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    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo)


    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) Empty Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo)

    Post by Sumdumguy 19th June 2014, 9:15 pm

    Job Info:

    Looking up at the night sky, Priscilla smiled and enjoyed the fresh night time breeze before she went to work. Once before had she been here, but even for the four mages that were doing the job back then, it was far too difficult. Now Priscilla returned, with more than enough power to do this job and come out unscathed. Then again, she never did get to see the principal... So maybe she didn't have enough power to come out unscathed? Nevertheless, she would finish this job before the sun rose above the horizon. She made it her goal to find and kill the principal. Yes, the young/ancient girl had been asked to capture the man responsible for all of this, but after seeing what he had done to the students and faculty of the school...

    "This is unforgivable." Priscilla muttered under her breath. Looking forwards, she saw the school which had a visibly evil aura radiating from it. It wasn't like this the last time she was here, or at least not this bad. The purely dark energy wasn't visible last time like it was now, and it certainly wasn't this plentiful. Yeah, she would HAVE to do this before the sun came up. If the situation wasn't diffused soon, this could be more than a problem for just the town. The grim look on the 12 year old Priscilla's face expressed her determination clearer than anything else. There was no time to mess around anymore, she needed to get on this right now. And with that thought prevalent in her un-aging consciousness, Priscilla began walking towards the entrance to the massive building.

    Should she snoop around in her shadow until she found the principal? No, this place was surprisingly big, and there was no doubt there was a basement under the eight floored school building. It meant that she would have to cause a commotion or figure out what the Principal was planning. After asking around earlier, she figured out that the aura had only really appeared today, which meant that something was going on. Priscilla figured she could find out some way if she snooped around in the principal's office, but she'd have to find or even fight her way there first.

    Last edited by Sumdumguy on 23rd June 2014, 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) Empty Re: Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo)

    Post by Sumdumguy 19th June 2014, 9:32 pm

    Approaching the doors to the school, Priscilla begun analyzing the appearance of the outside of the school. It was overgrown on the outside, like this place had been like this for years. She knew that wasn't true, since the job notice had only gone up a month or two ago, which meant that the aura could be speeding up the age of things around here. Good thing Priscilla never aged. Or bad thing, depending on one's outlook on that kind of stuff. Priscilla found it 50/50 good and bad, but most other people frowned upon immortality, she found. "Not good." she muttered with a grunt as she stopped to stand just in front of the doors.

    The doors were metal, but were laying on the floor just inside the building while surrounded with broken glass and plants that actually seemed to grow from underneath the tiles. So something broke them and knocked them in. Maybe the first few people who tried this tried to go in guns blazing. Such a stupid tactic. The only time anyone should ever do that was... well, when you had no other choice. At least strategize, why don't you? Brushing the thought to the back of her mind, Priscilla walked in and looked at the hallway she found herself in. It was a one way hallway with lockers lining the walls both on the left and right. Every now and again there was a space between the lockers where there were doors, presumably to some of the classrooms. Although, after reading the signs in front of them (which were beyond worn down), she managed to figure out that there were no classrooms on this hallway. They were all offices or bathrooms or the such, not actual classrooms. It was also incredibly dark, she forgot to notice actually, and she couldn't even see the end of the hallway. The walls and floor and everything all just disappeared off into the darkness, and she was left with nothing but herself, broken glass, overgrown plants, and the sounds of something lurking just out of sight in the shadows at the end of the hallway.

    Last edited by Sumdumguy on 23rd June 2014, 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) Empty Re: Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo)

    Post by Sumdumguy 19th June 2014, 9:39 pm

    (Forgot to roll, damnit)

    Last edited by Sumdumguy on 19th June 2014, 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) Empty Re: Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo)

    Post by NPC 19th June 2014, 9:39 pm

    The member 'Sumdumguy' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) Boss Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) NormalMonster Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) NormalMonster

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) Empty Re: Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo)

    Post by Sumdumguy 23rd June 2014, 5:00 pm

    From the shadows walked a man, the sounds of chains resounding around him as he walked out from the darkness. He looked like a normal man with a suit and tie and what not, except... his eyes were black with red irises that burned deep into Priscilla's soul. Only once before had she felt this burning sensation in her mind, and it felt like it was giving her a migraine. The young girl clutched her head and closed her eyes in pain, grunting as her head burned with pain. The closer the man got to her, the louder this ringing noise became which only intensified her headache. When Priscilla finally looked up towards the man, he was only a few feet in front of her. Her vision was blurry, so she didn't see him raise his hand with his palm directed right at her. It was then that Priscilla felt it, this mans magic energy. It wasn't as powerful as hers, but the fact that he could disorient her meant that he had quite the power there.

    Before Priscilla could react, a powerful gust of wind hit her dead center and sent her flying backwards and out of the building before she could regain her senses and face whatever it was that was in front of her. Skidding to a halt on her back, Priscilla opened her eyes slowly and looked up at the sky. She had just been knocked back out of the school without putting up much of a fight. Pathetic. Without much thought, Priscilla growled and jumped up to her feet, propelling herself upright with her arms to do so. When she looked back into the doorway, she froze before she could even do anything.

    In the doorway was nothing but complete darkness. Nothing was visible, except for two beady red eyes and a toothy smile, that was three times larger than it should have been. The human mouth didn't extend that far did it? It wasn't supposed to at least, and to say it unnerved Priscilla was an understatement. But why was she afraid? She was over 500 years old, has she not already seen what the world has to offer her? She's seen her own family die, murdered her mother, lost countless friends, watched entire cities burn, and she hardly blinked from any of it... yet this... this man unnerved her? Why?

    Last edited by Sumdumguy on 23rd June 2014, 6:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) Empty Re: Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo)

    Post by Sumdumguy 23rd June 2014, 6:18 pm

    All Priscilla could do now was push the thoughts to the back of her mind and force herself to press onward. The image of the man's far-too-wide smile still burned at the forefront of her elderly mind, but she did her best to ignore it for sanity's sake. Taking a few steps further, Priscilla now noticed that the shadows were now shimmering outwards from in front of the doorway, like a disease that was spreading outwards. The frame of the doorway looked like nothing but a black mass, and whispers could be heard coming from within the building once Priscilla got close enough, though she couldn't discern what they were saying. With the thought of the man still on her mind, Priscilla simply shook it all off and pushed forwards, eager to see what awaited her within this building. The principal really didn't want her here, and she was eager to figure out why.

    Without another thought, Priscilla stepped back into the shadowy, demonic school and attempted once more to figure out the mysteries behind this place. Upon stepping into the school Priscilla's eyes started to adjust to the near pitch black darkness that was the first hallway. She had been here for about ten minutes and she hadn't even gotten past the first hallway? Pathetic. She really needed to step up her game. Looking around the hallway, Priscilla noticed more of the sound of something lurking off into the shadows. Was the principal still here, waiting to kick her out of the school again? No, he probably had more important business to attend to. So then it was probably something else, perhaps one of the students or staff? Priscilla would just have to wait and find out.

    There was so much mystery to this place. Why was everyone here possessed? Surely the principal could have had less of a hassle if he just waited for everyone to leave and do this over night or something... no, this had taken weeks, even months to actually do. Whatever was happening here was costly, as it had taken up loads of time to do. But then... just what was it this man was trying to do? If Priscilla's senses weren't ever so slightly heightened like they were, she wouldn't have noticed the scratching getting louder and closer. With a sigh, she prepared herself for the worst. It didn't take long for the scratching to sound like it was directly next to her, like the source was standing mere inches away from her. But when she looked to either side, all she could see was black. Had it seriously gotten darker after she was thrown out? Apparently so, because Priscilla could at least see the walls before, but now it was just pitch black. The scratching was getting louder, and the whispers from earlier were loud and sounded like people were whispering directly into her ears from every direction. Her senses were going wild, and Priscilla couldn't have been anymore tense.

    And then finally, whatever it was that was making the scratching noise finally decided to show itself...

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    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) Empty Re: Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo)

    Post by NPC 23rd June 2014, 6:18 pm

    The member 'Sumdumguy' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) StrongMonster Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) WeakMonster Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) WeakMonster

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) Empty Re: Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo)

    Post by Sumdumguy 23rd June 2014, 6:49 pm

    An ear piercing scream echoed through the hallways as a faculty member and two children, one girl and one boy, charged at Priscilla head on. She barely had time to jump out of the way of the little girl who jumped at her, aiming to bite her leg. The girl landed on her belly and scrambled upright to charge at Priscilla again, followed by the boy and the teacher lady that were currently trying to take her head off. Their eyes were exactly like the principals. Black with red irises. It was demonic to say the least, and it unnerved Priscilla. However, unlike with the principal, it wasn't the eyes that made her uncomfortable. It was the thought that the principal had dragged all of these people into this without even beginning to think of the consequences. But Priscilla didn't have time to think about that right now, as the three possessed people in front of her were getting close enough to practically be breathing down her neck.

    With a grunt, the faculty member reached out to grab Priscilla, but the young girl dodged out of the way just in time. The young boy leaped at Priscilla much like the young girl had, his mouth open and ready to bite down violently on her flesh, but he was stopped by a swift punch to the face. The twelve year old Priscilla didn't have time to react in any other way. No way to prepare her spells, no way to jump out of the way because of the confining space of the hallway, so she was forced to punch the boy so she wouldn't get hurt. Thankfully, it only knocked the boy out, as it was a well placed strike to the forehead. The kid fell to the ground unconsciously, and Priscilla was thankful that it only took one hit. She really didn't want to harm anyone unnecessarily, but it seemed that would have to happen here, else she would die.

    The little girl leaped at her again and Priscilla sidestepped it with incredible speed. Once the kid was flying past her, she kicked it in it's side, sending it into the wall and knocking it unconscious as well. All that was left was the faculty member...

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
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    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) Empty Re: Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo)

    Post by Sumdumguy 6th July 2014, 1:34 pm

    Out of the corner of her eye, Priscilla saw a spark, then a flash as a fireball was sent her way. It was a pretty weak one though, so without thinking, Priscilla merely held up her hand and deflected the fire. It burned and it hurt quite a bit, but it was quite easy to deflect. With a swing of her hand, the ball of flame was sent rocketing into the wall besides her, causing it to explode and send chunks of rock and metal flying everywhere. The staff member screeched and took a step forwards to charge at Priscilla, but it was halted by something catching its foot. At first it seemed like nothing, but a second later it just fell straight down. Straight down into the shadow realm. The fight had taken a good two or three minutes, which Priscilla was furious about. She couldn't afford to waste even a single minute, and she had just spent multiple trying to rid herself of a few pesky pests. With a snap of her fingers, the staff member exited the shadows, except in a completely different area of the school. Somewhere Priscilla couldn't even see.

    "Oh well, I just don't want rotting corpses floating around my shadow." Priscilla mumbled to herself before deciding to move on. With a sigh, Priscilla snapped her fingers and her form shifted, causing her to become 18 years old as opposed to 12. Her form turned black for a moment and her form shifted to the form that was most familiar to her friends. She used to be around them in this form all the time, and now... She was just some weird form shifting vampire thingy. That's probably what she was to them now, she thought. Priscilla never did talk to her teammates, and now she was pretty sure she was just a stranger to them. Oh well, she had more pressing matters to think about right now. Slowly, Priscilla walked further into the school and begun her investigation of the principal's motives. Surely there would be journals or diaries or something that would tell her just how this all happened, and why.


    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) Empty Re: Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo)

    Post by Sumdumguy 6th July 2014, 2:41 pm

    With a deep sigh, Priscilla stepped reluctantly into the massive cafeteria. It was clean, surprisingly. Well, clean of blood or corpses, which she had seen very few of while walking here. She fully expected this place to be full of blood and death, which it was to some degree, unless she hadn't found it yet. There were a few dead bodies on the way here, and blood trails... and screams... this place was like a freaking horror movie, wasn't it? A really bad one too. Or a good one, if you were easily frightened.

    The cafeteria was covered in debris and broken... everything. It was so broken that most of the things were indescribable and unfamiliar to the point where she just straight up didn't recognize them. Tables and chairs lay strewn everywhere, bits of the ceiling collapsed onto the floor, and in some places there were even holes in the floor. Holes to what, though? This piqued Priscilla's interest, but she would save the basement for last. From what she could smell, it was probably where the shit show was. And as far as she could tell, the cafeteria held nothing of interest. There was nothing but broken bits of the school everywhere, and no clues as to what happened. Actually, now that Priscilla thought about it, how DID the school get so bad so fast. This place looked like it had been broken down and decayed over the course of dozens upon dozens of years. Maybe it was a side effect of the things going on here. Yeah, that made the most sense, at least to her.

    A few seconds more of looking around the cafeteria made Priscilla realize that nothing was here. Nothing of importance at least. No faculty, no students, no clues... just broken down bits of stone and rotting wood. It smelled foul too, and Priscilla decided to hurry up and get to the hallway on the other side of the cafeteria before she vomited. Climbing over the piles of debris, Priscilla sighed and frowned deeply. She could tell where this was going already, but she was paranoid that she may be wrong. Regardless of whether or not she was right or wrong, Priscilla simply pushed forwards and entered the hall on the other end of the cafeteria.

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) Empty Re: Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo)

    Post by Sumdumguy 6th July 2014, 3:40 pm

    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) 2778480952_5aa8f29902

    The hallway was dark and dingy like every other one in this god forsaken school. A few of the doors were holding on their hinges, albeit hardly, the walls were covered in discolored bricks, and the clock at the far end of the hall was clearly not working in the slightest. Oh well, time to start walking, Priscilla thought to herself before shoving her hands in her sweater pockets and moving on. She just noticed it but there was a profound chill in the air, despite it being surprisingly warm and humid outdoors. This place didn't have any form of air conditioning, it was probably built before AC was even invented anyways. She couldn't feel any draft or hear anything asides from her own footsteps in these hallways, making them seem much more ominous. Priscilla was practically fearless, though, so it didn't faze her much. It just made her a teensy bit more on edge, as she could hear things much more clearly. She would need to be on edge to help react to danger better, because despite being timeless, she could still die by pretty common means. Oh how fragile the human body is. It was kinda saddening actually.


    The sound of a door not too far in front of Priscilla opening made her stop in her tracks, and her head casually turned towards the door with disinterest. Was it another faculty member, or perhaps another student? She wouldn't be able to tell until whatever it was exited the room. A good minute passed by, and nothing came out. There was no noise, no signs of life, not even a subtle breathing. Priscilla's senses weren't picking up anything, and Luna wasn't reacting to anything... so there was nothing there? Taking a deep breath to calm herself a bit, Priscilla slowly approached the door that had opened itself, her pace slow and cautious. Despite clearly getting closer to the door, there was nothing there. Nothing alive at least, for when Priscilla peered into the supposedly empty room the things she saw were shocking and revolting to the point where any normal person would vomit at just the sight...


    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Dragon's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 419
    Guild : None, cause she's smart like that
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Melody Lorelei (Supposedly Deceased)
    Experience : 1491

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    Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo) Empty Re: Capture the Dark Principal! (Solo)

    Post by Sumdumguy 6th July 2014, 4:28 pm

    There was blood absolutely everywhere in this room, and hardly anything else. It was a classroom, with desks strewn everywhere. The teacher's desk was the only thing remotely intact, but it had blood all over it. There was one thing that looked untouched, and it was a journal that lay open to a specific page on top of it. Priscilla would inspect that last, as she had to figure out just what was happening here. It took her a few seconds of pondering, but Priscilla finally decided to enter the room despite the smell of rotting... something. Probably a corpse.

    Yet despite the smell that reminded Priscilla greatly of decomposing dead bodies, there was nothing in the room but dried up blood, rotting wood, and broken furniture. Seeing as there was nothing else of interest in the room, Priscilla walked over to the teacher's desk that was only mildly covered in blood, as opposed to the great number of splattered blood all over the floor and walls. The journal on the desk looked surprisingly fresh and new, making Priscilla curious as to why. She doubted she'd get a direct explanation, so she just ignored it and started searching everywhere around the journal. This included the drawers, under the desk, etc. etc. There was nothing.

    And thus Priscilla's attention was completely drawn to the new looking journal. The page it was left open to was the perfect one, as it was the beginning of the events that lead to this schools' downfall. At first, it seemed, there was just suspicion. More days passed, those days easily becoming weeks, and then strange events started occurring around the school, it seemed. The last entry in the journal was cut off by a bit of blood and scribbles, and it was quite obvious what happened. Looking at the blood that covered a good portion of the room, it looked like something either exploded in the middle of the room, or was dragged out and torn to shreds, their blood just being flung everywhere along the side.

    "So this blood is..." Priscilla trailed off and just shook her head before walking out of the room slowly. This event only increased Priscilla's endless resolve.

      Current date/time is 19th September 2024, 7:45 pm