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    Shining like the moon


    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Cirven 11th October 2014, 8:38 pm

    He continued trying to hit the werewolf but still his attacks were being dodged. He let out a groan of annoyance and was able to keep attacking but quickly stopped and called his blades back to him as his sister shot off a mass of water at the beast. He sighed at the sight of the defeated enemy. "I had that you know..!" He watched as she made her way to the destroyed house then turned his view on the two werewolves that were left. "What ever you are doing Aly, you might want to hurry up with."

    One of the wolves jumped forward to attack Cirven with its claws and mouth but Cirven managed to jump out of the way but was feeling his fatigue too much to attack back. "Damn it.." Cirven then tried to attack with the Xihe itself and just barely hit it. "Am I really this-" He jumped back as a claw was swung at him from the same werewolf. He saw in the corner of his eye that the other one had run into the house his sister had gone into. He attempted to catch it before it went in but was stopped by another attack from the werewolf.

    "Screw this!" Cirven caused all ten of his blades to appear around the werewolf in a ring before he could attack again. It tried to jump back out of the blades but they followed and held their ring formation. "Sorry but I won't let you get through this no matter how tired I am." The blades then each flew towards the body of the werewolf and slashed it all in different directions. A loud howl of of pain escaped the werewolf as it fell to the ground and stopped moving.

    Cirven huffed in some air but still kept his composure. He ran into the house while still holding his form with the Xihe and passed the ice block that was the werewolf. His sister ran by him holding the child from earlier. "Aly, what did-" He stopped speaking as he saw the fire spreading through the home.

    Without speaking he moved closer to the flames and lipped his lips in excitement. "Thank you Aly!" He yelled out and quickly consumed the flames by sucking them up. "Wow that tasted better than I thought it would!" He rubbed his stomach after his feast and turned around to look at the still frozen werewolf. He walked back outside to see his sister with the small girl. "So do you sense anymore of them at all?"

    Three more werewolves stood on top of a house directly in front of them. "Looks like that question got answered.."


    Damage to Enemies:

    OOC: Just as a reminder all the beasts hit by my attack flames are burned for 3 posts and take C rank damage each post.

    Last edited by Cirven on 12th October 2014, 6:18 am; edited 1 time in total


    Shining like the moon - Page 2 LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 1634
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hydrianna (Water Dragon), Deniel (Takeover)
    Experience : 8500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 3rd Generation Water Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Aayla 11th October 2014, 10:11 pm

    “I didn’t think a house fire would taste all that great…  I feel bad…”
    She stated lowly as she crouched down, still holding the little girl close to her as she panted lightly from all her running around. This was crazy! These lycan’s were absolutely relentless. She felt as if she was fighting a war on all four fronts, and the enemies just kept coming… what was worse was that they couldn’t kill them, once the day time came they would all be human again.

    The little girl in her arms began to cry again as Cirven pointed out another group of three lycans fighting among themselves, but still making their way closer to their location… no doubt they would start charging them the minute they were spotted, or the minute they spelled this little girl.

    “Shh… it’s ok… we’ll get you out of this okay… Cirven… Do you think you can take her? Get some high ground and get her out of the way… I have a spell that will do some real damage to these guys… but I don’t think it’s going to finish them off… I need you to hit them with something  after… and don’t worry about your fire not working when their wet… I can cover that too…”
    She said as she ushered the little girl over to Cirven, making sure she had a firm grip of the demon slayer before letting her go. She didn’t give Cirven much of a choice but to go along with her plan as she darted away from her brother and the little girl.

    As she walked towards this new group of lycan’s, small water bubbles began to lift from the ground and began hovering around her hands. At first, it seemed like nothing more than her ability to manipulate water, but the more water she gathered around her hands, the bigger the water bubbles became, the bigger the water bubbles began, the more the waters began to rage and thrash against their confines, like a contained rapid trying to escape. With some effort, she raised her hands above her head, planting her feet solidly in the ground as the two raging rapids collided with a loud CLASH as they shattered together and continued to move angrily above her. When she lowered her hands in front of her, three magic circles appeared before her. One around her connected hands, one within the water bubbles and one just in front of the attack.

    “Water Dragon Typhoon!”
    She called out as the spell reached the peak of it’s power. Suddenly all the water burst forward like a tidal wave racing for the shore, moving very quickly until it reached it targets. One of the lycan’s had just managed to shove another one out of it’s way and directly into the watery blast before the water came up and crashed into the other two as well. From within the water, blades shot forward, slicing at the lycans again and again until they were howling (or gurgling) in pain.

    combat stats:


    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Fc9659f1-c886-4f01-a734-cae0d61afbaf_zpsh3e1k6vj

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Cirven 12th October 2014, 6:51 am

    "You sure you ca-" He shook his head as his sister ran away from him. "Guess there wasn't much time for me talking anyways.." He moved closer to the little girl then knelt down near her and smiled. He still held the Xihe but called off the flaming blades while around the girl. "Hey don't cry. Everything will be OK. We are here to protect you after all. I have to hide you now so jump up on my back." The little girl gave a nod as he turned around so she get get onto him. He used his free hand to hold her up some as he ran. "Now just hold on, OK?" He took off running towards the direction of some of the destroyed and ravaged houses. "Oh yeah what is your name? Would make things easier seeing as you might not like the names I call you."

    "..Elisza." She spoke out lightly while trying to hold on to him. "Thats a nice name." He spoke to her as if the craziness wasn't happening around them. "Oh here we go!" He ran towards a building that had a small enough area underneath it where no one but the little girl or similar in her size could get under. He put her down and pointed towards the area. "If you hide under here I doubt anything will get to you. Go ahead and get under. You will be OK I promise." He gave her another smile as she reluctantly went under. "I'll be back soon for you."

    He ran off to go help his sister with the three beasts. He wasn't too far away from where she was but was far enough away that it gave him enough time to worry about what was happening. "Aly.." He spoke her name as he ran.

    He used his propulsion spell to travel at high speeds to get back to where she was and arrived just after the werewolves got up from her attack. He walked up from behind her as each fire blade appeared around him again. "They look pretty beat up from what ever you did. Good one." Each of the fire blades quickly flew into the Xihe causing it to grow in width and length, as he spoke and as the werewolves started to charge both of them. "I'll finish what you started. Just stand back." The last of the fire blades merged with Xihe leaving it at a grand ten meters tall and five meters wide.

    Cirven held the massive blade in front of him and waited for the three creatures to get in range. They each jumped into the air to attack Cirven who quickly slashed the long blade horizontally twice making sure to hit all three. The three of them went silent from the pain and skidded into the ground near him. "And thats done." He separated Xihe and her other blades as he let out a sigh.


    Damage to Enemies:

    OOC: Just as a reminder all the beasts hit by my attack flames are burned for 3 posts and take C rank damage each post.


    Shining like the moon - Page 2 LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 1634
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hydrianna (Water Dragon), Deniel (Takeover)
    Experience : 8500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 3rd Generation Water Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Aayla 12th October 2014, 1:35 pm

    Aayla let herself fall back onto her butt, tilting her head back as she had started to pant heavily from the sudden exhaustion of so much magical energy. She was tired… they had been up all night fighting an endless war that had drained most of her magic… and if it wasn’t for the guild watching over them… she might have been beaten up a lot worse than she was. She finally lay back against the cold ground and looked up at the sky once Cirven stated that the deed of defeating the other werewolves was done.

    The light was already starting to creep into the sky… The stars weren’t as visible, and the darkness gained a faint tint of orange. Day break was coming, which meant that the hard part of their job was completed… hopefully. She glanced over to Cirven and took in a deep breath before pushing herself back up to her feet.

    “We should go around town and make sure there are none of these guys left… If the wolf I froze wasn’t burnt… im sure he’s on the loose… and then there’s that white one form before… im not really sure what happened to him…”
    She stated lowly as she brought her hands to her lips and gave a loud whistle. It took a moment for an answer to come, but soon the sound of beating wings was heard above them as Zinnath came flying towards the two slayers.

    Zinnath looked pretty beaten up, as if she too had been fighting all night. She had bites and scratch marks covering her body with a strange, sickly green ooze seeping from her damaged scales.

    “Aww… Zinny…”
    She said as she quickly ran over to the Serpent as she landed and folded in her wings. She hugged the Serpent quickly before having a gentle look over her wounds. She was hoping that she would have been able to last better than this on her own against the werewolves, and that she would be able to give her some drinkable water… but just couldn’t ask her partner for that now.

    “You did good Zinnath… You got most of the villagers to safety?”
    She asked the serpent who nodded it’s great head, earning a pat from Aayla as she continued to pet her.

    “Good… there’s one more little girl that Cirven hid away… I know you can smell her on me… Find her, and get both of you to safety okay?”
    The Serpent nodded again before spreading out it’s massive wings once more and taking off from her spot.

    “Want to split up looking for the other ones… or stay together?”
    She asked her brother now. She would have preferred to stay with him at this point… but she would leave that decision up to her brother.

    combat stats:

    Last edited by Aayla on 12th October 2014, 3:00 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Fc9659f1-c886-4f01-a734-cae0d61afbaf_zpsh3e1k6vj

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Cirven 12th October 2014, 2:50 pm

    Cirven huffed in some air then used his free hand to run through his hair and scratch the back of his neck. It was a soothing feeling somehow after all of the fighting had been over with. At least that was how it had seemed to him as he saw the sun starting to peak through the sky. He had started to worry about the girl he had helped hide but with the rising sun it had started to change things.

    He turned to his sister as she began to speak about their next part of the job. "So we are doing clean up duty now. Sounds easy. These mutts are probably more damaged than us after all the fighting. Hopefully when we find them they hadn't killed each other or anyone else. Rather not have them go through that pain." He spoke back to her as she called for Zinnath with a whistle.

    His face lit up into a smile as his voice started to sound as if he were talking to a baby. "Zinny! How are you girl? We will patch you up later and feed you something nice for all you did and are doing. Save that girl and we will meet up with you later, OK?" He gave the serpent a wave and returned back to his regular self after she left.  

    He then dropped the Xihe form of the Kukan causing it to shine in a bright light for a short time while it returned to its original form. He slid the blade into the sheath on his side. He stretched his arms up above his head and yawned. "Did we really fight for all that time?" He chuckled some. "We will really be feeling all of this soon."

    He looked at his sister as she questioned him on if they should stick together or not. "Aly, I didn't want to separate in the first place. We had to to keep the enemies from swarming us though. So yeah we are sticking together." He walked over to the house where he had eaten the flames from to see that the werewolf had been slowly melting from its ice prison while they dealt with things. The sun rising and shining on the beast had caused it to revert back to the human form of a naked man. Cirven built up his white flames around his body and held out his arms over the ice block to melt it faster.

    The man flopped out onto the floor soaking wet from the ice melting. "Uhh... Aalya. Do I have to touch him? I don't want to touch him.." He pointed down to the man while staring at his sister.



    Shining like the moon - Page 2 LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 1634
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hydrianna (Water Dragon), Deniel (Takeover)
    Experience : 8500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 3rd Generation Water Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Aayla 12th October 2014, 3:01 pm

    Aayla couldn’t help but smile softly at Cirven’s decision to stick together. Even through all the strength she had acquired, through everything she had been through she didn’t want to be separated from her family again… she had driven a big enough wedge between them once, and didn’t plan on keeping that gap open for too long.

    When Cirven went off to take care of the lycan still lying down in the burnt down house, Aayla was quick to follow, very nearly reaching out to take her brothers hand as she used to do, but quickly snapping herself out of it as he addressed her. She looked over to the naked man, not thinking much of his appearance… sadly it was nothing new to her… some of the slaves back when she was little didn’t get the benefit of clothing.

    She sighed though as she moved both of her hands forward, manipulating the water on the ground and sending it towards the man. She slipped the water underneath him before bringing her hands up and lifting the water, with the man on top of it, carefully moving him out of the building and out onto the grass where she was standing.

    “Maybe we should set up a sort of medical area for them… a tent or something big… maybe like that big building over there? We can try to set it up to make sure everyone is okay while we clean up.”
    She offered, pointing towards the center of town. There was a building there that had only suffered minor damages, and it would be big enough to house those they had beaten in battle, and anyne else that had suffered from the nights events.

    Behind another building, the white werewolf snarled as it watched the two slayers as they picked up a human. How badly it wanted to sink it’s fangs into that human and tear it limb from limb… but for now it would wait… he had learned that both mages could change their forms when they knew an enemy was coming, making it impossible for him to hurt them… no… he would wait until they weren’t expecting him. And then he would strike. For the time being, he quietly snuck his wa around the buildings where he made his way to the opposing side of the building Aayla had pointed out. He broke a storage room window and quickly snuck inside.

    combat stats:


    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Fc9659f1-c886-4f01-a734-cae0d61afbaf_zpsh3e1k6vj

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Cirven 12th October 2014, 4:32 pm

    His sister used the water to carry the man outside and into the grass keeping them both from having to touch the naked man. Cirven just didn't want to touch the man at all seeing he was naked after all. He felt like he would touch something that would scar him for life. "Thanks Aly. I just wanted to avoid accidentally hurting him because I touched something that I didn't want to." He grinned at her and scratched his head hoping that she wouldn't comment on what he had just said.

    He looked toward the building his sister had pointed out as a possible area they could take the unconscious people. "Yeah that should work. Hopefully there is less naked men though. The only thing I need to see and worry about is my own after all." He continued his grin from earlier, feeling awkward from speaking about such things with his sister.

    He knew she didn't want to hear about how he didn't want to deal with the naked men and had a feeling she would shoot him a glare because he didn't speak the same thing about the possible naked women in the area. "Just forget I said any of that and I will just try to deal with it as it comes to us. I can't let you have to do all the work anyways. I have to be a big brother."

    "So yeah, where should we go next? I know I left some of the werewolves unconscious inside the forest near by. Should we go there and get them seeing as it is kind of far from here?" He stared towards the forest he had come out of earlier. "Or should we go and check out that big building first?" He waited for her to answer him. He had made the decision to stick together but she was always better with what they should do next.

    He then turned back to his sister and smiled at her. She might not have caught it but he noticed her try to hold his hand earlier. "By the way, if you wanted to hold my hand all you had to do was ask. You are my sister after all. You are the only one I will be holding hands with like that." He put his hand out to her. "Here." He thought of the times when he was brought to their old town and she cheered him up enough to hold hands with her. He only hoped that he could return that feeling back to her.



    Shining like the moon - Page 2 LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 1634
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hydrianna (Water Dragon), Deniel (Takeover)
    Experience : 8500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 3rd Generation Water Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Aayla 12th October 2014, 6:52 pm

    “If they are that far away then we should get them first to make sure they are alright… by the time we get them… I don’t doubt that the sun will be up higher and all the werewolves wll have turned back… so there’s no need to really check the building.”
    She stated as she followed Civen towards the forest, until he stopped to offer her his hand. Her face went bright red as she instinctively pouted and looked away from the elder sibling.

    “W…what? I wasn’t reaching …for your hand… I thought uhm… there was broken glass… and I didn’t want you to …step on it…”
    She defended, glancing at his hand before taking it and quickly leading the way towards the forest. She didn’t look back at him, instead stayed focused (to some degree) on what was in front of her. She didn’t know why she lied… she had wanted to hold his hand, to be reassured that he would stay close… but at the same time she didn’t want him to see that she still needed someone to be close to her.

    When they came into the entrance of the forest, the light still remained blocked out from the thick of it, causing Aayla to take a hesitant sniff at the air before taking them deeper in. It was cold in the shade, away from the sun, the only part of her body that was at all warm was her hand.

    A voice cried out from a little deeper in the forest. You could hear leaves shuffling and shrubs being trampled as a commotion went on ahead of them.  The smell of blood quickly would fill both the slayers nostrils, causing them to speed up through the trees to come across a battered lycan attempting to strike down a half naked human male.  The smell on the lycan was familiar to her, and she frowned as she extended a hand forward.

    “Water Lock!”
    She called out, a large circle f water manifesting itself around the lycan as it tried to take a bite out of the now bleeding man. The lycan thrashed and growled against it’s new cage, but quickly slowed  down as it sank to the bottom. It was too weak to fight back, and had barely taken a breath before being engulfed in water. The lycan passed out rather easily, and Aayla sighed in relief.

    “Can you make sure that guys okay..?”
    She asked Cirven.

    combat stats:

    Last edited by Aayla on 12th October 2014, 7:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Fc9659f1-c886-4f01-a734-cae0d61afbaf_zpsh3e1k6vj

    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

    Moderator- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : The Devil Jester
    Position : None
    Posts : 2448
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 35
    Experience : 833,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Devil's Zeal
    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Cirven 12th October 2014, 7:31 pm

    He shook his head at his sister as she tried to mask what she was doing earlier. He knew it was a lie because she reached directly towards his hand but stopped herself earlier. He kept a smile on his face anyways though because she took his hand and basically dragged him into the forest. He could tell she was growing up some but she was still the little sister he always knew. The same little sister who only wanted someone around her. "Having fun tugging me around there?" He teased her as she pulled him around.

    They stopped in place as they heard the yells from someone who sounded like they were being attacked. The siblings quickly ran towards where the sound of the screaming was coming from to find one of the werewolves had stayed in its form while being in the shade of the forest. It was standing over a naked man and looked like it was about to take a bite out of the man. Cirven started to run over to stop the werewolf but his sister beat him to it by forming her water lock around the beast. "Ok.. I almost had that one.." He spoke as he slowed down his speed and checked on the man who had passed out from the near mauling. "You should place the over grown mutt in the sun light so that it morphs back to a human. Would rather not have to deal with it attacking anymore people."

    He let out a sigh when he sister asked him to check on the naked man. He knew what he had to do next and he was not happy with it at all. "You mean I have to carry him, right? Ugh.." Cirven slowly pushed his arms under the head and knees of the man and picked him out. He kept his eyes forward as he walked towards his sister. "Lets.. Go.." He said as he kept his eyes looking straight ahead so that he didn't have to look at the man in his arms. "You have the other guy? I don't think I can hold two of them at all." He raised his chin up so that he couldn't see what the man was packing as he walked. IT made him look awkward but he would deal with it seeing as he would rather not see everything he was holding.



    Shining like the moon - Page 2 LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Pluto
    Position : None
    Posts : 1634
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hydrianna (Water Dragon), Deniel (Takeover)
    Experience : 8500

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 3rd Generation Water Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Aayla 12th October 2014, 7:47 pm

    “Yeah… good idea…”
    She stated as he dropped the water lock spell with a splash as it hit the ground. The unconscious lycan coughing in it’s unconsciousness though moving little more than that. Aayla then manipulated all of the water underneath the lycan and used it to lift it up so that she could carry it out of the forest limits and into the sunlight. There, the werewolf immediately started changing back to normal. The fur began receeding into long black hair, the naked, bare skin of a woman soon coming into view. Again, she thought nothing of the woman’s nakedness as she lay there unconscious. Instead she waited fr Cirven to catch up before speaking again.

    “You said there were more in the forest right? We can’t forget them…”
    She said as she walked up to the man Cirven was carrying and placed her hands against the gaping wounds caused by the lycan. She manipulated nearby water to the open wound, then quickly froze it to stop the man’s bleeding. She made sure it wasn’t solid ice however, not to give him hypothermia or frost bite.

    “We can leave them in the sunlight here, and find the others to bring them back to safety… If the shades stopping them from turning back they really need our help…”
    She said before waiting for him to put down his still conscious passenger before taking off into the forest with her brother again.

    She followed her nose to the most concentrated smell of either burning hair or wet dog. There, they began to find the downed lycans one by one. Some of them were still in their transformed state, while others had returned to their fully naked human forms. She wondered why these people lost their clothes in the transformations… when she changes into her takeover… her clothes changed with her… and when she changed back, her regular clothes returned as well… this seemed like a very strange kind of magic indeed.

    She began soaking the area with water, manipulating it to bring all of the fallen victims closer together and one by one, she would try to bring them back into the sunlight with the others.

    As Aayla and Cirven worked, the female lycan turned human began to wake, rubbing her eys as she suddenly took in a large breath of air, clinging to her throat as if she was still choking. When she found out she wasn’t, she looked around to find another fully naked man lying nearby. Se shuddered as she began to creep away from what was no doubt a pervert.



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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Cirven 12th October 2014, 8:11 pm

    "Oh.. Yeah.." He had forgotten about the others because he had been too focused on helping the man in his arms get back to the village. It was all mostly just to get the man out from his arms though more than it was about getting him to the village. He was happy when his sister said they could leave him in the grass and under the sun while they went and saved everyone. "Good.. Don't have to carry him that far now."

    He laid the man gently down in the grass and made sure to not lay him in a bad position where he was on any of his wounds. "Kind of wish Kiersa was here to heal them. I can heal them but not as well as she could or as fast." He then realized his sister had gotten the female out of the two. "Of course you get the girl and I get the guy out of the two!" He scoffed and then followed her as they found the way to the other werewolves he had dealt with earlier. They managed to move all of them into the light so that they could change back while the moved the other who had already changed back there as well.

    "You think they will all be OK? I didn't really hold back much against them after all. I didn't have much of a choice but to hurt them that much." He spoke to his sister as he placed the last person down the grass. He then caught sight of one of the people they had saved who had woken up. She started to move away from the naked man next to her.

    "Hey! Don't be scared! I know it looks weird but we have saved you from what happened last night!" He yelled at her as he walked towards her. The naked woman was too scared about everything to listen and instead ran off back into the forest. She continued running until she fell to the ground and came face to face with a snake. The snake lunged at her but was cut while it was still in the air by Cirven's blade. He swung the blade out towards the ground to get the blood off of it and moved towards the woman. "Now like I was saying, we saved you. Are you OK?" She was in too much shock to speak back.



    Shining like the moon - Page 2 LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Aayla 13th October 2014, 10:34 pm

    “This is exactly how it looks you pervert!”
    The woman cried out before running back into the forest, hoping to find her way back home that way so that no one could see her! It was too embarrassing to go back and face them! However, she soon trippd and found herself face to face with a snake, causing her to shriek loudly only to be saved by the same pervert from earlier.

    “A… at least lend me your shirt!”
    She cried out at Cirven, sitting back to try and cover herself while extending her hand for the aforementioned shirt.

    Aayla couldn’t help but laugh as she slowly began to take those people who couldn’t walk towards the building they had set aside as a medical area. She was manipulating her water to act as a slow moving sort of conveyer belt, only moving two at a time as that was all she could really keep lifted above the water.

    “Cirven you know I could use your help here…”
    She called out to her brother as she took her jacket off, offering it to the man who’s wound she had covered in ice. Even though she tried her best to keep him warm while making sure the ice did it’s job. They had to stop a few times to make sure that everyone was alright, but eventually, Aayla made it back to the building with the held of some of the other people.

    They started to take everyone inside, finding beds where they could and highjacking sofas and anything else they could find, placing everything in the gymnasium. It seemed that the building they had chosen was a school, and it had been equipped with some emergency provisions for just such an occasion. However, with so many wounded, Aayla had to start taking out things like Gym mat’s to make sure everyone would have a place to lie down once they got here… There were at least another dozen people out there who would need their help.

    “We have to find a way to get all of them here faster… I don’t think I can carry them all…”
    She muttered under her breath, placing her hands on her hips as she thought. Finally, one of the men came up to her, dressed in nothing but a torn pair of shorts. He handed her a speakerphone and smiled softly at the girl before going to lie back down on his cot.


    Last edited by Aayla on 14th October 2014, 12:51 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Cirven 14th October 2014, 12:49 pm

    "Can't even get a thank you before you just try to take my shirt from me." He grunted out as he put his blade back onto its sheath. He then slid off his shirt and placed it in the woman's hands. His shirt was big enough to cover her body and would cover down to her thighs. "Can I get a thank you now?" He spoke to her somewhat annoyed by how she had sounded to him earlier even after saving her.

    He didn't really get a chance to listen to what she would have to say next because he had heard his sister calling him for help. "Got to go help her with the others from the village. Can you help us with moving people around? Some of them are injured from last night." He didn't exactly wait long for her response and started to walk back to where the others were. "I'm Cirven by the way and that voice you heard come from my sister Aalya." He spoke as he walked forward.

    He came back into the area where they had moved everyone and started to help them stand up as they woke up. He practically blended in with them now that he was missing his shirt. He helped as many people as he could up who could still walk and then helped the others walk who couldn't properly. They found a way of getting everyone to the building they spoke about putting everyone earlier by using his sister's ability with water as well as having the people who were not too injured help with getting everyone to the building.

    They had found some clothing for most of the people to wear who had been without any and for the others they found some towels. It helped Cirven with dealing with the nakedness of the situation. The school building was flooded with people who needed help with their wounds but the two mages could only do so much for them.

    "Yeah we do need to find the others but we have another issue with helping everyone with their injuries. I hope that we get some sort of back up soon because I don't know how long some of them will last." He watched as the man approached his sister with a speakerphone. He didn't completely understand what that could do in the situation but figured his sister would think of something.



    Shining like the moon - Page 2 LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Aayla 14th October 2014, 1:11 pm

    The girl swiped at the shirt and turned her back to Cirven, slipping the garment over her and scrunching her nose at the smell of it. Obviously this guy had been working hard all night to work up a sweat like this. She didn’t say anything though, for fear of him trying to take it back and leaving her butt naked again. She pushed herself back up to her feet, wobbling slightly before catching herself on a tree.  She went to tell Cirven to piss off at treating her like an ungrateful kid, but he just turned around and went to help the other girl… his sister he explained.  She just grumbled and followed along behind him, holding down the ends of his shirt to make sure nothing would show, her face bright red the entire time.
    When Cirven came into the building, helping however he could to bring the rest of the people in, she smiled as she went over to him.

    “I know… some of these people are really hurt… im sure one of them is a doctor or a healer… or something… or maybe the magic council will be sending someone now that it’s day break. We can’t exactly leave them to go look for someone ourselves…”
    She stated gently as she headed for the door. Once outside, a bright light engulfed her body once more as wings sprout out from behind her. She spread the metallic looking wings out as wide as they would go before beating them powerfully as she took off into the air. She hovered above the building and took in a deep break before speaking into the mic.

    “Hey everyone! All those of you who can walk, help your neighbours to the school at the center of town! We’ve set up a shelter to help the wounded! I repeat! Everyone who can walk, help those around you get to the school at the center of town for shelter!”
    Her voice echoed through the air loudly, no doubt carrying well across the town to everyone that could still move. She could just faintly see a few people stirring, some of them pointing up at her to indicate where the voice was coming from, and slowly, people started to gather together and help each other out.

    “Thank the maker this is almost over…”
    She said, yawning widely as she made her descent back to the front door of the school, peering inside to see how everyone was doing.



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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Cirven 14th October 2014, 1:52 pm

    Cirven followed his sister outside and watched as she used her magic to grow a pair of wings on her back. She then flew up and used the speakerphone to yell at everyone near by them. He had to cover his ears as she did it because of his enhanced hearing making her sound a lot louder to him than the others around. He removed his hands as she came down from above and smiled at her.

    His smile dropped though as he had a sudden feeling come over him. Something felt off to him. It was like they had forgotten something or someone. He looked around them suddenly for no more reason than his gut telling him to do so but didn't find anything that caught his eye. "Sorry.. I just feel weird all of a sudden. Like something is off."

    He stopped looking and sighed. He rubbed the back of his neck as he thought what it could have been. "Never mind. I think I am just being weird or somethi-" He stopped speaking and ran up to his sister and pushed her to the side as the white werewolf from the night before lunged at her.

    It didn't find its intended target in Aalya but instead got Cirven who it slammed into the wall of the school with its lunge. It then grabbed Cirven by his neck and slammed him into the wall again. "GAH!" Cirven let out a gasp of pain as he hit again. The werewolf was about to slam him into the wall a third time but Cirven took the chance to inhale some air and then release a ball of flame at point blank range into the werewolf's face. "Flame Demon's Rage..." Cirven spoke out through the pain wrecking through his body.

    The white werewolf let go of Cirven immediately as it reached up to its eyes and squealed in pain. Cirven fell to the ground from all the pain and didn't move. He was long from being near death but the exhaustion from everything had gotten to him, especially after being slammed into a wall twice. He pushed himself up from the floor slowly and hoped that his sister would be able to keep the beast distracted as he did so. "Can't rest yet.. Gramps would complain at me way too much next time I saw him if I did.." He thought to himself as he pushed himself up from the ground.


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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

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    Mentor : Hydrianna (Water Dragon), Deniel (Takeover)
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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Aayla 14th October 2014, 5:25 pm

    “Stop being so edgy… the sun’s out so it’s not like anythings going to jump out as us.”
    She stated, about to bring her hand up to her lip to whistle for Zinnath whenever Cirven suddenly shoved her out of the way. Not having expected it, the young dragon slayer tripped and hit th ground with a groan, flapping her wings to lift herself off of the ground and back up to her feet as she placed her hand on her now dirt covered face. She went to glare at Cirven and tell him off, until a streak of fire shot passed her, and the howling form of the white werewolf came into view.
    Her eyes went wide at the sight of the werewolf, wondering how it was that he was still transformed in the now broad daylight. She brought her hands up to her lips and whistled as loudly as she could before running up behind the burning werewolf. Her arms glowed with the same bright light as before, covering her hands and fingers into her dragon like claws as she reached up, grabbing the lycan by the neck, and tossing him down to the floor in an act of brute strength.
    Already in so much pain from the direct hit, the white lycan put up little to no resistance against Aayla’s grab, slamming his back on the ground as he slashed up, only to cry out again as his claws broke against the girls Adamantine wings.
    As Aayla struck the beast square in the chest, Zinnath came soaring above them, landing only feet away from the fight, with the same little girl still on her back. Th little girl jumped off the moment it was safe (now all covered in gauze and bandages) and ran up to Aayla in a panic.

    “No stop don’t do that! You’re hurting him! Don’t hurt my daddy stop!”

    She cried out, causing Aayla to pause and look over at the young girl. The lycan took the opportunity and confusion to bite down hard into Aaylas scales, causing the dragon slayer to cry out in pain as she kneed the lycan in the throat, quickly turning into water and pulling herself away from him. However, the damage had already been done, and her ight and hung limply at her side with blood pouring down into every scale. She grit her teeth in pain as she used her left clawed hand to cover the wound.



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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Cirven 14th October 2014, 8:04 pm

    Cirven managed to push himself up to his knees and then up onto his feet. He didn't know how exhausted he actually was until he finally stood back up. "Maybe that pain really got to me.." He thought to himself and then tried to use the wall that was dented earlier by his body, as a crutch to stand with. He attempted to gather himself and beat the exhaustion but
    it wasn't happening fast enough. He wanted to go and help his sister deal with the beast-man but he knew in his condition he probably would only be a hindrance more than anything else.

    He watched as his sister looked like she had things all under control with the beast while Zinnath showed up with the little girl he had hid earlier. The small girl cried out about the white beast being her father that they were hurting and yelled at them to stop. The yelling distracted his sister enough for the werewolf to sink its fangs into her arm and actually cause her to bleed.

    Cirven's eyes widened at the sight of Aalya's arm looking mangled and pushed himself off of the wall. A feeling of dread came over him at the thought of possibly losing his sister to the beast who had just rose up from the ground in front of her. "No.. No.. No.. No! You won't hurt her again!" He mumbled and then grabbed his blade from his side and slashed it downward through the air in front of him sending a blade-like shockwave towards the beast.

    The beast turned around after Cirven shot off the shockwave. He was hit by the attack and dropped to the ground after a loud squeal of pain. The little girl quickly ran over to her father. "Daddy!" She placed her hands on him and shook him some. The man's body had started to morph back to its original human form. Cirven didn't know what he had just done to be able to do that attack but he didn't have time to think about that yet. He quickly put his blade away then moved to the man and placed his head on his chest in order to hear a heart beat. "He should be fine. Their bodies in that werewolf form can take a beating, especially his." He tried to assure the girl that her father would be fine.

    He then stood up and placed both of his hands around his sisters bloodied arm. "Stay still." Both of his hands ignited into flames as he concentrated on the holiness inside of his flames. The heat that came off from the flames was soothing and healed the wounds done to her arm. "It feel better?"


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    Character Info:

    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Aayla 14th October 2014, 8:27 pm

    She bit her lower lip as tears formed in her eyes from the pain of the bite piercing through her flesh. Though the scales were able to stop some of the damage, she still felt it acutely. She had brought her wings around her to protect herself against the wolf, but as she heard it howl out in pain, and heard the small girl cry for her father again, she opened up her wings and peered around as best she could to find Cirven going over and checking that the now human man was alive.
    She sighed in relief to find out that he was. The last thing she wanted to do was kill anyone from this village… cursed or not… that was something she would never let herself do again. Her train of thought was suddenly interrupted by Cirven coming up to her and telling her to stay still, placing his flaming hands around her wound as he began to heal it. She winced and  hissed as the puncture wounds started to close. It didn’t hurt per say, but it felt absolutely nasty, leaving behind tiny pink marks on her flesh once Cirven finished healing her.
    “Thank you Cirven… ick I can still feel his gross teeth…”
    She grumbled as she attempted to start moving her arm again. However, it didn’t move quite as well as she wanted it too. It wouldn’t move close enough to her, or bend very well at all… she decided to keep that fact hidden for the moment however…
    To the north of the village, just within view of the school, a large magic circle formed on the ground before people started to materialize above it. There must have been about 20 people, all dressed in the traditional clothing of the Rune Knights. The sight of the knights made her smile… it meant that the magic council was sending them help after-all!
    “You two! You are the Sabertooth wizards, correct?
    A female officer stepped forward, dressed in a more advanced uniform than the others. She had armor over top f her robes with the symbol of the rune knights blazoned on the chest piece.
    “Oh… uhm… yes ma’am…”
    Aayla muttered, shying away behind Cirven and trying to make herself as small as possible, which was difficult with the large adamantine wings spread out behind her.
    “Good. Thank you, for taking care of these people. However I am afraid I have one more request of you two. There had been mention of an amulet able to control these werewolves changes on the full moon. The magic council wants this amulet found so that it may be kept under their supervision, so that an event like this will never happen again…”


    Last edited by Aayla on 14th October 2014, 9:24 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Cirven 14th October 2014, 9:13 pm

    He let out a big sigh of relief as his spell managed to heal his sister arm. He wasn't completely sure if it would heal it well enough or not seeing as it was his first time using it on a person. Inuki had him use the ability on different hurt animals where it worked well but there was still a chance he hadn't perfected it enough yet. He would not tell his sister about any of that though for the sheer fact that she would probably yell at him for the rest of the day. The rest of the day that he just wanted to sleep away.

    A bright light shined from near where they were and caused Cirven to look towards it to see a magical circle. Rune Knight troops piled out from the circle and started to run around the area. "They really took their time. Its almost ironic that they got here as soon as we finished fighting the last enemy." He stopped talking once the armor clad mage approached them and claimed that their job wasn't over. "Theres more? We just fought werewolves all night and saved all these people and theres still something else to do?!" Cirven spoke out in an annoyed tone and then ran his hands through his hair in annoyance.

    He stopped and let out another deep sigh. "Any idea where this amulet could be? Most of the town is in shambles from everything that happened last night so it might be hard to find. I don't really feel like going through everything like that too." He spoke as he looked over the other side of the village and saw the damage that was done.

    "Well sir, we don't have many clues on the amulet except that it has some sort of ability to control the changes these people have. We don't really have the specifics on that either. It could possibly make them stronger somehow or even be used to keep their form in sunlight. At least that is one of the rumors going around with it."

    Cirven looked passed the woman and down at the now naked man that laid on the floor with his daughter near him. "Aly, do you think that we might have some sort of irony going on here or something..?" He waited for his sister to respond before doing anything else but looking at the man.


    Last edited by Cirven on 15th October 2014, 12:03 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    Character Info:

    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Aayla 14th October 2014, 9:38 pm

    It really was annoying that they would now have to search for this amulet, and on zero sleep too! She really just wanted to cry about the whole thing, even feeling tears of exhaustion threatening her eyes as she listened to the Rune Knight woman from behind Cirven. Something like that could be anywhere… maybe they knew about their transformations all along and his it somewhere far away, or buried it in some random spot. Or maybe…

    Maybe it was right under their noses the whole time.

    Aayla’s eyes travelled over to the little girl now hugging her dad tightly, crying and sobbing over his chest as if she had just lost him forever. Aayla’s eyes narrowed as she frowned at the sight, suddenly stepping out from behind Cirven to face the armored woman.

    “Look, we’re not going to look for this amulet until we get everyone inside the school and make sure that they are all okay. There are still un cursed refugee’s a few miles out that need to be reunited with their families. This curse won’t happen for another 60 years right so we don’t have to look for this thing right this second. You brought healers right? Let’s start looking after these people first.”
    She stated rather assertively, turning her back to the rune knight as she walked over to the crying girl, a shiver running down her spine with fear of what she had just done. She couldn’t regret it now though…

    She knelt down next to the small girl and placed her hand on her head gently, carefully pulling her up to her feet and kissing the small girls forehead, much like Kiersa did to her to help calm her down so many times before.

    “Listen to me sweety… we’re going to help okay? We’re going to bring your daddy inside and fix all his injuries. When he wakes up, you’ll be right there for him, okay?”
    She stated kindly, guiding the young girl away from the man. She lifted her left hand, away from the gathered people and cast her water lock spell on nothing. She then dispersed the bubble and used the remaining water to slip underneath the man in front of her, and manipulate it so that she could take him into the school with the other injured people.

    When they walked back inside though, the sight she was greeted with wasn’t what she had hoped for.



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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Cirven 15th October 2014, 12:25 pm

    He stood behind his sister as she comforted the small girl, smiling the entire time to try and back her up. She always did have a much easier time with comforting people than he did or at least that was what he thought. Maybe it was because she was a girl or something. He probably would never be able to figure that out for sure.

    Cirven wasn't exactly ready to deal with what was about to happen inside the school. He had thought that most of the people they had saved would have been grateful for being saved from the night before. He thought that they would understand what was going on more or less especially with this being a event that happens to them every sixty years.

    They walked through the entrance to be thrown into the chaos that the Rune Knights were dealing with. People struggled against the Rune Knights who were only trying to heal them while others yelled and screamed. They sounded scared of what was being done to them and the others around them. They feared that the healers were trying to hurt them.

    Cirven scoffed and ran back outside to grab the speakerphone his sister had dropped earlier. He found it on the ground and dusted off the dirt that was on it and then ran back into the school. He took a deep breathe while holding his eyes closed for a few seconds. He gave his sister a signal to cover her ears by using his free hand to cover one of his ears. He lifted up the speaker phone to his mouth after making sure she covered her ears.

    "EVERYONE STOP AND LET THEM HELP YOU!! THEY ARE ONLY HERE TO HEAL YOUR WOUNDS! THEY DON"T WANT TO HURT YOU!" Cirven yelled into the speakerphone like an idiot. He had never used one before so he didn't understand that you didn't need to yell.

    After his short speech the crowd of people looked back and started to talk about how they were saved by Cirven and Aalya. Mostly just calling them the blue-haired duo. Cirven then handed the speakerphone to his sister in hopes that she would know what to say next to the crowd to get them to listen. They needed healing and with the way they were fighting against it they would only hurt themselves more. Cirven covered his own ears in anticipation for his sister using the speakerphone.



    Shining like the moon - Page 2 LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

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    Cosmic Coins : 15
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    Mentor : Hydrianna (Water Dragon), Deniel (Takeover)
    Experience : 8500

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    First Skill: 3rd Generation Water Dragon Slayer
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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Aayla 15th October 2014, 1:29 pm

    She brought her hands up to her ears quickly as Cirven went to get the speakerphone and brought it up to his mouth. She wasn’t quite expecting him to yell into it, especially not in such an enclosed space. Even with her ears covered she winced at the sound and couldn’t help the groan that escaped her lips. When he was done, she quickly swiped the microphone from him and swatted his arm.

    “You don’t have to yell… it boosts your voice so that you don’t have too.”
    She scolded, bringing the microphone up to her own mouth. She was careful not to yell, but speak loud enough to be heard by everyone.

    “Sorry about that, but he’s right, the rune Knights are here to heal your injuries and make sure that everyone is alright. If you are worried for your loved ones, they are safe a few miles south from here. A few more Knights are gone to get to them as we speak. So please, everyone calm down and relax. All of this will be over soon.”
    At first, the people seemed reluctant to listen to her, one man even punched another in the arm as a final act of violence before sitting back in the cot, annoyed as heck that he was listening to a little girl. None of them still really understood what had happened to them, and most refused to believe that the stories about them becoming werewolves were true.

    With that done, Aayla finally put the microphone back down on a table and looked back to Cirven once everyone had calmed down.

    “I guess now’s as good a time as any to start looking for that amulet hunh… think we should start with that little girl and the white wolf man? Or maybe we should ask the others that are actually conscious right now?”
    She wondered, looking around at the crowd of people. Her eyes however stopped on the armored Rune Knight woman now standing at the entrance to the school. She looked as if she was guarding the place, and it made her un-easy. Why did the magic council take so long in sending help? And why did they want Cirven and herself to be the ones looking for this amulet instead of their own forces? Something was up, something that they weren’t telling them.

    “Cirven… something’s wrong here…”
    She whispered to her brother finally, leaning in slightly and turning her back to the femme Knight.


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    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Cirven 15th October 2014, 2:10 pm

    He looked around at everyone who was near him after he spoke through the speakerphone to see that they were all painfully holding their ears. He had forgotten to warn them around him so it was expected that his yelling into the speakerphone would do that. He smiled at them nervously in hopes that it would be taken as an apology.

    His sister might not have been as loud as him but he still heard her even with his hands over his ears. This was probably one of the only times that he would curse having enhanced hearing. He moved his hands from his ears once he thought she was finished but took the full blast of her last sentence into his uncovered ears.

    His head rang as he felt pain in his eardrums and heard a constant ringing for a short time. The ringing was so loud that it blocked out all other sound while it rang causing Cirven to look around aimlessly until he could hear around him correctly again.

    "Now is a good time for whaa!!?" He yelled back to his sister after he barely heard what she said. He used a finger from each hand to pick at his ears in an attempt to end the ringing. He didn't know if it was because he dug into his ears or just if it went away on its own but the ringing stopped.

    "Oh yeah the amulet." His brain took a bit to process the words he did manage to hear from her and piece them together into what she meant. "I really don't know where to start. Like did you notice anything on the little girl that could have been the amulet? I know there was nothing on the father at all because he was only in what he wore for his birth day." Cirven tried to make an attempt at a joke but had a feeling it was pretty bad. Good thing his sister had found her attention going elsewhere. She leaned in an whispered to him about things not being right.

    He looked over his sister to see that the female Rune Knight they spoke to earlier was standing near the door as if she wanted to keep anyone from leaving. He couldn't understand why they would do that after coming all that way to help the people of the village. "Yeah. Something it up." He whispered back to her.



    Shining like the moon - Page 2 LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 15
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hydrianna (Water Dragon), Deniel (Takeover)
    Experience : 8500

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    First Skill: 3rd Generation Water Dragon Slayer
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    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Aayla 15th October 2014, 5:47 pm

    She didn’t even understand his joke anyways about the white werewolf being in his birthday clothing. How was she supposed to know what he wore for his birthday? Sometimes cirven just didn’t make sense to her sometimes, and so she just tried to let his jokes slide with an awkward smile.

    “I didn’t notice anything on her… but… lets try to talk to the others that are awake first… this way we can keep an eye on the Knights too.”
    She said still just as lowly as she stepped away from Cirven and the knight, heading towards one of the women who was sitting up in her cot. She was wearing a closed up lab coat that went down to the top of her knees. She had scratch marks on her face and some heavy gashes across her chest and arms. They weren’t soaking through the white lab coat though, which indicated that the Rune Knight had already healed the majority of those wounds.

    Aayla walked up to her and propped herself up on the cot next to her. The girl looked at her with a sense of curiosity. This girl… she remembered her to some degree… obviously she was the one who had saved them, or at least kept them alive. She looked different however… the girl didn’t have wings, nor did she have claws… those claws were what she remembered distinctly.

    “Hi…. Uhm… Sorry about those wounds… they were probably me uhm… listen… I was wondering if you knew anything. About the curse I mean… like, how did it start? What’s the story?”
    She asked, causing the girl to sigh as she looked back down into her lap.

    “Don’t worry about it… I’m not sure what the real story is to be honest… but I know what’s going on… A few summers ago I was in the eastern forest coming back from a trip with my husband. Everything was fine, it was just another trip. We had left later than usual though, and by the time we got to the forest it had gotten pretty dark. Out of no-where this huge beast jumped out of the tree’s. It looked like a… really big wolf on two legs. At the time I didn’t know what it was but… eventually it… it ate my husband… and then it came for me. I had managed to run to the edge of the village though before it got me… it only bit my arm until the villagers came out and scared it away. But ever since then, there have been more and more attacks…”


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    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Lineage : The Devil Jester
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    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    Shining like the moon - Page 2 Empty Re: Shining like the moon

    Post by Cirven 15th October 2014, 6:48 pm

    Cirven could tell when his sister didn't completely understand him by the usual awkward smile she gave him. It was funny to see how they were so different yet so a like. Having different mothers did really affect the way they acted. His mind had started to trail off as she spoke about their next step in finding the amulet and hopefully finishing the job finally.

    "I only hope that this goes by fast. I don't want to be here for another night and I'd rather be at the guild, sleep in my bed comfortably." He could feel the mattress on his back and the blankets on him as they moved. "Yeah.. The faster this goes the better."

    Aalya had found a woman that sat on one of the cots. She had claw marks on her face that Cirven couldn't help but keep looking at as well as some other injuries. It looked like the Rune Knights had helped her though because she seemed to not be in much pain.

    His sister jumped up onto a near by cot while he stood next to it with his arms crossed in front of his still bare chest. He had forgotten about giving his shirt to the woman earlier who had helped them with moving everyone. He wanted to get it back but he was too tired to go through all of the people in the school just to find her.

    Aalya stumbled over her words as she tried to explain how sorry she was for hurting the woman the night before during all of the chaos. Usually he would have spoke out against her stuttering around her words but it was a different situation where he could understand it. He felt as though he would have fumbled through the letters even worse than she did with his apology.

    He was surprised the woman just up and forgave Aalya so fast but it wasn't as though she could have stopped herself from attacking them the night before. She was on a rampage just as much as the rest of the villagers and the two Sabertooth mages were there to stop them. It couldn't be helped.

    He listened to her story of how she had lost her husband and was bitten by what she described as something that sounded similar to a werewolf. Was she maybe the one who infected all of the villagers with the curse? It was something that could make sense but the white werewolf being so strong compared to her was something that didn't make much sense at all. That man had to be the one who started this whole thing somehow.

    "I'm sorry for what has happened to you but do you know what or who caused this? We were told that there was some sort of amulet that could control the transformation somehow. Do you know anything about that?"


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