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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 11th June 2015, 8:02 pm

    The timer reset to the day before the siege of Altsoba's city, and Seikatsu made his way to the castle. Altsoba had him sleep in her room again, this time she decided to go to sleep with him. Seikatsu was already in the bed when Altsoba switched to a black and red night gown in front of him. Seikatsu looked away out of decency, and resolved himself to the fact that Altsoba was getting in bed with his. What he didn't foresee was the feeling of Altsoba pressing her chest against his back, and wrapping an arm around him. Seikatsu turned around at lightning speed.
    "Wh-what are you doing!?" Seikatsu asked with a red face.
    Altsoba looked at Seikatsu with soft eyes, and pulled her face close to his.
    "If you blush so much you'll get a nose bleed."
    Alstoba said in a voice that implied she actually cared. She gave Seikatsu a kiss on the cheek and held him while she fell asleep.
    Seikatsu, dazed by the fact that a demon just kissed him, realized there was no getting out of this. He shifted to lay on his back, and tried to fall asleep.
    Seikatsu wasn't sure how long it had been, but he knew it was upwards of two hours and he hadn't fallen asleep. Altsoba on the other hand was knocked out cold. Seikatsu thought to gently shimmy out of her grasp, and he put forth an effort to do so. His effort was proven vein when Altsoba grabbed his waist and pulled herself back against his bare chest.
    'Are you friggin' serious?!' Seikatsu said to himself.
    Altsoba went so far as to rest her head on Seikatsu's chest, making Seikatsu even more uncomfortable. Out of nowhere, Seikatsu heard a melodic voice humming. The song was so familiar, but he couldn't understand where he'd heard it before.
    Still the song was actually very relaxing, and Seikatsu found himself being lulled to sleep as it resonated in his mind.
    Before long, Seikatsu was sound asleep. Altsoba opened her eyes when Seikatsu was definitely asleep, and put on a very sadistic grin.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 12th June 2015, 11:03 am

    When Seikatsu woke up, much to his joy, Altsoba wasn't next to him. He looked across the room and saw that she was sitting on the window sill with the window open, and her legs dangling out.
    "Kateri was right, you're a super hard sleeper..."
    Alstoba said calmly.
    "That better not mean what it meant back then."
    Seikatsu said with a hint of irritation in his voice.
    "Who knows."
    Altsoba said with a smile as she turned around and pushed herself from the window sill. She trotted over to Seikatsu and grabbed his hand.
    "Come on, there's more to see!"
    She said with child like happiness as she pulled on Seikatsu's hand. Seikatsu decided to try and ignore her, and he pulled his hand away and turn to a side.
    The room grew dark, and Seikatsu saw a shadow that looked like several vines were sprouting around Altsoba. Seikatsu was thrown from the bed and Altsoba ran to his side. She pulled him up and began pulling him out of the room.
    Altsoba said when she was outside the door, and realized she'd forgotten to switch from her pajamas to her dress.
    "One minute."
    She said to Seikatsu.
    Altsoba went in the room and closed the door. When she re-emerged a moment later she was wearing her normal red and black dress with her dark red ribbon.
    "Okay, now we can go!"
    She said with a great big smile on her face while pulling Seikatsu.
    She pulled Seikatsu outside the castle, and took him to the woods surrounding her kingdom. The scents, and sounds were so nostalgic to Seikatsu that he was able to feel relaxed while a demon pulled him into dimly lit woods. They arrived at a cliff and Seikatsu looked down.
    "Oooooooohhhhh...... damn."
    He said while looking at the immense drop below.
    Altsoba tied a vine to her leg, and then one to Seikatsu's.
    "What are you doing.?"
    Altsoba smiled at Seikatsu and grabbed his hands.
    "You're not serious are you?"
    Altsoba pulled Seikatsu and herself over the edge of the cliff, and sent them into free fall.
    "Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-"
    The vines caught both of them just a few feet from the rocks below. Altsoba was laughing like a child at the festival, Seikatsu was happy the vines were strong and short enough.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 12th June 2015, 3:03 pm

    Seikatsu looked at the hard surface only a couple feet below him.
    "What the hell!
    Are you homicidal or something!?"

    He snapped at Altsoba.
    Altsoba wrapped her arms around Seikatsu and hugged him tightly. The vines let go of their legs and dropped them. Altsoba landed on top Seikatsu with their cheeks touching. Altsoba straightened up and began laughing.
    "You need to loosen up, I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't done it before."
    She told Seikatsu.
    Seikatsu propped himself up on his elbows and looked at Altsoba.
    'She really is cute when she isn't trying to kill someone...' he thought to himself.
    "Mind getting off me?"
    Seikatsu asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.
    Altsoba did as asked, and got off of Seikatsu's torso. She got up and dusted herself off. Seikatsu stood up and looked around.
    "I know this place.... but there was never a cliff here."
    Seikatsu said curiously.
    "The lands constantly shift.
    They rise.
    They fall.
    The move locations, and change shape.
    So is the natural order."

    Altsoba said poetically.
    There was a large lake within view, and Altsoba was anything but hesitant to ask if Seikatsu wanted to jump in. Seikatsu tried to turn her down, but that didn't end well.
    Altsoba pulled Seikatsu to the lake, and began pushing him in. One he was close enough Altsoba grabbed Seikatsu by the waste and pulled both of them in. Altsoba emerged from the water first and Seikatsu popped his head up with a rather unpleased look on it.
    "Good thing you can swim!"
    Altsoba said while laughing at Seikatsu, who's hair had flopped over his eyes.
    Altsoba slipped out of her dress, wadded it up and threw it onto the bank.
    "And if I didn't know how to swim?" Seikatsu asked unhappily.
    "Well, you can't die here, but I guess you would drown and pass out...
    I might have to give you mouth to mouth."

    Altsoba said teasing Seikatsu.
    At first Seikatsu wanted to kill Altsoba, but seeing her so happy made him feel less angry.
    'I'm getting soft...' Seikatsu said to himself.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 14th June 2015, 7:40 pm

    Seikatsu hadn't noticed Altsoba was partially in the buff when a small wave made her bob above the surface. Upon asking why she wasn't wearing a bra, Altsoba responded with a curious
    "What's a bra?"
    "Well... it's a piece of clothing that you put over your breasts so men aren't looking at your nipples when it rains or something like that..." Seikatsu said trying to explain the foreign idea as simply as possible.
    "Wouldn't that squeeze your boobs though?" Altsoba asked while looking at her chest.
    "Well... probably?" Seikatsu guessed.
    "Sounds uncomfortable, plus a man hasn't seen me naked in over a millenia." Altsoba said and dived under water.
    Seikatsu rested his head on his palm while shaking it in disbelief that this cheerful, care free person is the almighty demon of war.
    "Why me..." Seikatsu said under his breath with excessive disdain.
    "WHAAA-BLRGGLLGLGRG..." Seikatsu said as he felt Altsoba grabbing him by the ankle and pulling him under. While under the lake surface, Seikatsu was face to face with Altsoba who was anything but hesitant to nonchalantly kiss him on the tip of his nose. She made her way back to the surface, and waited for the reaction.
    Seikatsu flew out of the water and took a deep breath.
    "WHAT THE HE-"
    Altsoba interrupted Seikatsu by grabbing him and giving him a kiss on the lips. When she disconnected Seikatsu's face was far redder than she'd ever made it turn before.
    is your malfunction..."

    Seikatsu asked Altsoba while pinching his nose to prevent it from bleeding.
    Altsoba looked at Seikatsu with seemingly innocent eyes, and red cheeks.
    What can I say?
    I wanted a kiss."
    She said with an embarrassed tone.
    Seikatsu looked at Altsoba angrily and got ready to chew her out, but before he could say a thing. Altsoba had poked him on his chest and swam away exclaiming with childish enjoyment "Tag!"
    Seikatsu watched as Altsoba got further and further away trying to connect the dots, and make sense of this random situation, but his attempt at achieving nirvana was vein. What's worse is that by the time he gave up, Altsoba was in the middle of the lake and he was still close to shore.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 15th June 2015, 10:39 pm

    Seikatsu snapped back to his senses and swam after Altsoba. Altsoba waited in place for a a little bit, just long enough for Seikatsu to get a few feet away before she began swimming.
    Seikatsu sped up his pace, but was still being left behind.
    'Good grief she's fast' Seikatsu thought
    Seikatsu swam as fast as he could but was unable to catch up. Altsoba finally came over to him and looked at Seikatsu with big crimson eyes, and an overjoyed expression. She began pulling Seikatsu to a part of the lake.
    "Come, I wanna show you something amazing!" she said with excitement.
    Seikatsu didn't give any resistance, he followed Altsoba to a small section of the lake that went underground. He felt a bit nervous when Altsoba went into the dark hole, but she popped back up and grabbed him by the hand.
    "I will pull you down." she said impatiently.
    Seikatsu nodded to let Altsoba know he would follow this time. Altsoba dived under, and Seikatsu followed her into the dark void. At first, Seikatsu thought the hole was where the water was fed into the lake, but much to his surprise the water was still meaning it neither came in no went out from the hole. In the hole all Seikatsu had to direct him was the sound of Altsoba's feet kicking. After what seemed like an eternity he saw a small light filtering through and saw Altsoba moving toward it. Seikatsu surfaced and took a massive gasp of air followed by several more to re-oxygenate his brain. Looking around, there was nothing but vines and a hole at the top where light filtered down. The room he was in was circular, and it seemed like the only way out was to climb up the vines, or go back through the water. Altsoba pulled Seikatsu to the edge of the wall and moved a set of vines aside revealing a different area of the tunnel. In this area, the water was shimmering as it reflected the light being filtered through it. Seikatsu could see all sorts of small fish swimming through the little pond; some he could identify, some he couldn't.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 17th June 2015, 10:48 pm

    A small few birds flew in through a small hole above Seikatsu. One landed on his head and began turning. Seikatsu pulled his hand from the water and motioned it closer to the bird expecting it to fly away. His finger got a centimeter away from the bird before it jumped onto it. Seikatsu had to avoid jumping himself as he was used to animals feeling nervous around humans. Seikatsu was always good with animals, but never once had he been able to make contact with an animal that wasn't suspicious of him. He moved his arm so he would be able to see the bird, and was amazed as he'd never seen one like it before. The bird was small, no bigger than his palm and had rainbow colored wings. It's beat was small, obviously good for nabbing bugs from grass and not for smashing through wood. It turned its small head and looked at Seikatsu curiously as if it knew Seikatsu was puzzled by it and was puzzled in return.
    "Never seen one before?"
    Altsoba said calmly.
    "Not once."
    Seikatsu said, mystified by the tiny bird.
    "They're not that rare, at least I didn't think so." Altsoba responded.
    Altsoba walked over to a nearby vine and put her slender hand out and one of the birds on it gently stepped on.
    "They're called Rain Walker Birds." she informed Seikatsu, who was gently rubbing the head of the bird on his finger.
    "Did these truly exist?" Seikatsu asked, remembering he was in Altsoba's world.
    "I can't control the souls in my world. Just the flow of time." Altsoba informed Seikatsu.
    "The magic my demon taught me was Space and Time corruption and purification. I can move time forwards or back around an area. Only after I died I created my own little world to keep me from being around other demons who might want to use my magic for their own purposes." She added.
    "So... you have no way of controlling souls?" Seikatsu asked curiously.
    "None." Altsoba said with a chipper voice while making a quick smile in Seikatsu's direction.
    Seikatsu wanted to ask how she was able to train him to use souls, but he figured that time was her own personal tutor. That or she pulled the lessons out of her ass.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 17th June 2015, 11:34 pm

    The bird began walking up Seikatsu's arm and got right next to his face.
    "Awe, it likes you!" Altsoba said jokingly.
    Seikatsu rubbed the side of the small bird with this tip of his finger.
    "You think so?" he asked sarcastically.
    Altsoba gave a small giggle while covering her mouth with he free hand. The bird on he hand flew off and rejoined its friends on the vines.
    "I guessed yours found out you're a complete psychopath and decided to go before you contracted him." Seikatsu said to Altsoba joking.
    Altsoba made a childish groaning sound while pouting with puffed out cheeks. Seikatsu thought it was the most adorable thing he'd ever seen an adult pull off, and walked over to her. The water was up to his chest, so it took a couple moments to fully get to her. When he was next to Altsoba, Seikatsu picked the Rain Walker off his shoulder, and set the small colorful bird on her head.
    Altsoba jerked her body as the unexpected surprise occurred. She looked at Seikatsu with soft, innocent eyes. Altsoba began to turn red as she'd noticed Seikatsu's eyes had changed. His standardly dark purple, dull, lifeless and devoid of hope, eyes were now becoming soft. His eyes began to look a lot more livelier and as if there was a human behind them.
    "If you blush too hard, your nose will bleed." Seikatsu teased Altsoba.
    Altsoba was trying to speak, but for reasons she couldn't understand her words had stopped shy of her voice box. She felt herself becoming self conscious, and nervous with Seikatsu staring directly into her eyes. Seikatsu leaned in a kissed her on the lips. Altsoba turned full red, and spun around while pinching her nose to prevent the nose bleed from fully coming on.
    "Wh-wha-wh-what the h- hell?" She asked nervously.
    "What can I say...
    I wanted a kiss."
    Seikatsu said with a bit of satisfaction in his voice.
    The bird flew off of Altsoba's head, and landed on the bright green, illuminated vine lining the cavern. The fish in the pond swam around the two potential lover's legs, making sure not to touch them. Altsoba was shocked that this happened to her. SHE was the one who was supposed to be teasing the other, and making Seikatsu feel uncomfortable. But now it was HER who was feeling uncomfortable, and holding back a nose bleed.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 21st June 2015, 6:28 pm

    Seikatsu was stunned that Altsoba had honest feelings for him. He came to that conclusion from the way Altsoba was seeming a bit shaky, and very uncomfortable. That and her red face was a good sign.
    'I'm gonna milk this...' Seikatsu thought to himself.
    He walked over and got close to Altsoba, placing his hands on her hips, feeling thankful that in her time they atleast had under wear. He pulled himself close, and embraced Altsoba gently. Altsoba tensed her muscles and put her hands on Seikatsu's arms as if she would try to push him away, but couldn't muster the strength to pull through with it.
    "So demons do have feelings..." Seikatsu teased with a soft, sweet voice.
    "O-of course we do!" Altsoba tried to snap at Seikatsu, but found herself unable to get a full on yell out.
    Altsoba gave into the moment, and began slowly, cautiously moving her arms to wrap around Seikatsu. She leaned her head in, resting it on Seikatsu's warm muscular chest, and began listening to the percussion choir of Seikatsu's heart steadily beating.
    "You're not uncomfortable like this?" Seikatsu asked in a caring voice.
    "I... Umm, I..." Altsoba stuttered.
    Altsoba couldn't understand why her mind had fogged over so much, and why the words were being welded to the back of her throat. She felt Seikatsu tightening his embrace just a hair, causing Altsoba's heartbeat to begin racing even faster. Altsoba was star struck at the fact that she was actually in love with the person she was contracted to.
    Altsoba tried to speak, but couldn't.
    Seikatsu began rubbing her back gently.
    "Just let the words come out." he said in a soft voice.
    This... isn't allowed..."
    Altsoba finally choked out.
    "Says who..." Seikatsu said, not caring for whatever rule it was.
    Altsoba loosened her grip on Seikatsu's shoulders, and said in a saddened tone.
    "Demons are forbidden from forming romantic relationships with humans."
    "It's considered black magic."

    "Contracting with a demon, working with souls the way I do, killing people...
    It's all forbidden in my world."
    Seikatsu said calmly.
    "I just don't care to consider the opinions of others." he added.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 21st June 2015, 8:48 pm

    Altsoba grabbed hold of Seikatsu, for she had only ever been with one man before, and that was when she was human. It had been so long since she'd known the feeling of being cared for, felt the sensation of being held by loving arms, had the ache in her heart from having to choose between love and law. She'd forgotten what these human emotions were like because for over a millennia, Altsoba had been a demon.
    Seikatsu let Altsoba go, and walked over to the edge of the small pond in the shimmering room.
    "So tell me something..." Seikatsu said in a curious voice.
    Altsoba looked at Seikatsu "What?"
    "What's it like?" Seikatsu asked with a straight face.
    "What's, what like?" Altsoba asked, having no clue what Seikatsu was talking about.
    "Having someone pulling your strings." Seikatsu said in a very angry, cold voice.
    Altsoba was utterly speechless. She was so sure that Seikatsu had honest feelings for her. She felt like holding him was the only thing in the world that mattered. Altsoba fell to her knees, putting the water just under her nose. Her crimson eyes wide open with astonishment from the sudden disastrous realization that Seikatsu was screwing with her.
    Altsoba straightened up and looked at Seikatsu with tears forming in her eyes.
    "You honestly think I would ever care about you that much?" Seikatsu said coldly.
    "You... who used me as a tool.
    Who made me kill everyone I cared for.
    Who made me suffer every day of my life.
    Who's very voice is enough to piss me off."
    Seikatsu said with murder in his eyes.
    Altsoba looked at the water thinking how much of a fool she'd been. She couldn't even be angry at Seikatsu for taking those few moments to exact his revenge on her. Altsoba knew Seikatsu hated her with the up most intent, so why she thought Seikatsu fell for her out of the blue was a mystery. Altsoba stood up, and turned around to hide the tears running down her face. She felt herself ready to die from sadness, and immediately jumped into the hole in the pond that lead back to the large lake.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 21st June 2015, 10:01 pm

    Seikatsu watched Altsoba diving into the hole in the pond with enraged eyes of hatred. He maintained the look for several minutes after she vanished into the dark abyss, just in case she came back. If she did, she could look into the eyes of a man who wanted her to die, if only for another minute. One of the tiny birds flew down from the bright green vines lining the room. It looked at Seikatsu curiously, and hopped a couple times, moving a centimeter closer to Seikatsu's stomach.
    Seikatsu rubbed the head of the strange, extinct creature with the tip of his finger. The small bird leaned into the finger, and moved its head around so Seikatsu would scratch just the right spot. The bird jumped on Seikatsu's finger and began making chirping sounds. He set the bird on his shoulder, and rested his arms on his legs.
    "I'm gonna regret this... I just know it." Seikatsu said, remembering who Altsoba is.
    "But whatever she puts me through, it's better than betraying my woman." Seikatsu said, trying to convince himself it was alright.
    Seikatsu knew for a fact that Istas wasn't killed off when he wiped out his village. Kateri was living proof of that, and Seikatsu couldn't force himself to deny it. Seikatsu knew Istas and Kateri separated when Istas was fighting some monster, and Kateri was following him for years after that. But Seikatsu didn't know if Istas was still alive. If she was, then Seikatsu had a duty to return to her and stay at her side.
    Seikatsu remained in the cavern and took his time to contemplate what he truly wanted in life. Was Istas truly that important to Seikatsu? Surely by now Istas would be so different that he'd have to learn her all over again. Even still, Istas wasn't looking after Seikatsu when he was fighting for his life. She never helped Seikatsu deal with the hardships of knowing what he'd done. He wondered if he should give into his newfound attraction to Altsoba, or remain true to the traditions of his people.
    Seikatsu had the idea running through his mind so much that he'd fallen asleep on the cavern floor.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 21st June 2015, 10:28 pm

    Seikatsu awoke to the sound of the fountain in the middle of the kingdom courtyard being turned into a pile of wet rubble. Looking around, he saw Altsoba sitting on a portion of the fountain that wasn't wrecked. Seikatsu looked at her closer, and saw she had a sullen look on her face.
    "I... I can't be mad at you for what you did." Altsoba admitted.
    She stood up and walked over to Seikatsu. Altsoba grabbed hold of Seikatsu arms, and pulled herself in close. He looked down as he felt the warm embrace of Altsoba's tears on his chest, gently streaming from her eyes down Seikatsu's muscular body.
    "I'll never be able to apologize enough to make it up.
    I'll never be able to earn your trust.
    I'll never be able to undo what I've done to you.
    I can accept that horrible fact.
    But I want you to know, I love you."
    Altsoba said in a crackled, tired voice.
    Alstoba stood back and looked Seikatsu in the eyes. Seikatsu stared into her eyes, which were full of tears, and looked red from how much she'd been crying.
    "When you're done here, my power is yours to use at will.
    It costs a bit of blood to tap into demonic power, but it will be worth it."
    Altsoba said calmly.

    Altsoba pulled out her sword.
    "Lesson one." she said with a confident voice.
    Seikatsu was never surprised at how quickly Altsoba changes personas. It's like she has a god given talent for being serious, being silly, being psychotic, and then being normal with no transition between the tones.
    "You need to take the sword apart from its base components, and then infuse it with your magic.
    It can't be done with only one element, as it needs on element for structure, and another to act as a glue."

    Seikatsu was able to understand that... for the most part.
    Seikatsu's Thorn of Betrayal appeared in his hands, and he whirled his ice and soul magic throughout the blade. Seikatsu was able to master the art in only a couple hours of practicing. During which time, the blade either stayed together and fell apart after a minute, or just plain fell apart right off the bat.
    Altsoba grabbed his final scythe and slammed it on the ground as hard as possible. She smiled when it didn't turn to powder, and she handed it back to Seikatsu.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 21st June 2015, 10:59 pm

    Altsoba transitioned right into the next lesson. She looked at Seikatsu, trying to hide the shame she felt inside. She slammed the bottom of the Scythe on the floor and said:

    She said the phrase with a strong, commanding voice. The world around Seikatsu and Altsoba grew pitch black, and Seikatsu felt his primal instincts acting up.
    "This power if much more complicated that turning the sword into a scythe." Altsoba informed Seikatsu.
    Alstoba undid the ability, and the large blackness dissolved slowly, gradually. Seikatsu watched it dissolve, and discovered that Altsoba hadn't changed day to night. Rather, the demon had encircled them both with a pitch black sphere that gave the feeling of it being night. Seikatsu turned his attention to Altsoba, waiting for the explanation on how to accomplish this task.
    "First off, you can only do this with your sword in Scythe form." Altsoba began.
    "when you slam the sword on the ground, you must exert your authority as the ruler of your people. Use this authority to over power the land around you. This authority must be encompassed with your will to violate the natural order, and create a realm of your own in the realm you're currently in." Altsoba told to Seikatsu.
    Seikatsu was pondering if such a feet is possible in the real world. He wondered if he had the authority to take the laws put in by mother nature herself... the ultimate ruler, and uproot them to throw his own law into the mix...
    "After wards, you must say the demonic words: Ljyus lyser strkast på natten." she continued.
    "The words means: The light shines brightest in the dark.
    After that, you must form the spell into a sphere around you.
    If you make it too large, it won't have structure and will crumble."

    Altsoba looked at Seikatsu and signaled him to give it a try.

    Seikatsu brought about all the power he knew he had. The authority of the Chief of the Tribe of Souls and forced that power through his weapon. Seikatsu slammed the bottom of the scythe on the floor, and focused his authority through the land and formed a sphere.
    The sphere formed, but was too large and exploded into powder. Seikatsu tried over and over again, and failed every time. He then made a small tweak, instead of authority as the chief, he used his authority as a soul wizard. This time the attempt worked, and Altsoba decided to move onto the next lesson.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 21st June 2015, 11:13 pm

    Altsoba spread her arms wide, as if preparing to bear hug a super fat guy. She then said in a strong voice that cuased the air around her and Seikatsu to vibrate:

    Upon saying the words, black shodowy tendrils rose from the ground, and began flickering in the air. Black wisps appeared and began shifting eerily through the airspace around Seikatsu and Altsoba's feet.
    "Those are black wisps as you can see. They're the result from total decomposition of a soul, and will offer the greatest power to you and wizards similar to yourself. Be careful while using it, as you can't controll whether friend of foe taps into this power source." Altsoba said to Seikatsu.
    The wisps vanished, and Altsoba got ready to teach the lesson.
    "First, you spread your arms wide. This is to make it obvious you are prepared to give, and recieve power from the demonic plane. Next, you creat a bond with me, this in turn puts you in touch with the demonic plane, and allows you to call forth power from it. Utter the words: Du och jag är odöda.
    These words mean: You and I are undead.
    You will then be taxed a small bit of your own life force.
    In exchange, the demonic plane will transfer some of its purest soul energy to your plane of existance."

    Seikatsu spread his arms out wide, and began to focus in on himself. He felt the bond between him and Altsoba forming, and then said the words Altsoba instructed him to say.

    Upon doing so, he felt his body weaken for a moment, but noticed nothing happened. Seikatsu wondered what he did wrong, and soon realized that he wasn't putting any authority into his words. This time, when he said the phrase black wisps and tendrils arose fromt he ground. Seikatsu was understanding that the demonic world is all about authority over your opponent. Be it the natural realm, or the unnatural, the stronger will is the victor. A lesson he is sure to not forget anytime soon...
    Altsoba nodded, acknowledging that Seikatsu did it proper. She told him the more he performed it in his world, the more used to the life drain he'd get. It'l never go away, but it won't be so terrible.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 21st June 2015, 11:34 pm

    Altsoba pulled out another sword. This one had a slightly blue hue to its grip. The grip has a piece of metal the went over the knuckles, possibly to prevent the knuckles hitting something. There was a red gem between the blade and grip that glowed a faint red just like with Seikatsu's Thorn of Betrayal. The blade was mostly white, with the acception of a slight blue tings closer to the grip. The blade was held on by a few thin pieces of metal that Seikatsu was amazed were capable of holding the large piece of metal in place.
    "This is the Heart of War." Altsoba said plainly.
    Seikatsu turned his attention from the sword, to Altsoba.
    "This is the sword that represents all that I am.
    It's your now.
    Take this as a token of my love."
    she said earnestly.
    "And if I don't want it?" Seikatsu said coldly.
    "You have no choice.
    That blade will not break unless hit with an equal.
    That blade will never leave your side.
    It is as I am.
    Unwavering, hardy, and omnipresent."
    Altsoba informed Seikatsu.

    "If you find yourself unable to finish your opponent, stab the blade into the ground and think of my image. Call forth my body and soul from the demonic plane, and you will have a formidable ally within moments. Until you prove your power, and worthiness to retain the sword after invoking my physical form, you will be unable to use the blade after summoning me to the fray. As I am called forth, I will also call forth the most powerful of my knights to aid in the fight." Altsoba instructed Seikatsu.

    Seikatsu looked walked forward and gently took the blade from Altsoba's slender, feminine hands. He studied it, and figured a weapon so powerful would come in handy, if only to summon Altsoba to assist him. Seikatsu also hoped he would never have to call on Altsoba for a favor, and looked at Altsoba.
    "Thank you.
    I'll treat it with care."
    Seikatsu said calmly.
    Seikatsu then took a step back, as he knew his mentore would have more to tell him then just 'here's a sword' and he was waiting for it.
    Ninetails Derpfox

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    Best, terrible Idea... EVER - Page 2 Empty Re: Best, terrible Idea... EVER

    Post by Ninetails Derpfox 21st June 2015, 11:46 pm

    "That weapon also retains a part of my heart I'd long since forgotten about. The part of me that wills itself to protect its people. To wrap itself around those closest to it, and prevent them from being injured, if only for a moment.
    This will, can be channeled through that sword if your desire is the same. The barrier created will not forever remain, but it will be sufficient to protect you from some attacks. What you need to do to call forth the will of my blade is swing your sword as if fending off and attack, and think of the word protect. Think of it and all of its glory, and embody that will into the power to do so.
    A barrier will forge itself around you and any ally you wish, while keeping your enemy outside. Your own magic, even the wall of swords, will be unable to escape it. So while inside, focus on healing and recouperating your strenght."
    Alstoba said with a caring voice.
    Seikatsu looked at the sword, marveling at the power it held.
    "You have my gratitude." Seikatsu said to Altsoba.
    "Yes, and you have my heart." Altsoba replied with a sweet voice.

    Altsoba stepped up to Seikatsu, and put one of her hands on Seikatsu's arm. She looked deep into his empty, dull, void like eyes and then smiled. She wrapped her arms around him, and held Seikatsu close as she knew, it may be the only time she gets to do so for a long time.
    "When you get the chance, use that blade to summon me out of battle.
    I'll forgive you for giving me the chance to hold one again."
    Altsoba said kindly.
    She let Seikatsu go, and Seikatsu felt faint.
    Seikatsu saw the world grow dark, and he put his hand on his head in an attempt to brush the dizzy feeling off. Seikatsu opnened his eyes again and was able to see all of Fiore from here. He looked off the tower's east side and saw the forest, and Magnolia; and even further off in the distance; there was Clover Lake; and the Inferno Mountains even further still.
    Seikatsu switched to the tower's left; and he sew the Sabertooth Guild Hall; nestled in the mountains he was in, far, far down below; the building nothing but a spec from way up there. However, looking straight ahead, Seikatsu beheld the beauty of Fiore's grasslands; the twin cities of Era and Crocus shining in the plains; whether it be day or night.
    Too his north, Seikatsu sew the Royal Palace; the home of the Politicians, nestled in the forest; and even saw the gigantic beanstalk from Beanstalk Village piercing the clouds up above as he was, while standing on the Sky Tower; and also Rose Garden, glistening in the distance like a rainbow under a constant enchantment. To his South, Seikatsu sew the Peace River; and Peace Village; nestled as a tiny spec off in the distant southern grasslands.
    A small chip of the diamon fell off from the main stone, and instead of using it to give to the man who hinted him to the location, he decided to use it for his own purposes. Seikatsu stuffed the diamond fragment in his pocket and summoned his wings and began to fly off to his home for some R n' R.

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 10:19 pm