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    Triatath Wright's Magic (Jet Acceleration)


    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight Of Swords
    Position : None
    Posts : 181
    Guild : Infinity Hydra
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Haretsa Shikon
    Experience : 587.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Jet Acceleration
    Second Skill: 2nd Gen Lightning Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Bump Triatath Wright's Magic (Jet Acceleration)

    Post by Triatath 22nd March 2015, 1:56 pm


    Primary Magic: Jet Acceleration
    Secondary Magic:
    Caster or Holder: Caster
    Description: Jet Acceleration allows the user to propel parts of themselves or other objects and people at high speeds in different directions if they are touching said thing. The speed created by this magic is almost like that of a controlled explosion, in order to control yourself whilst moving, you must create another burst going another direction or use your legs and arms to push away from things. According to Newton's third law, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, however the resulting force which should be created can't hurt anything and creates very little air flow, it simply makes a loud banging sound which is reminiscent of a sonic boom. All of these blasts send a use flying in a single direction however it can very such as with something like making it on your on your foot, If you made a Jet Acceleration spell on your foot, you would do many many flips instead of going anywhere because of the way physics work. The propelling of things is not limited to simply pushing them forward, later on, this magic can accelerate and decelerate anything at will up to very high speeds.

    The user of this magic can use it to great advantage. For starters, the user can use it to propel themselves at very high speeds across long distances. Another way the user uses this magic is by using it for combat purposes, such as dodging attacks, increasing the speed of a kick, knocking an enemies back or propelling objects at people. The user can also us this with allies and objects which grants the ability to transport items and people very far, very quickly but if the user goes too fast, loss of body parts and accidents can occur. (Triatath, a user of this magic, lost both his legs in a bet to see how fast he could go with this magic)    


    • Speed- This magic allows the user to move very quickly and improve their overall speed in short bursts. This speed is very good in situations like sprints rather than marathons however it can be controlled for distance. This is very useful for dodging attacks since the user is more often than not fairly weak.

    • Acceleration- This magic improves the user's acceleration massively, to the point where it can actually damage the user with the amount of g force it produces. This acceleration is very useful in combat because it allows the user to fire objects at high speeds quickly or hurl an opponent uncontrollably at high speeds. The acceleration is fast enough to cause whiplash at high speeds so can be used to damage an enemy fairly easily. This also aids in dodging attacks very quickly to get out of harms way.

    • Strength- This magic does not improve the strength of the user per say, but it does allow the user to push very large or heavy objects very quickly. An example of this 'strength' would be the user hurling a boulder out of the way by firing it to the side or breaking a door down using the force generated.

    • Small objects can easily be thrown or used- With this magic, the more mass an object has, the more magic power it will take to push it. This means that with relatively low amounts of magic power, the user can hurl tiny projectiles at extremely high speeds at opponents because  of the way the magic works. An example of this would be the user firing gravel, small stones or sand at an opponent to cause many minor injuries which would hinder the opponent.


    • Damage to self- If the user goes too quickly or loses control whilst using this magic it can have very unpredictable results, from slamming into the side of a tree to knocking themselves out with the pure power of the G force generated.

    • Damage to allies- Much like the weakness above, when used carelessly whilst helping others in combat, it can hurt allies or innocent people. A main issue with this is that people underestimate the speeds at which they will go so under prepare. The sheer cold people experience from the air blowing at them, Wind blowing in their face and impairing their vision and mental and physical strength to endure the sheer G forces exhibited are only a few of the ways that an ally can lead to being injured when this magic is practiced on them.

    • Hard to control- With large sources of emotion or trauma, the user can very easily lose focus and hurl things much faster than intended, A very common occurrence with this issue would be the user propelling themselves ten to twenty times faster that what they originally planed to be going causing crashes and whiplash.

    • must have physical contact- The user must be touching the target in order to use this magic on them (preferably the hands). If the user is not using their hands to touch the target, then it extremely hard to control the speed of the blast. An example of this would be the user accidentally hurling a rock faster than the speed of sound at someone rather than a light kick towards someone.

    • Does not increase bodily strength- This magic does not increase the users ability to absorb impacts or attacks any, that means that the if the user is weak and they crash into something at high speeds, then they may receive injuries like broken bones, concussion, internal hemorrhaging or even death in the worst scenarios. Luckily the user can use this magic to create a counter force to slow themselves or create a cushion for something.

    •  Requires oxygen- A majority of the spells used for this magic require some form of oxygen to work because this is how the make propulsion. underwater, spells are half as effective and in places like space or a raging fire, they may not be able to be used.  

    Lineage: Knight of Swords
    Description: One of the Seven Knights of King Kuroryu, this Knight could summon an ethereal sword to his hand and use it to destroy anything in his way. This knight was said to be balanced in both offensive and defensive capabilities as he could destroy opponent's spells with his sword that he summoned. This knight was known to be the right hand man of King Kuroryu.
    Ability: The user summons a sword for 5 posts allowing the user to use it as a weapon to fight with which also increases the speed of the user. The user can also slice spells apart with restrictions.
    Usage: The user can activate the summon and use the sword for 5 posts, with a 150% increase in speed, and has a cooldown of 5 posts between uses. If the user wishes, he can use the sword to cut spells apart rendering them useless (up to S-Rank). However, if he does cut the spell apart the user of the lineage the user cannot move from his position for 1 post - IF he does the sword vanishes but allows the user to move again. Can only be used 2 times per thread.

    Unique Abilities:

    • Evasive maneuvers- The user instinctively produces very small blasts when attacked or threatened in order to dodge attacks. These blasts consist of a small blast to move slightly out of the way and then a smaller blast to slow down the user so that they do not fall over or are tossed around a room. These of course do have a limit. They cut out when the user has little to no magic power left, they are less effective when sleeping so miss the second boost often waking the user up, they have a limited speed when not using actively (meaning that they do not dodge all attacks if the user is not concentrating or intentionally dodging) and finally that it forces the user to dodge even if the user wants to be hit for some reason. If you can't understand how this would be an issue then here is an example- "we are having a clean fight with no magic!"  "sorry no can do. I would subconsciously dodge all of your attacks even if I want you to hit me or I am being punished"

    • Jet Brain- Since Triatath developed this magic, his brain always seems to be perceiving everything around hum much more quickly. He has developed the ability of having a photographic memory, increased reaction times and very quick thinking and problem solving skills. Triatath can now think much more clearly and remember things almost instantly with little to no details missing. This has made it very easy for him to read books and remember the contents, this is where he has gotten his entire education. He has mostly been influenced by his characters in books  until about the age of four where he realized that he could simply think for himself and develop his own personality. He was years and years ahead of where he should have been mentally for his age but he now remembers all that he has learnt throughout his life from after he obtained Jet Acceleration.  

    • Name: Speed Leach
      Rank: D
      Type: Speed, Self support
      Duration: instant
      Cooldown: three posts
      Description: The user can temporarily take the speed out of objects and people when they are moving, when a person is effected it gives the sensation of hitting a pillow then regaining their speed again. This can be used to stop projectiles because they do not have an accelerating factor however humans continue to use their legs so they would speed up again. When this ability is used, everything around the user looks as though it stops or lags for a second and things without outside modes of acceleration are stopped and fall to the ground. Using this ability is very similar to Dragon slayers eating their elements but on a much smaller scale. For every object or creature within a 20 meter radius going over 10 MPH, the user gains one percent. For example, if four arrows were hurling at the user and the user used speed leach, the arrows would stop and the user would regain 4% magic power as long as the arrows were going at over 10 MPH. *note- this does not apply to things which are smaller than a pebble or small stone so any wind or dust particles which happen to be going over ten MPH will not count. Same goes for raindrops or sand in a sand storm.

      • allows the user to regain lost magic power

      • can temporarily slow an enemy or stop projectiles

      • very effective against very large groups of enemies due to the massive amounts of projectiles and objects which magical power can be absorbed from

    • Cannot be used against any object smaller the something around 5-10 cm cubed such as sand, gravel or dust particles.

    • does not recover much magic power if there are not a lot of projectiles or enemies.

    • Can't be used on enemies going under 10 mph, so a normal walking or running speed would not be affected by the ability.

    • Can only be used on physical or touchable items such as stones or rocks. Examples of items which it can't be used on are; Lightning, Magic or uncountable objects (something like air or a torrent of water would only count as one (1%)

    D Rank Spells:

      C Rank spells:

      Signature spell:

    Last edited by Triatath on 27th July 2015, 8:53 am; edited 12 times in total

    Bump Re: Triatath Wright's Magic (Jet Acceleration)

    Post by Guest 28th July 2015, 1:59 am

    Triatath Wright's Magic (Jet Acceleration) CBsTu5w

      Current date/time is 7th September 2024, 6:56 pm