by Chaotic Rumble 25th April 2014, 7:21 am
I partially agree.
What I agree with is - yes, secondary magics are often overpriced. I personally would be fine with the costs, as long as we had access to more spell slots, problem is we don't. So, this can be handled by:
A) Increasing the jewel reward given by jobs.
B) Lowering the prices greatly.
C) Giving us more options, A.K.A more spell slots.
However, what I also agree with is an alternative way of gaining it; not everyone is going to be able to afford secondary magic, no matter how you split it. We should have a way to train for the magic, since, essentially, the way it is now, one night, you go to sleep, the next day it's like "Oh crap, I can do this now?! Awesome!" Let's be honest, that's not too realistic, is it?
So, yeah, I do think a way that we could potentially gain secondary magic is by hosting a training thread, similar to what Zenneth suggested, where there's a minimum word count to all magic, and it'll increase according to how power/complex the magic can get. This, of course, will be judged by admins and mods. Sadly a lot of the current staff is inactive, so it might take time till this is added in if at all.
What I DON'T agree with, however, is making them completely free. Everyone gets to roam with secondary magic without having to do anything for it; unfair to those who have purchased it previously or have gotten it through similar means.
On a side note, completely changing your primary magic only costs 50k. That is not a lot for these days, and the magic is by FAR better than secondary magic no matter HOW you split it. Something to take into account.
I feel as though I'm forgetting a ton of things, but they're not coming to mind, so I'll just stick with this for now.