A little different from the standard Shop...
Some things that were once available are no longer available to members without donating. Dragon Slayer Lacrima for example. I suggest creating a Black Market in the shop, where members can put up their items for sale at whatever price they desire. Members who have Slayer Lacrima and no longer want them can put theirs up for sale where other members can buy them. Basically a trading post where things that already exist within the world can change hands.
Some things that were once available are no longer available to members without donating. Dragon Slayer Lacrima for example. I suggest creating a Black Market in the shop, where members can put up their items for sale at whatever price they desire. Members who have Slayer Lacrima and no longer want them can put theirs up for sale where other members can buy them. Basically a trading post where things that already exist within the world can change hands.