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    New Hellos!


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    New Hellos! Empty New Hellos!

    Post by Lovely 2nd July 2014, 1:22 pm

    Ayame darted here and there, she curiously observed the humans and there everyday actions. She found it intriguing how such beings can effect the spirit world greatly. She snatched a sweet of a unaware customers plate as she darted past them. After finishing her treat she sniffed the air, her fox ears stood up and twitched. Somebody was near.... a spirit.... she smiled and head towards the spirits direction, her fox tail's suddenly appeared and swished about. Ayame then began on roof to to roof top closing in to the faint spirit pressure.

    Mr.Spirit where aaaaare yooou? giggled Ayame as she sent a mental message that only spirits would be able to hear.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Brushogun 2nd July 2014, 2:26 pm

    The samurai stood on the edge of the roof. "Maybe there is no hope any more, just thieves and killers." he thought. His spirit then saw something running towards him. "Look, Brushogun! It's a girl! A spirit girl! Maybe she can help us!" Ramen said to his friend.

    Brushogun took a step away from the ledge to face the oncoming individual. He smiled under his suit of armor. He always loved spirits.



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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Lovely 2nd July 2014, 2:34 pm

    Ayame gracefully landed in front of Brushogun, she giggled and tilted her head, her honey golden eyes looking at him from head to toe. She skipped towards him and stopped until they where face to face, she tip toed in order to meet him eye to eye. She giggled her pink lips moved as if making words yet not a sound was heard, but her voice rang clear in Brushogun's head.

    You smell like Ramen.... Ayame giggled as her nine tails swished back and fourth in glee.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Brushogun 2nd July 2014, 2:43 pm

    He let out a small laugh and replied, "Aye, it's been a long time since I talked to anyone. Spoken... years, talked... well I have Ramen."

    The spirit creeped out of hiding behind the metal suited man. "Hello." he said. He began to make sounds from under his mask, as if he was sniffing, "You smell like family." he said.



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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Lovely 2nd July 2014, 2:48 pm

    Ayame giggled, this was a funny duo indeed. "Hello I am Ayame Kitsune, I am half Youkai and half human..... truly it is an honor to meet another spirit like you." said Ayame as she gave a respectful bow. Ayame new that respecting the spirits was very important that is why she bows and gives respect to any spirit no matter how small or big thy may be.

    She looked up to them with her golden eyes and smiled sweetly, wondering to herself what kind of adventures this duo had together.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Brushogun 2nd July 2014, 2:53 pm

    Brushogun gave a bow as well. Then Ramen spoke, "If you are a spirit, then you must be old, no? I'm over a thousand years old... my parents lived over a million years before I lost them, could you help me fight them? You must be a powerful warrior, no? Do you belong to a guild? Hey, maybe you..." Brushogun raised his hand in front of Ramen, signalling him to stop.

    Then Brushogun spoke the spirit tongue, "Forgive him, he does not stop speaking, and I will never speak. Years ago when I watched my family being murdered I took my vow of silence. I hope you understand"

    Brushogun stood upright, with his hands on the small of his back.



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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Lovely 2nd July 2014, 2:59 pm

    Ayame smiled and spoke again in the whispers of the spirits Silence is beautiful, it is the most beautiful language one can master.... for in silence one can find peace, I understand your reasons for not speaking in the human's tongue. Ramen-san what class of warriors where your family? I have lived thousands of years and stayed youthful thanks to my nine tail fox blood.... perhaps I have met your family or their spirits in my many travels.....

    Ayame was glad to speak again in spirit, she was even more joyous that she found someone who can speak it fluently.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Brushogun 2nd July 2014, 3:05 pm

    Brushogun stood in silence as his spirit continued, "My family... we are all demons. You see, My mother was the Angelic Demons, and my Father was the Demon of Time. My grandparents... well my mother was the Demon of Immortality and Res erection... My grandfather... I know nothing about. You see, that is all I know of my family, I only know what my father told me. He said that his father before him... was raised by Death himself. My father... Aknaid, he said his father was not a demon, but an angel, a spirit of truths, they called him... The Demon of Life."



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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Lovely 2nd July 2014, 3:22 pm

    Ayame followed through with the jigsaw puzzle of a story she just heard, she nodded taking mental notes here and there. She looked at the two she spoke in spirit again I've met many Youkai's with the same abilities of your family.... but each to shape of an animal or a disfigured demon.... Ayame closed her eyes, she bit her lip trying to think of any Youkai's she might know that could help the two on their quest.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Brushogun 3rd July 2014, 6:43 am

    Aye, then perhaps you never met the 'insect man' or the 'Devil that fell from heaven', nor the 'girl that would not die' or the man that was something like you... Ramen said. His head was bowed, he was in a great bitter disappointment, Well, for the few decades, you were my greatest hope to finding them, and you still remain the closes thing I have to family at this moment. He looked over to the suit of armor, Well, of course after ol' Brush here. He's the one that took this journey with me.

    "Aye," the Samurai said in the spirit tongue, "You saved me many times as a child, you showed me the arts of the spirits. I shall never speak the tongue of the humans until I know that there is hope in the world."

    Then Ramen turned to his friend and embraced him with a hug, "Thank you brother..." he said.



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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Lovely 6th July 2014, 9:32 pm

    Ayame smiled sweetly as she watched the two brothers in arms exchange their bromance, she laughed and giggled recalling her moments with her friend.... she suddenly went blank, she knew if she recalled anymore fond memories, the ghost of past will surely find and haunt her..... buried memories will come back to the grave, reminding her that those fond memories where nothing but a lie. She bit her lip and put on a smile, though she said nothing in spirit language for she knew that, if she spoke she would reveal her sorrow. Instead she spoke in human words for the first time in front of the two "The bond between you two is very strong...." smiled Ayame as she gave a small sigh.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Brushogun 6th July 2014, 10:00 pm

    Brushogun remained physically unchanged. He stood as a statue, taking in the world in a single breath. It was one of the few things that reminded him of who he was... he was just a human... or at least he was.

    "A change?" Ramen said. He was the Demon of Logic. His father before him was the Demon of Time, and his father before him was the Demon of Life. They all had a curse, a curse of odd powers. "You choose to speak now in he tongue of the humans? Why is that?" he asked, "Do we remind you of someone? Well... Brushogun watched his family die, and my family left me before they did... my grandfather is all that is left."

    Ramen said it in an odd fashion. It seemed cold hearted of him to say, but afterall... he was over a few thousand years old, perhaps he had told the story many times and grew used to telling it.



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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Lovely 6th July 2014, 10:09 pm

    Aymae laughed, she was able to regain control over emotions and was able to speak in spirit without having her emotions seep through her voice, she did not want anyone to know about her sorrow.

    It was nothing.... merely a change of pace, but yes.... you remind me of my two friends... Ayame smiled as she relayed her thoughts through the voice of her spirit.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Brushogun 6th July 2014, 10:22 pm

    "You remind me of my grandmother." Ramen said. The spirit laughed, "She was cursed with immortality, funny considering my grandfather was the Demon of Life..." Ramen started to walk away. He stared off into the distance and grew more silent. "We'reall orphans in this world."

    The silent samurai nodded. His face remained facing the spirit girl. To him, there was just something about her that intrigued him.



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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Lovely 6th July 2014, 10:54 pm

    To tell you the truth... I'm not really an orphan.... my father.... he passed away, but my mother she is still around....... Ayame replied back in the language of the spirits. Her golden eyes drifted back and forth, she sensed that she peaked the twos attention. She walked over to the edge of the roof, looking down at the humans that passed by.

    Are in one of those things the humans call.... a guild?Yes... A guild are you in of of those? she inquired yet again in the language of the spirits, as she gazed at the humans as if they where a bunch of insects.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Brushogun 7th July 2014, 6:47 am

    "A guild? Yes, the gathering of humans to one collective place. Yes, I heard of it. I belong to none but myself." the samurai said, "But based on your question, you belong to none as well, yes? But I heard something... something much more than this guild. A collection of beings of all kinds." he looked Ayame dead in the eye, "Have you heard of Dragon Fang?"

    To the others looking in, all they would see is a warrior speaking to a lady on a roofledge. They were two beings that visually did no belong where they did. But to themselves, they were all something short of a friendship. It was as if a single word kept them from being so... but what was it?



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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Lovely 7th July 2014, 9:28 am

    Dragon Fang..... I have heard about it, yet only a few simple whispers from my spirits, I hear some information about it here and there.... nodded Ayame as she thought deeply. She walked around Brushogun wondering he was in this so called Dragon Fang.

    Are.... Are You in dragon fang? Ayame inquired.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    New Hellos! Empty Re: New Hellos!

    Post by Brushogun 7th July 2014, 10:09 am

    "Ramen was the one that found the place. They say the group was founded by two spirits, one a forest sprite one older than the three of us combined." Brushogun looked off to the hillside, viewing the lands. "It shouldn't be far from here. Perhaps they have some answers to our questions."

    Brushogun looked back at the girl before running across the rooftops. "Answers is what I need. Perhaps we will meet again. Good day." He spoke in the spirit tongue before running off.

    There was something he needed... but he didn't know what it was.


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