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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..."


    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Roya 17th April 2015, 11:53 am

    Typical bar commotion took place within the famous soul bar: A couple of men having too much to drink within its doors, bickering and arguing over pointless matters. There shouting and yelling was slurred.

    As if on cue the bar door swung open, It’s creaking resonating throughout the room. The bar seemed to quiet with her entry. In the door way stood the figure of a buxom woman, her wooden sandals clattered against the floorboards of the tavern as she made her way Inside, followed by the ivory cloak drifting behind her; it coated her ample chest and the rest of her torso and arms leaving the hood down and her face revealed.  The woman seemed to be casual but refused to exchange a glance with anyone in the bar at the time, paying no mind to the scene that had been taking place beforehand. Roya slid out a stool from the counter top, perching her up on the seat or two or so chairs from the commotion.

    The mage sighed putting a hand to her temple, having a killer headache. The result of a day running jobs for people just to make the extra Jewel. She whistled shortly, the trembling service man behind the counter rushing to her service, intimidated by the stranger. “Get me something strong, I don’t care.” She stated, sliding a bandage clad hand out from beneath her cloak and laying down a few paper jewel bills down on the counter.  All the clerk could do was nod, moving to make the woman her drink.


    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 17th April 2015, 12:10 pm

    Yugi found himself sitting next to a rather........different wizard. As different enchantments and laughter, yet random screaming and arguements filled Soul Bar...just another night. He swirled the glass of scotch in his hand without looking to his right.

    "Don't be afraid...she's just tired." Yugi could tell a womans body language without even looking at her, he had two sisters after all. He spoke instead to the bar tender, who gave Yugi a brotherly smile as a frequent customer this cheered the bartender up a bit.

    "Heheh, who said I was afraid eh!" Yugi then made a joke about 'seeing the look on his face...' before the bartender shook his head with a smile and left.

    For awhile, Yugi sat in silence not even bothering to talk to the wizard next to him. As everyday, new ones sat next to him. Although; he had to admit he did notice her figure, it was stunning. He also noticed through his careful mind that she only ever drank with one hand, or moved with one at all.

    'Perhaps a fellow Takeover wizard...with a full Takeover on the other arm that can't be undone?' Yugi could understand not wanting to show this in public, so he merely continued to drink his glass of scotch.

    A small flock of magical birds flew by inside, as a few small Powers and Abilities went off, no actual spells were allowed but Talonia was a city of wizards that did not belong to any Guilds or conform to the Magic Council; and Soul Bar was their hangout spot in the New York sized city that was Talonia. Lots of fights went down here, lots of good times as well. Eventually after about ten minutes, Yugi gathered up wit OR DRUNKNESS to say what he wanted too to the woman.

    "I believe paths cross for a reason. So, are you just going to sit there and be curvy and not entertain me?" Yugi smiled a brilliantly charming smile, tie undone and hanging off of his well groomed clothes, unbuttoned at the top partly for style, partly for air. He turned sideways and leaned on the bar, still holding his scotch as he beamed at her.

    "I'm......only joking. Yugi, Yugi Sparrow." he wanted to reassure her, but still be a gentleman about it...if the Fire-Make wizard could. "Aren't you hot in all that?" his passionate, yet curious nature looked over her...raising an eyebrow he continued to look over her, slightly drunk, and slightly smiling, eventually he shrugged and returned to his drink.

    Hopefully she didn't recognize his name, and hopefully Acnologia hadn't roasted her house or her fathers house or anyone like that during the Era Crisis. Yugi couldn't handle another mental breakdown right now at learning something so terrible he'd done. Not knowing was his only defense against grief at times...



    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Roya 17th April 2015, 12:38 pm

    Silently, The mage caught her glass as the bartender slid it down the counter towards her. “Do me a favor, go entertain yourself will you.” She grunted, narrowing her green eyes in his direction. “Joke? Tryin to be funny, hmn?” Roya murmured distastefully, raising her drink to her lips. She sighed, setting down her drink to rub her head. This Yugi guys just kept talking and talking. “The heat doesn’t bother me.” She explained boredly.  Roya grew up in Desierto after all that place was literally a giant desert, not to mention Roya possessed flame magic, it would be useless to her if she couldn’t handle some heat once in a while. She removed her gaze from the man, staring at her drink instead. “I’m pretty unencouraged to take anything off, don’t need you people ogling at my figure anyways.” The criminal growled, sipping her drink, refusing to look at the man beside her. Annoyed, a wisp of white flame sparked from her hand briefly, diminishing within the next second. Roya lacked the patience for anything, especially people. If she could have the world all to herself she certainly would.


    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 17th April 2015, 12:49 pm

    As soon as Yugi noticed the white flame spark off of her hand, he thought quickly within that one second. Sitting his drink down and pressing his hands together for a very soft clap, the rose of White Fire whipped and spun into the shape of a Rose, which Yugi caught in his hand.

    "Heh....here you go." a couple people, including the bar tender admired the white fire roaring in the shape of a small rose for a split second, including Yugi who was interested as far as 'What the hell kind of Fire is THAT? It's not the white flames of a Demon Slayer.....or else I'd be sweating BALLS right now....'

    Not many knew that Yugi had absorbed all of the demons he'd created from the Book of Zeref back into his own magic power...attempting to end his past ways....this had unintentionally gifted...or cursed him...with the Magicks of Satan Soul. Fortunately, he wasn't using any Takeover. So even if it was Demon Slayer Fire..he'd have been fine.

    He oogled fire flicking in her hand if she accepted it for awhile, as a couple wizards off in the corner laughed as one of them had shapeshifted into an actual Gorilla...and was trying on a rather stupid hat for a Gorilla to be wearing, probably from someone else at the table. Yugi laughed as his concentration on the Make vanished...the white rose of flames pulled apart right in the hands of the woman.

    "Oh...." Yugi said at this. ".....Hm, hey I like the sound of your voice. I'm sorry about earlier. I was just being a...jerk I guess is the word?" with a smile, Yugi accidentally let his eyes settle on her rack. Just the thought of that much milk got him excited as he quickly took a LARGE shot of scotch and turned away from her, a sweatdrop forming ironically over his head for a brief moment. "So...can I know your name?"

    The curtains drew back on a classical violin jazz group that played on the small stage, even though everyone just kept on talking in Soul Bar anyway.



    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Monokuroen, Monochrome Demon
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinners White and Black Flame
    Second Skill: ---
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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Roya 17th April 2015, 1:29 pm

    Roya glared down at the rose in her hand. This guy was pretty aggravating but this magic craft sparked a bit of curiosity in her. 'Another flame user hmn...' She thought, the flower dissipating in her hands on its own eventually. She sighed, shaking her head. There had to be 100 or so other flame users in Fiore why should this one interest her. 

    The mage cocouldn't help but get the idea that this guy was hitting on her, causing the girl to turn back to her drink with a sigh. She released a “Tsk” of distaste at his apology. Roya returned to her alcohol, taking a long drink. She coughed, nearly choking on the beverage as he asked her name. Slamming her glass down against the counter she regained her composure, hesitant to tell Yugi what he wanted. She sighed. “Roya, now can you leave me be.” She grunted, gripping her drink tightly, very tightly, a crack forming at the top of the glass due to her grip.  Another white spark ignited at her forehead, then two black ones cracking after followed by silver, each dissipating as quickly as they appeared.


    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 17th April 2015, 1:49 pm

    Yugi spelled her name with one finger, as a trail of Fire spelled "Roya"; the magical letters made of Fire bobbed up and down in front of him for awhile, before dissipating.

    "Look...I already apologized for hitting on you, you can drop the act. I'm just here to listen, you married or what? Jeezus." Yugi attempted to aggravate the woman on purpose, her clothing style suggested she might be from Desierto. Yugi had stood in many standoffs, with some extremely dangerous people from many far off lands, and was not afraid of infuriating this woman to no end. She wasn't scarier than those Dwarves from Stella.....no...nothing was.

    "Bartender." Yugi nodded to him as he got close, still dressed like a gentleman, his body language was as such as he leaned on the bar. "This woman here, she's pissing me off see." a boyish smile on his face. "So what I'm gonna need for you to do is, keep sending her shots until she finds her favorite. And when she does, you bring her a bottle of that, understood?"

    "What Yugi but---" Yugi turned and looked at the man, with a confused look. "Alright, alright. Now all the bottles are gonna be low...I'll keep sending her shots though hope she can enjoy being spoiled, if she can find it in her heart do that at least!" as he came back with a TRAY of multi colored shots, some Magical in nature, he would bow and flick his curved mustache. "Well then ma'm! Welcome to Talonia indeed! Guess you're drinking on the brother of the Ex-Chairman tonigh---" Yugi shot him a look and shook his head left to right, but smiled in a friendly way. He didn't really want her to know about the Sparrow family--who had done bad things in several countries.

    Or maybe he was underestimating her...Yugi always did prefer women who knew how to be both a lady and a brutal bloodthirsty killer...he doubt he'd struck gold all at once. With a smile, Yugi would scoop up a shot that looked liked...something out of Peter Pan honestly. The liquid was gold, and sparkling every now and then.

    "Cheers, keep up if you really can..." with that, Soul Bar was shown up above as for awhile, Yugi continued to drink, and drink. The crowd was filling up more and more with wizards coming back home from Jobs, they probably lived somewhere in Talonia. But Soul Bar was the #1 bar in Talonia, possibly even in Fiore. Drink after drink..after drink...until Yugi drank something that had a Strawberry taste to it.

    "Reeeuuuuuuuuuuuugh OH MY GOD! WHOOO!" after letting out a loud burp, Yugi loosened his tie and grabbed the bar with both hands to steady himself. About sixty seconds later, he felt like he could talk again and carry on conversation. Looking to his right, he was surprised to see that Roya had kept up with him, her tray like his was filled with dozens of empty shot glasses.

    'She kept up.....impossible?' Yugi looked to his right, now with his cheeks having a slight 'drunk' blush to them, he would lean back on the bar. Inhaling and exhaling. After taking shots together for about thirty minutes Yugi was feeling slightly buzzed and wanted only to annoy Roya as much as possible, so that when she saw him around Talonia she never forgot him.

    Randomly, Yugi inhaled and blew in her ear harshly--as he knew she'd been taking shots back to back like him, this would probably scare or startle the hell out of her. He would bust out laughing regardless of her reaction, but even more so if it startled such a badass looking woman.



    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Posts : 169
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Monokuroen, Monochrome Demon
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinners White and Black Flame
    Second Skill: ---
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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Roya 17th April 2015, 6:19 pm

    “You see a ring jackass? ” She growled, raising one hand. Roya narrowed her eyes, The Yugi guy turning to the bartender for a moment. It was then that the bartender left and returned with two entire trays of shots.

    Roya merely disregarded the bartender’s comment regarding the man’s affiliation with the chairman. Roya hadn’t been in Fiore all that long, 2 years or so. She didn’t care pay attention to the council or anything or who did what; she neither had nor wanted anything to do with that crap. “Hmn…Sure this guys an asshole but I can’t deny free drinks.” Roya shrugged, suppressing a grin as she looked at the tray of multi colored glasses.

    She chuckled devilishly at the man’s taunt and so the drinking match began, Roya tasting a glimmering magenta shot for herself.

    Over a dozen shots later the mage hiccuped once, smirking and closing her eyes confidentially as he stared at her emptied shot glasses with surprise. Roya rested her head on the counter. It was then that Yugi moved in for an attack. She bolted up with the sudden assault of air in her ear and tipped out of her stool, smashing into the bar’s floor with her face. Ultimately, she was left, growling and groaning into the floor, Yugi obnoxiously laughing in the background.

    She dug her nails into the floorboards and pulled herself up from the ground, silver flame burning around her hand. Roy struggled to heft herself up slowly, doing it one handed. Color had flushed to her face from the shots, making it hard to take her death stare with Yugi seriously. Figuring out a way backs onto her feet, she closed in on him, gritting her teeth. “W-What the hell was that for?! she stammered, scooping him up lifting him in the air by his neck, holding his weight one handed with ease.


    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Posts : 190
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
    Third Skill:

    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 17th April 2015, 7:45 pm

    As soon as her hands toughed his neck, Yugi smiled as silver flames seem to dance harmlessly off of him, as if the Fire itself didn't really want to hurt him. She was way shorter than him, and her lifting upward caused him to step forward a bit, now leaning over her. He decided to really piss her off as he just stepped another step forward and grabbed her by the waist.

    Lifting her up above him, with swift S-Ranked strength, he sat her on his shoulder casually. Realizing she had one arm, he did this one the side that she had an arm on so she could wrap her arm around his head and relax.

    "Hey...I'm sorry, I was just flirting calm down." Yugi said flatly, a drunken blush upon his face as he watched the crowd cheer as a huge burst of butteflies seemed to come out of a bottle that someone opened, streaking around the room like a huge pack the butterflies flew out of the window and into the night of Talonia as the party continued.

    Looking up, Yugi realized that he probably shouldn't have blown in her ear like that while she was drunk. He also didn't realize that she had only one arm up until now; he still thought that he might be onto something with her being a Takeover wizard, but he would have to see if he was right about that later.

    He hoped the view of the party was nice, as he saw a couple other guys doing the same thing with different girl wizards, the music had definitely changed to random extremely loud Rock and Roll music as he saw wizards using, crazy smoking pipes and taking crazy sparkling shots.

    Some kind of fancy Light Magic went off too, but the music still wasn't too loud as Yugi could still hear the ambient noise of the crowd. Setting her down he bowed, and apologized without a word, just a charming drunk smile, their empty tray of colored magical shots next to them. Yugi's magic power felt amazing, after those shots. Probably made by wizards, for wizards.

    "So....I'm from Oak Town. If you didn't know anyone from there already, now you do." he smiled to himself for a moment, "Biggest Library in Fiore.....although not everyone cares for reading." Yugi had decided that they were going to be close for the rest of the night, so the moment of acceptance or rejection was at hand.

    Stepping close, he put his hand around her waist and pulled her back to the bar with him, he felt her rack press against his chest but he didn't really focus on it, just acted as two people naturally would. He motioned a hand toward the empty shots, asking her which bottle she wanted to take with her when they left. As he ordered two more drinks.

    "To be honest I stopped tasting them after number 10, but HEY, there was one with this pineapple taste......." Yugi stood there leaning on the bar as he saw new face, and familiar faces mixed amongst the crowd. "Earlier was...really stupid. I've killed men for much less.....I'll make you a promise."

    "I'll help you get back up from now on, this country is pretty big. The mixing pot of Earthland some say." Yugi gave her a slightly serious and honest look as he said this.

    He was basically stating that he'd figured out she was a foreigner. There were 3 Sultans in Desierto, and one of their sons was the Guildmaster of Blue Pegasus here in Fiore.

    If she was from Midi then she must've been some type of Samurai there. Which is what they called their wizards in that nation. He shrugged to himself, and continued on with the drink he'd ordered them.

    "Anyway, pick your bottle. I've got an amazing Balcony Apartment not too far from here if you wanna sober up a bit.....city seems to just sparkle and chill below, it's a nice view, and not to far from Soul Bar you can see the NEON sign even from my balcony spelling it....it's pretty awesome." as he said this, he checked her body out once again without any inhibitions because he was tipsy.

    Yugi offered this to her freely, taking the risk of rejection yet again. If she didn't want to take a walk with him, she hoped she at least ordered a bottle on him to remember him by. If she did, it would come with a bright red bow and a tag on it, professional style. If she wanted to take a walk, then they'd head out into Talonia. Of course being a gentleman (or an Alcoholic), Yugi would carry the bottle tucked with him and allow the lady to do as she pleased.



    See you in hell

    See you in hell

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Mentor : Monokuroen, Monochrome Demon
    Experience : 250

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinners White and Black Flame
    Second Skill: ---
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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Roya 17th April 2015, 10:38 pm

    Roya moved to push away as Yugi caught her by the waist, but before she could he had caught and lifted her into the air, dropping her on his shoulder. She was scared she would lose her balance from him setting her onto his shoulders--- But he only perched her on one, the side where she had had her arm. H-Had he figured out she was missing that limb? She tried to hid it, hoping she hadn’t made it that obvious… the mage wasn't sure if it was the alcohol settling in or what but she didn’t have the urge to kill this guy anymore--- or be as much of a hostile bitch at least. It wasnt an overstatement to say she felt like a polar opposite.

    She stumbled one he let her back down to her feet, holding the counter, blinking dumbly as if to readjust.

    The Monochrome Flame user stared stupidly as he swiped her by the waist again holding her to him as he pulled her back to the bar. Blinking, she tried to decide which drink she wanted, her train of thought crashing when he started talking again.

    Roya held a surprised, innocent  gaze with him, registering his promise in her head, what was causing her to be so sentimental all of the sudden, and why did she feel so warm—It had to of been something in those shots. She always seemed more passionate and decent inside when she was buzzed. A wise man once said that alcohol brings out the truth in people.

    Normally she wouldn’t even consider going anywhere with this creep, but her guard was down and she didn’t stick to the same behavior. Instead of convincing herself it wasn’t worth her time she laughed inside asking herself what was the worst that could happen.

    He reminded her that he would treat her to a bottle of whatever she liked. She pointed to a blue one, remembering its sparkling raspberry taste, The bartender handing it over as Yugi paid.

    She allowed the stranger to lead her out of the bar, stumbling stupidly. As he lead her out to that apartment he talked about she looked down at the bow clad bottle in her hands, mouth curving into a stupid grin as she looked at the thing. It was all hers and it hadn’t cost her a cent. She couldn’t remember the last time she had the funds to get buzzed up like this. He took care of the bottle, carrying it for her under his arm. Perhaps it was the drunk blush, but her expression seemed less sharp, less intimidating and hostile. She laughed to herself for no reason in particular, maybe it was just a response to the fuzzy feeling in her head. "Neon sign?" she blinked, never hearing such a thing. Walking close to Yugi, she reached a pothole in the dirt road, sending her back first into the ground yet again.

    Roya kept her cloak over her body and no existent arm protectively as she laid on her back across the road. She reached up a flat palm, her body language saying 'stop' “E-Eh. D-Don’t.” She slurred before he could attempt to pick the girl back up. “Don’t freakin' touch me, I got it okay--” Roya insisted shakily and un-confidently, her voice lacking the hostile and cold edge it had before she drank. It was a difficult enough task when she was sober and on even terrain. Now she was practically just rolling around in the dirt, having a hard time yet again to steady herself enough to get back up from her knees one handed. Stumbling back down onto her face when she tried to graduate to her feet.


    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Tumblr_m609u8ILP61ry2dofo1_500


    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Horseman- 11 Sinner- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- Player 
    Lineage : Ancient Sealer
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    Posts : 190
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    Experience : 45000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire-Make
    Second Skill: Takeover: Satan Soul
    Third Skill:

    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 18th April 2015, 11:53 am

    Deciding only to humour her for about twenty seconds; Yugi watched on as Roya pretty much..rolled around on the ground drunk after stumbling down. Having had many late nights, Yugi watched this with a sweadrop forming over his head anime style until his patience broke a little with her.

    "Pride shouldn't waste your time. There are other things to do." he had a small smile as he reached down and pulled her up by her arm, standing her up to her full height abruptly as if to try and end her foolish pride about having to be independent with everything, every action.

    Once he stood her up again, he attempted to take a step forward himself. But as soon as he did, he felt a drunken room spin effect, that didn't end when it yanked back into his head. Stumbling himself for a minute with drunk blush, he shook it off after about ten seconds or so, as he and Roya practically leaned on eachother to keep from falling while walking to his Apartment.

    Eventually, they came to a clear glass door the entrance to a towering apartment complex in Talonia. Opening the door, the Lobby had mailboxes on the wall as an older Neko man sat behind the Receptionist desk. The floors where all silver grey polished tile. Going to one of the four elevators, they went up to the Penthouse Floor.

    The doors actually opened into Yugi's apartment as immediately he stepped inside. It looked like a bachelor pad, complete with a balcony that had the door open as he'd left it up this high the breeze was nice. The carpeted place as reddish brown furniture and black curtains. With a Flatscreen Lacrima TV and a pool table sitting in the middle of the floor; complete with a Dart Board on a wall as well. All darts were spread out across it, some were on the bullseye.

    Telling her to make herself at home, Yugi kicked his shoes off and went about messing with a few tings in his apartment before he got two classy glasses from the kitceh, stepping back around into the Living Room, he clicked a button on the wall that turned on the TV. The news seemed to be reporting about one thing or another, the volume was low..

    "Well, if you're not to damsel in distress to pop a bottle...." Yugi smiled, shrugging with a glass in each hand. Different women reacted differently, he wondered if she would be submissive, or more wild as a person in general..he leaned toward the latter. The fire wizard stepped out onto the balcony.

    The city of Talonia seemed to sparkle out like a stretching web on the horizon from this point of view. Yugi heard the beeping horns of Lacrima Vehicles, and Horses from Carriages even up at this height. Setting the two glasses down on his balcony table, he would grab the bottle from Roya and set it down abruptly; he would grab her by the hand and step into her. Mushing her impressive rack against his beach body, the excitement would built for a moment as they stood this close. Her smell, and the feeling of another body on his caused Yugi to make out with her as she felt rather soft. The lights below them sparkled as eventually, Yugi full blown kissed her, the feeling of her lips and even tongue sticking with him even as he separated from her, he hesitated to let her hand go.

    Undoing his tie a bit more, Yugi did let go of her hand and rub the back of his head.

    "Well, I suppose you can pop the bottle over the balcony........live a little." he tried to ignore what had just happened even though his body heat and mind were on nothing else.

    If she did so, he would laugh and applaud at her skill, if she struggled, he would laugh anyway before helping..or trying too in a drunken stupor. He would pour the glasses for him, and her, both spilled a bit over the top before Yugi would rase a glass with a cheers. He'd lost nearly all of his friends, and was feared if anything. Perhaps Yugi felt alone, but Fate had a way of not letting someone feel that emotion for long he'd learned. Yugi wanted her in his bed, but also wanted to listen and learn.

    He wondered if she would forgoe everything and just take what she wanted. He had a lot to learn about her and would.

    "So uh......" he said not being able to take his eyes off of her.



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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Roya 18th April 2015, 2:40 pm

    She hadn't wanted her to help her up, but there was no way she could get back to standing at that rate, he helped her, the two leaning on each other for balance as they staggered down towards his apartment. With much effort they made it, Roya looking around with awe as they stepped in.“Ha wow.” She whispered impressed, stepping around and making herself at home the best as she could, laying her wooden sandals by the door by his shoes in case there was a policy of some sort.

    The noise of television hit her ears as he let on the TV, She blinked at the screen, and thankfully the volume was low. Roya wasn’t too sure She wanted Yugi to see what was going on on the screen. 'Home combusts into silver flame, burns down!' was captioned at the bottom of the screen, a picture of what was left of the structure, a blackened charred mess sitting on the screen beside the reporter. According to the broadcast in the background the same thing had happen numerous times the past two years, begging in Desierto, migrating and increasing within Fiore. Pretending to have a headache and bothered by the additional noise she turned the thing off silently.

    Roya followed him out to the balcony, anxious to see the view he had talked so much about. Her eyes seemed to light up like a little kids as she leaned on the railing, looking over the landscape. She had never seen something so pretty and not had the urge to burn it to the ground. Drunk, her pyromania and hostility didn’t seem to exist.

    Then, Yugi had taken her hand, moving into her, staring down at the girl, intentionally keeping his and her body close. They both stared, tension rising between the two until Yugi moved in, laying his lips against hers suddenly. Gripping his side, the monochrome mage deepened her mouth into his, holding the kiss. It was a short lived moment but it was pleasant. Gazing up at him as he separated from the warmth of her mouth, she bit her lip.. Had she been sober, Roya would have burned this guy to a crisp or thrown him off the balcony right then. However she wasn’t sober at all.

    He let go of her suddenly, inviting her to pop open the bottle. She blinked, re adjusting as she took the thing into her hands, trying to pop it over the balcony

    Ultimately, she failed to open the thing one handed; nearly dropping it of the edge a couple of times before Yugi stepped in. She knocked her glass against his with the cheers, downing yet another serving of poison.

    Yugi opened his mouth to speak, trailing off instead of finishing his statement. Roya saw the way he looked at her, and stared at him the same way. It was as if cupid had shot them both in the face, but no that was too poetic… Really, they both just had to much booze. “Hmn, You said something?” She blinked, drunk blush sticking to her features as she moved towards him.  Roya reached out from beneath her cloak, holding as she held his jaw and pulling him down towards her she melded her lips into his again, kissing hungrily, savoring the taste of alcohol in his mouth. A civilian whistled up at the two on the balcony, standing below and among the glimmering city. Roya instead continued, ignoring the intrusion.


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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 18th April 2015, 3:08 pm

    Making out playfully, Yugi got overly excited and grabbed onto Roya's ass playfully for about five minutes while kissing. Eventually he got overwhelmed and scooped her up into his arms, as her impressive rack shook just by doing this; and walking back into his apartment.

    << 11 Hours Later >>

    Yugi awoke to the feeling of sunlight on his face, his white, sheets and black covers, low to the ground but a very large bed. He blinked himself awake, and instantly felt sick, but like it wouldn't last long. It had been a very bouncy night to say the least. Looking to his right, at Roya sleeping peacefully laid out; Yugi sat up to the edge of the bed, stretching and touching his toes once before getting up.

    In a about fifteen minutes, the smell of eggs and a lot of bacon would fill the apartment. Making some hot clam chowder soup, and orange juice Yugi continued to set breakfast up...unaware that he'd just slept with some guildless wizard from Desierto that he didn't even know..if she was an assassin sent to take out the brother of the Ex-Chairman...she was doing a damn good job.

    Thinking himself somewhat foolish, Yugi would give it the ultimate test. Closing his eyes as he stood over the stove, he would activate Sense Evil a trait from his Satan Soul magick.

    He felt....nothing. No true evil intent. Nowhere near him anyways. Shrugging, he opened his eyes and turned the stoves off......finishing off the glasses of orange juice, Yugi had completely gone into a morning zone and started making coffee....the two glasses of orange juice sat on the counter.

    Outside, Talonia a city of free wizards was alive as different creatures flew about. Wizards and spells and shops abustle. Yugi wondered if there was anything on the news about Harrigan or Savage Skull...or yet and worse, Tartarus who seem to have fallen off the map after Lyserg attacked this very city with Lacrima Bombings and his Arc of time Magic.



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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Roya 18th April 2015, 4:28 pm

    Roya blinked her eyes open slowly, sunlight bleeding through the blinds, the scent of bacon wafting to her nose. Seemed like a pretty average morning. Only... Roya lived alone-- and she couldn't of made breakfast in her sleep...

    "?!" She bolted up in the bed, body buried beneath the sea of ebony covers, holding her head as it pounded, the result of a major headache and hangover. Eyes beaming wide, Roya glanced beneath the covers, going pale. She threw the covers up over her, putting her feet on the floor. The wizard searched for her retrieved her clothes from the floor, pulling them over her nude body single handedly, fuming with anger and cursing under her breath as she did so. She found her cloak on the ground, throwing it over her shoulders. The mage laced her bandages through her hair, which was left a mess from their night together. Once fully dressed again she took a long breath…. 

    “YUGIIIIIII!!!”  She yelled at the top of her lungs, hostile intent in her tone, the whole apartment seeming to shake with her roaring. Forcing open the door she stormed out of the bedroom until she found him in the kitchen. “What. The. Actual. Fucking. Hell. Did. You. Do.” She growled at the man at the stove, holding an empty bottle in her hands, left on the night table. Black flames danced from her fists, and the corners of her eyes. The mage standing there vexing at him, baring her teeth.


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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 18th April 2015, 5:15 pm

    Yugi heard Roya coming after she screamed, turning and still somewhat sleepy he got more awake by the moment as she held a bottle...scooped up from the table in her hand..

    "Just shut up please....it's morning. Stop being so loud." as he noticed some silver colored fire around her wrist, he raised his hands in defense.

    "Rghhhhhhhh." he lost his temper, even over the calming smell of breakfast. "CAN it, the whole thing started with you going down on---" as he saw a dark look in her eyes, he decided not to continue. He knew that women could get infinitely dark if pushed beyond the limit.

    "Look, will you calm down.......PLEASE don't swing that bottle at me......" he eyed the bottle suspiciously in her hand. "If you do........."

    Yugi then saw himself on the news on Lacrima TV behind Roya, as he quickly stepped past her and turned it off. Hopefully she didn't see that....for a criminal to be pardoned and still be at large.....there are many people who lost their PARENTS that day because of me........their children. Not to mention all the Rune Knights I killed that day, sons, grandsons. They'll never come home.'

    He thought about all of this just by seeing a quick report, and looking at his reflection in the slick black TV.

    Not wanting to be overcome by grief, he just stood by the TV so as not to embarass himself in front of Roya more than he did last night. A huge flock of white birds flying by outside on his balcony caught his attention and stopped him from thinking on what he'd done in the Past...and more on what he'd done last night.

    She probably remembered and enjoyed it, but didn't want to believe that Yugi had actually done all the things he'd done to her last night. She'd...done some things as well. He remembered her using.....'those' on him. His eyes settled on her rack as in his boxers he began to get 'excited' considering this to be the last draw, Yugi angrily got dressed and came back out, dressed daper and business casual as usual.

    He picked up his Bosco Wristwatch and put it on. Completing his look with a stylish black hoodie with white strings. He decided to ignore Roya for the most part, giving her the silent treatment as he ate his Clam Chowder, Bacon, and eggs. If she did so silently as well it would make for quite a nice moment. When they'd had breakfast if they did without her attacking him any moment now he would finally say

    "Well...I'm not that kind of asshole. So I need to know more about you considering what happened last night...." returning to more of his usual passionately cold self, he would stare at Roya from across the table. Smiling a bit. The S-Ranked wizard would shrug and look away, eyes on the outside via his open balcony at the Penthouse height. "Or if you want to just...smash and dash without saying a word, the door's right there."

    Yugi had, had many people leave his life. It wasn't the way he wanted things to be, but he certainly could care less if that was how she felt. If she decided to make it something and get to know one another, then she would mean something to Yugi.

    If she left, she would just be another distraction from his goals from now on, a lustful friend in passing if they ever met up or crossed paths again.

    "Look I don't want you to be...my...girlfriend or anything. I'm just saying, it's only right and chivalrous and gentlemanly for me to at least get to know you-----" Yugi said annoyed. He wondered if she was more territorial than that secretly. 'I don't think I'm gonna get out of this one that easily....'

    He looked across his breakfast table at the young lady with ravished hair and one arm. She was something else in her own way. He smiled to himself like a fool for a quick second, but then realized that this was the day he'd planned to set off looking for Harrigan, Savage Skulls Guild Master in order to find something out for himself. His expression changed to one deep in thought. In truth he wanted to know if he was strong enough to redeem himself to the people of Fiore. It certainly would take some work.



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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Roya 18th April 2015, 6:53 pm

    “I woke up naked in a stranger's bed, I think I’ve got the right to yell in this situation. We were both were drinking okay dammit—So don’t try to blame me,  jackass.” Roya growled.

    He warned her to not swing at him, To be honest  the mage was tempted to do it now that he brought it up, smash the bottle right over his head and be done with it. But now—Now wasn’t the time for that kinda nonsense. She set it down on the counter with aggravation. “Okay fine.” She hissed, looking the man over as they both stood in thought for a moment

    The brigand would not admit it but it was one of the best nights she had had in a long time, The problem was that it was something that she wouldn’t of done in the first place. All she could do was pray that they weren't stupid enough to forget the protection.

    Roya caught him glance at her mounds, pitching a tent beneath his boxers. Color rushed to her face, remembering how supplied he was in that department as he stormed past her to get himself dressed.

    The pyro was still in the same place when he returned, leaning against the marble counter bored and impatiently before bulling up a chair at the table with him.

    Roya glared, the man sitting in front of her giving her the silent treatment as he ate. She turned away stubbornly, the food in front of her quickly combusting in a silver flame, everything including the plate charred in an instant and wafting off into the air into a cloud of dust and smoke. “Didn’t come to join you for the breakfast unfortunately and I’m not leaving either.  You got into my pants too you know and I know nothing about you. --It would be the gentlemen thing to tell me a thing or two about yourself first, Mr. Sparrow.” She began. “If I hadn’t had as much to drink you probably wouldn’t of seen this." she explained, letting her cloak slide to the floor and off of her torso. She wasn’t referring to her chest, he’d seen that too obviously but that’s not what she was talking about. Her arm situation was the one she was concerned about, what was left of her right arm was merely a bandaged shoulder, Her left bearing an odd tattoo. “You’ve got one of my little secrets, how about a compromise. Care share one of yours?” She glared, narrowing her emerald irises at the man across the table.


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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 18th April 2015, 11:23 pm

    He listened to her, as he sipped his coffee; keeping his eyes on her until he was done sipping some. Standing without saying a word, he found an old wanted poster he'd ripped down a year or two ago.

    "Not very proud of this but...." he slid it toward her, standing up on the other side of the table he sighed. It held various information about him; but the one thing she would notice in the mugshot was his black eyepatch over his right eye. "My brother tried to kill me once, put an Ice Spike right through my eye.....left me for dead."

    He let her read what she would about what he was wanted for, not feeling to comfortable with her staring at a mugshot sheet, but shrugging as that feeling too passed.

    "That happened a long time ago....I had to get used to having only one of something too, people aren't always nice about it either..." the camera would zoom in on Yugi's mugshot, he looked the same just with a more dark and careless look in his one visible eye. "I helped found a Guild here in this country named Tartarus....long story short, I tried to steal a certain Book, known around Earthland by different names in different languages, a black book....I only eneded up ripping out fives pages and escaping...these five pages taught me more than I could have ever imagined...how to use my Magic Power in ways I never even dreamed of...to create life itself even....not something that should've been in the hands of a twenty one year old." he loosened the cuffs on his sleeves and sighed.

    Even one page of that damned book could destroy the world in the wrong hands....and I had five...." he said under his breath thinking about the past and the magnitude of it all for just a moment. I shouldn't tell her about Acnologia....'

    "In the end, this caused a lot of people a lot of trouble......and all the....monsters I'd created. I absorbed them back into my Magic Power in order to be rid of those Demons once and for all...I'd created them after all.....I figured that would be the end of it...and all of those Demons would cease to exist...."

    Yugi would suddenly grow a pair of small, curved dark yellow demon horns that stuck out of his forehead and hair.

    "But...I ended up being blessed or cursed with the magick of Satan Soul." he looked away from her briefly in thought "A magick that can only be used by a Demon, a person with a Demons soul, or someone who has absorbed a multitude of demons into their soul...."

    He hesitated. As the horns on his head disappeared as he looked back at her.

    "I thought it was just an old wives tail.......but it's true about this damned magick. Once I absorbed all of those Demons back into my Soul and Magic Power from where I created them......my right eye came back good as new, guess Demonic power is good for something...As far as the five pages from that book goes....well let's just say I put em right were a rookie Rune Knight could find em....sure he gotta nice promotion." Yugi thought about how he'd made sure the 5 Pages of the Book of Zeref ended up back in the hands of the Magic Council where he'd stolen them in the first place on the night of his brothers Coronation Ball as Chairman.

    Yugi knew a way that she could gain her right arm back...he had a certain item locked away in Talonia's Black Markets.

    'The Sky Dragon Lacrima....' he thought to himself quickly.

    It was for sale to the right buyer...but if she absorbed it into her Magic Power and Soul, it would likely have the same effect on her as Satan Soul did on him---especially given it's healing nature.



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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Roya 19th April 2015, 12:54 am

    Roya listened intently as Yugi explained everything. Well, almost everything. Roya identified a few of the things he had left out, glancing at his wanted poster ans skimming the text below it. Her attitude seemed to change around the man, perhaps she was just warming up a bit or maybe it was the suden news of his own criminal record that made her find a sudden fondness in the man. “Ask me whatever you see fit, from what I can tell were both horrible people. Good to know there will at least be one attractive person in hell.” She smirked, opening an eye at him as she laid the wanted poster back down in front of him. “I know about Era, The black dragon.” She said, suppressing a laugh. How many women could say they slept with the mastermind behind Era and Acnologia’s sudden appearance? Hopefully not many. The mage didn’t wait for a reaction before retrieving proof of her own infamity.

    She un-creased a wanted parchment, laying it on the table on top of his, this one fa more recent then his own “Desierto Terrorist” The wanted sheet didn't provide a mug shot like his, she’d been among the infamous ranks for two years now and no one had caught her yet. As a substitute the sheet had a blurry image of a womanly cloaked figure, seeming to be darting off in the opposite direction the photograph was taken, one arm was exposed from beneath the fabric, corner of an arm tattoo visible.

    She swiped the television remote from the edge of the table directing it behind her towards the screen. She switched it back on, flipping to news channel 26, the one that favored the terrorist the most. According to the broadcast her most recent activity, Joined by a raven haired Tartarus mage, included the spontaneous combustion of a café in Hargeon, 19 dead, 3 critically injured including men, women, and soldiers alike. Security footage displayed on the screen, the hooded figure and boy busting out through the cafes window after burning numerous men alive inside. The café suddenly combusted into a silver flame as Rune Knights darted by the building after the two, caught in the explosion, left to be burned alive as well as anyone else still inside. With that, she flipped off the television.

    Hopefully Yugi wouldn’t be the type to turn her in, the reward on her was quite tempting… dead or alive. She stared up at the man, watching his expression darkly. “Questions, anything at all?...” she murmured, resting her chin in her bandage clad hand comfortably, her eyes narrowly staring back at him.


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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 19th April 2015, 1:53 am

    'A horrible person? Is that truly what my past makes me?'

    Roya looked like a person who'd accepted what she'd done in the past. If only Yugi could be so forgiving or accepting of himself. He refused to let his legacy be remembered for only carnage.

    "If I know Lucifer...and I do. He'd just send me right back." Yugi smiled a bit, even on this subject. "I plan on redeeming myself anyway......" he went by many names, Archdemon of Fire, Prince of lies, Lord of Hell he'd probably given a different name to each Fire Demon Slayer he'd trained. Shrugging to himself, Yugi would move on past this subject before Roya asked to many questions.

    It was Lucifer who'd set him down his dark path in the first place...convincing him to try and steal the Book of Zeref for personal gain. Hopefully he could still prove Lucifer, and the world wrong....they were all wrong about him. His brother saw something in him.....saw that there was still some of the old Yugi left. Even though Lucien had just witnessed his brother unleash the greatest threat ever known to the planet; he still had love for him, releasing him from his Prison in Era, and pardoning him from the crimes he'd committed against Fiore.

    'If I can somehow pull off that ritual......I can revive all those people that died that day....hundreds of thousands.'

    "I've learned that not everyone is deserving of the fire..." he said to himself under his breath.

    Had it been any other Chairman he would've been executed. He would not betray his brothers love or trust. But he also would see to it that the organization that his brother once led, the Magic Council, would change it's views and do away with it's ties to the Royal Family. If Yugi had it his way, Crocus could burn and Era the city he once tried to destroy could sit as the seat of power in Fiore.

    "Any questions? Hm....only one." he asked her solemnly. "Would you like your arm back?" he would turn to the side and ask her this question without so much as a quiver in his voice after she'd turned the TV off. "I....know of a way."



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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Roya 19th April 2015, 11:55 am

    “Redeeming yourself?” Roya tried not to laugh. “You’re the one that destroyed Era, ended uncountable lives. How can you come back from that, expect the people to forgive you even? Allot of people probably want you dead after that.” She stated obviously, suppressing a smirk due to the seriousness in his words. She merely lifted an eyebrow at him, blinking in his direction, exchanging a glance with the wanted posters once.

    He paused in thought, Murmuring something beneath his breath which the terrorist failed to catch. She watched him, Waiting for a reply of any sorts… until--

    Her eyes widened with his words, heart thumping against her rib cage. “You can’t.” She said with a shortness, dark tone welded to her words. Gripping the table single-handedley, She bolted up from her seat to stand. If he was able to do something to restore her limb... she could see it just now. Roya had tried to do it on her own before, restore her arm with the use of magic. Every time came the same result.. The replacement combusted by her own flame suddenly, burned away as suddenly as it appeared, deducted back to ashes... She didn't that to happen again, in front of another watching. Roya didn’t think he understood that she made the choice to give her arm away, that’s how desperate she was for power… “Do not taunt me.-- You don’t know of a way, not for this.” She grimaced. It was different. A right arm dind not belong to her anymore, not ever.


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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 20th April 2015, 12:13 am

    Yugi had thoroughly researched the known powers of the Elder Dragons; beings who supposedly helped create the universe itself. Grandine's healing properties were rumoured to have been enough to lead armies straight through the 13 hells and endless netherealms, to revive kingdoms from sickness or harm, to regrow limbs and the like. He'd even heard stories that Grandine's magical energies could brings ghosts around if one knew what they were doing.

    'I'll just wait for her to run into one of the three Sky Slayers out there...to witness their marvels for her own would go miles....'

    Yugi had no information on any of the Sky Slayers, except the fact that one was supposedly in a Legal Guild. He hadn't heard much of a peep from any Sky Slayer since.......Zack Rose.' For a moment, Yugi would look intense, but then remembered the subject at hand.

    "Well...if you don't believe me!" Yugi looked somewhat careless and charming as he said this. "I'll take that as a no for now." he stuck a hand in his suit pocket and closed his eyes. "If you think I would joke about something like this...you've got a lot to learn about when to take folks seriously...anyway if you change your mind."

    'It might not work immediately....but over time Grandine's magicks shuld bring her arm back, what a shock it would be to wake up months later and have it be there.......maybe I can start a little by giving back.'

    Yugi thought to himself as he walked out onto the balcony without a word. The camera would show him with his back turned, looking out at the city of bustling Talonia. She was derailing him from his plans of changing Fiore for the better.....he was on the right track.

    He just needed the pieces to the puzzle once more.

    'After I asses the Guild Masters.....' after a few moments, he decided he needed to appreciate those around him more if he wanted to enact true change, he would need the masses behind him. Although he'd just have to pull of the biggest resurrection...possibly since the old wizards of the Age of Darkness---it would be well worth it.



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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Roya 20th April 2015, 4:39 pm



    Thinking back on it, she wondered why he didn't attempt to churn anymore information out of her... He had practically told her his life story... and what did He know about her, that she was left-handed? “--Wait. You slept with a woman and you only wanna ask if you can get her something back?” She added in, whilst furrowing a brow. The pyro couldn't help but send Yugi a gaze of confusion.

    Roya watched as Yugi simply... walked away from her. Her eyes expanded with confusion. Hesitating, she vexed, moving after him until they both stood on the same balcony, the woman standing behind him between the sliding door. “E-Ehh—Hey! I did not say I don't believe you. I didn’t say no either, Jackass” She stammered with an annoyed visage. Roya  moving to instinctively cross her arms over her chest and ultimately unable to successfully preform the action. She lowered her gaze, beginning in a bit less of an aggravated tone. “It’s just… It's been a long series of failed attempts okay. Highly unlikely you’re going to get the result you had in mind, or anything other then what my arm is now--- ashes… “ She stammered honestly, holding her tongue about her history. “It would be different If I lost something like you did, but I knew what I was doing. I pretty much traded it away." He offered her something, she didn’t believe it—Now he couldn’t just refuse her after putting it out there.. She honestly did want to have a right arm again. “Y-You’re powerful though aren’t you?! You’ve gotta have something I haven't tried mind, You said you may have a way you can’t walk off and not tell me what you were thinking off at least.” She hoped maybe a little that he had an idea one that she didn't attempt yet.. Her eyes, lowered with a seriousness glimmering into his, quivering with a shred of hope.



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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 21st April 2015, 5:55 pm

    [b]He stayed silent for some time, watching the mix of hope and sadness in her voice bounce from one to another. She was very honest, Yugi would give her that much. He watched her lips as she spoke, and looked downward as she was finished.

    'Traded it away?' she spoke once more after this, which Yugi didn't expect. His eyes widened in surprise; he'd never seen this side of her before, even though this was only his second day knowing her. Closing his eyes, he prepared to tell Roya a tale.

    "Yes.....you know the tale of the Elder Dragons I'm sure, a couple of them were rumoured to be from Desierto, Igneel loved to hibernate in your home nation in days of the ancient past...so the history books say." Yugi thought briefly on the Elder Fire Dragon before moving on. "Of these 13 Dragons....there was one who was known to heal entire nations, raise the dead, and heal the sickly....all with a mighty flap of her wings....as long as there is was a skeleton left of you, she could remake you from DNA they'd say...."

    He let the magnitude of this soak in, as he reimagined all the tales he'd heard of Grandine leading armies through the 9 Hells and emerging unscathed, with every man, boy, and son returning home afterward.

    "This Dragons name was Grandine....." Yugi continued, opening his eyes, but still looking down. "I have a crystal......a crystal said to contain the magicks that once healed the world...a crystal said to contain the Spirit of Grandine herself." Yugi looked up.

    "This crystal, can be absorbed into ones Magic Power. Where it will dissolve inside of your soul and bloodstream like Soda......this Lost Magick would likely regrow your limb...and do much, much more for you." leaning to the side slightly, he'd raise a hand as he spoke. "Since these energies come from one of the Primal beings who supposedly helped to create the Universe...I'd like to think this is something you haven't tried."

    Yugi's expression was rather serious this entire time however---

    "Now that you've made me explain......after refusing me." he taunted "Can we please get out of this apartment?" he would step to his door which was actually an elevator since this was a Penthouse, and on the way out he would grab an extra key and hand it to Roya. "Just until you get on your feet, now that you know who I am, I don't want you walking around Talonia all night with nowhere to go--or out sleeping on benches...this'll let you in the front door downstairs."

    As they went down the elevator, Yugi randomly pulled Roya close; as he couldn't just stand there awkwardly in an elevator. He gave her a serious look as their bodies pressed together.

    "Last night doesn't change who I am, I haven't trusted anyone in awhile---so if you betray this trust---I may not be able to handle it." he exaggerated, as the doors to the elevator beeped and opened.

    A large family, with the mom, dad, and even grandmother stood there, in awe. The Mom of the group smirked a bit.

    Two 'surprised marks' would flash above Yugi as he held Roya close as if they were about too kiss. In an anime blur, he was off of her, and rubbing the back of his head; stepping out of the elevator with her as the family stepped into the elevator in their place. The Dad gave Yugi a thumbs up and an intense nod as he checked out Roya's body while the elevator doors closed, the Mom slapped the back of his head and that was the last thing Yugi saw before the doors shut.

    The front desk receptionist, a Neko still, but this time a younger one nodded to them on the way out. His eyes nearly popped out of his head as he saw Roya's body on the way out. The streets Talonia were howling with activity, as a city composed of free wizards with no affiliation to the Guilds or Council naturally would be.

    A kid wizard ran by, ReQuipping a wooden sword out of nowhere (probably the only weapon his parents would let him DeQuip and keep) and chasing another group of kids, who were also wizards as they started flinging very small spells not even D-Ranked at the kid who bravely cut his way through the spells with his wooden sword.

    Yugi cheered the kid on childishly as the kids played running up the street, before smiling to himself. A flashback of a young Count Sparrow being chased by a young Yugi was shown, Ice coming off of Lucien's hands as he shot backward, and Fire coming from Yugi's as he fired forward after his brother---both of them seemed so happy then. The flashback would end as Yugi watched the kids run up the street..

    If Roya noticed, this would be the first time she saw Yugi smile. When watching children play. A mass murderer like him? He watched on fondly, wishing and hoping that better days would find him again soon. He didn't even realize he was doing this truly.

    "I...miss my brother....sometimes." everyone knew about Count Sparrow. But from the time they were born, until the age of 15 when Lucien went off to the Rune Knights Academy, beginning a career that would propel him to the height of power in the Magical World---they had been inseparable.

    Their father had been a high ranking Council Knight, a master of both Ice and Fire make. He'd passed his ice-make on to his eldest, Lucien, and his fire-make onto the younger of the twins. Yugi himself. No one knew what happened to his father, the great Commander Sparrow....and the day that two Rune Knights showed up at his families door in Oak Town...he'd never forget it.

    If he took her to meet Lucien...his twin brother, now an Ambassador to Foreign nations after his term as Chairman of the Magic Council was over who looked exactly like Yugi...except that stupid fucking top hat....he would probably ask Roya a million questions about Desierto. He then nodded to Roya as if to say 'Let's Go.' before leading her towards Talonia's Black Market district.



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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Roya 21st April 2015, 8:39 pm



    From what she was hearing... This dragon was a big deal and she could do allot, as expected from the Elder dragons. Roya looked onward with fascination. Just like a little kid to a bedtime story. If all of this was true... She knew she would have an arm at her right side again

    "I guess we could get out for a bit." She replied as she followed him towards the elevator, Roya purposely leaving behind her cloak now that it had been all over the news in Talonia, keeping her ample chest and non existent arm exposed. The woman stepped into the lift beside Yugi, watching as the doors slid shut. She gave a slight smile, firmly holding onto the key, unable to take her eyes off the thing. Roya had wanted to say allot of words to him when she had woken up in his bed, most she couldn't get away with calling him when kids were around. The idea hit her, sudden and quick like a splash of water.. That.. He didn't match the description of any of those things. Now all she wanted to say was 'Thank you.'

    Her mouth popped open slightly, but before she could muster a word he pulled her close. Roya was sober today. However, she didn't move to push him away. Instead she stood in his grip and stared up into his amber pools as if entranced, their faces only so far. It seemed that they only got closer, and closer. She felt her heart thump through the hills on her chest, crushed up against his body. H-He trusted her? Roya, for a moment, felt the butterflies in her stomach, color slowly rushing to her face.

    Ultimately, The two were interrupted, elevator chiming in and veering the doors open on their show. Just like Yugi she blurred away from him, sweating with a comical embarrassment. Yugi lead them out of the elevator letting the small group through in their place; Roya’s face had never been that red in her life. She shook her head as they passed the Neko counterman, wondering just what it was that was getting into her, heart still racing.

    They stepped outside the lobby doors, Roya taking a minute to stretch and enjoy the sunlight whilst walking beside him. “Umn so-“ she stopped mid-sentence, pausing as she watched his expression change... a  little smile meeting his lips. Her face seemed to light up with awe at the sight of it…It felt like a true, genuine smile. She followed his gaze--- To the children.

    Roya's typically cold and smug expression softened at his statement. She put her hand to his shoulder instinctively as they walked. She was immediately embarrassed at the gesture but it would have been awkward to suddenly take it back. Instead, she went with it, listening to that soft spot inside her- The same one she thought she burned away a long time ago.

    Roya had never actually ‘missed someone’. It was a phrase that she had heard allot, and yet she didn't understand it. Maybe it was because she didn’t have friends growing up and her parents weren't really fun to be around. “I wish I knew what It was like… Never had brothers—or sisters.” She forced a smile, trying to make him feel better--- Wondering after the fact why she was. When was the last time she actually felt to make some one else happy? Was it because he was doing all this for her?... He was giving her a place and… even her own left arm back.

    Still holding her hand at his back, she nodded in return, clicking across the street besides him, careful not to loose him amid the masses of Talonia residence occupying the walk.



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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Yugi-Sempai 21st April 2015, 10:07 pm

    Yugi felt her hand on his shoulder as they walked. He looked into her eyes for a moment, on the inside he was burning up. But he still kept a serious look on his face because he was 'badass' in that nature. However, he would just blush and end up grabbing her by her hand--but he walked quickly so as to give off the illusion of "pulling her along" instead.

    "Just keep up will ya!" he said, dignified comically as they rushed along. Eventually; they got to the Black Markets.

    It looked like a scene out of Star Wars as they rushed along through the various different races and shopping carts present.

    For a split second as they entered the section of the black markets his family owned, the 'Sparrow Markets', the people around who were employed by his family looked shocked at their various booths before snapping back too work twice as hard hilariously, as Yugi didn't even notice and finally stopped pulling Roya along as they came too what looked like a giant warehouse.

    Letting her go; in front of what looked to be a construction like gate; that immediately rose. A short walk across a parking lot and they were inside; it was dimly lit with rows of lacrima lamps & had rows and rows of large steel containers stacked on top of one another.

    Yugi walked through with his hands in his pockets; all of the containers were labeled "Sparrow Insustries " and a number on each container....as they moved further and further into the warehouse. A couple assistants looked up surprised as Yugi told them to get a crane and grab "container one thousand and one". Scrambling, the workers eventually got in a crane as it roared to life.

    The once silent warehouse boomed with the noise of it backing up as it reached up and grabbed what seemed to be a random container. It lowered down; as when it touched down; and the yellow claw released it "1001" was across the front. Yugi walked up and pressed a button on it; as the Magitek doors folded apart.

    A light.

    A brilliant glow with a soft green aura seemed to radiate throughout the entire warehouse for a moment, before dimming.

    Yugi and Roya's features glowed in the light of a single crystal, held up by a metal stand that wrapped around it like vines.

    "I've only been this close to it once before...." Yugi stared at it...as he felt a cool breeze from it...almost like it was in the air. Everything felt peak condition, just being near it. He could breath perfectly, smell perfectly, his body seemed to hum with magical energy just being near it---he could almost hear the faintest roar of the Sky Dragon as he stared into it's light.

    As their features glowed in the light of the crystal Yugi spoke once more.

    "Careful.. first person who touches it will have it absorbed into them. It was a delicate operation even moving it place to place to say the least...." Yugi rubbed the back of his head in thought, allowed Roya some time to think and stepped back. "When you touch it...the lacrima will glow, and you won't be able to take your hand off of it until it's done infusing your soul the the Sky Dragon's spirit and magick....from what I saw of the Sky Slayers...there might be a breeze that will surround you like leaves in a breeze or something...don't freak out."

    Yugi knew she was only thinking about her arm, he was hoping she wouldn't freak out completely if that did happen. An arm magically regrowing and stitching itself back together with wind would be an amazing feat, Yugi had heard rumours of the Dragon Slayer...Heero healing people in towns and performing miracles across Earthland during his travels. If Roya could possess this same power....although she was leagues away from Shuhei or Heero in Magic Power....Yugi would never forget facing down those two at the same time, it was almost overwhelming just to be near them both. In time though.....

    Yugi anticipated being able to make wind from her body and heal others would cause Roya to think for days on end. Although unlike make wizards, who could make their element appear out of nowhere, anywhere they could see, Yugi understood that Slayers produced their element from the body only. Even their mouth....they loved to roar. Yugi had dealt with quite a few Slayers in his past and knew how the ancient Lost Magick worked. Having been the one who collected the blood of the Dragon Slayers for the ritual to resurrect Acnologia.

    He would simply stand back and watch what would unfold....still hoping she wouldn't freak out.

    He also mysteriously was now only in his boxers, his clothes having been taken off sometime while thinking. He had on blue boxers with white hearts as he stood there, unaware of this, looking on with a serious expression.



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    "Two wizards walk into a bar..." Empty Re: "Two wizards walk into a bar..."

    Post by Roya 22nd April 2015, 4:07 pm



    It was then that she felt a certain heaviness at her right side, eyes veering wide as they trailed down her shoulder, to the fair skinned limb hanging at her right. She froze in place, something didn't quite feel right as she examined the thing. But she abandoned the thought-- stopping herself from spoiling this moment.

    Roya moved to touch it with her left hand…Her fingers brushed the surface--but she failed to feel her own touch against the limb... The whole thing was numb. In an attempt to move her retrieved limb she paused, ultimately failing to even raise it a centimeter. It took her a second.. but the reality of this eventually struck her all at once. Just like a giant slap across the face. “God dammit...” Roya came down on her knees quick and suddenly, staring at the thing, clutching her left hand to her face out of disappointment and anger. It was limp... the arm was there but—she had no feeling…she couldn’t move it an inch… It hung there at her side. Just dead weight. “What a fucking waste—“ she growled to herself, gritting her teeth tightly, grimacing in an attempt to suppress the internal pain she felt.

    “Yugi…it’s there… but" She stated a tremor within her voice. "-It's dead...” She found herself staring down at the limb with horror, unable to escape from the gaze. She had read up allot on restoring bodies, limbs... the girl remembered skimming over something like this across the pages once or twice.  There were records of this having happening to people before when they tried to bring things back, their bodies were unable to sync to their replaced parts like they used to… Leaving them completely cut off, detached, and useless. 

    Some one lost an eye, it came back but he still couldn't see, There was a tale of a woman who restored her lower leg-- but couldnt even stand on it, a kid who brought back their hand only to discover his fingers were stuck in place. This... all of it was just humiliating... and for her to have a failure of her own like it.

    Grabbing at the sheath band, the one she always had at her right shoulder, Roya drew her katana. She held the blade in her hands before passing it to her mouth and gripping it between her teeth, seeing as she still didn't have a working right hand. Sighing around the katana, the mage pressed the dead arm down against the ground. She tugged away the bandages around her hair tying them extremely tightly at her sleeve, enough to cut off some of the circulation to the limb. 

    “Yugi… I'm sorry this didn’t go as planned--- I’m pretty broke… but I promise ill figure out a way to bay you back.” She began quietly, trying to talk clearly through the hilt in her mouth before slipping the the sword from her jaws and back into her hand.  “I hope you’re not afraid of blood or anything…” She tried to smile, but couldn’t under the circumstances.  She trembled whilst looking down at it, hating the idea of giving up yet another right arm, literally having to hack it off— but, she could not stand the sight of a right arm she couldn’t use... “Just… Hold it down while I get this it off of me—Please.” She stammered looking down at the limb before looking back to Yugi, holding her gaze as he gave her a reply of some sort. Whether he refused or aided her she would taking care of the dead arm.  “I need you to cauterize it for me when this is done...” Roya rose her sword, having to turn away. If Yugi turned away too he would know when the blade came down on her. The girl elicited a loud cry, cringing quickly. She cursed... Not going all the way through the first try, having to slash down on herself again. 


    Last edited by Roya on 29th April 2015, 8:29 pm; edited 2 times in total


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