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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]


    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 17th February 2015, 10:53 pm

    As soon as his arm was moved he squinted his eyes at the sun above and sat up. There was quite a bit of blood coming from his mouth and there was a very sickening look on his face. "..." he groaned again, spitting something a out.,..a small bone covered in blood. He coughed a bit and it seemed like he was ready to throw up, but holding true he wiped his mouth clean, then crawled over to the puddle to rinse his mouth without another word. Once he finished adjusting himself he looked to the girl "I hate seafood..." he said. It almost seemed like a joke and in truth some of it was, however the boy really did hate any for of sea food, ever since thats all he was able to eat for a long period of time, but all childhood traumatic meals aside he was okay. He began to sit crosslegged and gave her a warm smile "Thanks for your concern, but im quite fine..now. Ahem...well lets see where do i begin?" he began to think on her question of how he defeated the fish. He would then go on to explain on his strange ability to turn into what ever animal he desired, although only for a certain amount of time. He would then go to explain that he took the form of an alligator, almost eating the fish entirely. After his explanation he would then get up and grab his sword sheathing it. He would then take his wet shirt and sling it over his shoulder.

    At this point they were both safe for now, which offered a good time to look around and just see where theyve ended up, from the looks of it they were in a forest. Tatsu squinted his eyes to see what was in the distance, it looked like a building...perhaps there were ruins ahead? Whatever it was, it called for investigation!


    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Experience : 24,000

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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 18th February 2015, 10:39 pm

    Venir shivered at the sight, a little grossed out but at least she wasn't screaming like most others would have done in the situation, if anything she seemed concerned. It wasn't exactly normal for someone to be spitting up blood and bits of bone, all she could do was hope that it wasn't his own blood and bone getting spit up. Doing her best to help him over to the puddle of water, the pinkette let him drink from it watching him in silence hoping that he was okay and their adventure wouldn't be cut short. Not that it really could at this rate. It wasn't as if they could go back the way they came. Seeing that he was fine, Venir let out a sigh of relief and listened to his explanation of what had happened and his strange ability as well. "That's so cool!" She beamed at him, "Anything you want!? I mean you could do anything-"She babbled on as Tatsu grabbed his stuff.

    Ceasing her chattering the girl followed after him only slightly noting the change in scenery. "A building!" She gasped at the sight of the structure. It was the first structure that they had seen so far on their entire adventure so far. "Maybe that's where the so called gods of this planet are hiding? Or maybe that's where they sleep?" Venir continue on her bad habit of chattering making itself known, "Do gods even have to sleep? I mean is there even such a thing such as day and night in this kind of place?" The more she asked the more confused she seemed. "Achoo!" She sneezed recalling that both her and Tatsu were walking around in wet clothes.


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    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 21st February 2015, 3:03 pm

    "Yeah anything, a alligator, a wolf , a bear, a kitty, just about anything, however its only for a short amount of time" he explained as he got ready to head out. He began to get a bit of a big head as she went on about how amazing his ability was, although it just seemed like a common thing to him, considering he had lived with it all his life. "Well there's only one real way to find out, it looks like a good lead" he replied wringing out the water from his shirt. As they ventured further he would tap her on the shoulder "Bless you" he said when she sneezed. "You could wear this if you want, it's still quite damp but it'd keep you from getting sick or anything" . He offered his damp shirt with a smile, it wasn't exactly the best thing but being the gentleman he was, he couldn't let her walk around soaking wet, despite his thoughts that verged on the border of lewd. Whether she took it or not one thing was certain, as they got closer to the building, they could see more structures build around it, almost like a old city.


    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


    Missions Completed
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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Experience : 24,000

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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 21st February 2015, 3:28 pm

    When Tatsu offered up his damp shirt, Venir seemed to think about it for a moment. "Thank you!" She finally managed to stammer taking the shirt and slipping it on with ease. It hung down to about mid-thigh on her, and still offered her plenty of room to move around. Despite being slightly damp it was still a significant improvement to wearing just the bikini. "I ought to buy more outfits later." The girl thought with a frown as she pulled the shirt tighter around her, as if it could help warm her up.

    When the building in sight soon gave way to numerous buildings, Venir soon forgot about her coldness. Her attention was now completely focused on the the structures in front of her. They were unlike anything she had ever seen before. A few of them were on the ground but there were floating pillars and even entire floating structures, that seemed to be held up by some invisible force. "Woah~!" She skipped forward keeping her gaze trained up at the numerous structures in the sky that she seemed more fascinated by than the one's secured on the ground. "Hey wait did you hear that?" The place was eerily silent to the point that Venir's voice echoed when she asked the question but that wasn't what she had heard. It almost sounded like footsteps, but not their own, they sounded much lighter.


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    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 22nd February 2015, 12:12 pm

    Tatsu stopped as he heard the sounds of foot steps. He took the girl lightly by the shoulder, stopping her advancement as well. He just stood there listening for a moment. It seemed quiet for a time but then moments later they were surrounded! Shadowy figures jumped out from the trees around them, all wielding spears. Taking a look it seemed as if they were all surrounded by very short... native people, all of them men only standing at four feet tall. Their light skin dressed in different colored war paint. They all held their position as an even shorter man came walking unarmed He looked fairly hold, and he wore a headdress of vines and leaves. "Who are you?" the elderly man stated as the others began to look at their strange clothing.

    It didn't seem like they had much time to think so tatsu simply blurted the first thing that came to his mind "We're priests in search of enlightenment!"


    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Experience : 24,000

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    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 22nd February 2015, 12:49 pm

    For a moment Venir had held her breath in anticipation, was this the sound of the rumored gods of the planet? Yet when a bunch of short tribal looking people popped out, Venir was more or less disappointed. She was of course curious about the people but clearly they weren't the gods they were looking for right? "Ah they have spears." Ven briefly noticed and watched somewhat amused as an older man, shorter than the rest came out. His headdress clearly showed that he was the leader of this strange tribe of people. Completely stunned by the strange people Venir wasn't able to respond to the question but at least Tatsu was there for that.

    "Yeah priests!" Venir smiled a rather nervous looking thing. It was hard to say if the tribal people believe in Tatsu and Venir's lie but at least they lowered their spears. The supposed leader of the tribe scrunched up his eyes and approached the two mages proceeding to inspect them. The man poked here and there on the mages, getting dangerously close to sexually harassing the two of them. Just when it seemed like he would take it a step to far the man took a step back, turning his back on the mages and facing his tribe.

    "The gods have sent us their spawn! Look at their height and cower before them! Let there be a feast in their honor!"

    "Oh my goddess what have we just gotten into?" Venir leaned over and whispered to Tatsu watching the tribe of incredibly short people shout and holler in excitement. She had gotten into some pretty strange things but this took the cake for the strangest.


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    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 22nd February 2015, 1:07 pm

    Watching as the little man began to poke and prod at his partner, Tatsu fought every instinct he had to go straight out bunch the munchkin in the face. He would have to until...he himself started getting inspected? Tatsu held still, hoping that they did not pay too much attention to the sheathed sword. In any case it seemed they were much more fascinated by their incredible height. Tatsu leaned in and gently whispered into Vens ear "Just follow my lead...i think we're on to something here" he replied crossing his arms. "Ah yes, a feast sounds marvelous!" Tatsu said in a loud jovial voice. Tatsu would keep his arms cross and step a bit closer to his partner, waiting for the shortest man to lead the way.


    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


    Missions Completed
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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Experience : 24,000

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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 22nd February 2015, 2:02 pm

    "If you say so..."Venir replied somewhat relieved that Tatsu stayed close. It was a little odd to her to be treated in such a way, it stirred up mixed feelings to say the least. At least she wasn't in this alone though it was hard to say how much help Tatsu would be with these people. The short man paraded the two mages through the town, more and more of the strange tribal people appearing. Most of them looked on in awe at the mages, glancing through open windows or peaking through the cracks in their doors. A few brave children, who were incredibly small, skipped alongside the mages with curiosity in their gazes.

    Finally the leader lead them into the main building, a grand structure for such tiny people. Once inside the two were separated much to Venir's displeasure. She wasn't exactly comfortable being in a strange land with even stranger people. Yet it wasn't like she could create a scene or anything, the two mages were greatly outnumbered and it was hard to say if the tribesman had any magic of sorts. Instead she let herself get dragged away and....cleaned up? The female mage was more than a little confused after bathing and then getting dressed in clothes that were not her own. Not to mention the looks she kept getting from the natives, who were eyeing the pink markings across her body. All of this only served to make the mage even more uncomfortable. Venir was certainly the enigma considering she was fine prancing about in a bikini but once put into anything else she seemed almost shy....


    The walk to the dining room of sorts was a long one, ever step of hers was careful so she did not trip over the long trailing skirt. It was dark green, hanging low on her hips, a slit going up one side of the skirt while the other side was long and ruffly trailing on the ground. Anklets and bracelets adorned her wrists and ankles, her top was bikini like as well but was ruffled, nearly hidden by the countless necklaces placed on her. The only thing that remained the same about the girl was the voluptuous feathers in her hair, something the tribal people allowed her to keep on.

    Her bare feet padded silently across the stone as she slid into a chair at the table, awkwardly sitting. She was incredibly tense and the food laid out on the table was hardly touched by her. "Where's Tatsu?" She wondered hoping her partner was okay. The entire situation seemed rather suspicious to her.


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    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 22nd February 2015, 2:32 pm

    Tatsu frowned as the two of them got separated, but could have the tribesman found out already? As they were both guided in opposite ways Tatsu could only hope for the best, or at least the best for his partner. A few women and men guided the boy into a small room , but much to his surprised he was just bathed and clothed. It seemed that the charade would continue for the time being. A few of the tribeswoman couldn't help but peer at the wizard, he seemed to be a god among men, with such height and dexterity. Truth be told the boy felt a bit weird being ogled. Many of them took notice of the guild mark upon his arm, but nobody seemed to question it. Perhaps they just dubbed it as a holy mark? Whatever the case tatsu wouldn't bring it up unless they did.

    Once guided into the dining room Venrir would immediately take notice to Tatsu's change of dress, and vice versa. He was barechested like before except they had marked his arms and chest with a strange design in red paint. He too wore a necklace that went down to the center of his chest. He wore some modest tribal clothes that sort of looked like shorts, but more like robes than anything. When he took a seat it was right next to Ven, in the two biggest chairs they offered at the end of the table. He smiled as his heart was at ease when he saw that she was okay...then he couldn't help but stare at her a bit, it was weird seeing her in something other than a bikini but she was still just as beautiful, she almost looked like a princess or a goddess of sorts. He didn't quite know what to say but it seemed other members of the tribe were beginning to take seats at the table around them as dishes were being brought out.


    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


    Missions Completed
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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Experience : 24,000

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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 22nd February 2015, 4:04 pm

    The two mages sat at the head of the table. One of them or to be more specific, Venir sat shaking in her seat. She had yet to say a word to Tatsu let along glance in his direction, far to bashful to do so. As the plates of food were set in front of them the girl took one look at what was on the plate and her bashfulness disappeared. She began to giggle trying to hide the laughter by covering her mouth with her hand but she couldn't help it. There resting upon the plate was a wonderfully cooked and spiced fish, while it was appetizing to her she knew it would not be the same for her partner.

    Green eyes flickered over to look at Tatsu mischievously, still trying to contain the giggles that threatened to burst from her lips. She knew he hated fish so she was watching to see what the male would do with nothing but a giant plate of fish. She briefly noted his change in appearance glad that she was not the only one who had done so. At least the two of them looked almost natural in the clothing, though Venir felt anything but that. Picking at the food on her plate Venir kept a watchful eye on her partner somewhat amused by the whole ordeal. Of course, she kept an eye out on the others at the table all of which who seemed preoccupied with each other though there was plenty of glances and stares getting thrown their way.


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    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 22nd February 2015, 4:28 pm

    She sure was acting odd, she was much quieter than usual...could something have happened to her while they were separated? The thought made the boys fist clench beneath the table...then that familiar smile appeared once more. It was quite strange but , who had time for that when there was food to eat..but as the plate was revealed to him a frown went across his face. Fish...fish again? Well he would not stand for this, protecting Ven was one thing but now fate was just being cruel. He gave an angered look to the waiter "This wont do. Something else, anything else!" he said frustrated. They saw them as gods of some sort right? Well it was time to test their faith a bit. This would also be one of the few times Ven would ever see Tatsu blow his top. After the waiter left, albeit a bit scared Tatsu began to calm down, sitting back in his chair. He then leaned over and whispered something into Ven's ear "If you think thats funny...im going to show you something real funny.." he warned, mostly kidding.


    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


    Missions Completed
    D: 2
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Experience : 24,000

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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 22nd February 2015, 4:47 pm

    Tatsu's anger at the waiter only seemed to amuse Venir more. By the time he turned back Venir had turned her face away hand still covering her mouth, shoulders shaking as she tried to contain the giggles. Finally, the girls fit of laughter passed as Tatsu's anger seemed to dwindle. She at least had managed to stop herself from outright laughing in front of the strange tribe, unsure as to what that might make them think. Wiping away the little tears that had formed in her eyes from the whole event, Venir leaned her head in closer to hear what Tatsu had to say. "Oh~?" Venir raised a brow, voice incredibly amused, her previous bashfulness all but forgotten as her attention was now focused elsewhere. "That almost sounds like a challenge Tatsu." She almost seemed smug. Before Venir could reply there was the sound of ringing.

    The small man from before had tapped his knife against his glass, raising it up to the air. He said something in a foreign language of sorts before speaking in a tongue which Tatsu and Venir could understand. "A toast to the gods!" He raised his glass, the others at the table following suit. Venir did the same raising her own glass as well before taking a sip. She made a slight face, it was some sort of wine but it was a little to strong for the inexperienced drinker.


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    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 22nd February 2015, 7:12 pm

    Tatsu only smirked at the girl, this was no challenge, this was a promise. The little disupte between the two gods was then disrupted between the cheering of the natives. Tatsu raised his glass and cheered, a few of them looking relieved to see the wizard god smiling once more. Soon the waiter brought back what seemed to be a steak, something much more to Tatsus liking. Without a moments notice he began to dig in, brandishing his knife and fork he took no hesitation to jump right in to his meal...then again. "Everyone. Before eating, we must have a moment of silence, we shall not speak until i've decided to finish this bite!" he commanded as he held his fork in the air with a piece of steak on it. Tatsu's eyes shifted to Venrir "That means you too" For about five minutes Tatsu would sit in silence, eyes closed...then finally took a bite. The entire adventure it seemed that Venrir always had something to say, it made him wonder whatd hapen if she had to sit in silence, would she go stir crazy?


    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


    Missions Completed
    D: 2
    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Posts : 1394
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 24,000

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 22nd February 2015, 7:25 pm

    When Tatsu got his steak Venir couldn't help but quietly snicker as she took another swig of the wine. Just before she could pick some more at the food on her plate Tatsu had the audacity to command the tribe to stop what they were doing, "Honestly how far is he gonna push his luck with these people?" Venir wondered before suddenly the blonde turned against her. Raising a brow she gave the man an incredulous look. None the less she did not speak and instead took another sip of the wine. The first minute or so ticked by and she seemed fine but after that the woman was almost shaking. It was possible for her to be quiet under normal circumstances but it was simply hard this time because she was not allowed to talk therefore making her want to talk even more. By the time Tatsu took a bite, Venir looked about ready to snap, she had finished her entire wine glass by then and her finger was tapping against her exposed thigh.

    "Two can play at that game." The mage mumbled under her breath, knowing exactly why Tatsu had done that. "He doesn't know what my magic is...So let's have a little fun." The mage smiled glancing over at Tatsu's side of the table. While her magic was a little complicated to understand, one of the basic uses of it was the ability to move objects without touching them, almost like telekinesis but through magic. Of course, Venir couldn't lift or move anything through magic that weighed more than her but she wasn't planning on lifting anything heavy anyways. With a small small Venir glanced down at her plate, all the while keeping watch on Tatsu out of the corner of her eye. The moment he went to cut out another piece of his steak, the steak itself would move away from the knife sliding its way across the plate. If that wasn't bad enough Tatsu's own glass of wine, spilled itself across his lap despite there being nothing to have knocked it over. All the while Venir was grinning though of course she covered it with her hand, sitting there trying to appear as if she was in thought.


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 1st March 2015, 8:19 pm

    Tatsu didnt mind a few spilled drinks, but the villagers were starting exchange some odd looks. The war would have to be postponed for now. As hours passed the table ate and discussed different things, all the while Tatsu and Venrir were playing the role of God. Tatsu leaned back a bit in the rather small chair and looked to the chief "Its getting late, where shall we be staying?" Tatsu asked, trying to sound authoritative. Hopefully Venrir would be sharing a room with him, it would give the two wizards a chance to regroup and come up with a plan. Whatever was going on it would seem as if they were rather close to finding the real "gods"


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 1st March 2015, 9:11 pm

    Hours had went by and with it Venir's amusement at teasing Tatsu with her magic. It appeared as if he had either caught on that it was her or he simply did not care. Considering she was only doing it to get a reaction out of him, Venir stopped her trickery after she didn't get one. Which left the rest of the meal to be a rather undisturbed one albeit boring to Venir's standards though. The pinkette sighed a forlorn look crossing over her usual joyous features. She was beginning to think they'd never be able to leave the table when suddenly Tatsu had inquired on just that. At the blonde's question everyone at the table went silent with a strange sort of respect. The village elder said something in a different language, dismissing everyone as he lead the two "gods" to where they'd be staying the night.

    "Woah!" Venir couldn't help but momentarily break character as the man lead them to their room, a grand one to say the least. Everything was luxurious to say the least, though there was one slight dilemma that Venir did not speak up to until the elder had left them. "There's only one bed." Green eyes shifted to the exquisite bed in the center of the room, piled high with white pillows and fresh linen.


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 1st March 2015, 11:46 pm

    As they were led through Tatsu seemed quiet, in a sort of focused train of thought. That is until they got to their room, it was rather luxurious, much more fancy than Tatsu was use to. He was able to contain his excitement. With crossed arms he nodded. "That will do" he said to the short fellow who led them there. After leaving he took a look around and noticed what she was staring at. Tatsu rubbed his chin for a bit "Well...what do you want to do Miss Goddess?" he asked walking over and sitting at the edge of the bed. In truth he wouldn't mind sharing the bed with her but he also wouldn't care if he had to sleep on the floor if she didn't feel comfortable with it. He looked her up and down , looking at the garments they had dressed her in. "You know, that doesn't look half bad on you" he admitted. He looked around the room some more and took notice to a rather large chair, he may sleep there if she was against sharing the bed. He stretched his muscled arms and gave a bit of a yawn, waiting for a reply.


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 2nd March 2015, 8:08 pm

    "M-Miss Goddess!?" There it was the blush was back in full force, the name making her feel rather odd. At the mention of her clothing the girl was quick to cover up or attempt to, the bikini wearing mage was more than a little self-conscious in anything other than a bikini. "Now's not the time to being saying that!" The girl replied before dashing to the bed, jewelry creating little ringing sounds with each step she took. With a hop in her step, she flopped on to the bed none to gracefully. "Geeeeez!" She huffed face first into the silky white sheets though at least she seemed more or less playful rather than angry.

    "So plan of action?" Venir finally spoke up as she sat cross legged on the bed, holding a white pillow to her chest almost defiantly. It wasn't like they could stay in munchkin village forever, not that Venir wanted to. The sooner they were out the better, something about the village giving her the creeps.


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 2nd March 2015, 8:39 pm

    Tatsu watched the girl scurry across the room and jump passed him to get to the bed, noticing her red face he couldn't help but give a light chuckle. "You didn't peg me as the shy type Ven, really if you dont feel comfortable sharing a bed just say so and ill sleep elsewhere" he said crossing his arms and turning to face her. She clenched the pillow against her chest as if it were some sort of shield , he tilted his head and frowned in confusion. "Whats with you? A few hours ago you were less....jittery, did they do something to you Ven?" he asked, his tone getting more serious. Village be damned if they had layed a hand on his partner! This really did seem unlike her and it started making him feel a bit out of character. Although they had spent only a better part of the day together he felt as if he had known the girl for years. "Keep yourself together, if they see you acting like that they'll know something is up. I wouldn't wanna see these people when they're angry". Tatsu held his hand out and placed it on the girls shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile "We'll figure this thing out and then its splits-ville alright?". On the outside Tatsu seemed sure and ready to go on with the mission but internally he sort of didn't want it to end. It was sort of fun being treated so highly, especially when accompanied with someone as fun as Venrir. He had no idea if they would ever see each other once this mission was done and truth be told that made him a bit sad. Alas, this was no time for sadness! Turning completely so that he would be sitting cross legged in from of her he crossed his toned arms. "Uhm...im not sure...we could ask them for a tour of the village tomorrow, we may be able to pick up some clues that way. It wouldn't look to good if they just found us snooping around" he offered.


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] - Page 2 Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 4th March 2015, 8:09 pm

    "I'm not shy!" Ven snapped back, "I just don't feel comfortable in these silly clothes is all!" She huffed before collapsing her back onto the bed, still clutching the pillow. It seemed she had no comment on the sleeping arrangements but she had plenty to say about the strange short people. "No they didn't do anything to me....I don't know call it a gut feeling but these guys just weird me out! The sooner we figure this out the better..."She sighed, sending him a sharp glare when he told her to keep herself together. "I'll have you know I'm very together right now!" She frowned as she listened to his plan of action but gave a nod to show that she agreed with it, besides she didn't have a better one anyways.

    However it didn't seem she was quite ready to let Tatsu off the hook. A sly grin crossed her lips, "I wouldn't be worrying about my acting skills if anything its yours that I'm more worried about!" Truth be told Tatsu played the role of a demanding god better than Venir did but that wasn't what the pinkette was trying to get at, "I mean they must be very suspicious of you after all the problems you were having at dinner. I mean you did spill the wine all over yourself!" Still laying down she sent him a smirk, basically hinting at who the cause of all of that mishap was.


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