted. He swung his arm out, and it crashed into a dead tree, and his now hyper dense arm shattered it through like a small twig, as it began to fall he cut its gravity, but retained its normal density and mass. He watched the embers of his arms became elated at the idea of the dry wood, and it jumped and sparked across the wood. This gave it give, and now it could likely, and hopefully be used.

    He jumped into action, launching himself forward, and giving a wide swing, the tree cleaved into a ghost wasting him like the nothing he was. Kyojitsu couldn't even feel his mass vanish, the ghost was just gone like that. It was like swinging through the air. Another one looked as though it would close in on him. Taking a strong leap up, he tossed the tree like a spear straight down onto one, and it exploded into debris burying the ghost into the ground. He grinned watching the fire show. The last one seemed to have flown up towards him. He shifted his gravity, spinning his body into a firm kick, knocking the ghost away. Another quick change, and he was plowing into the ghost, and then another towards the ground. When he got like this, the mental triggers became second nature. When he crashed into the ground, ghost under foot, it cratered and split the earth below. Force of his own blow left him a bit shaken. He released all his flexes of gravity on himself, and returned to base as the fires around him wicked out. The area was still ablaze with the remnants of fire.

    I never thought I would be so thankful that I was fighting a ghost... it looks like the excitement isn't as high... whatever it is inside of me. Apparently it likes its opponents with a bit more meat.

    HP: 70% [Self Sustained injuries, not used to fighting a enemy with no yield.]
    MP: 50%


    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) ATKyosigfix_zpsbf5066f9
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich

    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Aqutanama Raziel Elrich 10th October 2015, 6:29 pm

    Aku nodded as Kyo told him to get some distance. He wasted no time using his cord to get a few trees from his friend as well as the foes. He watched in amazement as his friend shattered a tree with his hand! He was awe inspired as his friend picked up a tree and launched it at one of the specters. He noted that his spell came to an end as Kyo finished his bombardment on the remaining specters. Aku still had his bouquet of knives that belonged to his friend. Again he felt the magic swell within him, giving him note that he could enchant something else. He moved down to his friend as he saw more of these creatures coming for him. He used the rope to swing from tree to tree and made a soft coil beneath himself as he landed absorbing some of the impact.

    “Auguriis!” He yelled as he came flying towards his new friend. All knifes within became a blaze as he thrust his improvised weapon out like a spear. His footing stopped giving the momentum of his fall and forwards movement into the weapon. He used his ability to make the rope bigger, split the rope and guide it into two new specters turning them into small wisps and then into nothing.

    “HA! I got two!” He cheered as the rope seemed to find slack and continue into some nearby trees. Strangely enough the rope never hit Kyo.

    “Also, I got your back!” He said with a grin and then he noted that his friend was somewhat wounded. His rope came back and formed a strange spear like sword. The knives each a point on the blade and the tip was one as well. The rope twisted and weaved around the handles forming into a nicely compacted spear sword.

    “Hey hold the Starsword!” He bade his friend as he moved over and started looking over his wounds.

    “Consuant Textrinum.” He whispered as his weave moved over his friends wounds healing them slightly.

    “Now you see why I don’t have spells like other mages?” He asked as he looked a bit woozy and in pain. Some of the pain Kyo was or would be feeling was passed into Aqutanama and it showed on his face. Thankfully it was only so much pain. He could only heal so much because his body couldn’t take on extreme damage.

    Kyo Heals D-rank damage. 10
    HP: 90
    MP: 70
    Word Count: 403
    Took falling damage.
    Spell(s) Used and mana cost: 20MP


    Lineage : Aspect Of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 32
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Running
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    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Kyojitsu 11th October 2015, 8:33 pm

    Kyojitsu watched the swinging strange acrobatics of young Aku. Kyo had made the assumption at this point that the lad wasn't just good with rope. No, it was likely this was a part of his magic. Kyojitsu was interested with other magics, as he only had knowledge of his own personal arcane, and the arcanes of the elements. Perhaps this wasn't the time to focus on such things. He brought himself up off his knee. His wounds slightly healed, he held this "Star Blade" he had been handed in his left hand. It felt good to hold a weapon. Hand to hand combat was nice, but there was no feeling quite like having a blade in ones hand. It was one reason he had loved learning magic with his father.

    I hate indirect combat Kyojitsu. You have to look your opponent in the eyes, and know the feeling of their heart in battle. This is how you make yourself a warrior, versus a mere mage.

    His mind drifted for a moment. thoughts of a father gone filling his mind. He shoved it down, and raised his blade instead. He let his thoughts slip away, and began to focus on the fight once more. Only one ghast remained. He entered a traditional stance, Kendo, and charged the spirit. He jumped slightly into the air, and then mid jump mutipled his density ten fold. He brought the blade down like a hammer. It crashed into the ghast and smashed it into the ground with such force, that it vanished before the blade even met the ground and cratered the earth. He hefted the blade up, and looked back to Aku shooting him a thumbs up,


    His magics all released at once, and the density returned back to normal on both him and the blade. He walked up to Aku and held the flaming rope blade out to him.

    "A good fight. Lets find your friend now. We have little time to waste."

    HP: 80%
    MP: 50%


    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) ATKyosigfix_zpsbf5066f9
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich

    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Aqutanama Raziel Elrich 14th October 2015, 6:05 pm

    Aku watched the area and noted that they had vanquished all the foes within. It was strange because the area even seemed to heal slightly as time passed. Perhaps it was because he was there with positive healing magic. He watched as Kyo destroyed another spirit that he had missed. Good thing his friend was near and so observant. He couldn’t help but crack a smile as he walked up and started to hand him the rope sword. He waved his hands and the flames dissipated. A cord came from his hand and touched the swords rope. It came alive at that moment and started to weave around Kyo. It took a few moments but once it was finished he had many sheathes. The hilts were all pointing up and the blades rested snuggly in the sheath. Once he was finished he took one of the strange blades and cut the thread.

    “If you like I can fix your friend there.” He motioned to Kyo’s old faithful jacket. He couldn’t help but feel hopeless as Kyo had mentioned his friend. Soon he gained his barring and started off into the forest. Soon he came on the hut described within the note. With a sad sigh he noticed that the hut was battered and the front door laid splintered and bloody. There was a massive smears of blood all over the place and with a heavy heart he walked into the room.

    Within the room he found traces of a struggle. He couldn’t find anything besides torn scraps of clothing.  Some small blotches of blood here and there. He was surprised that he was so calm. After looking through the entire room he couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. His friend wasn’t anywhere to be found. That sigh was stopped midway as he saw a gleam in the corner of his eye. He moved over to it and revealed a ring. It had a cross of Keys hidden behind the letter B. Tears welled within the young mage as he walked out of the house with the ring.

    “I think my friend may be dead.” He informed Kyo as he dropped the treats he had made. He was under a cloud of depression as he moved back towards their guild. Perhaps Kyo would try to cheer him up although it seemed all but impossible. After a few moments he fell to his knees and started to puke up water. He was gasping for air and the physical exercises of the day pushed him over his threshold.  

    HP: 90
    MP: 70
    Word Count: 428

    Lineage : Aspect Of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 56
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Experience : 56.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Running
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Kyojitsu 24th October 2015, 11:42 am

    Kyo's cloak repaired he shouldered it on, remembering a snug feeling of its fabric he felt a sense of security return to him. The cloak design was that of his fathers, and tailored just this way for Kyojitsu. He watched as Aku returned a sense of grimness on his face. Kyojitsu watched for a moment as the boy shuddered and wretched up a large amount of water. Kyojitsu walked to the lads side, and placed his cloak over his shoulders. He was still a lad, and Kyo understood how a battle and sudden shock of loss could do this to anyone. He remembered his training and placed a hand the shoulder of Aku,

    "Fret not lad. Even if the situation is dire in appearance, we have done something good here. Nature blooms once more, and the land thanks us for our help. Now we can only pray that your friend is safe and in a better place. I'm sure he treasures the thought that we came to his aid."

    Reaching down and picking up one of the muffins, he crushed it a bit in his hands. Crumpling it until its texture was something grainy more like dust or crumbs. With a flick of his magic, he tossed into the air and the particles scattered in many directions. Carried by wind and magic.

    "A meal given to a friend who could not attend."

    He closed his eyes, and said a small prayer before grabbing the remaining muffins. He tossed one to Aku.

    "It would be rude to merely let our guest eat. Come now, you must eat to gain back your strength. We leave in the morning. We'll clean up this place a bit and stay the night to make certain nothing else lurks."

    Kyo looked out over the horizon,

    "Even in the dark, nature promises to bloom again."


    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) ATKyosigfix_zpsbf5066f9
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich
    Aqutanama Raziel Elrich

    Lineage : Ice Cold
    Position : None
    Posts : 64
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 200

    Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo) Empty Re: Dearly Departed (Aku and Kyo)

    Post by Aqutanama Raziel Elrich 1st November 2015, 3:16 am

    He nodded and smiled as he got up. He wiped away the water from his lips and looked around.

    “I was not so scared that I vomited. I am cursed.” He confessed as he looked around and noted that Kyo was spreading the crumbs of a muffin. As Kyo threw a cupcake to him he caught it and fumbled it around almost dropping it. He ended up falling over and on to his back. It seemed that whatever grace he held while they were fighting these foes was now gone. He let out a small sigh as he recalled his friend Magnus and nibbled at the treat. Kyo was correct. This would make him feel better and he knew it. He was tired from the battle and from the letdown of not finding Magnus.

    “Yes nature is strong. Although, I wonder what was holding it back. The strange creatures we battled seemed hollow. I wonder if Magnus is alive.” Aku said as he moved over and picked up the rest of the treats. He wasn’t one to let food go to waste.

    “Perhaps we can eat these as we walk home.” He said as he smiled to Kyo and started to walk.

    ‘Hargeon… Hargeon was now home…’ Aku thought as he moved through the wooded are. He would wait for Kyo to follow him before he moved on.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:20 pm