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    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Samus Aran
    Samus Aran

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Almighty
    Position : None
    Posts : 1549
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Morgana (Demon Slayer) Jyuubei (Swordsmanship)
    Experience : 80,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Empty Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Post by Samus Aran 28th May 2014, 8:13 pm

    Job Information:

    ‘Breathe In. And then breathe out. Breathe in…and then breathe out.’

    In the quiet area of Eclipse Soul most notably noted as a certain poison dragon slayer’s room, one person was quietly meditating on her bed. It was a fairly normal afternoon, consisting of the regular guild hall activities and small time merriment that the guild members of Eclipse Soul had on a consistent basis. Thus, the person sitting on the bed had come to do her daily meditation before heading out for the rest of the day. Her white hair flowed down to her chin, framing her somewhat beautiful face in a way that would make a lot of people stop and admire her for a long time. Her right eye was closed shut, and her left had an eyepatch over it. A light glow emanated from underneath the eyepatch, a wondrous red that would gain the attention of anyone watching her at the moment. Her face was set in a calm state, one in which it showed that she was currently at peace with the majority of the world and anything that could possibly occur before she left this day. Her clothing hadn’t changed all too much from what she normally wore, that being a white button up shirt with a pendant across her neck. Over her shirt she wore a black jacket, which was long sleeved, and she had on black gloves to cover both of her hands. She wore black shorts, and had on black boots in order to round her entire outfit out completely. Sitting next to her on the bed was a large blade, her personal Giant Odachi that she carried around with her most of the time now. On her shoulder peacefully sleeping was her most trusted companion, her raven Nightwing.

    The person sitting in this room was quite indeed the poison dragon slayer Sinon Noir, or better known to the populace as Sephiria. She was getting her regular meditation out of the way for the day, so she could quite easily handle what was to come later on. Today was the day she had agreed to do something with a certain someone, meaning that she had to be at tip top shape otherwise she’d fail at her duties. Sephiria was quite calm despite the inner turmoil one should be facing towards a mission like this one. Her mind was quite at ease with the amount of trouble that she and her boyfriend Ayeseru had managed to stop, and that this should be no different than any other time the two had challenged a quite difficult job. Sephiria was in all senses of the word ready to kick some serious ass, as she had felt herself growing in strength with every fight she got into and every baddie she took out just like any other. The poison dragon slayer was indeed a strong A-rank mage, and she hoped in the future she would be in fact a strong S-ranked mage. Her guild had been there to assist her so far in her endeavors, but now it was time to become someone great in order to be there for any members she needed to be there for.

    ‘Breathe in, and then breathe out. Feel the magic flowing through you. Feel the magic flowing through you. Stay calm, and this should go the way you expect it to. You are the calm current of a river, the gentle breeze of a summer day. Breathe in, and then breathe out.’ Sephiria felt herself grow even calmer at the words she mentally told herself. Her two mental occupants had been extremely quiet, but that was to be expected due to how much she had told them about this current job. They knew that getting this done meant a lot to the poison dragon slayer, thus they would do less and bicker none while she was meditating. A quick note Sephiria made in her mind that the two sides had bickered less and instead started showing friendly affection for each other, which made the corners of her mouth curve upwards in a small smile. It was finally nice to see the two not trying to kill each other, but instead coming together in order to assist the poison dragon slayer in becoming as strong as she possibly could. Opening her eye, she noted the positioning of the sun made it close to afternoon. This meant it was nearing the time she had agreed for Ayeseru to meet her at the Eclipse Soul guild hall, so she would need to prepare for his arrival. She got off her bed slowly, and began to get the strap for her blade.

    “Is it time already?” A slightly regal voice asked next to Sephiria’s ear. The poison dragon slayer smiled and nodded, getting the right strap for her blade and attaching it to her person.

    “Yes. Ayeseru should be getting here soon enough, and I’d rather not look like a complete and utter fool by not being ready for his arrival.” She responded to the voice, who scoffed at the notion and shook its small head.

    “He should wait on you! You are the woman after all. Men need to be patient and allow their woman to do what she needs to do.” The raven spoke in a haughty tone. Sephiria once again shook her head and grabbed her Odachi, strapping it on perfectly to her back.

    “Those are old customs. I tend to want to have my relationship with him be different than that, one where be both are comfortable with each other. Besides, I think he’d be a bit more difficult to handle if he tried to do everything for me and wait on me.” Sephiria giggled at the thought of Ayeseru trying his best to be the ultimate gentleman, she just couldn’t see it. His current personality was too adorable and wonderful for her to want anything else. Sephiria adjusted her eyepatch till it was nicely snug, and then opened the door out of her room. Walking out with a confidence in her step, Sephiria prepared for this next mission.

    And it was something that she was indeed supposed to be prepared for.


    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Tumblr_minephQ2G81r37arko2_500
    Sephiria's Themes:
    Samus Aran
    Samus Aran

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Almighty
    Position : None
    Posts : 1549
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Morgana (Demon Slayer) Jyuubei (Swordsmanship)
    Experience : 80,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Empty Re: Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Post by Samus Aran 29th May 2014, 2:36 pm

    Sephiria headed into the kitchen, taking a slight detour from immediately going outside and meeting Ayeseru. She felt slightly hungry, and although she couldn’t cook she had a clue that Kyll might have saved some snacks for people to devour when they were hungry and she wasn’t in the guild to cook for anyone. True enough, after raiding the poor cabinets she had managed to find quite a small stockpile of food. It was enough to feed ten people for at least three days, but Sephiria was going to down this poor food in about one sitting. The slayer hadn’t eaten breakfast, and who knows how long it would take for them to finish the job so she could eat. Without feeling any sense of guilt or remorse, Sephiria began to devour the food, leaving a small slice of bread on the table for Nightwing as the bird was also probably hungry. Her guild mates had no clue of her rampage on their food supplies, rather being slightly loud with how they were talking at this point. Sephiria guessed in her head that something had happened while she was meditating, and thats what the fuss was about. Ayeseru had definitely not been here yet, as she couldn’t smell him anywhere in the guild. Whatever it was probably didn’t require her immediate attention, so she just continued eating with no remorse. As the food was nearly gone, the poison dragon slayer not only felt a larger magical energy source, she smelled the familiar scent of her boyfriend. This only made the raven groan, and her mouth curve upwards into a small grin of sorts. Finishing off the food, she left the kitchen as messy as she had made it. Kyll would probably scold her for it later, but she could care less as now was about her boyfriend.

    Quickly going to a bathroom in order to wash her face, Sephiria only barely noticed that the guild hall had gone entirely quiet. This made her a bit suspicious, as she knew that some of her guild mates had a small infatuation with her and didn’t like the idea of her going out with a member of another guild, not to mention a wizard saint who they considered to be a ‘playboy out to hurt our dear Sephiria in the worst ways’. No matter what the dragon slayer had said to them, they didn’t want to believe that she was indeed in love with the shadow dragon slayer, instead wanting to hurt him and prove that they were worthy of her love. Sephiria mentally questioned why she managed to attract people when she didn’t try anything, but just chalked it up to her bad luck. Nightwing decided that instead of dealing with Ayeseru and any ‘rapscallion’ he might end up running into, he would instead take a nap in Sephiria’s jacket, which held a secret compartment for anything she might not want to carry or her bird friend whenever he decided to sleep. Pulling out her bracelet that she almost forgot to put on, he easily fit inside the pocket and decided that fast sleep was the best sleep. Sephiria chuckled and moved out of the bathroom, heading towards the guild doors.

    Opening them immediately, her face turned into a happy one at seeing her boyfriend standing there. Sephiria flung herself at him, immediately latching onto him and giving him a huge kiss that had many a male in her guild hall groaning in defeat at. Sephiria pulled back from kissing Ayeseru and gave him a huge smile, one that was especially kept for him since he was her boyfriend. “Ayeseru~. I missed you.” She told him honestly, and there was no keeping that point from being obvious. They were in different guilds, and they each had different homes. For now at least, Sephiria and Ayeseru would only be able to see each other so often. That thought brought the slayer’s attention back to the job at hand, and she let go of her boyfriend in order to pull a job form out of her pocket, which she gave to Ayeseru.

    “The reason I had you join me here instead of anywhere else is because of where this is located.” Sephiria stated rather seriously, pointing to the words ‘Mystic Tower’ on the sheet. “The location is actually not too far away from my guild, and I have indeed seen someone going in that direction recently. We can take this job down no problem if we focus…….uh……” Sephiria tapered off as she noticed the animal that was next to her boyfriend. Politely waving at it, she turned back to Ayeseru and asked the question. “Ayeseru…...who is that wonderful animal next to you?” She asked, wanting to know why there was suddenly a huge wolf like creature next to her boyfriend. The wizard saint hadn’t mentioned it before, and she would very much like to know if it was his. She very much adored the animal, and she wondered if the creature would like her if they got to know each other. Maybe it would, and then they could go and have wonderful adventures defeating many evildoers and saving the populace time and time again.

    Or maybe it would hate her…..

    Sephiria shook her head and smiled at her boyfriend again. “Well, I think we should get ready to get moving soon. Who knows how much time we have before they start the process, and if we fail then who would be able to stop this madman?” Sephiria smirked as she thought about someone like Kyll, or even her guild mate Akryn managing to defeat this Ryu character. It would be an interesting sight to say the least, and she knew that it probably would never happen.

    Sephiria adjusted her blade and checked her pocket one last time to make sure Nightwing was safe and secure. Nodding, the poison dragon slayer stretched out her limbs before setting in a running stance. “Whenever you want to go Ayeseru~.” She said in a sing-song voice, one that was actually melodical even though she wasn’t trying.

    Or was she?


    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Tumblr_minephQ2G81r37arko2_500
    Sephiria's Themes:
    Samus Aran
    Samus Aran

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Almighty
    Position : None
    Posts : 1549
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Morgana (Demon Slayer) Jyuubei (Swordsmanship)
    Experience : 80,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Empty Re: Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Post by Samus Aran 29th May 2014, 5:42 pm

    Sephiria bit back a hearty chuckle when Ayeseru mentioned he didn’t know where he was going. It wasn’t impossible to believe, since he didn’t live around the area. But she at least thought he would have done a little bit of homework when it came to the area around her guild hall. It wasn’t ultimately THAT far away, but she could accept his faults. Sighing in a light and semi-energetic sort of way, Sephiria moved out of her running stance and started stretching again. Her enhanced hearing managed to pick up on the chuckles and bad mouthing of Ayeseru that was being done by her guild mates, and she turned her head to give them a deadly glare. If men hadn’t pissed themselves from that one single look alone, then many almost died of a heart attack at least. Sephiria wasn’t just one of the most well desired members of Eclipse Soul, she had trained her ass off in order to become one of the strongest. And it paid off, as she was currently the only A-ranked mage in the entire guild. But she was aiming to be as strong as her boyfriend one day, and her current strength would probably crush many of the members. That being said, they backed down and shut their mouths like good little boys, lest they incur the wrath of the poison dragon slayer and have to be sent to the infirmary with multiple broken bones. The last poor fool who dared even touch Sephiria inappropriately nearly got himself killed, as he was left in the infirmary for over a month. No one wanted to know what she would do to defend the honor of her boyfriend, lest they end up six feet under with no one to tell their future tales of heroism and wisdom.

    Yeah…..what a shame that would be.

    Sephiria turned back to Ayeseru with a large smile on her face. “Do not fret Ayeseru. The Mystic Tower is not too far, and I know the general direction. Just follow my lead and we shall be there before even you know it.” Sephiria spoke with a confident grin on her face, pointing at herself with her thumb for emphasis on the situation. Many of her guild members cheered for her and started chanting her name in the background, which made a small sweatdrop appear on the back of her head and a tic mark to appear on the front. A dark aura began to engulf around the poison dragon slayer, making her appearance all the more menacing. Turning around, Sephiria smiled sickeningly sweetly at all of her guild mates, who began to sweat and try to pretend that they were doing something else to occupy their time. “If any of you ever do that again, I will make sure that it will require specifically Kyll’s magic to heal you. And I am not joking, I will hurt you badly. Do you understand that?” In a sense of fear, all of the males began to nod their head rapidly. Sephiria’s dark aura vanished while the smile grew to be less sweet. “Good! Now I shall be off, don’t do anything to hurt Master Zeno’s reputation. Or I won’t be happy~!” Sephiria threatened them at the end, making them all go pale with fear. Sephiria set herself back in her running stance and looked at Ayeseru once more. “Alright sweetie, let us take this nice and easy. We’ll be going at a semi sedate pace, but it should be fast enough to get us there quickly. Be sure to follow me closely, otherwise you might end up lost here.” Sephiria informed him, as she did indeed know the dangers of getting lost in the Phoenix Mountains. Fighting a giant squid brought the true dangers into perspective, and thats what she did indeed. Ayeseru was definitely strong, but they did not want to waste time fighting off lower leveled beasts when the real threat would be fresh and ready to go. Sephiria was the weaker one here, for now at least, and that meant she would have to work the hardest.

    Well she didn’t get this far without working her ass off.

    Sephiria crouched lower and checked her stuff one last time to make sure everything was tightly strapped on, before looking at Ayeseru one last time. “Remember, stay behind me.” And just like that, the poison dragon slayer shot off like a rocket, the cries of ‘Goodbye’ from her guild mates being the last thing she heard from them. Sephiria liked to think she was fast, but she knew that Ayeseru was just as fast if not faster. So the shadow dragon slayer would be able to catch up, and if not then she would obviously slow down so that he could.

    While running, Sephiria looked to the sky and let the wind blow on her face and through her hair. It was times like these she felt the most free and the most open with herself. No one could stop her, no one could make her abide by any rules. Nature wasn’t as judgemental as people were, which meant that nothing would ever challenge what she did without excellent reason. Sephiria took a deep breath of air while running, and started laughing like a little schoolgirl. While she might have seemed a little bit off, she was just having as much fun as she possibly could. Sephiria didn’t really mind if Ayeseru thought she was a little loopy, since she was, but he had to respect that she was also the only one who knew exactly where the tower was. Sephiria kept giggling, but her mind was working at a rapid pace.

    ‘Okay. Some of them will be guarding outside of the actual place. Knowing how it was laid out, I expect a main baddie might be at the top of the tower. If they bring Ryu back it'll be a hard fight, but in the end I expect him to be no match for Ayeseru and I. This should be smooth, as long as we play it right.’

    Grinning while laughing, Sephiria continued onwards.


    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Tumblr_minephQ2G81r37arko2_500
    Sephiria's Themes:
    Samus Aran
    Samus Aran

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Almighty
    Position : None
    Posts : 1549
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Morgana (Demon Slayer) Jyuubei (Swordsmanship)
    Experience : 80,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Empty Re: Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Post by Samus Aran 30th May 2014, 10:08 am

    Sephiria smiled as she continued to run through the Phoenix Mountains at a nicely sedate pace for how fast she truly could run. It would take some time, especially through the small forest like part of this path that held very thick trees within it. That part was especially hard to navigate while running, so Sephiria mentally hoped that Ayeseru would be able to tree hop like she was at a reasonable speed, otherwise he may get left behind. The dragon slayer looked behind her to notice, for the first time with her eyes widening a bit in shock, that her boyfriend had not followed her yet! Instead, running behind at the same pace she was running at was his companion Peterus. The Karasu Kenshi wondered what the shadow dragon slayer could have been doing, but knew that he could easily catch up with the slower rate she was running. Smiling at the wolf, she turned her head and continued onwards with a determined smirk on her face.

    While running, her blade started to glow briefly, being noticeable to Sephiria even while she ran. Her connection with the odachi had been shown briefly in the previous job she and Ayeseru had, being that she usually still fought hand to hand unless the situation precisely required her swordsmanship abilities. It shined so to get her attention, before a deep voice came out of the blade. “Will you require usage of me on this mission, young Noir?” It asked her calmly, just like every other time it asked or said something to her. The blade’s monotone was kind of creepy at times, but it was a blade that hadn’t been prepared with any emotion by its creator. So Sephiria ignored the chilling feeling she had running up her spine and answered the blade honestly. “I shall require your assistance at some point. These are stronger enemies than I have ever faced before, so we shall most definitely require THAT move.” Sephiria spoke to the blade, which hummed loudly in acceptance. “Alright. But do be careful, as I am useless against a speedy opponent. Just try to take out larger groups with me, and open a path for your boyfriend.” Sephiria nodded, still running at high speeds.

    Suddenly, Ayeseru came into her vision, which made the poison dragon slayer smile brightly. “Hello to yourself handsome.” Sephiria slightly sweatdropped at the story he told of why he hadn’t followed her immediately, but figured that whatever it was didn’t need her immediate attention. Ayeseru was a grown man after all, and he deserved to do things without being judged for it. Sephiria had friends on all sides of the spectrum, so she knew this very well.

    “If we continue at this pace, we should get there soon. It isn’t that far, and the only thing in between us and them will just be a very thick and nasty forest. We may have to jump from tree to tree to get there, so I hope you can tree hop.” Sephiria finished with a small grin directed at her boyfriend, before the said forest of trees came into her view. As she had said, the forest was very thick and was definitely not the safest thing to run through on the ground. So Sephiria jumped into the air and landed on a branch, before jumping off and starting to run on the branches of the trees in order to get further. Her style was elegant and held little mistakes, save for one time she nearly slipped. That didn’t stop her momentum though and she continued using the skills she had learned as a young child in order to advance. A smile was present on her face, showing the absolute joy she felt at being able to tree hop again. It was something she longed to do, but never had a real appropriate time to do so.

    Now was an appropriate time if any to use her ninja-esque skills at running on trees.

    Sephiria started to see the opening between the trees, and ran a bit faster in order to try and get to the exit as fast as her legs could carry her. Her heartbeat began racing, as she knew that showtime was only so close. This meant that her chance to beat up a lot of enemies was nearing, and her dragon blood was boiling with excitement with the chance to actually fight another slayer. This one being fire, which was a weakness of hers, but she was certain that she could still overpower him if she played her cards right. Ayeseru was also there, and she knew for a fact that he would back her up. Sephiria smiled broadly as she lept out of the forest and back into a clearing.

    Noticing the giant Mystic Tower ahead of her, Sephiria stopped running and took the time to scout around. She couldn’t exactly see anyone outside, but then again she was really only able to see a certain amount of the Tower. They could have been all on the other side waiting for anyone to attempt to attack them, and ambush the crap out of her. This really needed a plan of attack, and the poison dragon slayer didn’t exactly know how to move forward.

    “Your boyfriend is quite capable of taking out any smaller ambush parties. We should try to enter the tower as quickly as possible young Noir, as no one knows how long we have before Ryu is released. This could all be a failed attempt by us, we just need to make sure.” No matter how much she could attempt to deny it, her blade was actually right. This could all be for naught, and they could be ultimately screwed in the end. However, she wasn’t going to quit just because of a ‘maybe’. She needed more concrete evidence, and even then she was going to fight until she couldn’t fight anymore.

    “Hai nii-san. I think this shall be one of the biggest tests I ever faced.” In a show of how serious she was, Sephiria’s own voice was monotone. This was something she picked up on how to do from her blade, and it was useful for telling everyone how serious the situation was. This was indeed the most serious situation they could be in, and only fate knew what awaited them in the tower.


    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Tumblr_minephQ2G81r37arko2_500
    Sephiria's Themes:
    Samus Aran
    Samus Aran

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Almighty
    Position : None
    Posts : 1549
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Morgana (Demon Slayer) Jyuubei (Swordsmanship)
    Experience : 80,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Empty Re: Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Post by Samus Aran 30th May 2014, 1:52 pm

    Sephiria once again was focused listening to Ayeseru after he exited the forest and landed in front of her. The poison dragon slayer nodded along to what he said, knowing that it would definitely be no easy feat to defeat all of the ninjas that would be there, but they never said doing the right thing was ever easy. Sephiria tried to think for a moment about the amount of ninjas Ayeseru told her was guarding the entrance. ‘About ten or fifteen huh….That doesn’t leave much to the imagination of how many are inside of the tower. Should have guessed, they wouldn’t bring the entire army out to just guard the front entrance. But how to handle these guys without using up too much time is the issue. Maybe one of my more powerful spells? No, that leaves too much in the way of residue for me to even think about it. Ayeseru and Peterus could get caught in the aftermath, and I don’t want to even think about what could possibly happen to either of them if they are unfortunate enough to be in the range of the residue. Hmm.’ Sephiria tried to think of a plan of attack that wouldn’t require the use of her more dangerous attacks, but couldn’t think of anything that wouldn’t take up too much time. Her face set into a frustrated look, and she was about to start beating her head repeatedly in order to force the answer out.

    Although that would probably work about as well as trying to stop Nightwing from ranting by feeding his ego. Which was not at all.

    Suddenly, the Karasu Kenshi felt her boyfriend wrap his arms around her waist, and lean his forehead on hers. All of her worries suddenly vanished, and her frustrated face was replaced with one of content. Sephiria wrapped her arms around the wizard saint’s neck and leaned up to give him a kiss. Her confidence in how the mission would go increased dramatically, just knowing that he is going to be there with her all the way made Sephiria’s worries start to ease without any problem. No one could ever have her back like Ayeseru would, and that only made her feel that much better about having him as a job partner. Sephiria moved back from the kiss and kept their foreheads touching.

    “I’m ready. Ready to show these ninjas what a true warrior is like.” Sephiria stepped out of their embrace, and touched her blade. “I’m going to take as many out as I can instantly. This shouldn’t take too long, and we should be able to enter the tower fairly quickly.” Sephiria tapped her chest pocket, which told Nightwing the fighting was about to begin. He floated out of her pocket and soared high into the sky, going to scout the area out in case of ambushes. Sephiria smiled and turned back to Ayeseru. “Well. Let’s hope that this works well. Otherwise this won’t really help us in the long run.” Sephiria’s body then turned into a flock of ravens, ones that shot towards their targets near the entrance of the tower. The time for planning and waiting around was most definitely over, and this was no longer a child’s mission.

    It was go time, and for the adults to start playing in their own way.

    Sephiria reformed in a small patch of trees away from the view of the ninjas, but close enough where her spell would be able to take out a good chunk of them. From where she stood, she could easily count fifteen enemies, the higher number that Ayeseru had guessed. This was still no problem for her, as they were fairly packed together and only a few standing outside of the range of her attack. The poison dragon slayer smirked, and pulled out her blade. Lifting it high above her head, she took one step back. In the split second before she spoke the name of the spell, Sephiria thought about how bloodthirsty she might become during this mission. Smirking, she knew exactly how much.


    “Hakai no Nami” The words were like a whisper, yet held strength behind them unlike any others. Sephiria performed a downwards strike, and a large wave of purple energy shot towards the unsuspecting ninjas. When they finally did notice the wave of energy nearing them, it was almost too late to do anything about it as only a couple managed to get out of the range of the wave. It connected with a few unfortunate souls, and then exploded around to encompass all of the poor fellows who were still in the radius of the spell. Leaving behind a small fog residue, Sephiria managed to notice that about three or four grunts were left, but none of them were able to really stand on their feet. Taking that as a cue to go, she shot towards them and socked one in the face with her foot really hard. The poor man flew into the building’s wall at high speeds, and left a nice dent where he had hit. The poison dragon slayer did not stop there however, and instead twisted herself to punch another unfortunate soul into the ground. He was out before he had even hit the ground, and Sephiria knew it. She just liked causing extreme hurt was all.

    And that wasn’t a bad thing was it?

    With only two left, Sephiria resheathed her blade and charged at them. The ninjas thought about using a fire spell, but by the time they were about to she was already upon them. Sephiria grabbed both of them by the face and took one step forward, and reminiscent of a young girl she had seen fight years ago, slammed the back of their skulls into the ground with extreme force. The men flopped down without much resistance, and were extremely quiet. The entire front guard hadn’t been extremely hard for Sephiria to take out, but then again they weren’t the ones she was focused on. Looking at the entrance, she flexed her shoulders in order to fully get out any kinks.

    She didn’t want to tear a muscle or something while fighting.

    Status Report
    MP: 105%
    HP: 100%

    Weapon Spells:
    Hakai no Nami: 5 post cooldown


    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Tumblr_minephQ2G81r37arko2_500
    Sephiria's Themes:
    Samus Aran
    Samus Aran

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Almighty
    Position : None
    Posts : 1549
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Morgana (Demon Slayer) Jyuubei (Swordsmanship)
    Experience : 80,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Empty Re: Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Post by Samus Aran 30th May 2014, 4:41 pm

    Sephiria noted that Peterus had followed her instead of the shadow dragon slayer, and turned to face the wolf. She knelt down towards him and rubbed his head, trying to show a little appreciation for him coming to her aid even if she didn’t need it. Sephiria wondered if Ayeseru had already ran inside to deal with the few on the interior, which he most likely had since she heard the tell tale sounds of cheering. Sephiria sighed and rubbed her neck a few times before standing up again, taking a small breather to assess the situation and what she had learned from it.

    She already knew that Hakai no Nami was a very dangerous spell, and for good reason since the first time she had seen it in action it nearly took out an entire block of buildings from the residue damage alone. But it also left the blade extremely brittle, meaning that she would have to be careful while using it in the future now since it would break if hit with enough force. But the attack had did its job, and Sephiria was certain that she would be able to do it again if the time came. The Karasu Kenshi smirked to herself as she thought about how useful the spell would be in a fight. No one would want to stay away for too long, and when it came to a close range fight Sephiria was definitely one of the better taught fighters. And there was no better way to test your skill than in a hand to hand, close quarters combat fight that left it all on the line.

    Sephiria could just feel the crushed skulls of her enemies already.

    Suddenly, the poison dragon slayer heard her boyfriend calling out to come in. Taking that as the sign of him having taken out the enemies on the immediate interior, she signaled Peterus to follow her as she ran inside. That call was sure to attract many of the ninjas on the inside, and that meant they had little time to sit around and wait for something to happen. Once she got inside, Sephiria immediately went towards Ayeseru and gave him a peck on the cheek. Nightwing flew inside also, but stayed a good distance away from everyone else as he knew that they were the fighters and he was the support. It was rather spacious though, so there was little problem for him to find a spot to hide and watch the carnage ensue. And it was with perfect timing that the raven had managed to find a spot, because twenty-five more ninjas appeared and noted their down comrades before they spotted the two slayers and the wolf. Obviously making the connections, they started to charge at the trio.

    Sephiria immediately created eight senbon in each of her hands and tossed them at the charging ninjas, hitting eight of them and making the others stop. With her Poison Senbon successful, Sephiria launched herself at a group of them, four of which had been unlucky enough to have been caught with senbon. Counting ten enemies for herself, Sephiria smirked as she left the majority for Peterus and Ayeseru to handle while she took a small group for herself. The ninjas shot fireballs at her, obviously attempting to hit her with them and take the advantage back. But the poison slayer was having none of it, and immediately slammed her foot into the face of one of the ninjas and sent him careening back. He hit another ninja and the two flew back into a wall, unconscious and no longer a problem for Sephiria. The Karasu Kenshi then turned on her heel and delivered a severe kick to the side of another one’s skull, making him crumple upon himself in a heap. Sephiria would have taken the time to chuckle, but she had seven other fire ninjas to deal with. They each shot a fireball simultaneously at her, forcing her to speed out of the way. Sephiria knew exactly what she had to do in order to even out the playing field, and would do so if only to make all of the ninja’s pale at what she could do.

    Lifting her eyepatch up, Sephiria began seeing everything in slow motion. The ninjas were going to attempt another simultaneous fireball, but she saw it coming from a mile away. The Karasu Kenshi rushed immediately, kicking one in the jaw extremely hard, so hard she thought she heard the man’s poor jaw shatter. He flew to the side, and skidded to a stop as he entered lala land with his fellow ninjas. Sephiria then jumped at another, grabbing him by the throat extremely hard. He silently begged for mercy, but the only response he got was Sephiria’s red eye glowing darkly and her lifting him into the sky, before slamming him down with enough force to shake the ground slightly. With only five remaining, Sephiria put her eyepatch back down for the moment.

    The other fire ninjas in the group she was fighting began to regroup, but it was all for naught as she ran up to one and kneed him in the nose. Her leg carried him downwards and they hit the ground, knocking the man out cold while the poison dragon slayer rolled back onto her feet. Sephiria was having real fun now, and there was really nothing to stop her from doing what she wanted. Two of the remaining four ninjas attempted to catch her from behind, but one spinning backfist took care of them both and probably crushed their skulls as they hit the nearest wall. The last two ninjas didn’t know what to do at this point, so they just blindly charged the poison dragon slayer hoping she would let her guard down in an act of mercy or something of the sort. However, Sephiria did not and instead rushed at them as well, extending both of her arms out to lariat the poor bastards. They hit the ground still conscious, which was a mistake they wouldn't repeat ever again as Sephiria slammed her heel upon the face of one, and then rolled over and punched the last one’s lights out completely. The poison dragon slayer kick flipped her way back onto her feet, and sighed as she looked at the carnage she caused. She scratched the back of her head, slightly feeling regret for brutally injuring each of the men.

    “Well….they kinda did ask for it.”

    Status Report:
    MP: 100%
    HP: 100%

    Poison Senbon: 2 post cooldown

    Weapon Spells:
    Hakai no Nami: 4 post cooldown


    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Tumblr_minephQ2G81r37arko2_500
    Sephiria's Themes:
    Samus Aran
    Samus Aran

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Almighty
    Position : None
    Posts : 1549
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Morgana (Demon Slayer) Jyuubei (Swordsmanship)
    Experience : 80,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Empty Re: Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Post by Samus Aran 31st May 2014, 5:28 am

    Sephiria began to stretch out her arms and legs again, making sure she was fully ready for whatever occurred the further they went upwards in the tower. This was only a precaution, since she really did not want to fall at the wrong moment and give her opponent an opening to hit her. That was the silliest mistake that anyone could ever make, and she really did not want to end up as a hostage for them to use against Ayeseru in some sick and twisted cowardly move. Sephiria sighed as she thought about what they might have to face when they ascended the tower, ignoring the many painful screams and groans as Ayeseru disposed of the many other ninjas that had attempted to attack the duo. Most likely, Hanzo would be a bit higher up trying to figure out the way to open the heptagon jar and release his great great grandfather Ryu. Sephiria made a mental note to knock him clean out before that could occur, and seeing as how they kept facing grunts it seemed that Hanzo had not been able to open it just yet. Sephiria would make sure the jar was left closed and perfectly preserved, so that he was unable to succeed and to prevent future major villain wannabes from attempting the same thing.

    Sephiria heard one final thud, signaling that her boyfriend had been indeed finished with the ninjas he had engaged. The shadow dragon slayer walked over and gave her a kiss, one she reciprocated with as much passion as she possibly could. When he broke the kiss she was slightly upset, but it quickly was washed away once he accidentally reminded her of the real reason they were here. “Yes. There shall be a lot more once we ascend, so I don’t want to get caught waiting around for them all to ambush us.” Sephiria began to walk towards the staircase, before stopping in her tracks and taking a moment to think. “Nightwing.” Said raven cawed to signal that he had indeed heard the poison dragon slayer. “Look at the ceiling of this floor.” Pointing up without looking back, the Karasu Kenshi didn’t even need to wonder if her companion had did so, rather closing her eyes in order to utilize a vision spell she hadn’t used too often before. “Eye of the death bird.”

    Suddenly, Nightwing’s eyes began to glow a dark purple. The bird was now the eyes of the poison dragon slayer as she looked up at the number of opponents, and the apparent ambush they were attempting once the slayers had made it up the stairs. The poison dragon slayer counted twenty of them, a few being more elite ninjas and the rest regular grunts that had no earthly business even attempting to fight the former rising star and wizard saint. Sephiria sighed and cracked her knuckles, opening her eyes once again so that she saw from her own point of view instead. “Thank you Nightwing.” She stated, before looking over her shoulder at her boyfriend once more. “There will be about twenty of them. I count about six more elitist ninjas, but the rest shouldn’t be too hard to take down without any trouble. I shall take ten, and you can take about ten of them.” Sephiria stated boldly, before looking up at the ceiling again. “They prepared a small ambush for anyone foolish enough to just boldly climb up the staircase.” Sephiria smirked and placed a hand on the hilt of her odachi. “Which is why they’ll be shocked to find out that they aren’t exactly right nor wrong.” Sephiria finished, before her body burst into a flock of ravens that sped up the staircase.

    The many ninjas who had been preparing a joint fireball attack were completely befuddled when instead of two dragon slayers, a flock of seemingly harmless ravens had ascended the staircase. The elites narrowed their eyes at the flock, and rightly so when they all converged on a position behind the group of ninjas. Forming together, the ravens combined once again into Sephiria, who was wearing a smirk on her face. The ninjas gasped in shock at her ability, and in that moment of confusion the poison dragon slayer had the one chance she needed to get the jump on them.

    Sephiria rushed at them again, and this time grabbed an unfortunate soul by his left leg. The man screamed in terror as she used him as a blunt weapon, cracking his skull against one of his friends. They both passed out from the sheer pain, and Sephiria threw the man at the group, forcing the remaining ninjas to separate into two different groups. She counted ten on one side and eight on the other, meaning that she should take the smaller number since she had already defeated two of them. Jumping towards the group, she shoved both of her feet on the face of one of the ninjas, an unsuspecting female who had her skull crushed so hard into the floor she actually made a hole in it. The woman was clearly out, and her head could be seen sticking out the ceiling of the floor below. The other seven ninjas were quite pissed, and threw multiple flaming weapons at the poison dragon slayer. However, she had nimbly dodged most of them, the only damage she ended up taking being a random shuriken that had managed to nick her face. The poison dragon slayer took one of them by the face and simply applied the necessary pressure, crushing his skull and forcing him to pass out from the sheer pain. She chucked his body into one of a rushing ninja, sending them into the ground hard. She then jumped into the air and landed on both of them, knocking out the conscious one and possibly breaking the spine of the unconscious one.

    With only five remaining, about two of them being elites, they all shot a fireball spell at the poison dragon slayer and their downed comrades. Sephiria managed to get the three out of the way of the blast, and ended up using the downed bodies as a diversion so that the other ninjas would be distracted. Throwing them towards the left of the smoke, the group didn’t notice Sephiria quickly moving in the other direction to sneak up from behind. When two did, it was too late because she had clanged their heads together in a sickening way, crumpling them both to the ground. Sephiria caught the elite ninja who next turned with a reverse heel kick, forcing the poor woman on the ground in pain and near unconsciousness. The poison dragon slayer left her there, and charged the remaining two ninjas. They each tried to defend themselves, but Sephiria just socked the weaker one in the face to put him to sleep before striking the elite in the throat to force her breathing to slow. While the woman was choking in an attempt to get more air, Sephiria climbed on her shoulders and smiled devilishly at what she was going to do. Jumping as high as she could, Sephiria body splashed the downed elite she had nearly knocked out so hard that the woman’s body went through the ceiling and hit the ground below with a sickening crack. Sephiria managed to hang on, and climb back up through the hole that she had inadvertently created. The poison dragon slayer then lifted her right sleeve so that her elbow was showing, and used that as a sort of battering ram to knock out the remaining elite.

    Noticing the chaos she had caused with her strikes, Sephiria smiled. “Excellent. And in record time if I say so myself.”

    Status Report:
    MP: 100%
    HP: 98%

    Poison Senbon: 1 post cooldown

    Weapon Spells:
    Hakai No Nami: 3 post cooldown

    Bod do faal Ruuvak: 2 post duration

    Pet Spells:
    Eye of the death bird: 3 post duration

    Last edited by Sephiria on 31st May 2014, 6:50 am; edited 2 times in total


    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Tumblr_minephQ2G81r37arko2_500
    Sephiria's Themes:

    Posts : 23956
    Mentor : Admin

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    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Empty Re: Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Post by NPC 31st May 2014, 6:28 am

    The member 'Chaotic Rumble' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) StrongMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) StrongMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) StrongMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster
    Samus Aran
    Samus Aran

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Almighty
    Position : None
    Posts : 1549
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Morgana (Demon Slayer) Jyuubei (Swordsmanship)
    Experience : 80,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Empty Re: Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Post by Samus Aran 31st May 2014, 7:48 pm

    Sephiria sniffed a bit as she watched Ayeseru take out many of his opponents with relative ease. She knew that she was just plain brutal without caring, but her boyfriend was just showing off now. He was having fun however, so the poison dragon slayer wouldn’t bitch about it. Instead, she rubbed her cheek and noticed the small scratch that was on her face. ‘Aw damn it! I hate it when someone hits me in the face and ruins my beautifulness. Oh well, I don't think Ayeseru would mind much, not to mention this wont scar.’ Sephiria sighed while her boyfriend continued to destroy their enemies. It was hilarious that two differing personalities managed to make such a cute couple when together. Sephiria, the cold hearted champion of the people, the voice of the voiceless, hater of the magic council but respected by them. And Ayeseru, Wizard Saint, golden boy of the legal guilds who would risk his life to save people who didn’t truly deserve it. Yet they loved each other like any other couple would.

    Truly a love story only believable if you saw them interacting with each other daily.

    Sephiria saw Ayeseru signal her to go upstairs, which meant that it was time to continue onwards. The poison slayer opened her mouth and began to softly sing, which was her way of telling Nightwing it was time to go. The bird flapped up through the hole she had created earlier, and looked upwards again while Ayeseru had rushed up the stairs. Sephiria used her Eye of the Death Bird ability once more, and noticed that there were twenty-five more ninjas sitting around…….eating. Sephiria’s jaw nearly dropped on itself, because it was literally impossible for them to have not heard or felt any of that commotion. Either they were loud, which was impossible because then the dragon slayer duo would have heard them from a mile away due to how quiet the entire area the tower was surrounded by was, or they were totally oblivious. Sephiria was putting her money on the latter, although she did question how someone could be that oblivious to the noises going on downstairs in the place they were guarding. It was like they had on earplugs and was just ignoring anything dangerous. Wasn’t it their job to destroy what was dangerous?

    “Any plans for getting in there Sephiria?” Nightwing asked, to which Sephiria placed a hand on her chin and thought for a moment. An idea formed in her head, to which she grinned evilly and started moving towards the center of the current room. Nightwing was confused, and voiced said confusion to the poison dragon slayer. “What in the blazes are you doing Sephiria?” The Karasu Kenshi chuckled, which made a shudder run down the raven’s spine. He didn’t like that chuckle, it was the chuckle of someone who had evil plans for people. A glint of mischief ran through Sephiria’s visible eye, and she looked upwards at the ceiling.

    “Saying hello in my own way.” Sephiria relaxed both of her arms at her sides with her palms facing in towards her legs. This confused Nightwing, as he had never seen her do anything of the sort like this before. She clenched both of her hands into tight fists; focusing her magic to coat them with a highly acidic poison, one that she had tested many a time on the poor training dummies in her guild’s training area.She then focused all the poison into the tips of her fingers, smirking dangerously as she aimed her next attack at the ceiling.Once this has been done, Sephiria thrusted her arms upwards, .calling out the name of the spell so that everyone knew exactly what was coming.

    “Poison Dragon’s Shotgun!”

    The shotgun-like firing sound echoed throughout the area, and the spell collided with the ceiling, forcing it to collapse underneath the unsuspecting and very much surprised ninjas. They fell to the bottom floor, knocking out quite a few but leaving about six conscious. Nine others had landed so awkwardly that Sephiria barely managed to hold in her giggles from the sight. She sighed and got back into a fighting position however, charging directly at the remaining ones who were trying to get up on their feet.

    Sephiria immediately used her elbow once again, this time against the back of a ninja’s skull while he tried to get up. This immediately had the poor man out cold, not able to to even warn his friends of what had hit him. Sephiria used his unconscious body as a projectile, lifting him up and launching him at two of his friends. They were knocked down easily, and the poison dragon slayer took advantage of their helpless state by launching herself into the sky again. At the speed she came down, it was a surprise that the two flame ninjas didn’t have pancakes for skull as Sephiria planted her feet directly in their skulls. With about three of the six down, Sephiria exhaled and turned around, barely avoiding a few flame shuriken aimed for her skull. The poison dragon slayer narrowed her eyes and ran towards the two ninjas responsible, taking the female by surprise when she leaned in close. The poor ninja blushed hard when Sephiria seductively pulled the girl’s mask down, apparently going to kiss her. The female ninja closed her eyes and waited, not even seeing her friend get kicked in his skull while she was puckering her lips. Sephiria shrugged, not really thinking and gave the gal a small peck on the lips as a gesture of kindness. But that was all the slayer needed, as the girl passed out from happiness. Sephiria simply shrugged, it was no big deal to her if the girl was out cold from a simple friendly gesture. The last ninja tried to sneak up on Sephiria, thinking the slayer was occupied mentally. But he didn’t get a chance to attack, as she hit him with a reverse heel kick. The man fell, and Sephiria delivered a few kicks to his chest in order to knock him out completely.

    Sephiria giggled at the scene before her once more, and simply sighed before looking at the giant hole she created.

    MP: 90%
    HP: 98%

    Shotgun: 5 post cooldown

    Weapon Spells:
    Hakai No Nami: 2 post cooldown
    Bod do fall Ruuvak: 4 post cooldown

    Pet Spells:
    Eye of the Death Bird: 2 post duration


    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Tumblr_minephQ2G81r37arko2_500
    Sephiria's Themes:

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    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Empty Re: Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Post by NPC 1st June 2014, 10:39 am

    The member 'Chaotic Rumble' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) StrongMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Boss Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) WeakMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) StrongMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) StrongMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) NormalMonster
    Samus Aran
    Samus Aran

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Almighty
    Position : None
    Posts : 1549
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Morgana (Demon Slayer) Jyuubei (Swordsmanship)
    Experience : 80,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Empty Re: Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Post by Samus Aran 2nd June 2014, 6:40 am

    Sephiria’s senses went haywire as soon as she noticed Peterus slowly stalking towards the downed ninja that she hadn’t knocked out with violence. The poison dragon slayer was about to go and stop the wolf, but she felt a dark chill go down her spine. The Karasu Kenshi had only felt such a chill go down her spine on a couple occasions, each when she had done something that her beloved sister had deemed wrong. Sephiria only knew fear at those moments, wanting nothing better than to run and hide in a self-made hole. Rose was terrifying when she was angered, and the woman had a terrible mean streak when she was angry. Sephiria had only felt pain during those moments, and no amount of apologizing from her sister would ever make it any better. This was giving the poison dragon slayer a flashback to those moments, and it didn’t feel good. The normally proud and tall standing woman was shaking terribly, and there was an obvious amount of sweat on her face. Her breathing was erratic, and the Karasu Kenshi nearly passed out from fear when she heard a dark voice, similar to Rose’s whenever she was angry at her, speaking in her ear.

    "Don't even let the THOUGHT of doing that ever cross your mind again, not to mention actually doing it. Understood?"

    Sephiria could only nod her head rapidly to the demand, feeling less like a strong and independent female dragon slayer and more like a meek, powerless subordinate. The poison dragon slayer wondered if she was going to die if she ever did what managed to piss off the voice like that again, and also who the voice belonged to. It sounded somewhat familiar, like she had heard it before and recently, yet also different. Sephiria was tempted to end her life so that she didn’t make the same mistake twice, but she was interrupted by Ayeseru yelling at Peterus to stop attacking the poor ninja girl in her unconscious state, saving her from a death that no one deserved. Sephiria shakily fell to the ground and ran a hand through her hair, trying to regain her composure for the moment. That was when the large wolf came up beside her and spoke in a low tone, quiet enough as to where the shadow dragon slayer was unable to hear yet loud enough so that Sephiria could get the message he was relaying. The poison dragon slayer nearly had a heart attack at the revelation that her beloved Ayeseru was in fact the voice, even if it was a different personality.

    ‘Ayeseru….that was him?!? Well if it was a separate personality it means…...that he could also care less for me and do whatever he wants. Would that mean he would hurt me? I-I can’t imagine what he would to me if this other persona got the chance to exert itself. I’m better off not doing anything to make Ayeseru mad. He’s strong enough as to where I wouldn’t be a challenge at all to him, and I don’t want to die just yet. I also should try to keep this a secret, I don’t want him thinking I’m afraid of him or anything.’ Sephiria’s mind was rolling at a rapid pace, and she nodded towards Peterus before standing up and dusting off her shorts. “I thank you, and I think I might have a clue as to what did it. I’ll be sure to keep it from ever happening again.” Sephiria lied slightly, as she didn’t know exactly what had caused the change in Ayeseru. But she would work to make sure that nothing happened to make him feel like that again.

    Any gods there might be help her if she failed.

    Sephiria was back on her feet by the time the next group of ninjas came out. However, one was dressed differently than the others, wearing a red suit rather than a black or navy blue one like the rest had. He was most definitely the leader, Hanzo, and he held a jar in his hands. Things were starting to look up for the dragon slayer duo, now their focus was off the earlier situation and onto the problem at hand. When Hanzo ordered his ninjas to attack they wasted no time in attacking them. It only occurred to Sephiria now that Nightwing had left during the bad feeling she got, but it didn’t matter at the moment. No, now it was time to take her frustration out on these ninjas so she could feel better.

    Sephiria immediately grabbed two of them by the face, and crushed the back of their skulls together with a sickening sound. The poison dragon slayer did not feel remorse for her actions, and instead continued to move forward to dropkick another ninja. Sephiria stood up quickly, and she delivered another reverse heel kick to an unsuspecting ninja, dropping him flat on the floor and out cold. The poison dragon slayer was starting to show more aggressive tendencies, grabbing one ninja by his clothing and using him as a sort of battering ram against three of his friends, knocking them down before she dropped him on them and started stomping on them violently. Her bloodlust started to show as a group of three ninjas tried to attack her while she was distracted, but Sephiria was three steps ahead of them and avoided the fireballs and sword slashes that became directed at her. She rammed her fist into the gut of one, forcing him to cough up blood before she used her elbow to the back of his head. This knocked him unconscious, and his two buddies swore to avenge him. That wouldn’t come to light at all however, as the poison dragon slayer used her head as a weapon against one, breaking his nose and forcing his partner to rethink his situation. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t get the chance to do so either as he felt a knife-like object crash into his throat, and he started to feel the blood pouring down his body while the life faded from his eyes. Sephiria grew a wicked smile on her face as she started looking at the remaining ninjas and Hanzo, her crazed bloodlust starting to show more as her mind tried to block out the fear she had now of Ayeseru.

    ‘Blood…..give me more blood!’


    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Tumblr_minephQ2G81r37arko2_500
    Sephiria's Themes:
    Samus Aran
    Samus Aran

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Almighty
    Position : None
    Posts : 1549
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Morgana (Demon Slayer) Jyuubei (Swordsmanship)
    Experience : 80,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Empty Re: Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Post by Samus Aran 3rd June 2014, 3:52 am

    Sephiria lifted her glove, taking a small peek at the blood before she used her tongue to lick it off. It was a sort of semi-seductive, yet psychotically enhanced lick that made many of the ninjas nearly piss themselves in fear at. Sephiria chuckled a bit demonically, as her eye shined underneath her eyepatch. It was a chilling sight to behold, as Sephiria tried to block out the inner fear from earlier and use it to her advantage as she became cold and bloodthirsty. These ninjas would have to pay the price for it, but she didn’t care. As long as she could get the threat of Ayeseru from out of her head, she would do anything necessary. Sephiria gave an evil grin, one that didn’t belong on her beautiful face, scarred or not.

    “Oh don’t fret boyos. You’ll be joining your friend real soon enough. I hope you all said the prayers you need to. Because…” The poison dragon slayer’s voice went low and her hair slightly covered her eye, the fear showing through but being well hidden underneath her hair. “You will all…..have to take the pain for me.” Sephiria had a magic circle appear in front of her, ready to take them all out with a spell she had wanted to save for later. This was probably a situation though where taking them all out peacefully was a better solution than letting herself run loose. This was the best possible outcome, and Sephiria knew that. At least, she continued to delude herself with that reasoning while she continued to charge up her spell. ‘This is for the best…...this is for the best...’

    And she almost started her spell, if it wasn’t for the person who grabbed her by surprise. She was going to scream out in terror, but a hand clamped over her mouth to prevent her from alerting anyone. It took a little while for the poison dragon slayer to figure out that the person who had moved her was in fact Ayeseru, but then the struggle changed from attempting to scream to keeping herself calm and not lashing out against him or trying to run. She was slightly thankful that her gloves hid the sweat from her palms, otherwise her boyfriend would have figured out that she was nervous being so close to him.

    ‘Is…..is he the Ayeseru I know? He must be…..he wouldn’t stop me from what I was doing otherwise. Ayeseru loves me too much to let me go back to killing mode unless it was absolutely necessary...’ Sephiria calmed and listened to her love, nodding often to let him know she was understanding of what he said and how concerned the shadow slayer was. The Karasu Kenshi knew her bloodlust was calming, and that was a good sign. Raising her bloodied glove up, she had to hold in a heavy sigh at the constant loss of control she had. It was due to her irrational fear of Ayeseru that had caused her to act out of control, and thus she had taken a life. Sure he wasn’t innocent, but she’d rather kill on her own terms, not the bloodlust that lived within her.

    Ayeseru continued talking, to which Sephiria silently knew exactly what he was getting at. His darker side, the one she was terrified of. The poison dragon slayer knew that he was already dangerous at the level of power and strength he was at, but adding on to that with complete bloodlust and the ability to make Peterus attempt to kill someone out of fear? Sephiria could only shudder to think what type of devastation he would cause upon any who had wronged him. And the fact that scared her was, she was afraid she was on that list of people. If that was the case, would she die in the onslaught he brought upon her? Or something much worse? Sephiria didn’t want to know. She didn’t know anymore..

    Right now, there was a red wearing ninja to take care of. His magic was apparently a version of Fire Dragon Slaying, so Sephiria knew that he couldn’t be taken lightly. She couldn’t rely on her magic to get her out of a pinch without planning, so all that was left was to fight him off and hope for the best. Sephiria was disgusted by the man known as Hanzo, and wanted nothing more than to pound his ugly mug into the dirt so that no one would ever have to be forced to look at it again. When he kicked his own subordinate in the face, she nearly reacted by going for his blood. However, she was stopped by her own boyfriend who hugged her and kissed her on the cheek, calming her immensely. The poison dragon slayer held onto Ayeseru and returned his kiss on the cheek, giving him a loving glance.

    “I love you too, Ayeseru.” She responded, before giving him a confident smirk. “Now let’s give this second-rate ninja a lesson about challenging real dragon slayers, huh?”

    With that said, Sephiria started to shift into her regular fighting stance. While she normally was a brawler at heart, she learned a new type of fighting style from masters in Midi. This style was called TaeKwonDo, and it used a lot of kicks. Sephiria hadn’t exactly mastered the art yet, but she was good enough to the point where she could take out many an opponent with her fighting skills. The ninja Hanzo was definitely a skilled fighter as well, but with Ayeseru helping her Sephiria knew that he wouldn’t be able to last long. They were a vicious team together, and could probably pull off the impossible if they wanted to.

    Probably. Everyone had their limits after all.

    Sephiria ran forwards at Hanzo, attempting a straight kick in order to set the ninja off his feet. She missed due his nimble dodging, which had a slight tint of arrogance to hit, but she managed to kick him in the chest with a return spin kick that had him reeling back slightly. Bouncing on the balls of her feet, Sephiria engaged Hanzo in a quick battle of hand to hand combat that neither were able to take the advantage in. It show testament to both of their skill levels if they were able to fight so elegantly and cleanly, thus when they broke and they continued to move around in a circle dance-like pattern it was to observe for any weak spots.

    Right now, neither had any. But that was to change in the future.

    Status Report:
    MP: 90%
    HP: 96%

    Shotgun: 3 post cooldown

    Weapon Spells:
    Bod do faal Ruuvak: 2 post cooldown

    Pet spells:
    Eye of the Death Bird: 6 post cooldown


    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Tumblr_minephQ2G81r37arko2_500
    Sephiria's Themes:
    Samus Aran
    Samus Aran

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 1- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Daughter of the Almighty
    Position : None
    Posts : 1549
    Guild : Eclipse Soul
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Morgana (Demon Slayer) Jyuubei (Swordsmanship)
    Experience : 80,050

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom Demon Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Empty Re: Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble)

    Post by Samus Aran 5th June 2014, 3:49 pm

    Sephiria immediately stopped circling around with Hanzo when her boyfriend came into view. Stepping away quickly, keeping a close eye on Hanzo as well, Sephiria sat back and waited for the two to begin their interaction with each other. Listening to Hanzo was definitely something she would never do again, as the man began a tirade that only pissed her off further. It took a great amount of willpower to not go over while he was distracted and sock him in the jaw, but somehow the poison dragon slayer managed it. She also managed to hold back from laughing at the offended look on the Fire Dragon Slayer’s face when he was denied so casually by Ayeseru. The slayer was immediately surprised when her boyfriend began chanting….and also when he summoned four demons to do his bidding! They seemed ready at a moments notice to attack Hanzo, and Sephiria was so stunned she nearly jumped when her boyfriend gathered her attention.

    “Wait. They will fight for me?” Sephiria asked, pointing at herself for a moment. A large grin spread across her face and she immediately switched back into her stance for a moment. Scales appeared all over her body, purple in color, and they wrapped around her to compliment her clothing and give her what appeared to be a half-mask to cover the bottom of her face and her newly elongated fangs. An aura of purple poison spread around her, and she started to walk closer to Hanzo and the demons. “Oh well. This shall be fun then.”

    Hanzo, noticing that Sephiria had gone into her Dragon Force mode, grit his teeth and activated his own. This kept him at a level above Sephiria, but that would not last for long as the dragon slayer threw her head back and laughed. “You think that this is the only thing to increase my strength? How foolish!” Sephiria’s eyes started to glow as a red aura started to mix with the purple one, creating a dangerous looking poison dragon slayer that no one would want to mess with on a normal day. Activating her more bloodthirsty side came its benefits if she did it right, so this was going to be ultimately fun for her to defeat this ninja. "You call yourself a dragon slayer? Pah. So foolish and utterly repulsive. We shall teach you a lesson. Oblivion, Destruction, Rage, Chaos.” While Hanzo grit his teeth again, the demons all turned their attention towards their second master. “Assist me in ending this….abomination.” The demons all nodded, before charging the lone ninja at once.

    Hanzo created a whip made of pure fire, slashing it at the demons, causing them to all back up away from him. He used the whip to strike at the group, but all of them managed to dodge his attacks in their own way. Sephiria took advantage of his distracted state to approach behind him and strike him in the back of the head with a knee, forcing him to stumble. The demons knew this was their chance, so each took their own opportunity to strike when they had it, landing blows on the ninja and forcing him to fly backwards. Landing in a heap, Hanzo struggled to get up but managed it with pure willpower and strength. Sephiria charged at him, but the fire dragon slayer ninja smirked and created a beam of fire magic from his index finger, which sped towards the poison slayer. She was unable to dodge it in time, and closed her eyes and crossed her arms to take the brunt of the damage. However, this was not to be, and when she heard an explosion in front of her she opened her good eye to see that Rage had taken the blast for her. She smiled behind her scaly mask, while Destruction and Chaos charged the fire ninja. He was hit twice again, and this time it staggered him incredibly. The Fire ninja used his roar on the two, but all that accomplished was creating a smoke screen for the poison dragon slayer to fly through and basically finish the fight by kneeing him directly in the forehead. Hanzo went down hard, but he still went down. The fire mage was able to get up, but only to throw one last tantrum.

    “No! This can’t be! I am Hanzo! I was supposed to rule this world! Not be defeated by some weakling girl and her puppets! This won’t do! Stupid jar! WHY DIDN’T YOU OPEN!” With the last of his strength, Hanzo threw the jar a mighty distance. It landed with a hard crack, and a very bright light started to shine through one of the cracks that had been created. While Hanzo had fallen unconscious, the light engulfed the room. It blinded the occupants, forcing them all to shield their eyes.

    When it ended, eight new figures now stood in the middle of the room. Seven variously colored ninjas surrounded one dressed in red. The seven in front were Sasuke Kabutops, Sarutobi Haunter, Pika Kibachu, Hatori Machamp, Izuna Ditto, Yuuko Raichu, and Yasu Starmi; The seven great ninja mages. Although they appeared to be under the control of the red ninja in the middle, who looked around at the downed ninjas from before coldly. This man was Ryu Charizard. He scoffed at all of the ninjas before wanting to speak, but before he could everyone noticed Sephiria shaking.

    “Ehehe…...hehehehehe…..hahaha..hahahaha….HAHAHAHA!” Sephiria threw her head back in laughter, covering her face with one of her hands. “Even while defeated the asshole can’t just lose can he? I just wanted to defeat one stupid fire dragon slaying ninja, and instead now I have to fight legends themselves! What a day!” Sephiria’s voice became slightly distorted and demonic, before she lowered her head and looked at Hatori with a cold glare. “You! Big guy! I’ll take you down first, then that little yellow bastard over there!” Pika bristled at the insult, but Hatori was already running towards Sephiria. The poison slayer motioned the demons away, which they did so reluctantly. The fighting mage slammed his fist across Sephiria’s face, making her stumble back slightly. However, she still stood and started to laugh.

    “Is that it? AHAHAHAHA! I’m very disappointed in you! I thought you were the muscle! Instead you’re just……….weak! I’ll show you a true attack, and how to take someone down.” At the end of her rant, Sephiria smashed her fist into Hatori’s gut, making the green clad ninja bend over in pain and hold his gut. Sephiria struck him in the face with her knee, forcing his head and body to bend back upwards. The slayer continued her assault, striking him multiple times with kicks, punches and elbows to various parts of his body. The fighter ninja was nearly done, and with her bloodlust at the max Sephiria headbutted him repeatedly into the ground, until his own head was stuck in the floor and he was out cold. The poison slayer got off him and laughed briefly, before she was struck in the back by lightning. Surprised, she didn’t manage to dodge the second blast that hit her either. Turning her head, she noticed a third coming from Pika, trying to avenge his comrade and get some payback for the insults from earlier. She did however dodge the third blast with fair ease, and gave him a look that spoke only one thing.

    “You’ve made a grave mistake.” Were the only words that Pika got as warning, before Sephiria rushed him at high speeds and slugged him across the face. It forced him across the room, which then led to Sephiria running after him and elbowing him into to floor. Sephiria then landed over him with an evil smirk, before her mask spread open to show her mouth. Sephiria inhaled, which puffed her cheeks lightly, and a magic circle appeared in front of her. She then spoke only two words which spelled doom for Pika.

    “Viidostdovah Rein.”

    The poison dragon slayer’s roar crashed into it’s target at high speeds, and caused him to break through the floor all the way to the bottom level and hit the ground there with a sickening thud. Sephiria did not let up until the spell was fully finished, and when she did she started laughing maniacally again. Turning towards the rest, she cocked her head to the side while her mask closed and spoke in a distorted tone, making it hard to tell if it was her voice anymore or not.

    “Who wants to play next~?”

    MP: Unlimited (Dragon Force Activated.)
    HP: 73%

    Viidostdovah Rein: 5 post cooldown
    Shotgun: 2 post cooldown

    Weapon Spells:
    Bod do faal Ruuvak: 1 post cooldown

    Pet Spells:
    Eye of the Death Bird: 5 post cooldown

    Activated Abilities:
    Dragon Force: 7 post duration, Adds on 100% strength and defense
    Glory of the Slayer: 6 post duration, adds on 50% strength + 10% for ever successful strike with it activated capping at 100%, currently 100%.


    Ninjas.....wars.....dragon slayers? Eh? (Ninja Wars: War for Kyoto Sephiria + ChaoticRumble) Tumblr_minephQ2G81r37arko2_500
    Sephiria's Themes:

      Current date/time is 18th October 2024, 11:15 am