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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!


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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 25th September 2014, 10:37 pm

    The sun pored down upon the capital city of Crocus. A small head of vibrant red hair bobbed lightly among the crowd being to distracted with the book in his hands to take notice of much anything else. A small pink figure swooped here and there about the childish figure nudging him to avoid the crowds on the streets and finally slammed the book shut in the boys face. "Hey!" came the boys cry of admonishment, "what was that for?" He looked incredulously at the small wisp. "Your here," came its small timid reply. He looked around then and noticed the sign reading, "Wonderland Cafe", he hurridly tucked his book into his engorged bag and scurried inside. The place reminded him of a Wonderland, with all the various colors and lights that came from strange fixtures mounted from the ceiling. "Welcome!" Came an excited voice as a gentleman in a large top hat came to the door, "and who might you be little one?" Delvic laughed, "I'm *giggle* one of your helpers *giggle* for today" he said as he dropped his bag to the ground. The mans looked at the small figure in confusion.

    Last edited by DelvicGrimoire on 27th September 2014, 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 25th September 2014, 10:50 pm

    Eien had decided to take a job at a cosplay job, which in her mind sound quite fun, although she had seen a few older mages decline the job in a big way. Now she was in Crocus, the capital city, a busy and noisy city that was overly grand in her opinion. Eien made her way to the cafe, reaching a point she could see it before she got knocked over by a man.

    "Get out of the way, Kid!" The man stopped to look at her.

    Eien stands back up. "Kid? hah i have century's on you KID!" Eien snaps back, clear annoyed by being called a kid.

    "Whatever." the man turn and walks off leaving Eien to fume.

    "How rude..." she turn and heads to the cafe, Growing to a height of 6 foot as she does. "that should do it." A few onlooker murmur to themselves about what they had just saw. Eien pays them no heed and walks into the Cafe, stopping to a kid. "greetings I'm your help for the day!" Eien says smiling as she speaks.


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD

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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 25th September 2014, 11:01 pm

    The man stood still gawking at the small child that sat before him. He looked up as woman who had just entered spoke, but this time he did a double take and grinned, "Well come right on in, whats your name, and will you be acting as a waitress?" He said obviously a little hopeful. Delvic had already spaced out and was looking around with an over excited grin. The pink ghost tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention and pointed to the lady who had just come in. Del grinned as he looked at her, "Hello," he interjected cutting off the owners line of questioning, "I'm Delvic, and you are?" He started to wander however before the question had even been answered, and the pink ghost pulled a book from his bag and a pen, and began to write. "As I was saying, I am so very glad that you were able to make it, in this desperate time." The man rambled on.
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 25th September 2014, 11:30 pm

    The man being the counter respond by asking  her name and what she wanted to do. "Im Eien Lamira and yes i would like to be a waitress." As she speak she shrink to about 5 foot. The man sets about to writing some things down. the boy standing next to her speak upon which Eien faces him. "I'm Eien Lamira." she smiles. "and you are?" before the kid can answer the man behind the desk speaks again, causing Eien to face him again. "Its not a problem. this job sounded fun." She speak honestly. Then a Idea pops into her head, turning back to the boy. "hey we should go as twins." as she speak she shrinks to the size of the boy and her hair changes to match his as well as her more adult parts becoming childlike. "This sound like fun." Eien says her voice changing to that of a small girl as she speaks.


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 25th September 2014, 11:36 pm

    Delvic hadn't really payed any attention until he watched this girl shrink down to his size, a smile burst across his face. "How did you do that? Can you change what ever you want? Can you only change organic things or can you become like a diamond or something?" His excitement got the better of him as he babbled, and then paused turning to the ghost thing, "Did we get her name already?" The little creature nodded, Delvic waved him over and peaked at the book, "and its nice to meet you Eien." He said finally with a grin. The owner looked chagrined at the prospect of what was now two children, being his only hope, but quickly he relented. "I have costumes in the back, feel free to take your pick of the lot." he said with a large sigh, and whispered a prayer to good fortune this day.
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kumiho Descendancy: The Legion Master
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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 25th September 2014, 11:58 pm

    Eien jumps up slightly, clear adjusting her actions to match that of a child, and faced Del. "well in all technicality a Diamond is organic its just hyper compressed carbon." She answers quickly. "but yes i can take any organic form." to prove her point she grow a pair of black feathered wings then proceeds to change the color of the feathers a few times, finally coming back to black in the end. "I think ill keep the wings." she turn to face the man. "i can get more help if you want." Eien activates the guilt crest summoning 3 guilt legionary's. turning to them. "Ok you guys are gonna listen to this guy." she points to the man behind the counter. "any help he need you three provide please." the three soldiers nod and turn to face the man behind the counter. "they will do what you ask them to do." Eien says walking into the back room.


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 26th September 2014, 12:35 am

    Delvic followed his new "twin" into the back, shelves upon shelves of costumes covered the entire area. Del was immediately lost among the countless carts that littered the storage space. He began looking for a cute piece to try on grinning like a crazy person. A few minutes later he emerged looking chagrined. "Their aren't any costumes my size... At least not any that it would be okay for me to wear." He looked down trodden. The owner stood then skirting around the guilt legionnaires, now fully clothed in cosplay, and made his way over to Del. "I'm sure we have something here," he said smiling kindly. A few minutes later a roar of outrage was heard from within the back room and Delvic emerged garbed in a pink bunny suit. "I will not wear this!" He bellowed pouting in the extreme. The owner came out then, "you already said you were gonna be in the kitchen anyway, what does it matter?" Del shot the older man a killing glare, "then why do I have to wear it at all?"

    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Del_bu10
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 26th September 2014, 8:59 am

    Eien wandered the racks for a while till she found a pair of matching dresses, Smiling Evily she grabs both. "hey sir with a little work we could pass him off as a girl." she grins happily at the man. "I'm sure a pair of cute girls would sell better." she grins at Del. "come on why not have some fun." she offers the boy the dress. "besides that one has a hole." as she speaks she walks up and takes a slash at the midsection, hoping to leave a gaping hole. Eien then turn on her heel and walk a little ways away, still with in sight though, and strips. she stretches naked. Eien stands around for a minute or so, oblivious to the lack of modesty. Yawning Eien then puts the dress on, a Black dress with a pink sash. Eien though it was cute and hoped that the boy would join her, Typical Eien.

    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! 1150%20fuchsia


    Izayoi's sorrow:
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    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD

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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 26th September 2014, 11:42 pm

    Del turned a shade of violent red as his "twin" returned with matching dresses and offered one to him. "No... no no no no no no no!" he started to whine, until Eien lashed out tearing a hole in the stomach of the costume. He grew silent as the moment sank in. The tiny demon shuttered behind the quivering pages of the book it "held" before it. Del took one deep breath, and started to speak as a glow emanated from his garment. Stitches magically began to flow across the fabric linking the tattered hole back together. Delvic was stunned, but then turned to the owner, "what was that?" The man looked at it, "Mend, I believe its called, a minor stage magic." he seemed un-surprised if not a little shocked by the behavior of his two "employees". Del turned then, "this one is fine," he mumbled and stomped off to the kitchen.
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 27th September 2014, 3:11 am

    Eien had watched the clothing mend itself and was clearly disappointed. She pulls the dress off and changes to that of a teenage then walks around looking for a costume that she likes. "You humans are SOOO lame." she whines as she finally settles on a very skimpy bathing suit. "Oh i need Fox ears and a tail." as she speaks her cat ears and tail change form into that of a foxes and her hair changes to a snow white color. The owner watches her jaw hanging open at her utter lack of modesty.

    "T-Thats not mean to be a costume." he says.

    Eien turns to face the man. "Aww don't be a bore." she responds as she walks by him to start her shift. As she steps out one of the other girls walks up.

    "hey your the temp right." she look Eien up and down. "Um what are you wearing?" she asks

    "Found it in the back." Eien says back smiling.

    "But i dont remember that wig or tail being back there." The girl responds circling Eien as she speaks. "And you really should wear something less reviling or you might get a little more attention than you want."

    "Oh im fine dont worry about me." Eien say back cheerfully. "and look my first customer! HI WELCOME TO THE CAFE." she says.


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD

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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by NPC 27th September 2014, 3:11 am

    The member 'Eien Lamira' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! NormalMonster

    X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by DelvicGrimoire 28th September 2014, 10:55 pm

    (ooc: sorry that took so long I've been busy the last few days but I should be all good now, thanks for the patience)

    Delvic stepped through the back door and into the kitchens, and gagged. The dirty dishes were stacked in the sink and across the counters carefully, but towered over the diminutive figure of Delvic. He turned around to see the owner swallow and give and embarrassed smile. "How long have you been running, the front and the kitchen, at the same time."

    The owner looked down in his embarrassment, "I haven't been able to get enough people in at any one time to take care of all of it, so maybe a month?" Delvic sagged as he heard this and breathed heavily, he rolled up the pink sleeves and wadded in bunny ears a bouncing.

    The sudden sound of voices shocked him however, as a sudden group of youngsters pored into the cafe. Delvic broke into a cold sweat and began to frantically conjure at his magic. "She had her helpers, time to show off mine." He thought bitterly as he threw on an apron, and got to work.
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 1st October 2014, 9:43 am

    Eien walked over to the children. "HI over here please," she leads them to a table, "OPPS i forgot menus be right back." Eien runs over to the other worker who blinks as Eien grabs the menus she holding. Running back Eien sets a menu infront of each of the 4 kids. "please look over the menu and your waitress will be with you in a sec."

    Eien runs to the back room, changing into a little girl again, and picks a new outfit. Quickly changing into it she runs back out. "Hi guys." she does the shy girl act. "What would you like to eat." it takes them a few minutes until they finally decided. Eien took their order to the back. "Hey bunny man here time to cook." then she walks off to help the next customer who had just walked in. "Hi ill be with you in a second." Eien grabs more menus and runs over to the entrance were they are standing "please follow me."


    Izayoi's sorrow:
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    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD

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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by NPC 1st October 2014, 9:43 am

    The member 'Eien Lamira' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! NormalMonster
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 26th October 2014, 3:02 am

    Another group of kids, does not matter. She ran up got there order and set off to her companion in the kitchen, she decided that changing her clothes again was a waste of time, so she went in the back and changed her clothing on last time settling on a nice maids outfit as well as changing her ears and tail to that of a wolf's. she smiled and went and intercepted the kids whom tried to leave without paying. she scolded them on the importance of paying one bills. They all apologized and gave the jewels required to cover their bill then left. Eien sighed as she watched all the people in the area, she felt odd, most of the time she used humans to keep her real tidy. She had never seen them for all their worth because she only got the ones that caused harm to others. She watched as a child was given a ice cream by her mother, it was odd how one experience could change your views of something. The entrance door ringed again as more people entered, she sighed and move to help them


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD

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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by NPC 26th October 2014, 3:02 am

    The member 'Eien Lamira' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
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    #2 'Monster Dice' :
    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! NormalMonster
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kumiho Descendancy: The Legion Master
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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 7th November 2014, 5:15 am

    Eien served the others, neither of these groups tried to run, but one of them had thrown food at her. She was starting to grow bored with this, it had been fun at first but her co-workers lack of friendliness was annoying. She waited for another customer to come in, this time she hope for now a group of children. She was quickly disappointed as another group of children came into the cafe. Eien lets out a sigh and goes and serves them. Small order, she was going to have to watch them. She brought them their drinks a few minutes later, and unsurprisingly they tried to sneak off. She stopped them and got them to pay. She walked back to the counter and looked at the owner. "is it always like this?" the man laughs and nods then walks away. Eien sighs and picks up a rag, she wipes down all the table not currently occupied. It took her only a few minutes to do it, there were no other customers right now so she found a place to sit down and wait.

    Last edited by Eien Lamira on 7th November 2014, 5:21 am; edited 1 time in total


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD

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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by NPC 7th November 2014, 5:15 am

    The member 'Eien Lamira' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! NormalMonster
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu
    Izayoi Burakkurōzu

    Quality Badge Level 1- Player 
    Lineage : Kumiho Descendancy: The Legion Master
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    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Empty Re: Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe!

    Post by Izayoi Burakkurōzu 7th November 2014, 5:28 am

    After about a hour the owner called her over, "your free to go it looks like the main rush is over." he smiles and offers his hand. "thank you for your help."

    Eien takes his hand. "No problem, it was fun to start with."

    The man laughs. "yeah i though it was going to be a good idea at first but..." he drifts off with a sigh. "But it was not a fun as i thought it would be."

    Eien smiles at him and move into the back, She changes back into her own dress. She walks out waving to the owner as she leave. "Have a good one." The man waves back and moves to lock the doors. Eien walked into the street looking at the sky, it had been a interesting day. "welp back to reaility." she sighed she was not in Earthland for fun, she had to find her sister, had to find Towa.


    Izayoi's sorrow:
    Welcome One And All To.... Cosplay Cafe! Tumblr10
    Uso & Mizarī - Masamune - Pending Armor XD

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