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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)


    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

    Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Za'cha 20th November 2014, 10:52 am


    Za'cha decided that this time around, he would be the one to select a job, as opposed to having Nakiya drag him along on one of hers. As he perused the board he spotted an interesting request. "Worshipping the sun huh?" he said aloud as he scratched his chin. "Hey Pride, you ever hear about this cult?" he asked of the Dark Celestial Spirit residing in his head. The Spirit appeared to think for a moment before shrugging. "Cults that worshipped the stars and moon and sun have come and gone from this world so often that I have honestly lost track of them all."

    The Ex-Quip mage shrugged. "Guess it'll be a learning experience for the both of us then." he said, Pride taking on a pondering pose. "The fact that this cult has taken up residence within the Mystic Tower concerns me... As a rule, cults of religion tend to either stay away from magic, or hoard it more so than a child with sweets... The Mystic Tower is home to various magical entities and powers..." he said, his host listening closely. "So you think these guys learned some stuff there?" Pride nodded.

    "It would be fair to assume so yes. And given their nature... it would prove most challenging for the Summoner and her castings." he said, Za'cha smirking before collecting the job notice from the board. "All the more reason to drag the Princess along then isn't it? And maybe this time she won't kill the target. Least I hope she doesn't." he said with a sigh before he turned around.


    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

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    Experience : 1118.75

    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Nakiya 21st November 2014, 11:01 am

    Nakiya was walking up to the board with a rather sheepish look on her face while carrying Kuro in her arms. The cat looked to be just as exhausted as she was as the demon purred and snoozed against her. Nakiya nearly walked straight into Za'cha but stopped just short.

    "Ehhh what do you want... I know that look..."
    She said just as sheepishly, yawning and rubbing her eye while now tying to balance Kuro in one arm. She looked at the board, then to the job in his hands and sighed. She didn't know wha it was, but she had a feeling that if she had been sitting down, he would have slammed he piece of paper in front of her and demanded they take the job. Well, he or Pride would have done so. Why was it that he seemed to be the only one taking initiative with this whole going to hell idea? She finally sighed as she took a step back to make a more comfortable distance between the two.

    "So... what job did you pick up so early in the morning."
    It was actually the after-noon, but she had been so exhausted after her recent training she had slept through most of the day, much to Kuro's content. She finally put the cat down on a nearby table, watching as h too yawned before taking off for the kitchen where he could find his drink and food before returning to his masters side in time for their mission.


    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) 5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88

    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

    Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Za'cha 23rd November 2014, 6:43 pm

    "Rough night?" asked Za'cha, smirking slightly and trying oh so hard to not burst out laughing at the dishevelled sight that was Nakiya. She had bed head on one side of her hair, and it looked like she hadn't even changed out of her clothes from the other day... then again she seemed to wear the same outfit every day so it was a little hard to tell sometimes. He put the job down in front of her, running a finger over each word as he read it for her. Thankfully nobody else was within earshot of them so she was saved a little bit of embarrassment by her inability to read.

    "And that's the job. Find this clients daughter, get her out of this sun worshipping cult, and brought back to daddy dearest, alive. Course that'll be the official reason behind it." said Za'cha. "Other reasons include figuring out why this cult are in one of the highest level repositories of magic, get you a little bit of training, and see what we can loot from the place. Who knows, may even be a book or two on Dark Celestials or the Hell realm we're going to." he explained before rolling his eyes and reaching over towards her hair. "Hold still..." he said before he tried to pat down the errant clump of bed head that was making her look like she'd electrocuted herself on one side.

    "There we go." Za'cha said once it was sorted. "So? Up for snuffing out this sun cult? Gotta warn you though... the Mystic Tower... It ain't exactly your regular tower. Magical energy has built up so much around there, that the place practically flows with it. You can practically feel the pressure coming from it a mile away, even if you aren't a mage." warned the Ex-Quip mage, gauging her response. No doubt she wouldn't give a damn about that, only getting paid and getting to slaughter this cult. He sometimes wondered what she had been like before the scientists had gotten to her... but the Realms of What If's were not the agenda today.


    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

    Theme AMV:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Nakiya 25th November 2014, 4:38 am

    Nakiya's eyes lazily followed along with Za'chas finger as he read out the job for her. She wasn't embarrassed in the slightest about her inability, she was simply never taught how, and never needed the skill until she had joined Savage Skull. Though... it would be good to properly start learning how.

    As Za'cha finished his explanation, she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow regarding his warning of the towers aura.  Was he really expecting her to be afraid of a spooky buildings aura? She dealt with powerful Celestial Magic that could easily outclass this tower on the power scale.

    "This tower doesn't worry me. Please, I know you want to keep him a trump car and all but Zargan could easily tip this thing over with a claw. After we rescue this kid of course."
    She added in, knowing how the other must have still been miffed with her in regards to the last job in which they had gained no jewels from.

    As she finished speaking, Kuro came running back towards them with the remains of the fish he had been eating in his mouth, nibbling on it as he walked along with a rather content look on his face.

    "Right, I don't think you guys ave been properly introduced. Za'cha, Pride this is Kuro, he's a demon that I've... contracted I suppose as my familiar."
    She explained as the cat looked up to the man in front of him. Though he couldn't see Pride, when he spoke, he could hear him without issue.

    'Nice to officially meet you and all that... are we ready to go? The faster we get back the sooner I can nap~'
    The cat intoned before leading the way outside he guild where he finished his fish and quickly began to grow in size until he was essentially the size of a small house.


    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) 5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88

    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

    Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Za'cha 25th November 2014, 6:04 pm

    The Ex-Quip mage blinked at her as she snubbed the Tower before he groaned and facepalmed. "Remember, she didn't exactly receive any proper magical instruction and cannot read." Pride admonished Za'cha, earning him a scolding look from his host. "I remember, you pompous twat. I just figured she'd at least have a basic grasp of magical pressure auras at least." he growled before he sighed and rolled up the job, looking down at the cat demon. "Oh yeah, I remember you. From that job with the Rune Knights right? Thought you were... bigger?" mused the dark mage before heading outside, watching the demon grow.

    "I've got to get me one of those... that you know, doesn't talk. Already got one voice nattering away in here, don't need another one." Za'cha said as he tapped his skull. "As for Zargan tipping the tower over with a claw? Highly doubt that. The place could take a direct Etherion blast to the proverbial face and it would probably still be standing." he informed her before he stretched his arms and looked up at Kuro. "So... you giving us a lift to the Tower then?" The large demon nodded at the mage before Za'cha clambered up on top of him.

    "Alrighty then." he said, offering Nakiya a hand up before Kuro set off for the Tower. As they rode the Ex-Quip mage pondered over whether or not to let her know about his suspicions concerning the cult thus far. He decided to do so. "Quick warning, this group is a sun cult, and the fact they've taken up residence here... well, it's entirely possible that these guys can use some form of Light magic, or a variant thereof. If that's the case, well... you're going to have to get some practice in Princess with that sword of yours." he informed her, preparing himself for the task ahead.


    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by NPC 25th November 2014, 6:04 pm

    The member 'Za'cha' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) NormalMonster

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil's Chimera
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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Nakiya 27th November 2014, 2:14 pm

    "Idiots... Kuro's telepathic... I heard all of that."
    Sh stated, glaring at Za'cha and hitting him before they climbed up onto Kuro's back. It was quite nice to have a pet that relayed silent messages to you. It would be a nice way to communicate with Pride without having to wait for them to do their switcharoo business.

    As soon as both mages were on his back, Kuro took off at a run towards the tower that had been indicated. It took them a little over an hour of high speed travel to reach their destination, the tower soon coming into sight. As Za'cha had stated before, she felt like a huge weight was suddenly being pressed down on her, causing adrenaline to suddenly surge through her body as her mind went back and forth to situations where she had felt similar pressure. At one point, she even put her hand to her head and glared at absolutely nothing.

    "Damn it..."
    She muttered as visions of dark winged creatures filled her mind, their black feathers stained with blood and burning with the rest of the vision. She shook her head and stared at the tower, wondering just what the hell it was she had seen.

    "Master, there are wizards just up ahead..."
    Kuro stated as he continued to run. Knowing Nakiya, she would want him to run directly into their midsts before they commenced their fight.

    "Alright just... JUMP"
    She ordered as a white hot beam of light came flying towards the trio. At the very last moment, Kuro had been able to leap up and sideways away from the beam, coming to a halt as he braced himself for battle...


    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) 5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88

    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

    Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Za'cha 1st December 2014, 5:34 am


    As they approached the Tower Za'cha could feel the weight of the magic pressing down on him. He looked behind him and frowned with concern. "You alright there Princess?" he asked, before grimacing at the sudden assault on them. "Alright that's a new one." he growled before he leapt from Kuro's back. "Cult's don't usually tend to post a watch." the Ex-Quip mage grimaced as he landed and saw the enemy before him.

    There were five mages, all wearing loose flowing robes arrayed before them. "One chance. We only want one of you, the rest-" he called over before seeing them starting to fire at him again. "Camlann Array! Haematoclarent!" he quickly invoked, the smoke encompassing him before the beams of sunlight struck it apart to reveal him standing there in his armour, his sword holding firm against the onslaught. There was a faint silver aura surrounding him with both out in play. "Alright," said Za'cha from beneath his helm, "now it's our turn." he snarled.

    He barrelled towards the five mages, picking out their centre one first. With a reverse gripped swing of his sword, he brought the blade into their side before twisting it around to chop into their arm, slamming an armoured fist into their face disorientating them. He followed this up with a downward slash of his sword before then impaling it through their chest. He removed the corpse before regarding the other four Sun Cult magi. "Next?" he snarled, the blood dripping from his blade.


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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

    Theme AMV:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil's Chimera
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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Nakiya 2nd December 2014, 12:50 am

    "Yeah, I'm fine..."
    The celestial mage grumbled softly, a tinge of anger in her voice that she had not intended to put there. For some reason, this tower was bringing up memories that felt as if they were not her own... When they stopped growing closer to the tower however, these visions began to slowly fade away. It wasn't until Kuro's body jerked that she fully began paying attention to the situation at hand.

    The reason Kuro's body had jerked, was that the giant demonic feline had braced himself, opening up his mouth as a ball of Celestial energy formed before being discharged into the group of sun mages. Well, that was a new move Nakiya hadn't known about. She pushed herself up to her feet before drawing the first key she could reach, a key she had not called into battle for quite some time. without thinking, she drew the key forward and summoned the spirit of the fire fox, Vulpeca.

    "I am at your service mistress."
    The fox stated, slapping his fan closed as his eyes glanced over the sun mages. So it was going to be fire against fire... and they would have to see who burned out first. A smirk played the coy foxes lips as he suddenly darted forward, his robe swaying behind him with his speed. He ran up to one of the mages that had been downed  by Kuro's blast and opened up his fan once more as he ran over him.

    "Fire blades!"
    He called out as fire erupted from the fan in the form of a blade and sliced down onto the fallen mages throat, burning open a gaping gash that did not even bleed, as the flames sealed the wound shut, leaving the mage to suffocate until he would eventually no doubt die.

    combat info:


    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) 5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88

    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

    Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Za'cha 6th December 2014, 6:50 am

    Za'cha nodded briefly to acknowledge the dark Fox Spirits presence before looking to his right at the pair beside him. He bolted towards the closest, his sword swinging up in a diagonal cleave. The Ex-Quip mage gritted his teeth as his armour took the brunt of a point blank Sun beam before his blade bit into their flesh, a line of sliced blood and meat tracing through the Sun Cult wizards body from their left hip to their right shoulder.

    As he took hold of his raised blade with both hands, the second mage came in to support his target with a Sun empowered kick to his side. Za'cha growled as the mage struck him, before he brought his blade in a slash across their throat, causing them to grasp at their life's blood spilling out. "Pray to the Sun now without a voice." he snarled before slamming his armoured fist into their face, returning his attention to his initial target. He smirked beneath the helm and brought his sword down on them once more, this time from their left shoulder to their right hip. "Ex marks the spot." he quipped before plunging his blade straight into the centre of his carving, the mages blood spilling out as he then brought the blade up through their body, bisecting their upper half.

    Za'cha regarded the mage whom was bleeding from the throat and slowly advanced upon them, Haematoclarent glistening slick with fresh blood. "Any last words?" he asked sardonically of the speechless cultist before he plunged his blade into their face, removing it from the corpse before looking back to the Fox. "Need a hand there?"


    Normal Mob:


    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

    Theme AMV:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil's Chimera
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    Experience : 1118.75

    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Nakiya 7th December 2014, 12:08 pm

    "Please, I hardly need anything from someone such as yourself."
    Vulpeca said as he turned  his nose up whilst still looking towards the Sun mage. There was one quick and easy solution to out flame the man. Not only was his different than sun magic, it was mixed in with a tint of celestial darkness and his own fox fire magic... which, would make a wonderful show here.  Vulpeca darted forward while the sun mage fired off wave after wave of sun imbued beams towards the fox, not caring what he hit as long as he destroyed his target. However, again, and again th flames  hit the Celestial beings body only to have him erupt into flames and continue moving forward, rematerializing his body again before leaping up high into the sky.

    "Fox fires!"
    He cried out, extending his fan and waving it forward. There was a large gust of wind before 4 small colored flames began surging towrds the sun mage. They flew easily around his stikes, and soon found thir targets as the tiny fox flames each grabbed a different part of the man before erupting into a tower of colorful flames.

    Vulpeca landed on the ground and began gingerly fanning his face before walking back towards his mistress and her companions. He knew that each of his fox fires dealt as much damage as he did, and therefore, the man would be burnt to a crisp by the time the pillar of fire was extinguished.

    "mistress I must thank you for summoning me to this place. It will be truly spectacular to watch my flames burn out even the sun"
    There was a devious look in Vulpeca's eyes as the fire behind him raged. This was exactly the kind of fghts he lived for, to out class all those using his element and showing his superiority.

    combat stats:


    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) 5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88

    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

    Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Za'cha 7th December 2014, 6:13 pm

    "Hey Fox Boy." called over Za'cha. "You missed one." he remarked with a smirk beneath his helmet. Whilst the firey fox dark spirit's assault had been... colourful, it did only take out one singular Sun cultist wizard. A wizard who was now staring down at the savaged corpses of his comrades, and at the blood slicked armoured knight before him. "Now, I'm going to ask this one more time." said the Ex-Quip mage as he advanced on the cultist, who was backing up in fear before falling on their backside. "Where," said Za'cha, as he stabbed the cultist in the arm, causing them to cry out in pain, "are your new recruits?" he asked, stabbing them in the other arm before holding his blade to their throat.

    "We're only here for one of your new members. A girl." he said, holding out his free hand to a certain height. "About yay big, brown hair, a few freckles, brown eyes. Goes by the name Elisa Durnwood. Speak quickly and I'll let you go." asked the armoured mage. The Cultist gulped as he bit back the pain, pleading with his eyes. "Th-they take the new ones further in... fortieth floor... i-if you h-hurry, you may g-get there in time." he blabbered. "In time for what?" asked Za'cha, holding his blade to the man's quivering chin. "The I-Initiation ceremony... once she's taken it... she can't leave without the Archmage's permission..."

    The armoured mage nodded slowly. "So... a binding guild mark of sorts then... thanks." he said, the cultist breathing in relief. "You're going to let me go then?" he asked. Za'cha smirked beneath the helmet. "Of course. I'm a man of my word." he said, removing his sword from their throat... before plunging it into their skull. "I just never said in what manner I would let you go." he scowled. He removed the blade before looking to Nakiya and her minions. "Did I mention I hate cultists?" Za'cha asked before looking right at the Fox. "Four to one. Try to keep up."



    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

    Theme AMV:

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Experience : 1118.75

    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Nakiya 9th December 2014, 3:46 am

    The fox grumbled as he watched Za'cha stab the last remaining cultist in the head. Personally, he preferred to watch them suffer and die slowly. To each their own he guessed with a light shrug towards Za'cha's comment. He then turned over to Nakiya and looked her straight in the eyes.

    "mistress, if you do not mind I will be returning to the Celestial Spirit world until you need me again. remember what we've practised."
    He stated before he was engulfed in his own flames and disappeared back to the spirit world.Nakiya rolled her eyes at the spirit, waving her hand dismissively as she sat back down on Kuro's back.

    "Well, at least they talk easily. Let's hurry this up shall we Za'cha?"
    She asked monotonously, seeming quite unlike herself ever since they had gotten close to the tower. She really was doing her best though to try and hide the fact that this bothered her from Za'cha... it was strange... to have so many memories suddenly flooding through her body that didn't seem to be her own.

    Kuros silent words broke Nakiya's train of thought, causing the girl to tap the cat on the neck.

    "Right. Let's go"
    She stated. As soon as Za'cha got back on, or moved along next to them, Kuro took off towards the entrance of the Sunny Tower.

    When they finally reached the entrance, Nakiya leaped off of Kuro's back, the large cat transforming back to his normal state and leaping up onto Nakiya's shoulders and lying down comfortably. Of course, he knew he wouldn't be able to stay there for the duration of this mission, but he would stay and rest as long as he could,

    When she stepped inside, her hand flew to her keys as she could hear both footprints, and chanting in the distance.


    Last edited by Nakiya on 14th December 2014, 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) 5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88

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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by NPC 9th December 2014, 3:46 am

    The member 'Nakiya' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Boss

    Death of Slayers

    Death of Slayers

    Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Technological Superiority
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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Za'cha 9th December 2014, 8:26 am

    The Ex-Quip looked at Nakiya in concern when she spoke so... monotonously. "You sure you're alright there?" he asked as he got on Kuro's back in full armour, just in case there were any more sentries between them and the Tower.

    When they arrived at the entrance, Za'cha gripped his sword tighter as the footsteps and chanting reached his ears as well. "Fortieth floor... forty floors of cultists. Fun." he grumbled before they found themselves face to face with someone the Dark Weapon mage never thought to see again. "De'vant?" he asked, the man raising an eyebrow before smirking. "Well, well, well... if it isn't little Sasha." replied De'vant. Za'cha growled beneath his helm. "Thought you died a while back." said the armoured mage as he kept his sword ready.

    "My true master had other plans for me. What brings you here though? And in the presence of such exquisite company." he said as he eyed Nakiya with a luscious look in his eyes. Za'cha levelled his sword at the man. "Back off. We're here just for one of the girls your little cult's grabbed, and maybe to take your bosses head if he gets in the way." declared the Armoured mage. De'vant burst into laughter, never once losing his smirk. Za'cha groaned. "Why am I not surprised... Oh right, introductions for the uninitiated." he said before looking at Nakiya. "De'vant, this is Nakiya. Nakiya, this douchebag used to be a senior student of the man who taught me how to use magic."

    "I'd be hurt by your words Sasha if they weren't being uttered by such a pathetic little girl. Always hiding behind your steel and books instead of facing the light of the world." said De'vant. The Ex-Quip mage snarled before taking hold of Haematoclarent in both hands. "Nakiya, find the girl. I'll handle him." he said, the Archmage of the Sun barking in laughter. "You couldn't take me back when we were both students and kids. What's so different now hmm little girl?" Za'cha grinned beneath his helmet. "You've got your minions... I've got mine. SIC HIM!" he roared, as he charged towards him. There was an almost immediate spine-chilling howl that echoed throughout the tower's walls.

    De'vant immediately opened fire with Sun-beams from his hands towards Za'cha, blinking as the defensive magics in his armour negated almost half of the damage, although cracks were starting to show. Just as he was about to level another bombardment, his arm was immediately torn into by invisible jaws. "Grargh! What the?!" he bellowed, trying to find the source of the attack. Za'cha in the meantime managed to get in close from the distraction caused by the Garm, allowing him to score a blow with his sword into De'vant. "Grargh! You little pipsqueak!" he roared, backhanding Za'cha with a Sun-empowered blow and sending him crashing into a wall, his armour and weapon bursting into smoke.

    The Ex-Quip mage spat out some blood as he looked on at De'vant, smirking still as he began to call on more of his arsenal. "It's about time we finished this..." he said, Pride observing and managing the direction of the invisible pack of man-sized wolves.


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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Nakiya 10th December 2014, 12:52 am

    "Oh please, stop acting like I would even give you the time of day."
    Nakiya stated with a roll of her eyes as she stepped in behind Za'cha, placing her hand on her hip as she eyed this new enemy of theirs. It was strange to have run into someone from Za'chas past just suddenly turn up on this random tower. She wasn't about to get involved in his personal affairs however, this sounded like it was something that he needed to do on his own. Besides, if anything went wrong he still had Pride with him, and she doubted that the spirit would accept defeat.

    "Alright, just don't die idiot, i'm not losing Pride because of you."
    She stated before she finally broke into a run towards the first set of staircases that she found. 40 floors was a long... looooong way up, and she didn't know if she would even have enough stamina to make it up that far in a timely fashion... she had to find a better way of travel. With that thought, she suddenly paused as she sorted through her keys, drawing out one of her dark keys of sin and extending it forward.

    "I call upon thee from the shadows of the Celestial World. Come forth and spread your darkness, Wrath!"
    She chanted just as the torches in the stairwell seemed to extinguish as Wrath was summoned. Darkness was spread around Nakiya to the point that anyone entering the stairwell would be blinded. Wrath emerged from these shadows, emotionless, and invisible sole for the two red dots that represented her non existent eyes.

    "Take me into your shadows and take us up towards the 40th floor."
    She told the spirit who silently nodded before reaching out and grabbing her summoner, drawing her close to herself before dragging her into the shadows and moving them up through any opening she could that would quickly lead them upwards.


    Last edited by Nakiya on 14th December 2014, 6:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Death of Slayers

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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Za'cha 10th December 2014, 4:00 pm

    "Bah!" spat out De'vant as he sneered at Za'cha. "It doesn't matter if your pets are hidden from sight! The light of the sun will burn them all the same!" he roared, sending out a wide beam throughout the chamber, several howls and smells of burned fur filling the room. "He's taken out half of the Garm. We have five remaining." informed Pride of his host. Za'cha briefly nodded before he charged once more towards the Archmage. The man just smirked and took to the air, starting to blast his way through the floors. "If your girlfriend wants the girl so badly, then she must be worth it as a convert! Bye by- what?!" he cried out as he saw a white armoured form screeching up towards him. "Meet Darkwarp." the Ex-Quip mage said before slamming an armoured fist into the man's face, sending him into a room on the tenth floor.

    Za'cha landed on the floor before holding out his hand to the side. "Martyrblade." he invoked, the Celestial slaying scythe appearing in his gauntleted grasp. There was a brief flinch from De'vant that both Pride and the human spotted. "Now why does this weapon make you flinch I wonder?" asked Za'cha before he was slammed by a blast of Sun magic from De'vant. The Ex-Quip mage hissed as the Light magic seared into his flesh through the armour. "Alright... that stings a bit..." he hissed before bursting towards the Archmage, utilising the increased speed of his armour to get in close, the Garm springing from the shadows to harry and distract him once more as he landed another blow. De'vant cried out in greater pain, clutching at his cut flesh. "What the..." he gasped.

    "Martyrblade, it deals far greater damage to those aligned with the divine, the light, and celestial spirits. Guess which category you fall into?" explained and questioned Za'cha, the smirk on his face present even in his tone of voice. The Archmage spluttered for a moment before snarling and slamming an uppercut into Za'cha's armoured jaw, sending him flying through the floors above till he was on the twenty second, in what appeared to be some form of vault. The trappings of the Sun Cult were strewn across the room amidst the magical relics the Tower had accumulated. He groaned as he clutched his jaw through his armour. "Urgh... bastard still packs a punch..." he spat out before blinking at what he saw before him. "Pride... is that?" he began to ask. "It would appear to be so..." the Dark Celestial Spirit confirmed. Za'cha looked down at Martyrblade and then grinned. "That explains it..."


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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Nakiya 13th December 2014, 2:55 pm

    Nakiya and Wrath made their way up from one floor to the next, making it up to the 22nd before a loud rumbling and soon loud crashing noises filled their ears. Parts of the lower floors had seemed to of collapsed to make way for something that had been launched upwards. Meanwhile, the broken floors of the old tower were now slowly falling away one by one, causing the tower to rumble in protest.

    "Tsh... idiots going to bring the whole place down on us..."
    The Celestial Wizard hissed as Wrath continued to climb through the shadows, bringing his mistress along with her until they finally arrived on the  30th floor of the building. All over the floor, there were Sun wizards running about in every which direction, each trying to find out the source of the commotion, and to find a way to prevent their tower from falling over while the ceremony was going on upstairs.

    The pair was stuck in place for a long time before they could move again, needing the shadows to creep up higher, and with so many Sun mages around, it left very little space for shadows to linger. When they did finally make it up to the very peak of the tower though, Nakiya peered through the shadows at the mages gathered. There were quite a few men and women wearing red and golden robes, kneeling with their hands on the ground and their heads low, meanwhile, there were mages standing around them, chanting something as light flooded the area and forced Wrath and herself out of hiding.


    Last edited by Nakiya on 14th December 2014, 6:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by NPC 13th December 2014, 2:55 pm

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    Death of Slayers

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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Za'cha 14th December 2014, 4:17 pm

    On a pedestal rested an almost simple looking tool of the average farmer. It looked almost out of place amidst the finery and trappings of the vault's walls, and plain in comparison to the other treasures, magical or not, strewn across the chamber's floors. But it was for those very reasons why it stood out the most. Hidden amongst all the glittering gold and power, lay something dormant. Something even more ancient than this tower, or even the Seven Deadly Sins. Something as ancient as the concept itself, and beyond.

    "Death." said Za'cha as he slowly rose to his feet, his body screeching at him after having been sent flying through at least twelve floors of solid stone. Even with his armour to protect him, it was still a painful experience. He edged around the hole he'd made on entry, glancing downwards to see De'vant slowly gliding up towards him. He returned his gaze to the weapon. "Well?" asked Pride as he watched the scene unfold. "Can't be this damned easy..." said the human host as he found himself standing before it, the weapon within arm's reach. "I don't sense any traps. Least not in here. And it would appear that more magical energy is being expounded up above." said the Dark Spirit.

    The Ex-Quip mage cursed under his breath. "Nakiya's in bother... and I've still got De'vant to deal with." he muttered before holding his hand over the hilt of the scythe. He stood there for a moment, composing himself. With a faint nod he dismissed Martyrblade and took hold of the weapon. There was a brief flash before he felt an intense rush of power surge through his body, letting rip a roar from his lips, even Pride found himself trembling before such immense strength flooding their shared body. The tower trembled and the lights throughout seemed to dim for but a moment, causing many of the cultists within to stop in their tracks. De'vant however made himself move faster.

    Za'cha panted as he held the scythe in his grasp, the power receding back to where it had come. "That was... wow..." he said, breathless. "Glad you approve." came... a feminine voice from within his mind. The Ex-Quip mage blinked before groaning. "Great... now there are TWO of you in here!"


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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Nakiya 14th December 2014, 7:02 pm

    Nakiya's enemies:

    Wrath hissed and cried out angrily as the light struck her, charging forward as if she was going to strike against the enemy gathered there, but vanished into nothingness as the light completely overtook her body and separated her from the shadows. Nakiya cursed lowly as she drew another two more keys from her set, two dark keys had found their way between the Celestial mages fingers as a smirk crossed her face.

    “I summon thee from the darkest depths of the Celestial world! Come forth and show me humanities nature! Greed! Envy!”
    She called out, causing the initiates and those performing the ceremony to look over at the Celestial mage.  At the sudden act of hostility, they attempted to act fast so that the spirit mage could not finish her summon. The 4 men that were standing up where quick to charge the young wizard, imbuing their hands and feet with the power of the sun as they air four well aimed strikes for the girl.

    However, just then both Greed and Envy were summoned, Greed already covered in his impenetrable shield, while Envy mimicked his form, and his power. Both spirits turned their backs on the assailants, drawing Nakiya closer to them both to protect her from the oncoming strikes, and to fuel their own power.

    As the power of the sun collided against the spirits backs, they both deeply sank their fangs into Nakiya’s neck, letting the blood flow freely from her veins as both spirits drank their share. While Greed was not fond of sharing, pushing Envy away when he had already taken a bite while in his form would be absolutely stupid.

    Nakiya couldn’t help the moan that escaped her lips as her knees grew weak from the sudden blood loss. She fell forward into her spirits grasps, at their mercy until the spirits had their fill and let her fall onto all fours on the ground, panting heavily as the bite marks continued to bleed, although at a much slower pace as if she had suddenly been healed.

    The instant the spirits let go of her, they each turned to the four mages that had attacked her and immediately began their assault…



    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) 5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88

    Death of Slayers

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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Za'cha 15th December 2014, 5:40 am

    "Wait... Death's Scythe... is a girl?" asked Za'cha briefly before being mentally thwapped upside the head. "Show some respect." snarled Pride, a small chuckle filling both their ears. "My my... this should be interesting. Admittedly my last wielder was a somewhat... morbid fellow." said the weapon, sending a chill down Za'cha's spine before the recalled exactly what the situation was right now. "Sorry, but can we have this chat later?" asked the Ex-Quip mage, Death's Scythe giving a faint impression of a nod. "Indeed. We have killing to do."

    At that moment De'vant, the Archmage of the Sun Cult made his reappearance in the vault chamber, his eyes bulging at the sight before him. "How dare you?! That relic-" he began to bark before Za'cha glowed with an unholy light. "De'vant... time to die. I'll give you one gift though... the sight of this weapon, in its true form!" he roared, the simple plain scythe glowing with a dark light before it too changed and shifted its appearance.

    Scythe's True Form:

    Both De'vant and Za'cha blinked at the sight of the weapon. "What?" asked Scythe. "Expecting something else? Let me guess, skulls and bones motif perhaps? Or covered in rotting cloth?" she asked, a dangerous tone in her voice. The Ex-Quip mage quickly shook his head before hanging it. "Maybe a little of the former... I mean..." There was an internal sigh. "I take on a form suitable for my wielder. I only took on that form because Death had a fetish with skulls. You can call me Tessa by the way." Pride gave a brief cough. "If perhaps we can focus?" he asked.

    De'vant seemed to be over the shock as he immediately charged towards the Scythe wielding Dark Mage. Za'cha dove to the side, wondering why his old rival and enemy seemed to be moving much slower than earlier. "I'm improving your form, that's why." answered Tessa. "Now kill the bastard already... I haven't eaten in a long time." The Ex-Quip mage nodded before he swung the scythe into De'vant's back, noting the blade passed through his flesh and cloth without leaving a mark as it came out the other side of him. There was however the sound of cracking bone. De'vant fell to the floor, clutching at his back, crying out in pain. "Tough bastard... even with your spine broken, you still live... No matter." said Za'cha as he proceeded to slash through each limb, severing the bones within, leaving De'vant powerless and immobile.

    He smirked a little as he flipped the body over, and rested the blade of the Scythe against the Archmage's chin. "Where is your vaunted light now?" he asked before plunging the scythe even further into the man's limbs, severing ankle and wrists. Just to further drive his point home, he even slashed through the man's pelvis. The Archmage's screams of pain filled the vault, bringing some satisfaction to Za'cha's ears. "Finish him already." both Pride and Tessa ordered him. The Ex-Quip mage sighed before holding the blade over the man's defenceless throat. "Farewell... I'll see you in Hell later." he said before he plunged it through the man's neck, breaking it and ending his existence.


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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Nakiya 15th December 2014, 11:27 am

    Nakiya stood on all fours for a long time, the sounds of Greed and Envy attacking the sun cult barely resonating in her ears  as her mind became clouded with the same images as before. Dark feathers were falling in her vision as blood began to spray off from faceless beings. There was a huge fight, though she couldn’t tell who her opponent was as they were shrouded in light. A sudden cry of pain escaped her lips as she rested her head on the ground. Pain pulsed through her body momentarily until something felt as if it was tearing it’s way out of her back from the inside.
    To those looking back at the red headed mage, two large wings burst from her back, dark feathers seeming to fall from them until a dark light engulfed them and they changed from feathers to solid, demonic looking wings. Nakiya pushed herself back up finally as even her hands began to hurt. The appendages there grew and became tougher and sharper as if she was trying to grow claws, and even her skin slowly began to turn pitch black as the same sort of aura encompassed her pained body. There were other changes that Nakiya could feel, but not quite see, a thing long tail sprouted from her tail bone as even her feet turned into dark talons. She was about to question what was happening to her whenever she heard a woman’s scream up ahead. Her head darted up as the woman’s figure came into view, Greed holding her up by the wrist and staring into her eyes hungrily.

    She sprang into action all of a sudden, springing forward at an incredible speed and grabbing he woman being held by greed, pulling her away from him and flying up towards the peak of the tower where he would not be able to reach her. Her demonic form did nothing to calm the girls mind as she struggled in a panic again this demon’s form, stopping only once Nakiya’s claws lightly pierced the skin of her neck, warning her to stop.

    “you’re Crowley’s kid, shut up and don’t move. Our job is to get you out of here. Idiot girl, following a stupid, worthless sun cult. If you want real power, you need to look where the sun can’t reach.”
    She stated plainly before looking back down to her two Celestial Spirits who were tearing through the cultists as if they were made of paper. 

    combat stats:


    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) 5931829f-31fd-4a8e-9486-c4fcc0e77b13_zpsb8913c88

    Death of Slayers

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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Za'cha 15th December 2014, 12:01 pm

    Za'cha heard the scream from down below and sighed. "Well... Nakiya's definitely at the target. Now to just hope she, or the Sins, don't accidentally kill the damn kid." he said, feeling a twinge at his words from the Scythe. "No killing hmm?" asked Tessa, sounding a little pissed. "Thought War was the blood thirsty one eh?" admonished the Dark Mage before using Darkwarp's flying abilities to race through the halls of the Tower till he reached the fortieth floor. He blinked as the armour dissipated from him, Scythe still in hand, as he surveyed the carnage around him. "Bloody hell..." he grimaced before looking to the air and blinking again. "Nakiya? That you?" he called over, painfully aware of Envy and Greed being present. He could only assume the girl in Nakiya's transformed clutches was their target.

    "Interesting... it's similar to your own transformation... but exudes a more sensual aura." surmised Pride, causing Za'cha to grown. "Great... she's turned into a bloody Succubus..." He waved the Scythe to get her attention. "Oi! Nakiya, try to not make the girl piss herself alright? We've still got to get her back home, and I doubt Kuro would like having a soiled girl riding on his back all the way. Stains in his fur and all that." he called over, walking towards the pair. "Also, bonus! Look what I found. Take a guess." said the Dark Ex-Quip mage with a smirk before sighing. "Although there is a downside... now I've got -two- voices in my head." Za'cha said, keeping a wary eye on the two Dark Celestial Spirits of Sin that were out and about.



    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Zacha%20Signature_zpshz08b5sz

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    Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions) Empty Re: Snuffing out the Sun (No Interruptions)

    Post by Nakiya 15th December 2014, 10:57 pm

    "Tsch. Who do you think you are talking to me so formally?"
    Nakiya hissed as Za’cha spoke to her. So formal and impolite, only the slightest hesitation in his voice as he looked upon her. If Pride’s smug face could be reflected onto a woman, then Nakiya would be simulating it perfectly in that one moment. Her eyes darted down to the girl in her arms, removing her claws from the girls throat and grabbing the back of her cloak, extending her arm as she hold the girl high up above the ground where her spirits had finished killing off all of the other Sun cult mages.
    “Take her… I wouldn’t want her to sully myself or my possessions… and speaking of, Death’s Scythe is hardly a toy for someone like you!”
    She stated as she let go of the girl, her eyes bearing into the scythe that Za’cha was holding. At the moment, Nakiya’s thoughts were not her own, they had been mixed in with that of the fallen archangel whose blood ran through her veins. The fallen angel, Angela, had once ruled over this very tower thousands of years ago. This was the tower where she had fallen from her fathers Grace… She had been the one to bring Death’s scythe here… to keep it under her protection… and now this mongrel had it…


    As Nakiya dropped the small girl, she screamed and cried as she fell onto the ground, breaking her leg as she attempted to adjust her landing in such a way that she wouldn’t get hurt. However, from such a height and with her thin frame, it was impossible for her to come out unscathed. What scared her the most however, was that one of the dark spirit beasts summoned by the woman had already run over to her side, pulling her back by her robes maliciously as he aimed to bite down into her. The most unlikely hero came to her rescue however, as the beasts twin came over and punched the first in the face, knocking him away from her.

    “Stay away from what’s mine, Envy!”
    Her savior growled as the two spirits suddenly began fist fighting amongst themselves.

    MP: 150%

    The Dark Chimera's lineage activated.
    Wrath is on cooldown, unusable for rest of the thread.
    Active Summons:
    Greed: (3/4)
    Envy: (3/4)


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