Fairy Tail RP

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    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi]


    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 196
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinistram Umbra of Abaddon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Empty Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi]

    Post by DeathTouch 7th July 2014, 3:37 am

    Daichi was stood in the enormous, magnificent Guild Hall, staring at the available mission board with a baffling impression on his light-skinned face. He didn't want to choose something overwhelming as well as he didn't want to pick a deplorable mission as his first one at Savage Skull - that would allow the rest of the guild to make a joke about in regards of him. "Hmm...this seems alright...and if anything - I can use a bit of imagination..hehe," Daichi thought to himself, giggling whilst his lower part of the face was covered by his white, soft scarf. He swiftly looked around the hall with no obvious signs of movement to verify that nobody had seen him gape at the board for about half an hour as it would bring him down in the eyes of his comrades. He brutally ripped the mission template of the board, straightened his back and began confidently walking towards the exit. The mission template went sky high as Daichi lifted his hand up and shouted passionately,: "I'll deal with this!" He wasn't looking forward to travelling all the way to Hargeon Town from the Guild Hall, but he had to accept the fact that his way of travelling will consist of walking and running for the next few months. Daichi stepped outside and the fierce wind gusted at his face - setting his indigo hair free for a short flight in air until the wind vanished and they layed flat against his back again. Before beginning his journey to Hargeon Town he thought to himself,: "I will prove my ability and will definitely complete my first mission!"


    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Tumblr_static_20111023_2122274-650x365
    Character ¦¦ Primary Magic ¦¦ Bank ¦¦ History ¦¦

    XP: 275/750

    Completed Jobs:

    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 196
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinistram Umbra of Abaddon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Empty Re: Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi]

    Post by DeathTouch 7th July 2014, 4:03 am

    Daichi's first checkpoint was the Oshibana Town where he would get onto a train and hopefully have a relaxing, quiet trip to Hargeon Town, without any possible issues or problems. He stood in front of the entrance into the Spooky Forest, placed his chilled left hand onto the handle of his blade which was warm, hiding inside the sheath and took a deep breath in. As he quickly let the burst of air out his musclular legs ripped of the ground and he began running through the dark forest. His eyes focused on the small details hidden within the cracked structures and textures of the treets, avoiding him hitting anything or tripping over something. His feet were creating a melody of carckling noises as he was stepping on sticks and broken pieces of wood, letting his mind enjoy the musical performance. Withing an hour Daichi reached his first destination as he finally stepped on the grounds of Oshibana Town and began walking towards the only train station in the town. Making it to the train station his jaw dropped wide open as he realised that a vast queue was fillling up the entire station as this is the only train station in Oshibana Town. He mummbled to himself,: "I cannot wait for this queue to go down.." and rapidly sneaked through the queue and past the control guards. Seeing the train stop at the platform he started sprinting towards the train and then detecting the train doors beginning to shut. The sweat began slowly sliding down his forehead as he started running as fast as he could, reaching a metal bar near the door with his right hand and pulling himself onto the steps.


    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Tumblr_static_20111023_2122274-650x365
    Character ¦¦ Primary Magic ¦¦ Bank ¦¦ History ¦¦

    XP: 275/750

    Completed Jobs:

    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 196
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinistram Umbra of Abaddon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Empty Re: Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi]

    Post by DeathTouch 7th July 2014, 4:24 am

    Daichi slided the door open and dragged himself into the last section of the train. He cautiously entered and observed all the identities in there, recognizing only four people: an elder woman with no signs of magic abilities, a teenage boy who was asleep, and a father and a daughter as it looked like. There was plenty of free seats and Daichi thought about which one to pick carefully, after spending almost ten minutes whilst being stood up he finally decided to sit down on the seat that was to the left of him. It was a separated section with two on both sides and a table inbetween. He rested his bulky head against the seat and closed his eyes, closing himself in his own mind - creating a plan on how he's going to get the supplies from the caravans. Daichi had a drowsing trip until the train stopped at the Magnolia Town, huge crowds of people began filling up the train and a family of four people entered the same suite as Daichi. It seemed like they were going on a vacation as Daichi seen the size and the number of bags they were carrying with them. Out of all of the available seats the chubby woman commanded his bald husband to take the seats next to Daichi. As soon as he understood that they are heading towards his seats, he quickly put on a friendly look on his face and kindly pronounced:, "Sorry but here's only space for four?!" The chubby woman fell into an immense laughter as she fiercely hit Daichi on the back, hitting the friendly look of his face and responded:, "You are such a joker!" Their kids quickly chose to sit on the opposite side as Daichi, leaving him the only option to share his only seat with the chubby woman and her not-that-much-smaller husband. The woman squeezed against Daichi's skinny body, making his face almost going through the window and making it hard for him to breath. Daichi wished he had never taken that seat as he thought to himself:, "Why..ahh..me??!"


    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Tumblr_static_20111023_2122274-650x365
    Character ¦¦ Primary Magic ¦¦ Bank ¦¦ History ¦¦

    XP: 275/750

    Completed Jobs:

    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 196
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinistram Umbra of Abaddon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Empty Re: Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi]

    Post by DeathTouch 7th July 2014, 5:14 am

    For 10 infinite minutes which seemed like hell for Daichi as he couldn't think of a situation during those 3 years in the wild where he had to feel more pain that that. 180lbs of weight was pressuring and literally sitting on top of Daichi, restricting him from breathing properly and bouncing on top of him each time a traing would go over a railing-cross. He has never felt so much hate towards a woman's body as it was mentally breaking all of Daichi's bones. Daichi's blade sheath was pushing against his stomach so he tried to at least change its angle so he maneuvred it between him and the woman and stuck it between the wall next to him and something on the other side, moving his eyes from the handle end towards the other he realized that the other end of the sheath was pushing against the woman's thighs. At that moment the woman slowly turned her head at Daichi, her eyes completely white full of hate as her devastating power was embedded in her face. Dark highlights and shadows were covering the top half of her face - making her look like she is about to kill someone, and she asked:, "What is THAT?!" Like in a storm, sweat began pouring down Daichi's face as his face turned tomato-red - he couldn't think of how to respond so he just childishly giggled. Losing any hope in surviving the trip to Hargeon Town he closed his eyes and prepared himself for a punch but the train driver saved him as he stopped the train at the Hargeon Town train station. The family quickly exiled from the train suite and granted Daichi an opportunity to take a full breath in and then breath out. He slowly creeped out of the train suite like a drunken man with no energy left and took a step on the grounds of Hargeon Town.


    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Tumblr_static_20111023_2122274-650x365
    Character ¦¦ Primary Magic ¦¦ Bank ¦¦ History ¦¦

    XP: 275/750

    Completed Jobs:

    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 196
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinistram Umbra of Abaddon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Empty Re: Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi]

    Post by DeathTouch 7th July 2014, 5:30 am

    After a terrifying and precarious trip on the train Daichi lost any interest in travelling by train ever again but that didn't bother that much anymore as he was on his way to complete his first mission for Savage Skull Guild and he wanted it to be done smoothly without any side problems or issues occuring. He didn't want to attract too much attention so he covered bottom half of his face with his scarf and began proceeding through the town using the dark side streets which increased his movement speed and he quickly got through the town without drawing too much suspicion towards himself. As he walked onto a colossal land of free space filled in by multiple caravans which seemed like ants from where Daichi stood he realised that he is going to have to search almost every single one of the caravans to find the specific supplies. Also he spotted two guards at specific points on patrol, covering their areas whilst walking around. "I need to wait till the sun goes down and the dark covers the land so it'll be easier for me to sneak into the caravans," Daichi thought to himself. As the illuminating sunshine gradually hid behind the equator and the silver moonlight began supporting the darkness taking over the land, Daichi made his first move and sneaked towards the caravans.


    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Tumblr_static_20111023_2122274-650x365
    Character ¦¦ Primary Magic ¦¦ Bank ¦¦ History ¦¦

    XP: 275/750

    Completed Jobs:

    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 196
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinistram Umbra of Abaddon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Empty Re: Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi]

    Post by DeathTouch 7th July 2014, 5:44 am

    Daichi crawled towards the caravans and soon found out that they are protected by a fance which stretches around the caravans. He spent around two minutes creeping along the fence, avoiding the dark sillhouettes walking near the fence - until he found the gate with a lock on it. He waited until there were was nobody around and quietly yet swiftly gathered his sword out of the sheath, took a step back and slashed the chain, making a quiet, noticable noise but fortunately there was nobody around to hear it. He entered the ground of caravans and closed the gate behind him, rapidly running towards the first caravan for cover. Daichi has one big advantage over everyone else who was patrolling the grounds as he could perfectly see in the darkness. Tentatively, he lurked inbetween the caravans trying to find the most supply look-a-like one although none of them were particularly standing out from the rest so he decided to just go through them. He opened the door to the caravan that was right next to him and slowly walked in, trying to avoid making any noise inside as well as outside. Unfortunately, there was nothing in the caravan except all the basic stuff so he slinked back outside. Suddenly a dark sillhouette started appearing and walking towards him with a question:, "Who are you, sir?"


    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Tumblr_static_20111023_2122274-650x365
    Character ¦¦ Primary Magic ¦¦ Bank ¦¦ History ¦¦

    XP: 275/750

    Completed Jobs:

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Empty Re: Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi]

    Post by NPC 7th July 2014, 5:46 am

    The member 'DeathTouch' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] NormalMonster

    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 196
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinistram Umbra of Abaddon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Empty Re: Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi]

    Post by DeathTouch 7th July 2014, 6:10 am

    Daichi didn't fall into a panic or start stressing, he remained calm-headed and let the guard come closer towards him until he could examin him; it was a normal guard wielded with a sword with no signs of magical possession. Daichi took a few steps closer towards him with a grin on his face and grabbed the handle of his sword. The guard took a step backwards, checked if anyone was around who he could call for help and looked back at his opponent but it was too late - Daichi had his blade pushing against his throat. "I am a master of darkness - besides you should never turn your back on your opponent, haven't you learned that yet?" He grabbed the guard by his collar and ruthlessly pushed him against the caravan, hitting his head against it and asked,: "Where's the caravan with the supplies?" Guard's voice was trembling as he replied,: "I..I-I...don't know.." Daichi push his sword against his throat even harder and whispered to him,: "Listen, pal, you're not in a situation where you should be lying," andrapidly swung the sword backwards - ready to cut the guard's head off when he stopped him,: "Okay-okay, it's the very left one in the left sector with a green logo on the side." Daichi hit him with the handle of his sword and made him unconscious. He then carried on slithering towards the caravans on the far left until he finally spotted a caravan with a green logo on the side of it. Daichi made sure nobody was around and sprinted towards it whilst making no signs of noise. He opened the doors of the caravan and entered with a smirk on his face as he seen the supply boxes filling up the entire caravan. Daichi emptied some of the supply boxes into his rucksack and walked outside of the caravan.


    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Tumblr_static_20111023_2122274-650x365
    Character ¦¦ Primary Magic ¦¦ Bank ¦¦ History ¦¦

    XP: 275/750

    Completed Jobs:

    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 196
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinistram Umbra of Abaddon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Empty Re: Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi]

    Post by DeathTouch 7th July 2014, 6:20 am

    Daichi took cover and hid behind a caravan that was on the opposite side as the supplied one and put his rucksack on the ground. He eradicated his mournblade from the sword sheath and began gathering his magical power in the dark blade until it was beaming with dark energy. Daichi gripped the handle a bit tighter and released the dark power in a form of a slash which was full of destructive energy and was travelling right at the caravan filled up with supplies. The slash penetrated through the caravan frame and caused a major explosion which attracted all of the guards as they rushed towards the place of the explosion. Daich quickly grabbed the rucksack and slinged in over one of his shoulders whilst carrying his sword in the other for defensive purposes. As he was escpaing from the explosion he seen two more sillhouettes running towards him. Daichi understood that they were guards but he had to analyze them and work out whether they are mages or simple guards, and this time he had a lot less time and space to act so freely - besides of that they were running right at him, ready for an attack.


    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Tumblr_static_20111023_2122274-650x365
    Character ¦¦ Primary Magic ¦¦ Bank ¦¦ History ¦¦

    XP: 275/750

    Completed Jobs:

    Posts : 23954
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Empty Re: Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi]

    Post by NPC 7th July 2014, 6:20 am

    The member 'DeathTouch' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] NormalMonster Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] StrongMonster

    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 196
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinistram Umbra of Abaddon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Empty Re: Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi]

    Post by DeathTouch 7th July 2014, 6:33 am

    It was an ordinary guard again, but this time he was accompanied by a mage who was possessing ability to cast spells so Daichi pricked up his ears and became alerted. The mage took a position behind the guard and got his staff ready to cast healing spells and pointed it at the guard, whilst guard pulled out his sword and carried on running at Daichi. Daichi knew that whilst the mage will be healing the guard - it will take some time to defeat him and this will only give them time to call reinforcement so he decided to beat the mage first. Daichi ran straight at the guard and at a minimal distance between them - rolled down and dodges the guard's swing. Whilst the mage's staff was charged with healing spell he couldn't cast another spell and started panicking at the sight of Daichi running at him with his sword released. His sword immediately punctured mage's ribs and went through his chest, instantly stopping the living required processes in his body and killing him. He pulled the sword out of the mage's chest and viciously kicked him, whilst having a look at where the guard was - staring at Daichi whilst his eyes were full of fear and disgust towards Daichi. He couldn't waste any more time so he started running pass the caravans towards the exit and nobody could catch up to him due to his increased movement speed. Once he got to the gates - he kicked the lock and the gates opened up, allowing Daichi to escape and camouflage in the shadows of the night, leaving no trace for the guards to follow after.


    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Tumblr_static_20111023_2122274-650x365
    Character ¦¦ Primary Magic ¦¦ Bank ¦¦ History ¦¦

    XP: 275/750

    Completed Jobs:

    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 196
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 275

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sinistram Umbra of Abaddon
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Empty Re: Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi]

    Post by DeathTouch 7th July 2014, 6:49 am

    During night time the train stations were a lot emptier and trains weren't getting as full as during day time so Daichi didn't encounter any enormous queues at the train station. This time it was harder to sneak onto the train as there were less people to sneak past and hide behind but Daichi waited until the guard walked off to the W.C. and the ticket selling woman turned her back against the window to grab something, granting Daichi an opportunity to sneak past, which Daichi of course accepted and used. Once he entered the train - he chucked the rucksack on the far seat and sat next to it whilst resting his hand on the handle of his blade. He made a deep sigh and rehearsed on the events that occured during his first day in Savage Skull Guild. He thought to himself with a smirk,: "It was a pretty fun day to be honest - I hope that it stays like this forever." Once he arrived at the Oshibana Town, he put the rucksack over both of his shoulders and walked towards the Spooky Forest and once he reached it - he began running through it. Daichi entered the Guild Hall with a massive grin on his face and optimistically walked towards the bar and chucked the rucksack on the table with the words,: "Well that was easy.."


    Job:Caravan Raids - [Private/Daichi] Tumblr_static_20111023_2122274-650x365
    Character ¦¦ Primary Magic ¦¦ Bank ¦¦ History ¦¦

    XP: 275/750

    Completed Jobs:

      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 5:10 pm