Team Recruitment
Team Recruitment is a section for players to advertise their team to the public showing players what their team has to offer whether it be incredibly active. or is well known for having a strong team, etc.
You can link your Team Headquarters thread in your thread to bring them to maybe information on what the team has to offer, who are the members oft he team, etc.
-Do not make fun of other teams in any way, shape, or form
-There should be no requirements in your recruitment thread, you do however have the power to accept or decline members
-An active member of the team has to approve or decline applications of players who want to apply to your team
-All application forms you want on your recruitment thread needs to be self created as do everything else in your recruitment thread
-Do not advertise your team by saying you're going to help players earn a lot of dungeon tokens. Teams are not meant for farming tokens, they are for teamwork experience.