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    The Apprentice


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Apprentice Empty The Apprentice

    Post by Z3R0169 23rd February 2015, 4:54 pm

    Mission Specs :


    The Apprentice 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

    Missions Complete


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Apprentice Empty Re: The Apprentice

    Post by Z3R0169 25th February 2015, 1:39 pm


    Ezeakieal awoke early in the morning from his brand new house's bed, He sat up and turned to the north balcony of his room he stepped out side and took a fresh breath of air. The sound water cascading off of the tree's branches gave off a sense of serenity to Ezeakieal's manor, and the scenery was really something else. The ten thousand year old massive tree in which his house was hand carved out of, lays in the center of a ravine just in front of a lake's many waterfalls. Because of this the water ways below the crevice are rushing by at a few hundred miles an hour, the speed varies depending on the season. This rapid and ever changing flow funneled stream ways through the tree's large interior, the water flow runs through the roots that channel through the tree's mighty veins, until it reaches the surface falling off the tree's limbs and leafs in a water fall like manor. The waterfall cascades gently back into the rushing current stream of the river water below. Because of the tree's deep roots running deep into the earths crust it has made several bio domes full of pockets of water that it can easily feed from for years the many years to come. So it hasn't and probably will never be seen in a withered state. Ezeakieal took in the beauty from the snow white mountain caps the fresh smell and beauty from the green forest that surrounded him. Ezeakieal took on last breath and stepped back inside closing the door behind him. He then headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. He cleaned himself up properly, clothed himself in his training gear, all of Ezeakieal's clothes were weighted and the cuffs of lode stone were the heaviest of all each weighing up to two hundred and fifty pound, their use to be six but because of certain increase in his strength he had doubled the amount. If Ezeakieal wast's so great and controlling the balance in his body one would normally just fall through every hollow floor they walked across. However by properly shifting his weight with every step and movement it could be viewed as light as a feather when he walks. He then headed down stairs to his training room he spent the next three hours in the dojo grinding his soul down into the tatami mat in pools of sweat. He used several machines to help in building his body and apparently charge the house electrical battery. Their were also tools there to help him with his magical strengths like a series of elements lined next to a wall, there was a small trey of water encased in glass, a barrel of sand to shape his golems, and a open voltage battery with two prongs channeling an electric current running through it, and a large open area to experiment with fire small scorch marks surrounded the floor. He finished up his training regiment and took another shower to clean off the sweat. Ezeakieal finished his morning ritual by eating a large energy fueled breakfast he himself cooks. Ezeakieal finished the full course meal that would be enough to fill a Siberian tiger's stomach, he then cleaned up and started towards the entrance his house, when he heard some one knocking on his door. He opened the double gate doors with one hand to see a young skinny limber looking woman an a track suit carrying a couriers bag. "Does Ezeakieal Lumnara Live here? she said in aw of the buildings structure. "Your talking to him." The pretty blond girl rummaged through her bag and pulled out a blue envelope with his name on it in bold white lettering. "For you." She said with a great smile one her face. Ezeakieal thought about inviting her in, but before he could she took off like a bolt of lighting, leaving only a trail of dust in here wake. "Damn must be the fastest mail man.. I mean woman on the job." He closed the front door and sat on the stone steps. He ripped open the envelope and took out a folded parchment, after unfolding the paper, he noticed that the parchment was blank. Ezeakieal flipped the paper around and inspected it's contents thoroughly."Nothing?" He looked for the senders name on the envelope finding nothing again, then he checked inside to see if there was something he missed. "Nothing again!" He slapped the blank piece of paper on his head and said aloud "Alright let's see where you came from." He activated a psychic trick he had been developing for a while now called Psychometry. By training his psychic abilities and pushing his minds to the limit the Ezeakieal has unveiled a powerful psychic ability called Psychometry. The user of this ability obtains historical memories or sensations concerning beings and objects they can observe by their senses. He uses this ability to sense or -read- the history of an object by touching it, experiencing the objects history as though he lived it himself. Such a person could receive impressions from an object by holding or, touching it with their hands. sometimes when the impression is weak they can be perceived as images, sounds, smells, tastes - even emotions. When he looked into the parchments history he heard an all to familiar voice ringing in his head. "Ezeakieal if you've been keeping up with your training then I expect one day you'll get this message. You are to meet me at the top of Sky Tower. It's located in the center of Fiore. I'll be waiting at the top. Oh and don't use your magic to get here, I want you to run the whole way. End of message Sensei Kyo out." Ezeakieal scratched his head, "But it's my day off." He tucked the paper inside his gi and groaned in a sad and disappointed tone, he jumped off his porch running as fast ah he could. He blazed straight down the long stone bridge leading back out into forest of surroundings, he continued to run through the forest zipping through the tree lines and jumping over steep ravines.

    He knew he was nearing Magnolia because he getting close to his teammate and guild mastered shared a house. Nightken was feeding his giant Wyvren treats and teaching tricks. His teammate Conrad was training with a weighted down chunk of iron he called a sword. He bolted through their yard saying "Sup guys." Nightken continued to pet the giant reptile and said "Good morning Ezeakieal." while keeping his back turned Conrad said " Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Ezeakieal turned his head back and threw the envelope at him. "Gotta message from my Sensei. Going to go meet up with him." Conrad pulled out the paper. "It's blank!" He shouted back. Ezeakieal laughed "Ya I know he's a weird old guy." He didn't stop at all to explain as he darted out onto the fields of Fiore lush green empty lands of grass and stone.  The towing city of Magnolia could be seen far off in the distance that he was quickly dwindling. He hit the streets of Magnolia after passing through the outskirts of the city he decided to jump on the roofs and off buildings so he didn't bother the pedestrians this allowed him to pass through the city without string up trouble. When he reached the west city limits for Magnolia he stopped to get a baring on his location. He judged the general direction and headed west across the great plains of Fiore with incredible speed. Hours passed as he crossed over many terrains, staying on a steady course he encountered a great deal of wild life all which he though would taste good. The sun was starting to set Ezeakieal found a small grouping of tree's and perched himself on the highest branch in the vicinity. He slept well recovering from the previous day's intense movements. The next morning he woke to a small drop of dew splasing the center of his fore head. He yawned and stretched his arms, leapt down off the tree's branch and went to look for something to eat. He came across a small river full of salmon and trout. Ezeakieal gathered up twelve of each type of fish, gutted and scaled the twenty four fish. Ready to cook them he set the fish on a series of sticks and placed them in front of row on a quickly made fire pit. After he finished his meal and doused the flames he returned to his journey to find his sensei. It was around six The terrain became a great deal more difficult to travel through as the land formation became littered with long grassy green hill sides and long winding mountain tops that stretched far into the sky. Ezeakieal had climbed a great deal into the vibrant mountain scenery when he spotted it. It loomed in the distance, the largest tower of its kind, the tower reached into heavens over towering the rest of the building in the small town built around it the peak of the building wet well beyond a few clouds. Ezeakieal was smack dab int the heart of Fiore he though of the wondrous view that awaited him "It must be magnificent view of all of Fiore." He  thought approaching the village. The tower in all it's grandeur had a very plain light house design that has a roofed stair way on the outside of the building that spirals up giving the blank grey stone building a blue striped pattern circling from the structure's base. Ezeakieal felt he had reached his destination, he walked up the single mountain side walking by many residential areas, filled with happy and healthy citizens. He came to a halt when he spotted a group of tourist gawking at the view along them was a tourist guide yelling quite loudly so the whole group could hear. "Rumors have been told of a ancient and powerful magical artifact sits at the top of the Sky Tower. The gem shaped relic supposedly cannot be moved; lifted, or so much as budged. Not even by the powerful gods themselves. Tales say that the Gem of Time sits upon a pedestal held up by two mighty stone griffons at the very peak of the sky tower. However because of the danger the gem might hold ever the last floor is strictly for mages." The tour guide hurried along the tourist leading them down the mountain path. Ezeakieal turned to the massive slope of stairs he had to climb, when felt a strange presence staring down at him. It was as if something was flexing their powerful Ki at him, Ezeakieal felt that the energy was familiar but was much stronger then the person he remembered. Ezeakieal walked up the long winding stair case and entered the large tower's doors. The buildings interior was gargantuan filled to the brim with scholars and books wall to wall on large fine hand carved wooden.shelves, above him were several dozen sub sections within the room, having floor upon floor until it stopped at the roof. The entire structure looked to be built by dropping already finished segments of the building each with their own sub section built into it's interior, then they proceeded to stack the completed building parts one on top of the other. The spiral stair case ran up the side of the buildings walls passing by the many sub floors. The end of the steps lead to the roof exit of the first floor. Ezeakieal began to walk towards the stairs when a young little man stopped him, he was wearing a dark grey over sized pointed cap that covered the majority of his face, and long flowing sorcerers robe, the edges of the robes were detailed with particular design of tribal markings. Ezeakieal took notice of a certain sense when he raised his hand. "This man is soaked in the world of martial arts." Ezeakieal thought to himself. "I'm afraid the upper floors are off limits to non authorized personal." Ezeakieal grinned. "I'm looking for a man named Kyo, he's half Asian white hair, a bit on the old side. He looks like he's in his late forties, and looks like he can bench lift a fire truck. This ringing any bells?" The young scholar smile was about the only thing Ezeakieal could see. "So your Ezeakieal? Well I cant say your what I expected. To be that mans student at such a young age. I'm surprised your still alive. Please go on up he's waiting  at the top."

    Ezeakieal nodded at the little man in thanks as he headed up the stairs. He exited the northern part of the building he stared out onto the vast planes of Fiore. Directly north of him he could can see the a bit of the Royal Palace's tallest castle. The home of the Politicians, were neatly nestled in the forest terrain, and even see the gigantic beanstalk from Beanstalk Village piercing the clouds up above as continued to climb up the Sky Tower. The large city Rose Garden, was glistening in the the late evening light, far off in the distance like a few trillion fire flies glowing and fading in a constant almost rhythmic setting. He entered the next floors door to many magical experiments being conducted, many having to do with the primal elements. The room itself was filled to the brim with strange mechanical contraptions and electrical instruments/ To Ezeakieal it looked like the scholars were trying to find new ways to make consumer products. He saw a man riding a flat board with small whirl winds on the bottom of it, then a woman using water magic to create a endless stream of clean drinkable water out of a small canteen. Near the near the back of the room another female scholar was talking to a man about the combustion scales of a jet pack. One experiment Ezeakieal was found of was a combination of earth and light spells to enhance a plants growth rate. He headed up onto the eastern stair way exited the building to head for the next floor. This time he was even higher, he could see the great green forest stretch around the the mountains and his adopted city Magnolia. To normal people the city would look like a small blotch in the distance but Ezeakieal's eyes were far stronger and could see even further off in the distance his eyes strolled over the massive scenic view of Fiore he saw the deep canyons of rivers as they all linked to the majestic clear reflection of Clover Lake's pristine crystal clear water, His sight even extended even farther he cast his gaze over the great harbor city Hargeon town home to the largest ports in Fiore and the magic guild Lamia Scale guild hall. Ezeakieal's eyes sight ended at the great and mighty volcanic lands of the Inferno Mountains the near pitch black land was filled with coursing magma pools. Veins of lava spewed out from the massive volcanoes core and carved deep streams of scorching hell fire through the land. A Veil of grey ash drifted over the grounds and a charcoal black plume of smoke shot into the dark storming skies. Ezeakieal reached the next floor this place was a little different it seemed to be a large room which it's only purpose was to gather tremendous amounts of data. The crystal glyphs gyrated around massive white opal shaped gems spun slowly in the opposite direction of the glowing runes. Little by little the floating glyphic became nano meters smaller and engraved itself over the crystals cool exterior, becoming a glyptograph capable of storing unimaginable quantity of data. Ezeakieal thought that every thing they've ever done had to be recorded in this room, every experiment, every break through and failure all in those hundreds of storage crystals. The room was cool most likely too keep the computer functions from overheating. Ezeakieal traversed through the second to last of tower's floors. Ezeakieal exited the third stair case seeing the farthest reaches of Fiore's western beauties. The Sabertooth Guild Hall rested closely on a tall flat land surrounded by the mountains mountains Ezeakieals eyes could make out almost every member below regardless of how far away they were; to a normal persons eyes the building would appear to be nothing but a spec from massive distance the incline offers. However, looking straight ahead, Ezeakieal continued to behold the beauty of Fiore's grasslands. The twin cities of Era and Crocus gleamed brilliantly in the azure lit evening skies. Era, the headquarters of the Magic Council where the future of the magic world is decided by the legendary council comprised of saint level wizards.The council is the originator of the Rune Knights. The enormous, towering buildings and districts of the city of Era surrounded the domed shaped mountain that Magic Council HQ is built upon on every side for miles to come. The Capital City of Fiore, The flower capital Crocus, what more could be said about the beautiful site before him, the sheer number of different, floral species brightens the entire kingdom of Fiore in a splash of a myriad array of colors. Bits of red roses, daisies, daffodils, hydrangeas, irises, and many more. The King of Fiore and the Royal Family live the massive castle city appropriately grandeur-ized by excessive size and sturdiness of it's entirety. Crocus us the home of the annual Wizard's Guild Tournament, "The Grand Magic Games." many powerful wizards come fourth to test their might, in an all out no holds bar melee combat. Their are many other events the arena holds year round but the one Ezeakieal intends to take home the gold in every combative contest. He reached to open the door and sighed at the thought of leaving his art gear at the house.

    This was the last room one more climb and Ezeakieal would reach the top. He entered through the door and saw a multitude of forging equipment, there were many mechanical devices for cutting more than just metal, and several magical forges burning with red hot ember, the men and women in the room were working in groups of four creating what were probably many magical weapons and armors, "This place is amazing." Ezeakieal said as walked through the forging room. "I wonder how much of our gear comes from this place." Ezeakieal continued to climb the building when he reached the door. He opened it so see the southern plains of Fiore, the closest to him would be Peace River a magnificent stream of clear water and stone rushing all the way to the southern coast. Nearing the end of the coast line lies Peace Village a small but most certainly as the name suggest, a peaceful village nestled as a tiny spec off in the distant southern grasslands. Ezeakieal climbed to the very top of the building standing of a massive tower in the center of Fiore, He looked at his surroundings and saw the majestic beauty of the four corners of the land he lived on. "This is a view to remember." Ezeakieal said aloud. "But unfortunately I didn't come here to paint." Ezeakieal stared at the gigantic mixed metal sculpture made of copper, silver, and gold shaped in the form of two Griffons with their wings fully spread and a single claw perched on the ground the other is tightly wrapped the Gem of Time. A clear white sparkling diamond bigger than Ezeakieal's body, every now and than the gem of time began flash with a golden light as Ezeakieal approached it he noticed the flicker of golden light shot of every few seconds. Upon reaching the gem Ezeakieal looked deep into past the surface of the crystal and into it's interior. For a moment he saw a flicker of his master image, Ezeakieal reached out his hand and touched the Gem of Time with the tips of his fingers. Ezeakieal body began to morph and twist into a golden few hundred thousand bubbles of brilliant golden light his whole essence was being pulled inside of the mysterious relic know as the Gem of Time. For some reason Ezeakieal didn't fight it maybe it was because when he touched the item he knew what it was doing. With a bright flash of light Ezeakieal appeared in a great open tall lush green grass lands that reached up to Ezeakieal's waist. The sky's sun was blotted out by dark grey clouds, and repetitive lightning storms roared in the lighting up the darkened atmosphere for mere instances, the moister in the air was thick as if it could rain any second. The only sign of civilization for thousands of miles was smack dab in front of him. A large shadowy feudal castle with a few dozen of what looked like vassal's homes for a royal family was looming in a very Feng Shui way. Feng Shui is the philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the surrounding environment. Feng means wind and Shui means water . In certain other culture, wind and water are associated with good health, thus good Feng Shui came to mean good fortune, while bad Feng Shui means bad luck, or misfortune. Feng Shui is based on the Taoist vision and understanding of nature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with Chi , or energy. Historically, Feng Shui was widely used to arrange the positions and locations of buildings, most often spiritually significant structures such as Shines, or tombs, but also civilian dwellings and other structures such as royal castles, in an auspicious manner of course. Depending on the particular style of Feng Shui being used, an auspicious site could be determined by reference to local features such as bodies of water, stars, or tapping into the magical ley lines to give good fortune. In olden time good fortune most often referred to the state of living in ones society, if the lands soil was fertile, the Tao'est would tell you the best place to build to increase the natural energy of the land. Feng Shui in the past had developed many civilizations and have served many royal families. Ezeakieal thought this might be one, but something was off about it. Usually the Feng Shui is balanced land giving energy to dwellings and the dwellings giving energy to land, this place however seemed to be pumping a supply of non stop energy back into the land. Ezakieal looked around once more, their was no signs of life besides himself. He began moving towards the castle when he felt something move around his legs. Ezeakieal jumped out of the grass and landed near the rising stone path of the castle entree. "Who's out there?" Ezeakieal shouted. Three shadow like creatures slowly slithered out of the grass. They barely had a humanoid form as they jumped into attack him. Ezeakieal jumped back avoiding the creatures semi transparent skin, then jumped back in to hit the shadow. His fist went straight through it's body, the shade dissipated into an slim stream of vapor. "Wow you guys are weak." No sooner than he said that his Psycometry activated all on it's own. He felt intense fear as he saw though the shades eyes, he was running through the castle halls being chased by a strange black branch. It pierced through his chest and Ezeakieal felt the pangs of death just before regaining consciousness. He fell to the ground as another shadow reached for him. Ezeakieal couldn't move as the creatures inhabited his mind, the fist memory he relived he a felt a different kind if fear it was far more intense than the kind of fear one feels for their own life. The memory of the shad he was experiencing was female and gripping tightly onto a small infant. The same black branch struck through the woman's chest as she collapsed on the ground she shielded the baby's body from harm and died on top of the the little one. Ezeakieal tried to calm his mind as he shifted to another memory this time this particular shade felt intense worry it yelled out "Young Lord" as he was impaled by the branches coming from a black sphere hovering above a young lord. Ezeakieal was pulled back to reality in a pool of cold sweat.

    He picked himself off the ground and found himself being drawn towards the large feudal castle,he passed by the vassal's dwellings and proceeded straight to the tower like castle. He opened the large castle gates to see his old master in the sitting in the center of the court yard patiently. Kyo had his legs crossed and sat in a meditative pose as he opened his eyes Ezeakieal turned to face his Sensei. He walked up close to him his face was younger than Ezeakieal remembered, and it was full of a vitality that he had always noticed was a little strange for an old man. His ruby red eyes gleamed with a youthful vigor that that belittled the many experiences that go far beyond the looks his age. His had twin diagonal scars, that begin just below his left eye and ends just above his cheek one scar was slightly longer than the other. The clothes were a tradition Gi of his school one Ezeakieal wore with pride and a few altercations. He sat down in front of his Teacher. "Sensei is that you?" Ezeakieal was unsure of his master's identity. He touched Ezeakieals arm that's when it all came back to him the history of his life.
    Ezeakieal was born on a small island near the center of the ocean when turned 3 his mother died from an unknown disease, his father stricken from grief lost his sanity and killed himself. Ezeakieal was taken by the Islands orphanage, he didn't make many friends except for a group of 4 children around the same age as him. There were two young girl's the one with sort deep black hair was named Aura, the one with dirty blond hair was Elly. The two boys Blitz being tall for a six year old had spiky black hair and Zeo was the same height as Ezeakieal but was much tougher he could fought with the older kids all the time and won. The two were like brothers to Ezeakieal being a year older than him they kept the other kids from bullying him. He spent allot of time reading the orphanage's books and was far more educated than any kid in there. A year later the orphanage was raided by a dark guild the pastor that ran the orphanage was killed in front of the children eyes to make sure the kids didn't rebel, Ezeakieal and many of his friends were sold into slavery. Ezeakieal was not always as strong as he is now, ever since his birth he's had a very frail body, because of being born with such a weak body could do nothing to retaliate. When he turned seven he was old enough to work Ezeakieal was put to work at a slave encampment, his labor was clearing out an open rocky grass land. His first night was the worst Ezeakieal was used to simple labor but nothing compared to the strenuous work of a slave, Ezeakieal keeled over producing a vile amount of vomit sticking with a fever from heat stroke he was unable to keep up with the demands of his horrid owners. Instead of simply removing the child from the labor force they savagely beat him and coerced back to work. Afterwards the left him for dead in a newly built dungeon by the hands of the slaves. Ezeakieal was in such a bad condition he could barely move, he woke many times during the night crying out in pain.The following morning before the sun had risen and the cool air comforted his wounds. Ezeakieal woke of to the feeling of something cooling the ache from his wounded body. “Don't move I have to cut open the wound around your eye to stop the swelling, or else you risk loosing it's sight.” a rugged older male's voice called out to him. Ezeakieal didn't care what the man did as long as the pain stopped he would have let gut him if he wanted to. Ezeakieal felt a small swipe across the massive welt then the hot flow of blood dripping down his face. Ezeakieal got a good look at the old man he had a brawny bulky type of body, his face was rugged and he had a small beard where the edges have already grayed, his eyes were old even older than his face. Ezeakieal couldn't figure out what it was but there was something about his deep ruby red eyes that kept the boy thinking “How old is this man really?” “A few of your ribs are broken, I've counted ninety six fractures in varies locations, not to mention you're running a high fever and your sun burnt skin cant sweat it out, just sleep now child, I'll do what I can to help.” Even if he had told Ezeakieal to stay awake it wouldn't have made a difference, the young version of Ezeakieal had already passed out. Many days had passed as the unknown man tended to the child's tattered body, with great care. When Ezeakieal felt well enough to talk he asked the old man “Whats your name?” “Kyo Tetra, a slave just like you. Whats yours?” the old man said as he gave Ezeakieal a small cup of water “Ezeakieal Lumnara. Why are you helping me? Are you a doctor did the slavers tell you to get me in working order?” Kyo swayed his head “I'm helping because I can! If someone is in front of you and they're hurting then of course helping them heal is natural thing do.” Ezeakieal began to cry, all the pain he's experienced had finally taken it's course it felt like he was breaking apart, and he was loosing who he was.

    After a few hours Ezeakieal had stopped crying. He turned his head to the old man then back to the same ceiling he'd been staring at for the past six days“You said that helping a person would be the normal thing to do. If that's true then the people in this world don't have any common sense.” Tetra looked at the boy with pity “You've only seen a small part of the world child, I will admit that it seem that way sometimes but I guarantee that there are people trying to make it right." Ezeakieal frowned "That's no excuse." He shouted. The old man swayed his head again "That's how you should think you can't scorn the world because you haven't had a good life. If you do than your no better then them. What you should be thinking about is what you'll do about it.” He placed a ripped piece of his shirt that had been soaked in water over Ezeakieal's head. “I can't do anything I'm too weak!” Ezeakieal cried out “Then what will you do? Instead of fighting you could look for another way to stop these kinds of troubles from occurring!" Kyo asked "No!" Ezeakieal answered in a stern voice. "With your strength there's not much you can do?” The old man said with a serious tone and attitude. Ezeakieal looked Kyo in the eye, and told him. "I need power! I need to get stronger” “What will you do when you manage to gain that power?” Ezeakieal continued to looked at Kyo Tetra dead in the eyes.“I want the power to right the injustice I see before my eye's, to help those less fortunate so that they never experience the pain I've lived trough, but it can't stop there there has to be more I can do; like stopping them before they ever get started down the path of evil, curving those from the path they're already on. Make them part of the solution not the problem.” Tetra was surprised to he such wise and brave words from some one so young. He stood over him and said “Then I will teach you.” “Teach me what?” Ezeakieal questioned “The arts of self defense of course!” He answered as he began to perform a dance like movements containing a series of martial styles. Ezeakieal couldn't believe the sight of this old man demonstrate his marital prowess for many days he observed the many styles of combat collected through out the old mans life it numbered in the thousands. While Ezeakieal healed he observed with close scrutiny hundreds upon thousands off unique martial arts techniques; and a few millions of forms and training methods were drilled into his body over the next six years.
    The day was scorching and the dry air left most slaves with heat stroke or worse. A thirteen year old Ezeakieal and a group of fellow slaves chained to one another while they were forced to start clearing a field full of boulders, so there owner's could begin construction of a building on a massive scale. No one knew exactly what they were being forced make, what the slaves were constructing would remain a mystery, because no slave would dare to have enough bravery to ask. The mid summer heat only worsened as the slaves completed their day's worth of work. A new group came in to take over the for Ezeakieal's group. After they removed his chains so he could eat and rest he ran towards his master who had already prepared a plate of gruel and bread for his student. “Sensei!” He called out respectfully and sat down in the shaded table. In the past years the old man had his skin tanned something fierce, but he was healthy and far stronger looking then he was six years ago. Unlike the other slaves Kyo hadn't a single drop of sweat He worked just as hard and just as long but his body stayed dry. “What is it Ezeakieal?” Kyo replied “Look what Aura taught me!” Aura was a slave girl that had been taken from the orphanage, after a few years apart, during an exchange of slave he had managed to find his best friends alive and well, for being a slave that is. Her black hair had grown out and her sapphire colored eyes, even in this horrid place had not lost sign of having hope, she was part of the group of friends that recently discovered her magical gifts. Ezeakieal found out about it and she had recently started to learn from her. He held his hand out towards a small pebble and began to move it with the power of his mind; just a few inches though. “Aura's a lot better than me she could lift one of the boulders with ease.” A shocked look crossed Kyo's face, he grabbed Ezeakieal's hands and with worry “Where is Aura now?” Ezeakieal answered immediately "Over by the facility, why? Whats wrong?” Kyo ran of in the direction Ezeakieal pointed out and the the teen version of Ezeakieal followed not to far behind. When they finally arrived at the facility, the scene that was displayed before them shook them to the two to their core. His three best friends laid on the ground in a pool of their own blood their bodies riddled full of gun shot wounds. Aura's whole body was beaten to a pulp the slaver was holding her by the hair like a rag doll, and talking to what looked to be a dark guild official. The dark guild member had shaggy shoulder length black hair, his eyes were crimson red and held a monstrous aura within them, he was wearing a custom dark blue overcoat and held a gun holstered at his hip. The slaver held out his hand like he was offering the child up, when the dark guild member reached out to grab Aura, Ezeakieal lost it. Unable to contain his rage he lunged at the slaver holding her and grabbed the back of his head. Ezeakieal kneed with all of his might as he shifted his body to the side, and his knee came around the side slaver's head nailing the the bastard dead square in the jaw. Teeth and blood sprayed from the man's mouth as he fell to the ground. Aura fell over still unconscious her body was limp and Ezeakieal feared for her life, lost in his rage he couldn't hear the sounds of his Sensei Kyo Tetra yelling at him to stop his assault. Ezeakieal dashed at one of the remaining slaver and jumped into a roll motion towards the next guard, Ezeakieal stopped near his legs and swept him off of his feet with a graceful, almost dance like kick. He then moved into an immediate horizontal spinning elbow to the chest the very moment his back hit the ground. The earth fractured as the attacked connected, the force from the strike winded the slaver as he screamed in pain he passed out. Ezeakieal jumped up from his prone back effortlessly in a single motion, but before he could start his dash towards the next guard the dark guild member pulled out a small technologically advanced magic enhanced black armored pistol. He shot off a round at the savage and enraged Ezeakieal, a bright blue energy coated the bullet as it exited the barrel. Tetra quickly leaped between them reaching out his hand in a an attempt to stop the bullet, his efforts were in vane he grasped the bullet but the magic nine millimeter round ripped through Tetra's hand and tunneled through upper torso nailing Ezeakieal directly in the center of his head. Aura awoke moments earlier and screamed the moment the bullet pierced his skin. With a great quake a immense and insanely powerful flow of psychic energy shook the grounds for miles, then for a split moment everything and everyone in a hundred mile radius was weightless and floting a good five to ten feet depending of the weight of an individual object, As Aura's voiced quieted and she fell unconscious a massive shock wave of telekinetic energy tore trough the region like a gale force tornado, sending thousands of slaves and slavers alike flying through the air.During start the shock wave Kyo saw Ezeakieal and his friends flying along side of him. He grabbed them quickly and slammed his fist into the ground. The only ones in the center of this great turbulence now were the dark guild member, Aura, Ezeakieal, Blitz, Zeo, Elly, and Kyo Tetra himself.

    Kyo had managed to burrow most of his fore arm into the ground while keeping hold Ezeakieal's and his friends bodies with his other hand. “HA HAHA HHA” The dark guild member began to laugh menacingly “Amazing; just amazing, to think such power came from such an innocent little girl. What a damn monster.” Kyo began to glare at the evil bastard in front of them "What are you gonna do you old bastard.You look like you can barely stand." Kyo bite the bottom part of his lip just hard enough to bleed when he heard the sound of his pupil roaring voice pierce his ear drums.“SHE'S NOT A MONSTER! SHE'S MY MOST PRECIOUS FRIEND!” Ezeakieal jumped out from Tetra's grasp and tried to jump kick the dark guild member in the side of his face, the malefic man grinned at the boy's pitiful attempt to attack and easily deflected him with a single pistol whip to the face, the blow sent the poor boy rolling trough the dirt. He didn't care about his body any more as he leapt forward by re-diverting the force from that demonic monster of a man hit him with. He flew at the man with both his arm arched back ready to punch. The evil wizard sighed as shot Ezeakieal in the shoulder the bullet went all the way through his body and lodged into the earth, but Ezeakieal didn't flinch or stop as he hit the dark guild sorcerer in the face. Both of his hands were on each side of his head and Ezeakieals Knee had struck directly underneath his jaw. The demonic man scoffed at the little damage an attack from a child could do to him and thought "Though it didn't hurt that brat used telekinesis and he did managed to hit me, maybe I should bring him back as well." When when suddenly all the air escaped his lungs, he was shot back away from Ezeakieal's body a good five to six feet. Ezeakieal fell on his ass and looked at the big man wheezing for air "Did I do that?" He said as blood dripped from his wounds soaking the ground in a red dye. “Y..Y..Y.. You S..S..Should be d..d..d..DEAD! That was a magic missile it never misses it's mark. I know that wound as fatal.” Ezeakieal pulled himself up from the ground blood ran down his face, the hole in his fore head was deep but it didn't get trough his skull, the one through his shoulder was bleeding pretty badly. Ezeakieal looked at it and shouted. "Fatal it's just a flesh wound. The bullet went through clean." The unknown dark mage was looking straight pass the boy and at his master behind him whom seemed to be growing in size, all of it muscle. For a moment the dark mage was almost certain that his master was exuding so much killing intent that his eyes were glowing. Ezeakieal ripped part of his sleeve and tied it around his head and shoulder, his fierce young eye's glared down the evil man before him “She saved my life, COULD A MONSTER CARE ABOUT A FRIEND EVEN WHEN HER OWN LIFE WAS ENDANGERED, TAKE BACK WHAT YOU SAID. YOU JACKASS...” Ezeakieal raised his fist ready to swing when he felt his master pat his head. “Alright that's enough out of you!" Ezeakieal looked back to see his master with muscles he never had before and a aura of danger surrounding his body. tears wailed up the corner of the young teens eyes "Sensei!" Kyo smiled at his apprentice and told him "That last attack how you used your telekinesis to move your body to avoid a killing blow was impressive.I thought you were dead you twerp." That was his first time he been praised by his Sensi Ezeakieal could hardly contain his happiness, he'd just wished it had come a better time. His master removed his hand from his head, stepped forward and said "I'll take it from here. You should tend to the rest of your friends while they're still alive.”

    Ezeakieal turned around to see his friends laying on the ground next to each other he started to move towards them when he looked back to see his Sensei as a different man, he's jaw dropped in awe at the drastic change that had occurred, twenty years had faded away the wound tunneling through his chest healed almost instantly, white steam started to form over the wounds on his body, Ezeakieal started to rip up his friend shirts and tie them tightly around their wounds. Kyo looked out into the distance and said“To think she destroyed the magic canceler from all the way over here that was some shock wave, she's has a great deal more talented than my other student. It almost killed me too, but thanks to her I got my second wind.” The dark guild member looked at the girl, then at the boy and his Sensei. Such an impossible turn of events stood in-front the man who came here for such a simple task. He was beginning to think god had played a trick on him or was at least interfering with his work. "Just how much more was going to get in my way?" He thought just before speaking “I have had enough of this! At first I though maybe I'll come down here in this nasty form just for him and pick up the package. It's a simple pick up, there should be no complications. As one of the sins this is too much work." The dark mage was throwing a tantrum "And what do I find, an annoying little boy who refuses to die and this freak of nature in front of me." The demon was panting when he suddenly regained his composure. He stood up straight and slicked back his hair. His complexion changed Ezeakieal had never seen such cold and murderous expression."You know what I don't care any more. It doesn't matter you all be dead any ways. You know why because I'm gonna kill you all my self ” A bloody smile showed the monstrous fangs bare at the rest of Ezeakieal group. Kyo stepped in front the dark mages line of sight. and calmly asked "Before you kill us can I ask you the name of the one who will slay me?” Kyo Tetra mocked by bowing to him “Ucifer If you must know! You disgusting human scum!” he raise his gun and pointed it at the boy again expecting Kyo to jump in front the bullets path but he didn't, Kyo had moved so fast that Ucifer's eyes couldn't follow, the pistol in is hand had been shattered by his palm thrust, all though it wasn't so much as palm thrust as it was more like he just gently walked into it with his palms out. Ezeakieal felt a single drop of sweat drop from his chin. Ucifer showed a moment of hesitation, Kyo attempted to swing elbow his under jaw however Ucifer managed to doge it by a hair breadth. “This is surprising how is a mortal able to move so quickly?” Kyo didn't lose focus as he immediately followed up with a fierce palm to the stomach; but that to was no use as well, Ucifer had leapt into the air, two massive bat like wings sprouted from his back as he took flight. “I would love to stay and kill you but I don't fight battles when victory is uncertain, there have too many inconceivable variables to account for, so before any more reoccur I'll be taking my leave.” The tips of Ucifer's index and middle fingers began to glow, a blue hue of pearlescent colors trailed following his hand as he carved a pentagram into the air. As he drew the final glyph into the pentagram he whispered“Demons Door” A demonic crystalline archway appeared floating in place, Ezeakieal couldn't even begin to grasp the situation when Tetra roared out “Stop if you risk taking her though that miasma you know what will happen to her? She's human not a Devil like you.” The Demonic being known as Ucifer looked at the two of them an a wily grin showing his razor sharp teeth. “This too could be considered to be an unexpected turn of events” Moment's when he was moments away from flying through the Demon's door he felt a tug on the girl's body, The demon looked back to see Ezeakieal with his arm stretched out as if he were reaching for Aura. “Stubborn child” Ucifer raise his hand and pointed at Ezeakieal, “Give her back!” The boy yelled as blood began to run down his nose and out from his ears. The devil launched a blot of energy towards the Ezeakieal and his friends. “Ezeakieal dodge it! I can't deflect that!” Tetra wailed, Ezeakieal grabbed his Blitz and Zeo with his hands and the back of Elly's shirt. Then with all of his might he jumped back. The ground next to him exploded as his friends landed on top of his wounds. Ezeakieal passed out and lost control over his telekinetic grip. Before the demon left with his back turned, Kyo had flew up behind him, with his arm posed like a blade ready to run the demon through. When the creature eyed him with a triumphant stare. "You could wound me old man, but would you risk her life?" Ucifer held his hand around Aura's neck "All it would take is one little squeeze. Kyo froze unable to attack the demon door closed in his master's face and disappeared along with Ucifer, and Aura.

    “Nooo!” Ezeakieal cried out as he woke up. He smashed his fist against the earth repeatedly until his knuckles were covered in his own blood.Kyo ran to his side to stop him “It's not your fault Ezeakieal...” He said trying to console him “Isn't it though? Ezeakieal interrupted “I was too damn weak again.” Ezeakieal's eye's ran to the back of his head as he collapsed face forward into the dirt. He and his friends slept for hours but Ezeakieal was the first. When he finally opened his eyes. He noticed that his master's was carrying him on his back. “You can put me down now Sensei.” Kyo looked back at the boy, “You sure you can walk?” Ezeakieal looked around for his friends Blitz was tied to his waist, Zeo was on his arm, and Elly was around his shoulder. He jumped down then started to fall he's Sensei reached out to grab him but he caught himself. “I'm okay! I need to get stronger and I can't do that by sitting on my ass.” The teen boy looked at Kyo “So where are we going?” Tetra smiled “Some where we can get stronger. My old dojo. A least I hope it's still in one piece it's been thirty years since I was tricked out of my strength.” Ezeakieal's eyes widened “Tricked out of your strength? Wait a minute you were even stronger than you already are.” His master shook his head. “Yea right now I'm trying to revive the dead muscles in my body, this very instant I'm using telekinesis to move my body, while dosing my super muscle with a highly refined myotein and protein. Think of it like I'm cursed and slowly breaking it.” Ezeakieal scratched his head “Yeah I didn't get any of that.” Tetra laughed “I'm going to teach you an old and very powerful magic Ezeakieal my student.” Ezeakieal looked up in aw “Sensei? What about them? You gonna take them in too?” Kyo laughed “Yep! Them too, but first we gotta get them to a doctor. I know an old witch who can help us with that.” Ezeakieal turned to his master one last time "Sensei can I ask you something?" “You've lost another ten years or so off your complexion. How old are you?” His master continued to laugh loudly“Old enough!” Ezeakieal frowned "That's not an answer." he said trying to pick up the pace. They arrived at the outskirts of Magnolia, a small shack like dojo blended in with the nature as a few trees wrapped around the whole of the house. Ezeakieal ran inside with his friends and explored the building there was 5 rooms a large court yard the house was built around and a large dojo in the main hall. They stayed their for 7 years training for Ezeakieal and his friends is what they considered to be training from hell. During the eighth year Sensei Tetra called Ezeakieal into the dojo, Ezeakieal walked in to see his master sitting with Blitz, Elly, and Zeo at the edge of the dojo. He had grown into a strong well built man though not the tallest, his hair had grown so much that his braided hair now loomed over his bottom. His Sensei looked him in the eye Then at the other three. His friends stood up and bowed to Ezeakieal as one of them turned to the others with his fist out. They all put their hands in and began lifting it up. "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!“ Ezeakieal slapped his hand onto his face as Blitz swung his hands up in victory. Blitz walked up to the mat and stood ready to fight. Ezeakieal responded with "What no bow." Blitz made a goofy face then bowed at Ezeakieal as soon as he did so Ezeakieal uppercutted him into the wall knocking out of the ring. Blitz couldn't belive he did that. "No Fair. You not one to pull dirty shots like that Ezeakieal. What the hell man? I want a rematch." Ezeakieal chukled " No I'm not one to pull tricks like that but you are. How did ya like a taste of your own medicine." Zeo walked up next. They both bowed to each other while keeping an eye on one another. Zeo launched at him his all his might the two exchanged blows for almost an hour. Ezeakieal blocked every attack but it was close every time. Zeo finally lost his patience when he jumped in for a kick to Ezeakieal's face. Ezeakieal grabbed his leg mid air and slammed him onto the ground then proceeded to lock his joints with a fierce grapple. Zeo tapped the mat and Ezeakieal let him go. He stood back up they bowed once more. While the two bowed Zeo whispered "Careful she's gotten stronger latey she's already on her ninth compression." Ezeakieal nodded and shook his hand. Elly stood up. And mocked Blitz as she jumped into the ring. Ezeakieal and Elly bowed . They quickly jumped into combat Elly threw out a lightning fast combo of judo throws and grapples. Ezeakieal barely escaped from them. When she suddenly changed her style with a powerful kick aimed at the bottom of Ezeakieal's chin. The kick was so strong that the whole room shook. "That almost took off my head." Ezeakieal said with his hand above the bottom of her foot. Elly slowly lowered her leg and bowed to Ezeakieal. He bowed back, when Elly jumped in locking her arms around his. "Take care out there." She wispered into his ear. Kyo stood up and walked over to him. "Today you leave on your warriors pilgrimage, You have mastered eight of my martial arts; Muay Thai, Capoeira, Sambo, Drunken Fighting, Pencak Silat, Jeet Kune Do, Bo Jutsu, and Ken Jutsu. You must always challenge yourself trough your training, do not grow contempt and lastly take my advice when I say this. You must make friends, do not seek strength on your own. Search well when looking for a Guild to join and find a guild master who you can one day entrust your burdens to; but most of all be happy.” Ezeakieal bowed “You taught me much and I promise one day I'll return.” They all smiled at him."I will pray for you safety and await your return. Good luck.

    Ezeakieal jolted back to reality while his master snapped his fingers. "Yo Ezeakieal, earth to Ezeakieal." Ezeakieal shook his head and replied "It's good to see you master." Kyo stood up "Come with me." he said as he walked towards the castle entree way. Ezeakieal followed closely behind. As they walked down the halls with an eerie atmosphere Kyo turned to Ezeakieal and asked him "So what do you think of this place? Any thing feel nostalgic like your having deja vu? " Ezeakieal looked at him with an eye brow raised. "It's creepy but no nothing like that." Ezeakieal looked around. "Why? Should I?" Kyo continued to walk with a stern look on his face. "This memory is yours." Ezeakieal gave his master a confused look, "How can this be my memory, this place is real I can touch it effect it. Not mention every one in the shade memories were wearing attire from more than a millennium ago." Kyo chuckled. "Sorry I should have been a little more specific, this memory is buried deep in your genetic coding." Ezeakieal responded with a "Say what now?"   They stopped at what looked to be the lord of the castles room. The dead guards skeletons were armed with spears and wearing ancient armor. "You see the dangers to that skill of yours that you just developed can lead to something like this." He opened the door to see a pile of corpses sprawled around a skeleton version of the feudal lord. "You royal ancestor of a thousand years ago had a powerful psychic ability that he gravely feared. He called the sphere of nothingness, or Mu no kyū." Ezeakieal was still puzzled, "Why would he fear his psychic abilities? They're part of that's like fearing yourself."  His master looked at him "That's a good outlook keep it. You see Ezeakieal his psychic power had the ability to erode all forms of matter, similar to a magical orb of annihilation. Every creature on the earth exudes some form of psychic energy and because of his intense fear of others it's ability self manifested at the slightest psychic wavelength thinking it was a threat to it's owners existence, the Mu no Kyu eradicated every psychic energy source in the land. The only one to survive was the lords only infant son. Overnight the entire kingdom was reduced to ashes, and lord's son was raised as a servant of another royal family that took over the land." Ezeakieal's jaw dropped "You mean that this is..."  His master eyed over him with a face of approval "Yes the same night." Ezeakieal placed his hands at his hips."Why bring me here master?" "I love the fact you skimmed over the part about being royalty." Kyo placed his hands on his shoulders "You'll die on me."  he said in a serious expression. "DON'T KILL ME OFF!" Ezeakieal shouted in an embarrassed tone. With out warning him Ezeakieal's  master punched him through the wall of the castle. Before his body hit the wall Ezeakieal became a large series of bubbles made of golden light and transported to another area, he opened his eyes through his arms that he put up to block the strike. in a large flat stone floor for miles and miles. It seemed as if the whole world was made of this flat surface. "You see that particular psychic power and the knowledge how to make it exist inside your genes. Whether you like or not one day that power will eat you alive and every one near you as well." Ezeakieal stood up and said "I won't let that happen, so is that why were here? To teach me to control this power?" Kyo nodded at him. "Well sorta you see your psycometry is the key to it. Over the next few months you'll be learning a personally created fighting style called Rinkai-ten kaunta No Bujutsu. Also known as... "Ezeakieal interrupted Kyo by finishing his sentence "Martial Art of Critical Point Counter." His mastered smiled "I've been reading allot books and picked up a few different languages." Kyo jumped back and leaned his face forward. "I want you to hit me as hard as you can." Ezeakieal didn't even wait for him to finish talking "Pay back old man." His fist slammed into him pushing in his cheeks skin. "Come on nothing?" Kyo patted him on the head. "Great growth. You've improved a great deal so quickly." He stopped praising his student and his eyes became cold. Sensei training switch was flipped once he was in this mode he stopped seeing Ezeakieal as his beloved adopted son and just as a student and a fellow practitioner of the martial art. "First you must use your psychometric abilities, as soon as the attack touches your skin use this instant to scan your opponent's entire body down the the smallest atom. Locate the targets weakest point and Strike." Ezeakieal sighed "It's not as easy as you make it out to be."

    OCC:10,000 Words


    Last edited by Z3R0169 on 9th April 2015, 2:38 am; edited 1 time in total


    The Apprentice 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

    Missions Complete


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Marksmen's Aim
    Position : None
    Posts : 289
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 34
    Mentor : Kyo Tetra
    Experience : 550

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Human Transfiguration
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    The Apprentice Empty Re: The Apprentice

    Post by Z3R0169 9th April 2015, 2:07 am


    Ezeakieal was sent flying from a swift kick from his master's leg to his ribs. Ezeakieal rolled four or five times before he regained his balance he jumped up wincing in pain. "Okay ouch." Ezeakieal said even with adrenalin coursing through him that kick still hurt him. "We will repeat this training method until you can achieve this motion in less than a split second." Ezeakieal readied him self for his master's attack. "So let me get this straight, your plan to teach me this self invented martial art is to repeatedly punch me in the face?" Kyo smiled with a mischievous grin. "Yep that's the point of it all." Ezeakieal sighed "Alright lets get this over with." Ezeakieal was hit several hundred thousand times in the face while hearing his teacher shout "The lag time is to great between your read and your strike. Make it quicker." After a few days of this Ezeakieal face felt like a rag doll his face was a mess and his healing wasn't keeping up with the damage. His master pulled in to attack when he stopped Ezeakieal had lost consciousness. Or so he thought. Ezeakieal asked him "Sensei why did you stop?" Kyo looked at him "What you did their that blank mode. Keep in it when the attack hits." Ezeakieal did so he emptied his mind of all thoughts leaving only the sensation of his heart beating, when  his master swung his fist. As soon as the blow touched his skin Ezeakieal scanned his body finding the weak point Ezeakieal hit him in the gut. Ezeakieal threw his hands into the air and ran circles around Kyo shouting "I did it! I hit Sensei!" His master patted him on the head and sat on the ground. "What next master?" Kyo stretched his arms behind his head as closed his eyes "Now we rest to recover." Ezeakieal looked disappointed "But I can keep training sensei..." Ezeakieal had reached his limit as his body collapsed face first into the stone terrain. "Get some rest, stupid student of mine." Ezeakieal smiled and answered in an exhausted sigh"Yes stupid sensei of mine." They closed their eyes and drifted into a soft slumber. The two slept for a good eight hours or so when Ezeakieal woke to his master ready to kick in his skull with a lightning fast axe kick. Ezeakieal rolled backwards and quickly sprang his hands against the ground leaping several feet backwards into the air. Kyo followed with a round house kick to Ezeakieal's mid section, Ezeakieal braced as quickly as his could while putting his guard up to block with his shoulders as soon as the attack connected Ezeakieal rolled in reading the weakest point to attack. He quickly grabbed Kyo's leg from the outside with a fierce arm lock, than launched the fiercest punch he could muster. The blow ripped through his masters guard and hit him square in the side of his gut. "Good job!" His master praised Ezeakieal with a grin on his face. "Okay then. For the rest of your training we'll be covering up for the weakness of our particular magic."

    "Whats that supposed to mean?" Ezeakieal asked.

    "Have you ever heard of black fog before?" Kyo replied with a query if his own.

    "No." Ezeakieal replied

    "Black fog is a very rare and unnatural occurrence of when high levels of gravity particles gather in one location. The feed back from this fog generates massive amounts of kinetic energy, that invisible field of energy can disrupt a heap load of different sorts of navigational equipment, the gravity distortion also makes it impossible to discern which stars, so using the sky above to navigate is out of the question."

    “How do you know that?” Ezeakieal asked. Kyo smiled “I can manipulate gravity to create this phenomenon. To be honest it a little different then what I described but the best way for you to understand is to experience it your self.” Ezeakieal walked over to his masters sides when he began to cast a rather large spell. Dark hues of black fog coalesced around his body and slowly formed a great six hundred foot dome of black fog. The air around the fog was extremely dense so dense that Ezeakieal could see the very air molecules them self. He stood at the edge of the spells range his body almost gave way to the intense weight of his body. "For those who practice my arts gravity magic is especially considered to be our weakness. As you very well know compressing our muscles adds to our weight while it makes us stronger, that's why you will train to overcome this weakness as I did when I was a child." Ezeakieal looked at his master, "So what am I supposed to do?" His master chuckled and picked him up by the scruff of his collar "Think of the dome as kind of like a a series of rings and in each section has it's own gravity levels just outside the dome is about two times normal gravity. The first belt of my gravity well spell is around five to ten times greater and the closer you gather toward the center the greater the gravitational force becomes. Your job is to get to the center of the dome where it's heaviest."

    "How high is the center of the dome?" Ezeakieal asked, Kyo looked at him and placed his hand to his chin and slightly tilted his head, "Um.. somewhere around three to four hundred times or so." With a strong toss Ezeakieal was thrown a good thirty feet into the dome of black fog when he felt the change in weight slam his body into the pavement. Every muscle and bone in his body was creaking. Ezeakieal fought through the pain and barely managed to stand him self up.  when he felt a strong blow knock him across his face. Using his psycometry to scan the attacker he noticed that the body was a copy of his own. He heard his master shouting outside the pitch dark mist "Oh I forgot to to add the fact that I put sparing clone dolls in there!." Ezeakieal rebounded from the attack landing a few feet away from the mirror image. Every move, every stance he performed the creature copied perfectly. Wasting no time he charged in attacking with all his might, after exchanging monstrous blows of punches, kicks, and grapples with the sparing clone. He quickly back off from the fight gaining a fair amount of distance between them. There was virtually no difference in their power, speed, or spirit. It even copied the pressure and pain Ezeakieal felt from the intense weight. Ezeakieal wasted no time as he ran in continuing an onslaught of rapid combos blow for blow the two traded ever attack met with equal force. It seemed to have no end in sight as the hours passed. Kyo yawned as he ate from a bag of potatoes chips. Sight inside side the thick mist was no longer a problem for Ezeakieal as he had switch to his inferred sight Kyo watched as the gravity no longer bothered his pupil as he slowly overcame the fake him's strength and speed he could now land blows on the doll however he took a few in exchange. The gut wrenching pain tore though him as they continued their duel late into the nights cold embrace. Kyo finally decided to get some rest when he heard the fight beginning to intensify. The morning light crept over the dome leaving a clear line of shadow stretching on for miles, Kyo could hear the heavy shouts of victory coming from the quarter mark of the dome. "So you finally got one?" He shouted into the

    "Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental! Your a monster this training is going to kill me" Ezeakieal called out

    "Still got that foul mouth on ya I see. If ignorance is bliss, you must be on cloud nine, this training wont kill you." Kyo answered back.

    "Sensei were you always so stupid or is today a special occasion?As an outsider, what do you think of the human race?"

    "Oh yeah! Well your so dense that light bends around you."

    "Ohhh you don't want to challenge me to a battle of wits sensei, after all you're unarmed."

    "I'm glad to see you're not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance."

    "So, a thought has finally crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey.Too bad stupidity isn't painful because if it was we would have to take you to the E.R."

    Kyo started to laugh as did Ezeakieal. "Ow ow ow ow Even laughing hurts." Ezeakieal moaned. "Get some sleep, and focus on healing your self. I'll wake you up in eight hours." Ezeakieal moaned again. I have to sleep in here too?" Ezeakieal asked. He shouted back "Yes now get to sleep." Ezeakieal did so all though it more passing out rather than falling to sleep. The time flew by as Ezeakieal slept like a rock. When he began to wake two new clones sprang forward through the cover of the fog Ezeakieal quickly leapt forward as the two clones slammed their feet into the ground with a might dual drop kick. The ground cracked and splintered, chunks of solid stone shot off in every direction Ezeakieal felt a set of telekinetic grip his arms and legs. "So these ones can use my magic huh?" The clones smashed Ezeakieal into the ground and jumped into the air to readying another attack as they pulled their hands of force. Ezeakieal stopped mid air just before the two clones struck a solid attack. They flew forward trying to continue their assault Ezeakieal grinned as he wrapped the tether of the telekinetic hands around his arms and legs than when the two came close enough he pulled them together and smashed his own hands of force together against the clones, griping the two he slammed them into the ground. The rubble shot out as Ezeakieal escaped from their grip, he flew up as did his foes. The three engage in an extraordinary series of aerial maneuvers with occasional clashes of intense combat. Ezeakieal continued to barely avoid their attacks "They're just a little weaker than me but still dealing with these two is proving to be quite the challenge."  The clones began to shoot precision ki blast at him, noticing the impending danger Ezeakieal  rapidly descended to the ground and launched two Ki blast of his own to cancel out the attacks. The Ki clashed together sending shock waves of energy through out the grounds, Ezeakieal flew at the clones and knocked them both to the ground with this telekinesis. Ezeakieal didn't stop his assault as followed up by grasping his hands of force together and performed an over head hammer smash at his targets. The two clones escaped nano seconds before impact and charged Ezeakieal without a moments notice. With a great impact Ezeakieal managed to block the clones flying punches with his forearms the copies continued to carry out their attacks with an onslaught of furious martial attacks. The creatures were as Ezeakieal expected only slightly weaker than himself because of this he could block most of the attacks. A few of the copies blows struck hard when they worked in tandem. A right hook to Ezeakieal's ribs and a spinning flip kick to his shoulder sent him flying deeper into the gravity well. Ezeakieal was at his limits, the weight on his body was crushing his bones and organs, blood vessels began to pop as the crimson fluid ran down his eyes and ears. Every time he took a breath he could feel the intense pressure over whelming his lungs and heart. Ezeakieal pulled himself up as the clones slowly made their way towards him, he quickly regulated his body back to normality he flushed his body with dopamine to numb the pain than he added adrenaline to speed up his blood flow and get his heart pumping. The charging duo bull rushed Ezeakieal grabbed the sides of their heads and smashed them together, the two clones shrugged of the attack and grabbed Ezeakieals fore arm and tossed him onto the ground, the two reached back and used a full powered Ki punch in a grizzly attempt to crush Ezeakieal further into the ground. Ezeakieal reacted quickly blocking the attacks with the soles of his feet. He than used the force generated by the copies to escape their hold. Ezeakieal rolled back then slapped the ground instantly propping him self in an upward position, in an instant Ezeakieal had rushed to the clone's flank and proceeded to perform a massive series of relentless combination attacks. The two clones did every thing in their power to stop Ezeakieals onslaught, but it was no use Ezeakieal was receiving all of their attacks and countering with full force.

    The new martial art his teacher had intended him to master was proving to be an excellent weapon against these fakes. The first clone charge him Ezeakieal took a left hook to his face, as soon as the fake made contact Ezeakieal spun into his chest. With both palm facing outward he launched a fierce upper cut into the doll's chin sending him flying through the air. Now that he had separated the two Ezeakieal launched into the other creature's face with a flying knee, as the clone fell back Ezeakieal grabbed it's leg and threw it face first into the ground. The clone he had knocked away earlier came flying back in to try and save it's partner but it was too late Ezeakieal had placed his hands facing outwards at the fallen clone and use a massive Ki blast on it's defenseless body. A light red hue of Ki gathered around Ezeakieals hand as a volley of crimson red beam of energy surround by black lighting discharged around the the Ki waves energy. The blast completely obliterated any trace of the doll's presence along with leaving a fifty foot crater smoldering directly in front of Ezeakieal's feet. The remaining clone flew as fast as it could in a attempt to crush Ezeakieal with a mighty flying Ki infused punch. Ezeakieal turned his hands to face the incoming attacker, the two collided, a shock wave of air emanated from the collision. Ezeakieal had halted the clones fist with a single finger, before the clone had time to escape Ezeakieal launched off another powerful Ki blast that eradicated all traces the remaining clone's body. Ezeakieal fell to the ground exhausted by the combination of intense battle and the gravity wells effects. While Ezeakieal caught his breath and healed his wounds he called out to his master. "Sensei I'm down for now, while I rest up and recover can you tell me how this training will help me master controlling the Mu no kyū?" Kyo stood up to shout back into the fog. "Right now im building the foundations for a technique to control that particular ability. Think of it kind of like a program for a computer right now were building the basis for a control program. By using your psycometry you can sense the energy's movement and route it through the program we're building." Ezeakieal sat in a meditative pose to focus his healing abilities to their maximum potential. He than shouted to Kyo "This will take a while so how about a story while I wait?" Kyo scratched his head in a puzzled manner . "What kind of story are you looking for?" Kyo responded "I've always wondered where you came from, where were you born and raised, and where did you learn to fight that kind of stuff you know?" Kyo laughed a little "Is that all?" Ezeakieal smiled and shouted back "You never talk about your self and every time some one ask you change the subject, so of course I'm more than curious." Ezeakieal stood back up and headed deeper into the dome of gravity particles. "I'll hear the story using mind talk because I'm tired of shouting." Ezeakieal said as he made a connection to his master mind by using his telepathy.

    “My best friend once told me that anything and everything was possible, and because of that, anything and everything can, and eventually will happen.  If you can keep this frame of mind then nothing can surprise or disturb you. Those words kept me cool in the hottest of situations; however there were a couple of things that ended up astounding me. The biggest one would be my coming here to this world though the world gates , the second, would be meeting you and taking you and your friends as apprentices.”

    Ezeakieal was in aw. "You come from another planet?" Kyo laughed "No I'm not an alien species I'm human. I came from another plane of existence." Kyo laid back as he continued to explain his origins. “During my time as a mortal my life wasn't exactly a normal one; or a good one while we’re on this matter. Every day was a fight for my life, a battle I fought for the lives of others; a struggle  against creatures that threatened the very fabric of reality. Every waking moment I lived in fear that the next battle would be my last, and every night I went to sleep wondering if my world would end while I slumber. I thought I lived in hell then, I was so far from the truth.” "That sounds like it sucked." Ezeakieal commented "Indeed it did, From the days of my conception until the last breath I drew, I could only recall a hand full of memories that gave me any meaning in life, and those few important  yet excessively small  fragments of memories  continue to give me strength in my greatest times of need and shined like a beacon against the shadows that encroach upon me. Now more than ever in the darkness and uncertainty that is the new world that I traverse, those moments in time steel my will, and keep me from falling to despair. You see my home was a small yet beautiful blue planet, it's story is a sad one filled with, tragedy,and dismay, hope, and triumph. Now to tell this story properly I would have to go way back to the genesis of the planet known as Terra.”

    "Long, long time ago in the forgotten pages of planet’s history; the world was whole and all of Terrain kind lived in harmony. With no religion or large bodies of water to separate the races, the inhabitants of Terra came to the unexpected yet inevitable realization, that all the people had, where one another. Their world flourished with vibrant forms of life plant and human alike, the bountiful sources of magical energy provided the people with limitless potential, there were no famines; no pestilence and most important war had yet to exist." "If it was so peaceful then what happened to change it to a war torn world?" Ezeakieal questioned. "I was getting to that. Many years later from out of space and time came the era of the gods. Beings of unimaginable power and wisdom appeared before the gentle people of Terra. The era of gods wasn't as peaceful and enlightened as the future descendants of Terra were led to believe; shortly after the gods had emerged the peaceful planet known as Terra, and all of its life forms were thrown into a continuous state of perpetual famine, pestilence, war, and death."

    "Wait a minute your planet was under siege from gods?" Aren't gods suppose to be kind an benevolent?" Ezeakieal continued to interrupt Kyo. "The gods are living beings too. They just require a different form of sustenance than most organic beings. The gods gluttony knew no limits, they shamelessly feed off of the lands massive multitude of energy sources nearly killing the planet in the processes. How ever when the gods saw that they nearly destroyed their source of nourishment they schemed for a way to continue their over gorging of power, the gods had found an alternate form of energy, a force that rivaled the planet’s natural energies. The gods shifted their gaze from the planet to its people. Worship had become the new name of the game. The gods set out instilling an array of emotions from the people. Fear, love, wrath, and various others; the emotions and worships of the people became an unlimited amount of energy for the many gods to consume; and for many years the power of worship sustained them. However it turns out the gods had something in common with the mortals that they ruled over, they were just as susceptible to greed and corruption. Over the time span of a millennium the gods plotted and tried to take one an-others source of power. They consumed and drowned the world in gorish battles, like children the gods used the used the people and their planet like their personal toys."

    Kyo paused as he stood up. "After many years passed the gods had failed to solve they’re petty squabbles over power with reason. When diplomacy and back handed methods seemed useless the gods would settle it with blood; but never their own.  For the next five millenniums every day life for the citizens of Terra became hell itself. The people forced to participate in their god’s wars; wars waged based on foolish and lilliputian reasons. The senseless destruction of the land and its people had shattered the massive continent known as Pangaea and its residents into mere fragments of what they once were. Finally as the people were submerged in a sea of their own blood and bile, a party of twelve heroes stood together and fought against the tyranny of the very gods they had sworn alliance to for the hopes and future lives of Terra's people. The war of the gods pushed the world near its breaking point, and when every ones hopes felt the crushing despair of failure, and the gods had all but won; they vanished just as suddenly as they came to be.  The world was saved; but no one ever knew whom or what had forced the gods leave their world, but none of that mattered anymore, the people of Terra had a chance at peace. They had the chance to live as free beings. My ancestor were among those heroes. Servile thousand years later the world known as Terra lived in a state of balance; a balance in the form of diplomacy and democracy. Half of the legendary heroes decided to rule over the eastern kingdoms through an established higher-archy. The land was distributed evenly among the six heroes of old, each perfectly suited to rule over their lands in an attempt to lead their future kin into an era of peace. While the western heroes, gave up their tittles as the planets saviors and their right to rule. The once mighty heroes had resigned and now serve the state as Warlords an organization built for the protection of the unified states of freedom the U.S.F. The citizens live in a meritocracy they then choose to elect their leader through a series of trials; five trials each to test the individuals right to rule the nation. The Paragon of Virtue; the test is a combination of strength, leadership, nobility, intelligence, and compassion. The remaining candidates that pass the trials of the paragon are than elected by vote. The successor rules for ten years and on the end of the eleventh year the president comes to the end of his one and only term, and the trails of the paragon begin once more."

    "How ever their peace didn't last long shortly after the world peace treaty and the world's civilizations prospered beyond belief, a plague of unknown origin engulfed the entirety of the planet. At the time the total population of Terra was 382,000,000 people in 8 hours the virus had killed off sixty eight percent of the world’s populous; in case you don’t feel like doing the math that’s over 259,760,000 people dead. For five hundred years the people lived in a time of darkness, however the people desperately strove to live on. They trudged through the sewage and rotting corpses clinging to the faint glimmer of light that is life. After years of tribulation passed and the virus had all but gone from the world, the people of Terra were able to rebuild there societies from the rubble of their ancestors. The world’s efforts paid off. Even the magic had returned; frail though it was. Unfortunately the stain of war had never left the once kind people of Terra, and the residents of the planet still fight one another in a conquest for power, but there are people that truly care for the planet and it’s people have fought and continue fighting to save it. This is the era I was born in." Ezeakieal was fully into the story of his masters origin when a group of clones attacked him all of them at least as strong as him, he was bombarded by flurry of punches and kicks, in an amazing display of reflex Ezeakieal used his new Rinkai-ten kaunta to do away with three of the clones instantly. The first clone to be dispatched struck Ezeakieal's shoulder, reading the weakest spot on the dolls body Ezeakieal ducked in and chopped the creature's head off, the head became a projectile that blinded his next target. Ezeakieal leapt forward and performed a neck breaking spin kick, another clone took advantage of the moment to perform a spin kick of it's own at Ezeakieal's ribs. Both attacks landed simultaneously, however Ezeakieal didn't flinch instead he grabbed the head of the clone and squashed it's head with his telekinetic hands  after rolling back a few feet Ezeakieal jumped back in with a rolling helicopter kick knocking the other two off their feet. Upon contact Ezeakieal shot off two small Ki blast off just behind his heels to peed up his kick, as soon as the creatures were air born Ezeakieal quickly stood to his feet and punched and kicked at the same time while targeting the weakest points on the clone's bodies. As soon as his attack hit Ezeakieal launched a blast from his fist and foot wiping out the last remaining two clone dolls. Ezeakieal was nearing his destination as his body felt the pangs of intense pain even through his natural chem doping the pain seared through his body,.the heat rushed of his body sweet and steam vapor rose from his pores. Ezeakieal spent the next few hours resting up, night was beginning to fall as the temperature dropped. Every now and than Ezeakieal felt a cool breeze giving him a bit of relief from the weight of the dense black fog. Ezeakieal had barely managed to crawl to the center of the dome reaching his destination once and for all. He shouted "I did it!" As loud as he could. His master Kyo sent a telepathic message to him "Good job now all you have to do is make five hundred times our normal gravity feel like an every day thing. Get some rest we'll finish up tomorrow." Ezeakieal closed his eyes and slow began to drift to sleep. That night Ezeakieal awoke many time in tremendous amounts of pain, each time he used his ability to regulate the damage in his body and repair it. The morning sun rose in the sky illuminating the grounds in the immediate area. Ezeakieal woke to his master slapping him in the face "Hey wake up." Ezeakieal rolled over and bit his Sensei's hand "Yuck! Master please no more food cubes. They taste like dog shit." Kyo was a bit furious to hear he tasted like dog shit as a vessel on his forehead became clearly visible, he slapped his student violently while shouting. "Excuse me for tasting like shit you little bastard. Now wake the hell up." The pain from Kyo's slaps had clearly woken the slumbering student as he grabbed his cheeks he cried out "That's no way to wake some one up you ass." Ezeakieal leapt up onto his feet and pushed his finger into his master's chest. "What are even doing here?" Kyo moved around the area inspecting the damage caused by Ezeakieal's training. The marble stone ground had dozens of small and large craters and cracks in it that seemed to run on for miles. "We train here until you can move as efficiently as you can in regular gravity." Ezeakieal nodded and for the next twelve hours the two martial artist spared in one on one combat by the end of the day the gravity well had dispersed and all that remain was the battle worn field of marble. "How do feel now Ezeakieal?" Kyo asked Ezeakieal took a look at him self covered in bruises from head to toe, the fatigue was clearly showing however Ezeakieal's body felt extremely light. "So I can control the orb of nothingness now." Ezeakieal asked, Kyo began to laugh hysterically "I told you before were only building athe foundation the rest is all you. It's your power you have to make it your own. All I did was give you a way to sense the energy before it can manifest." Ezeakieal understood perfectly and was entirely thankful to his master. "Soo I guess were done then.?" His master slapped his hands onto Ezeakieal shoulders. "No worries I know where you live now. I'll stop by every once and a while." Ezeakieal smiled and bowed to his sensei. Before Kyo sent him back on his way he said "Run back home, no flying." Ezeakieal cried out "Noooooooo!" As he faded away in a blur of light. He had arrived back on top of the tower staring out over the fields of Magnolia. "All right!" Ezeakieal shouted as he leapt from the top of the tower. "When I get home I'm gonna empty out the fridge."

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    The Apprentice 1ezsig10
    (Never Say Bye Till The Day you Die.)

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