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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 7th February 2015, 9:07 pm

    "Woah~!" Venir gasped as she stepped through the portal or rather stumbled out. Heeled boots wobbled about for a moment as she attempted to catch her balance. Going through the portal was a rather thrilling feeling somewhat like flying but falling at the same time. Venir turned on her heel to go through the portal once more but she stopped herself. "Hold up Ven!" She spoke aloud and to herself causing more people to look at her. The female mage often stood out in crowds, vibrant pink hair often wasn't exactly common. That and the fact the curvaceous mage wore a bikini wherever she went, today's bikini was a black one speckled with light pink stars. "You can't mess around with the portal all day! You're here for a mission!"

    With that she turned once more on her heeled boot and spun to face the crowd of people who hung around the portal. Many of them were just regular civilians who had came there to sight see. Many of them would not venture to far from the portal as it was hard to say what could happen in the land of Nazo, where physics and logic seemed to be completely discarded. A place that suited Venir perfectly. "Now I just have to wait for the other mage!" She beamed and read over the description of the mission once more. An outside source had requested for mages to adventure through the land of Nazo in order to find the legendary gods that supposedly were slumbering on the planet. The pink haired mage had taken the job in a heartbeat and the employer had sent a message to her saying that another had taken on the job as well, the two were supposedly supposed to work together. "I hope they like adventure as much as I do!" Venir was a thrill-seeker in every sense of the word.


    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 7th February 2015, 9:19 pm

    Among the crows as the Wizard Tatsu, a fairly decent looking young man who was as tall as anyone else his age, clad in white and green robes he stood with hands in his pockets watching as the girl stumbled out of the portal. He rubbed a hand through his blonde hair and looked on with his sapphire eyes at the woman. She seemed quite unique, maybe a little miss-coordinated but she seemed like any other cooky wizard he had run in to in his very short time at Cor Draco. Tatsu made his way through the crowd, people looking at the sword that was sheathed on his back, his brown boots leaving imprints among the ground. He looked more like a warrior than he did a wizard, but of course thats what one could assume from the physical training he had put himself under.

    Stepping through the crowd Tatsu finally got a good look at the woman, one that made his cheeks go a bit red. "Is she really just wearing a bikini?" he thought to himself as he did his best not to stare at her, but one would be insane not to notice her evident beauty. Tatsu shook his head clear of any immoral thoughts, he was here for a job not a date and when work was in mind he had to be professional...then again where was the fun in that? Walking up to the girl he waved and hand and gave a polite bow "You must be the one im suppose to meet up with hm? My name is Tatsu Hirasowa, pleasure to meet you " he said with a warm smile.


    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 7th February 2015, 9:32 pm

    Just when Venir thought that her partner wasn't going to show up, he appeared right in front of her. "Ah!" Soft green eyes widened in surprise as the mage presented himself. For a moment she seemed a bit skeptical as to whether or not the boy was a mage or not. His appearance didn't really scream mage to her but Venir really shouldn't be one to talk. She blinked in surprise as he offered a bow, something entirely new to her. "Do people normally bow to others?" She seemed confused for a moment as she looked at blonde male in front of her. Finally, she shook the confusion off figuring she'd introduce herself as she always did. As trusting as usual she gave her whole name and affiliation, "I'm Venir RuLush of Eclipse Soul!" She beamed back at him, offering a gloved hand to shake.

    "You must be the other mage here to explore and find the gods on this planet right?" She asked, excitement obvious on her features. "I'm sure we'll work just fine together so long as you like a little bit of adventure!" Venir gave the man a smile. "Let's get started shall we?"


    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 7th February 2015, 9:47 pm

    "just keep eye contact, just keep eye contact just keep eye contact" his inner voice repeated as he continued to smile, his blue eyes staring straight into her soft green eyes. He shook her hand "Most people don't bow, but i do, it seems more respectful." he explained as he returned his hand to his side. "Well its good to meet you Venrir, im from the guild known as Cor Draco" he replied. This girl had a very uplifting and enthusiastic way of speaking, he liked that. It had made her seem much more approachable, and if Tatsu could manage to keep himself from being distracted by her outfit then he was sure he could function just fine!

    "Im not all to sure about this job myself, i just picked one off the wall and ran with it bu a little adventure... you say?...ugh no no i cant stand those....im more of a...BIG ADVENTURE kinda guy" he said with a sly grin as he clenched his fist. It was clear he was starting to get excited about this job. He moved his shoulder a bit, sliding a brown backpack off of his shoulder and unzipped it taking out two small bottles of water and would offer one of them to his new partner. "Well, im ready to go when you are, lead the way and i'll stay at your side!"


    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Archmage's Seal
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    Experience : 24,000

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    First Skill: 2nd Gen Flame Goddess Slayer
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 7th February 2015, 10:30 pm

    "Ah I see." Venir nodded keeping that information tucked away for later, perhaps it would come in handy later. With handshake complete Venir crossed her arms over her chest as she thought over what he said. "Cor Draco?" Her head tilted to the side, the large feathers in her hair swaying with the motion. "I think I know someone who's in Cor Draco. Let's see what was his name?" Venir wondered aloud, "Oh Nikolai! That was his name." She gave no insight as to what she thought of the man.

    For a moment the pink haired mage seemed almost a little disappointed when he said he couldn't stand adventure. However, the blonde mage quickly redeemed himself in Venir's book. The mage let out a bubbly laugh find the man amusing. "I think we'll get along just fine! Ah thank you!" She took the water and the lead. She herself hadn't though of packing anything for the adventure. Venir wasn't exactly the packing type but now that she thought about it bringing stuff probably would have been a good idea. Who knew how long it would take them to find one of the gods on the planet? The curvaceous mage lead them through the crowd with ease, the number of people getting thinner and thinner as they got farther from the portal. Until finally, the portal was no longer in sight and neither were any other people. "I guess this is where we should start being careful physics doesn't really apply to this place. Or apparently logic." Though that was rather hard to believe with the rather bleak and desolate landscape that surrounded them. It seemed as if there was nothing but dust and dirt ahead of them.


    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 7th February 2015, 10:50 pm

    With the introductions set the two went off, Tatsu thought for a moment about the name the girl had given him. He hand't met anyone by that name so he had put it out of his mind, he was still fairly new to the guild so he was sure he would get around to it eventually. He tracked behind the girl looking around as the number of people steadily decreased . He took a drink of water then set it in his bag, continuing to follow her...but soon his eyes began to wander..."maybe it wsan't such a good idea for her to lead." he thought to himself as he quickly snapped his attention back to the matters at hand.

    . "I guess this is where we should start being careful physics doesn't really apply to this place. Or apparently logic."

    A very wise and notable piece of advice that would serve Tatsu well...that is if he had actually been paying attention rather than staring at the girl. Oh well, what was the worst that could go wrong? Deciding to keep his head in the game rather than keep his mind in the gutter, the young wizard trotted forward so that he was directly next to the woman. He then took the time to look around. The area seemed baron..desolate and void of anything interesting at all. "So we..are finding Gods? I wonder what that even means.." he said, thinking out loud as usual.


    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


    Missions Completed
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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 7th February 2015, 11:05 pm

    Blissfully unaware of her companions stares and where they were directed at, Venir seemed to be in thought. She hadn't the faintest idea as to what the request meant either. "I suppose that means just finding another living thing out here?" It seemed as if Nazo was a completely desolate planet. "I don't know we'll probably know it once we see it!" She shrugged and pointed towards the direction in which they were heading. She was about to make some comment about possibly seeing something far off in the distance but her expression dropped into one of pure horror. "My hand!" Where her hand should have been there was nothing and for a moment she thought she had lost it, unable to realize that she would have been in excruciating pain if it was indeed gone.

    Her first reaction was to pull her arm back towards her body and with that came her hand, still attached and everything. "Wait a minute." The pinkette seemed confused and stuck her hand out once more, something causing her hand to disappear at a certain point. "That's weird." She mumble before taking a step forward and to Tatsu it would seem as if she had disappeared. Venir on the other hand stood in stunned silence, she had just stepped foot from a place where it appeared as if there was nothing in the distance to a place that was surrounded by rolling hills, rocks, and murky water. "Woah! A portal or an illusion?" Venir wondered aloud as she gaze about at the landscape.


    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 7th February 2015, 11:26 pm

    Now back in serious mode he followed along with the girl, but soon a look of shock came about as the girls hand had gone missing, it was anything but normal...even in the world of magic. "WHAT THE?!" he said in shock as he looked at her empty wrist...then she began to step forward, completely disappearing? Was it some sort of invisible portal? perhaps it was rune magic, whatever it was he wanted to find out just as bad as she did, so he followed her, disappearing himself into what seemed like thin air.



    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Experience : 24,000

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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 8th February 2015, 9:32 am

    "Tatsu check this out!" Venir waved the man over as he appeared, also stepping into wherever they had just found. Venir stood by one of the murky pools of water. Once the man got close enough she jumped, as if she was going to jump right into the pool of water and splash him. Instead of falling into the water and creating a large splash she simply landed on top of the water. "Look I can walk on water!" The mage grinned and danced about atop the surface, little ripples coming from wherever she placed a foot. "Come on!" She laughed and dashed across the surface of the pool of water, leaving a trail of rippled behind her.

    The pink haired mage went to the other edge of the pool of water, and stepped onto the muddy bank for jumping onto the next pool. "Race ya~!" She called out, despite already having gotten a significant head start. She dashed along the next pool incredibly amused by the whole thing. It seemed as if everything was fine as she walked atop the surface of the murky water until suddenly she went to take another step and she simply fell. With a large splash Venir went feet first into the murky water, the pool much deeper than it appeared. Venir quickly resurfaced pushing her wet bangs out of her eyes. "It stopped!" She frowned and attempted to pulled herself back up onto the part of the water that could be walked upon. Surprisingly she pulled herself up and out of the murky water and back onto the part of the pool that they could walk upon. She sat upon the surface with a small frown, "Awwww man now my clothes are all wet."


    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 8th February 2015, 9:52 am

    "Wow this place is amazing!" he said, not hesitating to follow the girl on to the water. He began to run across it as if it were solid land, this really was exciting. He could only imagine what they would find next, maybe a volcano that was upside down, or an island entirely made of candy or perhaps spooky ghost pirates...who they team up with to find an island entirely made out of candy?! Or you know, something completely evil and dangerous, what ever the case was, the only absolute thing was that the only way to find out is to try everything. Turn every possible rock over and find what was beneath!

    As she called out for the challenge he was more than happy to comply, instead of jogging to catch up Tatsu blew in to an amazingly quick burst of speed, soon running up behind her...until she disappeared? As soon as she did he skidded for a stop, just coming up at the ledge and looking down at the girl who had fell into the water. Lightning wizards sure were fast but at this moment he was kinda happy he hadnt caught up entirely. He couldn't help but laugh and offer a hand to help the girl up but it seemed she was able to use the more "stable water" as leverage.

    He scratched his head trying to think of why it would suddenly stop at this point but he couldn't quite think of anything. "Well at least you are wearing a swim suit...haha so being a little wet isn't all that bad? In fact it is sort of hot out here." the boy said, now doing his best to avoid looking at her now glistening body. "This isn't getting any easier..." his inner voice groaned.

    "Should we keep going or maybe stop here and eat? Ive brought food as well if you're hungry"


    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 8th February 2015, 11:10 am

    "Good point!" Venir responded before grinning, "If it's so hot would you like to take a swim as well? Just kidding!" While she was fun loving she wasn't mean-spirited. She would not push her partner into the water without permission. Standing up the girl stretched her arms far above her head, her back popping pleasantly. "You brought food to!?" The girl seemed so surprised at how prepared her blonde companion was.

    "Well if you don't mind sharing... I didn't really pack anything." She seemed a little sheepish. "He must be a real adventurer if he always comes on mission and on prepared." She made a mental note to try and start doing the same. "A picnic on the water?" She asked with a smile as she rung the water out of her pink hair.


    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 8th February 2015, 11:30 am

    Tatsu nodded and set his bag on the solid part of the water "Thats not too bad of an idea!"  Tatsu said stripping down to just his boxers, usually he wouldn't but if this woman was brave enough to trot around in a bikini what was the point in wearing all your clothes for swimming? Besides there was nobody out there but them so what was the harm in it? After setting his clothes away from the water Tatsu dived in, then resurfaced looking at her. "You dont have to ask, help yourself to anything you want, the food is in the bag"  he said shaking  the water out of his hair, beads of it  trailing down his muscles. "Im gonna try something , ill be right back" he noted before diving under water.

     Once he dived further he would swim directly under the girl and his bag and try to rise up but soon stopped by the invisible barrier, it seemed as if it was a thin layer, almost like how ive froze the surface of water in cold winters only...this was much stronger. Quite the interesting discovery... but there was no time for further investigation...oxygen was kind of important. Once he returned to the more watery part he rose up and sat upon the ledge, letting his feet hand in the water as he got some food for himself.  "I always thought it would be nice to have a picnic by a pond, but never would i have imagined having one ON one " he said laughing a bit then taking a bite out of a sandwich.

    Sitting there eating he looked at the girl again with a bit of a smile, she sure seemed like a very fun loving person, just like Tatsu. As he continued to think a thought began to stumble across his mind. "This feels more like a date than ti does a job.." .
    The boy began to shake his head again, almost as if he was trying to shake these distractions like he shook the water from his hair. There was no time for day dreaming, he was on a job after all. If there was going to be social time he would have to bring it up after the job was complete, not before.


    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


    Missions Completed
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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

    Administrator- Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 9th February 2015, 8:21 am

    Venir watched ad the boy stripped down to his boxers and them dived in to the pool of water. At least she didn't seem to upset at getting splashed. "Alright be careful down there!" The pinkette called and helped her self to a sandwich as she awaited the man's return. The water was rather murky but she could at least spot him swimming beneath her.

    By the time he resurfaced Venir was at the edge of the stable water, her legs hanging over the edge soaking I'm the water. "I have to say I'm really liking this place!" She grinned and sat for a moment in silence. The female mage was rather oblivious to say the least. She was much to comfortable with her own body and others to feel awkward in this particular situation. Not liking silence Venir quickly broke it, "So I guess we continue on until we find what we're looking for. I mean if I was a god I would be...." She seemed to be in thought, "I don't know where I'd be! Especially in a place as interesting as this!" With that Venir stood up and stretched. "Let's just try not to fall through anymore!"


    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

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    When you ask me to do stuff:

    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 10th February 2015, 7:43 pm

    Tatsu nodded his head and collected his things, after getting himself a sandwich of course. "Lets try and stick to land if we can" he said as he made his way to the closest edge of the water and hopped off the murky pool. He would then put his hands in his pockets and wait for the girl. He began to think while she made her way over to him. "Just what exactly do they mean by find the Gods..." he murmured to himself. Often he had seen requests to fight demons, dragons and collect insane artifacts but never before had he encoutnered something like this. There had to be more to it...but what?


    Max HP: 100
    Dragon Slayer Buffs to Physical stats and senses: 10%
    Lineage Buff: X% Strength and speed.  X% (In animal form)


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    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 11th February 2015, 9:07 pm

    "Good idea!" Venir chirped in agreement, following after her temporary partner. It appeared as if she either did not hear his murmuring or simply had no good response to it. While the job description was rather obscure, the girl believed that eventually they would find something that would be close enough. Luckily there was plenty of narrow, muddy spaces of land in between the murky pools of water. It was almost like labyrinth of sorts. Every now and then Venir would chirp out a comment of sorts, or make an effort to make small talk. Silence was something that she particularly disliked and by now Tatsu would either think she's insane or realize that she simply did not like silence.

    After walking quite a distance the two would stumble upon an odd sight. A pool of water that completely different than the other pools. Similar to the others, this pool of water was murky and one was not able to see the bottom but unlike the other almost greyish pools this one was blue like the ocean. The blue pool of water was also incredibly large and seemed to be the only thing for miles. "The land stops here." Venir remarked as she glanced about looking for more of the muddy path they had been following but it simply stopped at a dead end right there. She looked to either side of them and there was no muddy path separating the blue water from the grey. The two waters did not seem to mix though, as if there was something preventing them from doing so. "I wonder?" The bikini clad mage took a step forward, and like the other water she was able to walk on top of it. "I guess we have to continue across this until we reach land again?" She took a few more steps across the water, no rippled appearing on its surface. They would just have to hope that there was no gaps that they could fall through on this body of water.


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 11th February 2015, 9:24 pm

    It was quite the odd sight to see, but it seemed as if there was no way around it, they had to continue on the water just like they did before. This whole place seemed quite strange, there seemed to be this ever present sense of mystery hovering through the boys mind. He was trying to think most of the time, more mumbling to himself. This was for not however, Tatsu's mind was more suited on the battlefield than it was for something as strange as this, but yet the spirit of adventure and curiosity had its own ways of finding things out, mostly by trial and error. Without another word Tatsu would begin running across the water as fast as he could, occasionally looking into its dephs, gray and murky just as before but much more vast...for a moment he could have sworn he saw a feint shadow below them, but it was probably just algae or something...


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 11th February 2015, 9:54 pm

    As Tatsu took off, Venir was quick to follow. However, she was not nearly as fast as the blonde was, so she was some distance behind him. Which let her have quite the view as something jumped out of the water just to the right of Tatsu. It was almost shark like in appearance but had deep green scales and was ten times more frightening than any shark. "Oh my goddess!" Venir screeched as the creature missed Tatsu by inches, and splashed back into the water. The pinkette continued running, kicking up the pace now as she watched the water beneath Tatsu and herself.

    "How do they jump through the invisible surface?" Venir wondered but kept on, still some distance away from Tatsu. The almost dragon like creature had yet to make another appearance but Venir had no doubt that it was still lurking around them. That was when the girl fell, through a hole of sorts and straight into the water with a large splash. With a sudden sense of panic Venir swam straight back up only to meet with what felt like a solid surface. Her hands pressed against the surface of the water, pressing against it like it was glass. "I fell straight through here!" The girl panicked and moved about beneath the surface trying to find an opening to swim through but could not find one. Oxygen was certainly a worry but what worried here more was the creature coming back.


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 11th February 2015, 10:08 pm

    Tatsu's eyes darted to his right as a large creature shot up from the water, attempting to take the young wizard in its maul. The sudden act had sent tatsu falling to his side, luckily it missed. "What the hell..!" was the only reaction Tatsu could form into words as he watched it submerge...amazingly enough he was still on its surface. Just how was it able to do that? Tatsu then drew his attention behind him to Ven, who may had any possible answer but just as soon as he saw her down she went into the murky depths herself!

    Alarmed Tatsu ran over to where she fell in but as she tried to get herself out it seemed she was stuck beneath , just like he had tested before ! There was no time to run around looking for another opening , that sea beast could have been coming back already. Not seeing any other solution, Tatsu dropped his bag and drew his sword, holding it with both hands he attempted to plunge the blade into the water near Venir, perhaps whatever invisible force was blocking her way, he would be able to shatter it!


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 11th February 2015, 10:38 pm

    The girl who was rapidly running out of breath watched as Tatsu ran over to where she fell in. Not able to hold her breath for a second longer the girl released the air from within her lungs just as the sword sliced through the invisible barrier atop the water. It certainly created an opening but perhaps not the one Tatsu desired. Venir slipped out of the way as the blonde came crashing down into the water as well.

    The need for oxygen was to great and the pinkette involuntarily opened her mouth. Instead of water seeping in it was like a gulp of much needed fresh air. Which was strange considering Venir was still under the water. "Things that defy logic!" The girl thought with a look of surprise on her face. Taking another deep gulp of air-water, to show Tatsu that it was okay to breath, the girl swam to the surface only to meet with the barrier once more. "It repaired itself." The girl pressed against the surface again. The creature had yet to make another appearance but Venir would rather not stick around to see if it would show up again or not. However, it seemed as if the two were stuck down there if the barrier could repair itself that quickly. "At least we won't die from lack of oxygen. We can't really communicate though." Venir thought and tried to speak out loud but anything she said was muffled like how regular water might make it sound like.


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 14th February 2015, 12:55 pm

    Tatsu watched as the girl opened her mouth and began to breathe under water..or whatever this stuff was. It was a bit hard to believe and he panicked a bit but after trying it himself he was amazed. Putting his hand up he met with the invisible force, it seemed to have repaired itself. Tatsu began to wonder whether this was the work of magic or just the chaos that came with this planet. Looking around he tried to spot the fish, if a fight broke out using his magic could prove deadly considering he and his ally were both under water...the last thing he wanted to do was end up hurting her in the process. Still gripping his sword he would be begin to poke at the barrier then look to Venir, to see if she had any ideas. When she spoke all he could make out was a sort of muffling accompanied by bubbles that escaped her lips. Tatsu frowned a and began to swim lower, perhaps there would be a clue?


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 17th February 2015, 4:03 pm

    The woman watched almost warily as Tatsu poked at the barrier to no avail. Neither of them were exactly suited for underwater combat especially against whatever that fish was. Yet it seemed going back up to the surface was no longer an option. As Tatsu began to swim down, Venir had no choice but to follow. The farther and farther they went, the darker it became, almost completely devoid of light. While, Venir didn't have a fear of the dark or anything she was a little worried as to the pitch black state of the water. Especially, when she swore something brushed itself against her leg. Letting out a yelp that was more of a cloud of bubbles than anything, the pinkette picked up the pace blindly groping around for Tatsu.

    A gloved hand soon found its way to her companion and she gripped the back of his shirt to make sure she didn't lose him. It would be bad if they got separated in the water. It felt as if they had been swimming for an eternity but they were apparently no closer to the bottom not that they could tell or anything. Another brush of something against her caused Venir to jump slightly before practically melding into Tatsu's side. After all he was the one with the sword, she herself wasn't sure how effective her magic would be in the water.


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 17th February 2015, 7:28 pm

    As he swam deeper and deeper he had almost forgotten about the beautiful woman who was tailing and groping for his his presence within the depths of the dark murky water. As light began to lose itself the deeper they went Tatsu took to guessing in random directions, when he realized his partners absence he quickly turned and around and lurched upward, meeting with something soft and warm that he could only hope was her shoulder or some other place that was more decent. He was somewhat of a gentleman after all, land or sea.

    Soon he could feel her hand creep onto his back,then soon he felt her pressing herself into his side. This could mean only one of two things, one that she had become privy to his affections and sought to tease him in this rather dark and mysterious situation or two, that there might some sort of danger afoot. While he hoped it was the prior, he knew that it was most likely the latter. Gripping his sword with one hand he pointed the blade outward as a sort of guide to meet anything that may be dangerous, and with his free arm , wrapped it around over the girls shoulders like a boy would a girl on a casual afternoon. He hoped that she would serve as the main lead in their underwater travels while he served as the defender. He couldn't help but think of what would happen if he had to use his magic, being underwater put him at both an advantage as well as a disadvantage, especially considering he was a lighting wizard. If it came to it though there was that one special ability he had since his birth...but that only lasted for a limited time.


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 17th February 2015, 8:54 pm

    The woman winced slightly as Tatsu bumped into her chest, none to gently. Not one for personal space Venir did not mind the contact or the arm wrapped about her shoulder. It provided slight comfort to her, as if somehow it made her more protected. That feeling soon dissipated as something brushed along her back this time more forcefully. She shivered and lurched away from the scaly presence.

    Tightening her grip on Tatsu she tried to alert him to the creatures presence but it was rather difficult to do so without the ability to speak. Then again for all she knew whatever was in the whatever had brushed against her companion as well. As the twin continued to swim the creature occasionally brushing against either of them, perhaps it was toying with them it trying to figure out if they were edible or not, a small faint light appeared through the darkness as they continued downwards.


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Tatsu 17th February 2015, 9:48 pm

    His face began to turn a bit red realizing just exactly where he was, but then soon his attention was drawn by the imminent danger. Bump....bump...bump... the two wizards began to get knocked back and fourth , to and fro, fro and to. Tatsu began to feel her body tense of and move closer to his. He didn't need her words, he began to fear for both of them, but that fear soon grew to excitement as he looked down towards the light. It beckoned to him and just faintly in the darkness he could see a the maw of a great fish. A grin came across his face as he let go off venrir, but only for a moment as he began pawing around, searching for her hand, he would grasp it lightly and entrust his sword to her. He wouldn't need it for this fight. As soon as he felt her hand clench the blade he would leave the girl, as he swam away she may have been able to see his figure in the faint light...his body changing...shifting into...a large alligator?!

    Yes, this was a part of the boy Lineage, although he was unaware of it. Since birth he always had this ability to change into whatever animal he desired, among other things this lineage provided. This was the most obvious trait. Growing larger, his skin turning into rough scale and his jaw extending. The only thing that even resembled the wizard were his deep blue eyes that now hunted for the angler fish in the darkness. From where the girl was she wouldn't be able to see much but within the darkness you could hear the sounds of bones breaking and the fierce thrashing of water in the cold depths.

    For what seemed like forever it would be silent, but soon she would feel a familiar touch, the wizards hand, guiding them lower into the water. It seems he had found something...The deeper they went the darker it became...that is until a flurry of light came upon them as they reached the very bottom of the body of water. Tatsu stood upon the neon sand that gave of light green light. He would crouch and then point to a small puddle...it was strange to see a puddle under water? Well given where they were anything was possible. After pointing he would begin to swim into it, although it seemed quite small. If Venrir followed shed soon find herself poking her head out of the puddle which had seemed to be resting on the ground...it acted like some sort of portal between the water and land! Just a few feet away would be Tatsu laying shirtless with his arm covering his face giving off a soft groan.


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    An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu] Empty Re: An Adventure! [Venir/Tatsu]

    Post by Mistress Venir 17th February 2015, 10:31 pm

    "What?" Another cloud of bubbles burst from her lips as a sword, Tatsu's sword, was pushed into her hands. She gripped onto the blade awkwardly, confused as to why he wanted her to hold onto the sword. The reason soon became apparent as she moved about realizing that Tatsu was nowhere to be seen, or rather felt. Except for of course the movements within the water telling her that either the fish, Tatsu, or both were near. Holding the blade, her lack of swordsmanship obvious, the girl waited for an attack or Tatsu to come back. By the time she felt a warm touch Venir was shaking from the cold water or perhaps fear. She nearly swung the sword at Tatsu before realizing that it was his touch and not that of an overgrown fish.

    Not wanting to be left behind Venir swam after him, still clutching his sword. The glowing sand was odd and the puddle even more so. At least Tatsu went in first and when he did not come back out the pinkette figured she ought to make sure he was still alive. The fit was a rather tight one for her, having to squirm and wriggle her way through before bursting for to the... surface? She gasped and breathed in a deep gulp of air, preferring actual air over the strangeness of the water they had just emerged from. That was when she took notice of Tatsu on the ground. "Are you okay?" She seemed almost panicked, was he injured? The woman squirmed out of the strange puddle before dashing her way over to the blonde boy. Placing his sword by his side, she knelt on the other side of him. "Are you hurt anywhere? What'd you do? How'd you take that thing out?" She briefly glanced over him checking for wounds and gently tugged on the arm covering his to make sure there was no wounds there either.


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