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    There is no party like an alcoholic party

    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    There is no party like an alcoholic party Empty There is no party like an alcoholic party

    Post by Godlike Frederik 26th June 2015, 3:53 am

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    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    There is no party like an alcoholic party Empty Re: There is no party like an alcoholic party

    Post by Godlike Frederik 26th June 2015, 4:39 am

    It wasn't a big secret that Frederick was annoyed with his current situation, which was off course. Mostly because he wore his personality on his sleeve the moment he was greatly agitated. And who could blame him, somehow and someway. His guild master Raven Kurosaki, had somehow managed to trap and snare him and force a job on him. Which he had to take with some unknown member, a girl in her twenties maybe.

    The job was a rather simple one though. Travel to the Mountain Village, and help a local business owner protect his wares. Especially his beer. Why that beer was so important he didn't know, Frederick found it rather demeaning that someone would hire protection over a plebeian alcoholic beverage as beer. It was even more demeaning that there are people who were trying to steal that golden liquid for god knows what reason.

    His partner, was as he said a young woman who looked like she was somewhere in her early twenties. Frederick didn't knew for sure as he hadn't asked her and only snarled at her if she had a question or made a remark or anything. She did had however something that differed from of the people he knew, she had above all else animal features. Long ears like a bunny, and a tail which fit a critter like that.
    Which pulled in quite some attention, which Frederick hated even more. The entire reason for his own shrouded get up was. That people wouldn't pay much attention to him, also there was the reason he was a wanted man who had committed terrible and heinous acts in his past.
    But now with her walking next to him, people couldn't help but turn their head and stare. As they didn't saw someone with those kind of features that often.

    So when they both walked into the Mountain Village, the small backwater location where their job was. He just had to ask, since it was irking him the entire trip. 'So?! What are you anyway? Some kind of dog/human hybrid?! Or do you desperately wanna be an animal that you are cosplaying as one?'




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    There is no party like an alcoholic party Empty Re: There is no party like an alcoholic party

    Post by Chesha 27th June 2015, 2:26 am

    It’d been turning out to be quite the ordinary day until someone knocked on her door.

    At first Mao believed a book or two must’ve fallen from one of the piles she started, having been a little lackluster in organizing them onto the shelves, but the noise repeated this time and a little louder once her attention no longer lay locked between paragraphs. Begrudgingly she stood up and opened the door of the walk-in closet – noting offhandedly that a book had fallen at some point – and answered the door. Even though she knew offhand that the woman on the other side of the door was her guild master it required a few moments to really get the ol’ brain engines revving and caught up to speed.

    Something about “baby-sitting” and “protecting some beer” were mentioned, but the bunny-eared girl’s attention focused more or less on one…word? Or was it two?


    The moniker certainly didn’t fit the man when she later met him, but at the time…well, she really didn’t know what to think. As fast as she arrived however, the woman was off like some sort of confusing tornado, throwing Mao for a complete loop by assigning her to a job with someone else. ’Must be due to all the jobs I’ve shared with another guild…is this forced social interaction? A check to see how I perform? Or am I really trying to keep some stranger in check?’ All were intriguing notions, and all felt possible to this moment even as the unlikely pair walked through the streets.

    Between the two of them it was…probably easy to garner at least some attention. A rabbit-eared girl with a rather unusual tail and a tall, dark, and cloaked mystery man? Yes, they gained stares abound and a plenty.

    Early on Mao learned that the less she spoke the better his mood kind of was because as far as she could tell, the man known a little more properly as “Frederik” could be compared to a grouchy lion: one wrong move and it might bite a limb off. The bulk of their journey to the location remained in silence, though as her eyes danced over this and that it would seem he’d been stewing over a few things.

    ”I couldn’t tell you,” she wouldn’t bother mentioning her lack of memories, figuring it not important and perhaps too much detail might set him off further as she continued in that matter-of-fact, slightly aloof tone, ”but no, they are quite real.” To illustrate her point she wiggled all three ends of the tail before curling them into a fist-like form, and pulled her hair aside to reveal a lack of human ear above her jawbone. Green eyes watched for his reaction, curious where he might fall on the spectrum as most people were either disgusted or disturbed at the difference in anatomy. Then again, his question of cosplay and guess at her being a canine were more unique as many asked if she were some experiment or if there’d been some sort of “horrible accident” involved. For reasons she really couldn’t say, most people also assumed she were a feline despite the horribly wrong ear shape. ’Guess they assume I’m an exotic cat…or…dog…’ Hell, was she even a rabbit?!



    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    There is no party like an alcoholic party Empty Re: There is no party like an alcoholic party

    Post by Godlike Frederik 3rd July 2015, 2:52 am

    'Oh is that so?' responded Frederick sarcastically, with the obvious hint that he didn't believed her. After all he had seen enough people who were delusional enough to believe to be the very thing that they wore as clothing. Really, cosplayers were something else.

    Instinctively his bully behavior reached the surface as Frederick, reached out and grabbed one of the girls ears. Pulling comedically on it with some force, as he tried to determine its authenticity. Which off course, didn't come off. 'Oh..' he said while still pulling and pinching her ear. 'So they are real.'

    It certainly wasn't the strangest thing Frederick had seen in his life, but still quite surprising. After all, there weren't many people in Fiore that carried such animalistic characteristics. There was a country to that did, a place entirely populated by cat people. But those were all fur, so maybe she was a cross species or something. Bred from the vulgar love of a human and a original inhabitant of Joya.

    'Ah well..' said Frederick disappointed, as if he was counting on her actually being a cosplayer. So that he had something to be pester her with. Or curse at her for being so childish that she felt the need to dress up in animal outfits. 
    Eventually Frederick had released his grip on Mao's ear, and continued the route into the village again. They were after all here for a job.

    The tavern proved to be easy to spot, as it was the only building in town that showed signs of being under a siege. Most of the windows were barricaded from the inside, while its glass played shattered on the ground. Probably from thugs throwing bricks at it. The door, which was heavily crooked seemed to be barely withstanding people trying to break their way in. And the sign, that once proudly invited any thirsty guests in. Payed broken on the ground. It seemed that the struggle for beer was more then real after all.

    'I guess we're here...'



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    There is no party like an alcoholic party Empty Re: There is no party like an alcoholic party

    Post by Chesha 3rd July 2015, 3:27 am

    Why wouldn’t the man believe…”Yeagghhh?! Ow!” Without warning, rhyme, or reason the man proceeded to tug one of the long protrusions before outright yanking the sensitive limb and forcing her head to jerk to the side. Small tears pooled at the corners of her eyes as Mao likely made one of her most expressive faces to date. Teeth clenched, arms wavered in their lack of knowledge of what to do in this situation: smack his hand away or stay at her sides and hope for the pain to subside? Even as his ministrations lessened to a small degree he continued to pinch the now throbbing ear as the acceptance sunk in finally.

    Mao had half a mind to pull on one of Frederik’s ears, just to see how he might react…or if his were real. God knows what other people hid.

    Given the man’s demonstrated mood and actions up until this point she wouldn’t be surprised if he went for the tail next in revenge with the possible intent to yank it off if she pulled too much. A smarting ear could be dealt with, but having the man completely rage out and rip off a limb should be avoided at all costs so she rubbed the sore spot in an attempt to soothe and simply…let it go. ’But why did it sound like a letdown to not be a cosplayer?’ Maybe the man had a fetish and frequented those strange cafes she once worked at for a job? If so, then she’d avoid any further requests in case pulling on one’s ears was some sort of strange custom there.

    ’What…?’ The situation must’ve been direr than she thought, though honestly the short mage really couldn’t understand the reasons behind this…war? Could it even be classified as such? Not meaning to, Mao asked the question aloud, ”Is beer really worth all of this?” She couldn’t rightly say whether she meant the hassle someone else went through to get it, or the owner’s stubbornness to protect his recipe.

    An eye poked through the precariously perched door, getting at least Mao’s attention before it slammed open and nearly fell off its final hinge at the stranger’s enthusiasm. ”Booooooy am I glad to see you guys!” the voice boomed as a short, heavy set man in almost bright blue overalls jogged towards them, white teeth managing to poke out through the thick and curly black beard, ”she said she’d be sendin’ some strange folk over to help scare ‘em away, knew it must be you guys the moment I spied ya!” Standing before them, he reached only a few feet above Mao, and held possibly more joy and happiness in that smile than Fred likely showed in the last year. Warily the bunny-eared girl stared at the man, noticing how he seemed to mentally be gearing up to slap Fred on the back.

    ’This will not end well…’



    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    There is no party like an alcoholic party Empty Re: There is no party like an alcoholic party

    Post by Godlike Frederik 14th July 2015, 4:32 am

    If there was one thing that Frederick hated more then the gibberish from young ignorant teenagers, then it was the jolliness of eternally enthusiastic grown ups. It was a certain breed of people that could achieve being this naive. The set of overweight enthusiasts that were fond of using physical contact with anyone they even remotely liked. Even if they met them a moment ago.

    And be that as it may, there was just such a man now in front of Frederick and Mao. The perfect example of what Frederick disliked in a person. Now trying to reach out to Frederick by trying to slap him on the back as if he was a long lost comrade. 
    It was off course no secret that Frederick disliked this, in fact those who knew him probably would have expected him exploding in anger in some way. As he was clearly trying to hold it in, when the man actually placed his hand on his left shoulder. A soft pad that just momentarily touched Fredericks back.

    With a trembling voice Frederick responded, a clear note of irritation which the client seemed to be completely unaware of.

    'Yes... we are. And I assume you are the very excuse of a client that has asked for us'

    'Ya got that right buddy! I'm William and the owner of this fine establishment' Dimwitted as he was William completely seemed to ignore the insult Frederick had thrown in his answer, and just point at himself with his thumb when he introduced himself. 
    'And just as you can see, I'm having a teeny bit of trouble with some thugs. Trying to steal my secret recipe that has been passed down form grand poppy himself ya know?'

    With every word the man spoke, Fredericks anger grew. He didn't liked this person, even if he hadn't done anything wrong. And when he slowly started to share his life story Fredericks patient had reach a limit. As he interrupted the man rudely at the end of his sentence. Before he could even utter a new one.

    'Alright! No need to tell me some kind of sob story, just know that I am here to deal with the problems you yourself couldn't!'

    Thought the man got clearly interrupted by the dark hooded mage in front of him, he still seemed unwatered in his eternal devotion to be happy. And just slightly moved over to Mao while he asked her.
    'Quite the cranky fellow, ain't he?' 



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    There is no party like an alcoholic party Empty Re: There is no party like an alcoholic party

    Post by Chesha 14th July 2015, 8:02 pm

    You could practically see Frederik’s skin crawling at the notion and then feeling of this man patting him on the shoulder, even a blind man wouldn’t be able to ignore it and yet their client hardly paid any mind. ’At least it wasn’t the hard slap it looked like for a moment…I wonder if he did actually sense some of the discomfort?’ She’d offer the exuberant man some credit at least for not going full out, but even the smallest gesture yielded hilarious results if she’d been a complete spectator and not a participant in this job. At the same time she awarded Frederik some worthless mental points for holding back, even though his voice gave away the fact that it just barely didn’t turn violent or full-on obvious insult.

    ’Either he ignored it or didn’t notice it…oh Raven, why did you send me along for this ride?’

    She honestly couldn’t imagine trying to hold back this man if he completely hulked out at any moment. The sheer levels of disdain and disgust for this entire scene positively oozed in a way anyone watching a TV show or stage skit would’ve been fiercely laughing over, yet she feared having to physically push the two apart of the jovial man insisted on invading the annoyed man’s personal bubble. Whether or not she’d get the details from the man alone – and offer the lord himself a break from this man to cool off – became moot as their short and bouncy client started off with the debriefing of sorts, summing up what they already knew about the case.

    And then Fred snapped at him.

    ”He…erm,” gods she needed an excuse, or at least believed she did and used the first that came to mind, ”had a late night last night, so getting up early was less than agreeable.”

    Whatever meaning the man garnered from this, it didn’t quite match Mao’s intention as those bushy eyebrows waggled up and down and that grin poked out from the beard again. ”Late night eh? ‘Can respect that! Usually I wake up whisltin’ but hey! I don’t usually go to work after either!” Fiercely he nudged Mao, knocking her aside with his brawny arm.

    Waving her hand as if to dispel that conversation, Mao quickly asked her main question while avoiding peering at Fred’s face entirely, ”Err…what can you tell us about the thieves, aside for them wanting your…’amazing brew’ so to speak?” Maybe once a few of them showed up her sour companion would be able to let off a bit of steam against the poor, clueless thieves. ’It’s the risk they take I suppose.’



    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    There is no party like an alcoholic party Empty Re: There is no party like an alcoholic party

    Post by Godlike Frederik 20th July 2015, 6:55 am

    While Frederick clearly carried the 'please make him stop' look on his face, their client naively continued on with his endless optimism. Even when Mao asked directly about the group of thieves that were trying to steal the mans concoction, he managed to keep up his positivity.

    'Hah! I'd be fighting off those buggers for days now, as they are tryin to bust down my doors. Aint nothing I can't handle at first you know. But they're relentless, and I ain't getting any younger'

    'The thieves please...' interrupted Frederick again.

    'Oh yeah, well they aint much to look at that is for sure. Most of them are a shabby group of people, poorly equipped. But those are just the simple folk, there are some of worth among them. Mages with black magic and one large fellow.'

    It took Frederick a lot of concentration to not fully blow up into a state of rage and anger, and maybe even pummel the man into a bloody mess. So much even that Frederick was actually relieved that their client finally, after a lot of nonsense chatter, gave them some useful information.
    So if he was true in his assessment of their enemy, then most of the thieves that came at this place weren't of much worth. Just the simple cannon fodder, the pawns that were send forward in the first wave to test an enemies strength.

    The 'large fellow' though, worried Frederick to some extent, seeing as the bar's owner wasn't such a small fry as well. In both height and weight so to speak. To declare another guy as large, must mean that he was significantly larger to the clients eyes alone.

    'This large fellow..' inquired Frederick further 'is he the one leading this group of thugs?'

    'Dunno really, he does seem like the boss type to me. But he keeps his distance, so i figure he is. He does appear a bit smarter then the rest tho'



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    There is no party like an alcoholic party Empty Re: There is no party like an alcoholic party

    Post by Chesha 22nd July 2015, 11:51 pm

    ’Note to self: any future jobs with Frederik will involve me talking to the client alone while he waits somewhere nearby, or joins up later.’ Between extra sleep and avoiding clients like these then going to such lengths would definitely be worth it even if she didn’t quite want to be bounced around by this cheerful fellow. So far she’d at least learned that Frederik was a man of few words, or rather preferred the details skip the exposition type. ’Guess I was right in my earlier assessment.’ Hadn’t saved her ear from a world of hurt unfortunately.
    From what it sounded like however this large fellow – if he WAS the boss – was just throwing wave after wave of his own men at this pub in the hopes one of the sacrificial waves would eventually succeed. Beyond that it sounded like some hill-billy showdown where they shot at one another until the other family lay dead. Still the man could be merely testing out his opponent, biding his time until it felt right to go in for a sure kill on his part – if it turned out necessary.
    ’I would be surprised then if he doesn’t eventually show up. The man must be patient otherwise, unless we catch him during a long nap.’ Chances were slim however they wouldn’t see this mysterious fellow. Did this mean they should stay here, stand guard, and merely knock back the thieves who try to actively get the beer, or would they go and find some potential “camp” for the enemies and take care of the problem at the heart of the situation? She wouldn’t go charging in like some sort of crazed warrior in hunger of a glorious battle, but sizing up the situation couldn’t hurt either, could it?
    Once the man seemed done about handing over the useful information and ready to launch into some prepared speech about his wonderful brew, Mao stepped in and pointed towards some barrels, ”It appears some of them might be loose.”
    ”ACH! Yer right!” And like that the man scurried away, happy atmosphere and all.

    With him gone maybe the crackling air around her partner might dissipate, though it was hard to tell as she turned to him. Hesitant as she was, Mao mustered up the courage to ask, ”What’s your plan Lord Frederik? Aside for finding a way to wipe the grin off the man’s face?”



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