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    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 1129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Tess 29th June 2015, 2:35 pm

    Allison just kept blinking, and blinking, and blinking as Seikatsu easily killed the four shadow beasts that emerged. She was just about to open her mouth again when her partner's pet snake flying cute creature latched onto her head and said something about staying away from Seikatsu right now. Well, the girl could do that. She didn't want to hurt him after all-- ? All of a sudden, some more monsters appeared and the girl mentally sighed. She didn't really have any abilities left, but either way she plunged into battle, taking more than a few hits. The girl drew on her MP, just slightly doing an opposite of the vitality exchange. It really didn't effect anything, but she wanted to not have full MP just in case the boss came at any moment. The girl eventually managed to knock out two of the more powerful shadow beasts, as well as half of the weaker wave before they diverted their attention to Seikatsu.

    Allison glanced over, taking note of his position. Well, hopefully he was doing all right. The girl was going to listen to Lisa's advice because even though she didn't really mind being hurt, if he wasn't going to respond to her it wouldn't do any good. Allison felt a sudden tightening on her leg and looked down to remember that the little creature was still hanging on for dear life. She'd nearly forgotten about it, but was glad that she hadn't-- they were supposed to protect it, after all. The creatures were still targetting it, but since Allison had gotten used to their attack movements she was no longer focusing so much on predicting where they would charge based on the position of the little creature. All of a sudden, Allison felt a cold presence, being emanated from some thing some where behind her. The girl turned around to see a replica of herself, smiling just like Allison typically did. Except... this didn't seem to be the typical shadow beast. And Allison wasn't afraid of herself.

    HP: 80%
    MP: 90%

    The Boss

    HP: 80% (at maximum)
    HP: 90% (at maximum)

    Shield of Mercy: 4 posts



    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 PXRL2Kd
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 29th June 2015, 3:21 pm

    Seiikatsu was mentally lost in a power struggle between himself and something else. He knew it wasn't Altsoba, as this was far more powerful of a pull that Altsoba had ever used on him. The pulsating darkness around Seikatsu became more frequent as Seikatsu fought whatever 'it' was harder and harder. Seikatsu let off a massive shadowy explosion from his body containing enough force to knock the weak foot soldiers entirely off the platform. Seikatsu stood up slowly, tired from the mental struggle. He saw Allison face to face with another copy of herself. Seikatsu saw the shadows combining together, forming a mirror of sorts that Seikatsu approached. He looked into the mirror and saw himself, it seemed as though it were a normal mirror. Seikatsu began walking towards Allison to apologize for going nuts when he heard footsteps behind him.
    A great wall of swords shook the platform as it rose up, engulfing Seikatsu, both Allisons, and the new enemy. Seikatsu turned around, and saw himself. Seikatsu walked around his alter ego, keeping the same distance from him as he gently picked up his Heart of War. Seikatsu knew that this was bad, two of him on a field. Seikatsu felt the life begin draining from him as another set of blades arose from the ground. Two swords flew from the top of the sword barrier, a 180 foot tall wall of blue swords, with dark blue highlights moving throughout. Two swords slammed into the ground in front Allison, and her opponent. The same for Seikatsu and his opponent.
    Seikatsu called to Allison, "I'm sorry for earlier, but I'm back. Those swords in front you are part of the honor of this Arena." Seikatsu turned to himself, his opponent Seikatsu nodded. Both Seikatsu's turned to both allisons.
    "Combatant! I welcome you to the Arena of Souls! Before you lies a sword, a bounty if you will! My gift to you that you may use at no charge! Be weary, for blood is twice as thin, and power is greater for one side! Let your hearts be strong, your will be stronger! Fight to the end, champions!"
    "Combatant! I welcome you to the Arena of Souls! Before you lies a sword, a bounty if you will! My gift to you that you may use at no charge! Be weary, for blood is twice as thin, and power is greater for one side! Let your hearts be strong, your will be stronger! Fight to the end, champions!"
    Both Seikatsu's said in a loud, encouraging tone.
    The two Seikatsu's turned to each other, refusing the Soul Swords on the floor. Seikatsu, the real one, hesitated to say his true name, but in a battle of honor it was a must.
    "I am Niyol!
    Chief of the Tribe of Souls!
    Wielder of the mighty Thorn of Protection!
    Husband of Istas, the queen of ice!
    And Father of Kateri, the queen of frost!
    I challenge you; Niyol, shadow lurker; to a test of power!"
    Seikatsu declared firmly.
    The opposite Seikatsu, abiding by the same rules, said firmly.
    "I am Niyol!
    Shadow of the Chief of the Tribe of Souls!
    Wielder of the mighty Thorn of Protection!
    Husband of Istas, the queen of ice!
    And Father of Kateri, the queen of frost!
    I accept your challeng; Niyol, Chief of the Tribe of Souls; and shall supercede power!"

    HP: 75%
    MP: 90% (2% MP Regen)
    Other Version:
    HP: 75%
    MP: 90% (2% MP Regen)

    Active Effect:
    Allison and Seikatsu (good) Deals +50% Damage
    Allison and Seikatsu (Bad) Deals +50% Damage

    Allison and Allison have both been given 2 swords they may choose to use, these blades will last 5 posts before disappearing.

    Arena of Souls x2 (one on each side):

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 1129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Tess 29th June 2015, 3:45 pm

    Allison just continued to stare at herself for a few more minutes. Neither of them moved a muscle. Both still had bright smiles across their faces, and swords lying at their feet. And slowly, each bent down to pick up a sword in each hand, and then turn to face her twin. They didn't really want to fight each other-- that was just their personality, which had also transferred over with the spells and knowledge. But this was a mission, on both sides. Could she defeat herself? Allison stared at her own image, and then her smile grew into a bright beaming grin. "How about you be Allie, and I'm Allison? Or do you want to be Allison and I'll be Allie? So Seikatsu and Seikatsu can tell us apart!" She asked, tilting her head slightly to her right.

    The other Allison tilted her head slightly to her left and said, "I'll be Allie. Since you're the original, you know," and then burst into a fit of giggles. A few meters away, Allison nodded before she too ended up in a fit of laughter, unable to stop. Then all of a sudden, both of the girls straightened up and assumed a straight posture, the two swords hanging down at their sides. They weren't familiar with the weapons, but considering that both were utility types... well, the swords would at least make the battle more interesting than each dodging each others' attacks the entire time. Allison looked at Allie, took a short breath, and then dashed forward, bringing the sword in her left hand up in a slice towards her twin's leg, while slashing downwards with the sword grasped in her right hand.

    Allie blocked the lower sword and the upper sword with her own corresponding hands, then twisted out of the way, circling around Allison to face her again. They continued to poke at one another, dodging everything and going absolutely nowhere. All of a sudden, each girl leaned forward and bit the other on the sword hand, then jumped back in surprise. A grin edged at the corner of both's mouths and the two girls burst into laughter again before their forms shifted and re appeared as Inuki the Demon Dog. It seemed that they both had realized that just fighting normally wasn't going to work.

    HP: 80% (from Lel)
    MP: 95% (from Lel)
    CD: Shield of Mercy: 3 posts
    Lineage: Active
    Lel Therina: Ally

    HP: 75%
    MP: 90%
    Shield of Mercy: 3 posts
    Lineage: Active
    Lel Therina: N/A



    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 PXRL2Kd
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 29th June 2015, 4:08 pm

    On the other end of hell's arena, both Seikatsu's knew that each other would be too powerful to just trade attacks with. "Whadda you say we take it up a notch?" Seikatsu said to his shadowy opponents. The shadow version stared back and smiled, "Why not." he said happily. Both Seikatsu's felt the pain of their life energy being siphoned from them as both of their swords were covered in ice, a strange weaving that wrapped around them. Black, shadowy orbs giving off a mist came from the ground, the world around them turned black as night with so very little light to shine. Both Seikatsu's were at their peak, and as Sheer Cold would have no purpose on this battle, Neither used it. Both Seikatsu's came to each other and locked swords. They pushed apart, sending the other sliding across the dark, dimly lit arena. Seikatsu could hear the two girls fighting in the distance, and he saw the outline of their souls. Returning his attention to the fight, he went to his opponent, spinning on a heel allowing him to get behind the shadow clone, and make a slash with his Heart of War. The clone, having remembered this tactic from their training with Altsoba, blocked the attack and spun around using the Thorn of Betrayal. Seikatsu blocked this attack with his Thorn of Betrayal, and both pushed off the other.
    'Damnit.' Seikatsu thought to himself.
    Lisa flying overhead grew tired of doing nothing. She began to glow bright blue, and a pulsing energy was seen emanating from her body as she grew larger and larger.  She then glowed red, burning with the power of the draconic bloodline. Their fury coursed through her veins and their power radiated, lighting the entire darkness dimly. A barrage of flaming rocks riddled the arena, hitting all within. As the Arena of Souls was just as wide around as the attack, and there was nowhere to hide, all withing but Lisa was hit by the flaming rocky barrage. Seikatsu and the clone stood up, shaking the flaming rocks from their shoulders. The other looking quite angry that Seikatsu had allowed Lisa to involve herself in the battle.

    Seikatsu 1:
    HP: 63% (Casted multiple spells at once, some spells require HP, hit by meteors. -17%
    MP: 77% (-15% 3x D rank Spells +2% MP Regen)
    Seikatsu 2:
    HP: 63% (Casted multiple spells at once, some spells require HP, hit by meteors. -17%
    MP: 77% (-15% 3x D rank Spells +2% MP Regen)

    Active Effects:
    Both Allisons Deal +50% Damage
    Both Seikatsu's Deal +165% Damage (Imbue Ice, Arena of Souls, Reinforce, Spirit of Night, Demonic Influence)

    Active Spells Deactivation Countdown
    Arena of Souls: 4
    Demonic Influence: 3
    Spirit of Night: 2
    Imbue Ice: 3
    Reinforce: 4
    Imbue Ice:
    Demonic Influence:
    Weapon Skill:
    Pet Skill: Draconic Outburst:
    Pet Item Skill: Grow:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 1129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Tess 29th June 2015, 4:20 pm

    Allison didn't bother to see how Seikatsu's fight was going.  She was absolutely positive that he would win, since he had Lisa to help him and also knew his abilities very well.  Allison was thankful that although she was still unfamiliar with combat magic, her evil shadow twin or whatever it was, was also just as uncomfortable.  But at least Allison had Lel Therina to assist her.  The cat was clinging to Allison's other leg, opposite from the little creature that they had found earlier.  Allison was trading blows with her twin, but neither were really taking any damage.  It was like their minds were in sync as they danced all around the area, moving farther and farther away from Seikatsu.  All of a sudden, Allie went for the little creature clinging to Allison's calf, and with a start the girl realized that it hadn't been duplicated into Allie, just like Lel.  Fending her off, Allison went for a jab of her own but ended up being scraped by the side of her blade.

    "This isn't going anywhere," both girls said at once, before stopping the battle and staring at each other.  They stayed like that for the longest time, with Allie tilting her head to the right and Allison tilting her head to the left.  Then once again, each burst into a fit of giggles, and then they picked up the swords and resumed battle.  They could have used spells, but unfortunately each was immune to pain and paralyzation, which was what each of their magics used.  Their lineages were perfectly in effect though, and Allison was faring slightly better due to this fact.  After all, Allie's basic attacks were of the shadow type, so she ended up taking less damage.  If this just continued as it seemed to be going, Allison would likely be the victor.  Just then, a barrage of meteors fell throughout the area, knocking both girls off their feet.  Each glaring at a Seikatsu, they picked up their swords stiffly and resumed battle, rolling their eyes.

    HP: 60% (-10% from that meteor shower, the rest by attacks from Allie)
    MP: 100%
    CD: Shield of Mercy 2 posts
    Lineage: Active (-20% damage from shadow attacks, increased overall physical ability and senses)
    Lel Therina: Ally, all spells available

    HP: 50% (-10% from that meteor shower, the rest by attacks from Allison)
    MP: 95%
    CD: Shield of Mercy 2 posts
    Lineage: Active (-20% damage from shadow attacks, increased overall physical ability and senses)
    Lel Therina: Enemy, all spells available

    Note: The lower each girl's HP gets, the more damage the other will do against her.
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 29th June 2015, 4:46 pm

    The flames from the meteor strike illuminated the field, giving off the silhouette of each combatant in the Arena of Souls. Seikatsu was a smart man. He knew that the greatest danger was the opponent furthest away. The target you knew least about. The largest monster, or the one who was able to attack from afar. Lisa was all of the above to Seikatsu. Seikatsu had raised Lisa from a hatching, but still, he knew so little of her species. He knew not how many of those meteor strike she was able to bring down, or if she could do anything more than drop meteors. It made sense, that Seikatsu's shadow clone, who will now be referred to as #2, knew nothing about her as well. #2 did just as any smart man would do, and remove the unknown variable from the equation. He dawned pair of shadowy wings and began flying towards Lisa in hopes of taking her out. Seikatsu knew his opponent would do that, because Seikatsu himself would do it to. Seikatsu flew up, straining to keep pace with his opponent, and as #2 realized what he'd do in this situation, Seikatsu had performed a front flip and slammed #2 to the ground. #2 impacted the floor so hard it shook the platform ever so slightly. Thanks to the sheer amount of power Seikatsu had thanks to his multi-buff ability, him and his alter self were the most powerful beings on the platform. Seikatsu wasted no time, for this was his greatest weakness. Seikatsu was fast, he's strong, he's agile, but the best way to beat him is to stop his momentum for just a brief second with a firm hit. It takes him so long to recover, that you could unleash a flurry of destruction on him if you land just one single hit.
    Seikatsu dived as #2 was getting up, he landed in front the clone and used a roundhouse kick to get #2 in the air. Seikatsu spun and slashed with his sword, putting as much force into the swing as possible. The sword connected and sent the shirtless Seikatsu flying across the field, away from Alli and Allison, and through the barrier. #2 impacted one of the pillars and teleported to the middle of the arena, as you cannot escape through such simple methods. While he tried getting up, Seikatsu, who knew the Arena like the blades of his swords, was already waiting and delivered a firm punch to #2. Seikatsu lifted #2 into the air, and kicked him a few times before dropping his swords, and using his dual-wielded soul sword to send his shadow self across the field, between the two girls fighting, and into the wall. Seikatsu flew past the two, barely being missed by their blades, and tried to land a hit on his opponent. Having recovered as best he can, #2 delivered a powerful punch to Seikatsu and sent him flying directly into Allison. He went over the poor girl, and kept rolling to the other end of the field, knowing he'd have to apologize for doing that to her later.

    Seikatsu 1:
    HP: 50% (got punched across the field pretty hard, and hit an ally)
    MP: 69% (-10% 1x C rank Spells +2% MP Regen)
    Seikatsu 2:
    HP: 13% (got barraged by many super powered attacks)
    MP: 79% (+2% MP Regen)

    Active Effects:
    Both Allisons Deal +50% Damage
    Both Seikatsu's Deal +165% Damage (Imbue Ice, Arena of Souls, Reinforce, Spirit of Night, Demonic Influence)

    Active Spells Deactivation Countdown
    Arena of Souls: 3
    Demonic Influence: 2
    Spirit of Night: 1
    Imbue Ice: 2
    Reinforce: 3

    Soul Sword:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 1129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Tess 29th June 2015, 5:03 pm

    Allison was trading blows with her twin and winning because of her lineage and Lel Therina-- at least, until some unknown force smashed directly into her side, knocking her off of her feet and ending up with a squished and slightly winded Allison versus a giggling but some what worried Allie.  Allison's evil twin immediately skipped over and offered the girl a hand up, which she took and glared in the direction of Seikatsu.  One of them had crashed into her, and they were totally going to pay.  She was about to go after the person that actually had committed the crime, but realized that he was the good guy and decided to let it go... for now.  Turning back to Allie, the girl rolled her eyes and together the two just said, "Boys." and then continued to fight.

    Fighting herself was boring on both sides, but they knew that their techniques would be useless.  Those depended either on stealth, distance, or the ability to paralyze the opponent.  Considering that Allison knew exactly where to throw the needles and exactly where to slash, Allie knew exactly where to dodge and vice versa.  So the two once again, still slightly shaking their heads but the always present smile there wide across their faces, went at it with the swords once again.  Neither was quite sure how long they would last, considering that they had been made by the Seikatsus... but it didn't really matter.  After all, if it did come to it, they would simply fight it out with fists and physical strength.  And in both circumstances, Allison was going to triumph, for her lineage reduced the damage done by shadow users like Allie.

    Lel Therina decided that it was probably time to start helping, and slowly began to heal the girl, taking a seat nearby only a little ways away from where the two girls were fighting.  Allie didn't bother to try to attack the cat-- she was too focused on the little creature clinging to the girl's leg, who still seemed to be completely terrified of everything.  Allison took every opportunity and attacked while Allie was distracted.

    HP: 55% (-5% from Seikatsu *cough*, +15% from Lel Therina, -10% from Allie)
    MP: 105%
    CD: Shield of Mercy 1 post
    Lineage: Active (-20% damage from shadow attacks, increased overall physical ability and senses)
    Lel Therina: Ally, currently healing Allison
    Actives: Healing Light (Pet Spell), 3 posts left, heal 5% HP per post
    Passive Effect (Positive): End it Now: Does 20% more damage to Allie
    Passive Effect (Negative): Sword Thing: Takes 50% more damage
    Passive Effect (Positive): Sword Thing: Does 50% more damage
    Passive Effect (Positive): Lineage (Activated): Take 20% reduced damage from shadow attacks

    HP: 25% (-25% from Allison)
    MP: 100%
    CD: Shield of Mercy 1 post
    Lineage: Active (-20% damage from shadow attacks, increased overall physical ability and senses)
    Lel Therina: Enemy, currently healing Allison
    Passive Effect (Negative): End it Now: Takes 20% more damage from Allison
    Passive Effect (Negative): Sword Thing: Takes 50% more damage
    Passive Effect (Positive): Sword Thing: Does 50% more damage
    Passive Effect (Positive): Lineage (Activated): Take 20% reduced damage from shadow attacks
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 29th June 2015, 5:35 pm

    Seikatsu continued rolling until he hit the other side of the arena, his back snapping on the Thorn of Betrayal. Seikatsu stood up, checking for any deep cuts and found nothing too terrible, but painful nonetheless. "Oh... you've done it now...." Seikatsu said in a low voice as his sword began breaking off into pieces. "Com och hylp mig..." Seikatsu began saying. As his opponent charged past the girls glaring at Seikatsu, the soul wizard with a broken weapon was coated in silvery spikes, laced with blue energy and reinforced with frozen prowess. "igen." Seikatsu finished, calling his weapon back to his service. Seikatsu balled his clawed, spiked hand that now had the Thorn of Betrayal acting as a gantlet. "I hope you enjoy the embrace of the netherworld...." Seikatsu said as his opponent got closer. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!" he shouted as he punched the other him in the face. Using the speed granted by his Second Chance Seikatsu caught up to the flying man before another interruption could be made and grabbed #2 with his tail. Seikatsu flung #2 upwards and using his wings went after him. He performed an upwards kick, which was complimented by Lisa slamming #2 to the ground with her now massive sword-like tail. The shadow version now blasted into the ground again, Seikatsu used his claws to dig deep into the exposed chest of his counter part and throw him up, Lisa finished the kill by ramming her tail straight through #2's mouth, all the way down his throat. The tail was so large it ripped #2 in half, killing him instantly. Seikatsu sat down and rested while awaiting for Allison to defeat her opponent. Lisa offered to enter the fray, but was stopped by Seikatsu. "Those two are their own enemy. They have entered their own battle, as we are concluding our own. Permit them their honorable deaths, and may they find warmth in the embrace of the netherworld." Seikatsu said calmly, in a soothing tone. Lisa laid on the ground, coiling in a circle behind Seikatsu. Should Allison die, she will be avenged.
    Seikatsu's black bubble dissipated after this moment, allowing light to return to the platform and revealing the sheer amount of damage caused by both side's fighting. While the Arena of Souls was still in play, at least the field was able to be seen properly.

    Seikatsu 1:
    HP: 40% (Seikatsu hit his own sword and broke it)
    MP: 71% (+2% MP Regen)
    Seikatsu #2:
    HP: 0% (got ran through multiple times, and was torn apart by a dragon halfbreed)
    MP: 0 (pfffft you dead son, no MP for you!)

    Active Effects:
    Both Allisons Deal +50% Damage
    Seikatsu's Deal +140% Damage (Imbue Ice, Arena of Souls, Reinforce, Spirit of Night, Demonic Influence)

    Active Spells Deactivation Countdown
    Arena of Souls: 2
    Demonic Influence: 1
    Spirit of Night: Finished, and Vanished
    Imbue Ice: 1
    Reinforce: 2

    Signature Spell Used: Second Chance:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 1129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Tess 29th June 2015, 6:07 pm

    Allison gazed into her twin's eyes, like they were a couple about to have a sweet kiss.  But instead of love and adoration being present, both of them seemed to only be a little bit sad.  They both knew how this was going to end-- even if neither could be incapacitated by pain, Repression did enough damage to completely take out Allie right now.  The two of them slowly backed away from each other, but there was no real desire to escape left.  Then all of a sudden, both of them beamed, and simultaneously chirped, "Good fight, Allie/Good fight, Allison!"  Then the original girl took a short breath and huffed it out before raising her hands and starting the channel for Repression.  The second girl immediately began to back out of the spell's aura, but she couldn't use Escape for fear of losing even more health, despite the fact that it was meant to... escape, like its name suggested.

    So Allie didn't make it out of the spell's range in time and was soon just lying there on the floor, Allison biting her lip to keep from crying.  She and her twin, due to their personalities, hadn't been having a full out, I'm going to murder you kind of battle-- after all, the outcome had already been decided from the point at which Allison had Lel Therina, and when the girl had gotten Allie to low HP.  Their lineage was only stacking the odds even more in Allison's favour, so the win was expected, in both of their views.  Allison was still smiling, but only because-- that was what she always did.  And Allie was beaming, a bright, wide smile, as she died and disspated back into the shadows, just like all of the other beasts except not going to revive any time soon.

    Allison yawned and stood straight up, suddenly glancing around to realize that all of the monsters had revived themselves by now and had simply been waiting for the two mages to finish fighting their own incarnates.  Eyes widening, the girl backed away and then remembering something, skipped over to her mission partner and abruptly tackled him, trying to squish the guy to death by glomping.  "Really Seikatsu-san, you need to be more careful!  You could have been killed!" the girl scolded, although she knew that there really wasn't anything else he could have done-- the man did go all out after all.  Allison suddenly got up and then beamed at the shadowy world surrounding them before launching into battle with the reincarnated shadow beasts.  She trusted that Seikatsu would assist her, since they were both rather injured from the battle and alone would die.  And Allison still had to protect the little creature, too.

    HP: 70% (Healed from Repression and Lel Therina)
    MP: 75%

    Lineage: Active, (-20% damage from shadow attacks, increased overall physical ability and senses)

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Tess 29th June 2015, 6:10 pm

    (( "How are we doing?"

    27/40 posts {this one doesn't count}
    Strong Monster is still alive, has taken no damage
    Boss has been defeated ))
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
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    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 29th June 2015, 6:31 pm

    Seikatsu looked around as fourteen shadow beasts stepped to the edge of the platform, accompanied by one-hundred and five shadow men. Seikatsu had no concern for the army of shadow beings, he had more than enough fight left in him to kill them off. Seikatsu gently pushed the chipper child off of him as he stood up, his dull purple eyes returning to a bright crimson glow. Seikatsu awaited his ally to get to her feet and placed his hand on her head gently. "I know you heard me say my true name... Tell anyone what it is, and I'll hunt you down till the day you die along with whomever you've told. It should be a crime to utter the name of a traitor, if no-one else I will treat it as such." Seikatsu said in a calm, cold voice. He stepped forward, facing the onslaught of opponents. "Which of you will enter OUR DOMAIN!?" Seikatsu said with a great, big audacious grin on his face. "COME ON LADS! I WELCOME YOU!" Seikatsu said encouragingly, referring to allowing them to enter their tombstone otherwise known as the Arena of Souls. Seikatsu clapped his hands together and his army of spinning blades reappeared, back from the world of the undead, being bolstered by the already present aura of Seikatsu's. The hundred plus men blindly charged into the blades, hoping at least one of them would make it through. One by one they all died, the last man reached the very edge of the inside of the circle of protection before his shadow body could no longer sustain itself. The man perished and was no more.
    Seikatsu turned to the shadow beasts, glaring at them. "COME ON!!!" He yelled, challenging the beasts. A few of the beasts, only five really, decided to accept the challenge, and entered the area, being buffered a little by the spinning swords of death. Seikatsu's shadowy wisps that were lining the floor disappeared, as well as the shards of ice coating his remaining sword, and the metal suit on his body.
    Seikatsu 1:
    HP: 40% (Seikatsu hit his own sword and broke it)
    MP: 63% (+2% MP Regen -10% C rank spell used)

    Active Effects:
    Both Allisons Deal +50% Damage
    Seikatsu's Deal +75% Damage (Imbue Ice, Arena of Souls, Reinforce, Spirit of Night, Demonic Influence)

    Active Spells Deactivation Countdown
    Arena of Souls: 1
    Reinforce: 1
    Second Chance: 3
    Wall of Swords: 3

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
    Position : None
    Posts : 1129
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Tess 29th June 2015, 7:07 pm

    Allison only tilted her head quizzically as she bounced back after defeating some monsters, only to have the guy get all scary looking and serious. Then she giggled as he placed his hand on top of her head. It felt kind of tickly. But what was he talking about? "Ah... what did you say? Uh, okay? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Did this happen while I was fighting Allie? She and I were talking about these cute stuffed animals that I saw in a shoppe in Hargeon Town last week, and we sort of stopped paying attention to you and evil Seikatsu until someone ran over AND tried to squish me." The girl smiled happily at the man, only joking, and then skipped off to defeat her own enemies as he started up another one of those gigantic area of effect ice spells that immediately killed any of the weaker shadow creatures that entered the area.

    Summoning her nerve cutting blade, Allison sliced and diced and did everything that she could to avoid the tiny creature clutching to her leg being hurt in any way. She took a few hits, but had already regenerated most of her health, so it didn't really matter. And her passive was now in effect, negating a lot of the damage. To be honest, the girl wasn't completely sure when this mission would end, but she was sure there would be some sort of tell tale sign. After all, even though the monsters didn't seem to be able to die, Allison knew that there was no such thing as the impossible! Beaming widely, she continued to cut her way through the monsters, not bothering to keep track of how many she had killed. They really would only revive again, after all. Hopefully no more would appear, since the girl was already feeling a little bit overwhelmed... just kidding!

    Allison was absolutely in the best mood ever. She was having a ton of fun, even though her mission partner seemed to be a little bit confused about something that had happened during their battles with their evil twins. But either way, the girl just went about killing the shadow beasts like nothing at all was wrong-- and let's be honest, in Allison's eyes, nothing really was.

    HP: 75% (Took 5% in hits, healed by Lel & naturally)
    MP: 85% (-10% from Nerve Blade, +20% from Repression being broken)

    Nerve Cutting Blade: 3 posts

    Repression: 2 posts (the 4 posts are foregone because the spell broke)



    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 PXRL2Kd
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Ice
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    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 29th June 2015, 7:32 pm

    Seikatsu couldn't understand Allison. He knew she must have had some damage in the past, or at least some reason why she became a wizard in the first place. There was no one who could be this truly happy, not even the youngest, most ignorant child in the world would be able to smile and prance about. To be quite honest, she pissed Seikatsu off. Normally, the soul wizard prefered being around children, but this one was the only one he kind of wanted to see cry. He ignored this feeling of moderate hated for the skippy child and turned his attention to the beasts, the only thing keeping Seikatsu from unleashing his anger on her was the fact that she was usefull at the moment. Five more beasts decided to join in on the fighting, each getting grazed by the spinning swords. He awaited them in the small area of protection in the middle of the attack, before sending out a blue bubble that scared the shadow beasts into going back into the storm of spinning blades. The Spirit Barrier encompases the entire safe zone of the AoE, and the beasts no knowing how weak it was, dipped right out of the safe spot. One of them, annoyed with the swords, charged the barrier and popped right through it without even being slowed down. That didn't concern Seikatsu, the purpose was do let them take another damage bath.
    Seikatsu ran up to the beasts and dug into it's back with his claws, slashing at it multiple times. He jumped from one to another, using his super sharp tail, and claws to wipe out two of the five. The last three tried teaming Seikatsu. They came from different side, seemingly encircling the wizard, but they didn't cover one direct... up. Seikatsu flew upwards and dropped down on the thee as they collided with each other, he snapped ones neck, ripped the other's spine out, and poked his tail into the head of the third. All the returned to dust form at the same time. Seikatsu, noticing his Arena of Souls dissipating, picked up wind around the area by dropping the temperature all the way down. Allowing his Sheer Cold to do its work yet again.

    HP: 40% (Seikatsu hit his own sword and broke it)
    MP: 55% (+2% MP Regen -10% C rank spell used)

    Active Effects:
    Both Allisons Deal +50% Damage
    Seikatsu's Deal +75% Damage (Imbue Ice, Arena of Souls, Reinforce, Spirit of Night, Demonic Influence)

    Active Spells Deactivation Countdown
    Second Chance: 2
    Wall of Swords: 2
    Sheer Cold: 4

    Sheer Cold:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
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    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Tess 29th June 2015, 7:41 pm

    Allison noted that she didn't get a response from her mission partner, but just shrugged it off. He seemed to be a little bit annoyed with her, so the girl made a mental note to apologize later. Had he wanted her to be paying attention? But Seikatsu had seemed like he didn't want anyone to know... whatever he had said. His true name? He didn't want anyone to speak his true name, that was right. But either way, the girl realized that there were still four of the shadowy beasts left, who were heading straight at the little creature still clinging to her leg. Turning her attention to them, Allison leaped forward and began to slash. Instead of her usual carefully placed attacks, these like all of the other ones she had done on this mission, were going for maximum damage instead. Paralysis effects were useless on these monsters, after all, unfortunately.

    Once she was finished, the girl yawned a little bit and then turned back to Seikatsu, her eyes still half closed in an eye smile, and her mouth turned up in a cheerful beam. She waited for him to say something, since Allison didn't want to annoy him any more than she had already. After all, it would be no good to make enemies with him. He seemed like a nice guy, and she hated having to try to not act friendly. Deciding to attempt to tone down her smile and bubbliness a little bit, the girl tried for a neutral expression instead and ended up looking peeved. Restraining herself from breaking out into a fit of giggles because she just knew how silly she probably looked right now, Allison tried to maintain the serious expression as she skipped back over to Seikatsu. Halfway through, the girl tried to make her steps less bouncy and to walk normally, but ended up with a funny shuffling step. Well, I hope at least he's less annoyed now, thought the girl hopefully.

    HP: 70%
    MP: 85%

    Nerve Cutting Blade: 2 posts

    Repression: 1 post



    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 PXRL2Kd
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 29th June 2015, 7:59 pm

    Noticing his ally had locked onto his not-so-enthusiastic mood, Seikatsu glanced over. He saw her wriggling her face, trying to make her smile less... massive, and even walking strangely. He assumed she was trying to seem less bouncy, but was failing miserably. He let out a breath of frustration and walked past her, just in time to see the soldier men popping back up from where they fell, being smashed to bits by the swirling storm of swords, and fall right back down. That level of futility made Seikatsu chuckle just a bit, the fact that they all literally got nowhere with that endeavour was just too much for Seikatsu to be able to hold in. As small as the chuckle was, it was still a lot more obvious than his initial lack of speech. Seikatsu felt bad that he was despising someone to this great an extent. He walked over to her, before the others could come back, and gently places the tip of one of his claws against Allison's forehead. What he was doing, was one of his weapon's abilities. The sword could transfer Seikatsu's memories into others, although he had never done this for anyone before.

    First Seikatsu gave a flash from when he was learning how to fight. A memory of a small child under a tree, watching as other children laughed an played with each other. The little boy sat there, alone but not crying. The memory flickered to a young girl, fair skinned no older than seven, being pushed over as children laughed at her. Another image of the same young boy in a hospital, with the same girl holding onto him and crying, the young man looking very sad for some reason. The final flash, a burning building, blood strewn about the room, the boy holding a dagger with a very jagged end. The boy thrusts it into the young girls stomach, and watches her slump over as she bleeds.

    Seikatsu took his hand from the young girls head, hoping that the memories were transferred but not quite sure. He walked away as the first five that were defeated came back to life.

    HP: 40%
    MP: 57% (+2% MP Regen)

    Active Spells Deactivation Countdown
    Second Chance: 1
    Wall of Swords: 1
    Sheer Cold: 3

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
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    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Tess 29th June 2015, 8:09 pm

    Allison watched curiously as first the man eliminated a few more of the shadow beasts that had sprung up, then went to touch her forehead. She resisted the temptation to tilt her head and look at him with a confused gaze, and instead internally yelled at herself to stay still. Weird images flashed before her eyes-- a boy, and a girl, and then-- what? Everything got to be a little bit blurry, and Allison squinted in real life, trying to decide whether she was finally going crazy after holding out so long. Perhaps Seikatsu had done something to her by touching her with that claw thing-- but either way, the girl was feeling dizzy. She decided to ignore the other mage for now even though she really just wanted to burst out with more questions, and instead turned to face the remaining adversaries.

    There were five of them, which was fine for Allison. She immediately jumped at one of them, stabbing straight and then cutting across, and once Allison finished the monster died easily and the girl was free to attack the others. Slashing and cutting, Allison began the monotonous task of simply trying to fit as much damage as possible into one attack. Her blade was due to expire soon, winking out of existence like usual, and Allison didn't really have very many offensive options after it was over. Her Repression was able to be used-- but she wanted to save it for when the nerve cutting blade actually did vanish, and she was left some what without any offensive options what so ever. Her defense and dodging skills prevailed, and soon the girl was scattering the shadowy remains of five more of the beasts.

    Turning back to Seikatsu-san, her face scrunched up a little bit as she tried to recall exactly what she had seen. The girl really didn't have a good memory-- in fact, she had forgotten most of her past. Typically, her policy was just to forget and move on, which was why Allison had adopted such a happy go lucky attitude. But, as she sensed that these memories that she had just received-- if that was what they were-- were quite important, the girl tried her best to recover them. She finally caught the general details, and then glanced up at Seikatsu-san, wondering what she could say. At least now, she knew why he seemed to be so serious so much of the time. But why did the man become so annoyed with her? She wanted to know, but had this feeling that she shouldn't ask.

    HP: 75%
    MP: 90%

    Nerve Cutting Blade: 1 post



    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 PXRL2Kd
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 29th June 2015, 8:33 pm

    Seikatsu saw the next five returning, along with the hundred and five soldier type men. Running thin on options he quickly pressed his finger to Allison's head, transferring a series of quick flashes. The young boy who was under the tree, holding a piece of paper. Another flash revealed a circle with a star drawn on it, and the words "Suscipiam Contractus Deamon Anima" flashed through. The final thing he sent to her, a tree overlooking a lake with two children playing happily. The boy and girl training their powers together, laughing and smiling with each other, and then the image of the young boy thrusting the jagged knife into the young girl again. Seikatsu pulled away and uppercutted one of the shadow beasts, the foot soldiers staying at a distance. The shadow beast erupted into a cloud of dust, and the other four came after Seikatsu. Seikatsu quickly wrapped his arms around the somewhat puzzled looking girl, as another barrage of flaming rocks came down, riddling the platform with more meteors. The shadow soldiers gone, it left only the four shadow beasts to deal with. Seikatsu let go of Allison slowly, now feeling the effects of being injured so greatly. His clawed gantlets, the spines on his back, his tail, and helmet came off in a set of metallic shards. Seikatsu slowly picked up his other blade, the Heart of War, and showed his determination to never stop fighting. He charged at the shadow beast, clubbing it with the back of his blade, and then cutting its head of with the front. The next came at Seikatsu from the side, but was quickly disposed of by Seikatsu spinning around it and slashing its ribs wide open. The next two charged, Seikatsu ignoring the pain in his back from having taken the Draconic Outburst directly, he grabbed one by the head and slashed the other with his sword. Seikatsu then rammed his knee into the head of the first, and decapitated the second, turning back to the first and decapitating that too.
    Seikatsu was breathing heavily, he had blood coming from the wounds on his chest, back, legs, and parts of his face, but he was determined to live through this venture.

    HP: 30% (Got slammed by Draconic Outburst, Allison was not hit as Seikatsu protected her)
    MP: 59% (+2% MP Regen)

    Active Spells Deactivation Countdown
    Sheer Cold: 1

    Pet Skill: Draconic Outburst:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Inuki: The Demon Dog
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,950

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Numb Angel ❅ Ice Devil
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    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Tess 29th June 2015, 8:43 pm

    Allison nearly jumped as she felt more memories go through her mind, but relaxed until she saw the girl being stabbed through by the boy again. Wincing, she tried not to focus on that part, and instead looked up to see what Seikatsu was doing. Just then, the girl was grabbed, and shielded by her mission partner, upon which her eyes widened and she tried to get out. Obviously, he was already more injured than she, and perhaps taking attacks that he could have been dodging. This was not okay, and Allison began to get just a teensy bit annoyed with Seikatsu. He was getting hurt! She might have to fix him! And what if he didn't want to be fixed? She didn't want to annoy him even more... perhaps she could just get Lel Therina to heal him.

    Calling the cat over, who was glaring at Seikatsu's own animal partner in the mean time, Allison explained what had happened, to which the cat replied, I know, I was watching you and him get splattered with meteors by that dragon snake hybrid thing over there. I'll heal him, but you'll just have to fight the rest of them off, alright? Allison nodded, and stepped away as the cat went to work, lifting up on her hind legs as a glowing light appeared around her hands. Lel was a non combat pet, but she still could heal and help Allison get around. But that meant that she could stick close to Seikatsu and not die, because she had to keep still in order to heal. Allison turned away from the two only to be faced with five more of the shadowy creatures. Sighing just a little bit and then dashing into battle, Allison began the old routine of slashing away and cutting before eventually stopping when they all were nothing but black fragments of shadow. Her Nerve Cutting Blade finally winked out, and wouldn't be re summon able for a long period of time.

    HP: 75%
    MP: 90%

    Seikatsu is healed for 15% of his HP and will regain 5% HP per post for the next three posts, for 30% HP altogether.

    Nerve Cutting Blade: 5 posts



    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 PXRL2Kd
    Ninetails Derpfox

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Position : None
    Posts : 2261
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul
    Second Skill: Ice
    Third Skill:

    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 29th June 2015, 9:00 pm

    Seikatsu felt a fountain of life welling up inside him from seemingly out of nowhere. He had no means to heal himself, nor did he know of Lisa possessing such powers and assumed it was her own ally. He looked at her with softer eyes than before, be glad he had a partner now. 'I won't waste this...' Seikatsu thought to himself. He stabbed his Heart of War into the ground, and shouted to it.

    The blade erupted into a plethora of super tiny, powder like pieces of metal and the began to whirl in a circle around where Seikatsu stuck the blade in the ground. The metal powder cyclone became a feminine looking mannequin and soon formed into a woman holding a scythe. The woman was wearing a long, dark purple dress with red laces, and had a bow holding her long white hair in place, with thin pointy horns on the front of her head. The woman turned to face Seikatsu, the four shadow beasts staying back, puzzled by the new fighter. "Are you alright my love?" she asked, concerned for Seikatsu's health. "Don't call me that, you know my name." Seikatsu snapped at the woman. "I care not for my own life, protect that child!" Seikatsu ordered as he snatched the Scythe out of Altsoba's hand and charged at the four shadow beasts. One of them attacked and jumped in the air, and Seikatsu slid under it, slashing its bowels open with the longer blade on his scythe. An exact replica of his Thorn of Betrayal's scythe form, this blade was just fine for Seikatsu as he swung it hacking the half dead, disemboweled monster's head off. Alstoba stepped near Allison with her arms crossed, seemingly disappointed that she was stuck with babysitting or so she thought. Lisa dropped from the sky and dived under a beast, running her sharp tail along it's belly. Seikatsu spun around and ran his scythe along its back. Seikatsu and Lisa combated the remaining two in sync, moving with each other flawlessly, as if the very motions were rehearsed. Seikatsu wasn't mad at Lisa in the bit for the meteor, he was damn happy about it. The duet complete, Seikatsu and Lisa emerged triumphant over the four beasts, Lisa landed on Seikatsu's shoulder and nuzzled him. Seikatsu rubbed her head gently, and watched as five beasts returned from their temporary grave.

    HP: 45%
    MP: 71%

    Active Effects:

    Weapon Skill Used: Heart of War:

    PS: 36/40 posts

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    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Tess 30th June 2015, 8:24 am

    Allison was interrupted from her debating on how to kill the new monsters when her mission partner ran past and she turned around, blinking in astonishment. Then the astonishment quickly turned to anger, and the girl stomped her foot on the ground. She was going to do something about that man after these... new, new five beasts were all gone. Allison immediately began the channel for Repression on one of them, as since they were obviously charging her there was no need to be worried about getting out of range of the spell. Then she materialized some nerve needles, and held them ready for when the other monsters got into range as well. As soon as Repression hit the first one, it didn't stop moving because of its inability to be incapacitated by pain, but it did end up just dissipating into shadows. Allison threw the nerve needles, all of them, at the next beast, which was enough to successfully bring that one down too.

    She turned to the remaining three and summoned her Shield of Mercy, then went ahead and charged at them. She was protected, and reflected their damage as well. Combined with her own, that was enough to take care of the trio of shadow beasts. Afterwards, Allison remembered that her mission partner was a stupid idiot who ran away from the cat that couldn't move as it was trying to heal him. The girl marched over to where Seikatsu stood and grabbed him by the ear, dragging him back to where Lel Therina was sitting and licking one paw. "Geez! You're lucky that you didn't get completely out of range of the spell, or she wouldn't have been able to heal you any more! Now, you idiot, stay here and don't die on me!" Typically Allison didn't get angry, but she really didn't want to have to fix Seikatsu, since the guy seemed to have sentenced himself to not dying and it wasn't any part of her business to mess around with that.

    HP: 85% (+10% from Repression)
    MP: 55% (-20% from 2 C Ranks, -15% from Repression)

    Shield of Mercy: 3 posts

    Nerve Cutting Blade: 4 posts
    Repression: 2 posts



    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 PXRL2Kd
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 30th June 2015, 9:39 am

    Not knowing that the cat wasn't finished with healing him, Seikatsu was a bit taken back when the skippy girl grabbed him by the ear and hauled him back. She scolded him for being reckless, and he then remembered that he told her to watch his back for him. He gave a slight, minute, almost vague smile that he was trying to hold back as the concerned wizard yelled at him. "My apologies Ms. Allison, I shall remain within distance of your ally." Seikatsu said earnestly while placing one hand on his bare chest and bowing to her. The large horde of one-hundred and five soldiers began to rise again, and Seikatsu had but one option left, one last area attack that he could use that would keep them down for the moment. "Miss Allison." Seikatsu said to get the child's attention, he knew words were wasted on her and he picked up a piece of his broken sword. Seikatsu grabbed her hand, and rested it on the non-sharp side of the chunk of metal while he gave her another memory.

    A flash, the memory contained strange white lines, glowing gracefully, one end attached to the hands of the puppet master, the other to the floor. White lines arising from the ground and encircling the puppet master as the string whipped about. He drew a line with the strings, showing the absolute furthest it could reach and then fading back to reality.

    Seikatsu stood next to his ally and spread his fingers out, allowing thing strings to form attaching his fingers to the ground. The soldiers drawing near, Altsoba staying next to Seikatsu, wielding her scythe should he need protecting. The lines emerged from the ground, the enemy drawing closer. Closer and closer the fools became, and as their feet tapped the fifteen foot mark Seikatsu began spinning the wires. The only area the wires didn't touch were the spot where Allison, her cat, and Altsoba were standing. One by one the hundred and five man army filed in being reduced to nothing but dust. Seikatsu stopped spinning his Marionette's Fury after the mass had died, still bound to that one spot he could do so little. Here he would wait for his opponents to come to him, and as promised, he was staying right next to the cat.

    HP: 50% (+5% from Lel)
    MP: 63% (-10% C Rank Spell, +2% MP Regen)

    Active Effects:
    Seikatsu is bound in place until the end of next post
    Altsoba is on the field for 3 more posts

    Marionette's Fury:

    Note to Allison: You have permission to control Altsoba, the Demon of War. She's an unarmoured unit with an Active ability (listed under my post before this one) who uses speed and agility, as well as strength to kill her opponents. She can take 2 hits before she dies.
    Oh, and 5x respawn on those beasts

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    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Tess 30th June 2015, 10:04 am

    Allison looked at Seikatsu's summon, who seemed to be madly in love with him or something.  Reaching up to pat the woman on the back, she said, "Let's protect Seikatsu-san, okay?" before trusting that she too would leap into battle just like Allison immediately did.  Just going with smacking around the beasts until they died, Allison's shield reflected some damage and continued to protect her.  The girl targeted two of the shadow beasts with her Nerve Needles, and then used kicks and dodging to defeat the other.  Glancing away, she saw that  Altsoba-- that was her name, right?-- was simply defeating the remaining two with pure strength.  The girl decided not to interfere, since the summon seemed to be perfectly capable of handling herself.  Instead, the mage skipped back to where Seikatsu and Lel Therina were.

    It seemed that the man was stuck in that position, which was a relief.  Even though he had only done so because it was a condition of one of his spells, she assumed, that still meant that Lel could heal him without having to worry about being out of range.  Patting the man on the head, Allison turned back around and went to go kill some more of the beasts.  She had of course lost count again, since they just seemed to resurrect over and over.  But it really wasn't taking very much time, compared to some of the other over a day long missions that Allison had gone on.  Probably, they would have taken a much shorter time had she done it with another mage, like this job.  The girl stopped thinking about it and instead focused on defeating the shadowy monsters.

    Soon, they all were gone and the revived ones were perfectly scattered into ashes. Seikatsu's summon was an excellent partner-- Allison wasn't certain whether she was a demon, or a weapon spirit, or what, but either way she could hold her own in a fight and did plenty of damage.  The two were making sure to protect Seikatsu, since even though apparently the man could fight despite his loss of mobility, they didn't want him to get hurt.  And in a little while, Allison would be able to heal herself anyways with Repression.

    HP: 85%
    MP: 50%

    Shield of Mercy: 2 posts

    Nerve Cutting Blade: 3 posts
    Repression: 2 posts
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 30th June 2015, 10:35 am

    A group of enemies appeared again, as well as the portal back to the world Seikatsu and Allison belonged to. However, Between them was an army of the bloody foot soldier shadow things. Altsoba bolted to Seikatsu and cut the strings keeping him attached to the floor, allowing him to move again. This world seemed to want them dead, as it prematurely resurrected all of the beasts, pitting one-hundred and nineteen, against a mere four. Five if you include the support pet, six including that black pest attached to Allison's leg. Seikatsu smiled, knowing that their wasn't nearly enough enemies to keep him and his partners down. "Miss Allison, I apologize but I must foolishly waste the healing of your furry friend, if only to save our lives." Seikatsu said, truly feeling bad he had to do this. Seikatsu channeled a large portion of his life force (15%HP) to refresh all of his weakest spells. Altsoba knew what he was going to do, and snapped her fingers. Upon doing so, a large metallic man no shorter than seven feet tall, wearing two sets of three inch thick armour and wielding a spectacularly painful sword appeared. Seikatsu then channeled more of that energy into casting as many as he could at once. He felt the burn of more life force taken (-8%HP) as Seikatsu conjured his shadowy wisps to the battlefield, increasing Altsoba and her Wraith's power, he even coated both beings weapons in ice shards while reinforcing it. Altsoba looked at Seikatsu knowingly, Seikatsu looked back sternly. "You better not die on me wench." he said with a smile, joking with Altsoba for the first time. "Heh, stupid human, demons don't die." she joked back while smiling. "Knave!" Seikatsu called, the monstrous man looking at him "Keep them all back while we escape!" Seikatsu ordered, the large man let out a low pitched noise that sounded promising.
    "Lisa do it!" Seikatsu called as he spread a large blue sphere around the entire group, encasing them in protective shield. Meteors bombarded the field, destroying the weakest monsters, good grief they should have stayed dead the first time, and along with the monsters, the barrier. At least no one was hurt this time... Seikatsu began gunning it towards the portal, jumping through with Lisa flying in directly after. Altsoba and Knave, the Demoness and Wraith respectively, stayed behind to fight off the shadow beasts while Allison and Lel escaped. They wouldn't take no for an answer, whether the wizard and cat liked it or not, they're leaving and the two spirits were staying.

    HP: 32% HP (+5% From Lel, -15% from 'UA: Power Exchange' -3% from UA: Multi Cast -5% from Demonic Influence)
    MP: 45% (+2% MP Regen, -20% 4x D rank spells used)

    Unique Ability:
    Altsoba Active Spell:
    Unique Ability:
    Imbue Ice:
    Demonic Influence:
    Spirit Barrier:
    Draconic Outburst:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Dragon Slayer- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Tess 30th June 2015, 10:43 am

    Allison growled in frusturation and then rolled her eyes. Seikatsu was being such a show off, summoning another demon like that and then going off and doing a flashy spell. And now he was even more injured than before, if that was even possible. The girl groaned and then all of a sudden, the frown was swept off of her face and a beaming smile dropped onto it. She didn't need the assistance of the two summons to get her way back home. The girl had plenty of movement type spells, and she just casted an Escape towards the portal, easily leaping through and dragging the two summons behind with her. Her health was immediately taken upon impact after the Escape, but it was easy and quick, and now she could go find that mission partner of hers who was so keen on sacrifices of any kind.

    The girl huffed in annoyance and then skipped over to where the man was, first making sure that Lel Therina was safely back on her shoulder. After the man had moved like that, the cat had been free to also regain her ability to move, and she had. But that wasn't any kind of excuse for just all of a sudden trying to leave like that. Allison would have just told him that she could Escape them both over the heads of the monsters, instead of going and trying to fight half through them and then leaving. His summons might have been hurt, too. At least, it was good that they were demons and couldn't die... The female one had said something about that. Absentmindedly stroking Lel Therina, Allison tried to not be annoyed, and her giant beaming smile came back at full force, rather than the some what bright, cheerful one, that had been slightly fading.

    HP: 70%
    MP: 45%

    Shield of Mercy: 1 post

    Nerve Cutting Blade: 2 posts
    Repression: 1 post



    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 PXRL2Kd
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison } - Page 2 Empty Re: [ Mission ] Matter of the Soul! { Seikatsu/Allison }

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 30th June 2015, 11:00 am

    Seikatsu saw the girl as she came through, seemingly annoyed with Seikatsu. Not knowing what her ability was, he did what he would always do. Clear his own path and charge through. Seikatsu looked at the girl, with a firm, cold expression. He turned around, and calmly put his cloak on, the fabric soaking up the blood from his back. He had only a little blood, a little compared to the rest of him, on his torso, all dried and held out his hand. Altsoba disappeared and the Heart of War appeared in the extended hand, and in the other sheath the dagger end of Seikatsu's Thorn of Betrayal also materialized. Seikatsu looked at the blade, still not speaking and flicked it and gently placed the sword in its sheath. "Knave." Seikatsu addressed Altsoba's creation. "You have served well. Before returning to your master, be sure to thanks your saviour." Seikatsu said, in a plain non-condescending manner of speech. The large wraith turned to the child, getting on one knee with his hand on the bent one, fist on the ground and head tilted down. He remained for a second and disappeared.
    Lisa flew out the door to the room, growing to her much larger self and awaiting her master.
    Seikatsu looked at the chipper little girl with cold, glaring eyes. He stepped closer and rested a hand on her head, pulling her into his chest and embracing her in a war hug. As he did so, he gave her one final series of memories.
    First, her smiling face upon meeting him transitioning to him watching her fight an honorable duel with herself. The vision became that of her prancing about with her joyous self, and then became a vision of Seikatsu, looking no older than he is now, sitting cross legged in a snowy place with the wind about him. A small child emerged from an igloo like structure, she looked like an exact version of Allison, accept she had hair as while as the snow around the two. The little girl pranced about the snow, smiling and laughing, and Seikatsu was smiling as well. The vision switched over, to an image of Seikatsu training, and the same small child training along side him while goofing up in the cutest way. The final image, instead of something grim, was just the little white haired girl running and tackle hugging Seikatsu with a big smile on her face, and then the vision faded.
    Seikatsu released Allison from his hug, he didn't say a word or try to hear anything she had to say. He simply stepped away with a smile, and a pair of tears on his face. Seikatsu turned around while putting his hood up and walked out the room. Lisa tilted her head, and Seikatsu got on, and flew away.

    PS: Seikatsu still has no idea what the little creature clinging to Allison's leg is, all he knows is it's still there...

      Current date/time is 16th September 2024, 12:48 pm