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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Claire Mierre
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    Damsel Empty Damsel

    Post by Serapheal 12th March 2015, 2:24 pm

    Damsel HPvTjO0
    *The Gatling Greatsword*

    Name:  Damsel | The Gatling Greatsword
    Rank: Artifact Weapon
    Type: Transformer
    Description: Damsel is a heavy black and red weapon composed of a wolfram alloy giving it incredible temperature resistance and durability but making it weigh an incredible amount.   Just setting it down even in it's inactive state could break most tables,   as even beyond it's natural weight the weapon has an "Inversion Core" that makes the weapon something of a singularity in it's mass (Which is partially self-regulated by the inversion core,  allowing it to merely break things it gets set down on rather than having disastrous side effects),  which is always growing despite not apparently taking anything from the surroundings.   This makes the weapon impossible to wield by strength alone.   Claire is the only person she knows capable of wielding Damsel through use of "Disconnect",  keeping the weapon free of normal physics and anchored to herself as a point of reference rather than physically moving the weapon.   The weapon has two modes of activation,  each with the other as a sub-mode,  giving it it's name as the Gatling Greatsword.   
    It's melee mode takes the form of a great blade longer than Claire is tall and much wider down the middle with a very long hilt more than enough room for both hands,  and from the base of the blade where it connects to this hilt (full tang,  the whole weapon is largely composed of one solid mass as the particles get realigned switching modes,  being stretched or compacted from a point of effectively infinite mass),   there is a "small" gatling appendage capable of firing heated wolfram rounds at a rate of sixty rounds per second from thirteen barrels that rotate for a second before firing,  meanwhile the blade is a heavy bladed slab of metal free for Claire to swing free quite capable of cleaving all but the toughest things in two. 
    It's gatling mode takes the form of a great six barreled weapon more comparable to a cannon than a gun.   Like the blade it is longer than Claire is tall and has a short blade nearer to it's grip capable of slashing somewhat ineffectively but quite sharp enough.     The five chambers themselves spin up for about two seconds before unleashing a torrent of heated wolfram rounds almost as bit around as baseballs at a rate of 100 rounds per second.    These rounds leave an impressive streak of glowing trails out towards 900 meters effectively with a 4 meter spread,   or 1600 meters with a 20 meter spread.  It loses 25% effectiveness every 200 meters past 900.  
    It further has a "Deactivated" mode in which Damsel withdraws in on itself to become a red and black bracelet,  just as heavy as either form. 
    - Configurability.  The Gatling Greatsword sacrifices some specialization for variability via melee/range swapping,  both forms having a lesser version of the other form visible and usable.  
    - The thickness of the blade or the overall largeness in general of the weapon almost makes it a shield,   the weapon can ignore B-rank or less and endure A-rank hit,  assuming direct impacts.   Glancing blows are glancing blows,  and when used as a weapon to parry/meet another weapon this triples.  (How anticlimatic would it be if everyone's swords were always breaking after a couple moves).   
    - Despite it's size and weight by merit of how it is wielded it might as well be as thin and light as a foil.  

    - Inversion core allows the weapon to shift quickly to reverse it's direction allowing it to turn in enclosed spaces,  however momentum is lost and it can't fire while it's reversing,  meaning she is still technically disadvantaged in enclosed spaces with this weapon unless she can cleave through the walls. 
    - This weapon completely lacks subtly.  There is no way anyone is going to miss the fact that she has this out in either of it's forms.   When firing in ranged mode,  it almost sounds like a tortured godzilla roaring and it's shots are illuminated by the glow of their heat along with the barrels of the gun itself.   In melee mod it's still pretty darn obvious as it more than doubles her visual "footprint".     Even the bracelet mode is pretty obvious as it's a large thicker bracelet.   
    - If Claire's grip on Damsel is broken it becomes locked in place fixed in the air where it lost contact with her and she will have to get back to it on her own,  as no allies can throw it to her or so on.  This also means she cannot throw the weapon or do any fancy weapon flips or tosses or whatever.   This is of course unless she locks it relative to a specific position with Disconnect before letting go intentionally.
    - To fire the gun it requires a 2 second warm-up as the barrels spin making an obvious noise and preventing her from immediately firing at a threat,  meanwhile it can only fire for about 4 seconds before she has to let it cool off for a few seconds more,   already glowing with heat after the 4 seconds. 

    - Inversion Core (P | S): Damsel can smoothly reconfigure itself between Inert, Ranged, or Melee focus at the drop of a hat in a dramatic flippy shifty clicky motion.   The inversion core that powers this effect does so by restructuring the device atom by atom using a pool of near infinite mass to draw from.   This same effect allows it to nearly instantly change direction from forward to back or repair itself when it sustains damage by holding the damaged/broken off pieces back onto the device for a second.   

    - Mass Leak (A | S):  
    Type: Defensive
    Description: Once every three posts Damsel can loosen the controls on it's mass allowing it's influence to leak out causing it to reveal some if it's true mass.   This causes the weapon to remain fixed in place immovable and invulnerable to damage for roughly 1-3 seconds allowing it to block any one incoming completely that it would otherwise just endure,  and take partial damage from spells that would have nearly shattered it before.   
    - The weapon becomes momentarily immovable and invulnerable.  This includes against H-ranks, however this wouldn't apply to any H-ranks I've seen others make as they've all been AoE. An H-rank that specifically utilizes movement and force could overpower this effect (As it's only a partial leak after all~) 
    - Since it is immovable,  it could be used to turn an enemy's own force against them by facing the blade towards them allowing them to move into it.
    - Quick recovery time,  every three posts. 
    - Lasts only up to 3 seconds,  meaning timing needs to be good and it can't block effects that persist longer than 3 seconds (Such as flamethrowers or beams perhaps).
    - Claire cannot move the weapon herself either while this is in effect which could actually result in her being more vulnerable. 
    - Only protects from one direction.  Multiple assailants or different arcs of attack/sources, ect can render this a big liability.
    - Blocks an H-rank attack,  however in doing so the weapon takes damage which unless the weapo is buffed will cause it to break as a result.
    - Large enough AoE's will envelop the whole area similarly making this useless,   depending on how much of the AoE would extend beyond the point of protection.

    Name:  Apilumn
    Rank: Legendary
    Species: Unique
    Type: Exceed
    Description: Apilumn is a cat-like creature of Claire's own creation,  or rather,  a past self of Claire.  Apilumn is a purple and black creature that looks something like a cat and a ferret hybrid with a long thin tail that has a fluffly plume at the end.   When it moves it does so through the air with a graceful weightlessness to it as though completely free of the confines of gravity to move as it wishes,  which is accentuated by the movement of it's long body and longer tail.   Claire calls it a "Memory Slink",  and 'it' because it doesn't have a gender.  
     Apilumn has been tied to Claire's magic for literal ages and fades in and out of reality with each new generation.   It was captured and locked within Claire's dreamworld while she was held in a death-state,  preventing it from doing anything to help that situation,  but is otherwise a helpful companion that is synced with Claire's consciousness and desires.   Apilumn is an extension of her own mind created by a past Claire to help sort through memories and experiences to either limit the retrieval of certain memories or help retrieve others directly,  rather than waiting for them to come to her naturally as a situation calls for it.

    Abilities: Apilumn can fade in and out of reality,  vanishing entirely and reappearing wherever it desires,  or remain faded but aware of Claire's surroundings.    
    Apilumn is intelligent but thinks differently from humans with a very care-free demeanor except when it comes to serious matters of immediate weight.  That said,  it cannot speak,  so it communicates through an empathetic touch that conveys meaning and emotion all at once.
    Apilumn flies at roughly 33m/s and rarely uses it's little feetsies to seriously move anywhere. It if would walk anywhere it'd just fade instead,  meanwhile it flies a lot simply by it's personal preference.


    Damsel XeQjtg0
    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

    Judge and jury

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    Damsel Empty Re: Damsel

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 13th March 2015, 8:35 pm



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