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    Yodaras, The Head Nanite(WIP)


    Wielder of Gravition

    Wielder of Gravition

    Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Possessed Bosconian Technology
    Position : None
    Posts : 162
    Guild : ?????
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 375

    Character Sheet
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    Yodaras, The Head Nanite(WIP) Empty Yodaras, The Head Nanite(WIP)

    Post by Yodoras 18th August 2014, 4:53 pm

    Name: Yodaras
    Nickname: Legion
    Gender: Neither(But Male personality present)
    Race: Nanite(to be specific the Head Nanite)
    Age: Eight months
    Birthday:  12/5
    Sexuality: Not Interested
    Special Characteristics: Nothing besides he is a Nanite,

    Personality: While he is out of combat, Yodaras is typically quiet and reserved sticking to the shadows. He will contemplate and process an near infinite amount of data assessing everything he knows and thinking of ways to better improve his swarm. He will often take the Guise of something unassuming when he is in the mood for conversation.  While doing this he will attempt small talk, talking through the swarm of Nanites forming the disguise to maintain the appearance without causing any suspicion. While he isn’t communicating with anyone, he will keep active by looking for things to read or computer systems to hack. When he doesn’t want to be in the limelight, he will often move around in the shadows without his swarm around him, quietly spying on people learning the habits, their magical potential gauging whether or not they are good people to select as marks or not. If he deems them as such, he will follow his prey until the most opportune moment to attack, however if he deems that they are too much for him, he will sneak away undetected.  Any information he finds of importance, he will store within himself to possibly access and use at a later date. His state of the art systems allow him to store all the information he needs with little issue, information he can later access to help him in combat or improve the effectiveness of his swarms capabilities.

    However when he is in combat, his true darker side of him comes out, if he manages to get close to them without raising suspension, he will break apart his disguise and have his nanite swarm, envelope and tear apart the unsuspecting victim. However if he ever has to fight in direct head to head combat, he will have two separate fighting methods depending on the situation. Under normal circumstances he will fight methodically and strategically, using the Nanite swarm to attack his opponents with extreme precision and the highest amount of lethality possible. Yodaras will typically at times toy with his opponent if he doesn’t seem them as a challenge, using the nanite swarm to throw his opponents off guard by not taking hits he takes as serious as he should. If push truly comes to shove he will give up the disguise and start fighting in full force by unleashing the full potential of his nanite swarm to confuse his opponent. When this happens he will make sure to make his opponent suffer as well as making sure that he still has a layer of defense of Nanites around himself to make sure he can maintain the hive mentality of the swarm with little issue of being hit himself.

    In terms of leadership, Yodaras doesn’t care much for leading others, he more so cares about keeping control of his Nanite Swarm making sure to keep full vigil of what is going on around him to maintain them to their fullest. However if he is ever in a situation where he is receiving orders, if he deems the person worthy enough to listen to, he will quickly process the orders and then calculate a form of the orders he is most comfortable with.


    • Technology, Yodaras has a natural interest in technology, he sees it as researching new ways to advance himself and his swarm,
    • Fighting, He excels at his combat protocals and as a general emotion related to enjoyment in the midst of combat,
    • Strategic Killing, Yodaras enjoys stalking and formulating those who he deems as marks who he has chosen to Kill,


    • Thoughtless Killing, He feels killing without any distinct and well thought out method is a waste,
    • Bosco, Although it was his place of origin, he despises the country as a whole,
    • Thick Liquids. Even though he is not affected by water more so than normal thick liquids can inhibit his Nanite Swarm


    • Developing His AI, He want’s to develop his AI more to be able to be more of an individual and less like restricted by his programming.
    • Finding a Goal, He has no goals of his own, all he knows to do is Kill random targets,
    • Advancing His swarm, Getting his swarm more advanced in the techonology that he himself is also made out of, increases his odds to continuing his existence,


    • Being Shut off, He feels fear when it comes to thought of being permanently shut off,
    • Not finding a goal, He wants to find a purpose to exist,
    • Losing the ability to create his swarms,

    General Appearance

    Height: 2 inches
    Weight: eight ounces
    Hair: N/A
    Eyes: Red(Glowing Optics)
    Skin Tone: Dark Metallic, with gold accents
    Appearance: By himself he is no more than a small Nanite unassuming in appearance, however with his swarms he can envelope himself into the swarm into anything that is bigger than he is,(will be explained in Magic)


    Guild: Guildless
    Tattoo: N/A
    Rank: D

      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 9:44 am