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    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 8th April 2015, 9:19 pm

    This was Kite's first time out of Fiore and it was a little disappointing that he wasn't going somewhere with more scenery than dunes of sand. Kite had the back of his head pressed against window and his legs were straight on the seat with his arms crossed. He was relaxed as the train was taking him from Magniolia to the town of Clover. It was during the train ride that actually gave the flyer another look and it said. ” So a group of raiders called the Red  Sand Bandits have gone on a rampage through several villages leaving a wake of destruction and death from their raids. Kite continued to read the flyer ” and survivors from the Blue Sky Clan have request the local guilds for the safe return of their families and friends and the apprehension of the local bandits...and its 15k Jewels for rescuing the citizens” Kite kept reading but while he was rereading the flyer his eyes widened when he saw the information that he missed on the initial read. ” What!! If you capture the leader of the Red Sand Bandits and return all of the hostages you get 20k in jewel! that sounds like a plan” He was happy he went on this mission after all.

    He rode the rest of the train with a solid peace of mind knowing that this job will be exciting and would make his bank account very happy and in almost no time he reached Clover and in order to get to the Blue Sky Clan’s village. He was told that he would be meeting up with a member from another guild. He didn’t know anything about this person except they were a girl and C class, which was the only reason he was able to take this job is because of the other guild member’s rank. Kite was alone in the Carriage so he took the opportunity to change into his armor. He was currently wearing his typical outfit consisting of blue vest, black shirt blue fatigues and boots, plus his signature goggles. He changed into his custom white armor attaching his gauntlets and pauldrons on last after rest of his armor was on securely. He wasn’t sure if he was going to need it but he figured that being prepared would be for the best.

    After about an hour of travelling in the carriage he reached his destination in the center of Blue Sky Clan’s main village. He opened the door and stepped out of the carriage and looked around to see if anyone was around. Kite sees a rather large tent near the center and figures that would be the chief’s tent. ” I guess this must be the client’s tent… time to introduce myself and then wait.”

    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Guest 9th April 2015, 1:49 am

    Enola wiped the sweat beads rolling down her forehead with a great big sigh. She had slumped her body against a tree some time ago but the shade did little to protect her from the agonizing heat.  The temptation to cut off her jeans’ legs grew more probably; at least she chose not wear her housemaid uniform this time and instead opted for her job uniform. It would have certainly given her a heatstroke. One of her closed eyes peeked open and wondered to her traveling companion – Anguis Pisa, an artificial lamia she reluctantly called kin. In contrast with Enola, Anguis enjoyed the heat with an unshakable mirth. She was, after all, spliced together with a rattlesnake, so it made some sense that she’d value a trip to Desierto.

    “Anguis, dear, do you have any more water?”

    Anguis, coiled around herself with a grin on her face, nodded ad reached for an innocuous bag between them. The lamia rarely displayed such obedience and with a happy attitude to go with it. Enola wasn’t about to complain though. Anguis dug through the bag, rummaging through a pile of extra clothes and snacks, until she plucked out a cool bottle of water and gently tossed it to Enola. The lamia returned to her comfortable position while Enola clamored to open the bottle, chugging down half of it when she had finally succeeded. She spilled a few drops of water on herself but she didn’t mind; it made her feel just a little cooler.

    With her thirst quenched, Enola took in her surroundings once more. She sat on the edge of the main Blue Sky Clan village. Enola and Anguis had arrived some hours ago but were told to wait until another young mage from Fiore showed up in the village. Enola might have despised rudeness, but she prayed someone would kick the mystery wizard into a quicker gear.

    “I think that’s enough waiting, Anguis. Let’s go see if the chief is ready for us.”

    Enola stood up one her feet, with her boots scraping the sand in the process. As if she were a calf learning to walk, Enola wobbled down the hill in search of the chief’s tent. Anguis shrugged, only slightly irritated by the end to her relaxation, and grabbed the bag as well as a large, sheathed broadsword propped up against the tree.

    Walking through the village, the duo found it difficult to stay positive. Everyone looked awful – some of the villagers were exhausted; others crying; many mourning. A majority of the sour faces came from the village’s warriors whose wives and children had been kidnapped by the Red Sand Bandits. To add to the miserable sight, Enola felt especially guilty about herself; she used to be a bandit herself. Had she caused as much pain as the Red Sand Bandits?

    Enola and Anguis stood within the tent for a few minutes, letting the clan chief explain the situation with more detail, though it practically flew over their heads. Enola was in the middle of asking a question when a blue haired man – obviously a foreigner to the area – entered the tent. Those within the tent, each of whom were situated around a wooden table with a map on it, stared at him until Enola finally spoke up, “Sir, are you lost?” she paused in thought until it occurred to her, “Oh, wait! You’re the other wizard from Fiore, aren’t you?” Enola smiled as she tended to do when meeting someone for the first time, which was perhaps the first smile the village had seen in quite a while. Anguis simply chuckled in the corner of the tent, finding it laughable that Enola had to ask if the young man was the other wizard when his appearance alone made the answer painfully clear.

    Enola Gay
    HP: 100%
    MP: 100%
    WC: 634/250
    PC: 2/25

    Anguis Pisa
    HP: 100%
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 9th April 2015, 4:18 pm

    In his way to the tent he took a good look at the people on his way in. Some were shaking a bit for fear not to mention that several of them had bandages on with some that had stains seeping through. This had angered him greatly that a human could do this to another but then again there were times that humans acted more evil than demons. Along near the edge of the village’s perimeter the mounds of fresh dirt were there with about a foot in between each one. Kite could tell that those were indeed fresh graves. ”I will have to visit those graves before I head out with the Lamia Scale mage and pay my respects” He said to himself as he watched the sight of the graves vanish as he walked into the tent he believed to be the tent belonging to the client.

    Kite stepped into the tent just in time to hear an older man speak to a rather tall woman and….a creature that looked like a cross between a human woman with a snakes tail instead of legs and had like a golden headpiece that almost looked as if she had golden snakes for hair with ruby red heads. Her torso was covered with a revealing piece of armor which covered her chest and revealed her stomach.. This would have possibly been more disturbing but since he was taught his magic from a demon he really wasn’t phased by her appearance. The tall woman stood up and spoke to him asking if he was lost but before Kite could answer she followed up almost immediately figured that he was the other wizard who was taking this job on with her. He noticed how she carried herself, she had nice posture and stood a few inches shorter than Kite. She was wearing a white button up shirt that was tucked in her blue trousers. She had her hair was long and black in color and kept in a low ponytail. Kite took a step in further as she smiled at him and when the snake woman chuckled for some reason. He  had returned a smile back to her and then began to speak ” That would be correct. My name is Kite Wilhelm and I am from Sabertooth nice to meet you.” Kite stopped and looked at the snake woman but not just to look ” Both of you” Kite said and then walked over to where there was a chair next to the old man. ” I am sorry for the lateness. It was quite a hike from Sabertooth to make it here. Do you think you could fill me in on what is going on exactly?”

    The old man held his face with no emotion, it was as if he was trying to hold back his sadness and his anger and just began to speak. “ For over a century The blue sky clan and the Red sand bandits have lived in this territory. Our two groups had never truly lived in peace, there had been arguments and only minor displays of violence from both sides. This attack came about because we refused to forfeit our land to those brute.” Kite looked at him ” So this attack happened because of a territory dispute?” The old man seemed to be angry with Kite’s question “ It was not a territory dispute, this land is my clan’s territory but since those bandits are well bandits they would attack and rob anyone who travelled through their land but as the number of attacks increased the folks who had been travelling sought passage through our safer territory. For trade with Fiore we agreed to these terms, but the bandits had wanted our land so they could continue their way of life and when we refused they vowed we would see things their way. One night however we were called out on an expedition and we had taken our tribe’s best warriors with us. When we returned we had found our homes in ruin, the warriors that had been left behind had either been injured or killed and then the worst atrocity of them all is they took our women and our children hostage. There have not been any demands but I assume they are looking to use them as leverage so we give them our territory.”[/color] Kite heard what the man had to say and clenched his fist ”I see”. He didn’t say anything more, he didn’t have anything else to say it was clear that the job had become a lot more critical that he had expected it to be and looked at the other mage with a determined look on his face and stood back up and headed towards the tent’s exit.

    Cool Down


    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Guest 12th April 2015, 11:07 pm

    Enola’s ears perked up when she heard “Sabertooth.” As far as she was aware, Enola had never met a Sabertooth wizard, though she had read about them. They were supposed to be a tough bunch but with some sense of honor. It was even her impression that this young man – Kite Wilhelm – would be a valuable asset despite his wizardry class, if the rumors of the guild’s strength were true of course. Anguis, in contrast, was focused on matters of the heart as usual. She felt an immediate attraction to the young man, like every young man, and figured she could seduce him if she played her cards right. In fact, she already had it all thought out: Kite would be wounded in the thick of battle, she would bundle him up in her arms like a wounded rabbit, and then she would save him (and let Enola die in battle or something) and take him back home to Fiore where they would live out the rest of their lives in a quiet cottage. Pure genius.

    Enola and Anguis listened to the chief’s explanation, this time with more detail than he had several minutes ago. Enola was once again unsettled by the bandits’ horrid actions, though she tried to hide her emotion behind a joyful mask. Anguis was actually rather impressed by the bandits; she admired their apparently ruthless attitude and psychological tactics. Such a bloodthirsty group was sure to give Anguis amusement, though she wasn’t quite thrilled by the idea of having to save hostages. If it were up to her, the lamia would attack the bandits and if the families were killed, oh well. It was a good thing Anguis wasn’t in charge…

    The duo followed Kite outside of the tent, with Enola rushing up to him (although she was a little taken aback by the surge of heat. “Mr. Wilhelm! I forgot to introduce myself: I am Ms. Enola and this is Anguis.” Anguis, still carrying Enola’s stuff, slithered next Kite in his walk and winked before speaking in a much less formal tone than Enola, “Don’t worry, I don’t bite unless requested to.” It would be clear to most that Anguis wasn’t about to take this job with the seriousness it rightly deserved.

    As they were walking through a rough trail etched into the desert sand, Enola had to take Kite’s sight in a second time. She simply couldn’t believe he was wearing what he did without any complaint of the heat. His content with the weather was such a surprise, in fact, that Enola had to joke with herself on the inside: My goodness, you’d think the young man eats fire or something. She chuckled on the inside before sighing from the heat – they still had a while to go. The Red Sand Bandits’ camp, where the captured families were reportedly kept, was at least another mile.

    Enola had to stop to wipe the sweat of her brow before she spotted a peculiar sight off in the distance: the village they were searching for in their little quest.

    In a regal tone of voice, Enola called out to her Sabertooth companion, "Mr. Wilhelm, look over there: that's the-!" Enola screamed in freight as a bullet grazed her right shoulder, ripping a piece of her shirt and leaving behind a small cut. The cut closed itself with Enola's dust but it was terrifying nonetheless to think a bandit managed to hit her from such a distance, assuming they were actually hiding within the village and not somewhere else in the desert.

    HP: 95%
    MP: 100%
    WC: 596/250
    PC: 4/25

    Last edited by Enola Gay on 13th April 2015, 12:36 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 23954
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    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by NPC 12th April 2015, 11:07 pm

    The member 'Enola Gay' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) NormalMonster
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 14th April 2015, 7:15 pm

    Kite took notice of the girl’s expression when he made mention that he was from the Sabertooth guild. He wasn’t sure if she was looking at him in awe or if she was impressed. Either way he seemed to have gained some amount of respect from her. However Kite noticed the look her, snake friend was giving him which seemed to be a mixture between when someone is entranced by something or if she was looking at a fresh piece of meat but Kite smiled all the same from this. Kite’s exit wasn’t meant to be seen as rude, nor as tough but he was quite angry with how things had panned out for these people. He was even more angry at the antics of the bandits and how they waited until the village was deprived of their strongest warriors. This thought plagued his mind until the woman that would be his teammate ran out to catch up to him and began to speak with him. He looked over at her while she spoke to him and she introduced herself as Ms. Enola after addressing Kite as “Mr. Kite”. She also introduced the snake woman as Anguis. Anguis then slithered up next to Kite and told him that she would not bite unless he had requested it from her. Kite gave a smile to them both ” Well it is a pleasure Enola, but please just call me Kite, no need to be formal with me.” he said to her and then turned to Anguis ” And I will have to keep that in mind next time I need a good bite” Kite joked with her.

    The three of them continued to travel through the harsh like environment but with little issue. The heat of the desert would be harsh to most but thanks to his training with Asmodeous to be a Flame Demon Slayer has proven useful here. Kite couldn’t help but look back at Enola and Anguis to see if they were ok in this heat. He noticed the questioning look on her face and was sorta wondering what it was that she found so puzzling about him but for the sake of being polite he didn’t ask any question but remained focused about the terrain in front of him since it wasn’t an area he was familiar with and he also didn’t want to be caught off guard by any sort of sneak attack by the bandits especially after hearing how the cowards decided to attack when the best warriors were out from the village. He kept his senses as keen as he could but all he smelled was the sand, Enola’s scent and the scent from Anguis and nothing else. ” I wonder where those cowards like to hide. Perhaps under the rocks and stones like the snakes they are…” Kite said to himself and low enough so he wasn’t heard, he didn’t want to offend present company.

    The journey so far was long, it was about a mile of a walk in the heat luckily the heat didn’t bother Kite all that much and it seemed that the hideout of the bandits was right in the distance he could see it and most likely Enola saw it also ” This is a good sign” he said. Kite heard Enola begin to speak he heard the sound of a gun shot several meters away and then heard her scream out as a bullet grazed her. Kite looked back and when he saw that she was ok minus a small gut on her arm but that meant that the bandit had to have shot from cover since they couldn’t see the sniper. Kite watched as she began to close her wound and then he gave a sniff. ” I can smell the gun powder and its coming from the village, we will need to find away to cover our approach… any ideas?” he asked her but then heard the sound of another gun shot and quickly moved in front of Enola and felt the impact of the bullet against his armor, it hurt him but his armor was intact and Enola was safe from the shot but this also gave Kite an advantage, now he had the smell of gunpowder as well as gave him a direction where the shot came from and he started to head in that direction . Kite could smell it even more and started to charge towards the village, he wasn’t sure which building but he wanted to get closer to the village before he unleashed his move. He could hear the sound of voices as he got closer and smirked ” I hear ya…” Kite said as he heard the click of the gunner reloading the chamber. Kite heard the sound of the gun shoot and even managed to see a small flash come from the muzzle. Kite dove forward and performed a front roll. He rolled through and was crouched facing the direction where he saw the flash ” Flame Demon’s Rage!” he lunged his head forward a bit and let loose a stream of fire from his mouth and into the window where the shot had come from”[/color]
    Cool Down

    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Guest 25th April 2015, 9:50 am

    Enola gasped when Kite literally took a bullet for her. Certainly, in that instance, she was already indebted to the man, a person who had saved her when he barely knew her. The stories of Sabertooth were evidently true. Even Anguis was speechless, a true rarity. Before the thanks could commence, Kite was off toward the village. Enola and Anguis tried to keep up, though it proved more difficult than expected – Enola was being dragged down by the heat and Anguis down by her own tail.

    Whilst the two were keeping up, the sniper’s eyes widened through his turban as black mass of fire hurdled toward him. There was little he could do aside from grit his teeth as the fire encompassed his body in an unimaginable heat. When flames came to an end, the sniper was on his back, completely vulnerable with much of his clothing burnt. He reached for the pistol on his waist, raised it and… dropped it in a fit of pain. The burns were simply too much for him. Instead, he merely resorted to cursing Kite with all his might. However, the gunner had a partner, a spotter actually. This partner stood watching from behind a rock, sitting low to hide his scent and presence. Very cautiously, while the first gunner continued his cursing, the partner crouched and walked slowly toward Kite from behind with his pistol raised.

    The partner cocked the gun.


    A chain of blades whipped across and sliced off the partner’s hand – Enola had shown up with her blade, Perseguidor. The hand holding the gun had fallen off and the partner fell to the ground in an agonizing pain much like the first gunner. Now they had to cursing, bandits filled with rage.

    Anguis, following behind Enola, snickered, “Kite, baby, shall we put these two out of their misery?” Enola merely cringed and retracted her blades.

    HP: 95%
    MP: 100%
    WC: 315/250
    PC: 6/25

    Gunner 1: 0.75/5 C Rank Damage
    Gunner 2: 1/5 C Rank Damage
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 1st May 2015, 11:40 am

    Kite didn’t waste any time going on the offensive by running towards the village where the sniper had attempted to shoot and take out Enola and eventually himself. Kite figured there wasn’t much time seeing as he had to get close enough to the village to render the sniper rifle the bandit was most likely using less effective. To make sure of this Kite got close enough to unleash his Rage attack which crashed a huge stream of fire right into a bandit knocking into and causing some nasty burns as a result. The bandit in his quick thinking crawled his way out the window and made a thud sound as he hit the sand right outside the window. There was a smell of burning hair and clothes and that thanks to the Kites Flame demon's rage attack. Kite had quit running upon arriving to the window where the bandit lay looking up at him in anger and in pain.

    Kite grinned when he saw the man struggle pull draw his side arm and gave up when he looked up at him with a nasty sneer. The same kind of look a little kid makes when he is forced to stay at the dinner table when not finishing his supper and he started to curse at Kite which put Kite in a happier mood. ”well if you wouldn't have shot at the young lady I might not have found you so easily. So now ther..." Kite was going to continue talking, telling the man that he had some questions for him but he stopped talking when he heard the sound of a pistol cocking behind him. Kite's eyes opened wide due to the sheer shock when he realized that he was possibly about to get shot in the back. ” shit, how the hell did I miss him..the smell of the burning clothes and hair must have masked his scent. Not much time... Kite didn't know think about he but he started to rotate to face the person who had a gun locked on him but he heard the sound of metal clinging and it was over in a flash. Kite was now facing a man who had his right arm positioned like he had drew a pistol out of his holster but where his hand was there was just a nub where a hand use to be. Kite watched as he dropped to the ground clenching the nub where his hand hand use to be. Kite relaxed a bit and looked over at Enola who was holding the handle of a blade and then looked back at the man who was missing his hand. ”huh" he said as he fully grasped what was happening. Now there were two men in pain and cursing at them and then to top it off Anguis slithered her way over to Kite and started to talk to him asking him if he wanted to put them out of their misery but referred to him as baby. Enola retracted her blades and Kite looked

    At Anguis. ” Well as much they probably deserve it but there is something I need to ask them. he said as he grabbed the one handed man and dragged him over to the man who was dealing with the burns of Kite's attack.

    ”So now that the introductions are out of the way and we know that you are bottom feeding scum and we are the Wizards that owned your asses it's time to play twenty questions. he said as he crouched down with a devious smirk. ” to your knowledge how many more snipers are stationed around the village and where?" Kite looked at both men and then sneered at Kite. The one missing his hand started to sit up "we won't tell you anything." The man said to Kite as he tried to maintain a tough guy act. ”you don't say, won't be saying anything huh?" Kite said as he stood up straight and lifted his hand causing a golden ripple to appear and a large key appears in his hand. He turns the key and it vanishes and a golden ripple opened behind him with the handle of a weapon sticking out of it.

    ”well then I guess it's time how long you can keep that wolf's clothing of yours. Come Forth Holy sword of Rupture Ea" he said as he reached across his body to grip the handle of his sword and pulled it out revealing Ea, a strange looking sword cylindrical in shape. ”so who first" he asked and both men started to laugh "what sort of sword is that, there isn't even a blade.." Kite drove Ea downwards into the man who was missing his hand and it stuck in by the tip and the three Pillars rotated drilling in further in his leg grinding against the muscles and tendons. The man screamed in pain ” so unless you want to lose your leg along with your hand you will tell me what I Want to know" Kite said waiting for an answer.

    Cool Down
    RageX 3


    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Gvf4gD8

    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Guest 10th May 2015, 11:10 am

    The sight of Kite beating a man to death sent Anguis’ pheromones racing as if she were a serpent watching her mate strangle his prey. Enola, however, looked away. She found the sight of the men in pain a little hard to watch despite the fact that she had caused some of the pain.

    The horrified and confused man being beaten by the mythical sword finally cried out, “Eight! There’re eight more of us! Plus the boss…!” The man continued whimpering with a pleading in his eyes like he was begging with his soul for mercy.

    Before much more could be done though, a deathly scream escaped the second man as Anguis slice his jugular with her claws. Blood soaked her hand as she looked at Kite and Enola with an eerie smile. Enola bore a shameful look as the painful death.

    “Don’t give me that look. These desert bastard deserve everything they have coming.” The first simply cried more, believing he was next.

    Enola placed her sword on her hip and crossed her arms in disgust before turning her gaze to the village. The bandit camp was rather large – around the size of a small village – and it was protected by a stone wall that went all around it. The walls were lined with watch towers but it seemed almost impossible to tell which ones had snipers stationed in them. There were also two entrances at opposite ends of the camp’s walls.

    Enola hovered her head over the handless man still alive and inquired, “Young man, how many snipers are in those towers?”

    He cocked his head at her and muttered, “I… I don’t know. I have no clue who has what duty… Please don’t kill me!”

    The Lamia Scale mage frowned and looked back at the camp’s wall. “Kite… We have to make no one escapes. It’s probably best if we split up to esure that. I could take the south entrance of the camp while you and Anguis take the north entrance. Sound like a plan?”

    Enola Gay
    WC: 339/250
    PC: 8/25

    Gunner 1: Dead
    Gunner 2: 1.5/5 C Rank Damage
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

    Demon King

    Demon King

    Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Power Of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 1142
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Experience : 801,130

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flame Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: NetherFlame Demon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 13th May 2015, 5:29 pm

    Kite let the pillars of Ea spin in the man’s leg slowly so it didn’t do too much additional damage aside from the initial puncture wound and slight grinding caused by the drill like motion. Kite didn’t like this method of information gathering but time was of the essence and he had every intention of completing the job and making it home in one piece. Luckily for him he didn’t notice Anguis’ expression, if he had he might have had a bit of a problem with the delighted face she was making at the bandit’s expense. Kite did notice however Enola had turned away from Kite as he was getting his information and even though Kite wanted to stop he knew he had to finish otherwise things could get messy for them if they were caught off guard by the bandits that were possibly stationed through out the encampment. ”Alright so here is the situation, my sword that you laughed at is sticking in your leg and at any moment I can cause the three pillars along the shaft to spin which would grind away at the inside of your leg and if you really want to keep up with the tough guy act I can unleash its special ability and tear that leg of yours right off, so what is your answer” he said to the man. He noticed that the man’s eyes widen upon being asked once more about the location of the rest of the bandit sniper. He then yelled out that there were eight more located throughout the base and then the boss. Kite smiled when he received the answer and pulled Ea out from the man’s leg as a reward for cooperating and answering his simple question. Kite had every intention of letting these men live since they were working with them for the moment. However that idea was split in half when the man who had been suffering from burns had his jugular cleanly sliced by the claws of Anguis.

    Kite felt a cold shiver run down his spine upon seeing her face, he could tell that she enjoyed the cold blooded nature of the man’s death. Kite saw Enola’s expression and he could tell that she didn’t endorse such horrid methods and after she gave Anguis a look Anguis started to defend her position explaining that these bastards deserved everything they had coming to them. Kite didn’t disagree with her statement, in fact he agreed that such honorless bastards deserved the same sort of treatment they gave to the villagers but what she did was a bit much for his taste. Kite looked down at the man who was fearing for his life as he should be, Anguis didn’t seem to have much in the way of mercy but these men were pretty much taken out so it was a bit much to kill them. Kite backed away from the handless man as Enola began to speak to him, he looked at the compound and took in a wiff of air, to see if he could catch any scents but he didn’t. He did listen to Enola as she asked about the towers located at both entrances and asked if there were snipers located there. He looked at him and then looked at her as she looked at the camp wall and started to speak to him proposing a plan, that they split up to scout out both entrances and deal with the opposition at each entrances and then asked how he felt about the plan.

    Kite looked over at Anguis and contemplated the thought of teaming up with her and let out a small sigh in his head before answering. ”Seems like a good plan” Kite said as he turned to face the entrance to the north where his targets would be. Kite turned his head to face Enola and smirked ”I guess it’s a good time to get this party… started” he said. However before he began with his part of the plan he noticed that on the ground next to the man who was still alive, there was a communication lacrima and he heard a voice come from it. Kite was able to make out what was being said and the disembodied voice was asking if the thread had been neutralized, this which gave Kite a grand idea. ”Well look at this, if you don’t mind I’d like to add one part to the plan” He said to her as he took the Communication Lacrima over to the man and crouched down next to him. ”Wanna do us both a big time favor? Why don’t you tell your buddies that you took care of us, oh and if you don’t I’ll let her have her way with ya but maybe I can have her play with her prey this time around” He said as he used his thumb to point towards Anguis. The bandit swallowed with a large gulping sound and nodded. Kite held the Lacrima next to his ear and pressed on the Lacrima piece which started its transmission process and the bandit said into the comm. “ Targets have been dealt with, the buzzards will eat well tonight”. Kite smiled while removing his thumb from the Lacrima ending the transmission and stood back up placing Ea over his shoulder ”Thanks We appreciate it” Kite said nicely and then with a firm swing Kite slammed the hard shaft of Ea into the temple of the bandit knocking him out and possibly giving the man a nice sized concussion in the process. Kite turned to smile at Enola ”That should make things a bit more smooth for us” He said as he started to make his way towards his target with Anguis slithering behind him.

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    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Gvf4gD8
    Verona Stone
    Verona Stone

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    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Verona Stone 19th May 2015, 8:21 am

    Mission Details:
    Verona was finally at the desert region. She had followed Enola a while after she left for a new mission with some Sabertooth guild's mage. Verona didn't wake up with intentions of following someone to their job. In fact, a few hours after she left, a few members came to her and asked her if she could send Enola back and take her place in the mission instead. Of course, the angry fire dragon slayer disagreed at first, wanting to just eat and sleep all day. But then one of them promised her some extra money and she had no more reason to argue. It was a simple mission anyway. Well, at least that's how Verona's simple mind took it.

    So there she was, standing not too far from Enola and a blue haired guy she believed to be the Sabertooth mage. She gave him one unimpressed look and turned to Enola with a grin. "Enola-chan! Some idiots are looking for you back in the guild. I have absoluely no idea what they want but they were in a hurry to get in touch with you. I'll takeover and complete this mission with that dude. Bye!" She told her and finally turned to the boy. "What's your name and what's this mission all about? Gimme a summary and make it quick," she said with a no nonsense attitude, fixing her gaze at the tall man, not knowing what his powers were. If she had known, well, her attitude wouldn't have changed even if she knew because that's just how Verona was.

    Last edited by Verona Stone on 22nd May 2015, 2:09 am; edited 1 time in total


    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) NLfB0WM
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

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    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 20th May 2015, 8:55 am

    Kite was geared and ready to get underway with their plan, the plan to take out the two towers and hopefully the remaining snipers and with the other snipers now unaware of their presence and that was the way he wanted it to be. However just as Kite was getting ready to get going he stopped when he noticed the presence of a new comer. That is when his red eyes locked on to her, a girl shorter than Kite by several inches shorter than he was. She she had long pink hair and her pretty pink eyes where Kite had his eye locked on. He saw her fix him a look, it wasn't a happy nor angry one it was like he didn't matter much, however she looked over at Enola and fixed her with a grin and spoke to her, telling her that people at the guild needed her for some reason and that she was going to finish the job with Kite referring him as that dude. This made Kite smirk, he found it amusing on how she had no problem speaking boldly.

    After relieving Enola from the job she turned to Kite and asked him what his name was and the quickly followed up with asking him what the job is about and to answer quickly. Kite let out a sigh as he turned his body to face the girl putting weapon over his shoulder looking her over before he gave her what she requested, she acted differently than how one would expect.

    She a pretty girl but he could tell she had an inner fire about her that make things more heated than they needed to be. ” The name is Kite" he said plainly to her. ”as far as the job goes, this group of bandits attacked a Village, not far from here. They waited until the tribes strongest was gone and then and abducted several residents. There are watch towers located at the north and the south entrances of the encampment and there are 8 snipers stationed within the encampment and they are currently unaware of our presence." he said as he took a step towards her ”there is also the boss who we are to take out and bring back to the chief of the village. His location is unknown at the moment, the current strategy is we each go to a tower and deal with them first so it would be harder to be spotted. Enola was going to go to the south tower while in infiltrate the north tower but since you aren't her how would you like to go about it? Want to do the same tactic or both take out one tower and move on to the next?" he asked her

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    Verona Stone
    Verona Stone

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    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Verona Stone 22nd May 2015, 2:43 am

    “Tactics?” Verona raised a pretty eyebrow at the man in front of her. He definitely had no idea who he was talking to if he thought Verona would worry over some tactic. “If you ask me for tactics, I’ll tell you that we storm in and take all of them out in one go,” she shrugged, throwing her hands back to stretch her body. In her defense, she wasn’t trying to appear rude. She had been sitting inside a caravan, trying not to puke to death and her body felt as stiff as a board. “But since you already have some “tactic” ready, let’s go with it. I’ll burn the red blockheads at the south,” she told him, rolling her eyes at the word tactic.

    That said, she turned around, waved at the Kite guy and proceeded towards the southern tower. In her haste to get the whole thing over with, she forgot that she had not even introduced herself to the man. But, Verona being Verona didn't think about the details once when she reached the southern tower. While someone else in her place would have sneaked in, Verona simply walked towards it, one hand on her hip and the other placed on her side. For some odd reason, she was humming a rather upbeat tune in her head that made her want to start dancing. But, even Verona knew there was a time and place for everything. So she simply stopped and looked around, trying to catch sight of someone she can punch. What other way is there to cure a stiff and sleepy body than to fight and feel the adrenaline rush inside?


    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) NLfB0WM
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

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    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 25th May 2015, 8:55 pm

    Kite finished explaining things to the new girl, telling her all the current details and even shared the strategy that he and Enola had come up with in regards to the two towers however the response wasn't something he was expecting which was an eyebrow raise and her questioning the word tactics. It seemed that the new girl didn't seem to like the idea of tactics being in play and she voiced her opinion on them without hesitation. Kite listened to her as she went on about how her idea of tactics was storming the place and taking them out in one shot. Kite raised his eyebrow in response to her stretching her body with her hands and arms back ” on a regular day I might agree with you on that notion, but there are 8 more snipers somewhere out in the compound and two places we know they are would be in those two towers" Kite said to her right before she said that since he and Enola had already made a plan she reluctantly agreed with it and told he would burn the bandits down at the south tower. ”burn, wonder what she meant by that.".

    Kite watched her as she turned to face him and waved bye bye to him. Kite smirked at her attitude, she seemed to be a bit of a hot head but at least she seemed she was also business when it came to the job and in the end that is what he needed was to get this job done and then to thrash the boss is the part he is most looking forward to. ”have fun" he said to her before he turned to head northward towards the designated tower that he was was going to bring down before the day was done. Kite ambled in the streets towards the towers location with Ea resting on his shoulder he was prepared to unleash the major attack from Ea if he had to but, since he used the lacrima and forced the guy to tell his fellow Bandits that everything was taken care of he didn't need to worry about any guards being on alert for him. The more he walked the more he could make out the tower and what it looked like.

    The tower was rather tall at least 20 meters and made out of stone and other minerals found in the desert. This meant that taking the tower itself down would prove to be difficult. With a smirk ”what I would give to be able to eat earth... he said to himself and then after a second shook his head ” Nahh he said and let out a small bit of laughter. Kite was quite surprise that he didn't see anyone on guard duty, not a single person on a rooftop or a gun barrel sticking out a window but this did make his approach to the tower a bit easier.  As he approached the door he put Ea behind him and pushed it back into the gates of Babylon, while he was comfortable with it, the amount of space in the tower wouldn't be the best for a sword like Ea or its ability. Kite then went to turn the handle for the door but as did he saw the handle turn, Which meant that someone was about to open it.

    Thinking quick Kite move to the side where the door's hinges were and pressed his back to the wall waiting for it to open up, it did slowly and a man made his way out of the tower with a sniper rifle in his hand "dirty rotten cheating bastards, they must of cheated so they could keep playing and not go on guard duty. Kite heard this and got ready for the man to shut the door and the second he did Kite made his move. He reached forward and and grabbed the man by his neck and spun him and shoved so the man went face first into the side of the tower. Kite wasn't about to let him regain composure and wrapped his arm around the snipers neck and leaned in with his body weight and started to hammer with his free hand into the snipers back on the side that he was holding the riffle with and kept hammering his Kindney's until he dropped his riffle. The sniper pushed off the wall after this and spun to face Kite drawing out a knife.

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    Verona Stone
    Verona Stone

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    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Verona Stone 8th June 2015, 12:06 am

    Verona slowly walked up the stairs to her destination. She, like a small child, had various thoughts running like small mice inside her head. One of her thoughts went to biscuits while the other went to rabbits. Yes, she was being random but that’s just how she was. Despite being in a serious job, all Verona could think about was cookies and rabbits. Doesn’t that say a lot?

    She made her way up the south tower. There weren’t any guards under the tower or around it for some odd reason. Of course, Verona just took that situation for granted and skipped up the remaining few steps, stopping in front of a large wooden door. Her extra sensitive ears could easily pick up even the smallest of sounds from in there and she heard some incoherent words. Someone was cursing rather colorfully at someone and even Verona cringed at some of the words. “What a mouth” she whispered under her breath before calmly knocking on the door.

    “What the hell do you want?!” She heard the gruff voice again and the sound of something falling on the floor before the door was yanked open. A man, in his thirties most probably, pushed his head out. Since he was quite taller than, the bearded man didn’t see the small raven haired girl first and when he did, he simply raised an eyebrow at her. “Who the hell are you?” he asked and Verona simple grinned in response. The scar on his right cheek and his furrowed eyebrows told her he was a veteran in battle but her eyes slowly wandered off his face towards the small boy in his room. From what she could tell, the boy was being used as a slave by the man that opened the door. So that’s who he was cursing at.


    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) NLfB0WM
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

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    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 17th June 2015, 11:51 pm

    The fight with the bandit had gone well up to this point. First he managed disarm the sniper however he hit a snag,now without his gun the sniper was resorting to drawing a knife and had the point fixated on Kite meaning he was looking to go hand to hand with Kite in combat which was what he liked. Kite looked down at the knife and pointed with his finger ”oh boy is that a real knife?" he said. The bandit smirked "that is because it is numb nuts and I'm going to gut ya" Kite put his hands up and stayed in a combat stance waiting for the guy to try it. The bandit held the knife in an under hand position so he could slash as well as jab at him easier. Just by seeing this it was obvious this guy knew how to use a knife. Kite didn't go in recklessly he waited for the bandit to go on the offensive so he could see what he would do. The bandit slashed and jabbed a couple times until saw the rhythm and was able to see the pattern of attack so when he went for a jab he saw the read, the bandit would shake his free hand then attempt a jab with his right hand that held the knife, which Kite reacted and gripped both hands on his wrist to stop the jab. Quickly Kite released his the grip with his left hand and relocated it on the man's elbow and pulled the man by the wrist, rotated his feet so it they went in a semi circular pattern and pressed down on the elbow forcing the man face first on the ground with Kite putting all his weight on the bandits arm. Kite brought his inside knee up so it was right above the elbow joint and started to pull up by the mans wrist causing the elbow to hyperextend ”drop the knife or your arm will go backwards ". Taking his warning seriously the bandit released his grip from the knife letting it drop to the ground. Kite stopped pulling on the arm and stood up pulling the man up by his arm until he was kneeling. Kite swiftly brought his knee up with force connecting with the bandits chin knocking him right out. With that done Kite went to the door and made his way through the entrance.

    Kite was rather happy with how that little scramble went, and if these bone heads were all as easy as that last guy then going one on one with the rest of the stooges would be cake. However as Kite slowly made his way up the first bit of the stairs in the tower's interior he remembered the fact that there were more than one up there and by the sound of it they were playing a game or something. Kite kept an eye out for anyone coming down the stairs as well as any other doors which he could hide or where more of those scumbags could be stationed. Luckily getting about half way up the tower he realized there wasn't anything but stairs and walls with the occasional window here and there but understanding the lay out better Kite picked up the pace and started to hussle a bit more. He knew that shit was about to hit the fan and he wanted to make sure that it hit with the boss not one of his underlings.

    It took about a good minute to get close to the top and Kite was still running but he slowed down when he heard something up ahead of him. He stopped and really focused on the sound he was hearing and to his surprise it was the sound of laughing. ”laughter? Three voices. No clue that I am here. Perfect" he said while approaching the door. He reached the closed doorThree men he knew there was no real way to fight them head on, well he could but at this moment he had the element of surprise and he knew it and he just so happened to have a spell that would catch them off guard. With a smirk he held out his hands in front of him with a small space in between for his magic to gather. A white aura of flame surrounded his body which then concentrated in his hands until it formed a basketball sizes orb of Flame. Kite kicked the door open to see the three men surrounding a table with cards on it. Kite grinned when the men froze from his sudden entrance ”shoulda folded! Flame Demon's Adramalach" Kite shouted as he launched the ball of flame at one of the men making contacting with him and then caused a large explosion sending the target into the wall and successfully yet unintentionally sending the other two men out of the tower and down to the ground below. Kite saw the man remaining start to move so Kite quickly reached into his gate that was still unlocked and pulled out Ea and pressed the tip to the back of the man's neck. ”so buddy, where is your boss hiding. "

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    Verona Stone
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    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Verona Stone 25th July 2015, 10:09 am

    Verona rolled her eyes at the big brute in front of her and forced her way into the building. Outside the muscle head at the door, there was only two other people sitting around the small kid, each carrying a bottle of beer and wearing smirks on their lips. They were probably harassing the poor boy before she got there. She could see fresh tears at the corner of his eyes. He must be someone from the blue sky clan. The other two were looking down at him with disgust, as if he was the lowest vermin to be alive.

    She felt her eyebrows knit at the picture. The man she left behind at the door grew red from rage and stomped over to her. She heard his heavy footsteps die just behind her before a rough hand violently pulled her back to him. By this time, however, Verona was dangerously quite, glaring murderously at the giant that now held her by her shirt’s collar. His eyes widened at the insolence she displayed but soon they were replaced by rage and he tried to swing a hand at her but she stopped it by grabbing his fist and swinging her right leg up between his legs. She landed on the ground with a thud after having kicked the guy where it hurts the most. He was clutching the part when the other two rose in alarm. She could tell they were going to attack, so she took the initiative instead.

    She threw a punch at one of them and a kick to the other. When the first one got up, Verona aimed her next punch at his nose, spun her body the other way and kneed another guy on his stomach. Three of them fell, groaning in pain, after getting hit. One of them started unleashing a string of curse words at the fire dragon slayer who simply shrugged with a smirk. They were awfully wrong if they thought that is all that Verona was going to do to them. From the other side of the room, Verona grabbed a long piece of rope. She punched the cursing guy with her dragon slayer strength once more before tying his legs up. She did the same to the other two. Although one of them tried to resist her, she managed to wrap the rope around him before he could act up.

    Picking them up was as easy as eating cake for her. She dragged towards the window and dropped them down after tying the end of the ropes on a beam supporting the whole watchtower. They now hung upside down outside the window, screaming. That would teach them not to pick on people smaller in size.


    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) NLfB0WM
    Kite Wilhelm
    Kite Wilhelm

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    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by Kite Wilhelm 26th July 2015, 8:43 pm



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    A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits) Empty Re: A line in the Sand (Red Sandbandits)

    Post by NPC 26th July 2015, 8:43 pm

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