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    Not my kind of theater.


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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Not my kind of theater.

    Post by FluffyLynx 19th June 2015, 5:05 pm

    Why the theater? Because there had been signs pointing in that direction. Posters with laughing people, invitations, fliers, all sorts of visually appealing commotion. Apparently it was a night where a big play would be happening, and people from all over town had streamed to the theater to have a good time. Inside, there were noises of awe and amazement, occasional clapping. It had been enough to deafen the sounds on the outside. Deafen the commotion that had been. Now, everything was silent. So silent that it hardly made any sense.

    There was blood splattered across the white bunny mask she carried on her face. It had made the black robe which the girl wore sticky and thick, clinging to her skin underneath the exterior. The girls hands were cuffed together, the links between her hands so short that she could barely move them in singles. When one hand moved, the other had to follow. The girls legs had been chained in the same kind of manner, just over the ankles, leaving very little movement left for her to take. It meant that the girl was hopping forwards awkwardly, and quick movements were near impossible. Even so, she was making a hasty escape from the theatre. Getting around a corner and up on the fence to a private garden, the links got stuck on the fence, causing her to tumble forwards and fall flat on her face with a low thud, squirming about trying to get back on her feet. If one looked towards the theater, it was obvious what had happened. It seemed like there had been a short squabble when they had stopped the girl from entering. Naturally, Xana didn't have the faintest idea of what tickets or reservations meant. So when she had tried to simply walk in, action had been taken to stop her. A paper bin having been knocked over by Xana's flailing feet as someone had grabbed her from behind. They had been able to overcome her, and place her under locks and chain.

    The forceful nature had been neccesary, for she had been violently trying to get free, paniced beyond reason. It didn't matter what they had said, as soon as they had attempted to get a hold of her, she had been extremely hostile. Too self-assured that they'd be able to keep the girl in check after having gotten chains on her, a moments complacency had meant their downfall. The first movement was the one that had gotten blood on the mask. One of the guards had attempted to get the mask off so they could verify her identity. It had resulted in the girl smashing her head forwards, headbutting the guard violently and breaking his nose. Simultaneously, the chains had been used to choke one of them out, while magic had temporarily paralysed the last. The guards had been wounded, but they hadn't been killed. The techniques and fightingstyle had been paniced, like a wild animal trying to defend itself.

    Regardless of what had truly happened, all three of the security who had tried to prevent Xana from entering the theater of the city, were lying unconcious on the ground on the outside.  Struggling to get back up, the girl soon returned to the darkness of the streets, looking for respite. Xana swung the chains on both hands and feet at anything in sight that seemed durable enough to break the chains. In this case, a phonebooth. With every strike, the chains were making a metallic clonk, loud enough that if anyone was in the immediate vicinity, they would be alerted to this strange occurence. The commotion had been seen by townsfolk, and now the area was mostly deserted. People had fled for their own good, and Xana was now even further on edge with the law.

    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by Kirahunter 19th June 2015, 5:53 pm

    There is common knowledge among common theater goers in Magnolia that the best seat in the theater is always reserved. A luxury box close to the front of the theater. This seat has been permanently reserved for local hero and avid theater goer Simon of Fairy Tail. It was not well known why the young man was always in attendance but there were rumors. Some said he just really liked theater, others believed before coming to Fairy Tail he was a performer himself, and a few cynics had the audacity to say he did it just to show off his wealth. In truth Simon had always just been enchanted by theater since he was young. But being poor growing up the kid had little access to the shows he loved. Now? He had all the access he wanted.

    But tonight there was a disturbance. Rather literally he had hawk like senses and alertness. From his luxury seat Simon detected a struggle outside the theater and, having already seen this particular show before, he abandoned his seat to investigate.

    With the lobby empty as everyone else had already been seated it took Simon almost no time to walk out. Immediately it became apparent where the fighting had took place. The phoenix almost immediately saw the injured guards. Immediately he was on high alert, from his quick assessment of their injuries whoever inflicted them was not terribly powerful but there was no guarantee they used their full strength, whoever had done this had a feral fighting style. Whatever was responsible was both scared and capable, a deadly combination.

    Fortunately they made poor efforts to hide themselves. Simon's hawk eyes could see scrape marks on the ground which seemed to be from chain shackles. To confirm this Simon checked the guards over and saw they carried shackles like that, but one was missing his. Armed with this knowledge Simon pursued the trail.

    With super human speed and surprising stealth it took little time for him to catch up. As he got near he heard the sound of metal clashing on metal which only proved he was on the right track. Seconds later the person he had chosen to pursue was in sight. Several meters away Simon stopped his silent run coming to a complete stop. He wasn't sure what to think of the person before him so he reserved judgement, circumstances could make anyone do anything. Simon shoved his hands in his pockets and called out to her "Yo. It's a beautiful night. But it seems things aren't quite going your way. Do you maybe need some help?"


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by FluffyLynx 19th June 2015, 6:26 pm

    Turning around to face him, the cloaked figure with the bloodied mask was staring directly at him. Underneath the mask, through the small holes in its construct, he could barely see a pair of scarlet red eyes looking at him intently. Breathing fast and heavily, the girl was on guard, having raised her arms in front of her body so as to act like a shield. Feeling hunted, chased, she wasn't about to allow a stranger to suddenly show up and make everything worse. Unforeseen occurences were the bane of an assassin. Gesturing with her hands, she was trying to make sure that he wasn't coming any closer.

    The other had spoken about a plan gone awry. The other was speaking of how she appeared to be needing help. In both cases he was probably correct. It had never been her intention to pick a fight with the guards, she had simply been interested in all the light and all the sounds coming from the theater. As others had been entering wearing costumes of all sorts, she had figured that she herself would've been let in. Now she was chained in cuffs that she wasn't certain she could unlock herself. They were closed tight around her wrists, and no matter how much she attempted to bang them against any surface, they simply weren't going to give in. Slowly sitting down with her back against the battered phonebooth, she didn't seem to be having much more energy to flee with. Fighting the security, and banging away at the phonebooth to reclaim her freedom, had taken out of her whatever little stamina that she had. It seemed that, even if Simon approached further, she wasn't going to flee. It was the sign of someone surrendering and giving up... Holding her arms towards him, so that he could see the chains more clearly, it seemed as if she was asking him of opening them. Of letting her go free.

    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by Kirahunter 19th June 2015, 6:59 pm

    Simon was surprised by the bloodied mask but not exactly phased. Sure he wasn't expecting it, but he had seen some things in his time. The Phoenix also took note of her unnatural eye coloration, or rather took notice of her eye color. For someone who had been a in a mage guild since age 11 red was a perfectly natural eye color. As such he didn't pay it much mind. Not to get too much into his own backstory but Simon had once been trained by a master of liars in the art of seeing and hiding the truth. From this training reading the person's hand signals was no trouble for him. "Not much of a talker huh? Doesn't seem you want me around huh?" The wizard saint grinned deviously "Sorry I don't give a damn."

    Not removing his hands from his pockets Simon walked towards Xana. "Not to sound aggressive or anything. I can just see you don't want what you need, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to prioritize your needs." No mistake he was weary of this mysterious person before him but when you had survived being bitten in half by a 20 meter tall werewolf it was hard to be intimidated. Simon had decided he was going to help whoever this was and that was final. Once this kid set his mind to something, there was no telling him no. For some this kind of determination could make you the bad guy if misplaced but fortunately for the world this stubborn kid had a noble heart.

    A heart that wouldn't allow him to turn his back on someone in need who maybe he could help. He did everything to avoid showing any signs of hostility. He intentionally allowed his foot steps to make sound, a predator would move silently. His movements were loose and relaxed, a hunter was poised and tense. His hands were in his pockets, a person couldn't fight like that.

    As he got closer Simon said "Relax. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to help you, wither you like it or not." He stopped just a meter away. "Alright so first order of business. Let's get those chains off. Fair warning, what I'm about to do may startle you but I promise it is harmless." Then after a pause he scrunched his eye brows together and at the same moment the shackles melted off Xana's arms and legs. The molten metal wouldn't burn or sting and it hardly felt warm. The liquid metal fell to the ground and pooled before cooling harmlessly. It was likely Xana wouldn't notice anything had happened unless she was looking at her shackles.

    Simon grinned ear to ear "There we are. Now I think these are better conditions for talking yeah?" He sat down with his legs crossed and got comfortable on the ground "So. I'm Simon. I'm a mage at the local guild Fairy Tail. Who are you?"


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by FluffyLynx 20th June 2015, 6:19 am

    The other was coming closer to her, even despite him having acknowledged that she wouldn't want him any closer than he already was. Trying to get up again, she simply didn't have the strenght to continue running. The chains themselves were so heavy compared to her bodyweight that she couldn't continue lifting them. So rather than getting to a better position in order to flee, she ended up in a worse position, with her hands placed against the ground as she tried to drag herself away from the phonebooth, to absolutely no avail. The other came closer, towering over her small frame. The way she was breathing was indicating panic, yet she wasn't speaking to him even from behind the mask. Perhaps, at this point, Simon would've figured that the girl wasn't able to speak.

    His words weren't exactly registering with her, yet she soon gave up struggling to escape him and this situation. Realising that she was too exhausted, she was somewhat left to his devices. So instead, the girl just sat there, with those scarlet red eyes, looking at him so intensely from behind the mask. That is about when she had a strange sensation run through her hands, as she looked down and noticed the metal melting off of her frame like some kind of liquid. The molten metal literally dripping onto the ground as the girl was freed from her shackles. Simon could likely see the shock run through her body, as she bounced for a short moment, only to realise that nothing negative was taking place. In fact, this was purely positive. Xana was free from this torture device that those nasty old guards had placed upon her.

    The other continued speaking. Claiming that now would be the perfect time to have a little talk with each other. Perhaps it would've been, if she was capable of it, but at the very least she could give him her name. Stretching her arms forwards, she ran a finger across the ground to try and write a series of letters. The letters themselves were extremely crude, and it was obvious that this was the only thing that the girl could probably write. XANA. From the letters, she created a small arrow that pointed in her direction. It showed that she was at least somewhat willing to communicate, even if she didn't seem to be in her best condition.



    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by Kirahunter 20th June 2015, 6:25 am

    Simon stared at the letters on the ground intently for a few seconds. He blinked a couple times, "So you can't talk huh? Guess that is kind of an issue since I can't read."
    The phoenix scratched his head, this was going to be difficult. Then it occurred to him that maybe she couldn't even understand what he was saying "If you can understand what I'm saying could you please nod? Also if you can't talk can you clap your hands together once? If it's not too much to ask." Simon considering his luck figured she could do neither and was already planning what to do if she didn't reply at all.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Primary Magic

    Lineage : Pride of A Mercenary
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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by FluffyLynx 20th June 2015, 7:12 am

    Tilting her head to the side, it was clear that this little interaction was bothersome for her. Yet, she felt that the least she could do was interact with him. Mostly because the other had been kind enough to save her, and kind enough not to try and reveal her identity. At the same time, it wasn't like she was going anywhere until she had recovered...

    Xana nodded her head forwards, before giving off a short clap. That should be enough to indicate what kind of situation they found themselves within. They had some means of communication back and forth, but it certainly wasn't working out great for them. Lowering her shoulders, the girl let out a soft sigh. As it was, it was communication that would only work as long as the other was asking her questions.



    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by Kirahunter 20th June 2015, 7:17 am

    Simon nodded "Okay so we at least have this." The phoenix considered his next two questions and decided they were the most pressing issue "Are you hurt? Nod if you need any kind of healing, I can help. Clap if specifically some kind of injury is stopping you from talking. Maybe I can heal that too." There was the natural concern that if he healed her she would run and he would never get any answers. But at the same time Simon was confident he could run faster. But then he had to ask himself a question: would he pursue her if she ran away?


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Primary Magic

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by FluffyLynx 20th June 2015, 7:36 am

    Looking at Simon, Xana wiggled around for a moment, making sure that she wasn't wounded, before she shook her head from side to side. The injury sustained to her throat had been so many years ago, that even the most advanced healers had been unable to do anything about it. At least that was what Father had consistently said, and she hadn't sensed him lying about it either. Now that the weight from the chains was gone, she slowly got to her feet, looking a little edgy in the way that she moved. It was clear that she was tired. If he knew anything about law enforcement, it was also obvious that there would soon be other individuals who would be there to place cuffs on her again and arrest her. So he had a choice to make. Was he going to shelter the girl, let her go off and fend for herself, or bring her to the police? Either case, she couldn't defend herself against someone of his level, that much was for certain.

    Looking around through the darkness, the girl was trying to figure out what was going on. There was beginning to be more movement over in the direction of the theatre. Simon could see it within her, how she was slowly getting anxious and wanted to leave this place. Unless he did something soon, she would be fleeing the scene.



    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by Kirahunter 20th June 2015, 8:06 am

    It was a relief she wasn't injured but Simon became aware of a new threat. He sensed law enforcement was approaching and considering the girl was apparently a blood covered mute the legal system was likely to not be understanding. When she stood up Simon saw the feeling was mutual that she really shouldn't be staying around. "I think we are going to need to get you out of here." He himself stood up and considered their options "We have two real choices. The first is I carry you to a safe place because you apparently aren't going to run anywhere. The second is to hide in plain sight. Lose the bloody mask and cloak, I'll torch them and then you should be able to pass for normal. From there we'll just go back to the theater and we can hide out in my box seat until the play is over. By then things will have calmed down. I think option two is safer, and you get to see the play you were trying to get into. But you'd have to part with that outfit. Your choice. So nod for option one, clap for option two, and do something completely different if you have something better in mind." Simon was personally for plan two because I wanted to see the play but he could understand if this stranger was attached to their bloody attire and didn't want to lose it. Then again it didn't look like something that couldn't be replaced.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by FluffyLynx 20th June 2015, 8:27 am

    The mask was a precious gift to her. It was the first thing she had ever had of belongings. Taught how to hide, how to never reveal who she was or what she was capable of. In this outside world, it simply wasn't working, but she wasn't prepared to give it up. The other was suggesting to help her, by giving up what little that she actually had. The girl couldn't do that. Nor could she allow others to place chains on her. It left the girl with only one reasonable option in this chaotic and complete mess. As the commotion was getting louder, and law enforcement was closing in, she was searching everywhere for another way out of this complete mess. Any option that didn't include having to rely on a stranger. No matter how much she searched, she couldn't find any better solution than allowing this person, who had been capable of effortlessly melting metal away, to protect her. So nodding her head, reluctantly, she merely watched Simon. Knowing full well that whatever was going to happen next, it was likely something that she was going to dislike, but have to endure...

    ...On the other hand, the girl had begun questioning a couple of things during this meeting. Simon hadn't been following a code similar to fathers, yet he was strong. Simon hadn't sheltered away and kept focus only on himself and his mission. In fact, he was currently helping someone that could otherwise get him into deep trouble. This complete difference in how she would've reacted in his shoes, and how father said the world functioned, had given birth to a slight curiosity as to what kind of person he was. Having spoken of a guild, the only guilds that Xana had ever heard of, were those shady underground ones that father had rented her out to. For various purposes. Could there truly be an entire guild of weirdoes such as the man in front of her?...

    Looking at him, she narrowed her eyes, studying him. Exactly how did he plan on getting her out of there?



    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by Kirahunter 20th June 2015, 8:51 am

    When she nodded her head Simon acted quickly as time was short. He moved as a blur closing the distance between them, picking her up in his arms and jumping onto a nearby roof in less then a second. While Simon was more famous for his Phoenix Flame, he was far more dependent on his reliable God Leg magic. Stopping only for a moment to allow her to take in what had just happened he said "Hold on if it makes you feel safer but you have nothing to worry about. I do this all the time, haven't lost anyone yet." Then without waiting for further response Simon began running again. He darted along the roof tops with silent foot falls heading towards the edge of town. He wasn't quite going his full speed as he had to remain quiet but he was moving close to 300 miles per hour. Which is needless to say, but will be said anyway, very fast.

    Simon crossed Magnolia town in hardly any time at all before stopping on a rather unremarkable looking building close to the edge of town. "Normally I would have taken you to the guild hall. But it is in rather poor shape right now. So this will have to do." With that Simon dropped from the roof onto the house's door step. While it required some dexterity he opened the door with his foot and walked inside before setting the girl down. He quickly shot the door with his now free hands and flicked a light on. Revealing the dull looking house to be, in fact, a dull looking house. "Alright welcome to my humble abode. It's so normal no one will ever look here. Considering everyone in town is at the theater or asleep and that citizens don't ever really look up and that me running on the roofs is an every day occurrence around here we shouldn't have been seen. But if so there is a secret room in here that is better hidden. For now the plan is to just to hide inconspicuously."

    The house looked really look pristine considering it was owned by a lone teenage boy. But that was only because he didn't live there. It was a safe house and not a home. While a house normally showed signs of how a person lived this place really didn't show Simon's life style at all. It was just so generic. Simon crashed on a sofa in what appeared to be a living room "I don't really like this place. It isn't my style. But that is what makes it such a good hiding place. There's a bedroom and a bathroom er somewhere in here. The bedroom might have fresh clothes, probably. Odds are the bathroom has running water too, also probably. I haven't really used this place at all. I don't normally need to hide."


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by FluffyLynx 20th June 2015, 9:38 am

    Getting picked up wasn't something that she had expected, and definitely not something that she would've allowed. The other however, seemed to be on a completely different level than her. So without her getting much in the chance of reaction, she soon found herself tucked tightly into his grasp, as he leapt onto a building roof with speed unlike her own. The intense speed was making wind blast past her, almost ripping the bloodied mask and robe off of her. Clinging onto him, the girl felt a strange sensation. It wasn't exactly fear, but adrenaline was definitely pumping through her system. Nauseus, disoriented, the moment she was placed back on her feet, she slowly sank down onto her knees again, holding both hands to her mouth as she was mere moments from needing to throw up. Recognicing the word bathroom, she instinctively got up and staggered through the house, soon after finding the bathroom and closing the door behind her. From outside, Simon could hear the noises of someone definitely throwing up. Gasping, panting, whimpering, it took a little while with the sounds of absolute torment, before she fell silent again...

    ...Then followed to sound of running water, as she was getting herself something to drink. Partly because she was thirsty, partly because she wanted to exterminate the god-awful taste that puking had left in her mouth. Simultaneously, she was getting rid of the mask and the robe. While she wouldn't say that she trusted Simon, without him she would've been far worse off. Packing the mask inside the black robes, she packed it down and out of the way, before she returned to sorting out her own features. Carefully brushing through her hair, getting it into form, and adding the white flower. When the girl stepped out again, it was like looking at a completely different person. This version of her was wearing a short, purple-flowered summers dress, with straps over her shoulders. The now visible skin was delicate and white, and now he could really see how small she truly was. The purple hair and the white flower made her appear quite feminine, and without the mask her eyes truly stood out amongst her other features. Otherwise, there wasn't much emotion to be felt from her. Everything about her was calm and expressionless, as she stepped out of the bathroom and found herself a place to sit, letting out a soft relaxed sigh.



    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by Kirahunter 20th June 2015, 9:59 am

    Simon was plenty alarmed and confused when he heard noises of throwing up. Being a little speed demon he didn't understand the concept of motion sickness. However he was relieved when she came out appearing quite alive. Then he was hit by another shocking realization "You're a girl?" Sure she hadn't felt masculine when he picked her up but at the same time Simon didn't really think about the person's gender up until now. "Geez what was a pretty girl like you doing running around at night decked up in a mask?" He wasn't sure how he was expecting her to reply but he at least wanted to express his curiosity.


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by FluffyLynx 20th June 2015, 3:08 pm

    Looking at her companion, Xana was seemingly somewhere between indifferent and offended. Of course she was a girl. What else would she have been. Certainly not an owl or some other animal. So exactly what had Simon been hinting at? Wasn't she looking feminine enough? It was strange, since she had been taught exactly how to be feminine, as it could function as quite the great tool at getting close to males while doing missions. The slight addition that he found she looked pretty did help ease her mood a little, though. Crossing her arms, she shortly thereafter laid down on the couch. The girl was tired, and she wanted to recover as much energy as she could. Still, even if she was lying on the couch, she was keeping her eyes onto him, trying to figure out what his plan was. It was clear that she was expecting him to talk to her, to tell her what he wanted to do next. It was clear that she wasn't going to stay around in this little house forever.

    How would she describe why she had been out tonight..? Taking out the mask from her belongings, she pointed to it, pointed to the light in the room, and made a face as if she was very curious of what was going on. It was clear that the sounds and noises of the theatre had attracted her attention, and that she had wanted to see what it was. One could only assume that she did not have a ticket to go see the play however, and thus had been stopped by security. Looking the way she did, it was obvious why anyone would find her suspicious.



    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by Kirahunter 20th June 2015, 6:04 pm

    It didn't take a professional people reader to tell when you ticked off a girl. "Sorry sorry. It was dark and you had a mask and a cloak and stuff. But now it's very much apparent you're a girl. Alright?" However the moment passed and Simon noticed she was trying to answer his question with her various pointing. "Uh mask, light, confused, hmmm. Well you were outside the theater. You don't look like you're carrying any money so they probably wouldn't let you in. But don't you know you need money to get into a place like that?"


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by Vox Nihili 22nd June 2015, 10:10 pm


    Sweat soaked clothes clung to her flesh as bulky, cloth clad hands swatted at the mosquitoes that sought to feast on her exposed face. The light sheen coating glistened on the fair flesh as a pair of violet eyes shifted to look over at the sight of the sun slowly easing down towards the horizon as the sunset drew ever closer. “Its getting rather late… Are you still free for tonight?” A feminine voice asked, drawing the pair of exotic eyes towards it.

    The words brought a playful smirk to Deidara’s face as her lips parted, speaking in a teasing tone to her fellow Rune Knight. “Depends, does lighting candles and preparing a romantic midnight meal for you count as busy?”She replied as she turned to face the shorter brunette, her arms held out to the side as she watched the woman approach.

    “I would say my husband would be jealous,  but depending on the cooking he might just let us date.” The woman responded as she began to help Deidara get out of the bulky bite suit that she had been in.

    “Give him a pot belly and he lets you do whatever you want? What a man.” Deidara responded as the hot clothing was finally being stripped off of her. Her messy white hair flowing out from where it had been tucked in, muscular arms slipping out as a black crop top clung to her flesh from the amount of sweat. Until finally she stood in the invigorating breeze with a sigh as she stretched her muscles. “Walk the german, feed the cats, throw the laundry in to wash, and go through your stuff for blackmail material to get a date out of you. Anything else or should you just take the ticket from your hubby and go to the theater with me?”

    “Clean the rooms, paint the house, scoop the dog shirt out of the yard and build us a hot tub.” The woman said as she collected the bite suit and began to walk towards the nearby Rune Knight’s building.  “You have the code to my locker already, take my lacrima and keys.”

    The light of the streetlamps did their job of shining down  upon Deidara as she and the german shepard walked down the sidewalks near the outskirts of town, a dark trench coat wrapped around the woman’s body while her long boots softly clicked along the stone floor beneath her. Black leather gloves gripping the dog leash while she made her way around the area, letting the animal get its exercise for the night before she could return to her hotel room.

    Her gaze idly looking about the area until the sight of something moving along rooftops caught her attention. The violet gaze watching a human shaped figure nearby moving along carrying something was the first thing she noticed, the second thing was the sound of its passing. It must have been traveling at a significant speed for something of that size making that noise.  

    Her hand sliped inside of the trench coat to the black leather purse that was hanging from her shoulder.  Pulling out the communication lacrima she had gotten the Rune Knight activated to begin making her report of it to the city’s Rune Knight building, stating the time, guessed speed, and direction it was going in. “Shall I pursue sir, I have a trained dog with me to assist in following the suspicious person.”  

    After receiving an affirmative she lead the german shepard over towards where she had seen him jump from one of the roofs, stopping to let the creature catch the scent as she reached into her purse to pull out her badge attached to a leather cord to place around her neck. Ensuring that she was still carrying her emergency throwing knives at the back of her waist the two of them set out to follow the person, jogging along while staying in touch whenever a new direction would be seen.

    The pair found themselves approaching a house that the animal was heading towards, causing Deidara to report its address as they approached its door before they came to stop with the dog before it. Violet eyes glanced down to notice the spots of blood just before it, causing her to slip the lacrima back into the purse and take a step forward so that her foot was covering up the splatters before knocking loudly on the front door.


    Not my kind of theater.  36626_s

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by FluffyLynx 23rd June 2015, 12:07 pm

    Shrugging, that was pretty much exactly what had happened. The concept of exchanging jewels to be able to enter a building wasn't entirely new to her. It was just that out in this world, she had for a vast majority of the time been sneaking in where she wanted or desired to go. It wasn't as if she understood enough to read the signs that declared that she needed jewels to buy a ticket, and that she needed a ticket to be able to enter the theatre.

    The knocking on the door startled her, as it was a loud resounding noise that penetrated through the entirety of the house. A small jump went through her body, as she directed her gaze towards the door, spending a moment to settle herself. There was a strange sound, that reminded her of a certain type of nail scratching against the ground. The girl couldn't remember where she had heard this sound, but it was alarming. Looking at Simon, the girl pointed to the door. It was clear that she wanted his help to buy some time so that she could run away. The sound wasn't a sound that she remembered as something positive. In fact, she was pretty certain it was related to the bloodhounds that had been on her track during certain missions. Those beasts were horrendous... Getting up slowly, the girl took a couple of steps towards the bathroom. It was where she had left the cloak and the mask. It wasn't something that she would allow anyone else to take from her.

    ...Locking the door to the bathroom, the girl was preparing her escape, dressing herself up fully before leaping out the open window, attempting to escape into the night. If Simon was on her side, maybe he would occupy whoever it was. It wasn't even certain that whoever knocked the door was looking for her, but she wouldn't take the chance.



    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by Kirahunter 23rd June 2015, 2:14 pm

    Simon was completely astonished when he heard someone knocking on the door. The chances that anyone made the connection between him, the girl and the guard attack was incredibly low there simply wasn't any evidence. Then there was the fact that no one knew Simon kept this safe house, for someone to know he was there was also completely impossible. Which left the other possibility that someone had seen him running and pursued out of curiosity. As highly improbable as the last option was it was the most likely and the most terrifying. If someone could detect someone of his size from a minimum of twenty meters away at night while he was traveling at 300 mph or somehow hear what he himself perceived to be completely silent foot steps and think it was note worth to pursue and on top of it all keep up enough to watch him enter the house had dangerous implications. Even among mages of his own caliber Simon was incredibly fast and took some pride in his stealth, not even someone his equal should have been able to track him.

    The only possibility was that he had been pursued by someone on the level of a Wizard Saint, maybe even a God of Ishval. For anyone else to do so was hard to imagine.

    However Simon was not completely against the idea that maybe someone finding them was completely coincidence. Maybe they were a neighbor who looked out a window at just the right moment, or a door to door salesman or something.

    Regardless, he didn't blame the girl for running. To track Simon the Phoenix was no feat to laugh at. However he was irritated that he would have to hunt her down later to figure out who she was.

    But that was a problem for later, now he had to buy time. Simon didn't dare make a sound as he approached the door. It was most likely that whoever was on the other side was strong enough to level a city, if they were to battle the results would be disastrous. He had to keep calm, try to avoid a fight and stall for time. Simon rolled some possibilities over in his mind of who in Fiore would be capable of such a feat. Most likely was Heero  with his damned slayer senses, he would have a reason to be in the immediate area and had the juice. Which was fortunately the best possible case.  

    Only when Simon reached the door and was about to open it did he consider using his magic sensory. Which honestly should have been his first thought. So utilizing his magic sixth sense he peered through the wall and was astonished. The magic presence in front of him was above average but not exactly a God of Ishval. Simon froze like a statue, could someone like that really have tracked him? It seemed impossible but then again impossible was his job. The phoenix mage had to accept he wasn't going to get any answers until he opened the door and it was damn certain he wanted answers. So without wasting anymore time Simon composed himself, regulated his pulse and body quirks before finally opening the door.

    Simon looked up at his guest and tilted his head "Uh can I help you?"


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by Vox Nihili 23rd June 2015, 2:58 pm

    The animal’s ears twitched as the door knob was turned and it was slowly opened to reveal the teen within. A pair of violet eyes looked past him briefly to try and take in the interior of the house behind him before settling down onto the male before her. One hand holding the dog’s leash while the other raised up to hold her Rune Knight badge for him to see. “I am Deidara Vonkaiserblitz with the Rune Knights, investigating suspicious activity in the area involving a figure moving at high speeds across the roof tops. May I come in and ask you for your name and whether or not your parents are home this evening?” She responded as her gaze looked him over carefully, seeing if he appeared to be injured or showing signs of distress.

    The trail had lead here, straight up to the door. That much she knew for certain, anything beyond was speculation and piecing information together. Meanwhile the dog remained sitting by her side, panting lightly as its gaze watched the male’s movements before it. Ears twitching every so often with sounds its keen ears would pick up while it awaited for further orders.


    Not my kind of theater.  36626_s

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by FluffyLynx 23rd June 2015, 3:07 pm

    Now that the others were engaged into communication, the girl was free to escape the area completely. Without giving it much further thought, she dedicated herself to remembering Simon's face. That boy was strong, and he had been kind to her. It would be something that she, in the future, may look further into. For now, she was escaping across the rooftops. If they managed to get into the locked bathroom soon, they might be able to track her down. Otherwise, she had managed to vanish out of sight.

    //Attempted Exit



    The Phoenix

    The Phoenix

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by Kirahunter 23rd June 2015, 7:00 pm

    Simon was not impressed by his house guest. "Rune Knight? I'm not buying it. I thought you lot were supposed to have faces like my memorized." He crossed his arms "I'm Simon the Phoenix of the Wizard Saints and no you can't come in. This is my private residence and you have no right. The magic council may be able to tell me to run errands and save the world on command but my home is my home. That's part of my deal." Simon frowned irritably, he was even thinking about the girl he had been sheltering moments ago now he was just mad, magic council this, wizard saint that, duty this, obligation that, they required him to fly all over Fiore on their request and they couldn't even bother making sure their flunkies recognized his face.

    Simon then shoved his hands in his pockets "Now regarding this figure you're investigating. That's me. This is common knowledge. God Leg magic enables me to travel at high speeds while performing feats of incredible agility and acrobatics, I utilize this to navigate Magnolia Town quietly and quickly. My flight is louder, flashier and disturbs people at night. Look up my file you dorks have, it's all there." He then added in an aloof shrug as his eyes scanned the buildings across the street "Or easier ask one of the residence. This is an everyday occurrence, anyone can back it. Now how about you go home and do your homework next time. I'll let this go because I'm super nice. But if you go interrogating people in clover town about a strange being of light bouncing around near Blue Pegasus you'll get laughed out of the force." Simon figured his monologue alone should have given his guest time to get away so he decided to wrap things up. "Trust me I'm doing you a favor. Now I'm going to bed, it's past my bedtime..." As he was about slam the door he froze as thought crossed his mind "Wait what are parents?"


    [20:44:53] Kirahunter : also I like the sound of my own voice
    [20:44:59] Kirahunter : so I had to say something

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    Not my kind of theater.  Empty Re: Not my kind of theater.

    Post by Vox Nihili 27th June 2015, 6:58 am

    Deidara’s eyebrows raised up as she looked the small boy over. How much did he weigh… thirty five kilograms to forty something? At high enough speeds, which he likely was, the sheer force of his movement would damage the roofs of the buildings that he was prancing around on without a care. If he really was a wizard saint, it was likely the residences at large put up with him simply because he was a child and a wizard saint. Let alone him contradicting himself by saying that a high velocity object of his size jumping on roofs is quite, then saying its louder and disturbs people at night.

    Even then, the sheer fact that he was a known person doing it in the city did not mean that the police force would leave suspicious activity similar to it unchecked. A criminal could just as easily be copying him, knowing people might write it off as him and use it to more easily conduct crimes. Simple math could solve for the amount of force he exerts with his jumps to likely be enough to damage roofs, unless he has paid to enhance every roof or for select ones that he solely uses for his jumps with the exclusions of the others but he didn’t mention that at all despite his arrogant behavior.

    However he was not worth her time, he wasn’t even worth a moments more breath. She was a professional although and as such she responded to his ignorance in one simple way. “Sorry to disturb you, have a good night.” She replied before walking away from the door, her foot moving in the process to uncover the blood as she started to walk away.



    Not my kind of theater.  36626_s

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