by Godlike Frederik 3rd September 2014, 3:00 am
Season Finale
Once again an entire season has come to an end, and what a season it was. At first it looked like that Savage Skull was once again going to take the lead and win their second season in a row. However, because of the hard working people of Sabertooth and Eclipse Soul. Savage Skull is now kicked from their throne only to make place for a new grand winner.
I hope that once again you had fun taking part in this, however this isn't all about winning. It's about the fun you have while partaking in jobs with one another. The adventures you share and the relations you build up with each other. And I hope that you guys keep doing that in the future. Anyway congratulations to Sabertooth, Eclipse Soul and Savage Skull, we'll see you guys next season.
First Place
Sabertooth - 1637.5
Second Place
Eclipse Soul - 1050
Third Place
Savage Skull - 835,5
Following guilds
Blue Pegasus - 450
Lamia Scale - 347,5
Fairy Tail - 225
Tartarus - 100
Rune Knights - 50
Nox Animus -