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    Bully the Bully [Job/Kuro]


    Bully the Bully [Job/Kuro] Empty Bully the Bully [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Guest 14th July 2015, 2:10 pm

    Job Description:

    look into my eyes
    look into my eyes
    Finally, a job that Kuro could get on board with. The book job ended rather badly to Kuro, but surely this one would have a much better ending! Just thinking about the passport job made Kuro shiver, she could never show her face around Rose Garden again, not since Kiro had kissed countless people so she could cut in line. A faint blush dusting her pale cheeks Kuro continued on through Magnolia in search of the said school her client attended. She was given a vague description of the bully but it was enough to work off of. Besides it was for a good cause, she was a part of a notorious dark guild but that didn't mean she had to do bad things right? If Shiro and Kiro wanted to hurt others, then they could, but Kuro? She was going to help out a young kid with a bullying problem. Perhaps by helping this kid out with his bully, Kuro might be able to deal with her own bullies, Kiro and Shiro.

    where my demons hide
    where my demons hide

    made by Wolf of GS

    Bully the Bully [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: Bully the Bully [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Guest 14th July 2015, 5:26 pm

    look into my eyes
    look into my eyes
    The short walk to the nearby school went as planned, and the two voices within her head were strangely quiet. The two persona's weren't resting, they seemed conscious, but Kiro seemed busy and Shiro just strangely quiet. If she was lucky perhaps the two wouldn't meddle in her affairs and the day would end without and bloodshed, on her part that is. The sight of the school brought about a sudden rather alarming thought. What on earth was she going to do about the bully? She wasn't exactly the type to rough somebody up. Give him a stern talking to? That would get the bully to change right? Get the bully to understand that bullying others could put others in bad situations like herself, a victim of past and current bullies that still tormented her. "That'll certainly get him to stop. Nothing like a real world example." She strolled through the school gates, peaking in and looking around only to see a few kids gathered in a circle, something going on in the middle.

    where my demons hide
    where my demons hide

    made by Wolf of GS

    Bully the Bully [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: Bully the Bully [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Guest 14th July 2015, 5:46 pm

    look into my eyes
    look into my eyes
    Reaching the group of kids it didn't take long for Kuro to find the bully. "Harming others physically? Name calling? He certainly matches the description." The dark haired girl sighed before pushing her way through the crowd of children attempting to get to the center. "Excuse me, excuse me!" She muttered as she eased her way through the kids, most of them seeming to take pleasure in the chaos of the one sided fight in the center of their impromptu circle. Finally, with one last shove Kuro broke through to the center the sight sending her back to the past for a moment.

    "Stop it!"

    Normally, Kuro was quiet, the fact that she yelled was rather significant for her. At the very least her shout caught the bullies attention. He didn't speak but he simply eyed her over for a moment, sizing her up, seeing if she was anyone who held any authority over him. "Y-You shouldn't do that to other people. When you bully others it puts them in bad positions. You could potential ruin someone's life and cause them to-" Accidentally bring a demon into their body? Cause them to join an infamous dark guild because of said demon? "You can push them into doing bad things!" It wasn't as if she could tell him all of those things. The kid seemed to mull over her words for a moment before finally speaking,

    "So what?"

    where my demons hide
    where my demons hide

    made by Wolf of GS

    Bully the Bully [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: Bully the Bully [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Guest 15th July 2015, 10:53 am

    look into my eyes
    look into my eyes
    Her single visible grey eye widened in surprise at the kids words, was he serious? Did he truly not care about others and their lives that much? Still stunned by the cruel child's words Kuro hardly had anytime to react as the kid gave her a hard shove, knocking the light girl down to the ground with relative ease. It wasn't just a shove though, soon a kick was aimed her way and muscle memory kicked in for Kuro. She simply curled up in a little ball, taking the kicks the came her way.


    A voice seethed within her mind, Kuro not really listening to it. The pain, the laughing kids, it all sent her spiraling back into a past that she'd rather forget. Unable to stop herself, Kuro cried, a grown woman crying at the hands of a few cruel little kids. "Help, help, help, help." She repeated mentally, unaware of the persona ready to do just as she requested. Little by little black haired faded to a snowy white, tears stopped following, and hardly a sound escaped her lips despite each kick. One of the children in the outer circle that surrounded them gasped, pointing out the change in hair color, at least having the sense to realize that something was off.

    where my demons hide
    where my demons hide

    made by Wolf of GS

    Bully the Bully [Job/Kuro] Empty Re: Bully the Bully [Job/Kuro]

    Post by Guest 15th July 2015, 11:23 am

    look into my eyes
    look into my eyes
    One last kick and the bully turned his back to the girl, feeling more than a little victorious. However, the circle of kids around him, his previous spectators, the one's who had cheered him on, were now eerily silent. Turning back on his heel he watched with wide eyes as the previously dark haired girl was recovering. Snowy white bangs covered her eyes, her previous white eye patch had fluttered to the ground as she pulled herself up from a fetal position to her hands and knee's. Perhaps the most worrisome thing was not her sudden change in hair color or even her recovery but the three tendrils that sprouted from her back.

    "Where do you think you're going? Our little game has just started."

    Tone of voice different, raspier, and darker. Anger was thick in her throat and in the air, the three red tendrils looked like snakes ready to strike. Before so much as a scream could be let out by the bully one of the tendrils reached out and secured itself around his ankle as he tried to flee. He screamed begging for help from the onlookers who had all begun to back away at this point. He pulled against the tendril doing his best to shake loose of it but slowly it dragged him back to the white haired demon, lifting him in the air so that he dangled upside down in front of her.

    "Maybe I should eat you? The crueler the human the better they taste. Or perhaps you're not going to be such a....bully anymore?"
    Cruel and teasing, a single burning red eye revealed itself to the poor shaking human boy. He had mistakenly bullied the wrong person and for that he would pay. At the very least he would change his ways. "What's that I couldn't hear you?" She leaned closer, as if to better hear him before with a simple flick of the tendril that had grasped his ankle, she sent him flying into a few of the remaining onlooking kids. Slowly, like a predator that caught its prey, Shiro walked over to the still recovering boy. "I wouldn't get up if I were you." She lodged a tendril into the ground next to his head, "The next time I hear you bullying someone. I'll personally escort you to hell, understood?" A downright insane grin, as she turned away from the bully. One of the tendrils twitched, mimicking a goodbye wave, an eerie one.

    where my demons hide
    where my demons hide

    made by Wolf of GS

      Current date/time is 22nd October 2024, 11:32 pm