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    The decent from hell (open)


    Coming Storms- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Backed by Prophecy
    Position : None
    Posts : 130
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    The decent from hell (open) Empty The decent from hell (open)

    Post by Paresse 27th March 2015, 5:58 pm


    As lightning crashed against the ground from the seemingly empty sky, the ground began to crack. Splitting open, screams and cackles could be heard by anyone close enough to witness such an event, let alone hear it. A large, violet glow began to form as it shot up from the newely formed cavern, carrying with it a large, demonic serpent. 70 feet in length, the orange basilisk soured through the sky, and on its back, carrying a girl. 

    Out of breath, the girl sat on her knees, paying no attention to the scales drilling their way into her knees. "Nyla," The Basilisk spoke, beginning to circle around the cavern. The hole must have been at least 30 feet in diameter, "They are coming." 

    "No... they... are... not..." The girl, sluggishly moving her hands upward, began to form a series of odd hand gestures. "Formula 8: Arachnids Bomb". A magic circle flew to the ground, touching down on top of the hole and glowing uncontrollably, transforming into tiny webs, just barely fitting over the hole. As a large hand began to reach up, the thread snapped. "Go higher!" Nyla snapped, watching as the creature soared into the sky, dodging the soon to follow explosion.

    The cackles turned to screams as the hole began to close, from what Nyla could tell, nothing but her and Arboc has gotten through. "Arboc..." She spoke, falling faint a she stumbled on the creatures back, a signal that he should land.

    As he did so, Nyla slid off, stumbling over to the water, suppressing the tears that never fell. "I haven't seen water in over a year..." She spoke, gently putting her hand into the liquid, then seeing her reflection. It was a bit startling, but not surprising. Her brunet hair lay tangled in twists and turns, her skin battered with scorch marks and bruises, white dress in tatters, barely covering her pale skin. A white mark could be seen on her chest, something that usually was covered by the black bolero she wore. It was the Tartarus guild mark. Her Tartarus guild mark.


    Exp: 175/750

    The decent from hell (open) Empty Re: The decent from hell (open)

    Post by Guest 28th March 2015, 3:10 pm

    "Where would you like to go, sir?" The captain asked. Kai pointed his finger towards the Calm Sea. The Calm Sea. What a beautiful place, indeed. Hence the name, there were hardly any waves. The entire sea was silenced, and not a thing could be heard whilst anyone ran across it. For a while, all Kai held was a map. He found out it on the ground near the Tartarus guild hall three weeks ago after the sudden death of an old man. Kai remembered speaking to this man. He was incredibly intelligent; a visionary. He told Kai how the world was going to turn out; both if the light reigned, or the dark. The old man could tell Kai was spiritually lost wherever he travelled, and so he attempted to hand him a map. Unfortunately, as Kai could recall, before the map and his hand could meet, the man collapsed, and was found dead a week later. It seemed this man was fighting several health conditions at once, aged 90 during the time. The reason behind his death was still a mystery, though perhaps the old man saw his death coming when he chose to hand Kai this map he now held over the Calm Sea.

    Since he received this map, Kai held onto it dearly. He decided to travel anywhere that could satisfy his needs; anywhere but the Legal side of Fiore. Kai found the legal side far too dangerous. He could not judge how intelligent the Magic Council was, and figured that, despite him being new to Tartarus, would have him profiled already. The Magic Council was supported by even greater forces, after all; forces that could profile absolutely anyone born in the country. Kai was here over the Calm Sea to embrace the soothing wind that came along with the body of water, and relax. He did not tell the captain where he wanted to go whilst over the sea because he wanted to make the most of this journey. He wanted the wind to guide him to his next destination instead of the person that handled the wheel to this boat.

    "To Galuna Island, it is." The captain commented, "Sorry, but I cannot drop you into a body of water. My upperclassmen would kill me if they found out I left someone drowning in the sea. I mean, just look at your heavy clothes." It was true. If left in the water, Kai's heavy clothes would probably disable him from treading water, and leave him out in the giant sea to drown and pass away. Kai simply nodded, though he was truly disappointed. While he travelled in hopes of discovering himself, Kai knew nothing about the places he was going to. All Kai did was face the risks. He and the captain sighed at the same time while the boat proceeded. Throughout the adventure, Kai did not say a word, though he did point out what appealed to him. The trip took hours, yet while Kai witnessed the captain handling the boat, the only expression he saw over the captain's face was sheer happiness. What would Galuna Island be like? Was it worth the stay even for a Dark Mage? Kai just had to find out.

    Once the ship hit the surface, Kai dropped a great portion of jewels into the captain's hands, then waved goodbye to him. By his blank expression, it was clear that Kai did not care whether or not the captain chose to return. Perhaps the captain's sudden reward could, instead. Albeit, Kai was at a place the captain suggested, and did not mind it while he wandered through the island. The island was just as silent as the sea surrounding it, though Kai ignored the lack of sound. He was ignorant of numerous things, already, simply due to his desire of just discovering something new. Eventually, Kai found a woman somehow- maybe she lived here. A woman riding some snake-like creature that flew; what a picture. So this was the slightest potential of a Mage. Kai despised ever having a pet. They were too complicated in nature for Kai to add onto his own problems. He was far too complex in his own mind to order another mind to control. That's how owners seemed to operate their pets, anyway. Kai continued to walk as he saw the woman move, just hoping for the best once he reached the other side of the island.

    Coming Storms- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Backed by Prophecy
    Position : None
    Posts : 130
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit magic
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill:

    The decent from hell (open) Empty Re: The decent from hell (open)

    Post by Paresse 28th March 2015, 7:41 pm

    The water flooded her senses. She did not care that it was salt water, it entered her body none the less. The water water was cold, brisk, but she didn't care. Her tattered clothing laid on the Basilisks back, not caring if any of the natives, or even travels of this island saw her naked. her body was just that, most people had seen a naked body before, and even if they hadn't, it was time to learn anyways. The salt water rushed through her hair, untangling the strands and flattening it out for her. No emotions could be seen in her face, yet it was obvious to all, or at least just Arboc, that she was happy. They were free, free from the confines of hell. "What island are we on?" Arboc inquired. "I don't know," She spoke laying on top of the water, stomach facing the stars. "Frankly, I don't care." 

    Even with a face as unmovable as stone, Nyla shed a tear. "We're free."


    Exp: 175/750

      Current date/time is 20th September 2024, 10:50 pm