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    Vierorin's Exam

    Fancy Mel
    Fancy Mel

    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Fancy Mel 20th September 2014, 9:23 am

    Mel looked around this tower and felt the energies all around her. Mel knew for a fact that a siimple test of strength doesn't really work for her. However, she could use her magic to bring forth a few chores for him. She sighed and continued to walk forward into the tower. This place was one of her many homes while she was in hiding. This was one of the places she left, because all of the tackiness faded away. Nothing was pink anymore here. That was for certain. Mel situated her hat on her head and looked up at the stair case that seemed to go around the edge of the tower. "Hope he gets here soon, this place is a little dangerous with just me here."


    Fancy Mel's Themes:

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    Lineage : Bearer of the Titans Seal
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Re: Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Vierorin 20th September 2014, 5:00 pm

    Vierorin slowly was walking up to the location Fancy Mel had detailed in the order report he had received that morning, he sighed, evidentially down. Zekkaria sat on his had pretending to be sleeping, she had no intention of answering any questions Vierorin might have had about the recent news. Vierorin had learned recently that for some reason or another, a powerful monster had been sealed away within him. He came around a bend and saw the infamous corrupt tower infront of him with Fancy Mel standing infront of the staircase that was wrapped around it. He walked up to her and said, “Vierorin Gorak Reporting for duty….” Zekkaria slightly opened her right eye set impressed that he actually remembered to report in formally.


    Fancy Mel
    Fancy Mel

    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Re: Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Fancy Mel 22nd September 2014, 7:36 pm

    Mel looked at Vierorin. Her face did not change. "Wait right here," she said and began to walk up the steps. She marched up the steps and counted in her head. She held her hands behind her back and made her way up to the third door. "147... 148... 149... 150..." She stepped past the last step and stomped her foot. "Big Bang Theory..." Mel said aloud. The area grew darker and suddenly there was an explosion on the ground. However it didn't affect anyone in the area. It just projected what seemed to be a movie of the background to the universe. "This is my magic...." Mel said as a planet formed underneath Vierorin's feet. It was blue like a pearl and had stripes of white swirling. She looked down at the planet. "You're planet is Alpha Centauri B..." She looked at Vierorin. "With a planet outside of the solar system you have the freedom to move outside of the orbit of my solar system." She gave a smile and looked at him. "However, I still have the ability to control you if you decide to disobey my rules to this game." Her grin widened. If Vierorin looked where Mel was standing, she seemed to be perched on a bright sun. "Let's get to the rules... First, two feet on the ground at all times. Second, I will ask you a question. If I like your answer, you move forward a certain amount of steps. If I don't like your answer, you will move back a few steps. Third, I can change the rules at any moment in the game."

    She put a hand through her red hair and then dusted off her pink dress. "Finally fourth, the game has already started and you can't back out." Mel tapped her pink clog and thought of her first question. "Why did you join the Rune Knights?"


    Fancy Mel's Themes:

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    Lineage : Bearer of the Titans Seal
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magic of The Azure Flame Titan, Frircoras
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Re: Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Vierorin 26th September 2014, 10:44 am

    Vierorin quietly nodded as Fancy Mel had told him to wait here, and watched as she went up the steps of the tower. Vierorin sighed, I wonder what all is going on… He then heard a thunderous explosion from the top of the tower, and watched as his surroundings turned into one of a solar system, with him standing on a planet. He heard Mel say that this was her magic, and that they were now playing somesort of game, Vierorins Jaw dropped at this, whilst Zekkaria opened all of her eyes and continued to sit on Vierorins head to be able to pay attention to what was going on.

    When Mel had finished explaining the rules of the game that was already in session, she had asked Vierorin a question, “Why Did you Join the Rune Knights?” Vierorin stood there for a moment, recalling the events leading up to him joining the Rune Knights, “Well… Cathrine had forcefully dragged me into joining  after I told her I didn’t want to go with her to the Rune Knights… she was kinda mad that I turned down her offer although I had no place to go.” Vierorin stood there unsure if that answer was what Mel was looking for, suddenly Zekkaria popped up, “If that was the case boy… why did you stay?” Vierorin was caught off guard by the sudden question, “I suppose… probably because I was finally somewhere people wouldn’t chase me off because of my heat issue…”


    Fancy Mel
    Fancy Mel

    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Re: Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Fancy Mel 29th September 2014, 1:46 pm

    Mel's eyes thinned. "Take 20 steps, go no further." Mel said in a cold tone. She folded her arms and looked down the stairs leading up to her roost. "Strange usually my soldier's first answer is," she carried a gruff sound in her voice mimicking the tough nuts she had in her guild, "I felt it my duty to serve the Magic Council." Mel giggled. She tapped a shoe then asked her next question. "Your answer leads to my next question... Your heat issue... Can you explain that to me with more details than I already know?"


    Fancy Mel's Themes:

    Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Bearer of the Titans Seal
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magic of The Azure Flame Titan, Frircoras
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Re: Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Vierorin 29th September 2014, 8:22 pm

    Vierorin maintained his balance as the planet he was on started moving upward a little bit before stopping. That is a neat trick… He then turned his attention abck to the magic council member who was still high up on her perch on a star. When he heard the next question he became a little nervous, unsure how to answer, “I am not entirely sure myself to be honest… all I remember is that roughly seven years ago I woke up by myself in the Spooky forest and that I was emanating this high amount of heat… I didn’t find out why that was or where my magic came from until recently however…” Vierorin stood there again, unsure if that was what she was looking for, but that was indeed all he really knew on the subject.


    Fancy Mel
    Fancy Mel

    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
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    Posts : 75
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Re: Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Fancy Mel 8th October 2014, 12:26 pm

    Mel smirked. He fell for it. She was only looking for a yes or a no. If he figured that out, passing this exam would be a definite breeze. She may as well fool around with Vierorin. Perhaps she could press some buttons and annoy him. This was the corrupted tower after all. "Well now... You take 5 steps back." Mel said aloud. "Next question," Mel tapped a shoe on the ground. "If you're so influenced by a friend, how can I know I can trust you?" This was a very important question to Mel. She relied on her soldiers for almost everything. She wasn't going to let some friendship stand in the way of her orders. However, she knew that there were morals. It was definitely time to dive into the loyalty aspect of her soldiers. Would they give up everything for her protection and the protection of the integrity of Magic? or Would they admit to being human and state that the council doesn't have the right to judge anyone on their faults? This was the most interesting aspect of humanity Mel enjoyed so much.


    Fancy Mel's Themes:

    Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Bearer of the Titans Seal
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magic of The Azure Flame Titan, Frircoras
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Re: Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Vierorin 8th October 2014, 7:44 pm

    Vierorin was taken aback when he was sent back a little, I guess that wasn’t the answer she was looking for entirely, When Vierorin heard the next question his fists tightened, “I am sorry to correct you… but when I joined… it was against my will to a degree… and I am sorry to say I have lost the meaning of friends and loyalty over the years… having to be kicked out on a monthly basis and having to roam around the country kind of does that to a person… So I can’t say for certain what I would do… if the need ever arises to protect the Magic Council… I would like to say I would… all I can promise, is if there is evil taking place, I will fight against it!” Vierorin stood there, his face brightened up a bit, with a look full of determination.


    Fancy Mel
    Fancy Mel

    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
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    Posts : 75
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Re: Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Fancy Mel 10th October 2014, 10:38 pm

    Mel crossed her arms. She thought about his answer. Vierorin seemed more like a mage for a guild to her honestly not a type to join an establishment. She sighed. "25 steps." The planet Vierorin was standing on began to pull him up the steps. Mel said looking forward. However taking a more militarized route to grow as a magician only proved to Mel that he would be willing to fight anything. Maybe even... "What do you plan to do if I give you an order I know is wrong, but it is the only solution to solve the situation and all other solutions lead to failure of the goal?" Mel wanted to know if he would fight his morals and push through it or if he would think outside of the box.


    Fancy Mel's Themes:

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    Lineage : Bearer of the Titans Seal
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magic of The Azure Flame Titan, Frircoras
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Re: Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Vierorin 11th October 2014, 2:37 pm

    Vierorin stood his ground as the planet below him moved towards Fancy Mel a set distance before it came to a stop, Why is she asking me these questions… couldn’t she just look at some kind of a file of my past and profile?.... Vierorin looked at Mel with his Azure eyes, an gaze that seemed was shared with something else. He then heard Mels next question, and this threw him in disarray, If given an order that I knew was wrong to do… but was the only apparent way to solve an issue… what would I do?... Zekkaria cocked her head for a moment, “That’s a rather unfair question If I may say, since the an-“ Vierorin held his hand for second to signal her to stop, “It is up to me to Answer Zekkaria…” He stood there for a moment thinking to himself, “To be honest Mam… that answer would be highly dependent on the situation at hand… at times I probably desperately will look for an alternate solution… but if there is none… and there is no other choice… I don’t know what I’d do… nor what that thing might do…” Vierorin stood there downcast at the thought of the monster that was sealed within his body, wondering again why that thing was in him.


    Fancy Mel
    Fancy Mel

    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Re: Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Fancy Mel 20th October 2014, 1:45 pm

    "Looks like you've got a good head on your shoulders." Mel said with a smile. "20 steps." Mel raised a hand and the planet switched. Vierorin stood atop the sun and the planet moved straight to Mel. "Vierorin, I'm using my authority to change up the rules to this game. As you can see, you're stuck in one place as the center of the universe, the sun. However I am moveable. How about you ask a question. If I like that question, I'll answer it and you may decide the amount of steps. However, I cannot move no more than 15 steps at a time. Each step I take is going to be a question that you want answered about me. I will answer however I may please. Whether or not you believe the answer, it up to you."

    She stood there and awaited for him to ask anything.


    Fancy Mel's Themes:

    Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Bearer of the Titans Seal
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magic of The Azure Flame Titan, Frircoras
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Re: Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Vierorin 20th October 2014, 8:01 pm

    Vierorin was caught off guard when he was suddenly moved to the sun, and Mel was on the planet he was previously on. When he then heard Mel’s explanation, he begun to sweat. Vierorin had never thought of questions he would ask to someone who was important, and was caught rather off guard, by this sudden change. He thought long and hard for a moment, when a good first question arose in his mind, “Ms. Mel, may I ask why you choose to lead the Rune Knights?” Vierorin tightened his fists out of nervousness, he wasn’t entirely sure what to ask, but depending on the answer, he felt he may have a direction he wanted to go.


    Fancy Mel
    Fancy Mel

    Lineage : Necromancer's Passion
    Position : None
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Re: Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Fancy Mel 7th November 2014, 10:17 pm

    Mel looked at Vierorin puzzled. "I originally JOINED the Rune Knights." She walked 5 steps forward. "When I joined I dealt with the battleground in Era. I was on top of Acnologia trying to convince him to be a dragon and not a mindless zombid." She walked up another five steps. "I witnessed Harland Crawfords death first hand. Sinali killed him. Finally when I was at my late husbands grave I was offered the position by Count Sparrow himself." She moved forward ten more steps then stopped. "So here I am. Do you have another question?"


    Fancy Mel's Themes:

    Demon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Bearer of the Titans Seal
    Position : None
    Posts : 127
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Experience : 150

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Magic of The Azure Flame Titan, Frircoras
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    Vierorin's Exam Empty Re: Vierorin's Exam

    Post by Vierorin 9th November 2014, 4:00 pm

    Vierorin listened as Fancy Mel had explained a small portion of her achievements within the Rune Knights and how she had obtained her position. He watched as she came closer and then stopped, asking him if he had yet another question. Vierorin simply bit his lip, unsure if he wanted to ask the next question. Zekkaria cocked her head to the side looking at the boy underneath her with one set of eyes, that’s when Vierorin Finally spoke up, “Ms. Mel… Why do you choose to keep me in the Rune Knights…knowing whats inside of me…?” Vierorin fell quiet, he didn’t like the fact there was a monster inside of him, but he couldn’t do anything about it.


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