In order to have storylines and character development work out nicely, we have to establish a clear usage of time.
Here, we are using personal timelines. You are able to have 3 non-combat threads and 3 jobs occurring at the same time, provided that it is clear which ones happened before the other ones on the timeline. You can only have threads that occur or occurred in the past and in the present, and there can only always be 1 thread in the present.
Priority Rules:
#1: Current storyline and plot events take priority on the timeline and will automatically become the most present ones. Other 'random' threads that have nothing to do with the current plot can be considered to have happened in the past, depending on what you prefer. ( Remember, you may only have a maximum of 2 PAST threads and a maximum of 1 PRESENT thread going on at the same time )
#2: Threads in which your character can be killed take priority on the timeline and will automatically become the most present ones.
It is recommended that you build an actual timeline with links to all the threads you've completed in chronological sequence. This would be your 'diary' and would be put in your bank or signature as a spoiler. The diary would be for personal use and reference for the staff.
- Zeno's Diary:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3