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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven


    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

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    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 212.5

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    First Skill: ❅ ᴀʀᴄᴛɪᴄ ɴᴇᴍᴇsɪs
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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Hikachu 15th February 2015, 4:36 am

    Job Title: Shine Like the Moon!

    Rank: A

    Player Requirements: A-Ranked Wizard(s) or two B-Ranked Wizards. Thread must be 50 posts Long and each post must be 400 words long.

    Job Requirements: Must defeat 3 Groups of Enemies. Must defeat either Werewolf Omega, or Werewolf Alpha; without killing them. Must either severely wound; or knock out the enemies without killing them.

    The Confused and Raging Werewolves will attack eachother if you make them angry enough at each other somehow. The Confused Werewolves will also howl loudly; and call another group of 3 more Confused Werewolves if you fail to take them down within 3 posts of them appearing.

    Job Location: Haunted Village

    Job Description: The Haunted Village, on the coast of the Graveyard Sea. Not a place for those of weak spirit or mind. Nestled at the foot of the Phoenix Mountains; the villagers here have long been wary of the Mountain above. However, outsiders are wary of the villagers themselves; as each fifty years, certain families from this village undergo a drastic transformation.

    They are Lycan. Werewolves of the most ancient bloodlines. At least half of the village is composed of Werewolves. Normally; they have complete control of their transformations, and use their powers for good. Whether it be at home in Haunted Village, or around Fiore and the world at large.

    However; every fifty years, a Perfect Moon rises over the Graveyard Sea; and into the skies over Haunted Village and Fiore at large. Everywhere else except Haunted Village; this is a site to behold, as many festivals, parties, and love birds enjoy the Perfect Moon to the fullest. However; the Magic Council is aware that on this eve; the Werewolf Clan in Haunted Village goes into a Berserker Rage; murdering their own fellow townsfolk, perhaps even their best of friends; and attempting to branch out across Fiore for one eve of feral bloodlust.

    The Magic Council has sent a request too the Guilds; both Light and Dark, to send some of their more talented wizards too Haunted Village to prepare for the impending threat of Werewolves spreading across Fiore for a night of carnage.

    The villagers themselves and refuse to believe that anything is going to go wrong. Shunning the village elders who were around for the last Perfect Moon fifty years ago.


    Weak: Confused Werewolf x3 (B-Ranked, Hulk-Sized behemoth that is completely bewildered and out of control at it's sudden transformation. It's running speed on all fours is stupendous. It will use it's Razor Sharp Claws, and Fangs to rip and shred anything in it's way.Will become confused if too many flashy spells are used; and may attacks it's own kind. May also do a 'Calling Roar' within the first 2 posts it's around if it's not downed before the 3rd post. This will spawn yet another pack of Confused Werewolves who come running. Hopefully, your spells and attacks find their mark before a 3rd round. Takes 5 hits of B-Ranked damage to down each one of these beasts. )

    Normal: Raging Werewolf x10 (A-Ranked, these Hulking furred behemoth's are foaming at the mouth. They move so quickly; they leave smoke trails behind them as they run at about 30MPH. They have a Sonic Howl attack that will shatter through any B-Ranked spell effects and cause a 'disoriented', Status if you fail block rolls. They are also strong enough to lift trees, and other things of similar weight. Their claws and fangs are sharp enough to cut and bite chunks of buildings away. Their fangs and claws are so strong; that even Magical Iron, Steel, and Ice B-Ranked and blow can be broken and crushed. Takes 10 hits of B-Ranked damage to down each one of these behemoths.)

    Strong: Werewolf Omega (A-Ranked, this monstrous wolf has white fur. And can leap up to fifty feet at once; crushing anything it lands on. It's claws are sharp enough to slash through A-Ranked spells if it see's them coming or Blocks. It can easily dodge A-Ranked techniques as well. His claws and fangs are as sharp as a katana; and will deal A-Ranked damage with each slices, maul, or bite. He has a Mega Howl attack that rips up everything in it's path for 50 feet in front of Werewolf Omega in a burst of force that flips things over and causes weak construsts B-Ranked and below composed of anything to explode. His leaps are magnificent. Takes 15 hits of B-Ranked damage to take this white furred Lycan down.)

    Boss: Werewolf Alpha (S-Ranked, with Golden fur like the finest coin; he glitters. The Alpha of the Haunted Village pack. This Lycan can slay Giants on it's own. He moves at 50 MPH with one spring in his step; and can jump 100 feet in any direction. There is no escaping this beast once he has your scent. His claws and fangs? Well, let's just say he shatters through all solid magical effects of A-Ranked and below with ease; snapping them in half like twigs. He is strong enough to grab a house by it's foundation, and just flip it. He deals S-Ranked damage with every slice; his claw swipes are so powerful, they cut the air; meaning he can slice at you and even if you dodge; something behind you is getting sliced. His mauls leave claw marks wherever they hit; whether it be Iron, Brick, the Ground itself. It does not matter to the Alpha. Takes 10 hits of A-Ranked damage to take this paragon of Lycanthropy down.)

    Reward(s): The villagers, thankful their friends and family were spared gift ONLY one wizard with an Amulet of the Moon (Increases wearers Magic Power by 100% at night in the Moonlight) & Double Experience (2 A-Ranked Jobs Completed)


    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven JhB4MAf

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    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Rainbow- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 3494
    Guild : ɢᴀʀᴏᴜ ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛs
    Cosmic Coins : 6
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 212.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❅ ᴀʀᴄᴛɪᴄ ɴᴇᴍᴇsɪs
    Second Skill: ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Hikachu 24th February 2015, 7:47 am

    So far, it has been a lovely week for the white haired girl, she did a job with her fellow teammate, Pein and recently, she was presented as the new ace, Paragon of Faith, of Sabertooth which was much to her surprise. She never thought that she’d become the ace of her guild which was why Hika was up on the roof of Sabertooth, contemplating on her newly earned title. Letting out a long heavy sigh, Hika ran her hand through her hair and ruffled it a bit to mess it up. For some reason, she likes it when her hair is let very loose since it makes her feel comfortable about herself. But when she ties up her hair, that means shit just got serious. The cool breeze would whisk away her silver hair as she basked under the warm sunlight with her eyes closed. The feeling of the wind against her skin never felt boring to her. Bringing herself up, Hika rested her elbows on the knees, her hands clasped together as she placed her chin above them, deep in her own thoughts. She wondered how she should spend her time today instead of staring into nothing, wasting time and not doing anything productive.

    Standing back on her feet, Hika stretched out her tightened muscles and yawned as she jumped out onto the platform. Bending her knees, her ankle-length boots landed with a loud thud on the marbled floor. The guildhall was still noisy as ever but there were less members than before. She realised a couple had gone inactive and it was then she figured she might have to do something to make her guild regain its popularity back again. Sighing heavily, she walked over to the mission board and scanned it quickly. Much to her surprise, none of the jobs didn’t seem so interesting to her which brought a frown to her face. Until, one of the job sheets grabbed her attention. Shine Like the Moon, it says. It was a rather interesting job, one would say and Hika found herself staring at the paper, reading it thoroughly, her brows creased into the middle of her forehead as she focused in concentration. Doing the job alone would be boring, so perhaps getting a partner wouldn’t be too bad, isn’t it? There was one person she had been wanting to go on a mission again but she wasn’t sure if her soon-to-be partner would be free for today.

    Crossing the small bridge that was separated from the rest of the building, lies another establishment that were made for the Sabertooth guild master.
    Knock Knock.
    Hika would await for the answer from the opposite side of the door as she brought her hands back to her side.
    ”Oiiiiiii. Raven, ya here?”
    It has been quite a while after they had done a job together with her who had recently been chosen as the new guild master after Marick. Things had changed quite a bit after but Sabertooth was still extraordinary as it was.

    Word Count: 505/400
    Post Count: 1/50


    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven JhB4MAf

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    Holy Darkness

    Holy Darkness

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Age : 28
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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Yvonne 26th February 2015, 7:29 am

    Raven sighed for the fourth time, sitting behind the long mahogany desk, designed to perfection. It shined as the rays of sunshine fell on it and Raven ran her hand on it, her other hand supporting her head. She had locked herself inside the big office as she had to take care of this and that which concerned the guild greatly. She went out on missions now and then but came straight back to her office afterwards. Simply putting it, her life was starting to revolve around missions and paperwork. She wasn't complaining though.Just the thought of working hard for her guild was enough to get her up and running on full energy and it wasn't like she was not getting much sleep. However, her mind does often wander to more fun things like hanging out with her guild mates and others. And when that happens, she would put away her work and start going off to dreamland much like how she was doing now. Leaning forward on the desk, one of her hands placed under her head while the others made patterns on the cool surface of the desk. She had been thinking of going on a mission again. Hopefully, her partner would be coming to fetch her.

    The knocking sound made the silver haired girl look up, her facial expressions turning from bored to excitement. She pushed away from the desk and stood up before running over to a smaller table to the side of the room. She took her wallet and ring that was placed on it and wore them, looking down to see her complete outfit which included a black t shirt and dark blue jeans. She decided to go with something simple that day as the weather outside told her it was going to be hot. She drew her hair back and placed a clip on it, leaving her neck exposed with just her raven pendant adorning the pinkish skin. With that, she opened the door, greeting Hikari with a smile. Hikari was her first choice for an ace when she thought of who would fit the title of "Paragon of Faith" and she was more than happy to give it to the girl. She deserved it as she had been in the guild the longest and Raven knew of her faith in Sabertooth.

    "Hello Hikari. Ready?" She asked but didn't wait for a reply as she took her hand and started leading her out. "You better make this fun for me. You have no idea how boring it is in that office," Raven threw her hands back and stretched. Their destination was the haunted village. Scary name for a scary place, she guessed, chuckling at the thought.


    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven QoRmBvD

    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Rainbow- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Knight of Destiny
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    Posts : 3494
    Guild : ɢᴀʀᴏᴜ ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛs
    Cosmic Coins : 6
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 212.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❅ ᴀʀᴄᴛɪᴄ ɴᴇᴍᴇsɪs
    Second Skill: ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Hikachu 5th March 2015, 7:52 pm

    Her big, bright orbs shifted from the ground towards the girl that had appeared on the front porch of the door. Running her eyes over her fellow friend’s body, Hika raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging on her thin lips. She looked different from the last time she saw her and it was certainly a good thing in which she ended up throwing a compliment at her.
    ”Ooh, you look pretty good today. Raven being mature and all.”
    She giggled, her eyes cringing into something like a shape of a half moon as she smiled. ”Yup. I’m rea—“
    Before she could even say anything, Raven grabbed her hand and started leading away, not bothering to wait for her reply. As she explained how monotonous it was in her office, Hika grinned and poked her arm consistently as she spoke, ”You must be busy with all those paperwork, eh? You’ll create these lines on your face if you work too hard and it’ll make you look ugly. Least, spend some time with us so you could relax, aye?” She was being serious about this apart from the little joke she added, she wouldn’t want her guild master to be holed up in her office doing tons of paperwork and not seeing her guild mates at all.
    Smiling sheepishly, she looked at Raven. ”I’ll take you out often from now on.”

    ”On a side note, do you even know what the job we’re going to do?” She tilted her head at Raven and perched up her eyebrow while still walking towards their destination. ”We’re heading to the Haunted Village and I hope it’s not as scary as I imagine it to be.” Hika added some weird noises to exaggerate and clung onto Raven’s arm, planning to glue herself onto her partner throughout the whole journey. She quickly ran her hand through her silver hair and pushed some strands of loose hair out of her face before placing her hand inside her hoodie’s pocket. Staring down at her new official boots, her favourite, in other words, she checked if there were any dirt on her shoes. Talk about being possessive and obsessed with little things.
    A few hours later, they would reach the Haunted Village. She could tell it immediately from the sight of it miles away. It was dark, gloomy and there was some kind of unwelcoming aura emitted from the place. She couldn’t help but quiver slightly and scoot even closer to Raven, trying to hide behind her from the creepiness while her hair stood on its ends as shivers ran down her spine. No one would believe it if she said she was 18 due to the way she was acting. The village was as empty and silent as a graveyard, with no one around, apart from ruined old houses and trees. The air was rigid and rough and she knew it from the moment when she entered the area that she wouldn’t like this place. She scanned over the area quickly, her eyes darting over one place to another rather apprehensively, whilst still hiding behind Raven.
    ”Where’re we supposed to go now?” Hika barely even whisper to her friend, terrified that her voice might wake up certain animals that were lurking in the darkness. What if an animal suddenly leaped onto her? Ugh, can’t even imagine how startled Hika would be if that happened.

    Word Count: 565/400
    Post Count: 3/50


    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven JhB4MAf

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    theme | battle theme


    Holy Darkness

    Holy Darkness

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Age : 28
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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Yvonne 8th March 2015, 7:18 am

    Raven directly passed by her first comment with a roll of her eyes. Leave it to Hikari to say something like that, she chuckled in her mind. Waving her free hand dismissively at the girl, she shrugged it off and continued dragging the girl till she decided to practically glue herself to her. 'How old was this girl again?' Raven thought, finding herself on the verge of laughing out loud at the shorter girl. It was always fun when she took a job with her silver haired ace, she mused, though her face didn't show any of it. This job should be fun, right? Well, their location was not in the least "fun" but then again, it would take something more than a haunted village to scare her off. Though, that might not be the case for Hikari....

    Her thoughts trailed off until her gaze shifted to Hikari who was looking down at something. 'What is she looking...oh new shoes? Favorite ones maybe? Well she better hold on to them today,' Raven thought, finally cracking a smile at her favorite ace.  

    When they finally reached the haunted village, Raven found her "favorite ace" hiding behind her, keeping a hold on the older girl as if she would fall to her death if she didn't. But then again, the atmosphere wasn't something Raven felt extremely safe around either. Even she could feel it. The chilly winds cutting through her skin and the feeling of something around the corner of her eyes. It felt as if something would jump out of the stillness any moment. She started tapping her foot on the ground, looking around as if she was waiting for something.  However, her rhythm was thrown off when she heard Hikari speak behind her. "I don't know. Do I look like a fortune teller to you?" Raven asked her, partly making fun of the girl and partly being serious with her.  

    She would have loved to get out of that place, however. As much as she was used to spooky things, she wasn't used to not knowing what to expect. At that moment, all they had as a clue was that the village they were standing on was filled with werewolves and once in a perfect moon, they would completely lose their mind to the power the moon would supply the half beasts with.  When the job request initially came into Raven's hands one day at work, she knew this was something not to be taken lightly and she was right. In a distance, she could already hear the sound of a howl. "You better get ready for one hell of a fight, Hikari".


    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven QoRmBvD

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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by NPC 8th March 2015, 7:18 am

    The member 'Raven' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven NormalMonster Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven WeakMonster

    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Rainbow- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 6
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 212.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❅ ᴀʀᴄᴛɪᴄ ɴᴇᴍᴇsɪs
    Second Skill: ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Hikachu 12th March 2015, 2:28 am

    ”Oh, hell yeah, I am.”

    The silver haired girl nodded with a slight grin on her face as she placed her hand on her waist, her hip jutting out to the side. She may be terrified by the creepiness but she wasn’t scared to get into battles — she’s an ace, for heaven’s sake. Hika rubbed her hands and blew onto them nervously, her eyes darting around the place, searching for any monsters that might emerge out of the shadows.
    There was a loud howl that startled the shit out of the girl, causing her eyeballs to almost pop out of their sockets. Her ears were perked up to listen out for any sound that would be produced and her senses were all on guard. More howls could be heard from a distance and Hika couldn’t help but stare intensely at the source where the noise was coming from. Immediately, she pulled out the weapon from her back, holding it firmly in her hands as she crouched lower and listened closely. Only if Phoenix was hear, she would be able to tell what they were and how far they were from the two mages. But even from the howls, she could pretty much assume that they were wolves.

    It went silent for a moment and she could only hear the rustle of the leaves and the breaking of branches as if someone was stepping on it. Her eyes were glued to the sight in front of her, her brows creased to the middle of her forehead. Red eyes suddenly emerged from the shadows, followed by more pair of glowing red orbs. The wolves were here and they were going to either kill them or get attacked.
    ”You ready, Raven?”
    A smirk grew onto her lips as she extended her free hand in front of her, electric sparks flying around her pale fingers.
    Electric Surge.
    With a quick swift of her hand, the young ace wiped her hand in front of her in a semi-circle as a huge wave of electricity discharged from her hands. Loud howls were erupted from the wolves as they cried in agony but Hika wasn’t going to relent.
    Boomerang Blade.
    She threw her blades towards the gang of wolves as it hurled to the nearby wolves that were crowded together in a line. After it struck the enemies, it immediately returned to its’ owner who was satisfied that her attacks successfully landed.

    The girl let out a sharp sigh as she flicked the loose hair out of her face and glared at the wolves through slit eyes. She was going to give them a good beating. The werewolves were much bigger than she had expected and she presumed that she might have some trouble dealing with them. After all, they’re strong, powerful and much tougher than her.
    ”I’ll handle the weaker one, you take care of that thing.” She pointed at the raging werewolf  who was growling at the both of them and winked at Raven. Hika wouldn’t have to worry, she knew that Raven would do it more than fine.

    Word Count: 515/400
    Post Count: 5/50

    Combat Stats:


    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven JhB4MAf

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    theme | battle theme


    Holy Darkness

    Holy Darkness

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Age : 28
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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Yvonne 18th March 2015, 10:00 am

    Raven sighed, eying the raging werewolves from the corner of her eyes. Did Hikari really had to leave her with ten crazy strong werewolves? Apparently, yes. The silver haired girl had that much expectations in her guild master. Well, Hikari wasn't taking it very well either, she could tell even without turning back to look at her. They looked far weaker compared to the ones she was facing, but to Hikari, she knew, they were a great challenge. Hikari was strong but the shining full moon hanging above them had supplied these beasts with so much power that they had exceeded their normal rank and consequently, made them lose their sanity in the process. It was evident in their eyes which looked hollow with a dash of red. They clearly had no clear enemies, but just like how a hyperactive kid would have to tire himself out, these half wolves had to have some way to give away the excess energy they had in them, thanks to the moon they worshipped. According to the data she had received, this had happened a long time ago and had been written up as an unfortunate event that cost the lives of many. These charged up beasts had no friends or family. They only had enemies.

    She raised an eyebrow against one of them, charging towards her with its fangs bared for her eyes. Considering the level of insanity they were in, Raven quickly flew up, out of reach and made sure she was hanging up there. One wrong move and they could easily strike her down to the ground and the ground was very disadvantageous with the wolves at their full strength. They were slow, which was the only relief that the situation bought for Raven and Hikari. But they had number and strength with them and Raven would have to use more than half of her full strength if she wanted to beat them. Honestly, however, their number was more of a worry than their full strength. One thing she took note, though, was that they had no co-ordination within their current state which could work well for them.

    Unfortunate for the poor souls, they had decided to pick a fight with the wrong person.

    Raven raised her right arm, her long slender finger lazily curved towards the sky as she concentrated for a second, her eyes burning intensely with a lighter shade of red. The color made her eyes look hazy, violet mixed with light red, it was beautiful but dangerous all at the same time. And in the instant that she fixed her eyes on the wolves, light poured down from the sky as, in sight, it looked like the sky was being drawn with an invisible white ink, curving, twisting and swirling to make a beautiful magic circle, extending in a 60m circular area. And with a quick yet graceful movement, Raven raised her right hand and lowered it, pointing at her targets. They were going to get a quick lesson in why they should not have messed with her.

    Towards the group of 10 werewolves bunched together, howling and swiping at the ground in pure madness, Raven unleashed a quick yet effective spell. Towards the middle but a few feet above them appeared a black ball of darkness, roughly in the size of a basketball, it appeared harmless. But within the next few seconds, it started to expand, finally creating a large explosion, encasing all of the were wolves in a large dome of darkness before disappearing as quickly as it had appeared. It didn't leave without nothing because once the blast of darkness had disappeared, the ear-piercing sound of the wolves' painful cry filled Raven's ears.


    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven QoRmBvD

    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Rainbow- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Hikachu 3rd April 2015, 12:56 am

    The young ace produced a mere click of her tongue as she irritatedly flicked her bangs out of her eyes. Sparks of electricity flared around her body as she twirled her blades in her hands. She regretted not bringing Phoenix along with her, otherwise it wouldn’t be this hard to get rid of them. Hika could tell that the werewolves she was facing right now were probably the weakest among their pack. Even so, it was much harder than she had expected. Saliva dripped down onto the wet soil from their hungry mouths as they glared at the silver-haired mage standing in front of the them. Their eyes were wild and intimidating and they appeared to be wanting to lunge on her and slash out her throat anytime. At least, she still landed her attacks perfectly. A smirk grew on her lips as she hoisted up her free hand, electric sparks growing stronger around her.
    Electric Beam.
    A huge stream coloured purple surrounded by red glows shot out of her hand with a surge of force that even herself  was pushed back slightly due to it. The beam of electricity would strike one of the turbulent werewolves before they could even leap onto her body.

    Without her realising, the werewolf had charged into her, knocking her over onto the ground and threatening to bite her face off. Concealing her face with her arms, she was able to protect herself. However, instead of her face getting slashed, her arms were the ones that got attacked. Blood dripped onto her shirt and the ground, yet, she suddenly gripped onto the werewolf’s gnarling mouth and shocked him with electricity that were remaining on her hands. The werewolf immediately limped away from her body, striding back to its werewolves’ pack. Her arms trembled slightly from the injure she had gotten inflicted from the previous fight. Turning around, she glanced over at Raven to see how she was doing. Seems like she is struggling slightly due to the number of enemies she was facing. Plus, the werewolves she had to take charge of was a hell lot stronger than the weaker ones. Maybe after they’ve get rid of these bunch, both of them could work together so that it would be easier.

    Her glowing eyes bared through the ones of the werewolves as she prepared another spell.
    Plasma Field.
    Her body emitted a sharp bright light before it released a concentrated wave of electricity, expanding around her and dealing damage to her enemies. Once the wave would reach it’s maximum size, it would zap back smaller, contracting to her body. The werewolves look much weaker and vulnerable now that she had done quite some damage to them. Hika let out an exhale as she wiped the sweat beads that were forming on her forehead. This was harder than she had expected.

    Word Count: 477/400
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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven JhB4MAf

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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Yvonne 5th April 2015, 7:29 am

    The battle was not over yet. Yes, the earlier blast had sent them all to the ground and the twitching, groaning bodies of the werewolves were now scattered around, thanks to the violent force of her spell. Raven stood almost motionless and emotionless at the center of it all. Her chest heaved as she took huge gulps of oxygen into her lungs like a starving child. The magic circle remained above the girl. Glowing bright it added to the already bright light of the full moon. To everything around them, the light almost gave the impression that it was morning instead of night. However, the trees and flowers around them remained as still as the dead, giving nothing away.

    Taking the momentary silence for granted, Raven took a look behind her to find Hikari struggling with her enemies. From where she stood, Hikari's hair silver tresses shined in the moonlight coupled with the light of her own magic circle.Her small petite body gliding in the air as glistening sweat flew off of her. And for a moment, Raven had a strange thought crossing her mind. That if she was of opposite gender, she would have found Hikari extremely attractive at that time. She chose to believe in the stubbornness of her dear friend and turned back to her own battle.

    All the werewolves, previously lying around in pain, were now once again charging towards her, their eyes glowing brilliantly with anger. If Raven had a choice, she would have turned them all back to humans. After all, they were not doing this on their own will. Hurting them was her last option although they didn't leave her with much of a choice. She noted that, some of them were already giving up. Some were limping. Some looked as if they were blaming Raven for their current predicament. One thing was for sure. They had no idea of what they were doing.

    Unable to move as the side effect of her currently active spell, Raven stood her ground, her eyes flickering between the approaching gray masses of werewolves in front of her. She was counting for the perfect moment to unleash another attack. In a few seconds, they were about five meters away from her. Without even a second to lose anymore, Raven activated her spell for the second time, following the route that her spell had taken the last time. It had the same effect. The werewolves were thrown back from the explosion once more. But they still looked as savage and bloodthirsty as before. One more hit. One more and her fight would be over for the time being.


    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven QoRmBvD

    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Hikachu 13th April 2015, 10:21 pm

    Her lungs burned for oxygen. It was pounding so hard against her chest as if it almost leaped out of her throat. Countless sweat beads cascaded down her face and she was literally drenched in sweat. Who knew a body can produce so much water? But then, it actually make sense. After all, 80% of the human’s body was filled with water. Her mind began to wander off and Hika silently shook her head at her silliness as she forced all the thoughts to the back of her mind. Why in the world was she thinking of the human’s body at this moment anyway? Blood continued to trickle down her arm but she chose to ignore the pain. Her body glowed as the sparks of electricity began to fly around her body once she raised up her arm to activate her spells.

    How tough were these wolves?, she wondered. Because for the past hour she had been landing her spells after another but none of them seem affected by it although she did notice they’re starting to wear out, which was very fortunate for her. All of these enemies were much stronger than her, she much admit, she will just have to hope to return home in one piece. Another look at Raven caused her to realise that her guild master was almost done dealing with the pack.
    ”Oi, woman, if you’re done, give me a hand, will you? You could just finish them off in one blow.”
    Hika wiggled her eyebrows at the pretty guild master in the midst of a battle. How silly. A second beam of electricity shot out of her hand suddenly, striking one of the enemies that threatened to leap onto her. After the attack, she could see the poor animal limping already causing a light smile to spread on her face. Maybe after a few more spells, she could finish them off.

    With a swift movement, Hika spun around and cart wheeled to her side to dodge another attack from her wild enemies. The aggressive red eyes of the wolves bore into hers, sending shivers down her spine. Those were the eyes that yearn for death and sorrow. Anger and madness. It was rather frightening to look at them straight into the eye so she preferred to avoid any eye contact, otherwise it would interrupt the arduous battle she was having. The final beam was emitted to the same target with such force that it blew the wolf away back into where it came from. She waited for a couple of seconds, wondering if it would return but no, there wasn’t any response except the loud snarling from the remaining wolves. A sigh left her lips yet again, this time of frustration of having to face another two more wolves. Having a life of a mage wasn’t easy, eh?

    Word Count: 475/400
    Post Count: 9/50

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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Yvonne 16th April 2015, 8:46 am

    Raven was not used to staying at one place for too long. She was far too energetic to do that. But her spell had made it so that she couldn't move an inch from where she stood. It was a drawback of her spell that she had to stay wherever she was before initiating the spell.

    She shifted her weight from one foot to another as she waited for the wolves to gather again. It took them longer than the last time to come back at her. She wasn't surprised at that seeing as most of them were limping and breathing heavily. It was obvious that the fight in them had left them. However, the moon was driving them forward again and again, willing them to get back up on their feet until they could not. Raven wasn't complaining. She did feel bad she was hurting innocent people. But, it was either her or them. Hopefully, Hikari was not finding the whole thing too difficult. Compared to the pack she was dealing with, Hika had it easier. But of course, her rank wasn't high enough to deal with them yet. A little more and she would be able to help Hikari.

    After all of that, they had to find out more about the werewolves. The brief description on their request was all the clue they had so far about the werewolves. But, maybe, if possible, there could be a small chance that they could really figure out what makes them tick. Maybe they could find the elders? It would be one bloody night but they couldn't possibly keep on fighting like this. For a race that's almost non existent, there were a whole lot of them.

    Finally, she redirected her attention to the wolves charging at her again. This time, they actually decided to come at her from all directions. Ah for some beasts that got their mind taken over by immeasurable power, these things sure had the brain to actually mix things up and approach her intelligently. They must have figured out that the explosion works best when they were together. Well, the clearly didn't know her enough then. This time, Raven cooked up a dark ball right within her hands. She quickly directed it, under her and sent it straight to the ground. It exploded right before it touched the ground and the explosion roared around Raven with her shielding her eyes from the stones and debris that flew up. It was over.


    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven QoRmBvD

    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Hikachu 4th May 2015, 6:58 am

    The Paragon of Faith sighed once again. Truthfully, she felt hopeless seeing that these enemies were way tougher than her but something was motivating her to not give up. Besides, she wasn’t one to forfeit that easily. The moon gleaming above was making things all worse as it was bestowing them with endless energy when she had almost tired herself out. Blowing out the bangs that were whisking into her eyes, Hika placed her Chakram blades back to its own place and balled her fists beside her. Her eyes obvious of frustration and her brows furrowed together, she hoisted up her right arm, hand shooting out the front as she yelled out a spell.
    A sudden urge of energy shot up her arm before the electrostatic energy in her body produced a huge pitch-black sword that was even bigger than her height. It floated in the air for a tad bit longer until Hika grabbed a hold of the sword, gripping onto it tightly. Her right eye shone brightly in vivid crimson colour and the electric sparks flickered around her body and the sword itself. Despite how big it might appear, it was extremely light for her, which the others might not notice.

    Her eyes drawn into slit lines, Hika placed the sword right in front of her, the gold rims of the sword that were decorated around the hilt of the weapon shimmered under the spectacular moonlight. Eyeing the two werewolves who were glaring at her, their tongues drooping from their hungry mouths, the white haired mage huffed out air and launched straight into her enemies. She plunged her foot into the moist ground, kicking off the dirt and pebbles from the force she had applied. Without any hesitation, she slashed her sword against the skin of the werewolves multiple times, leaving them howling in pain as she swung her blade in wide angles. Not only did her blade create cuts, it also electrifies those that touches her blade. A great combo, isn’t it? The harsh wind whistled and swooshed away her hair after she had finished the battle. Her lip shut tight into a thin line, Hika glanced at the werewolves who were defeated before her. Their bodies were limped and lifeless. She may be satisfied that she had at least killed them off, a part of her still felt sorry for the poor werewolves.

    Hika closed her eyes and shook her head as she strolled towards Raven, cracking her neck and fingers from a rather big battle.
    ”So, where’re we headed to now?”

    Word Count: 427/400
    Post Count: 11/50

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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven JhB4MAf

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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Yvonne 13th May 2015, 7:13 am

    After the battle, Raven sat down on the ground before pulling her legs up to her chest. Her ankle burned a little from having been so close to explosion of her own spell. It had already become quite red when Raven lifted the hem of her dress up a little to inspect it. The light of the magic circle above her disappeared slowly afterwards and finally the light of the moon was their sole guide again. She ran a finger over the red area and winced after feeling the pain cut through her. It was sharp but nothing that she couldn't take. Luckily, Raven was still able to get back on her feet after gently rubbing the sore spot for a little. However, if she couldn't treat it, it was more likely that she would have problems with that sore foot later. If she didn't get the map of this place wrong the first time she looked at it, Raven was pretty sure that the village they were in had a clinic.

    "The clinic, woman. That's where we are going next. If I don't get this thing inspected, I don't think I'll be very efficient in fighting after this. But really...I got injured from my own attack," Raven complained after puffing up her cheeks in annoyance. The girl who had trouble dealing with the monsters was completely fine too!

    "Ugh I'm never going to get used to the eeriness of this pla-WOAH!" Raven fell back with something or rather someone on top of her. "Ugh! I'm not your cushion dammit!" the violet haired girl frustratedly got ahold of her little attacker's face and pushed him off her before taking a good look at the kid that decided it was wise to jump on the face of a stranger. He was small alright. Looked around eight with dark brown mushroom cut hair and similar beady eyes that kept staring at Raven with admiration. "So cool! Grandpa! Look! These two defeated the werewolves!" the kid suddenly turned around and called out to an older looking man, almost bald from his age. He held a long stick in one hand and the other was placed behind him. Two bushy eyebrows hid his eyes from hers and Raven finally lifted an eyebrow at the two.  

    "I'll explain in my clinic," he finally spoke and turned around to walk away. "I can fix your ankle up too. Come on. It's not safe out here".


    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven QoRmBvD

    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Hikachu 19th May 2015, 10:27 pm

    ”Eyyyy, gurl, how can you be so careless? Getting injured with your own spell, tsk tsk.” The white haired girl produced a click of her tongue and shook her head with her arms crossed over her chest. She had a couple of injuries to but not one that was too serious for her. The wound on her hand was still sore and bleeding but at least it is curing itself and she felt somewhat better now. There were tons of scratches on her arms, both from the fights she had had before this job and new ones she received just now. Her face covered with sweat and dirt, in fact, her whole body is. Hika wouldn’t even want to stare at her own reflection in the mirror at this moment. “Well, if that’s the case, I suggest we should go to the clinic, aye, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to finish this job.” She patted Raven’s shoulder lightly in consideration and nodded.

    Before they could proceed onwards to the clinic, someone fell onto Raven making Hika bewildered for a moment. Perhaps, a person was following them? When she turned around, all she saw a was a little child lying on top of Raven and an old man tagging along behind the kid, which caught her by surprise. The old man seemed to be in his late sixties since his hair was even balding. On a side note, how could a child and an old man be in the middle of nowhere where there is only death and danger in this area? They looked suspicious to her but they didn’t appear to be harmful at all. Besides, the old man was even offering Raven to relieve the injury on her knee. Thus, she decided that it would be best to tag along with them since they don’t know where to go either.  
    “We better go with him. Who knows, we might get some information from him, hm? Here, I’ll help you up.” Hika reached out a hand for Raven so she could help her stand up.
    “Alright m’lady. Let me escort you to the clinic~” She said jokingly, as she let out a soft chuckle.

    Upon reaching the place the old man had led the way, it shocked her by seeing the amount of people living in the Haunted Village. She had thought the place to be deserted since she always heard news about how frightening the village was. However, the ambience of the village was so gloomy and distressing that Hika immediately felt uncomfortable walking along the streets of the village. Standing behind the old man and the kid, Hika waited alongside Raven as the old man swung open the door and prepared to enter into a small building.

    Word Count: 460/400
    Post Count: 13/50

    you gotta take it easy, throwing far too much emotions at me
    duckie of gs


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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Yvonne 6th June 2015, 6:46 am

    Raven simple shrugged when Hika expressed displeasure at her getting hurt with her own magic. Well, it’s not like she could help it. She wanted to have all the werewolves at a point where she could hit them all and the best spot just happened to be right under her after her jump. Anyhow, the most important thing was that she had managed to take care of all the werewolves that threatened to rip her bones apart and Hika had done the same.

    The boy that tackled her turned out to be the grandkid of an old village based doctor. Hikari had helped her walk over to his clinic after she got injured. The clinic was old, Raven could tell from a simple glance at the semi dirty walls and almost broken doors. All that was holding up the door to the room for patients was a small rusty hinge at the top. The lower one was already broken and door was almost hanging on air.

    “Is this village full of werewolves?” she asked the old man as she sat down on a small stool beside a bed in the room. Raven tried to exert as little pressure as she possibly could on the slowly rusting stool. The shaking legs of the metal piece painfully told her it would give away if she pushed back further down into it by creating a creaking noise.

    “No, we have normal people here too,” the man answered as he instructed his kid to go and bring a small kit from the cupboard. She expected it to contain some ointment plus bandage and stuff but it surprised her a little when she saw different kind of leaves in there. There were leaves of all sizes and shapes. “They are herbs,” he explained to the confused violet haired woman. “I collect them from the forest. They have some really effective medicinal plants there. Also, about the werewolves, only half of the village is their kind. The normal humans are hiding underground in a large room to escape from them. This only lasts a night, after all. However, if they aren’t stopped, after not finding anyone here, they will definitely move out to other villages. Right now, they cannot be beaten with reason. They must be stopped at all costs. I noticed the guild mark on you…you belong to Sabertooth, right? We implore you, please stop them. Don’t kill them! If possible, just knock them unconscious till the morning!” the man’s voice was shaking as he finished with a cough indicating his age restricted him from speaking so much.

    “You are right. I’m Raven, the guild master of Sabertooth and with me is Hikari, one of our aces. We will stop them. But we have to figure out a way to trap the werewolves in this village. I don’t want them going out of the village bounds. Do you have any ideas?” she asked the smiling man.

    “Yes, I do…”


    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven QoRmBvD

    Grand Duelist

    Grand Duelist

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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Hikachu 20th June 2015, 4:05 am

    ”Oh wow. Nice clinic.” Being sarcastic but not intentionally rude, the girl whispered to herself, trying to make sure that the old man didn’t hear anything after witnessing the appalling situation of the building - broken doors and windows and cracked walls. Entering the house, her eyes darted around the miniature clinic as she took everything in. There were medicines lined up in a row on the shelves, a couple of beds and trays scattered around the room. The dim light flickered above their heads as she waited for the old man to cure Raven’s leg. ”Old man, could you please fix my hand too, afterwards?” Hika grinned sheepishly and ruffled the back of her hair. It was quite a wonder for her, seeing that the old man used herbs to wound injuries. Nodding, she listened to the old man as he explained on how he had been treating his patients with his unique method and a brief story about his village. It took her by surprise that the grandfather knew of their guild, Sabertooth when he stated straight away just by taking a glance at their guild emblem. Hika agreed alongside Raven, crossing her arms in front of her chest and nodding at the same time when she asked if the old man had any ideas to get rid of the wolves. There was a slight grin on his face upon hearing the question as if he had something planned secretly.

    -30 Minutes Later-

    ”So … you say, this is your idea?” Hika raised an eyebrow as she stared down from the height that was hundred of meters above from the ground. Water gushed out from the huge rocks and boulders, falling vertically down into a large plunge-pool. It was extremely breathtaking but sort of noisy at the same time since all you could hear was the sound of water channelling down into the pool with such an immense force. She loves water but she hates it as much as she loves it too due to her magic. The biggest weakness of her magic was water - it could shut her down completely and make her utterly vulnerable which is why she never wants to face against enemies utilizing water magic. Thinking of it already makes the shivers run down her spine. On the other hand, it does make a good combination as well, considering the amount of energy it could produce when electricity comes into contact with water. In fact, it could be extremely deadly as well. Anyway, back to where she was.
    ”What do you suggest to do with the waterfall? Drown them here?” Hika giggled at the end of her sentence, attempting to make a joke although she shuts up immediately, knowing that this is not actually the time to laugh about silly jokes.

    WORD COUNT: 468/400
    POST COUNT: 15/50

    Rules are made to be broken
    duckie of gs


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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Yvonne 25th July 2015, 5:12 am

    “This is beautiful,” Raven silently breathed when they reached the top of waterfall. Some meters away from them, Raven was able to clearly see that huge boulders were blocking the water’s path. A rock slide must have affected it at some point. And she did not need Sherlock Holmes to tell her that the old man’s plans had something to do with that awful excuse for a dam.

    “Three months ago, there was a rock slide that blocked the course of water from the waterfall. As you can guess, our village used to be surrounded by a wide stream before. Thanks to those pile of rocks, the stream isn’t as fast or wide enough anymore. The werewolves can easily cross them and go out the village. If we restore the stream to its original state…”

    “The wolves will be trapped here and we have Hikari here. I have a really good plan now…” Raven completed the old man’s plan for him. First thing first, they had to destroy the rocks blocking the stream’s path.

    She kept looking around the area for a few minutes to see if there is something else that she could use. Nothing in particular caught her eye though she could see the complete layout of the village from where they stood. Light of the full moon mercilessly assaulted her when she looked up. Time then was 1:00 AM which meant that they had four to five more hours to fend the werewolves off. If they time it right and manage to round all the werewolves together, it will still be one long night.

    She crouched down at the edge of the waterfall before jumping down to the ground several meters below. She intended to take a closer look at the pile of rocks to see if there could be some type of weak spot to it. Contrary to the size she thought it would be from the top of the waterfall, the real structure was very very big. It towered over her and though she probably could take it down by herself, she didn’t want to waste her high ranked spells on it.

    “Hika, come down. You take one side and I’ll take one side. Launch a B rank spell on it on the same time as I do, alright?” she instructed the paragon of faith before flying a short distance off to the other side of the stream.


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    Grand Duelist

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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Hikachu 27th July 2015, 7:37 am

    The sound of the water gushing out of the rocks echoed throughout the walls of mountains and the trees. The light from the moon shone upon the crystal clear water as it reflected, making the waterfall glisten under the pale moonlight as if they were diamonds. The breeze blew through the land and whisked away the sapphire coloured hair, sailing behind the ace of Sabertooth as though it was a kite. Stunned by the exquisite beauty of the sight below her, a gasp of awe escaped from her lips followed by a bite of her teeth on her bottom lip. The scintillating sparkles of the stars spread across the sky, twinkles of light coloured throughout the endless vast sky and beneath it was the vicinity of thick verdant trees that laid sprawled across the land. Undoubtedly, it was only on rare occasions that the blue haired mage would see a picturesque sight like this. Albeit, the boulders that were located across the area caught her attention. Seconds within, the young mage figured out that the rocks were possibly used to cease the flow of the water from a geological phenomenon, most likely. Perhaps a rock slide, to be exact.

    Her crimson eyes glided along the boulders, examining it carefully from a distance. As the old man would begin the strategy, Raven would trail off and finished his sentence in his stead. A pleased smile — one that indicates the feeling of satisfaction of her guild master, curved on her rosy lips as she brought her arms against her petite chest and folded in front of them, her foot tapping lightly on the solid hard ground. After a few minutes of discussing what they planned to do, the Paragon of Faith cracked her knuckles and fixed her black gloves that were secured around her slender hands — she was certainly ready for some action. Nodding at Raven’s command, the young mage remained at one side of the stream, which was the highest peak of the waterfall, whilst Raven drifted away to the other side of the dam so casually. Patiently, she waited for the signal from her guild master to strike at the boulders. Up close, they were humongous, she wondered if they would be able to break the boulders. Letting her fingers touch the rough texture of the rocks, she attempted to observe how much it would take to destroy it.

    Ruby eyes darted towards the direction of Raven as the question spilled from her lips, aimed at her partner. ”Ready?”
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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Yvonne 28th July 2015, 7:27 am

    “More than I’ll ever be,” she softly breathed after seeing Hikari take position at the other side of the noisy stream. Then when the picture of what is about to happen next flashed across her thoughts, Raven could delightfully feel a small smile blooming on her rosy lips. She had no idea what she was up against, did she? “I would advise you to stay farther away from the bank and use a long ranged spell if possible, Hikari,” the violet haired girl sounded playful when she informed her, intentionally pointing out to her that she wouldn’t like what Raven was going to do.

    The tall wall of boulders still stood proudly at the middle of the stream. Water glistened at the surface of those boulders creating an aura like effect around it with the moon light shining directly over it. From somewhere, Raven’s ears picked up faint noises of wolves howling at the silvery bright orb belonging to the middle of a stream of stars. Their cry sounded like whining. Following the initial howl, there were many more, indicating that the beasts weren’t very far away from the trio.

    She found their companion still stationed at the top of hasty waterfall. He looked amused as he dragged his eyes over the two girls, both powerful mages. It was difficult for him to believe that the violet haired girl who couldn’t have been more than nineteen was already a guild master and the shorter one was an ace. More importantly, they were both from a famous guild. He couldn’t remember the name well besides a tiny hunch that its name included some extinct animal.

    Returning to her task at hand, Raven felt the familiar pull of magic inside her body. It tugged at her veins and warmed up her blood. The dark and unholy touch of her magic projected outwards in the form of a magical aura around her shapely body. It created a transparent silver robe on her as she got ready to use her spell.

    “Remember to keep a good distance,” she told Hikari again and loudly took a deep breath of air in. Not too long after that, an earsplitting scream was heard as the powerful sound waves she produced crashed unorthodoxly at the boulders. It was like the song of an opera singer, except, it was far louder and deadly. It was not made with the intention of shattering glass, after all. Tiny cracks formed over the bundle of rocks first before they completely broke down. The boulders weren’t the only thing cracking though. For as long as she kept it up, she could tell that the ground was also shaking as if trying to tell her to stop.


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    Grand Duelist

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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Hikachu 31st July 2015, 2:36 am

    The force of the water surging from the stream was so immense, it spilled over the rocks and sand, onto the girl’s metallic boots, soaking them wet. Involuntarily, she glanced down at her boots, taking notice of the water droplets that rested on her shoes. A long sigh escaped from her lips, followed by a bite of her teeth on her bottom lip. Her fists clenched and unclenched, the Paragon of Faith prepared herself to strike an attack on the boulders that stood firmly in front of her. The old man stood beside her with his arms crossed across his chest as he eyed the two Saber mages, impatience evident on his face. Her eyes shifted over to Raven, who was right across on the other side of the stream. The beautiful dress that was wrapped around her slender body billowed out behind her as the gust of gales blew across the land of the Haunted Village. With the moonlight gleaming on the soft features of her guild master’s face, Hika took note of how elegant she looked at this precise moment, a sincere smile curved on those rosy lips of hers.

    The commentary Raven made had caused her to roll her eyes dismissively, a sneer rested on the pink line of her lips. ”Alright.” She murmured, her voice low and husky as it was carried along with the harsh wind. Exhaustion kicked and her vision gradually clouded over before she realised that her eyelids started to get heavy as if stones were placed above them, her petite figure weak and fragile; the wind could haul her away any moment. Blinking nervously, Hika struggled to maintain her composure immediately as she hoisted up her hands in front of her, in an angle, aimed towards the boulders. A huge intake of air was inhaled as the sapphire haired girl summoned the spell. Sparks of electricity lit up among the darkness of the night accompanied by a slight buzzing of sounds that were produced from her spell. The moment a beam of electricity was discharged from her hands, a piercing sound echoed through the walls of mountains, trees and rocks, leaving Hika stunned for a long while.

    What the fuck just happened?

    The thought crossed her mind, her crimson orbs almost as wide as an owl’s as she stared at Raven just as though she was a ghost to her. ”What was that?!” Hika exclaimed, her hands flailing around her. The sound of the boulders cracking caught her attention and the features on her pale face immediately grew serious. All of the sudden, the ground shook for a split second but it didn’t affect her that much. The sound of the rocks falling and crashing onto each other was loud enough to burn her ears before they were buried deep down in the sea bed and were carried along with the flow of water.
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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Yvonne 1st August 2015, 1:10 am

    Told you to stay away, didn’t I? Raven chuckled at the surprised expression Hikari adorned on her childlike face. She waved her arms around, still trying to figure out what Raven just did while the makeshift dam simply gave away and the water regained its free reign over the stream once more.

    She hopped off the rock she was standing on without any effort before flying back to the other side of the stream. “That was my spell, Raven Call. It utilizes deadly sound waves. Why do you think I told you to stay away, little Faith?” she called the smaller girl with the name of her title. It was quite nice too. Well, at least Raven felt it so.

    The old man came up to them with a grin. It appeared that just the twisting of his lips took a lot of effort for the old man who was nearly in his eighties. She smiled back, quite confident that she knew just what to do after this.

    Since the werewolves were now trapped in the village, if they wanted to get out, they would have to cross the stream. She was sure that not many of them would attempt it even in their crazed out state. For one, if they were anything like normal mutts, they wouldn’t like a bath and secondly, the force of water would carry and drown them. Thirdly, Hikari was present. So if they did enter the water, they would be stepping straight into our trap – Not that they knew – but all the possibilities.

    Finally, Raven decided it was time to head back. “Let’s go back. We have done what we could here. No werewolf will go out and no poor soul will come inside just to get ripped apart by the beasts,” she told Hikari as they walked back towards the clinic.

    “The bad thing, however,” she continued, “is that the wolves would be more prominent inside the village now. This means they would either attempt to smell out the ordinary citizen or just attack anything their eyes locks on to.”

    They arrived back at the village as she finished. It was quiet; a little too quiet. With all of the wolves trapped in there, how was it so quiet? It was odd.

    Raven didn’t need to ask any longer. From the shadows, like satan in his beastly forms, the werewolves emerged one by one. They were trapped and they wanted nothing more than to see blood.

    OOC: Not a good post at all. Rushed it xc Sowwy!


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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Hikachu 12th August 2015, 4:53 am

    The water coursed down the stream, seeking out from the rocks and boulders that the two Sabertooth mages had shattered it into pieces and soon flooded the area, preventing the wolves from entering into the village so as not to harm the citizens living in other parts of Fiore. Content, a smile curved onto the pink line of her rosy lips, slender arms crossed in front of her petite chest, her hip jutting out to one side as she stared at the sight of the stream turning into a raging torrent. The old man and her guild master had, indeed, come up with a very intelligent idea which she had never even thought of, admittedly. The cold breeze wafted through her cerulean hair and sailed behind her as if it was kite. Minute dark circles fixed under her eyes, the Paragon was exhausted from the battle she had previously and the work she undertook just now. Silently wishing she could return home, crawl into her bed and get a good sleep, the girl heaved out a sigh, warm breath billowing out from her lips.

    Little Faith, or so Raven called. A sincere smile tugged upon the corner of her lips as her eyes dropped down to stare at the dirt between her most trusted pair of metallic boots, a slight heat rushing to her cheeks. It was a lovely name, a rather cute one at that and the girl was satisfied with the name she was entitled. The sapphire haired girl made a brief movement of her head, nodding in agreement to Raven’s commands. Slender legs pushed forth as she trailed behind her guild master and returned back to the clinic. The unquiet darkness reigned supreme in the surrounding district — no other sound barely audible except from the whistle of the howling wind. Something was amiss but the girl kept silent, her eyes and ears peeled for any incoming enemies. Upon reaching the clinic, the Paragon heaved out a sigh of relief, believing that the people were now secured, safe in their hands, until a low growl broke the tranquility that encircled the area.

    Her brows were immediately drawn into the centre of her forehead, her body snapped around to the source of the sound, lips firmly slit into a thin line as scarlet eyes skimmed around the area to look out for more enemies. She had thought the wolves had departed already but apparently, she had mistaken. Hands clutched tightly against her arsenal of guns, she prepared to get into a battle once again, a pair red eyes emerging out of the think verdant woods: lusting for prey and blood.
    445/400@SandwichPC: 21/50

    Last edited by Hikachu on 15th August 2015, 4:19 am; edited 2 times in total


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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by NPC 12th August 2015, 4:53 am

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    Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven Empty Re: Shine Like The Moon | Hikari & Raven

    Post by Yvonne 23rd August 2015, 7:44 am

    “This is where we let all our power loose,” she told Hikari as two wolves emerged from the darkness, each drooling at the pair of women and the old man. Raven had known that the wolves would come after and find them even if they didn’t start their hunt since their lust for blood was getting stronger and stronger as the light of moon sneered from above and got brighter and brighter. Raven also guessed that there were other wolves prowling the area while these two found them first. They looked bigger than the normal ones and as if answering her silent question, the old man behind her said that they were the omegas.

    Their horrendous figures growled, shortening the distance slowly, savoring the dark look in their preys’ eyes. It was shown brightly in their red eyes that all of this was simply a game for them. They aimed to evoke fear within their targets by revealing sharp edges of their fangs. Raven immediately threw the old man behind her and told him to find somewhere safe for if she started fighting them, the old man would be in danger as well. And quickly, she summoned her chain whip.

    The bladed whip coiled and curved outwards like a snake seeking its target. As Raven’s grip tightened around the handle, the wolves jumped, one of them going straight towards Hikari while the other darted towards the violet haired woman. It jumped fifty feet up into the air and landed right beside her. By the time she realized it was originally targeting the old man, the swift creature of the night was already behind her with his claws stretched towards the trembling man.

    Before the claws could reach him, however, Raven wrapped the whip around its left hind leg and pulled it back, throwing the huge creature about 3 meters away from them. As it wailed and stood back on its weeping feet. Raven slashed at it again, with the blades of her whip cutting the night, hitting the beast’s chest, slashing open a deep wound it would remember for the rest of its life. Finally, to completely knock it out, Raven jumped up, maneuvered herself through the sky before landing violently on the wolf’s head, listening to its loud howl at it slipped into a deep slumber. Hopefully, it would stay that way till morning light came in search of him.


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